 def __init__(self, dimension, df, sigma, with_intercept):
     self.dimension = dimension
     self.df = df
     self.sigma = sigma
     #self.v = normal(size=(self.dimension,))
     self.beta = standard_t(df, size=(self.dimension, ))
     self.intercept = standard_t(df, 1)[0] if with_intercept else 0.0
def get_dist_num(args):
    dist = args[0]

    for i in range(len(args[1:])):
        args[i + 1] = float(args[1:][i])

    if dist == 'EXP':
        return exponential(args[1])
    elif dist == 'NOR':
        return normal(loc=args[1],
                      scale=args[2])  # loc = média , scale = desvio
    elif dist == 'TRI':
        return triangular(args[1], args[2], args[3])
    elif dist == 'UNI':
        return uniform(low=args[1], high=args[2])
    elif dist == 'BET':
        return beta(args[1], args[2])
    elif dist == 'WEI':
        return weibull(args[1])
    elif dist == 'CAU':  # CAU: Cauchy
        return 0
    elif dist == 'CHI':
        return chisquare(args[1])
    elif dist == 'ERL':  # ERL: Erlang
        return 0
    elif dist == 'GAM':
        return gamma(args[1], scale=args[2])
    elif dist == 'LOG':
        return lognormal(mean=args[1], sigma=args[2])
    elif dist == 'PAR':
        return pareto(args[1])
    elif dist == 'STU':
        return standard_t(args[1])
 def generate(self, n):
     #X = normal(size=(n,self.dimension))
     #X = standard_t(self.df, size=(n,self.dimension))
     X = standard_t(self.df, size=(self.dimension, n)).transpose(
     )  # By transposing the array, we get Fortran memory ordering which accelerates algorithms that work feature-by-feature like the Lasso fit.
     Y = np.dot(X, self.beta) + self.intercept
     if self.sigma != 0:
         Y += normal(scale=self.sigma, size=n)
     return (X, Y)
    def generate(self, n):
        global X, Y
        X = standard_t(self.t_distribution_df, size=(n,self.dimension))
        #X = normal(size=(n,self.dimension))
        X[:,:self.K_strong_columns] *= self.strong_column_multiplier
        Y = (X @ self.beta).reshape(n)
        noise = normal(scale=self.noise_variance**0.5, size=n)
        #print(f'X: {repr(X)}')
        #rint(f'Y: {repr(Y)}')
        #rint(f'noise: {repr(noise)}')

        return (X,Y+noise)
def plot_eigenvalues(N, n, c, R, finite=True):

    if finite:
        X = npr.randn(N, n)
        #X = npr.exponential(size = (N,n), scale = 1) - 1
        X = np.sqrt(0.5 / (2.5)) * npr.standard_t(size=(N, n), df=2.1)

    M = 1 / n * np.dot(np.sqrt(R), np.dot(X, np.dot(X.T, np.sqrt(R))))
    eigenvalues, _ = np.linalg.eig(M)
    eigenvalues = np.real(eigenvalues)
    plt.hist(eigenvalues, color='red', bins=N // 2)
文件: filter.py 项目: chyser/bin
def arma_process(length,
    """ Generate ARMA(p,q) process of given length, where p=len(ar_params) and q=len(ma_params).

    # Initialize series with mean value
    series = resize(float(mu), length)

    # Enforce array type for parameters
    ar_params = atleast_1d(ar_params)
    ma_params = concatenate(([1], -1 * atleast_1d(ma_params))).tolist()

    # Reverse order of parameters for calculations below

    # Degree of process
    p, q = len(ar_params), len(ma_params) - 1

    # Specify error distribution
    if dist is 'normal':
        a = random.normal(0, scale, length)
    elif dist is 'cauchy':
        a = random.standard_cauchy(length) * scale
    elif dist is 't':
        a = random.standard_t(scale, length)
        print 'Invalid error disitrbution'

    # Generate autoregressive series
    for t in range(1, length):

        # Autoregressive piece
        series[t] += dot(ar_params[max(p - t, 0):],
                         series[t - min(t, p):t] - mu)

        # Moving average piece
        series[t] += dot(ma_params[max(q - t + 1, 0):], a[t - min(t, q + 1):t])

    return series
文件: filter.py 项目: chyser/bin
def arma_process(length, ar_params=[1.], ma_params=[1.], mu=0., dist='normal', scale=1):
    """ Generate ARMA(p,q) process of given length, where p=len(ar_params) and q=len(ma_params).

