def power_process(data, sfreq, toffset, modulus, integration, log_scale, norm, zscale, title):
    """ Break power by modulus and display each block. Integration here acts
    as a pure average on the power level data.
    if modulus:
        block = 0
        block_size = integration*modulus
        block_toffset = toffset
        while block < len(data) / block_size:

            vblock = data[block*block_size:block*block_size+modulus]
            pblock = vblock * numpy.conjugate(vblock)

            # complete integration
            for idx in range(1,integration):

                vblock = data[block*block_size+idx*modulus:block*block_size+idx*modulus+modulus]
                pblock += vblock * numpy.conjugate(vblock)

            pblock /= integration

            power_plot(pblock, sfreq, block_toffset, log_scale, norm, zscale, title)

            block += 1
            block_toffset += block_size / sfreq

        pdata = data * numpy.conjugate(data)
        power_plot(pdata, sfreq, toffset, log_scale, norm, zscale, title)
 def step(self, u, i):
     print(u, i)
     integrate = self.wfs.gd.integrate
     w_cG = self.w_ucG[u]
     y_cG = self.y_ucG[u]
     wold_cG = self.wold_ucG[u]
     z_cG = self.z_cG
     self.solver(w_cG, self.z_cG, u)
     I_c = np.reshape(integrate(np.conjugate(z_cG) * w_cG)**-0.5,
                       (self.dim, 1, 1, 1))
     z_cG *= I_c
     w_cG *= I_c
     if i != 0:
         b_c =  1.0 / I_c 
         b_c = np.reshape(np.zeros(self.dim), (self.dim, 1, 1, 1))
     self.hamiltonian.apply(z_cG, y_cG, self.wfs, self.wfs.kpt_u[u])
     a_c = np.reshape(integrate(np.conjugate(z_cG) * y_cG), (self.dim, 1, 1, 1))
     wnew_cG = (y_cG - a_c * w_cG - b_c * wold_cG)
     wold_cG[:] = w_cG
     w_cG[:] = wnew_cG
     self.a_uci[u, :, i] = a_c[:, 0, 0, 0]
     self.b_uci[u, :, i] = b_c[:, 0, 0, 0]
文件: kpm.py 项目: joselado/pygra
def get_moments(v,m,n=100):
  """ Get the first n moments of a certain vector
  using the Chebychev recursion relations"""
  mus = np.array([0.0j for i in range(2*n)]) # empty arrray for the moments
  a = v.copy() # first vector
  am = v.copy() # zero vector
  a = m*v  # vector number 1
  bk = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(v))*v)[0,0] # scalar product
  bk1 = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(v))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
  mus[0] = bk  # mu0
  mus[1] = bk1 # mu1
  for i in range(1,n): 
    ap = 2*m*a - am # recursion relation
    bk = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(a))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
    bk1 = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(ap))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
    mus[2*i] = 2.*bk
    mus[2*i+1] = 2.*bk1
    am = a +0. # new variables
    a = ap+0. # new variables
  mu0 = mus[0] # first
  mu1 = mus[1] # second
  for i in range(1,n): 
    mus[2*i] +=  - mu0
    mus[2*i+1] += -mu1 
  return mus
def idft(dft_vec, dt=1.0):
        computes the inverse DFT of vec
        takes in the one-sided spectrum
        N = len(dft_vec) ### if N is even, then n is even
                         ### if N is odd, then n is odd

        if N%2: ### if N is odd, n is odd
                n = 2*N-1
        else: ### if N is even, n is even
                n = 2*N

        seglen = n*dt ### length of time series

        vec = np.empty((n,), complex)
        vec[:N] = dft_vec
        if n%2: ### odd number of points
                vec[N:] = np.conjugate(dft_vec[1:])[::-1]
        else: ### even number of points
                vec[N:] = np.conjugate(dft_vec)[::-1]

        vec = np.fft.ifft( vec ) / seglen
        time = np.arange(0, seglen, dt)

        return vec, time
def FFT_Correlation(x,y):
    FFT-based correlation, much faster than numpy autocorr.
    x and y are row-based vectors of arbitrary lengths.
    This is a vectorized implementation of O(N*log(N)) flops.

    lengthx = x.shape[0]
    lengthy = y.shape[0]

    x = np.reshape(x,(1,lengthx))
    y = np.reshape(y,(1,lengthy))

    length = np.array([lengthx, lengthy]).min()
    x = x[:length]
    y = y[:length]
    fftx = fft(x, 2 * length - 1, axis=1) #pad with zeros
    ffty = fft(y, 2 * length - 1, axis=1)

    corr_xy = fft.ifft(fftx * np.conjugate(ffty), axis=1)
    corr_xy = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_xy, axes=1)) #should be no imaginary part

    corr_yx = fft.ifft(ffty * np.conjugate(fftx), axis=1)
    corr_yx = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_yx, axes=1))

    corr = 0.5 * (corr_xy[:,length:] + corr_yx[:,length:]) / range(1,length)[::-1]
    return np.reshape(corr,corr.shape[1])
def MaxInnerProd(ser1, ser2, PSD):
  size = Numeric.shape(ser1)[0]
  pdlen = size/2
  nyquistf = 0.5/15.0   #   !!! hardcoded !!!!
  freqs = Numeric.arange(0,pdlen+1,dtype='d') * (nyquistf / pdlen)
  if(Numeric.shape(ser2)[0] != size):
     print "size of time series must be the same"
  if(Numeric.shape(PSD)[0] != pdlen):
     print "wrong size of psd: ", pdlen, Numeric.shape(PSD)
  fourier1 = FFT.fft(ser1)
  fourier2 = FFT.fft(ser2)
  prod1 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod2 = Numeric.zeros(pdlen+1, dtype='d')
  prod1[0] = 0.0
  prod1[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen])) + numpy.multiply(fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]))
  prod1[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  prod2[0] = 0.0
  prod2[1:pdlen] = numpy.multiply(fourier1[1:pdlen],numpy.conjugate(fourier2[1:pdlen]*1.j)) + numpy.multiply((fourier1[-1:pdlen:-1]),numpy.conjugate(fourier2[-1:pdlen:-1]*(-1.j)))
  prod2[pdlen] = fourier1[pdlen]*fourier2[pdlen]
  Numeric.divide(prod1[1:], PSD, prod1[1:]) 
  Numeric.divide(prod2[1:], PSD, prod2[1:]) 
  olap0 = 0.0
  olappiby2 = 0.0
  for i in xrange(pdlen):
      if (freqs[i] > fLow and freqs[i]<= fHigh):
           olap0 += prod1[i]
	   olappiby2 += prod2[i]
  olap0 = 2.0*olap0/float(size)
  olappiby2 = 2.0*olappiby2/float(size)
#  olap0 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod1[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
#  olappiby2 =  2.0*(numpy.sum(prod2[1:]))/float(size) #it must be scaled by dt
  print "angle of maxim. = ", math.atan(olappiby2/olap0)
  return sqrt(olap0**2 + olappiby2**2) 
 def _npBatchMatmul(self, x, y, adjoint_a, adjoint_b):
   # output's shape depends on adj[0] and adj[1]
   if adjoint_a:
     x = np.conjugate(np.swapaxes(x, -1, -2))
   if adjoint_b:
     y = np.conjugate(np.swapaxes(y, -1, -2))
   return np.matmul(x, y)
    def get_alm(self,l=None,m=None,lms=None):
        hp.map2alm only returns the positive m coefficients - we need
        to derive the negative ones ourselves if we are going to
        do anything with them outside healpy. See
        for discussion.
        if (l is None or m is None) and lms is None:
            return None
        elif l is None and m is None:
            ay = np.zeros(len(lms),dtype=np.complex128)
            for i in lms:
                if i[1] >= 0:
                    index = hp.Alm.getidx(self.lmax, i[0], i[1])
                    prefactor = 1.0
                    value = self.alm[index]
                    index = hp.Alm.getidx(self.lmax, i[0], -i[1])
                    prefactor = (-1.0)**i[1]
                    value = np.conjugate(self.alm[index])
                ay[i[0]**2+i[0]+i[1]-(lms[0][0])**2] = prefactor * value
            return ay

        elif m >= 0:
            index = hp.Alm.getidx(self.lmax, l, m)
            prefactor = 1.0
            value = self.alm[index]
            index = hp.Alm.getidx(self.lmax, l, -m)
            prefactor = (-1.0)**m
            value = np.conjugate(self.alm[index])

        return prefactor * value
    def mix_parameters(self, Pibra, Piket):
        r"""Mix the two parameter sets :math:`\Pi_i` and :math:`\Pi_j`
        from the 'bra' and the 'ket' wavepackets :math:`\Phi\left[\Pi_i\right]`
        and :math:`\Phi^\prime\left[\Pi_j\right]`.

