def encode(self): input_text = encode_c(self.encode_text.toPlainText()) if input_text == '': msgBox = QMessageBox() msgBox.setIcon(QMessageBox.Information) msgBox.setText("不能是空的") msgBox.setWindowTitle("系统警告") msgBox.setStandardButtons(QMessageBox.Ok | QMessageBox.Cancel) msgBox.buttonClicked.connect(msgButtonClick) returnValue = msgBox.exec() if returnValue == QMessageBox.Ok: return length = 35 temp = [ input_text[i:i + length] for i in range(0, len(input_text), length) ] for i in range(len(temp)): length_payload = str(format(len(temp[i]), 'b')) # 7자리 if len(length_payload) < 8: length_payload = length_payload.zfill(8) print(temp[i]) total = preamble + length_payload + temp[i] signal = ','.join(list(total)) time_signal = N * len(total) / sampling_rate t = np.arange(0, time_signal, Ts) np_signal = np.fromstring(signal, dtype='int', sep=',') sample = np.repeat(np_signal, N) if (len(t) % 10) != 0: t = t[:len(t) - 1] y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (f + sample * 2000) * t) write('first.wav', sampling_rate, y) samplerate, data ='first.wav'), samplerate) time.sleep(time_signal + 1)
def __BROKEN_extract_preview_image( buffer): #FIXME -seems broken, only for jpeg stream #stream = urllib.request.urlopen('') a = buffer.find(b'\xff\xd8') b = buffer.find(b'\xff\xd9') if a != -1 and b != -1 and b > a: jpg = buffer[a:b + 2] filename = 'capture.jpeg' import cv2, np i = cv2.imdecode(np.fromstring(jpg, dtype=np.uint8), cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) cv2.imwrite(filename, i) return filename else: print(">>>>>>>>", a, b, buffer) logger.warning( "Couldn't find a preview frame in RTSP buffer of length %s" % len(buffer)) """ SEE:
import csv import math form_class = uic.loadUiType("gui_for_translate.ui")[0] sampling_rate = 48000 symbol_duration = 0.025 f = 4000 N = sampling_rate * symbol_duration Ts = 1 / sampling_rate FILENAME = "tmp.wav" preamble = '01010101010101010101' preamble_signal = ','.join(list(preamble)) preamble_time_signal = N * len(preamble) / sampling_rate preamble_t = np.arange(0, preamble_time_signal, Ts) preamble_np_signal = np.fromstring(preamble_signal, dtype='int', sep=',') preamble_sample = np.repeat(preamble_np_signal, N) preamble_y = np.sin(2 * np.pi * (f + preamble_sample * 2000) * preamble_t) def encode_c(s): return ''.join([bin(ord(c)).replace('0b', '') for c in s]) def decode_c(s): return ''.join([chr(i) for i in [int(b, 2) for b in s.split(' ')]]) class ThreadClass(QThread): def __init__(self): super().__init__()
def handler(q=False): if q is False: return False q = json.loads(q) filename = q['attachment'] try: img_array = np.fromstring(binascii.a2b_base64(q['data']), np.uint8) except: err = "Couldn't fetch attachment (JSON 'data' is empty). Are you using the 'Query enrichment' action?" misperrors['error'] = err print(err) return misperrors image = cv2.imdecode(img_array, cv2.IMREAD_COLOR) if q: barcodes = pyzbar.decode(image) for item in barcodes: try: result = except Exception as e: print(e) return if debug: print(debug_prefix + result) for item in cryptocurrencies: if item in result: try: currency, address, extra = re.split('\:|\?', result) except Exception as e: print(e) if currency in cryptocurrencies: try: amount = re.split('=', extra)[1] if debug: print(debug_prefix + address) print(debug_prefix + amount) return { 'results': [{ 'types': ['btc'], 'values': address, 'comment': "BTC: " + amount + " from file " + filename }] } except Exception as e: print(e) else: print(address) for item in schemas: if item in result: try: url = result if debug: print(debug_prefix + url) return { 'results': [{ 'types': ['url'], 'values': url, 'comment': "from QR code of file " + filename }] } except Exception as e: print(e) else: try: return { 'results': [{ 'types': ['text'], 'values': result, 'comment': "from QR code of file " + filename }] } except Exception as e: print(e) misperrors['error'] = "Couldn't decode QR code in attachment." return misperrors