from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot_adapter_gocq.event import GroupRequestEvent from nonebot.permission import SUPERUSER from nonebot.rule import ArgumentParser from nonebot_adapter_gocq.exception import ActionFailed from src.common import Bot, MessageEvent, T_State, SUPERUSERS, logger from src.common.rules import comman_rule entry_and_exit = MatcherGroup() entry_manager = entry_and_exit.on_request( rule=comman_rule(GroupRequestEvent, sub_type='invite')) @entry_manager.handle() async def entry_group(bot: Bot, event: GroupRequestEvent): if event.user_id in SUPERUSERS: try: await event.approve() except ActionFailed as err: logger.warning(err) else: await bot.set_group_add_request(flag=event.flag, sub_type=event.sub_type, approve=False, reason='请联系维护组申请群授权') for sp in SUPERUSERS: await bot.send_private_msg( user_id=sp, message=
/收邮件 **SuperUser Only** /添加邮箱 /绑定邮箱''' # 声明本插件可配置的权限节点 __plugin_auth_node__ = ['basic'] # Init plugin export init_export(export(), __plugin_name__, __plugin_usage__, __plugin_auth_node__) # 注册事件响应器 OmegaEmail_admin = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=to_me(), priority=20, permission=SUPERUSER, block=True) admin_mail_add = OmegaEmail_admin.on_command('添加邮箱') # 修改默认参数处理 @admin_mail_add.args_parser async def parse(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent, state: T_State): args = str(event.get_plaintext()).strip().split() if not args: await admin_mail_add.reject('你似乎没有发送有效的参数呢QAQ, 请重新发送:') state[state["_current_key"]] = args[0] if state[state["_current_key"]] == '取消': await admin_mail_add.finish('操作已取消')
import re from itertools import zip_longest from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import escape, Bot, Event, MessageSegment from nonebot.permission import MESSAGE from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot_plugin_rauthman import isInService sv = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=isInService('cherugo', 1)) CHERU_SET = '切卟叮咧哔唎啪啰啵嘭噜噼巴拉蹦铃' CHERU_DIC = {c: i for i, c in enumerate(CHERU_SET)} ENCODING = 'gb18030' rex_split = re.compile(r'\b', re.U) rex_word = re.compile(r'^\w+$', re.U) rex_cheru_word: re.Pattern = re.compile(rf'切[{CHERU_SET}]+', re.U) def grouper(iterable, n, fillvalue=None): args = [iter(iterable)] * n return zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=fillvalue) def word2cheru(w: str) -> str: c = ['切'] for b in w.encode(ENCODING): c.append(CHERU_SET[b & 0xf]) c.append(CHERU_SET[(b >> 4) & 0xf]) return ''.join(c) def cheru2word(c: str) -> str:
from nonebot.rule import to_me from nonebot import CommandGroup, MatcherGroup cmd = CommandGroup("test", rule=to_me()) match = MatcherGroup(priority=2) from . import commands, matches
if not configfile.exists(): with'w', encoding='utf-8') as j: json.dump({}, j, indent=4) with'utf-8') as j: prob_settings = json.load(j) def record_settings(gid: str, prob: float): prob_settings[gid] = prob with'w', encoding='utf-8') as j: json.dump(prob_settings, j, indent=4) chatbot = MatcherGroup(type='message') set_prob = chatbot.on_command('聊天触发率', rule=sv_sw(plugin_name, plugin_usage) & comman_rule(GroupMessageEvent), priority=2) @set_prob.handle() async def recieve_arg(bot: Bot, event: GroupMessageEvent, state: T_State): arg = event.message.extract_plain_text().strip() if arg: state['prob'] = arg"prob", prompt='请输入聊天触发率,范围0-50,输入[退出]取消设置触发率')
def str2cheru(s: str) -> str: c = [] for w in rex_split.split(s): if w = word2cheru(w) c.append(w) return ''.join(c) def cheru2str(c: str) -> str: return rex_cheru_word.sub(lambda w: cheru2word(, c) cherugo = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=sv_sw(plugin_name, usage=plugin_usage, hierarchy='其它')) tocherugo = cherugo.on_startswith('切噜一下') @tocherugo.handle() async def cherulize(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent): s = event.get_plaintext() if len(s) > 500: await tocherugo.finish(reply_header(event, '切、切噜太长切不动勒切噜噜...')) await tocherugo.finish(reply_header(event, '切噜~♪' + str2cheru(s))) fromcherugo = cherugo.on_startswith('切噜~♪')