        :param Pibra: The parameter set :math:`\Pi_i` from the bra part wavepacket.
        :param Piket: The parameter set :math:`\Pi_j` from the ket part wavepacket.
        :return: The mixed parameters :math:`q_0` and :math:`Q_S`. (See the theory for details.)
        # <Pibra | ... | Piket>
        qr, pr, Qr, Pr = Pibra
        qc, pc, Qc, Pc = Piket

        # Mix the parameters
        Gr = dot(Pr, inv(Qr))
        Gc = dot(Pc, inv(Qc))

        r = imag(Gc - conjugate(Gr.T))
        s = imag(dot(Gc, qc) - dot(conjugate(Gr.T), qr))

        q0 = dot(inv(r), s)
        Q0 = 0.5 * r

        # Here we can not avoid the matrix root by using svd
        Qs = inv(sqrtm(Q0))

        return (q0, Qs)
    def perform_quadrature(self, row, col):
        r"""Evaluates the integral :math:`\langle \Phi_i | \Phi^\prime_j \rangle`
        by an exact symbolic formula.

        :param row: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`.
        :param row: The index :math:`j` of the component :math:`\Phi^\prime_j` of :math:`\Psi^\prime`.
        :return: A single complex floating point number.
        eps = self._packet.get_eps()

        Pibra = self._pacbra.get_parameters(component=row)
        Piket = self._packet.get_parameters(component=col)
        cbra = self._pacbra.get_coefficient_vector(component=row)
        cket = self._packet.get_coefficient_vector(component=col)
        Kbra = self._pacbra.get_basis_shapes(component=row)
        Kket = self._packet.get_basis_shapes(component=col)

        self._cache_factors(Pibra[:4], Piket[:4], Kbra, Kket, eps)

        result = array([[0.0j]], dtype=complexfloating)

        for r in Kbra:
            for c in Kket:
                cr = cbra[Kbra[r],0]
                cc = cket[Kket[c],0]
                i = self.exact_result_higher(Pibra[:4], Piket[:4], eps, r[0], c[0])
                result = result + conjugate(cr) * cc * i

        phase = exp(1.0j/eps**2 * (Piket[4]-conjugate(Pibra[4])))
        return phase * result
def make_topo(a, A, B, C, D, M, E, t, sigma_0,mixing,iterations,N, n_layers):
	Creates a topological insulator from given parameters.
	E_s = C + M - 4*((B+D)/(a**2))
	E_p = C - M - 4*((D-B)/(a**2))	
	V_ss = (B+D)/(a**2)
	V_pp = (D-B)/(a**2)
	V_sp = (-1)*(1.j)*(A)/(2*a)
	h_topo = np.diag([E_s,E_p,E_s,E_p])
	t_y = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=np.complex_)
	t_y[0,0] = V_ss
	t_y[0,1] = (1.j)*V_sp
	t_y[1,0] = (1.j)*np.conjugate(V_sp)
	t_y[1,1] = V_pp
	t_y[2,2] = V_ss
	t_y[2,3] = (-1)*t_y[1,0]
	t_y[3,2] = (-1)*t_y[0,1]
	t_y[3,3] = V_pp
	t_x = np.zeros((4,4), dtype=np.complex_)
	t_x[0,0] = V_ss
	t_x[0,1] = 1*V_sp
	t_x[1,0] = (-1)*np.conjugate(V_sp)
	t_x[1,1] = V_pp
	t_x[2,2] = V_ss
	t_x[2,3] = 1*np.conjugate(V_sp)
	t_x[3,2] = (-1)*V_sp
	t_x[3,3] = V_pp
	for arr in [h_topo,t_x,t_y]:
		arr = swap_cols(arr,1,2)
		arr = swap_rows(arr,1,2)
	topo = constructor.Constructor(E,h_topo,t_y,sigma_0,mixing,iterations,N, n_layers, t_x)
	return (topo, t_x)
def xcorr(x,y,**kwargs):
	"""cross correlation by rfft"""
	x = np.asarray(x)
	y = np.asarray(y)
	if np.ndim(x) == np.ndim(y):
		shape=kwargs.get('shape',np.max((x.shape, y.shape), axis = 0))
		return np.fft.irfftn(np.conjugate(np.fft.rfftn(x,s=shape))*np.fft.rfftn(y,s=shape))
	elif np.ndim(y) == 1:
		axis = kwargs.get('axis', 0)
		shape=kwargs.get('shape', max(x.shape[axis], len(y)))
		outshape = np.array(x.shape[:])
		outshape[axis] = shape
		out = np.zeros(outshape)
		y = np.fft.ifftshift(np.pad(y, pad_width = (int((shape-len(y)+1)/2), int((shape-len(y))/2)), mode = 'constant'))
		y_fft = np.fft.rfft(y, n=shape)
		x_fft = np.fft.rfft(x, n=shape, axis=axis)
		if axis == 0:
			for ii in range(len(x_fft[0])):
				out[:,ii] = np.fft.irfft(x_fft[:,ii]*np.conjugate(y_fft))
			for ii in range(len(x_fft)):
				out[ii] = np.fft.irfft(x_fft[ii]*np.conjugate(y_fft))
		return out
		raise ValueError('Only inputs with dimensions of 1 or 2 can be processed.')
    def exact_result_ground(self, Pibra, Piket, eps):
        r"""Compute the overlap integral :math:`\langle \phi_0 | \phi_0 \rangle` of
        the groundstate :math:`\phi_0` by using the symbolic formula:

        .. math::
            \langle \phi_0 | \phi_0 \rangle =
            \sqrt{\frac{-2 i}{Q_2 \overline{P_1} - P_2 \overline{Q_1}}} \cdot
              \exp \Biggl(
                \frac{i}{2 \varepsilon^2}
                \frac{Q_2 \overline{Q_1} \left(p_2-p_1\right)^2 + P_2 \overline{P_1} \left(q_2-q_1\right)^2}
                      {\left(Q_2 \overline{P_1} - P_2 \overline{Q_1}\right)}
              \frac{\left(q_2-q_1\right) \left( Q_2 \overline{P_1} p_2 - P_2 \overline{Q_1} p_1\right)}
                   {\left(Q_2 \overline{P_1} - P_2 \overline{Q_1}\right)}

        Note that this is an internal method and usually there is no
        reason to call it from outside.

        :param Pibra: The parameter set :math:`\Pi = \{q_1,p_1,Q_1,P_1\}` of the bra :math:`\langle \phi_0 |`.
        :param Piket: The parameter set :math:`\Pi^\prime = \{q_2,p_2,Q_2,P_2\}` of the ket :math:`| \phi_0 \rangle`.
        :param eps: The semi-classical scaling parameter :math:`\varepsilon`.
        :return: The value of the integral :math:`\langle \phi_0 | \phi_0 \rangle`.
        q1, p1, Q1, P1 = Pibra
        q2, p2, Q2, P2 = Piket
        hbar = eps**2
        X = Q2*conjugate(P1) - P2*conjugate(Q1)
        I = sqrt(-2.0j/X) * exp( 1.0j/(2*hbar) * (Q2*conjugate(Q1)*(p2 - p1)**2 + P2*conjugate(P1)*(q2 - q1)**2) / X
                                -1.0j/hbar *     ((q2 - q1)*(Q2*conjugate(P1)*p2 - P2*conjugate(Q1)*p1)) / X
        return I
文件: main.py 项目: mrow4a/UNI
 def myzpk2tf(self, z, p, k):
         z = np.atleast_1d(z)
         k = np.atleast_1d(k)
         if len(z.shape) > 1:
                 temp = np.poly(z[0])
                 b = np.zeros((z.shape[0], z.shape[1] + 1), temp.dtype.char)
                 if len(k) == 1:
                         k = [k[0]] * z.shape[0]
                 for i in range(z.shape[0]):
                         b[i] = k[i] * poly(z[i])
                 b = k * np.poly(z)
         a = np.atleast_1d(np.poly(p))
         # Use real output if possible. Copied from numpy.poly, since
         # we can't depend on a specific version of numpy.
         if issubclass(b.dtype.type, np.complexfloating):
                 # if complex roots are all complex conjugates, the roots are real.
                 roots = np.asarray(z, complex)
                 pos_roots = np.compress(roots.imag > 0, roots)
                 neg_roots = np.conjugate(np.compress(roots.imag < 0, roots))
                 if len(pos_roots) == len(neg_roots):
                         if np.all(np.sort_complex(neg_roots) == np.sort_complex(pos_roots)):
                                 b = b.real.copy()
         if issubclass(a.dtype.type, np.complexfloating):
                 # if complex roots are all complex conjugates, the roots are real.
                 roots = np.asarray(p, complex)
                 pos_roots = np.compress(roots.imag > 0, roots)
                 neg_roots = np.conjugate(np.compress(roots.imag < 0, roots))
                 if len(pos_roots) == len(neg_roots):
                         if np.all(np.sort_complex(neg_roots) == np.sort_complex(pos_roots)):
                                 a = a.real.copy()
         return b, a
    def demodulate_data(self, data):
        Demodulate the data from the FFT bin

