def calc_time_regres(var, num_years_req):
    #find the linear regression for each grid point as a function of
    nx = var.shape[1]
    ny = var.shape[2]
    #print nx, ny
    trend = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))
    sig = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))
    r = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))

    years = np.arange(var.shape[0])
    for i in xrange(nx):
        for j in xrange(ny):
            #print i, j
            var_ma = var[:, i, j][~var[:, i, j].mask]
            years_ma = years[~var[:, i, j].mask]
            if len(var_ma) > num_years_req:
                trend[i, j], intercept, r[i,
                                          j], prob, stderr = stats.linregress(
                                              years_ma, var_ma)
                sig[i, j] = 100 * (1 - prob)
    trend = ma.array(trend, mask=np.isnan(trend))
    r = ma.array(r, mask=np.isnan(r))
    sig = ma.array(sig, mask=np.isnan(sig))

    return trend, sig, r
def get_detrended_yr(yearsTr, yearT, var_yearsT, var_yrT, num_years_req):
    """Detrend a 2D array using linear regression

       Mask based on valid number of years in each grid cell.
    var_yearsDT = ma.masked_all((var_yearsT.shape))
    var_yrDT = ma.masked_all((var_yrT.shape))

    # Loop over each dimension
    for i in range(var_yearsT.shape[1]):
        for j in range(var_yearsT.shape[2]):
            mask = ~var_yearsT[:, i, j].mask
            var_yearsT_ma = var_yearsT[:, i, j][mask]

            if (len(var_yearsT_ma) > num_years_req):
                trendT, interceptT, r_valsT, probT, stderrT = stats.linregress(
                    yearsTr[mask], var_yearsT_ma)
                lineT = (trendT * yearsTr) + interceptT
                #print var_yearsT[:, i, j].shape, lineT.shape, yearsTr
                var_yearsDT[:, i, j] = var_yearsT[:, i, j] - lineT

                # Calculate the detrended var (linear trend persistence) fo the given forecast year
                lineT_yr = interceptT + (trendT * (yearT))
                var_yrDT[i, j] = var_yrT[i, j] - lineT_yr

    return var_yearsDT, var_yrDT
def make_same_size(day_list,tseries_list):
    Make all time-series the same size as longest time-series and
    combine them into one [ncases,ntime,...] array for plotting.
    # find beg and end of period that encompasses all time-series
    day_beg = min([d.min() for d in day_list])
    day_end = max([d.max() for d in day_list])

    # find indices in 1000 year time array
    thousand_years = N.resize(dpm,12*1000).cumsum()
    ibeg = thousand_years.searchsorted(day_beg)
    iend = thousand_years.searchsorted(day_end)

    # set new array dimensions and create array
    day    = thousand_years[ibeg:iend+1]
    ncases = len(tseries_list)
    ntime  = iend -  ibeg + 1
    if tseries_list[0].ndim == 2: # regional time-series [ntime,nreg]
        data = MA.masked_all((ncases,ntime,tseries_list[0].shape[-1]),float)
        data = MA.masked_all((ncases,ntime),float)

    # fill new array according to time index
    for n in range(ncases):
        i1 = day.searchsorted(day_list[n].min())
        i2 = day.searchsorted(day_list[n].max()) + 1
        data[n,i1:i2,...] = tseries_list[n]

    return day, data
def get_meltonset_gridded(dataoutpath, yearsT, freezemelt_str, hemStr):
    """ Get gridded melt onset data

	Data gridded using linear interpolation of NASA's GSFC melt onset data onto a 100 km grid.


    if (hemStr == 'N'):
        poleStr = 'A'
    elif (hemStr == 'S'):
        poleStr = 'AA'

    xpts = load(dataoutpath + 'xpts100km' + poleStr)
    ypts = load(dataoutpath + 'ypts100km' + poleStr)
    Melt_onset_years = ma.masked_all(
        (size(yearsT), xpts.shape[0], xpts.shape[1]))
    x = 0
    if (size(yearsT) > 1):
        Melt_onset_years = ma.masked_all(
            (size(yearsT), xpts.shape[0], xpts.shape[1]))
        x = 0
        for year in yearsT:
            Melt_onset_years[x] = load(dataoutpath + freezemelt_str + '100km' +
                                       str(year) + poleStr)
            x += 1
        Melt_onset_years = load(dataoutpath + freezemelt_str + '100km' +
                                str(yearsT) + poleStr)

    return xpts, ypts, Melt_onset_years
def make_same_size(day_list, tseries_list):
    Make all time-series the same size as longest time-series and
    combine them into one [ncases,ntime,...] array for plotting.
    # find beg and end of period that encompasses all time-series
    day_beg = min([d.min() for d in day_list])
    day_end = max([d.max() for d in day_list])

    # find indices in 1000 year time array
    thousand_years = N.resize(dpm, 12 * 1000).cumsum()
    ibeg = thousand_years.searchsorted(day_beg)
    iend = thousand_years.searchsorted(day_end)

    # set new array dimensions and create array
    day = thousand_years[ibeg:iend + 1]
    ncases = len(tseries_list)
    ntime = iend - ibeg + 1
    if tseries_list[0].ndim == 2:  # regional time-series [ntime,nreg]
        data = MA.masked_all((ncases, ntime, tseries_list[0].shape[-1]), float)
        data = MA.masked_all((ncases, ntime), float)

    # fill new array according to time index
    for n in range(ncases):
        i1 = day.searchsorted(day_list[n].min())
        i2 = day.searchsorted(day_list[n].max()) + 1
        data[n, i1:i2, ...] = tseries_list[n]

    return day, data
def drifter_sample(cfg):
    N = cfg['montecarlo']['Nsamples']

    # Initial position
    t = np.arange(N) * cfg['montecarlo']['dt']
    x, y = ma.masked_all(N), ma.masked_all(N),
    u, v = ma.masked_all(N), ma.masked_all(N),

    x[0], y[0] = (2 * random(2) - 1) * cfg['montecarlo']['Rlimit']
    u[0], v[0] = synthetic_CLring(x[0], y[0], t[0], cfg['ring'])

    u_nonoise, v_nonoise = u.copy(), v.copy()

    for n in range(1, N):
        dt = t[n] - t[n - 1]
        x[n], y[n] = x[n - 1] + u[n - 1] * dt, y[n - 1] + v[n - 1] * dt
        u_nonoise[n], v_nonoise[n] = synthetic_CLring(x[n], y[n], t[n],
        u[n] = u_nonoise[n] + cfg['montecarlo']['Vnoise_sigma'] * randn()
        v[n] = v_nonoise[n] + cfg['montecarlo']['Vnoise_sigma'] * randn()
        #print x[n], y[n], u[n], v[n]
    #t = t - np.median(t)
    data = {'t': t, 'x': x, 'y': y, 'u': u, 'v': v}
    stats = {}
    return data, stats
文件: woa.py 项目: castelao/oceansdb
def woa_profile_from_dap(var, d, lat, lon, depth, cfg):
    Monthly Climatologic Mean and Standard Deviation from WOA,
    used either for temperature or salinity.

        time: [day of the year]
        lat: [-90<lat<90]
        lon: [-180<lon<180]
        depth: [meters]

    Reads the WOA Monthly Climatology NetCDF file and
    returns the corresponding WOA values of salinity or temperature mean and
    standard deviation for the given time, lat, lon, depth.
    if lon < 0:
        lon = lon+360

    url = cfg['url']

    doy = int(d.strftime('%j'))
    dataset = open_url(url)

    dn = (np.abs(doy-dataset['time'][:])).argmin()
    xn = (np.abs(lon-dataset['lon'][:])).argmin()
    yn = (np.abs(lat-dataset['lat'][:])).argmin()

    if re.match("temperature\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_mn.t_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_sd.t_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # se = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_se.t_se[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_se.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # Use this in the future. A minimum # of samples
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_dd.t_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    elif re.match("salinity\d?$", var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_mn.s_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_sd.s_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_dd.s_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    zwoa = ma.array(dataset.depth[:])

    ind = (depth <= zwoa.max()) & (depth >= zwoa.min())
    # Mean value profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(mn)].compressed(), mn.compressed())
    mn_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    mn_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])
    # The stdev profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(sd)].compressed(), sd.compressed())
    sd_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    sd_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])

