def makeSpatialVx(X, Xhat, thresholds, loc, projection, subset, timevals, reggrid, Map, locbyrow, fieldtype, units, dataname, obsname, modelname, q, qs): #参数:X, Xhat, threshold, loc, projection, subset, timevals,reggrid, map, locbyrow, fieldtype, units, dataname, obsname, modelname, q, qs ''' #初始化参数 thresholds = np.array([0.01, 20.01]) #清空threshold loc = None projection = False subset = None timevals = None reggrid = True #logical, is the grid a regular grid? map = False #logical, should a map be added to image plots of the data? locbyrow = False fieldtype = "" units = "" dataname = "" obsname = "X" modelname = "Xhat" q = (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95) qs = None ''' #if (X.shape == None): if (type(X) == list): #判断X是否为列表,X实际为二维矩阵 nobs = X.shape[0] * X.shape[1] xdim = None else: nobs = 1 xdim = X.shape #if (Xhat.shape == None): if (type(Xhat) == list): #判断X是否为列表 nforecast = Xhat.shape[0] * Xhat.shape[1] ydim = None else: nforecast = 1 ydim = Xhat.shape if (xdim != ydim): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: dim of X{0} must be the same as dim of Xhat{1} " .format(X.shape, Xhat.shape)) out = {"X": X, "Xhat": Xhat} #将矩阵存为列表 if (all(thresholds) == None): if (nobs > 1): #猜测是输入的观测数据大于一个时次,对每个时次的数据分别求分位数 othresh = np.zeros((9, 1)) #定义othresh为空数组,长度与q一致,9 for i in range(1, nobs): #X_1 = np.array(X) #X_flat = X_1.flatten() #dataframe没有flatten属性,先转array quantile_X = np.quantile(X, q) #计算X的分位数 othresh = np.hstack([quantile_X, othresh]) else: othresh = np.quantile(X, q) #数据大小为(9,1)是写死的,因为所要求的的分位数的个数是确定的 if (nforecast > 1): #猜测是输入的观测数据大于一个时次,对每个时次的数据分别求分位数 fthresh = np.zeros() #定义fthresh为空数组,长度未知 for i in range(1, nforecast): quantile_Xhat = np.quantile(Xhat, q) #计算Xhat的q分位数 fthresh = np.hstack([fthresh, quantile_Xhat]) #原函数里面直接生成的矩阵,没有赋值到任何变量 else: fthresh = np.quantile(Xhat, q) #数据大小为(9,1)是写死的,因为所要求的的分位数的个数是确定的 qs = str(q) X = othresh Xhat = fthresh thresholds = [X, Xhat] elif (type(thresholds) == list): #判断thresholds是否为一个list threshnames = ["X", "Xhat"] #获取列表的名称 if (("X" not in threshnames) or ("Xhat" not in threshnames)): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. List must have components named X and Xhat." ) odim = np.array([len(thresholds), np.ndim(thresholds)]) #thresholds 第一项(X)的数组长度赋值给odim fdim = np.array([len(thresholds), np.ndim(thresholds) ]) #thresholds 第二项(Xhat)的数组长度赋值给fdim if (odim[0] != fdim[0]): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. X must have same number of thresholds (rows) as Xhat." ) nth = odim[0] if (any(odim) == None): thresholds[0] = np.array(thresholds[0]).reshape( len(thresholds[0]), nobs) elif (odim[1] == 1 and nobs > 1): thresholds[0] = np.array(thresholds[0]).reshape( len(thresholds[0]), nobs) elif (odim[1] > 1 and odim[1] != nobs): try: sys.exit(0) except: print("make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument.") threshold = 'threshold' qs = [] for i in range(nth): qs.append(threshold + ' ' + str(i)) elif ( type(thresholds) == list ): #判断thresholds是否为vector,R里面检查是否最多只有一个属性:name。即查看其属性,如果没有属性或者只有一个name属性,才返回TRUE qs = str(thresholds) nth = len(thresholds) thresholds = [ np.array(thresholds).reshape(nth, nobs), np.array(thresholds).reshape(nth, nforecast) ] #else stop("make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. Must be a vector or list.") else: try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. Must be a vector or list." ) if (any(loc) == None): #判断loc是否为空 rep00_1 = np.arange(1, xdim[0], 1) rep00 = np.tile(rep00_1, xdim[1]) rep0_1 = np.arnge(1, xdim[1], 1) rep0 = rep0_1.repeat(xdim[0], axis=0) #按行进行元素重复 loc = np.vstack(rep00, rep0) if (timevals == None): if (len(xdim) == 3): timevals = np.arnge(1, xdim[2]) else: timevals = 1 if (dataname != None): msg = dataname else: msg = "" if (fieldtype != "" and units != ""): msg = msg + '\n' + fieldtype + ' ' + '(' + units + ')' elif (fieldtype != ""): msg = msg + '\n' + fieldtype elif (units != ""): msg = msg + ' ' + '(' + units + ')' out = {"X": X, "Xhat": Xhat, "class":"SpatialVx", "xdim":xdim, "time":timevals,\ "thresholds":thresholds, "loc":loc, "locbyrow":locbyrow, \ "subset":subset, "dataname":dataname, "obsname":obsname, \ "modelname":modelname, "nobs":nobs, "nforecast":nforecast, \ "fieldtype":fieldtype , "units":units , "projection":projection , \ "reggrid":reggrid , "Map":Map , "qs":qs, "msg":msg} return out
print("No date found for ind: ", ind) try: if len(record["MedlineCitation"]["Article"]["ArticleTitle"].split(COI)) > 1: yearcolondict[year].appepnd(1) else: yearcolondict[year].append(0) except: print("The next try statement didn"t work.") # Plot. fig = plt.figure() ax = fig.add_subplot(111) x = []; y = [] for year in yearcolondict.keys(): totescolons = float(sum(yearcolondict[year])) pubsthisyear = float(len(yearcolondict[year])) ax.scatter(year, totescolons/pubsthisyear, c="k", s=80, edgecolor="w") x.append(year) y.append(totescolons/pubsthisyear) # Linear regression slope, intercept, rvalue, pvalue, stderr = stats.linregress(x, y) xacls = np.arnge(min(x), max(x), 1) yvals = slope*xvals + intercept ax.plot(xvals, yvals, c="k") ax.set_title("Proportions per year for search term " + searchterm + ", slope =" + str(slope)[:6] + "/yr", style="italic") ax.set_xlabel("Year", style="italic") ax.set_ylabel("Proportion of the titles containing search term", style="italic") ax.set_ylim([0, .55]) plt.savefig("searchterms.png")
def make_spatialVx(grd_ob, grd_fo, loc, fieldtype="", units="", dataname="", obsname="ob", modelname="fo"): #参数:X, Xhat, threshold, loc, projection, subset, timevals,reggrid, map, locbyrow, fieldtype, units, dataname, obsname, modelname, q, qs thresholds = [None, None] #画图阈值 ob = grd_ob fo = grd_fo projection = False subset = None timevals = None reggrid = True Map = False locbyrow = False qs = None q = (0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.33, 0.5, 0.66, 0.75, 0.9, 0.95) #if (X.shape == None): if (type(ob) == list): #判断X是否为列表,X实际为二维矩阵 nobs = ob.shape[0] * ob.shape[1] xdim = None else: nobs = 1 xdim = ob.shape #if (Xhat.shape == None): if (type(fo) == list): #判断X是否为列表 nforecast = fo.shape[0] * fo.shape[1] ydim = None else: nforecast = 1 ydim = fo.shape if (xdim != ydim): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: dim of ob{0} must be the same as dim of fo{1} " .format(ob.shape, fo.shape)) out = {"ob": ob, "fo": fo} #将矩阵存为列表 if (all(thresholds) == None): if (nobs > 1): #猜测是输入的观测数据大于一个时次,对每个时次的数据分别求分位数 othresh = np.zeros((9, 1)) #定义othresh为空数组,长度与q一致,9 for i in range(1, nobs): #X_1 = np.array(X) #X_flat = X_1.flatten() #dataframe没有flatten属性,先转array quantile_X = np.quantile(ob, q) #计算X的分位数 othresh = np.hstack([quantile_X, othresh]) else: othresh = np.quantile(ob, q) #数据大小为(9,1)是写死的,因为所要求的的分位数的个数是确定的 if (nforecast > 1): #猜测是输入的观测数据大于一个时次,对每个时次的数据分别求分位数 fthresh = np.zeros() #定义fthresh为空数组,长度未知 for i in range(1, nforecast): quantile_Xhat = np.quantile(fo, q) #计算Xhat的q分位数 fthresh = np.hstack([fthresh, quantile_Xhat]) #原函数里面直接生成的矩阵,没有赋值到任何变量 else: fthresh = np.quantile(fo, q) #数据大小为(9,1)是写死的,因为所要求的的分位数的个数是确定的 qs = str(q) #X = othresh #Xhat = fthresh thresholds = [othresh, fthresh] elif (type(thresholds) == list): #判断thresholds是否为一个list threshnames = ["ob", "fo"] #获取列表的名称 if (("ob" not in threshnames) or ("fo" not in threshnames)): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. List must have components named ob and fo." ) odim = np.array([len(thresholds), np.ndim(thresholds)]) #thresholds 第一项(X)的数组长度赋值给odim fdim = np.array([len(thresholds), np.ndim(thresholds) ]) #thresholds 第二项(Xhat)的数组长度赋值给fdim if (odim[0] != fdim[0]): try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. ob must have same number of thresholds (rows) as fo." ) nth = odim[0] if (any(odim) == None): thresholds[0] = np.array(thresholds[0]).reshape( len(thresholds[0]), nobs) elif (odim[1] == 1 and nobs > 1): thresholds[0] = np.array(thresholds[0]).reshape( len(thresholds[0]), nobs) elif (odim[1] > 1 and odim[1] != nobs): try: sys.exit(0) except: print("make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument.") threshold = 'threshold' qs = [] for i in range(nth): qs.append(threshold + ' ' + str(i)) elif ( type(thresholds) == list ): #判断thresholds是否为vector,R里面检查是否最多只有一个属性:name。即查看其属性,如果没有属性或者只有一个name属性,才返回TRUE qs = str(thresholds) nth = len(thresholds) thresholds = [ np.array(thresholds).reshape(nth, nobs), np.array(thresholds).reshape(nth, nforecast) ] #else stop("make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. Must be a vector or list.") else: try: sys.exit(0) except: print( "make.SpatialVx: invalid thresholds argument. Must be a vector or list." ) if (loc.any() == None): #判断loc是否为空,如果为空的话,生成坐标信息 rep00_1 = np.arange(1, xdim[0], 1) rep00 = np.tile(rep00_1, xdim[1]) rep0_1 = np.arange(1, xdim[1], 1) rep0 = rep0_1.repeat(xdim[0], axis=0) #按行进行元素重复 loc = np.vstack((rep00, rep0)) if (timevals == None): if (len(xdim) == 3): timevals = np.arnge(1, xdim[2]) else: timevals = 1 if (dataname != None): msg = dataname else: msg = "" if (fieldtype != "" and units != ""): msg = msg + '\n' + fieldtype + ' ' + '(' + units + ')' elif (fieldtype != ""): msg = msg + '\n' + fieldtype elif (units != ""): msg = msg + ' ' + '(' + units + ')' ''' out = {"ob": ob, "fo": fo, "class":"SpatialVx", "xdim":xdim, "time":timevals, "thresholds":thresholds, "loc":loc, "locbyrow":locbyrow, "subset":subset, "dataname":dataname, "obsname":obsname, "modelname":modelname, "nobs":nobs, "nforecast":nforecast, "fieldtype":fieldtype , "units":units , "projection":projection , "reggrid":reggrid , "Map":Map , "qs":qs, "msg":msg} ''' out = { "grd_ob": ob, "grd_fo": fo, "class": "SpatialVx", "xdim": xdim, "loc": loc, "dataname": dataname, "obsname": obsname, "modelname": modelname, "fieldtype": fieldtype, "units": units, "msg": msg } return out
b = pd.Series([9, 8, 7, 6], index=['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) b c = pd.Series(25, index=['a', 'b', 'c']) c a = pd.Series({"a": 1, "b": 2, "c": 3, "d": 4}) print(a) print(a[1]) print(a["b"]) d = pd.Series(range(20)) print(d) d.cumsum() e = pd.Series(np.arange(5)) e n = pd.Series(np.arange(5), index=np.arnge(9, 4, -1)) n k = pd.Series([1, 2, 3], ['c', 'd', 'e']) v = pd.Series([9, 8, 7, 6], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) k + v v = pd.Series([9, 8, 7, 6], ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd']) v['b'] = 15 = "Series" v['a', 'c'] = 20
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # 다양한 그래프 그리기 # 343p days = np.arnge(1, 11) weight = ([10, 14, 16, 17, 13]) plt.plot(days, weight, marker="o", markerfacecolor="k", linestyle="--", color="b") # 막대그래프 만들기 x = np.arange(1, 11) y1 = np.arange(11, 21) y2 = np.arange(5, 10) labels = ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5]), y1, tick_label=labels), y2, bottom=y1) # 누적막대그래프 # 히스토그램 data = np.random.randn(1000)