from collections import defaultdict import re from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot.matcher import Matcher from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event, MessageSegment from nonebot.permission import MESSAGE from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot_plugin_rauthman import isInService from cheru.utils import helper, chara, priv from .gacha import Gacha try: import ujson as json except: import json sv = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=isInService('gacha', 1)) from .update import * jewel_limit = helper.DailyNumberLimiter(15000) tenjo_limit = helper.DailyNumberLimiter(5) JEWEL_EXCEED_NOTICE = f'您今天已经抽过{jewel_limit.max}钻了,欢迎明早5点后再来!' TENJO_EXCEED_NOTICE = f'您今天已经抽过{tenjo_limit.max}张天井券了,欢迎明早5点后再来!' POOL = ('MIX', 'JP', 'TW', 'BL') DEFAULT_POOL = POOL[0] _pool_config_file = os.path.expanduser('~/.cheru/group_pool_config.json') _group_pool = {} try: with open(_pool_config_file, encoding='utf8') as f:
from nonebot.typing import T_State from nonebot.rule import to_me from import Bot from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp.message import MessageSegment from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp.event import GroupMessageEvent from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp.permission import GROUP from omega_miya.utils.Omega_plugin_utils import has_command_permission, permission_level from .resources import MiyaVoice """ miya按钮bot实现版本 测试中 """ button = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=to_me() & has_command_permission() & permission_level(level=10), permission=GROUP, priority=100, block=False) miya_button = button.on_endswith(msg='喵一个') @miya_button.handle() async def miya_button(bot: Bot, event: GroupMessageEvent, state: T_State): arg = str(event.get_plaintext()).strip().lower() voice = re.sub('喵一个', '', arg) voice_file = MiyaVoice().get_voice_filepath(voice=voice) if not os.path.exists(voice_file): await bot.send(event=event, message='喵?') else: msg = MessageSegment.record(file=f'file:///{voice_file}')
absPath = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(current_path) + os.path.sep + ".") config_file = f'{absPath}/config.json' # data = { # 'calendar_days': 7, # 日程表返回包括今天在内多长时间的日程,默认是7天 # 'Refresh_date': '', # 上次爬取日程表的日期 # 'schedule_data': '' # 从官方日历爬取下来的数据 # } # day_key里保存的是每天的信息分类,"qdhd"是多倍掉落庆典,"tdz"是公会战, # "tbhd"是公会之家家具上架,"jqhd"是活动地图,"jssr"是角色生日 # 你可以自定义这个列表,删掉不想看到的活动 day_key = ["qdhd", "tdz", "tbhd", "jqhd"] sv = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=isInService('schedule', 1)) sv_query = sv.on_command(cmd='schedule', aliases={ '国服日程表', '日程表'}, permission=MESSAGE, block=True) @sv_query.handle() async def Schedule(bot: Bot, ev: Event, state: dict): # 调用的时候比对上次爬取日程表时间,不是今天就重新爬取日程表,是今天就直接返回 p = config_file await checkFolder(p) data = await readJson(p) if data == FAILURE: data = { 'calendar_days': 7, 'Refresh_date': '', 'schedule_data': ''
from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event from nonebot_plugin_rauthman import isInService from nonebot.permission import MESSAGE from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.plugin import on_message from cheru.utils import res, helper from cheru import config from typing import (Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Set, Tuple, Union) from .argparse import ArgParser from .exception import * sv = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=isInService('clanbattle')) SORRY = 'ごめんなさい!嘤嘤嘤(〒︿〒)' _registry: Dict[str, Tuple[Callable, ArgParser]] = {} async def _clanbattle_bus(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict): # check prefix start = '' for m in event.message: if m.type == 'text': start ='text', '').lstrip() break # if not start or start[0] not in '!!': # return # find cmd
