def to_lattice(src_dir, fst, lattice, cost_type="acoustic"): fst_tmp_as_txt_path = path.join(src_dir, "fst_as_text_tmp.txt") cmd = "fstprint " + fst + "> " + fst_tmp_as_txt_path excute_kaldi_commands(cmd) fst_tmp_as_txt_fid = open(fst_tmp_as_txt_path, 'r') lattice_path = path.join(src_dir, lattice) lattice_fid = open(lattice_path, 'w') lattice_fid.write("UTT_ID \n") if cost_type not in ["acoustic", "lm"]: print("unknown sort_type: using default (ilabel)") for line in fst_tmp_as_txt_fid: columns = line.split() if len(columns) == 5: if cost_type == "acoustic": lattice_fid.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t0,{4}\n".format( columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[3], columns[4])) else: lattice_fid.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\t{4},0\n".format( columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[3], columns[4])) elif len(columns) == 4: lattice_fid.write("{0}\t{1}\t{2}\t{3}\n".format( columns[0], columns[1], columns[2], columns[3])) else: lattice_fid.write("{0}\n".format(columns[0])) del columns lattice_fid.write("\n") fst_tmp_as_txt_fid.close() lattice_fid.close() remove(fst_tmp_as_txt_path)
def arcsort(fst, sort_type='ilabel'): """ Sort a given fst :param fst: fst to sort in binary format :param sort_type: sort type: ilabel or olabel """ fst_tmp = path.join(path.dirname(fst), 'fst.tmp') cmd = fstarcsort_cmd(fst, fst_tmp, sort_type) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd) rename(fst_tmp, fst)
def shortestpath(fst, output_file, nshortest=1, **kwargs): """ Find shortet path through fst :param fst: input fst in binary format :param output_file: output fst in binary format :param nshortest: number of shortest paths :param kwargs: see fstpostprocess_cmd """ cmd = fstshortestpath_cmd(fst, output_file, nshortest, **kwargs) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd)
def draw_search_graph(search_graph, isym_table, osym_table): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as tmp_graph: cmd = 'lattice-to-fst ark:{} ark,t:- | tail -n +2 > {}'.format( search_graph, excute_kaldi_commands(cmd) with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as search_fst: build_from_txt(,, determinize=False, minimize=False) draw(isym_table, osym_table,, search_graph + '.pdf')
def compose(fst1, fst2, output_file, phi=None, **kwargs): """ compse two fsts :param fst1: right fst in binary format :param fst2: left fst in binary format :param output_file: output fst in binary format :param phi: phi symbol to be used for phi composition :param kwargs: see fstpostprocess_cmd """ cmd = fstcompose_cmd(fst1, fst2, output_file, phi, **kwargs) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd)
def build_from_txt(transducer_as_txt, output_file, isym_table=None, osym_table=None, determinize=True, minimize=True, addselfloops=False, disambig_in=0, disambig_out=0, rmepsilon=False, sort_type="ilabel", input_as_txt=None): """ build transducer from text file or text input :param transducer_as_txt: input fst in text format :param output_file: output fst in binary format :param isym_table: input symbol table file :param osym_table: output symbol table file :param determinize: determinize fst :param minimize: minimize fst :param addselfloops: add self loops to fst :param disambig_in: list of input symbols :param disambig_out: list of corresponding output symbols :param rmepsilon: rmepsilons :param sort_type: sort type - ilabel or olabel :param input_as_txt: optional input in text format (only used if transducer_as_txt is None) """ if addselfloops: cmd = fstcompile_cmd(transducer_as_txt, isym_table=isym_table, osym_table=osym_table, determinize=determinize, minimize=minimize, arcsort=False) cmd += fstaddselfloops_cmd(out_fst=output_file, disambig_in=disambig_in, disambig_out=disambig_out, rmepsilon=rmepsilon, sort_type=sort_type) else: cmd = fstcompile_cmd(transducer_as_txt, output_file, isym_table, osym_table, determinize=determinize, minimize=minimize, rmepsilon=rmepsilon, sort_type=sort_type) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd, inputs=input_as_txt)
