def draw_line(self, pos): if self.viewer._ocr and self.x_clicked or self.y_clicked: img_line = cv.line(self.image.copy(), (self.x_clicked, self.y_clicked), (pos.x(), pos.y()), (0, 0, 0), 2) image_height, image_width, image_depth = img_line.shape QIm = cv.cvtColor(img_line, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) QIm = QImage(, image_width, image_height, image_width * image_depth, QImage.Format_RGB888) self.viewer.setPhoto(QPixmap.fromImage(QIm)) # 终止画线 if self.x_released or self.y_released: self.choosePoints = [] # 初始化存储点组 inf = float("inf") if self.x_released or self.y_released: if (self.x_released - self.x_clicked) == 0: slope = inf else: slope = (self.y_released - self.y_clicked) / ( self.x_released - self.x_clicked) siteLenth = 0.5 * math.sqrt( square(self.y_released - self.y_clicked) + square(self.x_released - self.x_clicked)) mySiteLenth = 2 * siteLenth self.siteLenth = ("%.2f" % mySiteLenth) self.editSiteLenth.setText(self.siteLenth) radian = math.atan(slope) self.siteSlope = ("%.2f" % radian) self.editSiteSlope.setText(self.siteSlope) x_bas = math.ceil(math.fabs(0.5 * siteLenth * math.sin(radian))) y_bas = math.ceil(math.fabs(0.5 * siteLenth * math.cos(radian))) if slope <= 0: self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked - x_bas), (self.y_clicked - y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked + x_bas), (self.y_clicked + y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released + x_bas), (self.y_released + y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released - x_bas), (self.y_released - y_bas)]) elif slope > 0: self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked + x_bas), (self.y_clicked - y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_clicked - x_bas), (self.y_clicked + y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released - x_bas), (self.y_released + y_bas)]) self.choosePoints.append([(self.x_released + x_bas), (self.y_released - y_bas)]) self.viewer._ocr = False
def waveform(frequency, rate, duration=1, amplitude=1): count = math.ceil(rate * duration) return np.fromiter( (math.sin(2.0 * math.pi * r * frequency / rate) * amplitude for r in range(count)), dtype=np.float32, count=count)
def gaussian_grid(sigma, alpha=4): sig = max(sigma, 0.01) length = int(math.ceil(sig * alpha)) + 1 m = length / 2 n = m + 1 x, y = mgrid[-m:n, -m:n] g = exp(m**2) * exp(-0.5 * (x**2 + y**2)) return g / g.sum()
def linear_interpolation(colors, x): max_index = (len(colors) - 1) interval = (1. / max_index) ci1 = math.floor(x / interval) ci2 = min(math.ceil(x / interval), max_index) return linear_points_interpolation(colors[ci1], colors[ci2], (x - interval * ci1) / interval)
def imshow_n_images(*images, rows=1): n = len(images) cols = math.ceil(n // rows) plt.clf() for i, img in enumerate(images, start=1): plt.subplot(rows, cols, i) plt.imshow(img)
def dataFitting(data): try: dataLen = len(data) tmp = 2**(math.ceil(math.log(dataLen, 2))) delta = tmp - dataLen meanTmp = ar.histMean(data[:dataLen / 4]) newData = empty(tmp, dtype='float32') newData.fill(meanTmp) newData[delta:] = data return newData, delta except: logger.error("dataFitting # Error: {0}".format(sys.exc_info()))
def get_part(self, perc_of_data: float, part_nr: int): nr_samples = self.x_train.shape[0] part_size = math.ceil(nr_samples * perc_of_data) total_nr_parts = int(math.ceil(nr_samples / part_size)) if perc_of_data == 1.0 or nr_samples == part_size: return TrainValSet(self.x_train, self.y_train, self.x_val, self.y_val) elif len(self.strat_indices) == 0: skf = StratifiedKFold( n_splits=total_nr_parts, shuffle=True, random_state=42 ) split = list(skf.split(self.x_train, self.y_train)) for _, fold in split: self.strat_indices.append(fold) return TrainValSet( self.x_train[self.strat_indices[part_nr]], self.y_train[self.strat_indices[part_nr]], self.x_val, self.y_val, )
