    def verify_base_size(self, base, size, base_size=0):
        """Check that the base image is not larger than size.
           Since images can't be generally shrunk, enforce this
           constraint taking account of virtual image size.

        # Note(pbrady): The size and min_disk parameters of a glance
        #  image are checked against the instance size before the image
        #  is even downloaded from glance, but currently min_disk is
        #  adjustable and doesn't currently account for virtual disk size,
        #  so we need this extra check here.
        # NOTE(cfb): Having a flavor that sets the root size to 0 and having
        #  nova effectively ignore that size and use the size of the
        #  image is considered a feature at this time, not a bug.

        if size is None:

        if size and not base_size:
            base_size = self.get_disk_size(base)

        if size < base_size:
            msg = _LE('%(base)s virtual size %(base_size)s '
                      'larger than flavor root disk size %(size)s')
            LOG.error(msg % {'base': base,
                              'base_size': base_size,
                              'size': size})
            raise exception.FlavorDiskTooSmall()
def fetch_to_raw(context, image_href, path, user_id, project_id, max_size=0):
    path_tmp = "%s.part" % path
    fetch(context, image_href, path_tmp, user_id, project_id,

    with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(path_tmp):
        data = qemu_img_info(path_tmp)

        fmt = data.file_format
        if fmt is None:
            raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(
                reason=_("'qemu-img info' parsing failed."),

        backing_file = data.backing_file
        if backing_file is not None:
            raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=image_href,
                reason=(_("fmt=%(fmt)s backed by: %(backing_file)s") %
                        {'fmt': fmt, 'backing_file': backing_file}))

        # We can't generally shrink incoming images, so disallow
        # images > size of the flavor we're booting.  Checking here avoids
        # an immediate DoS where we convert large qcow images to raw
        # (which may compress well but not be sparse).
        # TODO(p-draigbrady): loop through all flavor sizes, so that
        # we might continue here and not discard the download.
        # If we did that we'd have to do the higher level size checks
        # irrespective of whether the base image was prepared or not.
        disk_size = data.virtual_size
        if max_size and max_size < disk_size:
            msg = _('%(base)s virtual size %(disk_size)s '
                    'larger than flavor root disk size %(size)s')
            LOG.error(msg % {'base': path,
                             'disk_size': disk_size,
                             'size': max_size})
            raise exception.FlavorDiskTooSmall()

        if fmt != "raw" and CONF.force_raw_images:
            staged = "%s.converted" % path
            LOG.debug("%s was %s, converting to raw" % (image_href, fmt))
            with fileutils.remove_path_on_error(staged):
                convert_image(path_tmp, staged, 'raw')

                data = qemu_img_info(staged)
                if data.file_format != "raw":
                    raise exception.ImageUnacceptable(image_id=image_href,
                        reason=_("Converted to raw, but format is now %s") %

                os.rename(staged, path)
            os.rename(path_tmp, path)
 def _build_resources(*args, **kwargs):
     raise exception.FlavorDiskTooSmall()