def test_legroots(self) : assert_almost_equal(leg.legroots([1]), []) assert_almost_equal(leg.legroots([1, 2]), [-.5]) for i in range(2, 5) : tgt = np.linspace(-1, 1, i) res = leg.legroots(leg.legfromroots(tgt)) assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
def test_legroots(self) : assert_almost_equal(leg.legroots([1]), []) assert_almost_equal(leg.legroots([1, 2]), [-.5]) for i in range(2,5) : tgt = np.linspace(-1, 1, i) res = leg.legroots(leg.legfromroots(tgt)) assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
def weights_roots(order, rules='Gauss-Lobatto'): c_leg = [1] if order == 0 else [i//order for i in xrange(order+1)] c_dleg = lgd.legder(c_leg) if rules == 'Gauss-Lobatto': xs = np.array( [-1] + list( lgd.legroots(c_dleg) ) + [1] ) ws = 2 / ( order * (order + 1) * (lgd.legval(xs, c_leg)**2) ) elif rules == 'Gauss-Legendre': xs = lgd.legroots(c_leg) ws = 2 / ( (1 - xs**2) * (lgd.legval(xs, c_dleg)**2) ) return xs, ws
def _legendre_roots(self, c): r""" Compute the roots of the scaled and shifted Legendre polynomial """ lam = legroots(c) lam = self._inverse_transform(lam) return lam
def make_grid(self): import numpy as np from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legder, legroots, legval N = self._N self.NN = N + 1 L = self.L factor = L / 2 d1 = np.zeros((N + 1, N + 1)) cp = legder([0] * N + [1]) zg = np.hstack([-1.0, legroots(cp), 1.0]) P_N = legval(zg, [0] * N + [1]) with np.errstate(divide='ignore'): d1 = P_N[:, None] / (P_N[None, :] * (zg[:, None] - zg[None, :])) d1[np.diag_indices(N + 1)] = 0.0 d1[0, 0] = -N * (N + 1) / 4 d1[N, N] = +N * (N + 1) / 4 d2 =, d1) self.zg = (zg + 1) * L / 2 + self.zmin self.d0 = np.eye(self.NN) self.d1 = d1 / factor self.d2 = d2 / factor**2 # Call other objects that depend on the grid for callback in self._observers: callback()
def GL_Quad_2D(integrand, lowZ, upZ, lowPhi, upPhi, N, args): #Weight Function def weight(arg): w = (2.0 * (1 - (arg**2))) / ( (N * (Legendre(arg, N - 1) - arg * Legendre(arg, N)))**2) return w #Create list of roots for P_N rootIndex = np.zeros(N + 1) rootIndex[N] = 1 roots = legroots(rootIndex) #Equally spaced points for trapzeoidal integration method for phi Npoints = 100 deltaPhi = (upPhi - lowPhi) / Npoints phiVals = np.linspace(lowPhi, upPhi, Npoints + 1) value = 0 for z_i in roots: phiValue = 0 for phi in phiVals: phiValue = (deltaPhi) * integrand( ((upZ - lowZ) / 2.0) * z_i + ((upZ + lowZ) / 2.0), phi, *args) + phiValue value = weight(z_i) * phiValue + value value = ((upZ - lowZ) / 2.0) * value return value
def _getNodes(self): """ Computes Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes. Calculates the Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes via a root calculation of derivatives of the legendre polynomials. Note that the precision of float 64 is not guarantied. Copyright by Dieter Moser, 2014 Returns: np.ndarray: array of Gauss-Lobatto nodes """ M = self.num_nodes a = self.tleft b = self.tright roots = leg.legroots( leg.legder(np.array([0] * (M - 1) + [1], dtype=np.float64))) nodes = np.array(np.append([-1.0], np.append(roots, [1.0])), dtype=np.float64) nodes = (a * (1 - nodes) + b * (1 + nodes)) / 2 return nodes
def GL_Quad(integrand, lowerBound, upperBound, N, args): #Weight Function def weight(x): w = (2.0 * (1 - (x**2))) / ((N * (Legendre(x, N - 1) - x * Legendre(x, N)))**2) return w #Create list of roots for P_N rootIndex = np.zeros(N + 1) rootIndex[N] = 1 roots = legroots(rootIndex) value = 0 for x_i in roots: value = weight(x_i) * integrand( ((upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0) * x_i + ((upperBound + lowerBound) / 2.0), *args) + value value = ((upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0) * value return value # def test(x, N, fn): # val = np.cos(x) # return val # # def randomness(x): # return 0 # # Nval = 10 # integralValue = GL_Quad(test, -3, 3, 20, args=(10, randomness,)) # print integralValue - 2*np.sin(3)