        This function assumes that self.select_fft_bins was called to set up the necessary class attributes

        data : array of complex data

        returns : demodulated data in an array of the same shape and dtype as *data*
        bank = self.bank
        hardware_delay = self.hardware_delay_estimate*1e6
        demod = np.zeros_like(data)
        t = np.arange(data.shape[0])
        for n, ich in enumerate(self.readout_selection):
            phi0 = self.phases[ich]
            k = self.tone_bins[bank, ich]
            m = self.fft_bins[bank, ich]
            if m >= self.nfft // 2:
                sign = -1.0
                sign = 1.0
            nfft = self.nfft
            ns = self.tone_nsamp
            f_tone = k * self.fs / float(ns)
            foffs = (2 * k * nfft - m * ns) / float(ns)
            wc = self._window_response(foffs / 2.0) * (self.tone_nsamp / 2.0 ** 18)
            #print "chan",m,"tone",k,"sign",sign,"foffs",foffs
            demod[:, n] = (wc * np.exp(sign * 1j * (2 * np.pi * foffs * t + phi0) - sign *
                           * data[:, n])
            if m >= self.nfft // 2:
                demod[:, n] = np.conjugate(demod[:, n])
        return self.wavenorm*np.conjugate(demod)
def toeplitz(c,r=None):
    """ Construct a toeplitz matrix (i.e. a matrix with constant diagonals).


           toeplitz(c,r) is a non-symmetric Toeplitz matrix with c as its first
           column and r as its first row.

           toeplitz(c) is a symmetric (Hermitian) Toeplitz matrix (r=c).

        See also: hankel
    isscalar = numpy.isscalar
    if isscalar(c) or isscalar(r):
        return c
    if r is None:
        r = c
        r[0] = conjugate(r[0])
        c = conjugate(c)
    r,c = map(asarray_chkfinite,(r,c))
    r,c = map(ravel,(r,c))
    rN,cN = map(len,(r,c))
    if r[0] != c[0]:
        print "Warning: column and row values don't agree; column value used."
    vals = r_[r[rN-1:0:-1], c]
    cols = mgrid[0:cN]
    rows = mgrid[rN:0:-1]
    indx = cols[:,newaxis]*ones((1,rN),dtype=int) + \
           rows[newaxis,:]*ones((cN,1),dtype=int) - 1
    return take(vals, indx, 0)
    def calclogI(self):
        The logarithm intensity function.

        Numpy.complex data type representing the value of the logarithm of the intensity function.
        for n in range(0,len(self.alphaList)-1,1):    
            for wave1 in self.waves:
                for wave2 in self.waves:
                    if len(self.productionAmplitudes)!=0:
                                #logarithmic domain error
                        arg = self.productionAmplitudes[self.waves.index(wave1)]*numpy.conjugate(self.productionAmplitudes[self.waves.index(wave2)])*wave1.complexamplitudes[n]*numpy.conjugate(wave2.complexamplitudes[n])*spinDensity(self.beamPolarization,self.alphaList[n])[wave1.epsilon,wave2.epsilon]
            if self.debugPrinting==1:                        
            if argret > 0.:                        
        return ret
def build_eh_nonh(hin,c1=None,c2=None):
  """Creates a electron hole matrix, from an input matrix, coupling couples
     electrons and holes
      - hin is the hamiltonian for electrons, which has the usual common form
      - coupling is the matrix which tells the coupling between electron
        on state i woth holes on state j, for exmaple, with swave pairing
        the non vanishing elments are (0,1),(2,3),(4,5) and so on..."""
  n = len(hin)  # dimension of input
  nn = 2*n  # dimension of output
  hout = np.matrix(np.zeros((nn,nn),dtype=complex))  # output hamiltonian
  for i in range(n):
    for j in range(n):
      hout[2*i,2*j] = hin[i,j]  # electron term
      hout[2*i+1,2*j+1] = -np.conjugate(hin[i,j])  # hole term
  if not c1 is None: # if there is coupling
    for i in range(n):
      for j in range(n):
        # couples electron in i with hole in j
        hout[2*i,2*j+1] = c1[i,j]  # electron hole term
  if not c2 is None: # if there is coupling
    for i in range(n):
      for j in range(n):
        # couples hole in i with electron in j
        hout[2*j+1,2*i] = np.conjugate(c2[i,j])  # hole electron term
  return hout 
文件: TestFunc.py 项目: F-A/pydstool
    def func(self, X, V):
        k = self.C.TFdata.k
        v1 = self.C.TFdata.v1
        w1 = self.C.TFdata.w1

        if k >=0:
            J_coords = self.F.sysfunc.J_coords
            w = sqrt(k)

            q = v1 - (1j/w)*matrixmultiply(self.F.sysfunc.J_coords,v1)
            p = w1 + (1j/w)*matrixmultiply(transpose(self.F.sysfunc.J_coords),w1)

            p /= linalg.norm(p)
            q /= linalg.norm(q)

            p = reshape(p,(p.shape[0],))
            q = reshape(q,(q.shape[0],))

            direc = conjugate(1/matrixmultiply(transpose(conjugate(p)),q))
            p = direc*p

            l1 = firstlyapunov(X, self.F.sysfunc, w, J_coords=J_coords, p=p, q=q)

            return array([l1])
            return array([1])
def MakeEpsilonScreen(Nx, Ny, rngseed = 0):
    if rngseed != 0:
        np.random.seed( rngseed )

    epsilon = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0/math.sqrt(2), size=(Nx,Ny)) + 1j * np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=1.0/math.sqrt(2), size=(Nx,Ny))
    epsilon[0][0] = 0.0

    #Now let's ensure that it has the necessary conjugation symmetry
    for x in range(Nx):
        if x > (Nx-1)/2:
            epsilon[0][x] = np.conjugate(epsilon[0][Nx-x])
        for y in range((Ny-1)/2, Ny):
            x2 = Nx - x
            y2 = Ny - y
            if x2 == Nx:
                x2 = 0
            if y2 == Ny:
                y2 = 0
            epsilon[y][x] = np.conjugate(epsilon[y2][x2])

    if no_linear_shift == True:
        epsilon[0,0] = 0
        epsilon[1,0] = 0
        epsilon[0,1] = 0
        epsilon[-1,0] = 0
        epsilon[0,-1] = 0

    return epsilon
    def __init__(self, A = None, eps = 1e-14):

        if A is None:
            self.core = 0
            self.u = [0, 0, 0]
            self.n = [0, 0, 0]
            self.r = [0, 0, 0]

        N1, N2, N3 = A.shape

        B1 = np.reshape(A, (N1, -1), order='F')
        B2 = np.reshape(np.transpose(A, [1, 0, 2]), (N2, -1), order='F' )
        B3 = np.reshape(np.transpose(A, [2, 0, 1]), (N3, -1), order='F')

        U1, V1, r1 = svd_trunc(B1, eps)
        U2, V2, r2 = svd_trunc(B2, eps)
        U3, V3, r3 = svd_trunc(B3, eps)