    output = {'woa_an': mn_interp, 'woa_sd': sd_interp}

    return output
def ba_ratio_histograms(ba_files, ind_files, indices_names,minmax) :
    """computes histogram of ratio of MODIS BA to 0.5x0.5 deg occurrence
    Considering each day an independent measurement of the entire study area, 
    the ratio of total MODIS BA counts to total 0.5x0.5 deg cells is computed 
    for each parameter bin. Each parameter bin gets at most one observation per 
    day, and this observation embodies all 0.5x0.5deg cells in that bin for that
    num_years = len(ind_files)
    max_days = 365
    histo_shape = zip(*minmax)[2]
    ratio_shape = histo_shape + (max_days,num_years)
    ratios = ma.masked_all(ratio_shape)
    halfdeg_counts = ma.masked_all(ratio_shape)
    ca = gca.GeoCompressedAxes(ind_files[0], 'land') 
    ca.set_clip_box(42.5, 66.5, 22, 130)
    for i_year in range(len(ind_files)) : 
        indfile = ind_files[i_year]
        bafile  = ba_files[i_year]
        count   = bafile.variables['count']
        timelim = len(indfile.dimensions['days'])-1
        filevars = [ indfile.variables[iname] for iname in indices_names ] 
        for i_day in range(10,timelim) : 
            print i_day
            day_data = [ f[i_day,:] for f in filevars ]
            i_conditions = zip(*day_data)
            ba_day = count[...,i_day]
            ba_total = np.sum(ba_day, axis=2)
            ba_total_cmp = ca.compress(ba_total)
            # per bin ba totals (units of modis pixels)
            burned_total = ah.AccumulatingHistogramdd(minmax=minmax)
            for i_tot,ba_tot in enumerate(ba_total_cmp) : 
                if ba_tot is ma.masked  :
                if ba_tot > 0 : 
                    burned_total.put_record(i_conditions[i_tot], weight=ba_tot)
            # per bin occurrence totals (units of 0.5 deg cells)
            occurrence = ah.AccumulatingHistogramdd(minmax=minmax)
            for i_window,mask in enumerate(ca.get_vec_mask()) : 
                if not mask : 
            # calculate ratio
            i_occurrence = np.where(occurrence.H > 0)
            num_occurrence = len(i_occurrence[0])
            i_occ_oneday = i_occurrence + ( np.array([i_day]*num_occurrence), np.array([i_year]*num_occurrence))
            ratios[i_occ_oneday] = burned_total.H[i_occurrence]/occurrence.H[i_occurrence]
            halfdeg_counts[...,i_day,i_year] = occurrence.H

    ratio_histogram = compute_ratio_histo(ratios, minmax)
    return (ratios, halfdeg_counts, ratio_histogram)
def ba_ratio_histograms(ba_files, ind_files, indices_names, minmax):
    """computes histogram of ratio of MODIS BA to 0.5x0.5 deg occurrence
    Considering each day an independent measurement of the entire study area, 
    the ratio of total MODIS BA counts to total 0.5x0.5 deg cells is computed 
    for each parameter bin. Each parameter bin gets at most one observation per 
    day, and this observation embodies all 0.5x0.5deg cells in that bin for that
    num_years = len(ind_files)
    max_days = 365
    histo_shape = zip(*minmax)[2]
    ratio_shape = histo_shape + (max_days, num_years)
    ratios = ma.masked_all(ratio_shape)
    halfdeg_counts = ma.masked_all(ratio_shape)

    ca = gca.GeoCompressedAxes(ind_files[0], 'land')
    ca.set_clip_box(42.5, 66.5, 22, 130)

    for i_year in range(len(ind_files)):
        indfile = ind_files[i_year]
        bafile = ba_files[i_year]
        count = bafile.variables['count']
        timelim = len(indfile.dimensions['days']) - 1
        filevars = [indfile.variables[iname] for iname in indices_names]
        for i_day in range(10, timelim):
            print i_day
            day_data = [f[i_day, :] for f in filevars]
            i_conditions = zip(*day_data)
            ba_day = count[..., i_day]
            ba_total = np.sum(ba_day, axis=2)
            ba_total_cmp = ca.compress(ba_total)

            # per bin ba totals (units of modis pixels)
            burned_total = ah.AccumulatingHistogramdd(minmax=minmax)
            for i_tot, ba_tot in enumerate(ba_total_cmp):
                if ba_tot is ma.masked:
                if ba_tot > 0:
                    burned_total.put_record(i_conditions[i_tot], weight=ba_tot)

            # per bin occurrence totals (units of 0.5 deg cells)
            occurrence = ah.AccumulatingHistogramdd(minmax=minmax)
            for i_window, mask in enumerate(ca.get_vec_mask()):
                if not mask:

            # calculate ratio
            i_occurrence = np.where(occurrence.H > 0)
            num_occurrence = len(i_occurrence[0])
            i_occ_oneday = i_occurrence + (np.array(
                [i_day] * num_occurrence), np.array([i_year] * num_occurrence))
            ratios[i_occ_oneday] = burned_total.H[i_occurrence] / occurrence.H[
            halfdeg_counts[..., i_day, i_year] = occurrence.H

    ratio_histogram = compute_ratio_histo(ratios, minmax)

    return (ratios, halfdeg_counts, ratio_histogram)
文件: woa.py 项目: wydh/oceansdb
def woa_profile_from_dap(var, d, lat, lon, depth, cfg):
    Monthly Climatologic Mean and Standard Deviation from WOA,
    used either for temperature or salinity.

        time: [day of the year]
        lat: [-90<lat<90]
        lon: [-180<lon<180]
        depth: [meters]

    Reads the WOA Monthly Climatology NetCDF file and
    returns the corresponding WOA values of salinity or temperature mean and
    standard deviation for the given time, lat, lon, depth.
    if lon < 0:
        lon = lon+360

    url = cfg['url']

    doy = int(d.strftime('%j'))
    dataset = open_url(url)

    dn = (np.abs(doy-dataset['time'][:])).argmin()
    xn = (np.abs(lon-dataset['lon'][:])).argmin()
    yn = (np.abs(lat-dataset['lat'][:])).argmin()

    if re.match(r'temperature\d?$', var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_mn.t_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_sd.t_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # se = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_se.t_se[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_se.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # Use this in the future. A minimum # of samples
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.t_dd.t_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.t_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    elif re.match(r'salinity\d?$', var):
        mn = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_mn.s_mn[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_mn.attributes['_FillValue'])
        sd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_sd.s_sd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
            dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_sd.attributes['_FillValue'])
        # dd = ma.masked_values(dataset.s_dd.s_dd[dn, :, yn, xn].reshape(
        #    dataset['depth'].shape[0]), dataset.s_dd.attributes['_FillValue'])
    zwoa = ma.array(dataset.depth[:])

    ind = (depth <= zwoa.max()) & (depth >= zwoa.min())
    # Mean value profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(mn)].compressed(), mn.compressed())
    mn_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    mn_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])
    # The stdev profile
    f = interp1d(zwoa[~ma.getmaskarray(sd)].compressed(), sd.compressed())
    sd_interp = ma.masked_all(depth.shape)
    sd_interp[ind] = f(depth[ind])

    output = {'woa_an': mn_interp, 'woa_sd': sd_interp}

    return output
def getGriddedFowlerCurlFromDaily(m, files, lon, xptsM, yptsM, xptsG, yptsG,
                                  lonsG, latsG, dxRes):

    xvelG = ma.masked_all((size(files), lonsG.shape[0], lonsG.shape[1]))
    yvelG = ma.masked_all((size(files), lonsG.shape[0], lonsG.shape[1]))
    curlG = ma.masked_all((size(files), lonsG.shape[0], lonsG.shape[1]))
    #print 'uvel', uvelD.shape
    x = 0
    for file in files:

        fd = open(file, 'rb')
        motionDat = fromfile(file=fd, dtype='<i2')
        motionDat = reshape(motionDat, [361, 361, 3])

        xt = motionDat[:, :, 0] / 1000.
        yt = motionDat[:, :, 1] / 1000.
        q = motionDat[:, :, 2] / 1000.

        mask = where((q <= 0) | (q > 1), 0, 1)
        xt = ma.masked_where(mask < 0.5, xt)
        yt = ma.masked_where(mask < 0.5, yt)

        alpha = lon * pi / 180.
        uvelT = yt * sin(alpha) + xt * cos(alpha)
        vvelT = yt * cos(alpha) - xt * sin(alpha)

        # Set masked values back to nan for gridding purposes
        uvelT[where(ma.getmask(uvelT))] = np.nan
        vvelT[where(ma.getmask(vvelT))] = np.nan

        #print uvel
        # Re-grid data
        #print uvel.flatten().shape, xptsM.flatten().shape, xptsG.shape
        uvelG = griddata((xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()),
                         uvelT.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG),
        vvelG = griddata((xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()),
                         vvelT.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG),