    # Initialize series with mean value
    series = resize(float(mu), length)

    # Enforce array type for parameters
    ar_params = atleast_1d(ar_params)
    ma_params = concatenate(([1], -1 * atleast_1d(ma_params))).tolist()

    # Reverse order of parameters for calculations below

    # Degree of process
    p, q = len(ar_params), len(ma_params) - 1

    # Specify error distribution
    if dist is 'normal':
        a = random.normal(0, scale, length)
    elif dist is 'cauchy':
        a = random.standard_cauchy(length) * scale
    elif dist is 't':
        a = random.standard_t(scale, length)
        print 'Invalid error disitrbution'

    # Generate autoregressive series
    for t in range(1, length):

        # Autoregressive piece
        series[t] += dot(ar_params[max(p-t, 0):], series[t - min(t, p):t] - mu)

        # Moving average piece
        series[t] += dot(ma_params[max(q - t + 1, 0):], a[t - min(t, q + 1):t])

    return series
    def add_noise(self):
        gamma = rd.uniform(0.3, 0.7, 1)  # controls noise to effect ratio

        if self.base_noise == 'normal':
            base_noise_sample = rd.normal(0, 1, size=self.n)
        elif self.base_noise == 'uniform':
            base_noise_sample = rd.uniform(-1, 1, size=self.n)
        elif self.base_noise == 'triangular':
            base_noise_sample = rd.triangular(-1, 0, 1, size=self.n)
        elif self.base_noise == 'student':
            nu = rd.randint(4, 8, 1)
            base_noise_sample = rd.standard_t(nu, size=self.n)
        elif self.base_noise == 'beta':
            al = rd.randint(2, 6, 1)
            # similar to pert distribution
            base_noise_sample = rd.beta(al, al, size=self.n) * 2 - 0.5

        if self.anm:
            effect = self.effect_sample
            # normalize to account for small sample deviations
            base_noise_sample = (base_noise_sample - base_noise_sample.mean()
                                 ) / base_noise_sample.std()

            idx = np.argsort(self.cause_sample)
            y = gamma * effect + (1 - gamma) * base_noise_sample

            effect = self.effect_sample
            # normalize to account for small sample deviations, but after mapping X
            het_noise = base_noise_sample * self.noise_f(self.cause_sample)
            het_noise = (het_noise - het_noise.mean()) / het_noise.std()

            y = gamma * effect + (1 - gamma) * het_noise

        y = (y - y.mean()) / y.std()
        return y
        return np.array([self.density(xx) for xx in x])

    def evaluate(self, x, h="silverman"):
        density = self.kernel.density
        return np.array([density(xx) for xx in x])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from numpy import random
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import statsmodels.nonparametric.bandwidths as bw
    from statsmodels.sandbox.nonparametric.testdata import kdetest

    # 1-D case
    x = random.standard_t(4.2, size = 50)
    h = bw.bw_silverman(x)
    #NOTE: try to do it with convolution
    support = np.linspace(-10,10,512)

    kern = kernels.Gaussian(h = h)
    kde = KDE( x, kern)
    Xs = np.arange(-10,10,0.1)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(Xs, kde(Xs), "-")
    ax.set_ylim(-10, 10)
def t_distribution(x, dx, nu=1):
    # Student's t distribution with nu degrees of freedom
    #   The default (nu=1) is Cauchy/Lorentzian
    from numpy.random import standard_t
    return x + dx * standard_t(nu, len(dx))
 def _simulator(self, nobs):
     parameters = self._parameters
     std_dev = sqrt(parameters[0] / (parameters[0] - 2))
     return standard_t(self._parameters[0], nobs) / std_dev
 def _simulator(self, nobs):
     parameters = self._parameters
     std_dev = sqrt(parameters[0] / (parameters[0] - 2))
     return standard_t(self._parameters[0], nobs) / std_dev
def hh0_sim(setup="not_so_simple", fix_redshifts=True, \
            model_outliers=None, inc_met_dep=True, inc_zp_off=True, \
            constrain=True, round_data=False):
    model_outliers = None / "gmm" / "ht"