def roots(order): coef = [] for n in range(0, order+1): if n == order: coef.append(1) else: coef.append(0) return .5*(leg.legroots(coef) + 1)
def quad_custom(fun, n=10): P_n = [0 for i in range(1, n)] + [1] P_n_roots = leg.legroots(P_n) d_P_n = leg.legder(P_n) d_P_n_vals = leg.legval(P_n_roots, d_P_n) weights = 2 / ((1 - np.power(P_n_roots, 2)) * np.power(d_P_n_vals, 2)) result = np.sum(weights * fun(P_n_roots)) return result
def test_collocation_points_legendre_gauss(self): for num_coll_points in range(2, 13): coefs = np.zeros(num_coll_points + 1) coefs[-1] = 1. coll_points_numpy = legendre.legroots(coefs) mesh = Mesh1D(num_coll_points, Basis.Legendre, Quadrature.Gauss) coll_points_spectre = collocation_points(mesh) np.testing.assert_allclose(coll_points_numpy, coll_points_spectre, 1e-12, 1e-12)
def defFluxPoints(n): res = np.zeros(n) res[0] = -1.0 res[-1] = 1.0 coeff = np.zeros(n - 1) coeff[-1] = 1.0 roots = leg.legroots(coeff) for i in range(1, n - 1): res[i] = roots[i - 1] return res
def leg_roots_vec(): roots = {} # loop over all degrees up to MAXD for i in range(0, MAXD): c = np.zeros(MAXD) c[i] = 1 r = leg.legroots(c) roots.update({i: r}) return roots
def _compute_nodes(self): """Computes Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes. Calculates the Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes via a root calculation of derivatives of the legendre polynomials. Note that the precision of float 64 is not guarantied. """ roots = leg.legroots(leg.legder(np.array([0] * (self.num_nodes - 1) + [1], dtype=np.float64))) self._nodes = np.array(np.append([-1.0], np.append(roots, [1.0])), dtype=np.float64)
def GaussQuad(f, xi, xf, n, M): I = 0 c = np.append(np.zeros(M), 1) x = lg.legroots(c) w = 0 * x d = lg.legder(c) for i in range(len(x)): w[i] = 2. / ((1 - x[i]**2) * (lg.legval(x[i], d))**2) for i in range(M): I += w[i] * f(n, interval(x[i], xf, xi)) I *= 0.5 * (xf - xi) return I
def get_leg_scalfac(deg): testpt = 0.5 c = np.zeros(MAXD) c[deg] = 1 val = leg.legval(testpt, c, tensor=False) r = leg.legroots(c) prod = 1 for root in r: prod = prod * (testpt - root) scalfac = val / prod return scalfac
def get_leg_roots(): roots = {} # loop over all degrees up to MAXD for i in range(0, MAXD): c = np.zeros(MAXD) c[i] = 1 r = leg.legroots(c) roots.update({i: r}) # save roots to file w = csv.writer(open(LEGF, "w")) for key, val in roots.items(): w.writerow([key, val]) return
def gauss_lobatto_points(start, stop, num_points): r"""Get the node points for Gauss-Lobatto quadrature. Using :math:`n` points, this quadrature is accurate to degree :math:`2n - 3`. The node points are :math:`x_1 = -1`, :math:`x_n = 1` and the interior are :math:`n - 2` roots of :math:`P'_{n - 1}(x)`. Though we don't compute them here, the weights are :math:`w_1 = w_n = \frac{2}{n(n - 1)}` and for the interior points .. math:: w_j = \frac{2}{n(n - 1) \left[P_{n - 1}\left(x_j\right)\right]^2} This is in contrast to the scheme used in Gaussian quadrature, which use roots of :math:`P_n(x)` as nodes and use the weights .. math:: w_j = \frac{2}{\left(1 - x_j\right)^2 \left[P'_n\left(x_j\right)\right]^2} .. note:: This method is **not** generic enough to accommodate non-NumPy types as it relies on the :mod:`numpy.polynomial.legendre`. :type start: float :param start: The beginning of the interval. :type stop: float :param stop: The end of the interval. :type num_points: int :param num_points: The number of points to use. :rtype: :class:`numpy.ndarray` :returns: 1D array, the interior quadrature nodes. """ p_n_minus1 = [0] * (num_points - 1) + [1] inner_nodes = legendre.legroots(legendre.legder(p_n_minus1)) # Utilize symmetry about 0. inner_nodes = 0.5 * (inner_nodes - inner_nodes[::-1]) if start != -1.0 or stop != 1.0: # [-1, 1] --> [0, 2] --> [0, stop - start] --> [start, stop] inner_nodes = start + (inner_nodes + 1.0) * 0.5 * (stop - start) return np.hstack([[start], inner_nodes, [stop]])
