def histogram(data, nbins, range=None):
    Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python

    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)

    if range is None:
        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
        min, max = range
        data = Numeric.repeat(
            Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
                                Numeric.greater_equal(data, min)))
    # end if
    bin_width = (max - min) / nbins

    data = Numeric.floor((data - min) / bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(
        Numeric.equal(Numeric.arange(nbins)[:, Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
    bins = min + bin_width * (Numeric.arange(nbins) + 0.5)
    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
def histogram(data, nbins, range = None):
    Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python
    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)
    if range is None:
        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
        min, max = range
        data = Numeric.repeat(data,
                  Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
    # end if
    bin_width = (max-min)/nbins
    data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(
    Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
    bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5)
    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
文件: hist.py 项目: ostrokach/biskit
def histogram(data, nbins, range = None):
    Create a histogram.
    Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python

    @param data: data list or array
    @type  data: [any]
    @param nbins: number of bins
    @type  nbins: int
    @param range: data range to create histogram from (min val, max val)
    @type  range: (float, float) OR None

    @return: array (2 x len(data) ) with start of bin and witdh of bin. 
    @rtype: array
    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)
    if range is None:
        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
        min, max = range
        data = Numeric.repeat(data,
                              Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
                                                  Numeric.greater_equal(data, min)))
    bin_width = (max-min)/nbins
    data = Numeric.floor((data - min)/bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(
        Numeric.arange(nbins)[:,Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
    bins = min + bin_width*(Numeric.arange(nbins)+0.5)
    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
文件: hist.py 项目: ostrokach/biskit
def histogram(data, nbins, range=None):
    Create a histogram.
    Comes from Konrad Hinsen: Scientific Python

    @param data: data list or array
    @type  data: [any]
    @param nbins: number of bins
    @type  nbins: int
    @param range: data range to create histogram from (min val, max val)
    @type  range: (float, float) OR None

    @return: array (2 x len(data) ) with start of bin and witdh of bin. 
    @rtype: array
    data = Numeric.array(data, Numeric.Float)
    if range is None:
        min = Numeric.minimum.reduce(data)
        max = Numeric.maximum.reduce(data)
        min, max = range
        data = Numeric.repeat(
            Numeric.logical_and(Numeric.less_equal(data, max),
                                Numeric.greater_equal(data, min)))
    bin_width = (max - min) / nbins
    data = Numeric.floor((data - min) / bin_width).astype(Numeric.Int)
    histo = Numeric.add.reduce(
        Numeric.equal(Numeric.arange(nbins)[:, Numeric.NewAxis], data), -1)
    histo[-1] = histo[-1] + Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.equal(nbins, data))
    bins = min + bin_width * (Numeric.arange(nbins) + 0.5)
    return Numeric.transpose(Numeric.array([bins, histo]))
def area(curve, start=0.0, stop=1.0):
    Numerically add up the area under the given curve.
    The curve is a 2-D array or list of tupples.
    The x-axis is the first column of this array (curve[:,0]).
    (originally taken from Biskit.Statistics.ROCalyzer)

    @param curve: a list of x,y coordinates
    @type  curve: [ (y,x), ] or N.array
    @param start: lower boundary (in x) (default: 0.0)
    @type  start: float
    @param stop: upper boundary (in x) (default: 1.0)
    @type  stop: float
    @return: the area underneath the curve between start and stop.
    @rtype: float
    ## convert and swap axes
    curve = N.array(curve)
    c = N.zeros(N.shape(curve), curve.dtype)
    c[:, 0] = curve[:, 1]
    c[:, 1] = curve[:, 0]

    assert len(N.shape(c)) == 2

    ## apply boundaries  ## here we have a problem with flat curves
    mask = N.greater_equal(c[:, 1], start)
    mask *= N.less_equal(c[:, 1], stop)
    c = N.compress(mask, c, axis=0)