        # Rotate data onto new grid
        xvelGT, yvelGT = m.rotate_vector(uvelG, vvelG, lonsG, latsG)
        xvelGT = ma.masked_invalid(xvelGT)
        yvelGT = ma.masked_invalid(yvelGT)

        xvelG[x] = xvelGT
        yvelG[x] = yvelGT

        curlG[x] = calcCurlSq2dXYGradient(xvelGT, yvelGT, dxRes)

        # print x, curlG[x]
        x += 1
    xvelMean = ma.mean(xvelG, axis=0)
    yvelMean = ma.mean(yvelG, axis=0)
    curlMean = ma.mean(curlG, axis=0)
    #vvelD=vstack([vvelD, vvelT])

    return xvelMean, yvelMean, curlMean
def getGriddedFowlerFromDaily(m, files, lon, xptsM, yptsM, xptsG, yptsG, lonsG,

    uvelD = ma.masked_all((size(files), lon.shape[0], lon.shape[1]))
    vvelD = ma.masked_all((size(files), lon.shape[0], lon.shape[1]))
    # print 'uvel', uvelD.shape
    x = 0
    for file in files:
        fd = open(file, 'rb')
        motionDat = fromfile(file=fd, dtype='<i2')
        motionDat = reshape(motionDat, [361, 361, 3])

        xt = motionDat[:, :, 0] / 1000.
        yt = motionDat[:, :, 1] / 1000.
        q = motionDat[:, :, 2] / 1000.

        mask = where((q <= 0) | (q > 1), 0, 1)

        xt = ma.masked_where(mask < 0.5, xt)
        yt = ma.masked_where(mask < 0.5, yt)

        # Comes in xy coordinates so need to rotate to UV
        #xvel= ma.masked_where(np.isnan(xt), xt)
        #yvel = ma.masked_where(np.isnan(yt), yt)

        alpha = lon * pi / 180.
        uvelT = yt * sin(alpha) + xt * cos(alpha)
        vvelT = yt * cos(alpha) - xt * sin(alpha)
        uvelD[x] = uvelT
        vvelD[x] = vvelT
        x += 1

        #vvelD=vstack([vvelD, vvelT])
    uvel = ma.mean(uvelD, axis=0)
    vvel = ma.mean(vvelD, axis=0)
    #print uvel
    #if we want to set masked values back to nan for gridding purposes
    uvel[where(ma.getmask(uvel))] = np.nan
    vvel[where(ma.getmask(vvel))] = np.nan
    #print uvel
    # Re-grid data
    # print uvel.flatten().shape, xptsM.flatten().shape, xptsG.shape
    uvelG = griddata((xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()),
                     uvel.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG),
    vvelG = griddata((xptsM.flatten(), yptsM.flatten()),
                     vvel.flatten(), (xptsG, yptsG),

    # Rotate data onto new grid
    xvelG, yvelG = m.rotate_vector(uvelG, vvelG, lonsG, latsG)
    xvelG = ma.masked_invalid(xvelG)
    yvelG = ma.masked_invalid(yvelG)
    return xvelG, yvelG
def load_point_timeseries_from_multiple_files(nc_files,
    # if i is provided but not j, it's a list of 2d points...
    calendar = None
    start_units = None
    if nt is None:
        nt, calendar = nt_from_multiple_files_with_calendar_check(nc_files)
    tvs_ts = ma.masked_all([nt, 6])
    data_ts = ma.masked_all([nt])
    t = 0
    for nc_file in nc_files:
        nc_dataset = netCDF4.Dataset(nc_file, 'r')
        nc_time = nc_dataset.variables['time']
        if start_units is None:
            start_units = nc_time.units
        if calendar is None:
            calendar = _calendar_from_time_variable(nc_time)
        if 'time_vectors' in nc_dataset.variables.keys():
            tvs = _time_vectors_int(nc_dataset.variables['time_vectors'][:, :])
            nc_datetimes = netCDF4.num2date(nc_time[:], nc_time.units,
            tvs = _datetimes_to_time_vectors(nc_datetimes)
        # Issue with 2nd dimension here, might not be always 6.
        if tvs.shape[1] == 6:
            tvs_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0], :] = tvs[:, :]
        elif tvs.shape[1] == 3:
            tvs_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0], 0:3] = tvs[:, :]
            raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected time vectors shape.")
        nc_var = nc_dataset.variables[var_name]
        if k is not None:
            if j is not None:
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:, k, j, i]
            elif i is not None:
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:, k, i]
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:, k]
            if j is not None:
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:, j, i]
            elif i is not None:
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:, i]
                data_ts[t:t + tvs.shape[0]] = nc_var[:]
        t += tvs.shape[0]
    tvs_ts = _time_vectors_type(tvs_ts, tvs)
    # There is no check for a uniform increase in the time steps
    # The data type of returned time vectors can be float even when it should
    # be integers.
    return tvs_ts, data_ts, start_units, calendar
    def __init__(self, inputdir, inputpattern=".*\.cnv",
            cfg=None, saveauxiliary=False, timeout=60):
        self.name = "ProfilesQCCollection"

        self.inputfiles = make_file_list(inputdir, inputpattern)

        self.profiles = process_profiles(self.inputfiles, cfg, saveauxiliary,
        # self.profiles = process_profiles_serial(self.inputfiles, cfg,
        #        saveauxiliary)

        self.data = {'id': [], 'profileid': [], 'profilename': []}
        self.flags = {}
        if saveauxiliary is True:
            self.auxiliary = {}

        offset = 0
        for p in self.profiles:
            N = p['timeS'].size

            # Be sure that all have the same lenght.
            for v in p.keys():
                assert p[v].size == N
            ids = offset + np.arange(N)
            self.data['id'] = np.append(self.data['id'],
            profileid = [p.attributes['md5']] * N
            self.data['profileid'] = np.append(self.data['profileid'],
            profilename = [p.attributes['filename']] * N
            self.data['profilename'] = np.append(self.data['profilename'],
            for v in p.keys():
                if v not in self.data:
                    self.data[v] = ma.masked_all(offset)
                self.data[v] = ma.append(self.data[v], p[v])

            # ---- Dealing with the flags --------------------------------
            for v in p.flags.keys():
                if v not in self.flags:
                    self.flags[v] = {'id': [], 'profileid': []}
                self.flags[v]['id'] = np.append(self.flags[v]['id'],
                self.flags[v]['profileid'] = np.append(
                        self.flags[v]['profileid'], profileid)
                for t in p.flags[v]:
                    if t not in self.flags[v]:
                        self.flags[v][t] = ma.masked_all(offset)
                    self.flags[v][t] = ma.append(self.flags[v][t],
            offset += N

    def __init__(self, inputdir, inputpattern=".*\.cnv",
            cfg=None, saveauxiliary=False, timeout=60):
        self.name = "ProfilesQCCollection"

        self.inputfiles = make_file_list(inputdir, inputpattern)

        self.profiles = process_profiles(self.inputfiles, cfg, saveauxiliary,
        # self.profiles = process_profiles_serial(self.inputfiles, cfg,
        #        saveauxiliary)

        self.data = {'id': [], 'profileid': [], 'profilename': []}
        self.flags = {}
        if saveauxiliary is True:
            self.auxiliary = {}

        offset = 0
        for p in self.profiles:
            N = p['timeS'].size

            # Be sure that all have the same lenght.
            for v in p.keys():
                assert p[v].size == N
            ids = offset + np.arange(N)
            self.data['id'] = np.append(self.data['id'],
            profileid = [p.attributes['md5']] * N
            self.data['profileid'] = np.append(self.data['profileid'],
            profilename = [p.attributes['filename']] * N
            self.data['profilename'] = np.append(self.data['profilename'],
            for v in p.keys():
                if v not in self.data:
                    self.data[v] = ma.masked_all(offset)
                self.data[v] = ma.append(self.data[v], p[v])

