def __init__(self, fun, bounds, npop, f=None, c=None, seed=None, maximize=False, vectorize=False, cbounds=(0.25, 1), fbounds=(0.25, 0.75), pool=None, min_ptp=1e-2, args=[], kwargs={}): if seed is not None: rseed(seed) self.minfun = self._function_wrapper(fun, args, kwargs) self.bounds = asarray(bounds) self.n_pop = npop self.n_par = self.bounds.shape[0] = tile(self.bounds[:, 0], [npop, 1]) = tile(self.bounds[:, 1] - self.bounds[:, 0], [npop, 1]) self.m = -1 if maximize else 1 self.pool = pool self.args = args if self.pool is not None: = else: = map self.periodic = [] self.min_ptp = min_ptp self.cmin = cbounds[0] self.cmax = cbounds[1] self.cbounds = cbounds self.fbounds = fbounds self.seed = seed self.f = f self.c = c self._population = asarray( + random([self.n_pop, self.n_par]) * self._fitness = zeros(npop) self._minidx = None self._trial_pop = zeros_like(self._population) self._trial_fit = zeros_like(self._fitness) if vectorize: self._eval = self._eval_vfun else: self._eval = self._eval_sfun
def __init__(self, fun, bounds, npop, f=None, c=None, seed=None, maximize=False, vectorize=False, cbounds=(0.25, 1), fbounds=(0.25, 0.75), pool=None, min_ptp=1e-2, args=[], kwargs={}): if seed is not None: rseed(seed) self.minfun = _function_wrapper(fun, args, kwargs) self.bounds = asarray(bounds) self.n_pop = npop self.n_par = self.bounds.shape[0] = tile(self.bounds[:, 0], [npop, 1]) = tile(self.bounds[:, 1] - self.bounds[:, 0], [npop, 1]) self.m = -1 if maximize else 1 self.pool = pool self.args = args if self.pool is not None: = else: = map self.periodic = [] self.min_ptp = min_ptp self.cmin = cbounds[0] self.cmax = cbounds[1] self.cbounds = cbounds self.fbounds = fbounds self.seed = seed self.f = f self.c = c self._population = asarray( + random([self.n_pop, self.n_par]) * self._fitness = zeros(npop) self._minidx = None self._trial_pop = zeros_like(self._population) self._trial_fit = zeros_like(self._fitness) if vectorize: self._eval = self._eval_vfun else: self._eval = self._eval_sfun
def cross_render_sample_jitter( target_sample, source_sample, grain_duration=0.01, grain_dur_jitter=0.0, grain_interval_jitter=0.0, grain_jitter=0.0, # proportional offset grain centers from each other density=4.0, verbose=0, code_size=4, hop_length=1024, frame_length=4096, delay_step_size=8, n_delays=128, source_anchor='left', # or 'center', not actually implemented dest_anchor='center', # or 'left' window='hann', n_workers=1, # parallelism chunk_size=None, # paralleism sync seamless=False, seed=None, random_flip=True, **kwargs): """ random everything; but all grains from a single fit share the same target location. When anchor is 'center', grain locations are centres. """ rseed(seed) if chunk_size is None: chunk_size = n_workers * 4 output_sample = sample.zero_sample(duration=target_sample.duration(),, stem=source_sample.stem, parent_path=target_sample.parent_path) output_sample.append_stem('_x_') output_sample.append_stem(target_sample.stem) kwarg_fn = timed_stream.DictStream(kwargs) inter_onset_period = grain_duration / density dest_high = target_sample.duration() approx_last_step = dest_high / inter_onset_period if verbose >= 10: print("gp", inter_onset_period, density, grain_duration, code_size) print('dest_high', dest_high) if verbose >= 2: print('approx_last_step', approx_last_step) param_list = [ (step, target_t, kwarg_fn(target_t)) for step, target_t in enumerate( pattern_iter.gamma_renewal_proc_scale(interval=inter_onset_period, var=inter_onset_period * grain_interval_jitter**2, high=dest_high, verbose=verbose)) ] # I chunk this for intermediate results: # with Parallel(n_jobs=n_workers, verbose=verbose * 3) as pool: step = 0 target_t_prev = 0.0 try: for chunk in chunker(iter(param_list), chunk_size): for local_step, match in enumerate( pool([ delayed(match_from_sample)( target_sample=target_sample, source_sample=source_sample, target_t=target_t, verbose=verbose, hop_length=hop_length, frame_length=frame_length, delay_step_size=delay_step_size, n_delays=n_delays, anchor=source_anchor, window=window, code_size=code_size, **kw) for step, target_t, kw in chunk ])): grains = match.grains() ac_gains = match.gains() rates = match.rates() # if verbose >= 2: # elapsed = time() - start_time() # print( # "step", step+1, # "/", approx_last_step, ",", # elapsed, "/", # elapsed * (step+1)/approx_last_step) target_t = match.target_t target_t_inc = target_t - target_t_prev target_t_prev = target_t if verbose >= 3: print( "step", step, local_step, 't {:.5f}+{:.5f}'.format(target_t, target_t_inc), 'loss {:.5f}*{:.5f}'.format( match.loss, match.scale)) if verbose >= 16: print("match ", match) for