def predict_generator(self, model, test_gen, print_report=False): test_steps_per_epoch = math.ceil(test_gen.samples / test_gen.batch_size) pred = model.predict_generator(test_gen, steps=test_steps_per_epoch) y_pred = argmax(pred, axis=1) y_test = test_gen.classes #class_labels = list(test_gen.class_indices.keys()) roc_plot_name = 'ROC_fold_{}.png'.format(self.__len__()) auc = multiclass_roc_auc(y_test, y_pred, self.savefig, roc_plot_name) cm_name = 'CM_fold_{}.png'.format(self.__len__()) confusion_matrix(y_test, y_pred, True, cm_name) report = self.classification_eval(y_test, y_pred) report['roc_auc'] = auc['micro'] if print_report: self.print_classification_report(y_test, y_pred, report['acc']) self.reports.append(report)
def Evolvent(self): '''Расчет эвольвенты зуба ''' #Расчет эвольветы зуба # Читаем данные из полей формы # z = Количество зубьев z = self.doubleSpinBox_Z.value() # m = Модуль зуба m = self.doubleSpinBox_m.value() # a = Угол главного профиля a = self.doubleSpinBox_a.value() #b = Угол наклона зубьев b = self.doubleSpinBox_b.value() #ha = Коэффициент высоты головки ha = self.doubleSpinBox_ha.value() #pf = К-т радиуса кривизны переходной кривой pf = self.doubleSpinBox_pf.value() #c = Коэффициент радиального зазора c = self.doubleSpinBox_c.value() #x = К-т смещения исходного контура x = self.doubleSpinBox_x.value() #y =Коэффициент уравнительного смещения y = self.doubleSpinBox_y.value() # n= Количество точек (точность построения) #n=int(self.doubleSpinBox_n.value()) n=100 # заполня переменные # Делительный диаметр d = z * m # Высота зуба h= h = 2.25 * m # Высота головки ha = hav = m # Высота ножки hf= hf = 1.25 * m #Диаметр вершин зубьев #da = d + (2 * m)*(ha+x+y) da = d + 2 * (ha + x - y) * m #Диаметр впадин (справочно) #df = d -(2 * hf) df = d -2 * (ha + c - x) * m #Окружной шаг зубьев или Шаг зацепления по дуге делительной окружности: Pt или p pt = math.pi * m #Окружная толщина зуба или Толщина зуба по дуге делительной окружности: St или S #Суммарный коэффициент смещений: XΣ X = 0.60 + 0.12 # St = 0.5 * pf # St = 0.5 * pt St = 0.5 * pt + 2 * x * m * math.tan(math.radians(a)) #inv a inva=math.tan(math.radians(a))-math.radians(a) #Угол зацепления invαw invaw= (2 * X - math.tan(math.radians(a))) / (10+26) + inva #Угол профиля at = math.ceil(math.degrees(math.atan(math.tan(math.radians(a)) /math.cos( math.radians(b))))) # Диаметр основной окружности db = d * math.cos(math.radians(at)) #Диаметр начала выкружки зуба D = 2 * m * ( ( z/( 2 * math.cos(math.radians(b)) )-(1-x)) ** 2 + ((1-x)/math.tan(math.radians(at)))**2)**0.5 #Промежуточные данные yi = math.pi/2-math.radians(at) hy = yi/(n-1) x0 = math.pi/(4*math.cos(math.radians(b)) )+pf*math.cos(math.radians(at))+math.tan(math.radians(at)) y0 = 1-pf*math.sin(math.radians(at))-x C = (math.pi/2+2*x*math.tan(math.radians(a)) )/z+math.tan(math.radians(at))-math.radians(at) #Расчетный шаг точек эвольвенты hdy = (da-D)/(n-1) dyi = da fi = 2*math.cos(math.radians(b))/z*(x0+y0*math.tan(yi)) #Заполняем текстовые поля в форме # Делительный диаметр # self.lineEdit_d.setText(str(d)) # Высота зуба h= # self.lineEdit_h.setText(str(h)) # Высота головки ha = # self.lineEdit_ha.setText(str(hav)) # Высота ножки hf= # self.lineEdit_hf.setText(str(hf)) # Диаметр вершин зубьев # self.lineEdit_da.setText(str(da)) # Диаметр впадин (справочно) # self.lineEdit_df.setText(str(df)) # Окружной шаг зубьев Pt= # self.lineEdit_Pt.setText(str(math.ceil(pt))) # Окружная толщина зуба St= # self.lineEdit_St.setText(str(math.ceil(St))) # Угол профиля # self.lineEdit_at.setText(str(at)) # Диаметр основной окружности # self.lineEdit_db.setText(str(math.ceil(db))) # Создаем списки List_dyi=[] List_Di=[] List_Yei=[] List_Xei=[] List_Minus_Xei=[] List_Xdai=[] List_Ydai=[] List_yi=[] List_Ai=[] List_Bi=[] List_fi=[] List_Ypki=[] List_Xpki=[] List_Minus_Xpki=[] # Заполняем