def dNexpo(means, x):
    The pdf of the distribution of a sum of exponentially distributed 
    random variables. 
    NB Means are allowed to be equal (but the function is slow)!!! 

    assert x >= 0.0, "variate must not be negative in dNexpo!"

    number = len(means)

    if number == 1: return dexpo(means[0], x)

    if x == 0.0:
        if number == 1: return 1.0 / means[0]
        else: return 0.0

    lam = []
    for k in range(0, number):
        assert means[k] > 0.0, "All means must be positive floats in dNexpo!"
        lam.append(1.0 / means[k])

    # ----------------------------------------------------
    def _ftilde(z):
        zprod = complex(1.0)
        for k in range(0, number):
            zprod = zprod * complex(lam[k]) / (z + lam[k])
        return zprod

    # ----------------------------------------------------

    rpole = -min(lam)
    sigma = (1.0 - TWOMACHEPS) * rpole
    pdf = talbot(_ftilde, x, sigma)

    pdf = kept_within(0.0, pdf)

    return pdf
def cNexpo(means, x):
    cdf of a distribution of a sum of exponentially distributed 
    random variables. 
    NB Means are allowed to be equal (but the function is slow)!!!

    assert x >= 0.0, "variate must not be negative in cNexpo!"

    if x == 0.0:
        return 0.0

    number = len(means)

    if number == 1:
        return cexpo(means[0], x)

    lam = []
    for k in range(0, number):
        assert means[k] > 0.0, "All means must be positive floats in cNexpo!"
        lam.append(1.0 / means[k])

    # ----------------------------
    def ftilde(z):
        zprod = complex(1.0)
        for k in range(0, number):
            zprod = zprod * complex(lam[k]) / (z + lam[k])
        zprod = zprod / z
        return zprod

    # -----------------------------

    sigma = TWOMACHEPS * min(lam)
    cdf = talbot(ftilde, x, sigma)

    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)

    return cdf
def dNexpo(means, x):
    The pdf of the distribution of a sum of exponentially distributed 
    random variables. 
    NB Means are allowed to be equal (but the function is slow)!!! 

    assert x >= 0.0, "variate must not be negative in dNexpo!"

    number = len(means)

    if number == 1: return dexpo(means[0], x)

    if x == 0.0:
        if number == 1:  return 1.0/means[0]
        else:            return 0.0

    lam  = []
    for k in range(0, number):
        assert means[k] > 0.0, "All means must be positive floats in dNexpo!"

    # ----------------------------------------------------
    def _ftilde(z):
        zprod = complex(1.0)
        for k in range(0, number):
            zprod  =  zprod * complex(lam[k]) / (z+lam[k])
        return zprod
    # ----------------------------------------------------

    rpole = - min(lam)
    sigma =  (1.0-TWOMACHEPS) * rpole
    pdf   =  talbot(_ftilde, x, sigma)

    pdf   =  kept_within(0.0, pdf)

    return pdf
def cNexpo(means, x):
    cdf of a distribution of a sum of exponentially distributed 
    random variables. 
    NB Means are allowed to be equal (but the function is slow)!!!

    assert x >= 0.0, "variate must not be negative in cNexpo!"

    if x == 0.0: return 0.0

    number = len(means)

    if number == 1: return cexpo(means[0], x)

    lam = []
    for k in range(0, number):
        assert means[k] > 0.0, "All means must be positive floats in cNexpo!"
        lam.append(1.0 / means[k])

    # ----------------------------
    def ftilde(z):
        zprod = complex(1.0)
        for k in range(0, number):
            zprod = zprod * complex(lam[k]) / (z + lam[k])
        zprod = zprod / z
        return zprod


    sigma = TWOMACHEPS * min(lam)
    cdf = talbot(ftilde, x, sigma)

    cdf = kept_within(0.0, cdf, 1.0)

    return cdf