def primab(n):
	''' a sieve for primitive abundant numbers
less than or equal to n'''
	plist = primes2.eratosthenes(int(n**0.5))	#the version of pf with a primelist is more efficient for work with ranges
	pab = []	#initiate result
	lst = []	#initiate array
	i = 0		#initiat index
	while i < n+1:	#fill the array with bools
		lst += [True]
		i += 1	
	i = 1		#reset index to 1, so as not to test 0
	#end of initialization
	while i < n + 1:
		if lst[i]:	#if it is not a multiple of the previously discovered primitive abundant numbers . . .
			m = number_theory2.nu(i, plist)	#check if it is abundant or perfect.
			if m >=2:			#if it is, ...
				pab += [i]		#then it is primitive abundant.
				k = i			#cancel out all multiples of i; this initiates the index, ...
				while k < n +1:		#and this actually makes the array values "false"
					lst[k] = False
					k += i
				lst[i] = False
		i +=1
	return pab
def isprimab(n, primelist = None, primefactorization = None):
	'''test whether n is primitive abundant'''
	if n == 0:
		return False
		if primefactorization == None:		#initiate prime factorization
			p = primes2.pf(n, primelist)
			p = primefactorization
		m = number_theory2.nu(n, None, p)	#we need to see if n is at all a valid candidate
		if m == 2:
			return True			#all perfect numbers are primitive abundant
		elif m > 2:				#abundant case more complex
			f = impfact(n, None, p)		#find the necessary factors
			x = True			#initiate bool results
			for i in range(len(f)):		#check each factor
				if x:			#if the last factor was deficient . . .
					x = number_theory2.isdeficient(f[i], primelist)	#check if this one is
				else:			#if the last one already wasn't abundant . . .
					break		#no need to check further
			return x 			#return our bool result
			return False			#clearly, no deficient numbers are primitive abundant