文件: ecdsa.py 项目: Ademan/ngcccbase
    def sign(self, hash, random_k):
        """Return a signature for the provided hash, using the provided
        random nonce.  It is absolutely vital that random_k be an unpredictable
        number in the range [1, self.public_key.point.order()-1].  If
        an attacker can guess random_k, he can compute our private key from a
        single signature.  Also, if an attacker knows a few high-order
        bits (or a few low-order bits) of random_k, he can compute our private
        key from many signatures.  The generation of nonces with adequate
        cryptographic strength is very difficult and far beyond the scope
        of this comment.

        May raise RuntimeError, in which case retrying with a new
        random value k is in order.

        G = self.public_key.generator
        n = G.order()
        k = random_k % n
        p1 = k * G
        r = p1.x()
        if r == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number r"
        s = ( numbertheory.inverse_mod( k, n ) * \
              ( hash + ( self.secret_multiplier * r ) % n ) ) % n
        if s == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number s"
        return Signature(r, s)
    def __add__(self, other):
        """Add one point to another point."""

        # X9.62 B.3:

        if other == INFINITY:
            return self
        if self == INFINITY:
            return other
        assert self.__curve == other.__curve
        if self.__x == other.__x:
            if (self.__y + other.__y) % self.__curve.p() == 0:
                return INFINITY
                return self.double()

        p = self.__curve.p()

        l = ((other.__y - self.__y) * \
             numbertheory.inverse_mod(other.__x - self.__x, p)) % p

        x3 = (l * l - self.__x - other.__x) % p
        y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p

        return Point(self.__curve, x3, y3)
  def sign( self, hash, random_k ):
    """Return a signature for the provided hash, using the provided
    random nonce.  It is absolutely vital that random_k be an unpredictable
    number in the range [1, self.public_key.point.order()-1].  If
    an attacker can guess random_k, he can compute our private key from a
    single signature.  Also, if an attacker knows a few high-order
    bits (or a few low-order bits) of random_k, he can compute our private
    key from many signatures.  The generation of nonces with adequate
    cryptographic strength is very difficult and far beyond the scope
    of this comment.

    May raise RuntimeError, in which case retrying with a new
    random value k is in order.

    G = self.public_key.generator
    n = G.order()
    k = random_k % n
    p1 = k * G
    r = p1.x()
    if r == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number r"
    s = ( numbertheory.inverse_mod( k, n ) * \
          ( hash + ( self.secret_multiplier * r ) % n ) ) % n
    if s == 0: raise RuntimeError, "amazingly unlucky random number s"
    return Signature( r, s )
  def double(self):
    """Return a new point that is twice the old."""
    # X9.62 B.3:
    p = self.__curve_p
    a = self.__curve_a

    l = ((3 * self.__x * self.__x + a) * \
         numbertheory.inverse_mod(2 * self.__y, p)) % p

    x3 = (l * l - 2 * self.__x) % p
    y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p

    return Point(self.__curve_p, self.__curve_a, self.__curve_b, x3, y3)
    def double(self):
        """Return a new point that is  twice the old."""

        if self == INFINITY:
            return INFINITY

        p = self.__curve.p()
        a = self.__curve.a()

        l = ((3 * self.__x * self.__x + a) *
             numbertheory.inverse_mod(2 * self.__y, p)) % p
        x3 = (l * l - 2 * self.__x) % p
        y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p

        return Point(self.__curve, x3, y3)
    def double(self):
        """Return a new point that is twice the old."""

