def struct_setattr_impl(context, builder, sig, args, attr):
        [inst_type, val_type] = sig.args
        [instance, val] = args
        utils = _Utils(context, builder, inst_type)
        dataval = utils.get_data_struct(instance)
        # cast val to the correct type
        field_type = inst_type.field_dict[attr]
        casted = context.cast(builder, val, val_type, field_type)

        pyapi = context.get_python_api(builder)

        # print("BBB", attr,[x[0] for x in base_fact_fields], attr in [x[0] for x in base_fact_fields])

        if(attr not in [x[0] for x in base_fact_fields]):
            idrec = getattr(dataval, "idrec")
            idrec_set = builder.icmp_signed('!=', idrec, idrec.type(-1))
            with builder.if_then(idrec_set):
                msg =("Facts objects are immutable once defined. Use kb.modify instead.",)
                context.call_conv.return_user_exc(builder, AttributeError, msg)
        # read old
        old_value = getattr(dataval, attr)
        # incref new value
        context.nrt.incref(builder, val_type, casted)
        # decref old value (must be last in case new value is old value)
        context.nrt.decref(builder, val_type, old_value)
        # write new
        setattr(dataval, attr, casted)
        def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
            [instance, attr_v] = args

            utils = _Utils(context, builder, inst_type)
            dataval = utils.get_data_struct(instance)
            ret = getattr(dataval, attr)
            return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, fieldtype, ret)
def var_getattr_impl(context, builder, typ, val, attr):
    #If the attribute is one of the var struct fields then retrieve it.
    if(attr in var_fields_dict):
        # print("GETATTR", attr)
        utils = _Utils(context, builder, typ)
        dataval = utils.get_data_struct(val)
        ret = getattr(dataval, attr)
        fieldtype = typ.field_dict[attr]
        return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, fieldtype, ret)

    #Otherwise return a new instance with a new 'attr' and 'offset' append 
        fact_type = typ.field_dict['fact_type'].instance_type 
        fd = fact_type.field_dict
        offset = fact_type._attr_offsets[list(fd.keys()).index(attr)]
        ctor = cgutils.create_struct_proxy(typ)
        st = ctor(context, builder, value=val)._getvalue()

        def new_var_and_append(self):
            st = new(typ)
            return st

        ret = context.compile_internal(builder, new_var_and_append, typ(typ,), (st,))
        context.nrt.incref(builder, typ, ret)
        return ret
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        val_ty, = sig.args
        val, = args

        utils = _Utils(context, builder, val_ty)
        dataptr = utils.get_data_pointer(val)
        ret = builder.ptrtoint(dataptr, cgutils.intp_t)
        return ret
def struct_setattr_impl(context, builder, sig, args, attr):
    [inst_type, val_type] = sig.args
    [instance, val] = args
    utils = _Utils(context, builder, inst_type)
    dataval = utils.get_data_struct(instance)
    # cast val to the correct type
    field_type = inst_type.field_dict[attr]
    casted = context.cast(builder, val, val_type, field_type)
    # read old
    old_value = getattr(dataval, attr)
    # incref new value
    context.nrt.incref(builder, val_type, casted)
    # decref old value (must be last in case new value is old value)
    context.nrt.decref(builder, val_type, old_value)
    # write new
    setattr(dataval, attr, casted)
    def codegen(context, builder, sig, args):
        inst_type, _ = sig.args
        val, _ = args

        if (not isinstance(inst_type, types.StructRef)):
            #If we get just get the type and not an instance make a dummy instance
            inst_type = inst_type.instance_type
            val = context.make_helper(builder, inst_type)._getvalue()

        #Get the base address of the struct data
        utils = _Utils(context, builder, inst_type)
        baseptr = utils.get_data_pointer(val)
        baseptr = builder.ptrtoint(baseptr, cgutils.intp_t)

        #Get the address of member for 'attr'
        dataval = utils.get_data_struct(val)
        attrptr = dataval._get_ptr_by_name(attr_literal)
        attrptr = builder.ptrtoint(attrptr, cgutils.intp_t)

        #Subtract them to get the offset
        offset = builder.sub(attrptr, baseptr)
        return offset
 def struct_getattr_impl(context, builder, typ, val, attr):
     utils = _Utils(context, builder, typ)
     dataval = utils.get_data_struct(val)
     ret = getattr(dataval, attr)
     fieldtype = typ.field_dict[attr]
     return imputils.impl_ret_borrowed(context, builder, fieldtype, ret)