    # settings and cuts to match previous analyses
    p_c_min = 5.0 # 2.5 # lower limit ~ 2.5 but for local hosts
    p_c_max = 60.0 # tail beyond 60 but not many
    if setup == "d17":
        z_s_min = 0.011631
        z_s_max = 0.0762
        z_s_min = 0.023
        z_s_max = 0.1
    # @TODO: update metallicity stats to R16
    z_c_mean = 8.86101933216 # derived from R11. true dist bimodal!
    z_c_sigma = 0.15312221469
    ff_s_mean = np.array([ -0.2, 0.0 ])  # derived from R16
    ff_s_sigma = np.array([ 1.2, 0.89 ])
    if setup == "simple":
        n_ch_d = 1
        n_ch_p = 0
        n_ch_c = 0
        n_ch_s = 1
        n_c_ch = np.array([40, 40])
        n_c_ch = np.concatenate((40 * np.ones(n_ch_d, dtype=int), \
                                 np.ones(n_ch_p, dtype=int), \
                                 40 * np.ones(n_ch_c, dtype=int), \
                                 40 * np.ones(n_ch_s, dtype=int)))
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        n_s = 80
    elif setup == "not_so_simple":
        n_ch_d = 2
        n_ch_p = 2
        n_ch_c = 1
        n_ch_s = 1
        n_c_ch = np.concatenate((20 * np.ones(n_ch_d, dtype=int), \
                                 np.ones(n_ch_p, dtype=int), \
                                 20 * np.ones(n_ch_c, dtype=int), \
                                 20 * np.ones(n_ch_s, dtype=int)))
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        n_s = 80
    elif setup == "r11":
        n_ch_d = 1
        n_ch_p = 0
        n_ch_c = 0
        n_ch_s = 8
        n_c_ch = np.array([69, 32, 79, 29, 26, 36, 95, 39, 164])
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        n_s = 253
    elif setup == "r16_one_anc":
        # R16 single-anchor fit
        # anchor: NGC4258; cal: M31; 19 C/SN hosts
        n_ch_d = 1
        n_ch_p = 0
        n_ch_c = 1
        n_ch_s = 19
        n_c_ch = np.array([139, 372, 251, 14, 44, 32, 54, 141, 18, 63, \
                           80, 42, 16, 13, 3, 33, 25, 83, 13, 22, 28])
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        n_s = 217
        z_s_max = 0.15
    elif setup == "d17":
        # D17/R16 hybrid fit
        # anchors: NGC4258, LMC, MW C
        # cal: M31, N3021, N3370, N3982, N4639, N4038, N4536, N1015, 
        #      N1365, N3447, N7250; 
        # C/SN hosts: N1448, N1309, U9391, N5917, N5584, N3972, M101,
        #             N4424, N2442
        n_ch_d = 2
        n_ch_p = 15
        n_ch_c = 11
        n_ch_s = 9
        n_c_ch = np.concatenate((np.array([139, 775]), \
                                 np.ones(n_ch_p, dtype=int), \
                                 np.array([372, 18, 63, 16, 25, 13, \
                                           33, 14, 32, 80, 22, 54, \
                                           44, 28, 13, 83, 42, 251, \
                                           3, 141])))
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        zp_off_mask[1: n_ch_p + 2] = 1.0
        n_s = 27
        # R16 preferred fit
        # anchors: NGC4258, LMC, MW C; cal: M31; 19 C/SN hosts
        n_ch_d = 2
        n_ch_p = 15
        n_ch_c = 1
        n_ch_s = 19
        n_c_ch = np.concatenate((np.array([139, 775]), \
                                 np.ones(n_ch_p, dtype=int), \
                                 np.array([372, 251, 14, 44, 32, 54, \
                                           141, 18, 63, 80, 42, 16, \
                                           13, 3, 33, 25, 83, 13, 22, \
        zp_off_mask = np.zeros(len(n_c_ch))
        zp_off_mask[1: n_ch_p + 2] = 1.0
        n_s = 217#281
        z_s_max = 0.15
    n_ch = n_ch_d + n_ch_p + n_ch_c + n_ch_s
    n_ch_g = n_ch_d + n_ch_p

    # read in Riess Cepheid data to estimate magnitude error
    # distribution (and eyeball metallicities if desired)
    riess_app_mag_err = np.zeros(569)
    riess_metals = np.zeros(569)
    pardir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
    with open(os.path.join(pardir, 'data/Riess2.txt')) as f:
        for i, l in enumerate(f):
            if (i > 2):
                vals = [val for val in l.split()]
                riess_app_mag_err[i-3] = float(vals[7])
                riess_metals[i-3] = float(vals[11])
    sig_app_mag_c_shape = np.mean(riess_app_mag_err) ** 2 / \
    sig_app_mag_c_scale = np.var(riess_app_mag_err) / \
    z_grid = np.linspace(8.0, 9.5, 1000)
    kde_z = sps.gaussian_kde(riess_metals)
    mp.plot(z_grid, kde_z.evaluate(z_grid), 'b')

    # constants
    c = 299792.458 # km s^-1

    # dimension observable arrays:
    #  - apparent magnitudes of Cepheids in each SH0ES host
    #  - measured periods of Cepheids in each SH0ES host
    #  - apparent magnitudes of supernovae
    #  - measured redshifts of supernovae
    est_app_mag_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    est_p_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    est_app_mag_s_ch = np.zeros(n_ch_s)
    est_app_mag_s = np.zeros(n_s)
    est_z_s = np.zeros(n_s)

    # dimension true underlying arrays:
    #  - true absolute magnitudes of Cepheids in each SH0ES host
    #  - true periods of Cepheids in each SH0ES host
    #  - true distances of SH0ES hosts
    #  - true distances of supernovae
    true_abs_mag_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    true_p_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    true_z_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    sig_app_mag_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)))
    io_c = np.zeros((n_ch, np.max(n_c_ch)), dtype = np.int)
    true_dis_ch = np.zeros(n_ch)
    true_dis_s = np.zeros(n_s)