нуливой (первый )индекс списка значениями List_dyi.append(dyi) List_Di.append( math.acos( db/ List_dyi[0] ) - math.tan( math.acos( db / List_dyi[0] ) ) + C ) List_Yei.append(dyi / 2*math.cos( List_Di[0])) List_Xei.append(List_Yei[0]*math.tan(List_Di[0])) List_Minus_Xei.append(-List_Xei[0]) List_Xdai.append(-List_Xei[0]) List_Ydai.append(((da/2)**2-List_Xdai[0]**2)**0.5) hda=(List_Xei[0]-List_Minus_Xei[0])/(n-1) # Заполняем первый (второй по счету )индекс списка значениями List_dyi.append(dyi-hdy) List_Di.append( math.acos(db/List_dyi[1])-math.tan(math.acos(db/List_dyi[1]))+C) List_Yei.append( List_dyi[1]/2*math.cos(List_Di[1])) List_Xei.append( List_Yei[1]* math.tan(List_Di[1])) List_Minus_Xei.append(-List_Xei[1]) List_Xdai.append(List_Xdai[0]+hda) List_Ydai.append(((da/2)**2-List_Xdai[1]**2)**0.5) Xdai=List_Xdai[1] dyi=dyi-hdy # Начинаем заполнять списки в цикле i=0 while i < n-2: i=i+1 dyi=dyi-hdy List_Di.append(math.acos(db/dyi)-math.tan(math.acos(db/dyi))+C) Di=math.acos(db/dyi)-math.tan(math.acos(db/dyi))+C Yei=dyi/2*math.cos(Di) Xei=Yei*math.tan(Di) List_dyi.append(dyi) List_Yei.append(dyi/2*math.cos(Di)) List_Xei.append(Yei*math.tan(Di)) List_Minus_Xei.append(-Xei) Xdai=Xdai+hda List_Xdai.append(Xdai) List_Ydai.append(((da/2)**2-Xdai**2)**0.5) #Заполняем последний индекс списка List_dyi[n-1]=D # Заполняем нуливой (первый )индекс списка значениями List_yi.append(yi) List_Ai.append(z/(2*math.cos(math.radians(b)))-y0-pf*math.cos(List_yi[0]) ) List_Bi.append(y0*math.tan(List_yi[0])+pf*math.sin(List_yi[0])) List_fi.append(fi) List_Ypki.append((List_Ai[0] * math.cos(fi)+List_Bi[0] * math.sin(fi)) * m) List_Xpki.append((List_Ai[0] * math.sin(fi)-List_Bi[0] * math.cos(fi)) * m) List_Minus_Xpki.append(-List_Xpki[0]) # Начинаем заполнять списки в цикле i=0 while i < n-2: i=i+1 yi=yi-hy List_yi.append(yi) Ai = z / (2 * math.cos(math.radians(b)))-y0-pf*math.cos(yi) List_Ai.append( z / (2 * math.cos(math.radians(b)))-y0-pf*math.cos(yi)) Bi =y0*math.tan(yi)+pf*math.sin(yi) List_Bi.append(y0*math.tan(yi)+pf*math.sin(yi)) fi = 2*math.cos(math.radians(b))/z*(x0+y0*math.tan(yi)) List_fi.append(2*math.cos(math.radians(b))/z*(x0+y0*math.tan(yi))) List_Ypki.append((Ai*math.cos(fi)+Bi*math.sin(fi))*m) Ypki=(Ai*math.cos(fi)+Bi*math.sin(fi))*m Xpki=(Ai*math.sin(fi)-Bi*math.cos(fi))*m List_Xpki.append((Ai*math.sin(fi)-Bi*math.cos(fi))*m) List_Minus_Xpki.append(-Xpki) #Заполняем последний индекс списка List_yi.append(yi-yi) List_Ai.append(z/(2*math.cos(math.radians(b)))-y0-pf*math.cos(List_yi[n-1]) ) List_Bi.append(y0*math.tan(List_yi[n-1])+pf*math.sin(List_yi[n-1])) List_fi.append(2*math.cos(math.radians(b))/z*(x0+y0*math.tan(List_yi[n-1]))) List_Ypki.append((List_Ai[n-1] * math.cos(fi)+List_Bi[n-1] * math.sin(List_fi[n-1])) * m) List_Xpki.append((List_Ai[n-1] * math.sin(fi)-List_Bi[n-1] * math.cos(List_fi[n-1])) * m) List_Minus_Xpki.append(-List_Xpki[n-1]) # self.WiPfileZub(List_Yei,List_Xei,List_Minus_Xei,List_Ypki,List_Xpki,List_Minus_Xpki,List_Ydai,List_Xdai) self.GragEvolvent(List_Minus_Xei+List_Minus_Xpki,List_Yei+List_Ypki,n) DFreza = self.lineEditDFreza.text() VisotaYAxis = self.lineEditVisota.text() Diametr = self.lineEditDiametr.text() if DFreza and VisotaYAxis: E30 = (int(DFreza)/2) +float(VisotaYAxis) else: E30 = 0 angi_B=0 if ValkosZub: angie_A:float = 90# угол А треугольника по высоте детали angie_B:float = float(b) #угол B треугольника по высоте детали ( угол наклона зуба по чертежу) angie_Y:float = 180 - (angie_A + angie_B) # трерий уго треугольника по высоте детали side_c:float = float(E30)# высота детали первая сторона треугольника side_a = side_c * math.sin(math.radians(angie_A)) / math.sin(math.radians(angie_Y))# вторая сторона треугольника side_b = side_c * math.sin(math.radians(angie_B)) / math.sin(math.radians(angie_Y))# третия сторона