        G = np.tensordot(A, np.conjugate(U3), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [2, 0, 1])
        G = np.tensordot(G, np.conjugate(U2), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [0, 2, 1])
        G = np.tensordot(G, np.conjugate(U1), (2,0))
        G = np.transpose(G, [2, 1, 0])

        self.n = [N1, N2, N3]
        self.r = G.shape
        self.u = [U1, U2, U3]
        self.core = G
def dft2d(img, flags):
    if flags == 1:
        return Fdft2d(img)
    elif flags == -1:
        res = np.conjugate(img)
        #return np.conjugate(Fdft2d(img))
        return np.conjugate(Fdft2d(img))
文件: kpm.py 项目: joselado/pygra
def get_moments(v,m,n=100,use_fortran=use_fortran):
  """ Get the first n moments of a certain vector
  using the Chebychev recursion relations"""
  if use_fortran:
    from kpmf90 import get_momentsf90 # fortran routine
    mo = coo_matrix(m) # convert to coo matrix
    vo = v.todense() # convert to conventional vector
    vo = np.array([vo[i,0] for i in range(len(vo))])
# call the fortran routine
    mus = get_momentsf90(mo.row+1,mo.col+1,mo.data,vo,n) 
    return mus # return fortran result
    mus = np.array([0.0j for i in range(2*n)]) # empty arrray for the moments
    a = v.copy() # first vector
    am = v.copy() # zero vector
    a = m*v  # vector number 1
    bk = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(v))*v)[0,0] # scalar product
    bk1 = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(v))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
    mus[0] = bk  # mu0
    mus[1] = bk1 # mu1
    for i in range(1,n): 
      ap = 2*m*a - am # recursion relation
      bk = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(a))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
      bk1 = (np.transpose(np.conjugate(ap))*a)[0,0] # scalar product
      mus[2*i] = 2.*bk
      mus[2*i+1] = 2.*bk1
      am = a +0. # new variables
      a = ap+0. # new variables
    mu0 = mus[0] # first
    mu1 = mus[1] # second
    for i in range(1,n): 
      mus[2*i] +=  - mu0
      mus[2*i+1] += -mu1 
    return mus
 def testDelta_simmetric(self):
     c1 = 2; n1 = 4
     c2 = 3; n2 = 4;
     func = lambda x: pro_ang1(m, n1, c1, x)[0]  * numpy.conjugate(pro_ang1(m, n2, c2, x)[0])
     func2 = lambda x: pro_ang1(m, n2, c2, x)[0]  * numpy.conjugate(pro_ang1(m, n1, c1, x)[0])
     self.assertAlmostEqual(quad(func, -1, 1), quad(func2, -1, 1), places = 7)
    def perform_quadrature(self, row, col):
        r"""Evaluates the integral :math:`\langle \Phi_i | \Phi^\prime_j \rangle`
        by an exact symbolic formula.

        .. warning:: This method does only take into account the ground state
                     basis components :math:`\phi_{\underline{0}}` from both,
                     the 'bra' and the 'ket'. If the wavepacket :math:`\Phi`
                     contains higher order basis functions :math:`\phi_{\underline{k}}`
                     with non-zero coefficients :math:`c_{\underline{k}}`, the inner products
                     computed are wrong! There is also no warning about that.

        :param row: The index :math:`i` of the component :math:`\Phi_i` of :math:`\Psi`.
        :param row: The index :math:`j` of the component :math:`\Phi^\prime_j` of :math:`\Psi^\prime`.
        :return: A single complex floating point number.
        eps = self._packet.get_eps()
        D = self._packet.get_dimension()

        Pibra = self._pacbra.get_parameters(component=row)
        Piket = self._packet.get_parameters(component=col)
        cbra = self._pacbra.get_coefficient_vector(component=row)
        cket = self._packet.get_coefficient_vector(component=col)
        Kbra = self._pacbra.get_basis_shapes(component=row)
        Kket = self._packet.get_basis_shapes(component=col)

        phase = exp(1.0j/eps**2 * (Piket[4]-conjugate(Pibra[4])))

        z = tuple(D*[0])
        cr = cbra[Kbra[z],0]
        cc = cket[Kket[z],0]
        i = self.exact_result_gauss(Pibra[:4], Piket[:4], D, eps)
        result = phase * conjugate(cr) * cc * i

        return result
def verify_gaus_sum_complex_conj(N):

    ALMOST_ZERO = 0.001

    # get dirich_char_mat, which is a 2D matrix
    dirich_char_mat, phi_n, coprime_list, prim_char_stat_all = dirichi_char_for_n(N)

    # number of row. Note: 1st row is principle
    for i in range(0, phi_n):

        chi = dirich_char_mat[i]

        gaus_sum = gaus_sum_for_dirich_char(chi)
        chi_conj = np.conjugate(chi)
        gaus_sum_for_chi_conj = gaus_sum_for_dirich_char(chi_conj)

        gaus_sum_conj = np.conjugate(gaus_sum)

        # chi(-1) = chi(N-1)
        # It seems this value is always be 1 or -1, why ?
        chi_minus_1 = chi[N-1]

        tmp = chi_minus_1*gaus_sum_conj

        assert(np.absolute(gaus_sum_for_chi_conj - tmp) < ALMOST_ZERO)
        # print 'chi      = ', chi
        # print 'chi_conj = ', chi_conj
        # print 'N = %d, i = %d'%(N, i), ', gaus_sum_for_chi_conj = ', gaus_sum_for_chi_conj, ', tmp = ', tmp, ', chi_minus_1 = ', chi_minus_1

    print 'verify_gaus_sum_complex_conj() pass !'
    def quadrature(self, lcket, operator=None, component=None):
        r"""Delegates the evaluation of :math:`\langle\Upsilon|f|\Upsilon\rangle` for a general
        function :math:`f(x)` with :math:`x \in \mathbb{R}^D`.

        :param lcket: The linear combination :math:`\Upsilon` with :math:`J` summands :math:`\Psi_j`.
        :param operator: A matrix-valued function :math:`f(x): \mathbb{R}^D \rightarrow \mathbb{R}^{N \times N}`.
        :return: The value of :math:`\langle\Upsilon|f|\Upsilon\rangle`.
        :type: An :py:class:`ndarray`.
        J = lcket.get_number_packets()
        packets = lcket.get_wavepackets()

        M = zeros((J, J), dtype=complexfloating)

        # Elements below the diagonal
        for row, pacbra in enumerate(packets):
            for col, packet in enumerate(packets[:row]):
                if self._obey_oracle:
                    if self._oracle.is_not_zero(pacbra, packet):
                        # TODO: Handle multi-component packets
                        M[row, col] = self._quad.quadrature(pacbra, packet, operator=operator, component=0)
                    # TODO: Handle multi-component packets
                    M[row, col] = self._quad.quadrature(pacbra, packet, operator=operator, component=0)

        M = M + conjugate(transpose(M))

        # Diagonal Elements
        for d, packet in enumerate(packets):
            # TODO: Handle multi-component packets
            M[d, d] = self._quad.quadrature(packet, packet, operator=operator, component=0)

        c = lcket.get_coefficients()

        return dot(conjugate(transpose(c)), dot(M, c))
    def mfunc(uv, p, d):
        crd,t,(i,j) = p
        p1,p2 = a.miriad.pol2str[uv['pol']]
        #if i == j and (p1,p2) == ('y','x'): return p, None, None

#        if is_run1(t):
        ni = rewire_run1[i][p1]
        nj = rewire_run1[j][p2]
        if t!= curtime:
            uvo['lst'] = aa.sidereal_time()
            uvo['ra'] = aa.sidereal_time()
            uvo['obsra'] = aa.sidereal_time()
#        else: return p, None
        if ni > nj:
            ni,nj = nj,ni
            if (p1,p2) != ('y','x'): d = n.conjugate(d)
        elif ni < nj and (p1,p2) == ('y','x'):
            d = n.conjugate(d)

        p = crd,t,(ni,nj)
#        print t,i,j,a.miriad.pol2str[uv['pol']],'->',ni,nj,'xx'
        d[orbchan].mask = 1
        return p,d
  def update_expectation_values(self):
    """Calculate the expectation values of the different operators"""
    # this conjugate comes from being inconsistent
    # in the routines to calculate exectation values
    voccs = np.conjugate(self.wavefunctions) # get wavefunctions
    ks = self.kvectors # kpoints
    mode = self.correlator_mode # 
#    mode = "1by1"
    if mode=="plain": # conventional mode
      for v in self.interactions:
        v.vav = (voccs*v.a*voccs.H).trace()[0,0]/self.kfac # <vAv>
        v.vbv = (voccs*v.b*voccs.H).trace()[0,0]/self.kfac # <vBv>
    elif mode=="1by1": # conventional mode
      for v in self.interactions:
        phis = [self.hamiltonian.geometry.bloch_phase(v.dir,k*0.) for k in ks]
        v.vav = meanfield.expectation_value(voccs,v.a,np.conjugate(phis))/self.kfac # <vAv>
        v.vbv = meanfield.expectation_value(voccs,v.b,phis)/self.kfac # <vBv>
      self.v2cij() # update the v vector
    elif mode=="multicorrelator": # multicorrelator mode
      numc = len(self.interactions)*2 # number of correlators
      if self.bloch_multicorrelator:
        cs = multicorrelator_bloch(voccs,ks,self.lamb,self.ijk,self.dir,numc)
      else: cs = multicorrelator(voccs,self.lamb,self.ijk,numc)
      self.cij = cs/self.kfac # store in the object, already normalized
      self.cij2v() # update the expectation values
    else: raise
def MakeEpsilonScreenFromList(EpsilonList, N):
    epsilon = np.zeros((N,N),dtype=np.complex)
    #There are (N^2-1)/2 real elements followed by (N^2-1)/2 complex elements

