def testGetNrOfArcsNotEmpty(self):
        """nrOfArcs after adding two arcs is two"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(0, 1)
        coll.add(0, 2)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getNrOfArcs(), 2)
    def testLeftSecondChildForTwoChildren_inOrder(self):
        """if there is two children the second left is not the smallest one"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getLeftChild(1, 1), 3)
    def testRightSecondChildForTwoChildren_notInOrder(self):
        """if there is two children the second right is not the biggest one"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getRightChild(1, 1), 2)
    def testRightMostChildForFewChildren_notInOrder(self):
        """if there is few children the biggest index is the right most"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 0)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getRightChild(1), 3)
 def testHowManyChildrenWithFewArcs(self):
     """when no arc - no children"""
     coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
     coll.add(0, 1)
     coll.add(0, 2)
     coll.add(0, 3)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(0), 3)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(1), 0)
    def testLeftMostChildForFewChildren_notInOrder(self):
        """if there is few children the smallest index is the left most"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        coll.add(1, 0)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getLeftChild(1), 0)
    def testRightSecondChildForFewChildren_notInOrder(self):
        """if there is few children the second biggest index is the right second most"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(10)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        coll.add(1, 0)
        coll.add(1, 4)
        coll.add(1, 5)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getRightChild(1, 1), 4)
    def testLeftSecondChildForFewChildren_inOrder(self):
        """if there is few children the second smallest index is the left second most"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(10)
        coll.add(1, 0)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        coll.add(1, 3)
        coll.add(1, 4)
        coll.add(1, 5)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getLeftChild(1, 1), 2)
 def testHowManyChildrenWithOneArc(self):
     """when only one arc - one child"""
     coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
     coll.add(0, 1)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(0), 1)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(1), 0)
 def testHowManyChildrenNoArc(self):
     """when no arc - no children"""
     coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(0), 0)
     self.assertEqual(coll.howManyChildren(-1), 0)
    def testHasArcForArc(self):
        """hasArc for existing arc is true"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(0, 1)
        self.assertTrue(coll.hasArc(0, 1))
    def testHasArcForNoArc(self):
        """hasArc for non existing arc is false"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        self.assertFalse(coll.hasArc(0, 1))
    def testGetNrOfArcsIsEmpty(self):
        """nrOfArcs for no arc is zero"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getNrOfArcs(), 0)
    def testEmptyTree(self):
        """at the beginning there is no head"""

        clear = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
    def testLeftMostChildForNoChildren(self):
        """if there is no children left most is None"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getLeftChild(0), None)
    def testAddArc(self):
        """added arc exists in the collection"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(0, 3)
    def testRightSecondChildForOneChild(self):
        """if there is one child the right second is None"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 0)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getRightChild(1, 1), None)
    def testRightSecondChildForNoChildren(self):
        """if there is no children right second most is None"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getRightChild(0, 1), None)
    def testLeftMostChildForOneChild_onRight(self):
        """if there is one child it is the left most"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(1, 2)
        self.assertEqual(coll.getLeftChild(1), 2)
    def testArcDirection(self):
        """added arc is in good direction"""

        coll = tdatatypes.TreeUnderConstruction(5)
        coll.add(0, 3)