треугольника ( ось Х) sid_a:float = float(Diametr)/2 # радиус детали первая и вторая тророны треугольника по торцу # sid_a:float = float(self.lineEdit_da.text())/2 # радиус детали первая и вторая тророны треугольника по торцу sid_c:float = sid_a if sid_c < 10 : sid_a:float = 10 sid_c:float = 10 angi_B = float('{:.3f}'.format(math.degrees(math.acos((sid_a**2+sid_c**2-side_b**2)/(2*sid_a*sid_c))))) QMessageBox.about (self, "Ошибка " , "Диаметр шестерни задан меньше 20 мм. \n Введите риальный диаметр шестерни " ) else: angi_B = float('{:.3f}'.format(math.degrees(math.acos((sid_a**2+sid_c**2-side_b**2)/(2*sid_a*sid_c)))))# результат угол поворота стола self.label_da.setText(str(round(da,1))) self.label_d.setText(str(round(d,1))) self.label_at.setText(str(round(at,1))) self.label_db.setText(str(round(db,1))) self.label_df.setText(str(round(df,1))) self.label_St.setText(str(round(St,1))) self.label_Pt.setText(str(round(pt,1))) self.label_hf.setText(str(round(hf,1))) self.label_ha.setText(str(round(ha,1))) self.label_h.setText(str(round(h,1))) self.lineEditDiametr.setText(str(da)) self.lineEditUgol.setText(str(angi_B))
def fpf_calculator(image,filetype,planet_position,radius,method='exact',subpix=20,plot=False, no_planet_nghbr=True,name='fpf_test',save='False',save_dir='None', j=None): ####### PARAMETERS: ## image : fits OR 2d-array : (PynPointed) image where to perform the SNR & FPF calculation (as an array or a single fits file) # n.b.: during the whole analysis the image is assumed to be centered on the central star. ## filetype : string : format of the image. Possibilities are: 'fits' or 'array' ## planet_position : array of two values : rough position of the target in (integer) pixels, as an array: [x,y] (n.b.: if the # 'method' is 'exact' this position will be assumed to be the best position) ## radius : float : desired radius for the apertures (in pixels) ## method : string : how to search for the best position given the rough one. Possibilities are: # 'exact' : the given planet_position is assumed to be the best one # 'search' : the best position is found performing a search for the local maximum pixel value # around the given planet_position in a square of side = (2 * r) * 2, rounded up # (nb: the best position is found as integer pixels) # 'fit' : the best position is found fitting a 2D gaussian on the given planet_position. The best # position found in this way allows for floating pixels values. ## subpix : integer : how much refined the subpixel grid for the creation of the aperture should be. Each pixel is resampled in # subpix*subpix other pixels. (Quick test showed that after a value of 10-15, the final results are # quite stable, so the default is 20). ## plot : boolean : whether to plot or not the final image together with the created apertures, the SNR and the FPF value ## no_planet_nghbr : boolean : whether to consider or not the two background apertures near the signal aperture. ## name : string : desired name with which save the final result (if save==True). ## save : boolean : whether or not save the results. If true, two images will be saved as fits files: the initial image # with the apertures, and the initial image plus the gaussian fit. ## save_dir : string : path to a folder where to save (if save==True) the images as fits files ##### OUTPUT: ## the function returns: # fpf : float : value of the False Probability Fraction evaluated from the t_test value # t_test : float : value of the t_test # snr : float : value of the snr # planet_pos : array of two values : best planet position (evaluated with the desired method) in pixels # bckg_aps_cntr : multidimensional array : it contains (in pixel values) all the centers of ALL the apertures created # for the analysis (including the signal aperture and the two apertures nearby). n.b.: the last is the # center position