        if self == INFINITY:
            return INFINITY

        # X9.62 B.3:

        p = self.__curve.p()
        a = self.__curve.a()

        l = ((3 * self.__x * self.__x + a) * numbertheory.inverse_mod(2 * self.__y, p)) % p

        x3 = (l * l - 2 * self.__x) % p
        y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p

        return Point(self.__curve, x3, y3)
    def verify_message(self, address, signature, message):
        """ See http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf for the math """
        from ecdsa import numbertheory, ellipticcurve, util
        import msqr
        curve = curve_secp256k1
        G = generator_secp256k1
        order = G.order()
        # extract r,s from signature
        sig = base64.b64decode(signature)
        if len(sig) != 65: raise BaseException("Wrong encoding")
        r, s = util.sigdecode_string(sig[1:], order)
        nV = ord(sig[0])
        if nV < 27 or nV >= 35:
            raise BaseException("Bad encoding")
        if nV >= 31:
            compressed = True
            nV -= 4
            compressed = False

        recid = nV - 27
        # 1.1
        x = r + (recid / 2) * order
        # 1.3
        alpha = (x * x * x + curve.a() * x + curve.b()) % curve.p()
        beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curve.p())
        y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
        # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
        R = ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 compute e from message:
        h = Hash(msg_magic(message))
        e = string_to_number(h)
        minus_e = -e % order
        # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
        inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r, order)
        Q = inv_r * (s * R + minus_e * G)
        public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point(Q, curve=SECP256k1)
        # check that Q is the public key
        # check that we get the original signing address
        addr = public_key_to_bc_address(encode_point(public_key, compressed))
        if address != addr:
            raise BaseException("Bad signature")
    def verify_message(self, address, signature, message):
        """ See http://www.secg.org/download/aid-780/sec1-v2.pdf for the math """
        from ecdsa import numbertheory, ellipticcurve, util
        import msqr
        curve = curve_secp256k1
        G = generator_secp256k1
        order = G.order()
        # extract r,s from signature
        sig = base64.b64decode(signature)
        if len(sig) != 65: raise BaseException("Wrong encoding")
        r,s = util.sigdecode_string(sig[1:], order)
        nV = ord(sig[0])
        if nV < 27 or nV >= 35:
            raise BaseException("Bad encoding")
        if nV >= 31:
            compressed = True
            nV -= 4
            compressed = False

        recid = nV - 27
        # 1.1
        x = r + (recid/2) * order
        # 1.3
        alpha = ( x * x * x  + curve.a() * x + curve.b() ) % curve.p()
        beta = msqr.modular_sqrt(alpha, curve.p())
        y = beta if (beta - recid) % 2 == 0 else curve.p() - beta
        # 1.4 the constructor checks that nR is at infinity
        R = ellipticcurve.Point(curve, x, y, order)
        # 1.5 compute e from message:
        h = Hash( msg_magic(message) )
        e = string_to_number(h)
        minus_e = -e % order
        # 1.6 compute Q = r^-1 (sR - eG)
        inv_r = numbertheory.inverse_mod(r,order)
        Q = inv_r * ( s * R + minus_e * G )
        public_key = ecdsa.VerifyingKey.from_public_point( Q, curve = SECP256k1 )
        # check that Q is the public key
        public_key.verify_digest( sig[1:], h, sigdecode = ecdsa.util.sigdecode_string)
        # check that we get the original signing address
        addr = public_key_to_bc_address( encode_point(public_key, compressed) )
        if address != addr:
            raise BaseException("Bad signature")
  def verifies( self, hash, signature ):
    """Verify that signature is a valid signature of hash.
    Return True if the signature is valid.

    # From X9.62 J.3.1.

    G = self.generator
    n = G.order()
    r = signature.r
    s = signature.s
    if r < 1 or r > n-1: return False
    if s < 1 or s > n-1: return False
    c = numbertheory.inverse_mod( s, n )
    u1 = ( hash * c ) % n
    u2 = ( r * c ) % n
    xy = u1 * G + u2 * self.point
    v = xy.x() % n
    return v == r
文件: ecdsa.py 项目: Ademan/ngcccbase
    def verifies(self, hash, signature):
        """Verify that signature is a valid signature of hash.
        Return True if the signature is valid.