    # seed random number generator if desired
    if constrain:

    # "sample" hyperparameters
    # LMC distance from http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v495/n7439/full/nature11878.html
    dis_anc = np.array([7.54e6, 49.97e3])
    sig_dis_anc = np.array([np.sqrt(0.17e6 ** 2 + 0.10e6 ** 2), \
                            np.sqrt(0.19e3 ** 2 + 1.11e3 ** 2)])
    par_anc = np.array([2.03, 2.74, 3.26, 2.30, 3.17, \
                        2.13, 3.71, 2.64, 2.06, 2.31, \
                        2.57, 2.23, 2.19, 0.428, 0.348]) * 1.0e-3
    sig_par_anc = np.array([0.16, 0.12, 0.14, 0.19, 0.14, \
                            0.29, 0.12, 0.16, 0.22, 0.19, \
                            0.33, 0.30, 0.33, 0.054, 0.038]) * 1.0e-3
    par_anc_lkc = np.array([-0.05, -0.02, -0.02, -0.06, -0.02, \
                            -0.15, -0.01, -0.03, -0.09, -0.06, \
                            -0.13, -0.15, -0.18, -0.04, -0.04])
    mu_dis_anc = 5.0 * np.log10(dis_anc) - 5.0
    sig_mu_dis_anc = 5.0 / np.log(10.0) / dis_anc * sig_dis_anc
    mu_par_anc = -5.0 * np.log10(par_anc) - 5.0 - par_anc_lkc
    sig_mu_par_anc = 5.0 / np.log(10.0) / par_anc * sig_par_anc
    if n_ch_p == 0:
        dis_anc = dis_anc[0: n_ch_d] / 1.0e6
        sig_dis_anc = sig_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d] / 1.0e6
        mu_anc = mu_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d]
        sig_mu_anc = sig_mu_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d]
        par_anc_lkc = []
        dis_anc = np.concatenate([dis_anc[0: n_ch_d] / 1.0e6, \
                                  par_anc[0: n_ch_p] / 1.0e-3])
        sig_dis_anc = np.concatenate([sig_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d] / 1.0e6, \
                                      sig_par_anc[0: n_ch_p] / 1.0e-3])
        mu_anc = np.concatenate((mu_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d], \
                                 mu_par_anc[0: n_ch_p]))
        sig_mu_anc = np.concatenate((sig_mu_dis_anc[0: n_ch_d], \
                                     sig_mu_par_anc[0: n_ch_p]))
        par_anc_lkc = par_anc_lkc[0: n_ch_p]
    abs_mag_c_std = 26.3 - mu_anc[0]
    slope_p = -3.05
    slope_z = -0.25
    if "r16" in setup or setup == "not_so_simple" or setup == "d17":
        sig_app_mag_c_mean = 0.276
        sig_int_c = 0.065
        if setup == "d17":
            sig_app_mag_s_ch_mean = 0.02769
            sig_app_mag_s_ch_mean = 0.064
        sig_app_mag_c_mean = 0.3
        sig_int_c = 0.21
        sig_app_mag_s_ch_mean = 0.1
    sig_int_s = 0.1
    if setup == "d17":
        sig_z_s = 0.001
        sig_z_s = 0.00001
    sig_v_pec = 250.0 # km s^-1
    sig_z_s_tot = np.sqrt(sig_z_s ** 2 + (sig_v_pec / c) ** 2)
    if setup == "d17":
        abs_mag_s_std = -18.524
        sig_app_mag_s_mean = 0.05192
        abs_mag_s_std = -19.2
    alpha_s = -0.14
    beta_s = 3.1
    cov_s = np.array([[0.00396, 0.00186, 0.00163],
                      [0.00186, 0.06566, 0.00100],
                      [0.00163, 0.00100, 0.00123]])
    if model_outliers == "ht":
        st_nu_c = 2.0
        st_nu_s = 2.0
    elif model_outliers == "gmm":
        f_out_c = 0.3
        dmag_out_c = 0.0#0.7
        sig_out_c = 1.0
        f_out_s = 0.3
        dmag_out_s = 0.0#0.7
        sig_out_s = 1.0
        f_out_c = 0.0
        dmag_out_c = 0.0
        sig_out_c = 1.0
        f_out_s = 0.0
        dmag_out_s = 0.0
        sig_out_s = 1.0
    if setup == "d17":
        h_0 = 72.78
        h_0 = 71.10
    est_q_0 = -0.5575 # Betoule et al. 2014
    sig_q_0 =  0.0510 # Betoule et al. 2014
    j_0 = 1.0         # FIXED by assumption of flat LCDM universe
    zp_off = 0.01
    sig_zp_off = 0.03

    # distance-redshift conversion functions
    z2d_p_0 = -(1.0 - est_q_0 - 3.0 * est_q_0 ** 2 + j_0) * c / 6.0
    z2d_p_1 = (1.0 - est_q_0) * c / 2.0
    z2d_p_2 = c
    temp_0 = (3.0 * z2d_p_0 * z2d_p_2 - z2d_p_1 ** 2) / (3.0 * z2d_p_0 ** 2)
    temp_1 = (2.0 * z2d_p_1 ** 3 - 9.0 * z2d_p_0 * z2d_p_1 * z2d_p_2) / \
             (27.0 * z2d_p_0 ** 3)
    d2z_p_0 = 2.0 * np.sqrt(-temp_0 / 3.0)
    d2z_p_1 = -z2d_p_1 / (3.0 * z2d_p_0)
    d2z_p_2 = 3.0 * temp_1 / (d2z_p_0 * temp_0)
    d2z_p_3 = 3.0 / (d2z_p_0 * temp_0 * z2d_p_0)
    def d2z(d):
        phi = np.arccos(d2z_p_2 - d2z_p_3 * h_0 * d / 1.0e6)
        return d2z_p_0 * np.cos((phi + 4.0 * np.pi) / 3.0) + d2z_p_1
    def z2d(z):
        return (z2d_p_0 * z ** 3 + z2d_p_1 * z ** 2 + z2d_p_2 * z) / h_0 * 1.0e6