            # ---- Dealing with the flags --------------------------------
            for v in p.flags.keys():
                if v not in self.flags:
                    self.flags[v] = {'id': [], 'profileid': []}
                self.flags[v]['id'] = np.append(self.flags[v]['id'],
                self.flags[v]['profileid'] = np.append(
                        self.flags[v]['profileid'], profileid)
                for t in p.flags[v]:
                    if t not in self.flags[v]:
                        self.flags[v][t] = ma.masked_all(offset)
                    self.flags[v][t] = ma.append(self.flags[v][t],
            offset += N

def _get_cloud_base_and_top_heights(
    classification: np.ndarray, product_container: DataSource
) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]:
    height = product_container.getvar("height")
    cloud_mask = _find_cloud_mask(classification)
    if not cloud_mask.any():
        return ma.masked_all(cloud_mask.shape[0]), ma.masked_all(cloud_mask.shape[0])
    lowest_bases = atmos.find_lowest_cloud_bases(cloud_mask, height)
    highest_tops = atmos.find_highest_cloud_tops(cloud_mask, height)
    assert (highest_tops - lowest_bases >= 0).all()
    return lowest_bases, highest_tops
def spike(x):
    y = ma.masked_all(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
    y[1:-1] = np.abs(x[1:-1] - (x[:-2] + x[2:])/2.0) - \
                np.abs((x[2:] - x[:-2])/2.0)
    # ATENTION, temporary solution
    #y[0]=0; y[-1]=0
    return y
def make_mosaic(imgs, nrows, ncols, border=1):
    Given a set of images with all the same shape, makes a
    mosaic with nrows and ncols
    nimgs = imgs.shape[0]
    imshape = imgs.shape[1:]

    mosaic = ma.masked_all(
        (nrows * imshape[0] + (nrows - 1) * border, ncols * imshape[1] +
         (ncols - 1) * border),

    paddedh = imshape[0] + border
    paddedw = imshape[1] + border
    for i in range(nimgs):
        row = int(np.floor(i / ncols))
        col = i % ncols

        mosaic[row * paddedh:row * paddedh + imshape[0],
               col * paddedw:col * paddedw + imshape[1]] = imgs[i]
    return mosaic

# model = load_model('/home/nickos/servers/storage/py_projects/nk47-assignment2/saved_model.h5')
# model.summary()
# weights = model.get_weights()
# w = np.squeeze(weights[0])
# w = np.transpose(w, (2, 0, 1))

# pl.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
# pl.title('conv1 weights')
# nice_imshow(pl.gca(), make_mosaic(w, 6, 6), cmap=cm.binary)
# plt.show()
def observations(nobs, ndim):
    a = ma.masked_all((n,n), dtype=float)
    for i in range(nobs):
        (i,j) = np.random.randint(0, n, 2)
        a[(i,j)] = np.random.random_sample()
        a[(j,i)] = a[(i,j)]
    return a
文件: trend.py 项目: bnordgren/pylsce
 def set_window(self, data):
     """returns an array the size of the dataset, with data correctly 
     located in the window, and all other pixels masked.
     Data must be a 2D array exactly the size of the window."""
     ds = ma.masked_all(self._dataset_shape, dtype=data.dtype)
     ds[self._window] = data
     return ds
def output(t, x, std, downsample, seed=0):
    y = ma.masked_all((t.size, 1))

    nmeas = y[::downsample].shape[0]
    y[::downsample, 0] = x[::downsample, 0] + std * np.random.randn(nmeas)
    return y
def make_mosaic(im, nrows, ncols, border=1):
    """From http://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/julienr/ipynb_playground/blob/master/keras/convmnist/keras_cnn_mnist.ipynb
    import numpy.ma as ma

    nimgs = len(im)
    imshape = im[0].shape

    mosaic = ma.masked_all(
        (nrows * imshape[0] + (nrows - 1) * border, ncols * imshape[1] +
         (ncols - 1) * border),

    paddedh = imshape[0] + border
    paddedw = imshape[1] + border
    for i in range(nimgs):

        row = int(np.floor(i / ncols))
        col = i % ncols

        mosaic[row * paddedh:row * paddedh + imshape[0],
               col * paddedw:col * paddedw + imshape[1]] = im[i]

    return mosaic
def make_mosaic(imgs, nrows, ncols, border=2):
    Given a set of images with all the same shape, makes a
    mosaic with nrows and ncols
    nimgs = imgs.shape[0]
    imshape = imgs.shape[1:]

    mosaic = ma.masked_all(
        (nrows * imshape[0] + (nrows - 1) * border, ncols * imshape[1] +
         (ncols - 1) * border),

    paddedh = imshape[0] + border
    # print(paddedh)
    paddedw = imshape[1] + border
    # print(paddedw)
    for i in xrange(nimgs):
        # chan=3
        row = int(np.floor(i / ncols))
        col = i % ncols
        a = row * paddedh
        b = row * paddedh + imshape[0]
        c = col * paddedw
        d = col * paddedw + imshape[1]
        mosaic[a:b, c:d] = imgs[i]
    # print(mosaic)
    return mosaic
    def insert(self, key, record):

        if key in self.index_table:
            raise KeyError("key %s already exists in table" % str(key))

        added_row_index = self.index_table[key]

        num_current_rows = len(self.index_table)
        if num_current_rows >= self.data_table.shape[0]:
            num_new_rows = int(self._data_table_growth_factor *
            new_rows = ma.masked_all((num_new_rows, len(self.column_table)),
            self.data_table = ma.vstack((self.data_table, new_rows))
            print "Table enlarged to %d rows" % self.data_table.shape[0]

        for key, in_value in record.items():

            if key not in self.column_table:
                raise KeyError(
                    'Variable "%s" is not registered as a table column' %
            if key in self.hash_table:
                value = self.hash_table[key][in_value]
                value = in_value

            index = self.column_table[key]
            self.data_table[added_row_index, index] = value
def _align_segments_with_labels(segments,
    Match the head/tail alignment with the results of the classical tracking in each of the segments,
     if there is enough labelled data in the segment
    segments_alignment = ma.masked_all((len(segments), ), dtype=np.uint8)
    for segment_index, segment in enumerate(segments):
        segment_skeletons = labelled_skeletons[segment]
        non_nan_labelled = np.any(~np.isnan(segment_skeletons), axis=(1, 2))
        labels_count = np.sum(non_nan_labelled)
        non_masked = ~np.any(partitioned_skeletons[segment].mask,
                             axis=(1, 2, 3))
        to_compare = np.logical_and(non_nan_labelled, non_masked)

        similarity_scores = []
        for label_skel, partitioned_skeleton in zip(
            dists = [
                skeleton_distance(label_skel, x) for x in partitioned_skeleton

        if len(similarity_scores) > 0:
            mean_similarity_scores = np.mean(similarity_scores, axis=0)
            if mean_similarity_scores[0] * mean_similarity_scores[
                    1] < 0 and labels_count > min_labelled:
                segments_alignment[segment_index] = np.argmax(

    return segments_alignment
文件: sampler.py 项目: johnip/kombine
    def __init__(self, nwalkers, ndim, lnpostfn, transd=False,
                 processes=None, pool=None):
        self.nwalkers = nwalkers
        self.dim = ndim
        self._kde = None
        self._kde_size = self.nwalkers
        self.updates = np.array([])

        self._get_lnpost = lnpostfn

        self.iterations = 0
        self.stored_iterations = 0

        self.pool = pool
        self.processes = processes
        if self.processes != 1 and self.pool is None:
            self.pool = Pool(self.processes)

        self._transd = transd
        if self._transd:
            self._chain = ma.masked_all((0, self.nwalkers, self.dim))
            self._chain = np.zeros((0, self.nwalkers, self.dim))

        self._lnpost = np.empty((0, self.nwalkers))
        self._lnprop = np.empty((0, self.nwalkers))
        self._acceptance = np.zeros((0, self.nwalkers))
        self._blobs = []

        self._last_run_mcmc_result = None
        self._failed_p = None
    def draw(self, size=1, spaces=None):
        Draw samples from the transdimensional distribution.
        if spaces is not None:
            if len(spaces) != size:
                raise ValueError('Sample size inconsistent with number of spaces saved')
            space_inds = np.empty(size)
            for space_id, space in enumerate(self.spaces):
                subspace = np.all(spaces == space, axis=1)
                space_inds[subspace] = space_id

            # Draws spaces randomly with the assigned weights
            cumulative_weights = np.cumsum(np.exp(self._logweights))
            space_inds = np.searchsorted(cumulative_weights, np.random.rand(size))

        draws = ma.masked_all((size, self._max_ndim))
        for space_id in range(len(self.spaces)):
            sel = space_inds == space_id
            n_fixedd = np.count_nonzero(sel)
            if n_fixedd > 0:
                # Populate only the valid entries for this parameter space
                draws[np.ix_(sel, self._spaces[space_id])] = self.kdes[space_id].draw(n_fixedd)

        return draws
def get_all_data(grib_file):
    """Aggregate all messages data of a GRIB file.

    grib_file : string

    out : numpy masked array

    All messages in the GRIB file are assumed to have the same shape.