def randgen(fst, output_file, select='log_prob', npath=1, **kwargs): """ Randomly generate path through given fst :param fst: input fst in binary format :param output_file: output fst in binary format :param select: arc selector for random generation: 'log_prob' (treat weights as negative log prob), 'uniform' (draw uniformly) :param npath: number of paths to generate :param kwargs: see fstpostprocess_cmd """ cmd = fstrandgen_cmd(fst, output_file, select, npath, **kwargs) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd)
def compile_train_graphs(tree_file: Path, model_file: Path, lexicon_fst_file: Path, integer_transcription_file: Path, output_graphs_file: Path): """ Initial step to prepare for forced alignment. Args: tree_file: E.g. `s5/exp/tri4b/tree` model_file: E.g. `s5/exp/tri4b/final.mdl` lexicon_fst_file: E.g. `lang_path / 'L.fst'` integer_transcription_file: E.g. `train.tra` output_graphs_file: E.g. `graphs.fsts` Returns: """ command = (f"compile-train-graphs " f"{tree_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"{model_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"{lexicon_fst_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"ark:{integer_transcription_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"ark:{output_graphs_file.resolve().absolute()}") # Why does this execute in `.../egs/wsj/s5`? env = kaldi_helper.get_kaldi_env() _, std_err_list, _ = kaldi_helper.excute_kaldi_commands( command, name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, env=env) for line in std_err_list[0].split('\n'):
def import_occs(occs_file): """ Reads data from an oocs file """ try: with open(occs_file) as fid: occs = fid.readline().strip() except UnicodeDecodeError: with NamedTemporaryFile() as tmpfile: excute_kaldi_commands( [f'copy-vector --binary=false {occs_file} {}'], 'convert occs') with open( as fid: occs = fid.readline().strip() occs = occs.replace('[', '').replace(']', '').split() occs = [occ.split('.')[0] for occ in occs] return np.array(occs, dtype=np.int32)
def check_fst_valid(fst, fast=True): if fast: return path.exists(fst) and (stat(fst).st_size > 0) cmd = 'fstinfo {}'.format(fst) stdout, stderr, return_codes = excute_kaldi_commands( cmd, ignore_return_code=True) if return_codes[0] != 0: return False else: return True
def write_transcription_file( out_of_vocabulary_mapping_file: Path, word_mapping_file: Path, word_transcription_file: Path, mapped_transcription_file: Path, ): """ Code tested with WSJ database and derived databases. Args: out_of_vocabulary_mapping_file: Contains an integer to which all OOVs are going to be mapped. Typically: `db.lang_path / ''` word_mapping_file: It has this form: <eps> 0 !EXCLAMATION-POINT 1 !SIL 2 word_transcription_file: If you want to align own data, you need to write this file, first. Typically: `db.lang_path / 'words.txt'` It has this form: 011c0201 THE SALE OF THE HOTELS ... mapped_transcription_file: Output file. Typically: `*.tra` It has this form: 011c0201 110920 96431 79225 110920 52031 ... Returns: """ sym2int_pl_file = (kaldi_root / "egs" / "wsj" / "s5" / "utils" / "") for file in (sym2int_pl_file, out_of_vocabulary_mapping_file, word_mapping_file, word_transcription_file): assert file.is_file(), file assert mapped_transcription_file.parent.is_dir(), mapped_transcription_file with as f: oov = command = ( f"{sym2int_pl_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"--map-oov {oov} " f"-f 2- " # Will map from second item onwards (skipping utt id). f"{word_mapping_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"{word_transcription_file.resolve().absolute()} " f"> {mapped_transcription_file.resolve().absolute()}") # Why does this execute in `.../egs/wsj/s5`? env = kaldi_helper.get_kaldi_env() _, std_err_list, _ = kaldi_helper.excute_kaldi_commands(command, env=env) for line in std_err_list[0].split('\n'):
def draw(isym_table, osym_table, fst_file, output_file): """ draw fst as pdf :param isym_table: input symbol table file :param osym_table: output symbol table file :param fst_file: input fst in binary format :param output_file: ouput pdf file """ cmd = 'fstdraw --portrait=true --height=17 --width=22' if isym_table is not None: cmd += ' --isymbols={}'.format(isym_table) if osym_table is not None: cmd += ' --osymbols={}'.format(osym_table) cmd += ' {}'.format(fst_file) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd + ' > {}'.format(output_file.replace('pdf', 'dot'))) cmd += ' | dot -Tpdf > {}'.format(output_file) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd)