of the signal aperture, i.e.: the best position (found with the desired method) # fpf_bckgs : array : it contains the FPF values evaluated for all the background apertures with respect to each other. # n.b.: the signal aperture is ALWAYS excluded, while the background apertures nearby are excluded only if requested ## if method == 'fit', it also returns: # popt : array : best fit parameters found for the 2D gaussian fit (amplitude, xo, yo, sigma_x, sigma_y, theta, offset) # pcov : 2d array : the estimated covariance of popt as returned by the function scipy.optimize.curve_fit ############################################# #Let's import the image: if filetype=='fits':[0].data #NB: the fits file must consist of a single image (NO datacube)! if filetype=='array': data=image #Get the image size: size = len(data[0]) #Define the center (i.e.: the image is supposed to be centered on the central star): center=np.array([size/2.,size/2.]) #Round up the size of the range of search for the local maximum: ros=math.ceil(radius)#*2) #* 2. print 'ROS ',ros #Let's find the planet position: if method =='exact': planet_pos=planet_position if method == 'search': planet_pos=planets_finder(data,'array','local_max',planet_position=planet_position,range_of_search=ros)[0] if method == 'fit': planet_pos_guess=planets_finder(data,'array','local_max',planet_position=planet_position,range_of_search=ros)[0] #Create grid for the fit: x = range(size) y = range(size) x, y = np.meshgrid(x, y) sigma = (radius*2)/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))) #create arrays of initial guess: #See which quadrant the planet is in, and give accordingly the correct additional factor for the arctan calculation: if planet_position[0]>= size/2. and planet_position[1]>=size/2.: #first quadrant arctan_fac=0. angle_factor=90. if planet_position[0]<=size/2. and planet_position[1]>=size/2.:#second quadrant arctan_fac=180. angle_factor=360.+90. if planet_position[0]<=size/2. and planet_position[1]<=size/2.:#third quadrant arctan_fac=180. angle_factor=270.+180. if planet_position[0]>=size/2. and planet_position[1]<=size/2.:#fourth quadrant arctan_fac=360. angle_factor=180.+270. theta=np.deg2rad(angle_factor-(np.degrees(np.arctan((planet_position[1] - size/2.)/(planet_position[0] - size/2.))) + arctan_fac)) p0=[data[planet_pos_guess[1]][planet_pos_guess[0]],planet_pos_guess[0],planet_pos_guess[1],sigma,sigma,theta,0.] print '\n\ninitial guess : '+str(p0) popt, pcov = opt.curve_fit(twoD_Gaussian, (x, y), data.flatten(),p0=p0) planet_pos=np.array([popt[1],popt[2]]) data_fitted=twoD_Gaussian((x,y),*popt) print popt #[planet_pos_guess[0]-5:planet_pos_guess[0]+5, planet_pos_guess[1]-5:planet_pos_guess[1]+5] #let's calculate the distance between the planet and the star (i.e.: ASSUMING IMAGE CENTERING): d=np.sqrt((planet_pos[0] - center[0])**2 + (planet_pos[1]-center[1])**2) #Now, starting from the position of the planet, let's create a series of background apertures: #Let's calculate how many apertures can I put at that distance and given a certain radius of the aperture:*np.pi*d)/(2.*radius)) #NB: assures that the number is rounded down to avoid overlaps #Let's save the center positions of all the background apertures: bckg_aps_cntr=np.ones((n_bckg_aps,2)) angle_i=360./n_bckg_aps for i_apertures in range(0,n_bckg_aps): bckg_aps_cntr[i_apertures]=angular_coords_float(center,planet_pos,angle_i) angle_i=angle_i+(360./(n_bckg_aps)) #Define the area (given the radius): area= np.pi * radius**2 #Create the apertures and calculate the weighted pixel values in all of them: (the LAST one is the signal aperture) #Define some void arrays to be filled with the flux inside each aperture (i.e.: sum of all the weighted pixels), # the single weighted pixel values for all the apertures, the fractions for to be multiplied for all the apertures # and the not-weighted pixel values: # flux = np.zeros(len(bckg_aps_cntr), dtype=np.float) fractions=[] bckg_values=[] bckg_apertures=[] signal_aperture=[] #Let's define the extention of the region of interest for each aperture extents = np.zeros((len(bckg_aps_cntr), 4), dtype=int) extents[:, 0] = bckg_aps_cntr[:, 0] - radius + 0.5 extents[:, 1] = bckg_aps_cntr[:, 0] + radius + 1.5 extents[:, 2] = bckg_aps_cntr[:, 1] - radius + 0.5 extents[:, 3] = bckg_aps_cntr[:, 1] + radius + 1.5 ood_filter, extent, phot_extent = get_phot_extents(data, bckg_aps_cntr,extents) x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max = extent x_pmin, x_pmax, y_pmin, y_pmax = phot_extent if no_planet_nghbr==True: print 'Ignore the two apertures near the signal aperture' #For each aperture, let's calculate the fraction values given by the intersection between the pixel region of interest # and a circle of radius r, then use these fractions to evaluate the final weighted pixel values for each aperture: for index in range(len(bckg_aps_cntr)): fraction= geometry.circular_overlap_grid(x_pmin[index], x_pmax[index], y_pmin[index], y_pmax[index], x_max[index] - x_min[index], y_max[index]- y_min[index], radius, 0, subpix) fractions.append(fraction) #now, let's return the weighted pixel values but erasing the values ==0. (since the subpixel sampling can result # in a fraction =0 and so the pixel value is weighted by 0. and so it is =0. But it is not really 0.) #Ignore, if requested, the two apertures near the signal aperture: if no_planet_nghbr==True: if index != len(bckg_aps_cntr)-1 and index != len(bckg_aps_cntr)-2 and index != 0: bckg_values += (filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) bckg_apertures.append(filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) if index==len(bckg_aps_cntr)-1: signal_aperture += (filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) else: if index != len(bckg_aps_cntr)-1: bckg_values += (filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) bckg_apertures.append(filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) else: signal_aperture += (filter(lambda a: a !=0.,np.array((data[y_min[index]:y_max[index],x_min[index]:x_max[index]] * fraction)).ravel())) signal_aperture=np.array(signal_aperture) bckg_values=np.array(bckg_values) bckg_apertures=np.array(bckg_apertures) ################################################################################## ### SNR calculation (as in Meshkat et al. 2014) snr=(np.sum(signal_aperture) - (np.mean(bckg_values)) * len(signal_aperture))/\ (np.std(bckg_values) * np.sqrt(len(signal_aperture)) ) ################################################################################## ### t-test value calculation: # Define the sample composed by the means inside the background apertures: bckg_apertures_means=[] bckg_apertures_fluxes=[] for index_mean in range(len(bckg_apertures)): bckg_apertures_means.append(np.sum(bckg_apertures[index_mean]) / area) bckg_apertures_fluxes.append(np.sum(bckg_apertures[index_mean])) bckg_apertures_means=np.array(bckg_apertures_means) bckg_apertures_fluxes=np.array(bckg_apertures_fluxes) #Calculate t-test value (according to Mawet et al. 2014): # In this way, the value that I am assigning to each resolution element is the MEAN of the pixel values: t_test=np.abs(((np.sum(signal_aperture)/area) - np.sum(bckg_apertures_means)/len(bckg_apertures_means))/\ (np.std(bckg_apertures_means) * np.sqrt(1. + 1./len(bckg_apertures_means)))) # #In this way, the value that I am assigning to each resolution element is the FLUX of the pixel values: # t_test=np.abs(((np.sum(signal_aperture)) - np.sum(bckg_apertures_fluxes)/len(bckg_apertures_fluxes))/\ # (np.std(bckg_apertures_fluxes) * np.sqrt(1. + 1./len(bckg_apertures_fluxes)))) #Calculate the t-test value and fpf for all of the other background