    grb1 = pygrib.open(grib_file)
    t = grb1.messages
    for i, grb_msg in enumerate(grb1):
        data = grb_msg['values']
        if i == 0:
            all_data = ma.masked_all([t, data.shape[0], data.shape[1]])
        all_data[i, :, :] = data
    return all_data
def load_data():
    # Read the log file
    module_dir = os.path.dirname(__file__)
    filepath = os.path.join(module_dir, 'data', 'apm.log')
    lines = open(filepath).read().splitlines()
    # Parse the data
    data = dict(MAG=[], IMU=[], ATT=[])
    for line in lines:
        msgid, *fields = re.split(',\s*', line)
        if msgid in data:
            data[msgid].append([float(f) for f in fields])
    data = {key: np.asarray(val) for key, val in data.items()}
    imu = data['IMU']
    mag = data['MAG']
    # Build the output array
    t = np.sort(np.hstack((imu[:, 0], mag[:, 0])))
    imu_inds = np.array([tk in imu[:, 0] for tk in t])
    mag_inds = np.array([tk in mag[:, 0] for tk in t])
    y = ma.masked_all((t.size, GeneratedDTModel.ny))
    y[imu_inds, :6] = imu[:, [4, 5, 6, 1, 2, 3]]
    y[mag_inds, 6:] = mag[:, [1, 2, 3]]
    t *= 1e-3
    # Select the experiment interval
    range_ = np.s_[905:1800]#np.s_[900:1800]
    t = t[range_]
    y = y[range_]
    assert np.unique(t).size == t.size
    return t, y, data
def i2b_flags(flags, good_flags=[1,2], bad_flags=[3,4]):
    """ Converts int flags (like IOC) into binary (T|F)

        If given a dictionary of flags, it will evaluate each item
          of the dictionary, and return:
          - True if all available values are True
          - False if any of the available values is False
          - Masked is all values are masked

    if (hasattr(flags, 'keys')) and (np.ndim(flags) > 1):
        output= []
        for f in flags:
            output.append(i2b_flags(flags[f], good_flags, bad_flags))

        return ma.array(output).all(axis=0)

    flags = np.asanyarray(flags)
    assert flags.dtype != 'bool', "Input flags should not be binary"
    output = ma.masked_all(np.shape(flags), dtype='bool')

    for f in good_flags:
        output[flags == f] = True
    for f in bad_flags:
        output[flags == f] = False

    return output
 def test_convert_to_annual(self):
     "Test convert_to_annual"
     base = dict(D=1, H=24, T=24 * 60, S=24 * 3600)
     #for fq in ('D', 'H', 'T', 'S'):
     # Don't test for minuTe and Second frequency, too time consuming.
     for fq in ('D', 'H'):
         dates = date_array(start_date=Date(fq, '2001-01-01 00:00:00'),
                            end_date=Date(fq, '2004-12-31 23:59:59'))
         bq = base[fq]
         series = time_series(range(365 * bq) * 3 + range(366 * bq),
         control = ma.masked_all((4, 366 * bq), dtype=series.dtype)
         control[0, :58 * bq] = range(58 * bq)
         control[0, 59 * bq:] = range(58 * bq, 365 * bq)
         control[[1, 2]] = control[0]
         control[3] = range(366 * bq)
         test = convert_to_annual(series)
         assert_equal(test, control)
     series = time_series(range(59, 365) + range(366) + range(365),
                          start_date=Date('D', '2003-03-01'))
     test = convert_to_annual(series)
         test[:, 59:62],
         ma.masked_values([[-1, 59, 60], [59, 60, 61], [-1, 59, 60]], -1))
def get_subset_data(grib_file, msg_ids):
    """Aggregate data from subset of messages of a GRIB file.

    grib_file : string
    msg_ids : list of int

    out : numpy masked array

    All selected messages in the GRIB file are assumed to have the same shape.


    t = len(msg_ids)
    grb1 = pygrib.open(grib_file)
    c = 0
    for i, grb_msg in enumerate(grb1):
        if i not in msg_ids:
        data = grb_msg['values']
        if c == 0:
            all_data = ma.masked_all([t, data.shape[0], data.shape[1]])
        all_data[c, :, :] = data
        c += 1
    return all_data
def bin_spike(x, l):

        l is the number of points used for comparison, thus l=2 means that each
          point will be compared only against the previous and following
          measurements. l=2 is is probably not a good choice, too small.

        Maybe use pstsd instead?

        Dummy way to avoid warnings when x[ini:fin] are all masked.
        Improve this in the future.
    assert x.ndim == 1, "I'm not ready to deal with multidimensional x"

    assert l%2 == 0, "l must be an even integer"

    N = len(x)
    bin = ma.masked_all(N)
    # bin_std = ma.masked_all(N)
    half_window = int(l/2)
    idx = (i for i in range(half_window, N - half_window) if np.isfinite(x[i]))
    for i in idx:
        ini = max(0, i - half_window)
        fin = min(N, i + half_window)
        # At least 3 valid points
        if ma.compressed(x[ini:fin]).size >= 3:
            bin[i] = x[i] - ma.median(x[ini:fin])
            # bin_std[i] = (np.append(x[ini:i], x[i+1:fin+1])).std()
            bin[i] /= (np.append(x[ini:i], x[i+1:fin+1])).std()

    return bin
def calc_uv(xvel, yvel, lons):
# Script to convert vectors from xy to uv
    u_z = ma.masked_all((xvel.shape[0],xvel.shape[1]))
    v_m = ma.masked_all((xvel.shape[0],xvel.shape[1]))
    mask = ma.getmask(xvel)
    #index = np.where(mask==False)

    for i in xrange(xvel.shape[0]):
        for j in xrange(xvel.shape[1]):
            #TO TRANSPOSE OR NOT?..
            alpha = (lons[i, j])*pi/180.
            if (mask[i, j]==False):
                u_z[i, j] = yvel[i, j]*sin(alpha) + xvel[i, j]*cos(alpha)
                v_m[i, j] = yvel[ i, j]*cos(alpha) - xvel[ i, j]*sin(alpha) 

    return u_z, v_m 
def make_mosaic(imgs, nrows, ncols):
    Given a set of images with all the same shape, makes a
    mosaic with nrows and ncols
    if len(imgs.shape) == 3 :
        numFilter = imgs.shape[2];
        numChannel = 1;
        numFilter = imgs.shape[3];
        numChannel = imgs.shape[2];
    imshape = imgs.shape[:2]
    numImages = numFilter * numChannel;
    mosaic = ma.masked_all((nrows * imshape[0] + (nrows - 1) ,
                            ncols * imshape[1] + (ncols - 1) ),
    paddedh = imshape[0] + 1;
    paddedw = imshape[1] + 1;
    imageIndex = 0;
    for i in xrange(numImages):
        row = int(np.floor(i / ncols));
        col = i % ncols;
        channelnum = int(np.floor(i / numFilter));
        filternum = i % numFilter;
        if len(imgs.shape) == 4 :
           mosaic[row * paddedh:row * paddedh + imshape[0],col * paddedw:col * paddedw + imshape[1]] = imgs[:,:,channelnum,filternum];
           mosaic[row * paddedh:row * paddedh + imshape[0],col * paddedw:col * paddedw + imshape[1]] = imgs[:,:,i];
    return mosaic
def get_conc_gridded(dataoutpath, yearsT, month, hemStr, concVersion='v2'):
    """ Get gridded ice concentration data

	Data gridded using linear interpolation of NASA Team concentration data onto a 100 km grid.
	Used monthly data, then monthly means of the daily NRT data for 2015 onwards.


    if (hemStr == 'N'):
        poleStr = 'A'
    elif (hemStr == 'S'):
        poleStr = 'AA'

    xpts = load(dataoutpath + concVersion + 'xpts100km' + poleStr)
    ypts = load(dataoutpath + concVersion + 'ypts100km' + poleStr)

    if (size(yearsT) > 1):
        conc_years = ma.masked_all(
            (size(yearsT), xpts.shape[0], xpts.shape[1]))
        x = 0
        for year in yearsT:
            conc_years[x] = load(dataoutpath + concVersion + 'ice_conc100km' +
                                 str(month) + str(year) + poleStr +
            x += 1
        conc_years = load(dataoutpath + concVersion + 'ice_conc100km' +
                          str(month) + str(yearsT) + poleStr + concVersion)

    return xpts, ypts, conc_years
def convertlonlat_timstep(indir, datan, timestep, dimx, dimy, landref):
    Convertion of lon / lat of ORCHIDEE forcing for a specific timestep.