empty = '░' * 9 elif pct > 0.95 and pct <= 0.975: fill = '█' * 9 + '▌' empty = '' elif pct < 0: fill = '' empty = '░' * 10 else: bk_amt = round(pct * 10) fill = '█' * round(bk_amt) empty = '░' * (10 - bk_amt) return '┃%s┃' % (fill + empty) level_sys = MatcherGroup(type="message") sign = level_sys.on_command("签到") @sign.handle() async def sign_(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent): uid = event.user_id user = UserLevel(uid) # 是否可以签到 today = last_sign_day = if today > last_sign_day: with QbotDB() as botdb:
**Usage** /我的状态 /重置状态 /我的假期 /请假 [时间] [理由] /销假 /谁有空 [技能名称] /谁在休假''' # Init plugin export init_export(export(), __plugin_name__, __plugin_usage__) # 注册事件响应器 vocation = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=has_command_permission() & permission_level(level=80), permission=GROUP, priority=10, block=True) my_status = vocation.on_command('我的状态') @my_status.handle() async def handle_first_receive(bot: Bot, event: GroupMessageEvent, state: T_State): user_id = event.user_id user = DBUser(user_id=user_id) result = user.status() if result.success(): status = result.result if status == 1:
import nonebot from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot.permission import MESSAGE, SUPERUSER from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event import cheru sv = MatcherGroup(type='message') sv_status = sv.on_command(cmd='status', aliases={'/status'}, permission=SUPERUSER, block=True) @sv_status.handle() async def handle_get_status(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict): try: sid = bot.self_id res = await bot.get_status(self_id=sid) except: await sv_status.finish('error') stat = res['stat'] packet_received = stat['packet_received'] packet_sent = stat['packet_sent'] packet_lost = stat['packet_lost'] message_received = stat['message_received'] message_sent = stat['message_sent'] disconnect_times = stat['disconnect_times'] lost_times = stat['lost_times'] info = await bot.call_api('get_login_info') nickname = info['nickname'] msg = f'''
from nonebot import MatcherGroup sv = MatcherGroup(type='message') from .login_bouns import * from .whois import * from .comic import * from .news import *
from PIL import Image, ImageSequence, ImageDraw, ImageFont import numpy as np font_path = res.get('font/seguiemj.ttf').path aliases = { '怎么拆', '怎么解', '怎么打', '如何拆', '如何解', '如何打', '怎麼拆', '怎麼解', '怎麼打', 'jjc查询', 'jjc查詢' } aliases_b = {'b' + a for a in aliases} aliases_b1 = {'B' + a for a in aliases} aliases_b.update(aliases_b1) aliases_tw = {'台' + a for a in aliases} aliases_jp = {'日' + a for a in aliases} sv = MatcherGroup(type='message') sv_all = sv.on_command(cmd='arena_all', aliases=aliases, permission=MESSAGE, block=True) @sv_all.handle() async def arena_all(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict): res = await _arena_query(bot, event, 1) await sv_all.finish(res) sv_bl = sv.on_command(cmd='arena_bl', aliases=aliases_b, permission=MESSAGE,
], # 'invite': [ # '欢迎{name}来到{admin}的女装殿堂,让{admin}亲自为您挑选合适的款式吧!', # '{admin}邀请{name}给大家展示女装姐妹丼啦,欸欸~米娜桑不要脱裤子啊(#°Д°)' # ], 'locked': False } # 暂时没发现有条件能上报operator_id,所以invite就先不管了 def save_wl_settings(): """保存群欢迎语句设置""" with'w', encoding='utf-8') as j: json.dump(welcome_settings, j, ensure_ascii=False, escape_forward_slashes=False, indent=4) welcome = MatcherGroup() welcome_sw = sv_sw(welcome_name, welcome_usage, hierarchy='群助手') speech_editor = welcome.on_command('设置入群欢迎', rule=welcome_sw&comman_rule(GroupMessageEvent), priority=2) @speech_editor.handle() async def show_speech(bot: Bot, event: GroupMessageEvent, state: T_State): gid = str(event.group_id) if gid not in welcome_settings: wl_setting = DEFAULT_SPEECH else: wl_setting = welcome_settings[gid] ap_speeches = '\n'.join([f'{i+1}.{speech}' for i, speech in enumerate(wl_setting['approve'])]) # in_speeches = '\n'.join([f'{i+1+len(wl_setting["approve"])}.{speech}' for i, speech in enumerate(wl_setting['invite'])]) status = '已锁定' if wl_setting['locked'] else '未锁定'