grain, ac_gain, rate in zip(grains, ac_gains, rates): if ac_gain == 0.0: continue gain = sqrt(abs(ac_gain * rate)) if random_flip: gain = gain * (2 * randint(2) - 1) dest_t = match.target_t + np.asscalar( rnormal(loc=0.0, scale=grain_jitter, size=1), ) if seamless: base_duration = target_t_inc else: base_duration = inter_onset_period this_grain_duration = min( gamma_v(base_duration * density, grain_dur_jitter * base_duration * density), 5.0) if verbose >= 6: print( "grain", 'dest {:.5f}'.format(dest_t), 'duration {:.5f}*{:.5f}'.format( this_grain_duration, this_grain_duration / target_t_inc)) if verbose >= 19: print("is", grain, gain, rate) sample.overdub_t( dest_sample=output_sample, source_sample=grain.sample, dest_t=dest_t, source_t=grain.t, duration=this_grain_duration, rate=rate, mul=gain, window=window, ) step += 1 except StopIteration as e: print('some iterator broke {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('stopping early') return output_sample
def cross_render_sample_adaptive( target_sample, source_sample, density=2.0, verbose=0, code_size=4, hop_length=1024, frame_length=4096, delay_step_size=8, grain_jitter=0.0, # proportional offset grain centers from each other n_delays=128, source_anchor='center', # or 'left', maybe not actually implemented? dest_anchor='center', # or 'left' analysis_window='cosine', synthesis_window='hann', seed=None, random_flip=True, match_rtol=0.01, # search early stopping parameter; not implemented progress=False, **kwargs): """ Fit one new match at a time. """ rseed(seed) sr = output_sample = sample.zero_sample(duration=target_sample.duration(), sr=sr, stem=source_sample.stem, parent_path=target_sample.parent_path) output_sample.append_stem('_x_') output_sample.append_stem(target_sample.stem) kwarg_fn = timed_stream.DictStream(kwargs) grain_duration = frame_length / sr inter_onset_period = grain_duration / density dest_high = target_sample.duration() approx_last_step = dest_high / inter_onset_period if verbose >= 10: print("gp", inter_onset_period, density, grain_duration, code_size) print('dest_high', dest_high) if verbose >= 2: print('approx_last_step', approx_last_step) step = 0 target_t_prev = 0.0 target_t = 0.0 target_i_prev = 0 target_i = 0 early_stop = False while target_i < output_sample.end: try: target_i += hop_length target_t = target_i / sr kw = kwarg_fn(target_t) match = match_from_sample(target_sample=target_sample, source_sample=source_sample, target_t=target_t, hop_length=hop_length, frame_length=frame_length, delay_step_size=delay_step_size, n_delays=n_delays, anchor=source_anchor, window=analysis_window, code_size=code_size, match_rtol=match_rtol, verbose=verbose, **kw) grains = match.grains() ac_gains = match.gains() rates = match.rates() # if verbose >= 2: # elapsed = time() - start_time() # print( # "step", step+1, # "/", approx_last_step, ",", # elapsed, "/", # elapsed * (step+1)/approx_last_step) target_t_inc = target_t - target_t_prev target_t_prev = target_t target_i_prev = target_i if verbose >= 3: print("step", step, 't {:.5f}+{:.5f}'.format(target_t, target_t_inc), 'loss {:.5f}*{:.5f}'.format(match.loss, match.scale)) if verbose >= 16: print("match ", match) for g_i, grain, ac_gain, rate in zip(range(len(grains)), grains, ac_gains, rates): if ac_gain == 0.0: continue gain = sqrt(abs(ac_gain * rate)) if random_flip: gain = gain * (2 * randint(2) - 1) dest_t = target_t + np.asscalar( rnormal( loc=0.0, scale=grain_duration * grain_jitter, size=1)) this_grain_duration = target_t_inc * density if verbose >= 8: print( "subgrain", g_i, 'dest {:.5f}'.format(dest_t), 'gain {:.5f}'.format(gain), 'rate {:.5f}'.format(rate), 'duration {:.5f}*{:.5f}'.format( this_grain_duration, this_grain_duration / target_t_inc)) if verbose >= 19: print("is", grain, gain, rate) landscape = np.copy( output_sample.get_audio_data_t( dest_t, duration=this_grain_duration, anchor="center")) sample.overdub_t( dest_sample=output_sample, source_sample=grain.sample, dest_t=dest_t, source_t=grain.t, duration=this_grain_duration, rate=rate, mul=gain, window=synthesis_window, source_anchor=source_anchor, dest_anchor=dest_anchor, verbose=verbose, ) if verbose >= 6: y_so_far = output_sample.get_audio_data_t( 0, target_t + this_grain_duration) print( "glitch", np.percentile(np.abs(np.gradient(y_so_far)), [50, 95, 99, 99.5])) step += 1 if progress: print(step, '/', approx_last_step) except StopIteration as e: print('some iterator broke {}'.format(e)) traceback.print_tb(e.__traceback__) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('stopping early at {} -- {}'.format(step, target_t)) early_stop = True break return output_sample