    # "sample" distances
    r16_cal_m31_mu = np.array([24.36])
    r16_sh0es_mu = np.array([29.135, 32.497, 32.523, \
                             31.307, 31.311, 31.511, \
                             32.498, 32.072, 31.908, \
                             31.587, 31.737, 31.290, \
                             31.080, 30.906, 31.532, \
                             31.786, 32.263, 31.499, \
    if setup == "r11":
        true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, 
                                     np.array([30.91, 31.67, 32.13, \
                                               31.70, 32.27, 32.59, \
                                               31.72, 31.66])))
    elif setup == "r16_one_anc":
        true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, r16_cal_m31_mu, \
                                     r16_sh0es_mu[0: n_ch - n_ch_g]))
    elif setup == "r16":
        true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, r16_cal_m31_mu, r16_sh0es_mu))
    elif setup == "d17":
        ordering = [0, 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12] + \
                   [10, 2, 15, 13, 5, 16, 18, 14, 17]
        true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, r16_cal_m31_mu, \
        #true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, np.array([31.83])))
        true_mu_ch = np.concatenate((mu_anc, \
                                     r16_sh0es_mu[0: n_ch - n_ch_g]))
    true_dis_ch = 10.0 ** ((true_mu_ch + 5.0) / 5.0)
    print 'simulating {:d} Cepheids'.format(np.sum(n_c_ch))

    # loop over SH0ES hosts
    i_res = 0
    res_to_plot = np.zeros(np.sum(n_c_ch))
    for i in range(0, n_ch):

        # optionally include outliers
        if model_outliers != "ht":
            outliers = npr.uniform(0.0, 1.0, n_c_ch[i]) < f_out_c
            io_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = np.array(outliers, dtype = np.int)
            sig_extra = np.ones(n_c_ch[i]) * sig_int_c
            sig_extra[outliers] = sig_out_c
            offset = np.zeros(n_c_ch[i])
            offset[outliers] = dmag_out_c

        # simulate Cepheids: uniformly distributed periods within limits of
        # P-L relation, plus intrinsic Gaussian scatter following Niccolo,
        # draw measurement errors from Gamma distribution with appropriate
        # parameters. include metallicity if desired; note that true 
        # metallicity dependence is (at least) bimodal and asymmetric
        #true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = npr.uniform(p_c_min, p_c_max, n_c_ch[i])
        true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = 10.0 ** npr.uniform(np.log10(p_c_min), \
                                                        np.log10(p_c_max), \
        true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = abs_mag_c_std + \
                                          slope_p * np.log10(true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]])
        if inc_met_dep:
            true_z_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = npr.normal(z_c_mean, z_c_sigma, \
            true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] += slope_z * \
                                               true_z_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]]
            est_z_c = true_z_c
        if model_outliers == "ht":
            true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] += npr.standard_t(st_nu_c, n_c_ch[i]) * \
            true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] += npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_c_ch[i]) * \
                                               sig_extra + offset
        #sig_app_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = npr.gamma(sig_app_mag_c_shape, \
        #                                           sig_app_mag_c_scale, n_c_ch[i])
        sig_app_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = sig_app_mag_c_mean
        est_p_c = true_p_c
        est_app_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] = true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] + \
                                         true_mu_ch[i] + \
                                         npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_c_ch[i]) * \
                                         sig_app_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]]

        # plots
        '''colors = ['r' if int(j) else 'g' for j in outliers]
        mp.scatter(true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]], \
                   true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] - \
                   (abs_mag_c_std + \
                    slope_p * \
                    np.log10(true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]])), \
                   c = colors)'''
        res_to_plot[i_res: i_res + n_c_ch[i]] = true_abs_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] - \
                                                (abs_mag_c_std + \
                                                 slope_p * \
                                                 np.log10(true_p_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]]))
        i_res += n_c_ch[i]
    mp.hist(res_to_plot, bins = 30)