aperture (but always ignoring the signal one): fpf_bckgs=np.zeros(len(bckg_apertures_means)) for i_t_test in range(len(bckg_apertures_means)): bckg_apertures_means_i=np.delete(bckg_apertures_means,i_t_test) t_test_i=np.abs((np.sum(bckg_apertures[i_t_test])/area - np.sum(bckg_apertures_means_i)/len(bckg_apertures_means_i))/\ (np.std(bckg_apertures_means_i) * np.sqrt(1. + 1./len(bckg_apertures_means_i)))) fpf_i= 1. - t.cdf(t_test_i,len(bckg_apertures_means_i)-1) fpf_bckgs[i_t_test]=fpf_i #Given the t-test value, calculate the false alarm probability: # nb: define in this way, it is a ONE SIDE TEST!! fpf= 1. - t.cdf(t_test,len(bckg_apertures_means)-1) # print 'FPF : '+str(fpf) ################################################################################## #Plot the image together with the apertures, if requested: if plot ==True: # these are matplotlib.patch.Patch properties: props = dict(boxstyle='square', facecolor='white') #Let's create all the circles: #For the planet aperture: signal_aperture=plt.Circle((planet_pos[0],planet_pos[1]),radius,color='Crimson',fill=False,linewidth=1) fig = plt.gcf() ax=fig.add_subplot(111) plt.title(name,size=22) plt.imshow(data,origin='lower',alpha=0.5) fig.gca().add_artist(signal_aperture) plt.hold(True) if no_planet_nghbr==False: for i_plot in range(n_bckg_aps-1):# the minus 1 is to exclude the planet aperture background_aperture=plt.Circle((bckg_aps_cntr[i_plot][0],bckg_aps_cntr[i_plot][1]),radius,color='b',fill=False,linewidth=1) fig.gca().add_artist(background_aperture) if no_planet_nghbr==True: for i_plot in range(n_bckg_aps): if i_plot != 0 and i_plot != n_bckg_aps-1 and i_plot != n_bckg_aps-2: background_aperture=plt.Circle((bckg_aps_cntr[i_plot][0],bckg_aps_cntr[i_plot][1]),radius,color='b',fill=False,linewidth=1) fig.gca().add_artist(background_aperture) plt.text(0.55,0.8,'FPF = '+str('%s' % float('%.2g' % fpf))+'\npos = ['+str('%s' % float('%.3g' % planet_pos[0]))+' , '+str('%s' % float('%.3g' % planet_pos[1]))+']' ,color='black',size=18,bbox=props,transform=ax.transAxes) plt.xlim(0,size) plt.ylim(0,size) plt.colorbar() if save==True: plt.savefig(str(save_dir)+str(name)+'%s.pdf'%j,clobber=1) #now, let's plot the gaussian fit: if method=='fit': fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1) plt.title(name,size=22) ax.hold(True) ax.imshow(data,origin='lower',alpha=0.5) ax.contour(x, y, data_fitted.reshape(size, size), 5, colors='k') plt.text(0.55,0.85,'pos = ['+str('%s' % float('%.3g' % planet_pos[0]))+' , '+ str('%s' % float('%.3g' % planet_pos[1]))+']' ,color='black',size=18,bbox=props,transform=ax.transAxes) plt.xlim(0,size) plt.ylim(0,size) if save==True: plt.savefig(str(save_dir)+'fit/'+str(name)+'_FIT.pdf') # if method=='fit': # print 'Fit : '+str(popt) #Save the result as an ASCII table: names=['FPF','t_test','SNR','Planet_pos_x','Planet_pos_y','Method'] results=Table([[fpf],[t_test],[snr],[planet_pos[0]],[planet_pos[1]],[method]],names=names) results_name=save_dir+str(name)+'.txt' #Print the results: results.pprint(max_lines=-1,max_width=-1,align='^') #if requested, save the results if save==True: results.write(results_name,format='ascii.basic',delimiter='\t') print 'The result has been saved in '+str(results_name)+'\n' #return the final values: if method!='fit': return (fpf,t_test,snr,planet_pos,bckg_aps_cntr,fpf_bckgs) if method=='fit': return (fpf,t_test,snr,planet_pos,bckg_aps_cntr,fpf_bckgs,popt,pcov)