def _getNodes(self): """ Copyright by Dieter Moser, 2014 Computes Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes. Calculates the Gauss-Lobatto integration nodes via a root calculation of derivatives of the legendre polynomials. Note that the precision of float 64 is not guarantied. """ M = self.num_nodes a = self.tleft b = self.tright roots = leg.legroots(leg.legder(np.array([0] * (M - 1) + [1], dtype=np.float64))) nodes = np.array(np.append([-1.0], np.append(roots, [1.0])), dtype=np.float64) nodes = (a * (1 - nodes) + b * (1 + nodes)) / 2 return nodes
def GL_Quad_2D(integrand, lowZ, upZ, lowPhi, upPhi, N, round, args): if round == 1: def conformalFactor(z, phi): return 1 elif round == 0: def conformalFactor(z, phi): return psi4(z, phi) #Weight Function def weight(arg): w = (2.0 * (1 - (arg**2))) / ( (N * (Legendre(arg, N - 1) - arg * Legendre(arg, N)))**2) return w #Create list of roots for P_N rootIndex = np.zeros(N + 1) rootIndex[N] = 1 roots = legroots(rootIndex) #Equally spaced points for trapzeoidal integration method for phi Npoints = 100 deltaPhi = (upPhi - lowPhi) / Npoints phiVals = np.linspace(lowPhi, upPhi - deltaPhi, Npoints) # Zpoints = 1000 # deltaZ = (upZ-lowZ)/Zpoints # Zvals = np.linspace(lowZ, upZ, Zpoints+1) # ztracker = 0 value = 0 for z_i in roots: phiValue = 0 for phi in phiVals: phiValue = deltaPhi * conformalFactor(z_i, phi) * integrand( ((upZ - lowZ) / 2.0) * z_i + ((upZ + lowZ) / 2.0), phi, *args) + phiValue value = weight(z_i) * phiValue + value value = ((upZ - lowZ) / 2.0) * value return value
def GL_Quad(integrand, lowerBound, upperBound, N, args): #Weight Function def weight(x): w = (2.0 * (1 - (x**2))) / ((N * (Legendre(x, N - 1) - x * Legendre(x, N)))**2) return w #Create list of roots for P_N rootIndex = np.zeros(N + 1) rootIndex[N] = 1 roots = legroots(rootIndex) value = 0 for x_i in roots: value = weight(x_i) * integrand( ((upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0) * x_i + ((upperBound + lowerBound) / 2.0), *args) + value value = ((upperBound - lowerBound) / 2.0) * value return value
def legroots(cs): from numpy.polynomial.legendre import legroots return legroots(cs)
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d Nin = 10 # Number of data points in Nout = 50 # Number of points we want to project onto Nfine = Nin**2 # Number of points for plotting pretty Xin = np.linspace(-1,1,Nin) # The space of points Fin = np.cos(20*Xin)+np.sin(7*Xin) # Evaluate some fake data Xfine = np.linspace(-1,1,Nfine) # Linspace for plotting pretty Fspline = interp1d(Xin,Fin,kind='cubic') # A spline interpolation of the data Xout = np.linspace(-1,1,Nout-1) # Probably don't need this since we want to plot at the GLL nodes I = np.eye(Nout) # A hack for choosing the right polynomial orders zero = np.zeros(Nout-1) # Build our set of GLL nodes pts = legendre.legroots(legendre.legder(I[-1])) # GLL points Xi = [-1, list(pts), 1] Xi = np.hstack(Xi) #print "GLL Points:", Xi # Build the weight set weights = np.zeros([len(Xi)]) for i in range(len(Xi)-2): weights[i+1] = 2/((Nout)*(Nout-1)*(legendre.legval(Xi[i+1],I[-1]))**2) weights[0]=2.0/((Nout)*(Nout-1)) weights[-1]=weights[0] #print "GLL Weights:", weights # Calculate the norms norms = np.zeros(Nout)