    # simulate SH0ES SNe: already have their true distances. no 
    # intrinsic scatter in r16 sims, though there probably should be
    print 'simulating {:d} supernovae'.format(n_ch_s + n_s)
    true_app_mag_s_ch = abs_mag_s_std + \
                        true_mu_ch[n_ch_g + n_ch_c:]
    if setup == "d17":
        if model_outliers == "ht":
            true_app_mag_s_ch += npr.standard_t(st_nu_s, n_ch_s) * \
            outliers = npr.uniform(0.0, 1.0, n_ch_s) < f_out_s
            io_ch_s = np.array(outliers, dtype = np.int)
            sig_extra = np.ones(n_ch_s) * sig_int_s
            sig_extra[outliers] = sig_out_s
            offset = np.zeros(n_ch_s)
            offset[outliers] = dmag_out_s
            true_app_mag_s_ch += npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_ch_s) * \
                                 sig_extra + offset
    est_app_mag_s_ch = true_app_mag_s_ch + \
                       npr.normal(0.0, sig_app_mag_s_ch_mean, n_ch_s)
    sig_app_mag_s_ch = np.ones(n_ch_s) * sig_app_mag_s_ch_mean

    # add in zero-point offset if desired
    if inc_zp_off:
        est_app_mag_s_ch += zp_off_mask[n_ch_g + n_ch_c:] * zp_off
        for i in range(0, n_ch):
            est_app_mag_c[i, 0: n_c_ch[i]] += zp_off_mask[i] * zp_off

    # simulate high-z SNe. need to sample true distances,
    # then generate observed apparent magnitudes and redshifts
    # optionally include SNe outliers
    true_z_s = npr.uniform(z_s_min, z_s_max, n_s)
    true_dis_s = z2d(true_z_s)
    true_app_mag_s = abs_mag_s_std + \
                     5.0 * np.log10(true_dis_s) - 5.0
    if setup != "d17":
        true_ff_s = npr.multivariate_normal(ff_s_mean, \
                                            np.diag(ff_s_sigma ** 2), \
        true_app_mag_s += alpha_s * true_ff_s[:, 0] + \
                          beta_s * true_ff_s[:, 1]
    if model_outliers == "ht":
        true_app_mag_s += npr.standard_t(st_nu_s, n_s) * sig_int_s
        outliers = npr.uniform(0.0, 1.0, n_s) < f_out_s
        io_s = np.array(outliers, dtype = np.int)
        sig_extra = np.ones(n_s) * sig_int_s
        sig_extra[outliers] = sig_out_s
        offset = np.zeros(n_s)
        offset[outliers] = dmag_out_s
        true_app_mag_s += npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_s) * sig_extra + offset
    if not fix_redshifts:
        est_z_s = true_z_s + npr.normal(0.0, sig_z_s_tot, n_s)
        est_z_s = true_z_s
    if setup == "d17":
        est_app_mag_s = true_app_mag_s + npr.normal(0.0, 1.0, n_s) * \
        sig_app_mag_s = np.ones(n_s) * sig_app_mag_s_mean
        est_ff_s = np.array([[0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
                             [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]])
        sig_x_1_s = None
        sig_c_s = None
        cov_x_1_app_mag_s = None
        cov_c_app_mag_s = None
        cov_x_1_c_s = None
        corr_noise_s = npr.multivariate_normal([0, 0, 0], cov_s, n_s)
        est_ff_s = true_ff_s + corr_noise_s[:, 1:]
        est_app_mag_s = true_app_mag_s + corr_noise_s[:, 0]
        sig_app_mag_s = np.ones(n_s) * np.sqrt(cov_s[0, 0])
        sig_x_1_s = np.ones(n_s) * np.sqrt(cov_s[1, 1])
        sig_c_s = np.ones(n_s) * np.sqrt(cov_s[2, 2])
        cov_x_1_app_mag_s = np.ones(n_s) * cov_s[0, 1]
        cov_c_app_mag_s = np.ones(n_s) * cov_s[0, 2]
        cov_x_1_c_s = np.ones(n_s) * cov_s[1, 2]
        print 'input high-z SN parameter observation covariance:'
        print cov_s
        print 'sample high-z SN parameter observation covariance:'
        print np.cov(corr_noise_s.transpose())
    res_to_plot = est_app_mag_s - \
                  (abs_mag_s_std + 5.0 * np.log10(true_dis_s) - 5.0)
    fig, axes = mp.subplots(1, 2)
    axes[0].hist(res_to_plot, bins = 30, normed = True)
    axes[1].plot(5.0 * np.log10(true_dis_s) - 5.0, est_app_mag_s, 'ro')
    if model_outliers != "ht":
        axes[1].plot(5.0 * np.log10(true_dis_s[io_s == 0]) - 5.0, \
                     est_app_mag_s[io_s == 0], 'go')

    # simulate writing to R16 file and reading in
    if round_data:
        for i in range(0, n_ch):
            for j in range(0, n_c_ch[i]):
                # NB: only Cepheid data rounded for now. app mags
                #     really drawn from colour and H mag so rounding
                #     could be a little worse
                est_p_c[i, j] = np.float('{:4.4g}'.format(est_p_c[i, j]))
                est_app_mag_c[i, j] = np.float('{:4.4g}'.format(est_app_mag_c[i, j]))
                if inc_met_dep:
                    est_z_c[i, j] = np.float('{:4.4g}'.format(est_z_c[i, j]))
        for i in range(0, n_ch_s):
            est_app_mag_s_ch[i] = np.float('{:5.5g}'.format(est_app_mag_s_ch[i]))