if res.find("m") != -1: return int(res.replace("m", "")) if res.find("Mi") != -1: return int(res.replace("Mi", "")) return int(res) print("**mem****", "推荐", "使用", "申请", "pod名称", "deployment名称") for podInfo in podsInfo[1].split('\n'): pod = re.findall(r"[^\s]\S+", podInfo) reqInfo = findReq(pod[0]) reqCpu = getNum(reqInfo[1]) reqMem = getNum(reqInfo[2]) usedCpu = getNum(pod[1]) usedMem = getNum(pod[2]) # if usedMem > reqMem: newMem = (math.ceil(usedMem / 100)) * 100 if newMem <= 0: newMem = 100 if usedMem <= 20: newMem = 20 print("**mem****", newMem, usedMem, reqMem, pod[0], reqInfo[0]) # print( # 'kubectl patch deploy '+reqInfo[0]+' -p "{\\\"spec\\\":{\\\"template\\\":{\\\"spec\\\":{\\\"containers\\\":[{\\\"name\\\":\\\"'+reqInfo[0] + # '\\\",\\\"resources\\\":{\\\"requests\\\":{\\\"memory\\\":\\\"' + # str(newMem)+'Mi\\\"},\\\"limits\\\":{\\\"memory\\\":\\\"2Gi\\\"}}}]}}}}"') # if usedCpu > reqCpu: # print("--cpu----", (math.ceil(usedCpu/10)) * # 10, usedCpu, reqCpu, pod[0], reqInfo[0]) # print(pod[0], reqInfo[0], reqCpu, usedCpu, reqMem, usedMem)
pagetitle = "" title = "" xlabel = "" ylabel = "" color = None legend = -1 name = None for page in plot_cmds: # print "Plotting " + str(page) num_plots = len(page) print("This figure has " + str(num_plots) + " plots") num_cols = math.trunc(math.ceil(math.sqrt(num_plots))) num_rows = math.trunc(math.ceil(num_plots * 1.0 / num_cols)) print("This figure will be " + str(num_rows) + "x" + str(num_cols)) fig = plt.figure() fig.subplots_adjust(top=0.85) fig.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.15) row = 1 col = 1 plot_num = 1 for plot in page: # print " Plotting " + str(plot)
def draw(self, surface, image): surface.blit(image,(self.x,self.y*self.step)) for i in range(1,int(math.ceil(self.length /2))): surface.blit(image,(self.x + 1.5*i*self.step,self.y*self.step)) surface.blit(image,(self.x - 1.5*i*self.step,self.y*self.step))
''' Created on Oct 8, 2016 Desc : Sequential Search @author: Ajay ''' from numpy import random, math dataArray = range(3, 100, 3) key = math.ceil(random.random() * 10) def searchInArray(key, dataArray): for i in dataArray: if i == key: return True return False print() if __name__ == '__main__': print("Search Space ", dataArray) print("key", key) print("found key = ", searchInArray(key, dataArray)) print("found key = ", searchInArray(3, dataArray)) print("found key = ", searchInArray(4, dataArray)) pass
def _NeRegressionGraphCalc(dataVctrs, expectedSlope = None, popTable = None): #get linear regression stats for all datasets LineStats = [] for line in list(dataVctrs.values()): data = line_regress(line) LineStats.append(data) #flatten the array all_points = [val for sublist in list(dataVctrs.values()) for val in sublist] #unzip to obtain x and y value vectors for all points xVals, yVals = list(zip(*all_points)) minX = min(xVals) maxX = max(xVals)+1 xVctr = list(set(all_points)) if maxX - minX>1: xVctr = list(range(int(math.floor(minX)),int(math.ceil(maxX)))) lineVctrs =[] colorVctr = [] styleVctr = [] #creates expected slope line for comparisons if expectedSlope: expectedPoints = [] if expectedSlope == "pop": if popTable: averagePopPoints = [] all_points = [val for sublist in popTable for val in popTable[sublist]] xVals, yVals = list(zip(*all_points)) xSet = set(xVals) for x in xSet: pointYSet = [point[1] for point in all_points if point[0] == x] averageY = mean(pointYSet) averagePopPoints.append((x,averageY)) expectedPoints = averagePopPoints else: #get all slope and intercept values to get means slopes = [] intercepts = [] for statDict in LineStats: slopes.append(statDict["slope"]) intercepts.append(statDict["intercept"]) #get expected line Stats expectedSlope,expectedIntercept = _getExpectedLineStats(slopes, intercepts, xVctr,expectedSlope) expectedPoints = _getGraphLine(expectedSlope, expectedIntercept, xVctr) #make expected line for plotting if len(expectedPoints)>0: lineVctrs.append(expectedPoints) colorVctr.append("r") styleVctr.append("-") for statDict in LineStats: slope = statDict["slope"] intercept = statDict["intercept"] if not isnan(slope): linePoints = _getGraphLine(slope, intercept, xVctr) lineVctrs.append(linePoints) colorVctr.append("b") styleVctr.append("--") return lineVctrs, colorVctr,styleVctr