def interleaved_timestamp_and_numpy_data():
    """Test reading timestamp data interleaved with a standard numpy data type

    times = [
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T00:00:00.123', 'us'),
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T01:02:03.456', 'us'),

    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "02 00 00 00"
        # Length of the object path
        "16 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'TimeChannel'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "44 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")
    metadata += ("15 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'IntChannel'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")

    data = (timestamp_data_chunk([times[0]]) + "01 00 00 00" +
            timestamp_data_chunk([times[1]]) + "02 00 00 00")

    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList",
    test_file.add_segment(toc, metadata, data)

    expected_data = {
        ('Group', 'TimeChannel'): np.array([times[0], times[1]]),
        ('Group', 'IntChannel'): np.array([1, 2], dtype=np.dtype('int32')),

    return test_file, expected_data
def interleaved_timestamp_data():
    """Test reading interleaved timestamp data

    times = [
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T00:00:00.123', 'us'),
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T01:02:03.456', 'us'),
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T12:00:00.0', 'us'),
        np.datetime64('2012-08-23T12:02:03.9999', 'us'),

    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "02 00 00 00"
        # Length of the object path
        "17 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'TimeChannel1'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "44 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")
    metadata += ("17 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'TimeChannel2'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "44 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")

    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList",
    test_file.add_segment(toc, metadata, timestamp_data_chunk(times))

    expected_data = {
        ('Group', 'TimeChannel1'): np.array([times[0], times[2]]),
        ('Group', 'TimeChannel2'): np.array([times[1], times[3]]),

    return test_file, expected_data
def test_unicode_string_data(tmp_path):
    """ Test HDF5 conversion for string datatype with non-ASCII data
    strings = ["Hello, \u4E16\u754C", "\U0001F600"]
    sizes = [len(s.encode('utf-8')) for s in strings]

    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList")
    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Length of the object path
        "11 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'String'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "1C 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "20 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00" +
        # Number of bytes in data, including index
        hexlify_value('q', sum(sizes) + 4 * len(sizes)) +
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")
    data = ""
    offset = 0
    for size in sizes:
        # Index gives end positions of strings:
        offset += size
        data += hexlify_value('i', offset)
    for string in strings:
        data += string_hexlify(string)
    test_file.add_segment(toc, metadata, data)
    tdms_data = test_file.load()

    data = tdms_data["Group"]["String"].data
    assert len(data) == len(strings)
    for expected, read in zip(strings, data):
        assert expected == read

    h5_path = tmp_path / 'h5_unicode_strings_test.h5'
    h5 = tdms_data.as_hdf(h5_path)
    h5_strings = h5['Group']['String']
    assert h5_strings.dtype.kind == 'O'
    assert h5_strings.shape[0] == len(strings)
    for expected, read in zip(strings, h5_strings[...]):
        assert expected == read
def test_as_hdf_string(tmp_path):
    """ Test HDF5 conversion for string datatype
    strings = ["abc123", "?<>~`!@#$%^&*()-=_+,.;'[]:{}|"]

    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList")
    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Length of the object path
        "11 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'String'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "1C 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "20 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of bytes in data
        "2B 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")
    data = (
        "06 00 00 00"  # index to after first string
        "24 00 00 00"  # index to after second string
    for string in strings:
        data += string_hexlify(string)
    test_file.add_segment(toc, metadata, data)
    tdms_data = test_file.load()

    data = tdms_data["Group"]["String"].data
    assert len(data) == len(strings)
    for expected, read in zip(strings, data):
        assert expected == read

    h5_path = tmp_path / 'h5_strings_test.h5'
    h5 = tdms_data.as_hdf(h5_path)
    h5_strings = h5['Group']['String']
    assert h5_strings.dtype.kind == 'O'
    assert h5_strings.shape[0] == len(strings)
    for expected, read in zip(strings, h5_strings[...]):
        assert expected == read
def daqmx_channel_metadata(
        channel_name, num_values,
        raw_data_widths, scaler_metadata, properties=None, digital_line_scaler=False):
    path = "/'Group'/'" + channel_name + "'"
    return (
        # Length of the object path
        hexlify_value("<I", len(path)) +
        # Object path
        string_hexlify(path) +
        # Raw data index (DAQmx)
        ("6A 12 00 00" if digital_line_scaler else "69 12 00 00") +
        # Data type (DAQmx)
        "FF FF FF FF"
        # Array  dimension
        "01 00 00 00" +
        # Number of values (chunk size)
        hexlify_value("<Q", num_values) +
        # Scaler metadata
        hexlify_value("<I", len(scaler_metadata)) +
        "".join(scaler_metadata) +
        # Raw data width vector size
        hexlify_value("<I", len(raw_data_widths)) +
        # Raw data width values
        "".join(hexlify_value("<I", v) for v in raw_data_widths) +
def test_stream_scaled_data_chunks(benchmark):
    """ Benchmark streaming channel data when the data is scaled
    properties = {
        "NI_Number_Of_Scales": (3, "01 00 00 00"),
        (0x20, hexlify_value("<I", len("Linear")) + string_hexlify("Linear")),
        "NI_Scale[0]_Linear_Slope": (10, hexlify_value("<d", 2.0)),
        "NI_Scale[0]_Linear_Y_Intercept": (10, hexlify_value("<d", 10.0))
    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    data_array = np.arange(0, 1000, dtype=np.dtype('int32'))
    data = data_array.tobytes()
        ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList"),
            channel_metadata("/'group'/'channel1'", TDS_TYPE_INT32, 100,
                             properties), ),
    for _ in range(0, 9):
        test_file.add_segment(("kTocRawData", ), "", data, binary_data=True)