a = -1 b = 1 """something special only for you""" print("We have a function:\nf(x)=P(n,x)*P(m,x)") N = int(input("Enter n for the above function")) M = int(input("Enter m for the above function")) print("Degree of f(x)=", N + M) #no. of steps n = int( input("enter N so that degree of f(x) is smaller than equal to 2N-1\t")) """finding roots of nth legendre polynomial and storing it in t""" Q = [] for i in range(n): Q.append(0) Q.append(1) t = leg.legroots(Q) #print(t) #solution finding sol = 0 for i in range(n): u = ((b - a) / 2) * t[i] + (a + b) / 2 #print(u) #weight w = 2 * (1 - t[i]**2) / (((n + 1)**2) * (P(n + 1, t[i]))**2) #print(w) sol1 = w * func(N, M, u) sol = sol + sol1 #solution Found main_sol = (b - a) * sol / 2
def lagrange(N, x0=x0, x1=x1, C_a=1.3, C_f=1.0, grid='cheb0'): #x = np.linspace(x0, x1, N+1) if grid == 'cheb0': dummy = np.zeros(N) dummy[-1] = 1 x = np.sort(np.array(cheb.chebroots(dummy).tolist() + [-1, 1])) x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0) if grid == 'cheb1': dummy = np.zeros(N + 1) dummy[-1] = 1 x = np.sort( np.array(cheb.chebroots(cheb.chebder(dummy)).tolist() + [-1, 1])) x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0) if grid == 'legendre0': dummy = np.zeros(N) dummy[-1] = 1 x = np.sort(np.array(leg.legroots(dummy).tolist() + [-1, 1])) x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0) if grid == 'legendre1': dummy = np.zeros(N + 1) dummy[-1] = 1 x = np.sort( np.array(leg.legroots(leg.legder(dummy)).tolist() + [-1, 1])) x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0) #x = 0.5*(x1-x0)*np.cos( np.pi / N * np.arange(N,-1,-1) )+ 0.5*(x1+x0) #x = 0.5*(x1-x0)*np.cos( np.pi / (N+1) * ( np.arange(N+1,0,-1) -0.5) )+ 0.5*(x1+x0) xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x) AA = yy - xx AA[AA == 0] = 1 a =, axis=1) #mth lagrangian polynomial def phi(y, m): """Evaluates m-th Lagrangian polynomial at point y""" return - x)[np.arange(len(x)) != m]) / a[m] np.seterr(all='ignore') D = 1 / AA np.seterr(all='raise') D = D - np.diag(np.diag(D)) D_diag = np.diag(np.sum(D, axis=1)) D = np.multiply(np.multiply(D.T, a).T, 1 / a) + D_diag #Initialization of nonlinear part Uxy = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1, N + 1]) #Integration matrix for integrals of between x_k and x_N #W1 = np.zeros( [N+1, N+1] ) #Integration matrix for integrals of between x_0 and x_k for kk in xrange(N + 1): for ii in xrange(N + 1): #if kk<=ii: #W1[kk, ii] = quad(phi, x[kk] , x[-1] , args=(ii,) )[0] if kk >= ii: #W2[kk, ii] = quad(phi, x[0] , x[kk] , args=(ii,) )[0] dummy = x[kk] - x[ii] - xx dummy[np.diag_indices(N + 1)] = 1 Uxy[kk, ii, :] =, axis=1) / a #Aggregation in a_ker = np.vectorize(partial(agg_kernel, C_a=C_a)) Ain = 0.5 * a_ker(yy - xx, xx) Ain[0] = 0 #Aggregation out Aout = a_ker(yy, xx - yy) Aout[-1] = 0 #Initialization of fragmentation in frag = np.vectorize(partial(fragmentation, C_f=C_f)) Fin = gam(yy, xx) Fin[-1] = 0 Fin = np.multiply(Fin, frag(x)) #Fin[np.diag_indices(N+1)]*=0.5 return x, D, Fin, Ain, Aout, Uxy
# exec(open('').read()) from utils.weighted_orthpoly_solver import orthpoly_coef import numpy.polynomial.chebyshev as cheb import numpy.polynomial.legendre as lege # For getting orthogonal polynomial coefficients. n_poly_order = 100 V = orthpoly_coef(None, 'legendre', n_poly_order) #x_sample = sin( pi * (-n_poly_order/2 + arange(n_poly_order+1))/(n_poly_order+1) ) x_sample = lege.legroots(1 * (arange(n_poly_order + 2) == n_poly_order + 1)) get_fq_coef = lambda f: np.linalg.solve(V, f(x_sample)) #get_fq_coef = lambda f: orthpoly_coef(f, 'legendre', n_poly_order) #get_fq_coef = lambda f: cheb.Chebyshev.interpolate(f, n_poly_order).coef # act_fun = 'tanh' cost_l = lambda pm: cost_flat(ans_xy, pm, layer_dims, active_function=act_fun) cost_g = ag.jacobian(cost_l) cost_h = ag.hessian(cost_l) # ANN function ann_theta_x = lambda pm, x: np.squeeze( net_predict(x, wb_flat2layers(pm, layer_dims), active_function=act_fun)) ann_g = ag.jacobian(ann_theta_x, argnum=0) ann_h = ag.hessian(ann_theta_x, argnum=0) # value for parameters and input layer_dims = [1, 2000, 1]