文件: Options.py 项目: jonike/Nuitka
def shallTreatUninstalledPython():
    """ *bool* = derived from Python installation and modes

        Not done for standalone mode obviously.

        Also not done for extension modules, they are loaded with
        a Python runtime available.

        Most often uninstalled Python versions are self compiled or
        from AnaConda.

    return not isStandaloneMode() and not shallMakeModule() and isUninstalledPython()
def shallTreatUninstalledPython():
    """*bool* = derived from Python installation and modes

        Not done for standalone mode obviously. The Python DLL will
        be a dependency of the executable and treated that way.

        Also not done for extension modules, they are loaded with
        a Python runtime available.

        Most often uninstalled Python versions are self compiled or
        from Anaconda.

    if shallMakeModule() or isStandaloneMode():
        return False

    return isUninstalledPython()
def runScons(main_module, quiet):
    # Scons gets transported many details, that we express as variables, and
    # have checks for them, leading to many branches and statements,
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements

    options = {
        "name"            : os.path.basename(
            getTreeFilenameWithSuffix(main_module, "")
        "result_name"     : getResultBasepath(main_module),
        "source_dir"      : getSourceDirectoryPath(main_module),
        "debug_mode"      : _asBoolStr(Options.isDebug()),
        "python_debug"    : _asBoolStr(Options.isPythonDebug()),
        "unstripped_mode" : _asBoolStr(Options.isUnstripped()),
        "module_mode"     : _asBoolStr(Options.shallMakeModule()),
        "full_compat"     : _asBoolStr(Options.isFullCompat()),
        "experimental"    : ','.join(Options.getExperimentalIndications()),
        "trace_mode"      : _asBoolStr(Options.shallTraceExecution()),
        "python_version"  : python_version_str,
        "target_arch"     : Utils.getArchitecture(),
        "python_prefix"   : sys.prefix,
        "nuitka_src"      : SconsInterface.getSconsDataPath(),
        "nuitka_cache"    : getCacheDir(),
        "module_count"    : "%d" % (
            1 + \
            len(ModuleRegistry.getDoneUserModules()) + \

    if not Options.shallMakeModule():
        options["result_exe"] = getResultFullpath(main_module)

    # Ask Scons to cache on Windows, except where the directory is thrown
    # away. On non-Windows you can should use ccache instead.
    if not Options.isRemoveBuildDir() and Utils.getOS() == "Windows":
        options["cache_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.isLto():
        options["lto_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.shallDisableConsoleWindow():
        options["win_disable_console"] = "true"

    if Options.isStandaloneMode():
        options["standalone_mode"] = "true"

    if not Options.isStandaloneMode() and \
       not Options.shallMakeModule() and \
        options["uninstalled_python"] = "true"

    if ModuleRegistry.getUncompiledTechnicalModules():
        options["frozen_modules"] = str(

    if Options.isShowScons():
        options["show_scons"] = "true"

    if Options.isMingw64():
        options["mingw_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getMsvcVersion():
        msvc_version = Options.getMsvcVersion()

        msvc_version = msvc_version.replace("exp", "Exp")
        if '.' not in msvc_version:
            msvc_version += ".0"

        options["msvc_version"] = msvc_version

    if Options.isClang():
        options["clang_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getIconPath():
        options["icon_path"] = Options.getIconPath()

    if Options.isProfile():
        options["profile_mode"] = "true"

    if "no_warnings" in getPythonFlags():
        options["no_python_warnings"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and sys.flags.py3k_warning:
        options["python_sysflag_py3k_warning"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and (sys.flags.division_warning or sys.flags.py3k_warning):
        options["python_sysflag_division_warning"] = "true"

    if sys.flags.bytes_warning:
        options["python_sysflag_bytes_warning"] = "true"

    if int(os.environ.get("NUITKA_SITE_FLAG", "no_site" in Options.getPythonFlags())):
        options["python_sysflag_no_site"] = "true"

    if "trace_imports" in Options.getPythonFlags():
        options["python_sysflag_verbose"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and sys.flags.unicode:
        options["python_sysflag_unicode"] = "true"

    if python_version >= 370 and sys.flags.utf8_mode:
        options["python_sysflag_utf8"] = "true"

    abiflags = getPythonABI()
    if abiflags:
        options["abiflags"] = abiflags

    return SconsInterface.runScons(options, quiet), options
def runScons(main_module, quiet):
    # Scons gets transported many details, that we express as variables, and
    # have checks for them, leading to many branches, pylint: disable=R0912

    python_version_str = "%d.%d" % (sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1])

    if hasattr(sys, "abiflags"):
        if Options.isPythonDebug() or \
           hasattr(sys, "getobjects"):
            if sys.abiflags.startswith('d'):
                python_version_str += sys.abiflags
                python_version_str += 'd' + sys.abiflags
            python_version_str += sys.abiflags

    def asBoolStr(value):
        return "true" if value else "false"

    options = {
        "name"            : Utils.basename(
            getTreeFilenameWithSuffix(main_module, "")
        "result_name"     : getResultBasepath(main_module),
        "source_dir"      : getSourceDirectoryPath(main_module),
        "debug_mode"      : asBoolStr(Options.isDebug()),
        "python_debug"    : asBoolStr(Options.isPythonDebug()),
        "unstripped_mode" : asBoolStr(Options.isUnstripped()),
        "module_mode"     : asBoolStr(Options.shallMakeModule()),
        "optimize_mode"   : asBoolStr(Options.isOptimize()),
        "full_compat"     : asBoolStr(Options.isFullCompat()),
        "experimental"    : asBoolStr(Options.isExperimental()),
        "trace_mode"      : asBoolStr(Options.shallTraceExecution()),
        "python_version"  : python_version_str,
        "target_arch"     : Utils.getArchitecture(),
        "python_prefix"   : sys.prefix,
        "nuitka_src"      : SconsInterface.getSconsDataPath(),
        "module_count"    : "%d" % (
            len(ModuleRegistry.getDoneUserModules()) + 1