    #The first (N-1)/2 are the top row
    N_re = (N*N-1)/2
    i = 0
    for x in range(1,(N+1)/2):
        epsilon[0][x] = EpsilonList[i] + 1j * EpsilonList[i+N_re]
        epsilon[0][N-x] = np.conjugate(epsilon[0][x])

    #The next N(N-1)/2 are filling the next N rows
    for y in range(1,(N+1)/2):
        for x in range(N):
            epsilon[y][x] = EpsilonList[i] + 1j * EpsilonList[i+N_re]

            x2 = N - x
            y2 = N - y
            if x2 == N:
                x2 = 0
            if y2 == N:
                y2 = 0

            epsilon[y2][x2] = np.conjugate(epsilon[y][x])

    if no_linear_shift == True:
        epsilon[0,0] = 0
        epsilon[1,0] = 0
        epsilon[0,1] = 0
        epsilon[-1,0] = 0
        epsilon[0,-1] = 0

    return epsilon
def C_polynomial(roots):
    s = sympy.symbols("s")
    polynomial = sympy.Poly(functools.reduce(
        lambda a, b: a * b, [s - np.conjugate(root) for root in roots]),
    return [complex(c) for c in polynomial.coeffs()]
matrix = np.zeros((num_ms, lstop + 1))

output = []

for l in np.arange(lstop + 1):
    for j in np.arange(0, (2 * l + 1), 1):
        m = -l + j

        if (m >= 0):
            index = hp.sphtfunc.Alm.getidx(lmax, l, m)
            alm = alms[index]

            index = hp.sphtfunc.Alm.getidx(
                lmax, l, -m)  ## For a real map, a_{l -m} = (-1)^m a_{lm} *
            alm = np.conjugate(alms[index]) * (-1.)**m

        matrix[l - m][l] = (alm.real**2. + alm.imag**2.) / Cls[l]

        output.append([l, m, alm, np.absolute(alm), Cls[l]])

        for k in np.arange(num_ms):
            if (k >= (2 * l + 1)):
                matrix[k][l] = np.nan

        print l, m, index, alm, matrix[l - m][l]

output = np.array(output, dtype=complex)
## output = np.array(output, dtype=[('ell', np.float32), ('m', np.float32), ('alm', np.float32), ('mod_alm', np.float32), ('Cl', np.float32)])
## output = np.sort(output,  order='mod_alm')
def GetFreeCoupling_Eq(MADTwiss, FilesX, FilesY, Qh, Qv, Qx, Qy, psih_ac2bpmac,
                       psiv_ac2bpmac, bd, acdipole, oa):

    #-- Details of this algorithms is in http://www.agsrhichome.bnl.gov/AP/ap_notes/ap_note_410.pdf

    #-- Check linx/liny files, may be redundant
    if len(FilesX) != len(FilesY): return [{}, []]

    #-- Select common BPMs
    bpm = Utilities.bpm.model_intersect(
        Utilities.bpm.intersect(FilesX + FilesY), MADTwiss)
    bpm = [(b[0], str.upper(b[1])) for b in bpm]

    #-- Last BPM on the same turn to fix the phase shift by Q for exp data of LHC
    #if op=="1" and bd== 1: s_lastbpm=MADTwiss.S[MADTwiss.indx['BPMSW.1L2.B1']]
    #if op=="1" and bd==-1: s_lastbpm=MADTwiss.S[MADTwiss.indx['BPMSW.1L8.B2']]

    #-- Determine the BPM closest to the AC dipole and its position
    #BPMYB.6L4.B1 BPMYA.5L4.B1
    # BPMWA.B5L4.B1

    bpmac1_h = psih_ac2bpmac.keys()[0]
    bpmac2_h = psih_ac2bpmac.keys()[1]

    bpmac1_v = psiv_ac2bpmac.keys()[0]
    bpmac2_v = psiv_ac2bpmac.keys()[1]

        k_bpmac_h = list(zip(*bpm)[1]).index(bpmac1_h)
        bpmac_h = bpmac1_h
            k_bpmac_h = list(zip(*bpm)[1]).index(bpmac2_h)
            bpmac_h = bpmac2_h
            print >> sys.stderr, 'WARN: BPMs next to AC dipoles or ADT missing. AC or ADT dipole effects not calculated with analytic eqs for coupling'
            return [{}, []]
    #      if 'B5R4' in b: bpmac1=b
    #if 'A5R4' in b: bpmac2=b
        k_bpmac_v = list(zip(*bpm)[1]).index(bpmac1_v)
        bpmac_v = bpmac1_v
            k_bpmac_v = list(zip(*bpm)[1]).index(bpmac2_v)
            bpmac_v = bpmac2_v
            print >> sys.stderr, 'WARN: BPMs next to AC dipoles or ADT missing. AC dipole or ADT effects not calculated with analytic eqs for coupling'
            return [{}, []]
    print k_bpmac_v, bpmac_v
    print k_bpmac_h, bpmac_h
    #-- Global parameters of the driven motion
    dh = Qh - Qx
    dv = Qv - Qy
    rh = sin(np.pi * (Qh - Qx)) / sin(np.pi * (Qh + Qx))
    rv = sin(np.pi * (Qv - Qy)) / sin(np.pi * (Qv + Qy))
    rch = sin(np.pi * (Qh - Qy)) / sin(np.pi * (Qh + Qy))
    rcv = sin(np.pi * (Qx - Qv)) / sin(np.pi * (Qx + Qv))

    #-- Loop for files
    f1001Abs = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    f1010Abs = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    f1001xArg = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    f1001yArg = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    f1010xArg = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    f1010yArg = np.zeros((len(bpm), len(FilesX)))
    for i in range(len(FilesX)):

        #-- Read amplitudes and phases
        amph = np.array([FilesX[i].AMPX[FilesX[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        ampv = np.array([FilesY[i].AMPY[FilesY[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        amph01 = np.array([FilesX[i].AMP01[FilesX[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        ampv10 = np.array([FilesY[i].AMP10[FilesY[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        psih = 2 * np.pi * np.array(
            [FilesX[i].MUX[FilesX[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        psiv = 2 * np.pi * np.array(
            [FilesY[i].MUY[FilesY[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        psih01 = 2 * np.pi * np.array(
            [FilesX[i].PHASE01[FilesX[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        psiv10 = 2 * np.pi * np.array(
            [FilesY[i].PHASE10[FilesY[i].indx[b[1]]] for b in bpm])
        #-- I'm not sure this is correct for the coupling so I comment out this part for now (by RM 9/30/11).
        #for k in range(len(bpm)):
        #       try:
        #               if bpm[k][0]>s_lastbpm:
        #                       psih[k]  +=bd*2*np.pi*Qh  #-- To fix the phase shift by Qh
        #                       psiv[k]  +=bd*2*np.pi*Qv  #-- To fix the phase shift by Qv
        #                       psih01[k]+=bd*2*np.pi*Qv  #-- To fix the phase shift by Qv
        #                       psiv10[k]+=bd*2*np.pi*Qh  #-- To fix the phase shift by Qh
        #       except: pass

        #-- Construct Fourier components
        #   * be careful for that the note is based on x+i(alf*x*bet*x')).
        #   * Calculating Eqs (87)-(92) by using Eqs (47) & (48) (but in the Fourier space) in the note.
        #   * Note that amph(v)01 is normalized by amph(v) and it is un-normalized in the following.
        dpsih = np.append(psih[1:], 2 * np.pi * Qh + psih[0]) - psih
        dpsiv = np.append(psiv[1:], 2 * np.pi * Qv + psiv[0]) - psiv
        dpsih01 = np.append(psih01[1:], 2 * np.pi * Qv + psih01[0]) - psih01
        dpsiv10 = np.append(psiv10[1:], 2 * np.pi * Qh + psiv10[0]) - psiv10