    indir: str, Input NetCDF direction (ORCHIDEE Forcing).
    datan: str, name of the data in the Input file.
    timestep: int, Timestep index.
    dimx: int, dimension longitude.
    dimy: int, dimension latitude.
    landref: Land index (From netCDF).
    print "Conversion", timestep
    ncvar = GLO.get_var(indir, datan, 0)
    out = ma.masked_all((dimy,dimx))
    var = ncvar[timestep,:]
    while ind<len(var):
        #if ind % 100000. == 0 : print ind
        ref = landref[ind]
        k = int(ref/dimx)
        i = ref-k*dimx-1
        j = k-1
        out[j,i] = var[ind]
    return out
 def test_convert_to_annual(self):
     "Test convert_to_annual"
     base = dict(D=1, H=24, T=24 * 60, S=24 * 3600)
     #for fq in ('D', 'H', 'T', 'S'):
     # Don't test for minuTe and Second frequency, too time consuming.
     for fq in ('D', 'H'):
         dates = date_array(start_date=Date(fq, '2001-01-01 00:00:00'),
                            end_date=Date(fq, '2004-12-31 23:59:59'))
         bq = base[fq]
         series = time_series(range(365 * bq) * 3 + range(366 * bq),
         control = ma.masked_all((4, 366 * bq), dtype=series.dtype)
         control[0, :58 * bq] = range(58 * bq)
         control[0, 59 * bq:] = range(58 * bq, 365 * bq)
         control[[1, 2]] = control[0]
         control[3] = range(366 * bq)
         test = convert_to_annual(series)
         assert_equal(test, control)
     series = time_series(range(59, 365) + range(366) + range(365),
                          start_date=Date('D', '2003-03-01'))
     test = convert_to_annual(series)
     assert_equal(test[:, 59:62],
                  ma.masked_values([[-1, 59, 60], [59, 60, 61], [-1, 59, 60]],
                                   - 1))
 def set_window(self, data) : 
     """returns an array the size of the dataset, with data correctly 
     located in the window, and all other pixels masked.
     Data must be a 2D array exactly the size of the window."""
     ds = ma.masked_all(self._dataset_shape, dtype=data.dtype)
     ds[self._window] = data
     return ds
def aod_without_prior(aod_data, unc_data, typ_data, ap_tau_types):
    from numpy import array, log, log10, logical_not
    from numpy.ma import getmaskarray, masked_all

    tau_var_all = unc_data / aod_data / log(10.)

    # Reject points with sufficient uncertainty to be unstable
    # when we take out the prior
    keep = (tau_var_all < 0.75).filled(False)
    # Remove negative AOD as we're taking a logarithm
    keep &= (aod_data > 0.).filled(False)
    keep &= logical_not(getmaskarray(typ_data))

    tau = log10(aod_data[keep])
    tau_var = tau_var_all[keep] * tau_var_all[keep]

    ap_tau = array([ap_tau_types[phs - 1] for phs in typ_data[keep]])
    ap_tau_var = 1.5 * 1.5

    weight = (ap_tau_var - tau_var) / (ap_tau_var * tau_var)
    value = (tau / tau_var - ap_tau / ap_tau_var) / weight

    result = masked_all(aod_data.shape)
    result[keep] = 10.**value

    return result
    def draw(self, size=1, spaces=None):
        Draw samples from the transdimensional distribution.
        if spaces is not None:
            if len(spaces) != size:
                raise ValueError('Sample size inconsistent with number of spaces saved')
            space_inds = np.empty(size)
            for space_id, space in enumerate(self.spaces):
                subspace = np.all(spaces == space, axis=1)
                space_inds[subspace] = space_id

            # Draws spaces randomly with the assigned weights
            cumulative_weights = np.cumsum(np.exp(self._logweights))
            space_inds = np.searchsorted(cumulative_weights, np.random.rand(size))

        draws = ma.masked_all((size, self._max_ndim))
        for space_id in range(len(self.spaces)):
            sel = space_inds == space_id
            n_fixedd = np.count_nonzero(sel)
            if n_fixedd > 0:
                # Populate only the valid entries for this parameter space
                draws[np.ix_(sel, self._spaces[space_id])] = self.kdes[space_id].draw(n_fixedd)

        return draws
文件: core1D.py 项目: castelao/maud
def wmean_bandpass_1D_serial(data, lshorterpass, llongerpass, t=None,
        method='hann', axis=0):
    """ Equivalent to wmean_1D_serial, but it is a bandpass

            - data: np.array or ma.maked_array, nD
            - lshorterpass: The size of the highpass filter, i.e. shorter
                wavelenghts are preserved. It is in the same unit of t.
            - llongerpass: The size of the lowpass filter, i.e.longer
                wavelenghts are preserved. It is in the same unit of t.
	    - t: is the scale of the choosed axis, 1D. If not
                defined, it will be considered a sequence.
            - method: ['hann', 'hamming', 'blackman']
                Defines the weight function type
            - axis: Dimension which the filter will be applied
    assert False, "There is a BUG here"

    assert axis <= data.ndim, "Invalid axis!"

    # If necessary, move the axis to be filtered for the first axis
    if axis != 0:
        data_smooth = wmean_bandpass_1D_serial(data.swapaxes(0, axis),
                lshorterpass = lshorterpass,
                llongerpass = llongerpass,
                t = t,
                method = method,
                axis = 0)

        return data_smooth.swapaxes(0, axis)
    # Below here, the filter will be always applied on axis=0

    # If t is not given, creates a regularly spaced t
    if t is None:
        print "The scale along the choosed axis weren't defined. I'll consider a constant sequence."
	t = np.arange(data.shape[axis])

    assert t.shape == (data.shape[axis],), "Invalid size of t."

    # ----
    winfunc = window_func(method)

    data_smooth = ma.masked_all(data.shape)

    if data.ndim==1:
        (I,) = np.nonzero(~ma.getmaskarray(data))
        for i in I:
            # First remove the high frequency
            tmp = _convolve_1D(t[i], t, llongerpass, winfunc, data)
            # Then remove the low frequency
            data_smooth[i] = tmp - \
                    _convolve_1D(t[i], t, lshorterpass, winfunc, tmp)

        I = data.shape[1]
        for i in range(I):
            data_smooth[:,i] = wmean_bandpass_1D_serial(data[:,i],
                    lshorterpass, llongerpass, t, method, axis)

    return data_smooth
def spike(x):
    y = ma.masked_all(x.shape, dtype=x.dtype)
    y[1:-1] = np.abs(x[1:-1] - (x[:-2] + x[2:])/2.0) - \
                np.abs((x[2:] - x[:-2])/2.0)
    # ATENTION, temporary solution
    #y[0]=0; y[-1]=0
    return y
文件: maud.py 项目: castelao/maud
def get_halfpower_period(data, filtered, dt):
    """ Returns the gain per frequency
    nt, ni, nj = data.shape
    gain = ma.masked_all((nt, ni, nj))
    for i in range(ni):
        for j in range(nj):
	    if ~filtered[:,i,j].mask.all():
	        gain[:,i,j] = np.absolute(np.fft.fft(filtered[:,i,j]-filtered[:,i,j].mean())) / np.absolute(np.fft.fft(data[:,i,j]-data[:,i,j].mean()))
    gain_median = ma.masked_all(nt)
    gain_25 = ma.masked_all(nt)
    gain_75 = ma.masked_all(nt)
    # Run for each frequency, which are in the same number of timesteps
    from scipy.stats import scoreatpercentile
    for t in range(nt):
        #gain_median[t] = numpy.median(gain[t,:,:].compressed()[numpy.isfinite(gain[t,:,:].compressed())])
        #tmp = gain[t,:,:].compressed()[numpy.isfinite(gain[t,:,:].compressed())]
        #gain_median[t] = scoreatpercentile(tmp,50)
        gain_median[t] = ma.median(gain[t])
        #gain_25[t] = scoreatpercentile(tmp,25)
        #gain_75[t] = scoreatpercentile(tmp,75)

    freq = np.fft.fftfreq(nt)/dt.days

    halfpower_period = 1./freq[np.absolute(gain_median-0.5).argmin()]

    #from scipy.interpolate import UnivariateSpline
    #s = UnivariateSpline(gain_median[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):], -freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):], s=1)
    #xs = -freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]
    #ys = s(xs)