        # From X9.62 J.3.1.

        G = self.generator
        n = G.order()
        r = signature.r
        s = signature.s
        if r < 1 or r > n - 1: return False
        if s < 1 or s > n - 1: return False
        c = numbertheory.inverse_mod(s, n)
        u1 = (hash * c) % n
        u2 = (r * c) % n
        xy = u1 * G + u2 * self.point
        v = xy.x() % n
        return v == r
  def __add__(self, other):
    if other == INFINITY:
      return self
    if self == INFINITY:
      return other
    # assert self.__curve == other.__curve
    if self.__x == other.__x:
      if (self.__y + other.__y) % self.__curve_p == 0:
        return INFINITY
        return self.double()

    p = self.__curve_p

    l = ((other.__y - self.__y) * \
         numbertheory.inverse_mod(other.__x - self.__x, p)) % p

    x3 = (l * l - self.__x - other.__x) % p
    y3 = (l * (self.__x - x3) - self.__y) % p
    return Point(self.__curve_p, self.__curve_a, self.__curve_b, x3, y3)
  def sign(self, hash, random_k, ensure_low_s_according_to_bip62):
    """Return a signature for the provided hash, using the provided
    random nonce.  It is absolutely vital that random_k be an unpredictable
    number in the range [1, self.public_key.point.order()-1].  If
    an attacker can guess random_k, he can compute our private key from a
    single signature.  Also, if an attacker knows a few high-order
    bits (or a few low-order bits) of random_k, he can compute our private
    key from many signatures.  The generation of nonces with adequate
    cryptographic strength is very difficult and far beyond the scope
    of this comment.

    May raise RuntimeError, in which case retrying with a new
    random value k is in order.

    G = self.public_key.generator
    n = G.order()
    k = random_k % n
    p1 = k * G
    r = p1.x()
    if r == 0:
      raise RuntimeError("amazingly unlucky random number r")
    s = (numbertheory.inverse_mod(k, n) *
         (hash + (self.secret_multiplier * r) % n)) % n
    if s == 0:
      raise RuntimeError("amazingly unlucky random number s")
    # https://github.com/bitcoin/bips/blob/master/bip-0062.mediawiki#Low_S_values_in_signatures
    if ensure_low_s_according_to_bip62:
      # q == n, just used `q` since that is what is in litterature: 
      # https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/38252/the-complement-of-s-when-s-curve-order-2
      # https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/50980/test-r-s-values-for-signature-generation
      # https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=285142.msg3299061#msg3299061
      q = G.order() 
      if s > (q / 2):
        s = q - s

    return Signature(r, s)
    def __add__( self, other ):
        """Add one point to another point."""

        # X9.62 B.3:

        if other == INFINITY: return self
        if self == INFINITY: return other
        assert self.__curve == other.__curve
        if self.__x == other.__x:
            if ( self.__y + other.__y ) % self.__curve.p() == 0:
                return INFINITY
                return self.double()

        p = self.__curve.p()

        l = ( ( other.__y - self.__y ) * \
              numbertheory.inverse_mod( other.__x - self.__x, p ) ) % p

        x3 = ( l * l - self.__x - other.__x ) % p
        y3 = ( l * ( self.__x - x3 ) - self.__y ) % p

        return Point( self.__curve, x3, y3 )
 def inverse(self, a):
     """ scalar inversion in Fp, overload for 'p' specific optimizations """
     # this is a generic inverse_mod 7 times faster
     # than pow(a, self.p-2, self.p)
     return inverse_mod(a, self.p)
 def inverse(self, a):
     """ scalar inversion in Fp - overload for 'p' specific optimizations """
     return inverse_mod(a, self.p)  # this is a generic inverse_mod
 def inverse(self, a):
     """ scalar inversion in Fp, overload for 'p' specific optimizations """
     # this is a generic inverse_mod 7 times faster
     # than pow(a, self.p-2, self.p)
     return inverse_mod(a, self.p)
 def inverse(self, a):
     """ scalar inversion in Fp - overload for 'p' specific optimizations """
     return inverse_mod(a, self.p)  # this is a generic inverse_mod