    with TdmsFile.open(test_file.get_bytes_io_file()) as tdms_file:
        channel = tdms_file['group']['channel1']
        channel_data = benchmark(stream_chunks, channel)

        channel_data = np.concatenate(channel_data)
        expected_data = np.tile(10.0 + 2.0 * data_array, 10)
        np.testing.assert_equal(channel_data, expected_data)
def test_string_data():
    """Test reading a file with string data"""

    strings = ["abcdefg", "qwertyuiop"]

    test_file = GeneratedFile()
    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList")
    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Length of the object path
        "18 00 00 00")
    metadata += string_hexlify("/'Group'/'StringChannel'")
    metadata += (
        # Length of index information
        "1C 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "20 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of bytes in data
        "19 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties (0)
        "00 00 00 00")
    data = (
        "07 00 00 00"  # index to after first string
        "11 00 00 00"  # index to after second string
    for string in strings:
        data += string_hexlify(string)
    test_file.add_segment(toc, metadata, data)
    tdms_data = test_file.load()

    channel = tdms_data["Group"]["StringChannel"]
    assert len(channel.data) == len(strings)
    assert channel.data.dtype == channel.dtype
    for expected, read in zip(strings, channel.data):
        assert expected == read
def scaled_data():
    properties = {
        "NI_Number_Of_Scales": (3, "01 00 00 00"),
        (0x20, hexlify_value("<I", len("Linear")) + string_hexlify("Linear")),
        "NI_Scale[0]_Linear_Slope": (10, hexlify_value("<d", 2.0)),
        "NI_Scale[0]_Linear_Y_Intercept": (10, hexlify_value("<d", 10.0))
    test_file = GeneratedFile()
        ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList"),
            channel_metadata("/'group'/'channel1'", TDS_TYPE_INT32, 2,
                             properties), ), "01 00 00 00"
        "02 00 00 00"
        "03 00 00 00"
        "04 00 00 00")
    expected_data = {
        ('group', 'channel1'): np.array([12, 14, 16, 18], dtype=np.float64),
    return test_file, expected_data
def timed_segment():
    """TDMS segment with one group and two channels,
    each with time properties"""

    toc = ("kTocMetaData", "kTocRawData", "kTocNewObjList")
    metadata = (
        # Number of objects
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Length of the first object path
        "08 00 00 00"
        # Object path (/'Group')
        "2F 27 47 72"
        "6F 75 70 27"
        # Raw data index
        "FF FF FF FF"
        # Num properties
        "02 00 00 00"
        # Name length
        "04 00 00 00"
        # Property name (prop)
        "70 72 6F 70"
        # Property data type (string)
        "20 00 00 00"
        # Length of string value
        "05 00 00 00"
        # Value
        "76 61 6C 75 65"
        # Length of second property name
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Property name (num)
        "6E 75 6D"
        # Data type of property
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Value
        "0A 00 00 00"
        # Length of the second object path
        "13 00 00 00"
        # Second object path (/'Group'/'Channel1')
        "2F 27 47 72"
        "6F 75 70 27"
        "2F 27 43 68"
        "61 6E 6E 65"
        "6C 31 27"
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of raw data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Set time properties for the first channel
        "0F 00 00 00" + string_hexlify('wf_start_offset') + "0A 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<d", 2.0) + "0C 00 00 00" +
        string_hexlify('wf_increment') + "0A 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<d", 0.1) + "0D 00 00 00" +
        string_hexlify('wf_start_time') + "44 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<Q", 0) + hexlify_value("<q", 3524551547) +
        # Length of the third object path
        "13 00 00 00"
        # Third object path (/'Group'/'Channel2')
        "2F 27 47 72"
        "6F 75 70 27"
        "2F 27 43 68"
        "61 6E 6E 65"
        "6C 32 27"
        # Length of index information
        "14 00 00 00"
        # Raw data data type
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Dimension
        "01 00 00 00"
        # Number of data values
        "02 00 00 00"
        "00 00 00 00"
        # Number of properties
        "03 00 00 00"
        # Set time properties for the second channel
        "0F 00 00 00" + string_hexlify('wf_start_offset') + "0A 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<d", 2.0) + "0C 00 00 00" +
        string_hexlify('wf_increment') + "0A 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<d", 0.1) + "0D 00 00 00" +
        string_hexlify('wf_start_time') + "44 00 00 00" +
        hexlify_value("<Q", 0) + hexlify_value("<q", 3524551547))
    data = (
        # Data for segment
        "01 00 00 00"
        "02 00 00 00"
        "03 00 00 00"
        "04 00 00 00")
    return toc, metadata, data