    #import rpy2.robjects as robjects
    #smooth = robjects.r['smooth.spline'](robjects.FloatVector(gain_median[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),robjects.FloatVector(-freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),spar=.4)
    ##smooth = robjects.r['smooth.spline'](robjects.FloatVector(-freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),robjects.FloatVector(gain_median[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),spar=.4)
    #s_interp = robjects.r['predict'](smooth,x=0.5)
    ##halfpower_period = 1./s_interp.rx2['y'][0]
    #halfpower_period = 1./s_interp.rx2(2)[0]

    #smooth = robjects.r['smooth.spline'](robjects.FloatVector(-freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),robjects.FloatVector(gain_median[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]),spar=.4)
    #s_interp = robjects.r['predict'](smooth, x = robjects.FloatVector(-freq[numpy.ceil(nt/2.):]))

    #print "Filter half window size: %s" % l
    #print "Half Power Period: %s" % halfpower_period
    #self.halfpower_period = halfpower_period

    return halfpower_period
文件: maud.py 项目: arnaldorusso/maud
def window_mean(y,x=None,x_out=None,method="rectangular",boxsize=None):
    """Windowed means along 1-D array

        - x [0,1,2,3,...] =>
        - x_out [x] =>
        - method [rectangular]:
            + rectangular => All data in window have same weight
        - boxsize [mean space] =>

    Apply windowed means on a 1-D data array. Selecting adequate x_out
    and boxsize could define boxmeans or smooth filters. Method defines
    the weight method.

    An important point of this function is the ability to work with 
    unhomogenious spaced samples. Data ([1,2,3]) colected at [1,2,4] 
    times would be different if was collected at [1,2,3].


    #y_out = N.zeros(N.size(x_out),N.float)
    y_out = ma.masked_all(x_out.shape)

        # !!! Improve it! A better way than *1. ?!
        boxsize =(max(x)-min(x))/(N.size(x_out)*1.)

    half_boxsize = boxsize/2.

    #for x_i in x_out:
    for i in range(N.size(x_out)):
        x_i = x_out[i]

        # Higher window limit
        hi_limit = x_i+half_boxsize
        # Lower window limit
        lo_limit = x_i-half_boxsize
        # index of values inside window
        index = N.less_equal(x,hi_limit)*N.greater_equal(x,lo_limit)

        # !!! INSERT some type of check for minimum number of samples to be considered

        # x values on window around x_i
        x_tmp = N.compress(index,x)-x_i
        # y values on window
        y_tmp = N.compress(index,y)

        # weights in window according to x position
        weight = window_weight(x_tmp,boxsize,method)

        y_out[i] = N.sum(y_tmp*weight)

    return y_out
文件: core1D.py 项目: castelao/maud
def wmean_1D(data, l, t=None, method='hann', axis=0, interp = False):
    """ A moving window mean filter, not necessarily a regular grid.

        It is equivalent to wmean_1D_serial but run in parallel with
          multiprocesing for higher efficiency.

        Check wmean_1D_serial documentation for the inputs and other
    #assert type(data)) in [np.ndarray, ma.MaskedArray]
    assert axis <= data.ndim, "Invalid axis!"

    # If necessary, move the axis to be filtered for the first axis
    if axis != 0:
        data_smooth = wmean_1D(data.swapaxes(0, axis),
            l = l,
            t = t,
            method = method,
            axis = 0,
            interp = interp)

        return data_smooth.swapaxes(0, axis)
    # Below here, the filter will be always applied on axis=0

    # If t is not given, creates a regularly spaced t
    if t is None:
        print "The scale along the choosed axis weren't defined. I'll consider a constant sequence."
	t = np.arange(data.shape[axis])

    assert t.shape == (data.shape[axis],), "Invalid size of t."

    # ----
    # Only one dimensions usually means overhead to run in parallel.
    if data.ndim==1:
        data_smooth = wmean_1D_serial(data, l, t=t, method=method, axis=axis,
        return data_smooth
    # ----

    npes = 2 * mp.cpu_count()
    pool = mp.Pool(npes)
    results = []
    I = data.shape[1]
    for i in range(I):
        results.append(pool.apply_async(wmean_1D_serial, \
                (data[:,i], l, t, method, 0, interp)))

    # Collecting the results.
    if type(data) is np.ndarray:
        data_smooth = np.empty(data.shape)
        data_smooth = ma.masked_all(data.shape)

    for i, r in enumerate(results):
        data_smooth[:,i] = r.get()

    return data_smooth
文件: etopo.py 项目: jdiasn/oceansdb
    def interpolate(self, lat, lon, var):
        """ Interpolate each var on the coordinates requested


        subset, dims = self.subset(lat, lon, var)

        if np.all([y in dims['lat'] for y in lat]) & \
                np.all([x in dims['lon'] for x in lon]):
                    yn = np.nonzero([y in lat for y in dims['lat']])[0]
                    xn = np.nonzero([x in lon for x in dims['lon']])[0]
                    output = {}
                    for v in subset:
                        # output[v] = subset[v][dn, zn, yn, xn]
                        # Seriously that this is the way to do it?!!??
                        output[v] = subset[v][:, xn][yn]
                    return output

        # The output coordinates shall be created only once.
        points_out = []
        for latn in lat:
            for lonn in lon:
                points_out.append([latn, lonn])
        points_out = np.array(points_out)

        output = {}
        for v in var:
            output[v] = ma.masked_all(
                    (lat.size, lon.size),

            # The valid data
            idx = np.nonzero(~ma.getmaskarray(subset[v]))

            if idx[0].size > 0:
                points = np.array([
                    dims['lat'][idx[0]], dims['lon'][idx[1]]]).T
                values = subset[v][idx]

                # Interpolate along the dimensions that have more than one
                #   position, otherwise it means that the output is exactly
                #   on that coordinate.
                ind = np.array(
                        [np.unique(points[:, i]).size > 1 for i in
                assert ind.any()

                values_out = griddata(
                        np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(points[:, ind])),
                        np.atleast_1d(np.squeeze(points_out[:, ind]))

                # Remap the interpolated value back into a 4D array
                idx = np.isfinite(values_out)
                for [y, x], out in zip(points_out[idx], values_out[idx]):
                    output[v][y==lat, x==lon] = out

        return output
 def extend_interp(datafield):
   # add masked values at southernmost end
   southernlimitmask = ma.masked_all(len(self.olon))
   olat_ext          = np.append(-82.1,self.olat)
   dfield_ext = ma.concatenate([ma.column_stack(southernlimitmask), datafield], 0)
   # f = interp2d(self.olon, olat_ext, dfield_ext)
   # return f(self.pismlon, self.pismlat)
   return interp(dfield_ext, self.olon, olat_ext, self.pismlon, self.pismlat)
文件: maud.py 项目: arnaldorusso/maud
def window_1Dmean_grid(data, l, method='hann', axis=0, parallel=False):
    """ A moving window mean filter applied to a regular grid.

        1D means that the filter is applied to along only one
          of the dimensions, but in the whole array. For example
          in a 3D array, each latXlon point is filtered along the

        The other types of filter consider the scales of each
          dimension. On this case it's considered a regular
          grid, so the filter can be based on the number of
          elements, and so be much optimized.

        l is in number of cells around the point being evaluated.
    assert axis <= data.ndim, "Invalid axis!"

    if axis != 0:
        data_smooth = window_1Dmean_grid(data.swapaxes(0, axis), 
                l = l, 
                method = method, 
                axis = 0, 
                parallel = parallel)

        return data_smooth.swapaxes(0, axis)

    winfunc = window_func(method)
    r = np.arange(-np.floor(l/2),np.floor(l/2)+1)
    w = winfunc(r, l)

    data_smooth = ma.masked_all(data.shape)