    ## fill to boundaries -- not absolutely accurate: we actually should
    ## interpolate to the neighboring points instead
    c = N.concatenate((N.array([
        [c[0, 0], start],
    ]), c, N.array([
        [c[-1, 0], stop],
    x = c[:, 1]
    y = c[:, 0]

    dx = x[1:] - x[:-1]  # distance on x between points
    dy = y[1:] - y[:-1]  # distance on y between points

    areas1 = y[:-1] * dx  # the rectangles between all points
    areas2 = dx * dy / 2.0  # the triangles between all points

    return N.sum(areas1) + N.sum(areas2)
def area(curve, start=0.0, stop=1.0 ):
    Numerically add up the area under the given curve.
    The curve is a 2-D array or list of tupples.
    The x-axis is the first column of this array (curve[:,0]).
    (originally taken from Biskit.Statistics.ROCalyzer)

    @param curve: a list of x,y coordinates
    @type  curve: [ (y,x), ] or N.array
    @param start: lower boundary (in x) (default: 0.0)
    @type  start: float
    @param stop: upper boundary (in x) (default: 1.0)
    @type  stop: float
    @return: the area underneath the curve between start and stop.
    @rtype: float
    ## convert and swap axes
    curve = N.array( curve )
    c = N.zeros( N.shape(curve), curve.dtype )
    c[:,0] = curve[:,1]
    c[:,1] = curve[:,0]

    assert len( N.shape( c ) ) == 2

    ## apply boundaries  ## here we have a problem with flat curves
    mask = N.greater_equal( c[:,1], start )
    mask *= N.less_equal( c[:,1], stop )
    c = N.compress( mask, c, axis=0 )

    ## fill to boundaries -- not absolutely accurate: we actually should
    ## interpolate to the neighboring points instead
    c = N.concatenate((N.array([[c[0,0], start],]), c,
                       N.array([[c[-1,0],stop ],])) )
    x = c[:,1]
    y = c[:,0]

    dx = x[1:] - x[:-1] # distance on x between points 
    dy = y[1:] - y[:-1] # distance on y between points

    areas1 = y[:-1] * dx  # the rectangles between all points
    areas2 = dx * dy / 2.0 # the triangles between all points

    return N.sum(areas1) + N.sum(areas2)
    def filterRange(self, key, vLow, vHigh):
        Get indices of items where vLow <= item[ key ] <= vHigh.

        @param key: item attribute
        @type  key: any
        @param vLow: lower bound
        @type  vLow: any
        @param vHigh: upper bound
        @type  vHigh: any

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: array
        vLst = self.valuesOf(key)

        maskL = N.greater_equal(vLst, vLow)
        maskH = N.less_equal(vLst, vHigh)

        return N.nonzero(maskL * maskH)
 def updateSelectorInfos(self, selectorIdx=None):
     """updates the number of examples that match individual selectors;
     if selectorIdx is given, updates only the corresponding info.
     if not selectorIdx:
         selectorInd = range(3)
         selectorInd = [selectorIdx]
     alphas = [self.alphaA, self.alphaB, self.alphaI]
     for si in selectorInd:
             alpha = float(alphas[si])
             ps = self.ps[si]
             alpha = None
             ps = None
         if ps != None and alpha != None and self.anovaType in [[0,1,3,4],[2,3,4],[4]][si]:
             numSelected = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.less_equal(self.ps[si], alpha))
             self.lblNumGenes[si].setText('  (%d example%s)' % (numSelected, ['', 's'][numSelected!=1]))
             self.lblNumGenes[si].setText('  (no examples)')
    def filterRange( self, infoKey, vLow, vHigh ):
        Get indices of Complexes where vLow <= c.info[ infoKey ] <= vHigh.

           filterRange( str_infoKey, vLow, vHigh )

        @param infoKey: key for info dict
        @type  infoKey: str
        @param vLow: upper value limit
        @type  vLow: float
        @param vHigh: lower value limit
        @type  vHigh: float

        @return: array of int
        @rtype: [int]
        vLst = self.valuesOf( infoKey )

        maskL = N.greater_equal( vLst, vLow )
        maskH = N.less_equal( vLst, vHigh )

        return N.nonzero( maskL * maskH )
            if (len(t1) != nsources):
                self.logfile.write("Catalog dimension mismatch: ",
                                   str(len(t1)), ' ', nsources)
                    "Check patrameters in detectionCatalog.inpar and filterCatalog.inpar"
            #flux[i,:],fluxerr[i,:] = tableio.get_data(catalog,self.fluxColumns)
            flux[i, :], fluxerr[i, :] = t1, t2
            flux[i, :] = pUtil.deNAN(flux[i, :])

            # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a magnitude of 99
            # and a limiting magnitude equal to their SExtractor photometric error. This
            # is interpreted by BPZ as a nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error
            # equal to the limiting magnitude

            nondetected = Numeric.less_equal(
                flux[i, :], 0.0) * Numeric.greater(fluxerr[i, :], 0.0)

            # Those objects with error flux and flux equal to 0 are assigned a magnitude of -99
            # and a flux of 0, which is interpreted by SExtractor as a non-observed object

            nonobserved = Numeric.less_equal(fluxerr[i, :], 0.0)

            # When flux error > 100*(flux), mark as nonobserved (Benitez, 24-Oct-03).

            nonobserved = Numeric.where(
                fluxerr[i, :] > 100 * (abs(flux[i, :])), 1.0, nonobserved[:])

            detected = Numeric.logical_not(nonobserved + nondetected)

            # Get the zero point for the final magnitudes
            self.fluxColumns = tuple(fluxList)    # the get_data function interface requires a tuple

            # Build the various columns arrays with the get_data function.
            # We read raw fluxes and errors into the flux,fluxerr arrays.
            # They are afterwards transformed to magnitudes

            pdb.set_trace()   #xingxing
            flux[i,:],fluxerr[i,:] = tableio.get_data(catalog,self.fluxColumns)
            flux[i,:] = pUtil.deNAN(flux[i,:])

            # Those objects with flux equal or less than 0 are assigned a magnitude of 99
            # and a limiting magnitude equal to their SExtractor photometric error. This
            # is interpreted by BPZ as a nondetection with zero flux and 1-sigma error
            # equal to the limiting magnitude

            nondetected = Numeric.less_equal(flux[i,:],0.0)*Numeric.greater(fluxerr[i,:],0.0)

            # Those objects with error flux and flux equal to 0 are assigned a magnitude of -99
            # and a flux of 0, which is interpreted by SExtractor as a non-observed object

            nonobserved = Numeric.less_equal(fluxerr[i,:],0.0)

            # When flux error > 100*(flux), mark as nonobserved (Benitez, 24-Oct-03).
            nonobserved = Numeric.where(fluxerr[i,:] > 100*(abs(flux[i,:])),1.0,nonobserved[:])
            detected    = Numeric.logical_not(nonobserved+nondetected)

            # Get the zero point for the final magnitudes

            zpoint  = fUtil.zeroPoint(fitsfile)       # pass the fits file to zeroPoint func
    def senddata(self):
        """computes selectionList, partitions the examples and updates infoc;
        sends out selectionList and selected/other dataStructure or None;
##        if self.dataStructure and self.ps:
        if self.dataStructure and self.ps.shape[1]:
            # set selectionList
            alphas = [self.alphaA, self.alphaB, self.alphaI]
            selectors = [self.selectorA, self.selectorB, self.selectorI]
            selectionList = Numeric.ones((self.numExamples,))
            for si in range(3):
                    if selectors[si] and self.anovaType in [[0,1,3,4],[2,3,4],[4]][si]:
                        selectionList = Numeric.logical_and(selectionList, Numeric.less_equal(self.ps[si], float(alphas[si])))
            self.infoc.setText('Sending out data...')
            if self.sendProbabilities:
                # create example table with probabilities
                print self.ps
                print Numeric.transpose(self.ps).shape
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(orange.Domain([orange.FloatVariable("Factor A p-val"),orange.FloatVariable("Factor B p-val"),orange.FloatVariable("Interaction p-val")]), Numeric.transpose(self.ps))
                # in etProb, convert p-val to meta attribute
                domProb = orange.Domain([])
                domProb.addmetas(dict(zip([orange.newmetaid(),orange.newmetaid(),orange.newmetaid()], etProb.domain.variables)))
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(domProb, etProb)
                # create new etProb without attributes/metas and of length equal to etProb
                etProb = orange.ExampleTable(orange.Domain([]), Numeric.zeros((selectionList.shape[0],0)))