def remove_disambig_symbols(fst1, fst2, special_symbol_ids, sort_type=None, minimize=True): with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile() as disambig_list: with open(, 'w') as fid: for s_id in special_symbol_ids: if s_id is not None: fid.write('{}\n'.format(s_id)) if minimize: min_cmd = ' | fstminimizeencoded' else: min_cmd = '' if sort_type is not None: arcsort_cmd = ' | fstarcsort --sort_type={} '.format(sort_type) else: arcsort_cmd = '' cmd = 'cat {} | fstrmsymbols {} | fstrmepslocal' \ '{}{} > {}'.format(fst1,, min_cmd, arcsort_cmd, fst2) excute_kaldi_commands(cmd)
def forced_alignment(log_posteriors_ark_file: Path, graphs_file: Path, model_file: Path, alignment_dir: Path, beam: int = 200, retry_beam: int = 400, part=1): """ Args: log_posteriors_ark_file: E.g. `log_posteriors.ark` graphs_file: E.g. `graphs.fsts` model_file: E.g. `s5/exp/tri4b/final.mdl` alignment_dir: beam: Kaldi recipes (e.g. WSJ) typically use 10. retry_beam: Kaldi recipes (e.g. WSJ) typically use 40. part: Could be used for parallel processing. Returns: """ if not part == 1: raise NotImplementedError( "I believe that the `log_posteriors_ark_file` and the " "`graphs_file` already needs to be chunked to support parallelism." ) command = ('align-compiled-mapped ' f'--beam={beam} ' f'--retry-beam={retry_beam} ' f'{model_file} ' f'ark:{graphs_file} ' f'ark:{log_posteriors_ark_file} ' f'ark,t:|gzip -c > {alignment_dir}/ali.{part}.gz') # Why does this execute in `.../egs/wsj/s5`? env = kaldi_helper.get_kaldi_env() _, std_err_list, _ = kaldi_helper.excute_kaldi_commands( command, name=sys._getframe().f_code.co_name, env=env) for line in std_err_list[0].split('\n'):
def compute_scores(decode_dir, hclg_dir, ref_text, min_lmwt=8, max_lmwt=18, force_scoring=False, build_tra=True, strict=True, ignore_return_codes=True): LOG = logging.getLogger('computer_scores') decode_dir = str(decode_dir) hclg_dir = str(hclg_dir) ref_text = str(ref_text) decode_dir = os.path.abspath(decode_dir) mkdir_p(os.path.join(decode_dir, 'scoring')) ref_file = f'{decode_dir}/scoring/test_filt.txt' cmd = (f"cat {ref_text} | sed 's:<NOISE>::g' | sed 's:<SPOKEN_NOISE>::g' " f"> {ref_file}") helper.excute_kaldi_commands([cmd], 'copying reference transcription', log_dir=decode_dir + '/logs', ignore_return_code=ignore_return_codes) cmds = list() tra_written = dict() for lmwt in range(min_lmwt, max_lmwt + 1): tra_file = f'{decode_dir}/scoring/{lmwt}.tra' rescale = not os.path.exists(tra_file) rescale &= not _tra_complete(tra_file, ref_file) rescale &= _lattices_exists(ref_file, f'{decode_dir}/lats') rescale &= build_tra rescale |= force_scoring if rescale:'Rescaling lattice for lmwt {lmwt}') cmds.append(_build_rescale_lattice_cmd(decode_dir, hclg_dir, lmwt)) tra_written[lmwt] = True if len(cmds): helper.excute_kaldi_commands(cmds, 'rescaling lattice', log_dir=decode_dir + '/logs', ignore_return_code=ignore_return_codes) else:'All utts already rescaled - skipping') cmds = list() for lmwt in range(min_lmwt, max_lmwt + 1): if lmwt in tra_written:'Computing WER for lmwt {lmwt}') cmds.append( _build_compute_WER_command(decode_dir, hclg_dir, lmwt, strict=strict)) if len(cmds): helper.excute_kaldi_commands(cmds, 'computing WER', log_dir=decode_dir + '/logs', ignore_return_code=ignore_return_codes) result = defaultdict(list) for lmwt in range(min_lmwt, max_lmwt + 1): wer, errors, words, ins, del_, sub = parse_wer_file( decode_dir + '/wer_{}'.format(lmwt)) result['wer'].append(float(wer)) result['errors'].append(int(errors)) result['words'].append(int(words)) result['ins'].append(int(ins)) result['del'].append(int(del_)) result['sub'].append(int(sub)) result['decode_dir'].append(decode_dir) result['lmwt'].append(int(lmwt)) res = pandas.DataFrame(result) with open(decode_dir + '/result.pkl', 'wb') as fid: pickle.dump(res, fid) return result.copy()