        X_m10 = 2 * amph * np.exp(-1j * psih)
        Y_0m1 = 2 * ampv * np.exp(-1j * psiv)
        X_0m1 = amph * np.exp(-1j * psih01) / (1j * sin(dpsih)) * (
            amph01 * np.exp(1j * dpsih) -
            np.append(amph01[1:], amph01[0]) * np.exp(-1j * dpsih01))
        X_0p1 = amph * np.exp(1j * psih01) / (1j * sin(dpsih)) * (
            amph01 * np.exp(1j * dpsih) -
            np.append(amph01[1:], amph01[0]) * np.exp(1j * dpsih01))
        Y_m10 = ampv * np.exp(-1j * psiv10) / (1j * sin(dpsiv)) * (
            ampv10 * np.exp(1j * dpsiv) -
            np.append(ampv10[1:], ampv10[0]) * np.exp(-1j * dpsiv10))
        Y_p10 = ampv * np.exp(1j * psiv10) / (1j * sin(dpsiv)) * (
            ampv10 * np.exp(1j * dpsiv) -
            np.append(ampv10[1:], ampv10[0]) * np.exp(1j * dpsiv10))

        #-- Construct f1001hv, f1001vh, f1010hv (these include math.sqrt(betv/beth) or math.sqrt(beth/betv))
        f1001hv = -np.conjugate(
            1 / (2j) * Y_m10 / X_m10)  #-- - sign from the different def
        f1001vh = -1 / (2j) * X_0m1 / Y_0m1  #-- - sign from the different def
        f1010hv = -1 / (2j) * Y_p10 / np.conjugate(
            X_m10)  #-- - sign from the different def
        f1010vh = -1 / (2j) * X_0p1 / np.conjugate(
            Y_0m1)  #-- - sign from the different def
        ##              f1001hv=conjugate(1/(2j)*Y_m10/X_m10)
        ##              f1001vh=1/(2j)*X_0m1/Y_0m1
        ##              f1010hv=1/(2j)*Y_p10/conjugate(X_m10)
        ##              f1010vh=1/(2j)*X_0p1/conjugate(Y_0m1)

        #-- Construct phases psih, psiv, Psih, Psiv w.r.t. the AC dipole
        psih = psih - (psih[k_bpmac_h] - psih_ac2bpmac[bpmac_h])
        psiv = psiv - (psiv[k_bpmac_v] - psiv_ac2bpmac[bpmac_v])
        print('the phase to the device', k_bpmac_h, psih[k_bpmac_h], bpmac_h,
              (psih[k_bpmac_h] - psih_ac2bpmac[bpmac_h]))
        Psih = psih - np.pi * Qh
        Psih[:k_bpmac_h] = Psih[:k_bpmac_h] + 2 * np.pi * Qh
        Psiv = psiv - np.pi * Qv
        Psiv[:k_bpmac_v] = Psiv[:k_bpmac_v] + 2 * np.pi * Qv

        Psix = np.arctan((1 - rh) / (1 + rh) * np.tan(Psih)) % np.pi
        Psiy = np.arctan((1 - rv) / (1 + rv) * np.tan(Psiv)) % np.pi
        for k in range(len(bpm)):
            if Psih[k] % (2 * np.pi) > np.pi: Psix[k] = Psix[k] + np.pi
            if Psiv[k] % (2 * np.pi) > np.pi: Psiy[k] = Psiy[k] + np.pi

        psix = Psix - np.pi * Qx
        psix[k_bpmac_h:] = psix[k_bpmac_h:] + 2 * np.pi * Qx
        psiy = Psiy - np.pi * Qy
        psiy[k_bpmac_v:] = psiy[k_bpmac_v:] + 2 * np.pi * Qy

        #-- Construct f1001h, f1001v, f1010h, f1010v (these include math.sqrt(betv/beth) or math.sqrt(beth/betv))
        f1001h = 1 / math.sqrt(1 -
                               rv**2) * (np.exp(-1j *
                                                (Psiv - Psiy)) * f1001hv +
                                         rv * np.exp(1j *
                                                     (Psiv + Psiy)) * f1010hv)
        f1010h = 1 / math.sqrt(1 -
                               rv**2) * (np.exp(1j * (Psiv - Psiy)) * f1010hv +
                                         rv * np.exp(-1j *
                                                     (Psiv + Psiy)) * f1001hv)
        f1001v = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rh**2) * (
            np.exp(1j * (Psih - Psix)) * f1001vh +
            rh * np.exp(-1j * (Psih + Psix)) * np.conjugate(f1010vh))
        f1010v = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rh**2) * (
            np.exp(1j * (Psih - Psix)) * f1010vh +
            rh * np.exp(-1j * (Psih + Psix)) * np.conjugate(f1001vh))

        #-- Construct f1001 and f1010 from h and v BPMs (these include math.sqrt(betv/beth) or math.sqrt(beth/betv))
        g1001h = np.exp(-1j * (
            (psih - psih[k_bpmac_h]) -
            (psiy - psiy[k_bpmac_v]))) * (ampv / amph * amph[k_bpmac_h] /
                                          ampv[k_bpmac_v]) * f1001h[k_bpmac_h]
        g1001h[:k_bpmac_h] = 1 / (np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * (Qh - Qy)) -
                                  1) * (f1001h - g1001h)[:k_bpmac_h]
        g1001h[k_bpmac_h:] = 1 / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j *
                                             (Qh - Qy))) * (f1001h -

        g1010h = np.exp(-1j * (
            (psih - psih[k_bpmac_h]) +
            (psiy - psiy[k_bpmac_v]))) * (ampv / amph * amph[k_bpmac_h] /
                                          ampv[k_bpmac_v]) * f1010h[k_bpmac_h]
        g1010h[:k_bpmac_h] = 1 / (np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * (Qh + Qy)) -
                                  1) * (f1010h - g1010h)[:k_bpmac_h]
        g1010h[k_bpmac_h:] = 1 / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j *
                                             (Qh + Qy))) * (f1010h -

        g1001v = np.exp(-1j * (
            (psix - psix[k_bpmac_h]) -
            (psiv - psiv[k_bpmac_v]))) * (amph / ampv * ampv[k_bpmac_v] /
                                          amph[k_bpmac_h]) * f1001v[k_bpmac_v]
        g1001v[:k_bpmac_v] = 1 / (np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * (Qx - Qv)) -
                                  1) * (f1001v - g1001v)[:k_bpmac_v]
        g1001v[k_bpmac_v:] = 1 / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j *
                                             (Qx - Qv))) * (f1001v -

        g1010v = np.exp(-1j * (
            (psix - psix[k_bpmac_h]) +
            (psiv - psiv[k_bpmac_v]))) * (amph / ampv * ampv[k_bpmac_v] /
                                          amph[k_bpmac_h]) * f1010v[k_bpmac_v]
        g1010v[:k_bpmac_v] = 1 / (np.exp(2 * np.pi * 1j * (Qx + Qv)) -
                                  1) * (f1010v - g1010v)[:k_bpmac_v]
        g1010v[k_bpmac_v:] = 1 / (1 - np.exp(-2 * np.pi * 1j *
                                             (Qx + Qv))) * (f1010v -

        f1001x = np.exp(1j * (psih - psix)) * f1001h
        f1001x = f1001x - rh * np.exp(
            -1j * (psih + psix)) / rch * np.conjugate(f1010h)
        f1001x = f1001x - 2j * sin(np.pi * dh) * np.exp(1j *
                                                        (Psih - Psix)) * g1001h
        f1001x = f1001x - 2j * sin(np.pi * dh) * np.exp(
            -1j * (Psih + Psix)) / rch * np.conjugate(g1010h)
        f1001x = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rh**2) * sin(np.pi * (Qh - Qy)) / sin(
            np.pi * (Qx - Qy)) * f1001x

        f1010x = np.exp(1j * (psih - psix)) * f1010h
        f1010x = f1010x - rh * np.exp(
            -1j * (psih + psix)) * rch * np.conjugate(f1001h)
        f1010x = f1010x - 2j * sin(np.pi * dh) * np.exp(1j *
                                                        (Psih - Psix)) * g1010h
        f1010x = f1010x - 2j * sin(np.pi * dh) * np.exp(
            -1j * (Psih + Psix)) * rch * np.conjugate(g1001h)
        f1010x = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rh**2) * sin(np.pi * (Qh + Qy)) / sin(
            np.pi * (Qx + Qy)) * f1010x

        f1001y = np.exp(-1j * (psiv - psiy)) * f1001v
        f1001y = f1001y + rv * np.exp(1j * (psiv + psiy)) / rcv * f1010v
        f1001y = f1001y + 2j * sin(np.pi * dv) * np.exp(-1j *
                                                        (Psiv - Psiy)) * g1001v
        f1001y = f1001y - 2j * sin(np.pi * dv) * np.exp(
            1j * (Psiv + Psiy)) / rcv * g1010v
        f1001y = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rv**2) * sin(np.pi * (Qx - Qv)) / sin(
            np.pi * (Qx - Qy)) * f1001y

        f1010y = np.exp(1j * (psiv - psiy)) * f1010v
        f1010y = f1010y + rv * np.exp(-1j * (psiv + psiy)) * rcv * f1001v
        f1010y = f1010y - 2j * sin(np.pi * dv) * np.exp(1j *
                                                        (Psiv - Psiy)) * g1010v
        f1010y = f1010y + 2j * sin(np.pi * dv) * np.exp(
            -1j * (Psiv + Psiy)) * rcv * g1001v
        f1010y = 1 / math.sqrt(1 - rv**2) * sin(np.pi * (Qx + Qv)) / sin(
            np.pi * (Qx + Qy)) * f1010y

