def _wait_for_deploy(): """Called at an interval until the deployment completes.""" try: row = db.bm_node_get(context, node['id']) if instance['uuid'] != row.get('instance_uuid'): locals['error'] = _("Node associated with another instance" " while waiting for deploy of %s") raise utils.LoopingCallDone() status = row.get('task_state') if (status == baremetal_states.DEPLOYING and locals['started'] == False): _("PXE deploy started for instance %s") % instance['uuid']) locals['started'] = True elif status in (baremetal_states.DEPLOYDONE, baremetal_states.ACTIVE): _("PXE deploy completed for instance %s") % instance['uuid']) raise utils.LoopingCallDone() elif status == baremetal_states.DEPLOYFAIL: locals['error'] = _("PXE deploy failed for instance %s") except exception.NodeNotFound: locals['error'] = _("Baremetal node deleted while waiting " "for deployment of instance %s") if (CONF.baremetal.pxe_deploy_timeout and timeutils.utcnow() > expiration): locals['error'] = _("Timeout reached while waiting for " "PXE deploy of instance %s") if locals['error']: raise utils.LoopingCallDone()
def _wait_for_power_off(): """Called at an interval until the node's power is off.""" if self._is_power("off"): self.state = baremetal_states.DELETED raise utils.LoopingCallDone() if self.retries > CONF.baremetal.ipmi_power_retry: self.state = baremetal_states.ERROR raise utils.LoopingCallDone() try: self.retries += 1 self._exec_ipmitool("power off") except Exception: LOG.exception(_("IPMI power off failed"))
def _wait_for_device_discovery(aoedevpath, mount_device): tries = self.tries if os.path.exists(aoedevpath): raise utils.LoopingCallDone() if self.tries >= CONF.num_aoe_discover_tries: raise exception.NovaException(_("AoE device not found at %s") % (aoedevpath)) LOG.warn(_("AoE volume not yet found at: %(aoedevpath)s. " "Try number: %(tries)s") % locals()) self._aoe_discover() self.tries = self.tries + 1
def _wait_for_remove(device, tries): tries = tries + 1 LOG.debug( _("Trying (%(tries)s) to remove device %(device)s") % { 'tries': tries, 'device': device["device"] }) path = "/sys/bus/scsi/drivers/sd/%s:%s:%s:%s/delete" echo_scsi_command( path % (device["host"], device["channel"], device["id"], device["lun"]), "1") devices = get_device_list() if device["device"] not in devices: raise utils.LoopingCallDone()
def _poll_vhds(): attempts['counter'] += 1 if attempts['counter'] > max_attempts: counter = attempts['counter'] msg = (_("VHD coalesce attempts exceeded (%(counter)d >" " %(max_attempts)d), giving up...") % locals()) raise exception.Error(msg) VMHelper.scan_sr(session, instance_id, sr_ref) parent_uuid = get_vhd_parent_uuid(session, vdi_ref) if original_parent_uuid and (parent_uuid != original_parent_uuid): LOG.debug(_("Parent %(parent_uuid)s doesn't match original parent" " %(original_parent_uuid)s, waiting for coalesce...") % locals()) else: # Breakout of the loop (normally) and return the parent_uuid raise utils.LoopingCallDone(parent_uuid)
def _wait_for_device_discovery(host_devices, mount_device): tries = self.tries for device in host_devices: LOG.debug(_("Looking for Fibre Channel dev %(device)s") % locals()) if os.path.exists(device): self.host_device = device # get the /dev/sdX device. This is used # to find the multipath device. self.device_name = os.path.realpath(device) raise utils.LoopingCallDone() if self.tries >= CONF.num_iscsi_scan_tries: msg = _("Fibre Channel device not found.") raise exception.NovaException(msg) LOG.warn(_("Fibre volume not yet found at: %(mount_device)s. " "Will rescan & retry. Try number: %(tries)s") % locals()) linuxscsi.rescan_hosts(hbas) self.tries = self.tries + 1