    # sim info
    print 'true abs_mag_c_std: ', abs_mag_c_std
    print 'true slope_p:       ', slope_p
    if inc_met_dep:
        print 'true slope_z:       ', slope_z
    print 'true sig_int:       ', sig_int_c
    if model_outliers == "gmm":
        print 'true f_out_c:       ', f_out_c
        print 'true dmag_out_c:    ', dmag_out_c
        print 'true sig_out_c:     ', sig_out_c
        print 'true f_out_s:       ', f_out_s
        print 'true dmag_out_s:    ', dmag_out_s
        print 'true sig_out_s:     ', sig_out_s
    print 'true abs_mag_s_std: ', abs_mag_s_std
    print 'true true_mu_h:     ', np.array_str(true_mu_ch, precision = 2)
    print 'true h_0:           ', h_0
    sim_info = {'abs_mag_c_std': abs_mag_c_std, \
                'slope_p': slope_p, 'sig_int_c': sig_int_c, \
                'abs_mag_s_std': abs_mag_s_std, \
                'true_mu_ch': true_mu_ch, 'h_0': h_0}
    if inc_met_dep:
        sim_info['slope_z'] = slope_z
    if model_outliers == "gmm":
        sim_info['f_out_c'] = f_out_c
        sim_info['dmag_out_c'] = dmag_out_c
        sim_info['sig_out_c'] = sig_out_c
        sim_info['f_out_s'] = f_out_s
        sim_info['dmag_out_s'] = dmag_out_s
        sim_info['sig_out_s'] = sig_out_s
    elif model_outliers == "ht":
        sim_info['st_nu_c'] = st_nu_c
        sim_info['st_nu_s'] = st_nu_s
    if inc_zp_off:
        sim_info['zp_off'] = zp_off

    # return simulated data
    to_return = [n_ch_d, n_ch_p, n_ch_c, n_ch_s, n_c_ch, n_s, \
                 dis_anc, sig_dis_anc, est_app_mag_c, \
                 sig_app_mag_c, est_p_c, sig_int_c, \
                 est_app_mag_s_ch, sig_app_mag_s_ch, est_app_mag_s, \
                 sig_app_mag_s, est_z_s, est_ff_s[:, 0], sig_x_1_s, \
                 est_ff_s[:, 1], sig_c_s, cov_x_1_app_mag_s, \
                 cov_c_app_mag_s, cov_x_1_c_s, sig_int_s, \
                 est_q_0, sig_q_0, sig_zp_off, zp_off_mask, \
                 par_anc_lkc, sim_info]
    if not fix_redshifts:
        to_return.append(np.ones(n_s) * sig_z_s)
    if inc_met_dep:
    return to_return
文件: 4c_kde.py 项目: janpgu/aptamsi
### Imports ###
import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rnd
from scipy.stats import t
from scipy.stats import beta
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### Parameters ###
nu = 3  # arbitrary choice
sigma = 2  # arbitrary choice

### Simulate Values ###
draws1 = rnd.standard_t(nu, size=1.e6)  # draw one million Y values
draws2 = t.cdf(draws1, df=nu)  # classic PIT (F_Y(Y) is standard uniform)
draws3 = t.cdf(draws1 / sigma,
               df=nu)  # compute one million X values based on Y values
alpha_fit, beta_fit, loc_fit, scale_fit = beta.fit(
    draws3)  # determine best-fitted beta

### Plot KDEs and CDF of Best-Fitted Beta PDF ###
kdeFig = plt.figure()  # start figure
sns.set("talk")  # set seaborn style to "talk" --> increase font size
# add all KDEs with plot labels in LaTeX (hence the use of raw strings)
sns.kdeplot(draws1, shade=True, clip=(-3, 3), label=r'KDE for $Y \sim t_3$')
sns.kdeplot(draws2, shade=True, clip=(-3, 3), label=r'KDE for $F_Y(Y)$')
            clip=(-3, 3),
            label=r'KDE for $X$ with $\sigma = 2$')
文件: utils.py 项目: kunlegiwa/MANGO
def standard_t(size, params):
        return random.standard_t(params['df'], size)
    except ValueError as e:
import numpy as np
from numpy import random
import pandas as pd
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns

box_options = {"whis": [0, 100], "palette": "vlag"}
strip_options = {"color": ".3"}

n_sample = 100
error = pd.DataFrame(
        "σ=0.1, df=1": random.standard_t(1, n_sample) * 0.1,
        "σ=1, df=10": random.standard_t(10, n_sample) * 1,
abs_error = pd.melt(np.abs(error), var_name="method", value_name="absolute error")

plot_values = {"x": "absolute error", "y": "method", "data": abs_error}
sns.boxplot(**plot_values, **box_options)
sns.stripplot(**plot_values, **strip_options)
plt.savefig("error.svg", bbox_inches="tight")
bs = bstudent()
betas, sigmas, lambdass, nus = bs.fit(X, y)