        #-- For B2, must be double checked
        if bd == -1:
            f1001x = -np.conjugate(f1001x)
            f1001y = -np.conjugate(f1001y)
            f1010x = -np.conjugate(f1010x)
            f1010y = -np.conjugate(f1010y)

        #-- Separate to amplitudes and phases, amplitudes averaged to cancel math.sqrt(betv/beth) and math.sqrt(beth/betv)
        for k in range(len(bpm)):
            f1001Abs[k][i] = math.sqrt(abs(f1001x[k] * f1001y[k]))
            f1010Abs[k][i] = math.sqrt(abs(f1010x[k] * f1010y[k]))
            f1001xArg[k][i] = np.angle(f1001x[k]) % (2 * np.pi)
            f1001yArg[k][i] = np.angle(f1001y[k]) % (2 * np.pi)
            f1010xArg[k][i] = np.angle(f1010x[k]) % (2 * np.pi)
            f1010yArg[k][i] = np.angle(f1010y[k]) % (2 * np.pi)

    #-- Output
    fwqw = {}
    goodbpm = []
    for k in range(len(bpm)):

        #-- Bad BPM flag based on phase
        badbpm = 0
        f1001xArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(f1001xArg[k], 2 * np.pi)
        f1001yArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(f1001yArg[k], 2 * np.pi)
        f1010xArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(f1010xArg[k], 2 * np.pi)
        f1010yArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(f1010yArg[k], 2 * np.pi)
        #This seems to be to conservative or somethings...
        if min(abs(f1001xArgAve - f1001yArgAve),
               2 * np.pi - abs(f1001xArgAve - f1001yArgAve)) > np.pi / 2:
            badbpm = 1
        if min(abs(f1010xArgAve - f1010yArgAve),
               2 * np.pi - abs(f1010xArgAve - f1010yArgAve)) > np.pi / 2:
            badbpm = 1

        badbpm = 0
        #-- Output
        if badbpm == 0:
            f1001AbsAve = np.mean(f1001Abs[k])
            f1010AbsAve = np.mean(f1010Abs[k])
            f1001ArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(
                np.append(f1001xArg[k], f1001yArg[k]), 2 * np.pi)
            f1010ArgAve = phase.calc_phase_mean(
                np.append(f1010xArg[k], f1010yArg[k]), 2 * np.pi)
            f1001Ave = f1001AbsAve * np.exp(1j * f1001ArgAve)
            f1010Ave = f1010AbsAve * np.exp(1j * f1010ArgAve)
            f1001AbsStd = math.sqrt(np.mean((f1001Abs[k] - f1001AbsAve)**2))
            f1010AbsStd = math.sqrt(np.mean((f1010Abs[k] - f1010AbsAve)**2))
            f1001ArgStd = phase.calc_phase_std(
                np.append(f1001xArg[k], f1001yArg[k]), 2 * np.pi)
            f1010ArgStd = phase.calc_phase_std(
                np.append(f1010xArg[k], f1010yArg[k]), 2 * np.pi)
            fwqw[bpm[k][1]] = [[f1001Ave, f1001AbsStd, f1010Ave, f1010AbsStd],
                                   f1001ArgAve / (2 * np.pi),
                                   f1001ArgStd / (2 * np.pi),
                                   f1010ArgAve / (2 * np.pi),
                                   f1010ArgStd / (2 * np.pi)
                               ]]  #-- Phases renormalized to [0,1)

    #-- Global parameters not implemented yet
    fwqw['Global'] = ['"null"', '"null"']

    return [fwqw, goodbpm]
def find_lts(iq, thresh=0.8, us=1, cp=32, flip=False, lts_seq=[]):
		Find the indices of LTSs in the input "iq" signal (upsampled by a factor of "up").
		"thresh" sets sensitivity.

			iq: IQ samples
			thresh: threshold to detect peak
			us: upsampling factor, needed for generate_training_seq() function
			cp: cyclic prefix
			flip: Flag to specify order or LTS sequence.
			lts_seq: if transmitted lts sequence is provided, use it, otherwise generate it

			best_pk: highest LTS peak,
			lts_pks: the list of all detected LTSs, and
			lts_corr: the correlated signal, multiplied by itself delayed by 1/2 an LTS
    debug = False

    # If original signal not provided, generate LTS
    lts_seq = np.asarray(lts_seq)
    if lts_seq.size == 0:
        # full lts contains 2.5 64-sample-LTS sequences, we need only one symbol
        lts, lts_f = generate_training_seq(preamble_type='lts',
        peak_spacing = 64
        # If provided...
        lts = lts_seq
        # Special case - If half lts used
        if len(lts_seq) == 80:
            peak_spacing = 80
            peak_spacing = 64

    lts_tmp = lts[-64:]
    if flip:
        lts_flip = lts_tmp[::-1]
        lts_flip = lts_tmp

    lts_flip_conj = np.conjugate(lts_flip)
    sign_fct = iq / abs(iq)  # Equivalent to Matlab's sign function (X/abs(X))
    sign_fct = np.nan_to_num(sign_fct)  # Replace NaN values
    lts_corr = np.abs(np.convolve(lts_flip_conj, sign_fct))

    lts_pks = np.where(lts_corr > (thresh * np.max(lts_corr)))
    lts_pks = np.squeeze(lts_pks)
    x_vec, y_vec = np.meshgrid(lts_pks, lts_pks)

    # second_peak_idx, y = np.where((y_vec - x_vec) == len(lts_tmp))
    second_peak_idx, y = np.where((y_vec - x_vec) == peak_spacing)

    # To save mat files
    # sio.savemat('rx_iq_pilot.mat', {'iq_pilot': iq})

    if not second_peak_idx.any():
        if debug:
            print("NO LTS FOUND!")
        best_pk = []
        best_pk = lts_pks[
            second_peak_idx[0]]  # Grab only the first packet we have received

    if debug:
        # print("LTS: {}, BEST: {}".format(lts_pks, lts_pks[second_peak_idx]))
        if lts_pks.size > 1:
            fig = plt.figure()
            ax1 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 1)
            ax2 = fig.add_subplot(2, 1, 2)
            ax2.scatter(lts_pks, 2 * np.ones(len(lts_pks)))

    return best_pk, lts_pks, lts_corr
D = np.zeros((len(kappa), len(tau)))
U = np.zeros(np.shape(D))
D0 = np.zeros(np.shape(D))
difference = np.zeros(np.shape(D))
dt = tau/750
Ts = np.ones(len(tau), dtype="int")*int(500)
T = 750 

nu = 1.2
F0 = 12/nu
Pe = 1
Dm  = 1
for i in range(len(tau)):
	omega = 2*np.pi/tau[i]
	rho = np.sqrt(1j*omega/Dm)
	rho_c = np.conjugate(rho)
	gamma = np.sqrt(1j*omega/nu)
	gamma_c = np.conjugate(gamma)
	D0[:,i] = 1 + Pe*Pe*F0*F0*np.tanh(gamma)*np.tanh(gamma_c)/(4*gamma*gamma_c*(gamma**4 - rho**4))*(1/(gamma*gamma)*(gamma/np.tanh(gamma) - gamma_c/np.tanh(gamma_c)) - 1/(rho*rho)*(rho/np.tanh(rho) - rho_c/np.tanh(rho_c)))