    # Ask Scons to cache on Windows, except where the directory is thrown
    # away. On non-Windows you can should use ccache instead.
    if not Options.isRemoveBuildDir() and Utils.getOS() == "Windows":
        options["cache_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.isLto():
        options["lto_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.shallDisableConsoleWindow():
        options["win_disable_console"] = "true"

    if Options.isStandaloneMode():
        options["standalone_mode"] = "true"

    if not Options.isStandaloneMode() and \
       not Options.shallMakeModule() and \
        options["uninstalled_python"] = "true"

    if ModuleRegistry.getUncompiledModules():
        options["frozen_modules"] = str(

    if Options.isShowScons():
        options["show_scons"] = "true"

    if Options.isMingw():
        options["mingw_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getMsvcVersion():
        msvc_version = Options.getMsvcVersion()

        msvc_version = msvc_version.replace("exp", "Exp")
        if '.' not in msvc_version:
            msvc_version += ".0"

        options["msvc_version"] = msvc_version

    if Options.isClang():
        options["clang_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getIconPath():
        options["icon_path"] = Options.getIconPath()

    if Options.isProfile():
        options["profile_mode"] = "true"

    return SconsInterface.runScons(options, quiet), options
def runScons(main_module, quiet):
    # Scons gets transported many details, that we express as variables, and
    # have checks for them, leading to many branches and statements,
    # pylint: disable=too-many-branches,too-many-statements

    options = {
        "name": os.path.basename(getTreeFilenameWithSuffix(main_module, "")),
        "result_name": getResultBasepath(main_module),
        "source_dir": getSourceDirectoryPath(main_module),
        "debug_mode": _asBoolStr(Options.isDebug()),
        "python_debug": _asBoolStr(Options.isPythonDebug()),
        "unstripped_mode": _asBoolStr(Options.isUnstripped()),
        "module_mode": _asBoolStr(Options.shallMakeModule()),
        "full_compat": _asBoolStr(Options.isFullCompat()),
        "experimental": ",".join(Options.getExperimentalIndications()),
        "trace_mode": _asBoolStr(Options.shallTraceExecution()),
        "python_version": python_version_str,
        "target_arch": Utils.getArchitecture(),
        "python_prefix": sys.prefix,
        "nuitka_src": SconsInterface.getSconsDataPath(),
        "nuitka_cache": getCacheDir(),
        "module_count": "%d"
        % (
            + len(ModuleRegistry.getDoneUserModules())
            + len(ModuleRegistry.getUncompiledNonTechnicalModules())

    if not Options.shallMakeModule():
        options["result_exe"] = getResultFullpath(main_module)

    # Ask Scons to cache on Windows, except where the directory is thrown
    # away. On non-Windows you can should use ccache instead.
    if not Options.isRemoveBuildDir() and Utils.getOS() == "Windows":
        options["cache_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.isLto():
        options["lto_mode"] = "true"

    # For AnaConda default to trying static lib python library, which
    # normally is just not available or if it is even unusable.
    if "Anaconda" in sys.version:
        options["static_libpython"] = "true"

    if Options.shallDisableConsoleWindow():
        options["win_disable_console"] = "true"

    if Options.isStandaloneMode():
        options["standalone_mode"] = "true"

    if (
        not Options.isStandaloneMode()
        and not Options.shallMakeModule()
        and isUninstalledPython()
        options["uninstalled_python"] = "true"

    if ModuleRegistry.getUncompiledTechnicalModules():
        options["frozen_modules"] = str(

    if Options.isShowScons():
        options["show_scons"] = "true"

    if Options.isMingw64():
        options["mingw_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getMsvcVersion():
        msvc_version = Options.getMsvcVersion()

        msvc_version = msvc_version.replace("exp", "Exp")
        if "." not in msvc_version:
            msvc_version += ".0"

        options["msvc_version"] = msvc_version

    if Options.isClang():
        options["clang_mode"] = "true"

    if Options.getIconPath():
        options["icon_path"] = Options.getIconPath()

    if Options.isProfile():
        options["profile_mode"] = "true"

    if "no_warnings" in getPythonFlags():
        options["no_python_warnings"] = "true"

    if "no_asserts" in getPythonFlags():
        options["python_sysflag_optimize"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and sys.flags.py3k_warning:
        options["python_sysflag_py3k_warning"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and (sys.flags.division_warning or sys.flags.py3k_warning):
        options["python_sysflag_division_warning"] = "true"

    if sys.flags.bytes_warning:
        options["python_sysflag_bytes_warning"] = "true"

    if int(os.environ.get("NUITKA_SITE_FLAG", "no_site" in Options.getPythonFlags())):
        options["python_sysflag_no_site"] = "true"

    if "trace_imports" in Options.getPythonFlags():
        options["python_sysflag_verbose"] = "true"

    if python_version < 300 and sys.flags.unicode:
        options["python_sysflag_unicode"] = "true"

    if python_version >= 370 and sys.flags.utf8_mode:
        options["python_sysflag_utf8"] = "true"

    abiflags = getPythonABI()
    if abiflags:
        options["abiflags"] = abiflags

    return SconsInterface.runScons(options, quiet), options