    I = data.shape[0]
    norm = np.convolve(np.ones(I), w ,mode='same')
    if len(data.shape)==1:
	data_smooth[:] = numpy.convolve(data[:],w,mode='same')/norm

    elif len(data.shape) == 2:
        I, J = data.shape
        for j in range(J):
            data_smooth[:,j] = np.convolve(data[:,j], w, mode='same')/norm

    elif len(data.shape) >2:
        I, J = data.shape[:2]
        for j in range(J):
                data_smooth[:,j] = window_1Dmean_grid(data[:,j], 
                        l = l, 
                        method = method, 
                        parallel = parallel)

        data_smooth.mask = data.mask

    return data_smooth
def _weight_triangular(r,l):
    w = ma.masked_all(r.shape)
    ind = np.abs(r)<l/2.
    ind2 = np.abs(r)>l/2.
    w[ind] = 1-np.abs(2*r[ind]/l)
    w[ind2] = 0
    return w
def test_allmasked(N=10):
    """ If the input is all masked, the output must be all masked
    I = (99 * random(N)).astype('i') + 1
    J = (99 * random(N)).astype('i') + 1
    for i, j in zip(I, J):
        x = ma.masked_all((i, j))
        Lat, Lon = latlon_2D(i, j)
        h_smooth = wmean_2D_latlon(Lat, Lon, x, l=1e10)
        assert h_smooth.mask.all()
def multifile_minmax(datasets, indices, years=None,day_range=None,geog_box=None) : 
    """calculates minimum and maximum of indices across multiple files
    You may call this function with a list of previously opened NetCDF 
    datasets, or you may provide a template for the filename and a list of 
    years. If you provide a template, this function will open and close
    the files for you.
    datasets = multifile_open(datasets, years)
    if day_range is not None : 
        days = day_range
    else : 
        days = slice(1,len(datasets[0].dimensions['days'])-1)
    geog_mask = slice(None,None,None)
    if geog_box is not None : 
        ca = trend.CompressedAxes(datasets[0], 'land')
        geog_mask = calc_geog_mask(ca, datasets[0], geog_box)
    num_ind = len(indices)
    minvals = ma.masked_all( (num_ind,), dtype=np.float64)
    maxvals = ma.masked_all( (num_ind,), dtype=np.float64)
    for i_year in range(len(datasets)) : 
        indfile = datasets[i_year]
        for i_indices in range(num_ind) : 
            for d in range(days.start,days.stop) : 
                print d
                index_vals = indfile.variables[indices[i_indices]][d,:]
                index_vals = index_vals[geog_mask]
                cur_max = np.max(index_vals)
                cur_min = np.min(index_vals)
                if minvals[i_indices] is ma.masked : 
                    minvals[i_indices] = cur_min
                    maxvals[i_indices] = cur_max
                else : 
                    minvals[i_indices] = min(cur_min, minvals[i_indices])
                    maxvals[i_indices] = max(cur_max, maxvals[i_indices])

    return (minvals,maxvals)
def test_flags2bin(n=100):
    flag = ma.concatenate([np.random.randint(0,5,n),
        ma.masked_all(2, dtype='int8')])

    binflags = flags2bin(flag)

    assert type(binflags) == ma.MaskedArray
    assert binflags.dtype == 'bool'
    assert binflags.shape == (n+2,)
    assert binflags.mask[flag.mask].all(), \
            "All masked flags records should be also masked at binflags"
文件: core1D.py 项目: castelao/maud
def _apply_convolve_1D(data, w):
    if data.ndim > 1:
        output = ma.masked_all(data.shape[1:])
        for i in xrange(data.shape[1]):
            output[i] = _apply_convolve_1D(data[:,i], w)
        return output
    ind = (~ma.getmaskarray(data))
    tmp = data[ind]*w
    wsum = w[ind].sum()
    if wsum != 0:
        return (tmp).sum()/wsum
文件: trend.py 项目: bnordgren/pylsce
    def uncompress(self, vector):
        """Given a compressed vector, produce an uncompressed 
        2d representation. The vector must be the same length
        as the compressed dimension in the NetCDF file."""
        gi = self.get_grid_indices()

        grid = ma.masked_all(self._dimshape, dtype=vector.dtype)
        grid[gi] = vector

        grid = self.mask_grid(grid)

        return grid
def tukey53H(x):
    """Spike test Tukey 53H from Goring & Nikora 2002
    N = len(x)

    u1 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N-4):
        if x[n:n+5].any():
            u1[n+2] = ma.median(x[n:n+5])

    u2 = ma.masked_all(N)
    for n in range(N-2):
        if u1[n:n+3].any():
            u2[n+1] = ma.median(u1[n:n+3])

    u3 = ma.masked_all(N)
    u3[1:-1] = 0.25*(u2[:-2] + 2*u2[1:-1] + u2[2:])

    Delta = ma.absolute(x-u3)

    return Delta
def getMeanConcDates(dataPath, alg=0, date1='20151220', date2='20160105', lonlat=0, mean=0):
	if (alg==0):
		team = 'NASA_TEAM'
		team_s = 'nt'
		header = 300
	if (alg==1):
		team = 'BOOTSTRAP'
		team_s = 'bt'
		header = 0

	year = date1[0:4]
	print year
	if (int(year)>2015):
		files = glob(dataPath+'/ICE_CONC/NRT/'+team_s+'_'+'*.bin')	
		files = glob(dataPath+'/ICE_CONC/'+team+'/ARCTIC/daily/'+year+'/'+team_s+'_'+'*.bin')

	dates=[file.split('/')[-1][3:11] for file in files]
	print dates
	ice_conc = ma.masked_all((size(files), 448, 304))

	for x in xrange(size(files)):
		fd = open(files[x], 'r')
		data = fromfile(file=fd, dtype=datatype)
		data = data[header:]
		ice_conc[x] = reshape(data, [448, 304])
	#divide by 250 to express in concentration
	ice_conc = ice_conc/scale_factor
	#GREATER THAN 250 is mask/land etc
	ice_conc = ma.masked_where(ice_conc>1., ice_conc)
	#ice_conc = ma.masked_where(ice_conc<0.15, ice_conc)
	if (mean==1):
		ice_conc=ma.mean(ice_conc, axis=0)

	if (lonlat==1):
		flat = open(dataPath+'/OTHER/psn25lats_v3.dat', 'rb')
		flon = open(dataPath+'/OTHER/psn25lons_v3.dat', 'rb')
		lats = reshape(fromfile(file=flat, dtype='<i4')/100000., [448, 304])
		lons = reshape(fromfile(file=flon, dtype='<i4')/100000., [448, 304])
		return ice_conc, lons, lats
		return ice_conc
def calc_time_regres(var, num_years_req):
	#find the linear regression for each grid point as a function of
	nx = var.shape[-2]
	ny = var.shape[-1]

	trend = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))
	sig = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))
	r = ma.masked_all((nx, ny))

	years = np.arange(num_years)
	for i in xrange(nx):
		for j in xrange(ny):
			var_ma = var[:, i, j][~var[:, i, j].mask]
			years_ma = years[~var[:, i, j].mask]
			if len(var_ma)>num_years_req:
				trend[i, j], intercept, r[i, j], prob, stderr = stats.linregress(years_ma,var_ma)
				sig[i, j] = 100*(1-prob)
	trend = ma.array(trend,mask=np.isnan(trend))
	r = ma.array(r,mask=np.isnan(r))
	sig = ma.array(sig,mask=np.isnan(sig))

	return trend, sig, r
def woa_normbias(data, v, cfg):

    if ('LATITUDE' in data.keys()) and ('LONGITUDE' in data.keys()):
        if 'datetime' in data.keys():
            d = data['datetime']
        elif ('datetime' in data.attributes):
            d0 = data.attributes['datetime']
            if ('timeS' in data.keys()):
                d = [d0 + timedelta(seconds=s) for s in data['timeS']]
                d = [data.attributes['datetime']]*len(data['LATITUDE']),

        woa = woa_track_from_file(
    elif ('LATITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('LONGITUDE' in data.attributes.keys()) and \
            ('PRES' in data.keys()):
                woa = woa_profile(v,

    if woa is None:
        # self.logger.warn("%s - WOA is not available at this site" %
        # self.name)
        flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')
        woa_normbias = ma.masked_all(data[v].shape)
        return flag, woa_normbias

    woa_bias = ma.absolute(data[v] - woa['woa_an'])
    woa_normbias = woa_bias/woa['woa_sd']

    flag = np.zeros(data[v].shape, dtype='i1')

    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias <= cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 1   # cfg['flag_good']
    ind = np.nonzero(woa_normbias > cfg['sigma_threshold'])
    flag[ind] = 3   # cfg['flag_bad']

    # Flag as 9 any masked input value
    flag[ma.getmaskarray(data[v])] = 9

    return flag, woa_normbias
 def nearest(self, lat, lon, var):
     output = {}
     dims, idx = cropIndices(self.dims, lat, lon)
     for v in var:
         if v == 'height':
             v = 'z'
         subset = self.ncs[0].variables[v][idx['yn'], idx['xn']]
         output[v] = ma.masked_all((lat.size, lon.size), dtype='f')
         for yn_out, y in enumerate(lat):
             yn_in = np.absolute(dims['lat']-y).argmin()
             for xn_out, x in enumerate(lon):
                 xn_in = np.absolute(dims['lon']-x).argmin()
                 output[v][yn_out, xn_out] = subset[yn_in, xn_in]
     return output