# DGP:
N = 200
k = 2
dof = 50
sigma_true = .05
#np.random.seed(123)            # set seed
X = np.column_stack((np.ones(N), r.rand(N, k)))
#eps = r.normal(loc = 0.0, scale = sigma_true, size = N)    # normal
eps = sigma_true * r.standard_t(df=dof, size=N)  # Student-t
beta_true = np.array((0.2, 1.23, 0.34))  # true betas
y = np.dot(X, beta_true) + eps  # Signal
ols(X, y).r2

# Plot density of response:
count, bins, ignored = plt.hist(y, 30, density=True)
plt.title('Distribution of y')

#s = pd.Series(sigmas)
文件: 4c_kde.py 项目: janpgu/aptamsi
### Imports ###
import os
import numpy as np
from numpy import random as rnd
from scipy.stats import t
from scipy.stats import beta
import seaborn as sns
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

### Parameters ###
nu = 3 # arbitrary choice
sigma = 2 # arbitrary choice

### Simulate Values ###
draws1 = rnd.standard_t(nu, size = 1.e6) # draw one million Y values
draws2 = t.cdf(draws1, df = nu) # classic PIT (F_Y(Y) is standard uniform)
draws3 = t.cdf(draws1 / sigma, df = nu) # compute one million X values based on Y values
alpha_fit, beta_fit, loc_fit, scale_fit = beta.fit(draws3) # determine best-fitted beta

### Plot KDEs and CDF of Best-Fitted Beta PDF ###
kdeFig = plt.figure() # start figure
sns.set("talk") # set seaborn style to "talk" --> increase font size
# add all KDEs with plot labels in LaTeX (hence the use of raw strings)
sns.kdeplot(draws1, shade = True, clip = (-3, 3), label = r'KDE for $Y \sim t_3$')
sns.kdeplot(draws2, shade = True, clip = (-3, 3), label = r'KDE for $F_Y(Y)$')
sns.kdeplot(draws3, shade = True, clip = (-3, 3), label = r'KDE for $X$ with $\sigma = 2$')
# add pdf for best-fitted beta with plot labels in LaTeX (hence the use of raw strings)
x = np.linspace(-3,3, num = 1000) # create 1000 values between -3 and +3
y = beta.pdf(x, a = alpha_fit, b = beta_fit, loc = loc_fit, scale = scale_fit) # f(x)
plt.plot(x, y, label = r'PDF for Best-Fitted $B(\alpha, \beta)$')
# title & legend
print(np.dot(a, b))

x_norm = npr.normal(loc=1.0, scale=2.0, size=10000)
print("正态分布中抽取平均值", x_norm.mean())
print("正态分布中抽取标准差", x_norm.std())

x_snorm1 = npr.rand(10000)
x_snorm2 = npr.standard_normal(size=10000)
x_snorm3 = npr.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0, size=10000)

x_logn = npr.lognormal(mean=0.5, sigma=1.0, size=10000)
print('从对数分布中抽样的平均值', x_logn.mean())
print('从对数分布中抽样的标准差', x_logn.std())

x_chi1 = npr.chisquare(df=4, size=10000)
x_chi2 = npr.chisquare(df=100, size=10000)
print('从自由度等于4的卡方分布中的抽样的平均值', x_chi1.mean())
print('从自由度等于4的卡方分布中的抽样的标准差', x_chi1.std())
print('从自由度等于100的卡方分布中的抽样的平均值', x_chi2.mean())
print('从自由度等于100的卡方分布中的抽样的标准差', x_chi2.std())

x_t1 = npr.standard_t(df=2, size=10000)
x_t2 = npr.standard_t(df=120, size=10000)
print('从自由度等于2的学生t分布中的抽样的平均值', x_t1.mean())
print('从自由度等于2的学生t分布中的抽样的标准差', x_t1.std())
print('从自由度等于100的学生t分布中的抽样的平均值', x_t2.mean())
print('从自由度等于100的学生t分布中的抽样的标准差', x_t2.std())
        return np.array([self.density(xx) for xx in x])

    def evaluate(self, x, h="silverman"):
        density = self.kernel.density
        return np.array([density(xx) for xx in x])

if __name__ == "__main__":
    from numpy import random
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    import statsmodels.nonparametric.bandwidths as bw
    from statsmodels.sandbox.nonparametric.testdata import kdetest

    # 1-D case
    x = random.standard_t(4.2, size=50)
    h = bw.bw_silverman(x)
    #NOTE: try to do it with convolution
    support = np.linspace(-10, 10, 512)

    kern = kernels.Gaussian(h=h)
    kde = KDE(x, kern)
    Xs = np.arange(-10, 10, 0.1)

    fig = plt.figure()
    ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
    ax.plot(Xs, kde(Xs), "-")
    ax.set_ylim(-10, 10)
    ax.set_ylim(0, 0.4)
def student_abs(nu):
    return abs(standard_t(nu))