            # partition dataStructure and send out data
            selectionList = selectionList.tolist()
            self.send("Example Selection", (self.selectorName, selectionList))
            dataStructS = []
            dataStructN = []

            if self.sendNotSelectedData:
                pbStep = 50./len(self.dataStructure)
                pbStep = 100./len(self.dataStructure)

            for (dsName, etList) in self.dataStructure:
                etListS = [et.select(selectionList) for et in etList]
                for i in range(len(etList)):
                    # append probabilities (if etProb not empty)
                    etListS[i] = orange.ExampleTable([etListS[i], etProb.select(selectionList)])
                    # add name
                    etListS[i].name = etList[i].name
                dataStructS.append((dsName, etListS))
            self.send("Selected Structured Data", dataStructS)

            if self.sendNotSelectedData:
                for (dsName, etList) in self.dataStructure:
                    etListN = [et.select(selectionList, negate=1) for et in etList]
                    for i in range(len(etList)):
                        # append probabilities (if etProb not empty)
                        etListN[i] = orange.ExampleTable([etListN[i], etProb.select(selectionList, negate=1)])
                        # add name
                        etListN[i].name = etList[i].name
                    dataStructN.append((dsName, etListN))
                self.send("Other Structured Data", dataStructN)
                self.send("Other Structured Data", None)

            # report the number of selected examples
            numExamples = Numeric.add.reduce(Numeric.greater(selectionList, 0))
            self.infoc.setText('Total of %d example%s match criteria.' % (numExamples, ['', 's'][numExamples!=1]))
            self.send("Example Selection", None)
            self.send("Selected Structured Data", None)
            self.send("Other Structured Data", None)
def decompose_classes(entry, bounds, atom_type='H',molType='protein'):
    printDebug = 0
    if molType == 'protein':
      second_keys = ('C', 'E', 'H', 'G', 'T')
      second_keys = ('X',)

    d = {}

    for amino_acid, shift_dict in entry.items():
        for atoms, values in shift_dict.items():

            if atoms[0][0] <> atom_type:

            _shifts, _exposure, second = values

            for ss_key in second_keys:

                #if amino_acid == 'Arg' and ss_key == 'C' and atoms[0][:2] == 'HB':
                #  printDebug = True
                #  printDebug = False
                mask = setMask(second,ss_key)
                # Doesn't work with strings
                #mask = Numeric.equal(second, ss_array)
                #print mask
                shifts = Numeric.compress(mask, _shifts)
                if not shifts.any():
                exposure = Numeric.compress(mask, _exposure)
                key = amino_acid, atoms, ss_key
                #if printDebug:
                #  print mask
                #  print shifts
                #  print exposure
                #  print

                ## decompose wrt exposure. this assumes that
                ## exposure and shifts are sorted (ascending) wrt
                ## exposures.
                B = bounds.get(key, None)
                #if printDebug:
                #  print "B = ",B

                if not B:
                    #if printDebug:
                    #  print key, bounds.keys()
                listLastIndex = len(B) - 1

                for i in range(len(B)):
                    #if printDebug:
                    #  print i, B[i], exposure
                    # Note: this line changed to less_equal, otherwise values were ignored! Wim 01/12/2009
                    #if printDebug:
                    #  tt = Numeric.less_equal(exposure, B[i])
                    #  print tt
                    #  print "DONE1"
                    #  print Numeric.nonzero(tt)
                    #  print "DONE2"
                    ind = Numeric.nonzero(Numeric.less_equal(exposure, B[i]))

                    # Hack - reset to all elements if some of the upper ones are missing. Happens occasionally.
                    if i == listLastIndex and ((not ind.any() and shifts.any()) or (ind[-1] + 1) != len(shifts)):
                      ind = range(len(shifts))
                      if printDebug:
                          print "  Warning: resetting final class to include all values for %s, %s, %s" % (amino_acid,ss_key,atoms)
                    #if printDebug:
                    #  print i, ind

                    if not len(ind):
                        #if printDebug:
                        #  print "Cont"
                        #  print
                    d[key + (i,)] = Numeric.take(shifts, ind)

                    shifts = shifts[ind[-1]+1:]
                    exposure = exposure[ind[-1]+1:]
                    #if printDebug:
                    #  print shifts,exposure
                    #  print d[key + (i,)]
                    #  print
                    if not exposure.any():
                        #if printDebug:
                        #  print "Break"
                        #  print

    return d