from cheru import aiorequests from cheru.utils import helper import nonebot from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot.log import logger from nonebot.permission import MESSAGE from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, Event, MessageSegment from nonebot_plugin_rauthman import isInService from urllib.parse import quote # from pixivpy3 import AppPixivAPI from pixivpy3 import ByPassSniApi from .config import * import random import datetime sv = MatcherGroup(type='message', rule=isInService('pixiv', 1)) # aapi = AppPixivAPI() aapi = ByPassSniApi() aapi.require_appapi_hosts(hostname="") aapi.set_accept_language('jp') sv_search = sv.on_startswith(msg='/pixiv', permission=MESSAGE, block=True) @sv_search.handle() async def pixiv_handle(bot: Bot, event: Event, state: dict): msg = str(event.message).strip() msg = msg.replace('/pixiv', '') if not msg:'pixiv_handle | no keyword') await sv_search.finish() state['keyword'] = msg
plugin_name = '问答对话' plugin_usage = """ ﹟ 使用学习功能可增加经验值与资产,支持图片、emoji ﹟ 学习之后的内容会按照出现概率进行回复,短时间内不会回复重复的内容 ﹟ 设置的概率为相对概率,实际的概率会根据相同对话的条目数与对话地点进行调整 ——————— 发送以下指令查看相应的使用方式(带上两边的Q和A) Q学习方法A Q查询方法A Q修改方法A Q批量学习A """.strip() #—————————————————功能说明—————————————————— guide = MatcherGroup(type='message', priority=2) learn_method = guide.on_message(rule=full_match('Q学习方法A')) query_method = guide.on_message(rule=full_match('Q查询方法A')) modify_method = guide.on_message(rule=full_match('Q修改方法A')) batch_learn_method = guide.on_message(rule=full_match('Q批量学习A')) @learn_method.handle() async def guide_learn(bot: Bot): await learn_method.finish(""">>>学习方法: ﹟ [学习 问句 回答 答句] 可快速设置对话,记得用空格做分隔, ﹟ 不方便连续发送的内容(如内容中包含图片)可单独发送[学习]然后按照说明输入 ﹟ 可分别在私聊和群中使用[私聊学习]和[群内学习]进行仅能在学习地点出现的对话 (也就是群内学习的内容不会在其它群内散播,私聊学习的内容仅仅只能创建人在私聊中触发) ﹟ 答句里使用{name}可在回复时自动替换掉触发者的昵称(带上中括号)
from datetime import datetime from asyncio import sleep as asleep from nonebot import MatcherGroup from nonebot_adapter_gocq.event import GroupRecallNoticeEvent from nonebot_adapter_gocq.exception import ActionFailed from nonebot_adapter_gocq.utils import unescape from src.common import Bot, GroupMessageEvent, Message, logger from src.common.rules import sv_sw, comman_rule from src.utils import reply_header plugin_name = '防撤回' plugin_usage = '[N号记录是什么] N换成撤回时返回的记录号则会返回被撤回的内容,注意不要带标点\n※※不喜欢的话使用关闭功能开关就好' antirecall = MatcherGroup( rule=sv_sw(plugin_name, plugin_usage, hierarchy='群助手')) ta_map = {'male': '他', 'female': '她', 'unknown': '它'} recalled = defaultdict(dict) # 存储每个群的每个撤回消息的字典 """ 结构:group_id: {fake_id: [msg_id: int, passive: bool, time] } """ def store_recall(gid: int, fake_id: int, message_id: int, passive: bool,
from nonebot.plugin import on_keyword, on_command from nonebot.rule import to_me from nonebot.adapters.cqhttp import Bot, MessageEvent from nonebot import MatcherGroup, CommandGroup, export, logger from src.plugins.hoke.selectMysql import QueryWeiboAll, QueryQQ, QueryMobole, QueryWeibo from src.urils.tool import is_number, validPhone, fomatMessage '''聊天模式''' pBot_mes_group = MatcherGroup(type='message', priority=20, block=True) pbot_cmd = pBot_mes_group.on_command('q') @pbot_cmd.handle() async def queryPhoneInfo(bot: Bot, event: MessageEvent): mes = str(event.message).strip() if mes == '637442240': return 0 bool = validPhone(mes) bList = "" mobiles = [] weibo = [] if is_number(mes): if bool: mobiles = QueryMobole(mes) weibo = QueryWeibo(mes) else: mobiles = QueryQQ(mes) weibo = QueryWeiboAll(mobiles) bList = fomatMessage(mobiles, weibo) else: bList = "你说啥?"