kappa_cont = np.linspace(min(kappa), max(kappa), int(1e4))

for i in range(len(kappa)):
	for j in range(len(tau)):
		data = np.loadtxt(base+"Lx" +  str(Lx[i]) +"_tau"+ str(round(tau[j], 3)) +"_eps"+epsilon+"_nu1.2_D1.0_fzero0.0_fone12.0_res150_dt" + str(round(dt[j], 6)) + "/tdata.dat")
		print(kappa[i], tau[j], np.shape(data), np.shape(D))
		D[i, j] = sci.trapz(  data[:, 8][-T:],  data[:, 0][-T:] )/tau[j]
		difference[i, j] = abs(D[i, j] - sci.trapz(  np.trim_zeros(data[:, 8])[-2*T:-T],  np.trim_zeros(data[:, 0])[-2*T:-T] )/tau[j])/D[i,j]
		U[i, j] = sci.trapz(  data[:, 4][-T:],  data[:, 0][-T:] )/tau[j]
 def getpower(self):
     returns square of wavelet coefficient array
     return (self.cwt* NP.conjugate(self.cwt)).real
def _epoch_spectral_connectivity(data,
    """Connectivity estimation for one epoch see spectral_connectivity."""
    n_cons = len(idx_map[0])

    if wavelets is not None:
        n_times_spectrum = n_times
        n_freqs = len(wavelets)
        n_times_spectrum = 0
        n_freqs = np.sum(freq_mask)

    if not accumulate_inplace:
        # instantiate methods only for this epoch (used in parallel mode)
        con_methods = [
            mtype(n_cons, n_freqs, n_times_spectrum)
            for mtype in con_method_types

    if len(sig_idx) == n_signals:
        # we use all signals: use a slice for faster indexing
        sig_idx = slice(None, None)

    # compute tapered spectra
    if mode in ['multitaper', 'fourier']:
        x_mt = list()
        this_psd = list()
        sig_pos_start = 0
        for this_data in data:
            this_n_sig = this_data.shape[0]
            sig_pos_end = sig_pos_start + this_n_sig
            if not isinstance(sig_idx, slice):
                this_sig_idx = sig_idx[(sig_idx >= sig_pos_start) &
                                       (sig_idx < sig_pos_end)] - sig_pos_start
                this_sig_idx = sig_idx
            if isinstance(this_data, _BaseSourceEstimate):
                _mt_spectra_partial = partial(_mt_spectra,
                this_x_mt = this_data.transform_data(_mt_spectra_partial,
                this_x_mt, _ = _mt_spectra(
                    this_data[this_sig_idx, tmin_idx:tmax_idx], window_fun,

            if mt_adaptive:
                # compute PSD and adaptive weights
                _this_psd, weights = _psd_from_mt_adaptive(this_x_mt,

                # only keep freqs of interest
                this_x_mt = this_x_mt[:, :, freq_mask]
                # do not use adaptive weights
                this_x_mt = this_x_mt[:, :, freq_mask]
                if mode == 'multitaper':
                    weights = np.sqrt(eigvals)[np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis]
                    # hack to so we can sum over axis=-2
                    weights = np.array([1.])[:, None, None]

                if accumulate_psd:
                    _this_psd = _psd_from_mt(this_x_mt, weights)

            if accumulate_psd:

        x_mt = np.concatenate(x_mt, axis=0)
        if accumulate_psd:
            this_psd = np.concatenate(this_psd, axis=0)

        # advance position
        sig_pos_start = sig_pos_end

    elif mode == 'cwt_morlet':
        # estimate spectra using CWT
        x_cwt = list()
        this_psd = list()
        sig_pos_start = 0
        for this_data in data:
            this_n_sig = this_data.shape[0]
            sig_pos_end = sig_pos_start + this_n_sig
            if not isinstance(sig_idx, slice):
                this_sig_idx = sig_idx[(sig_idx >= sig_pos_start) &
                                       (sig_idx < sig_pos_end)] - sig_pos_start
                this_sig_idx = sig_idx
            if isinstance(this_data, _BaseSourceEstimate):
                cwt_partial = partial(cwt,
                this_x_cwt = this_data.transform_data(cwt_partial,
                this_x_cwt = cwt(this_data[this_sig_idx, tmin_idx:tmax_idx],

            if accumulate_psd:
                this_psd.append((this_x_cwt * this_x_cwt.conj()).real)


            # advance position
            sig_pos_start = sig_pos_end

        x_cwt = np.concatenate(x_cwt, axis=0)
        if accumulate_psd:
            this_psd = np.concatenate(this_psd, axis=0)
        raise RuntimeError('invalid mode')

    # accumulate or return psd
    if accumulate_psd:
        if accumulate_inplace:
            psd += this_psd
            psd = this_psd
        psd = None

    # tell the methods that a new epoch starts
    for method in con_methods:

    # accumulate connectivity scores
    if mode in ['multitaper', 'fourier']:
        for i in range(0, n_cons, block_size):
            con_idx = slice(i, i + block_size)
            if mt_adaptive:
                csd = _csd_from_mt(x_mt[idx_map[0][con_idx]],
                csd = _csd_from_mt(x_mt[idx_map[0][con_idx]],
                                   x_mt[idx_map[1][con_idx]], weights, weights)

            for method in con_methods:
                method.accumulate(con_idx, csd)
        # cwt_morlet mode
        for i in range(0, n_cons, block_size):
            con_idx = slice(i, i + block_size)

            csd = x_cwt[idx_map[0][con_idx]] * \
            for method in con_methods:
                method.accumulate(con_idx, csd)

    return con_methods, psd
def PureQubits_to_InnerSquared(pureQubitA, pureQubitB):
    amplitude = np.inner(pureQubitA, np.conjugate(pureQubitB).T)
    return amplitude * np.conjugate(amplitude)
 def multipliers(x, y):
     #---use the fact that all real-valued functions are symmetric under FFT
     return x * np.conjugate(y)
 def scalarProduct(n, m):
     return 0.5 * np.trace(np.dot(m, np.conjugate(n).T))
def plotSynDimBandStructGenTB(omega, delta, epsilon, tx, S, m0,c=c,kList=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,600),save=False,plots=True):
    mFvect=np.array([np.float(j-S) for j in range(s)])
  #  mFvect=np.arange(s)
    for k in kList:
        H,kstates=RamanLatHamTB(k, omega, delta, epsilon, tx, S,m0,c=c)
        Energies, eigenstates = LA.eig(H)
        sort = np.argsort(Energies)
        Esorted, eVsorted = Energies[sort], eigenstates[:,sort]
        for j in range(s-2):
    if plots:
      #  panel.set_title(r'$\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        for i in range(s):   
            d=panel.scatter(kList,E[:,i],c=m[:,i],vmin=-S,vmax=S, marker='_')
        cbar = figure.colorbar(d,ticks=np.array([-S,0,S]))
      #  cbar.ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) 
        cbar.set_label(r'$\langle m \rangle$', size=16)
        panel.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]',size=16)
        panel.set_ylabel(r'Energy [$E_L$]',size=16)
        if saveBandStruct:
            plt.savefig('Z:/My Documents/papers etc/talks and posters/largeBS.jpg',dpi=400)

#    fig2=plt.figure()
#    pan2=fig2.add_subplot(1,1,1)    
#    pan2.set_title(r'$\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
#    for i in range(s):   
#        pan2.plot(kList,ktot[:,i],label='band '+str(i))
#    pan2.set_xlabel(r'$q/k_L$')
#    pan2.set_ylabel(r'Total momentum $[k_L]$')
#    plt.legend()
    print kM, k0, kP
    print 'chern number from slope lowest band = ' +str(chern)
    print mM, mP
    print 'chern number from displacement lowest band = ' + str((mP-mM)/2.0)
    if plots:
    #    fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest band')    
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=pops[:,0,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)
        pan3.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
        pan3.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
#        fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest bands')  
    for ind,k in enumerate(kList):
        for i in range(s):
    if plots:   
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=popAvg[:,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)
    #print kM, k0, kP
    print 'chern number from slope lowest '+str(int(np.ceil(s/q))) +' bands = ' +str(chern2)

    if plots:
        pan3.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
        pan3.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
 #       fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest bands no edges')      
    for ind,k in enumerate(kList):
        for i in range(s):
    if plots:
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=popAvg2[:,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)
#        fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Edge band')      
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=pops[:,int(np.ceil(s/q))-1,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)

#    maxSite=np.zeros(kList.size)
#    for i in np.arange(kList.size):
#        maxSite[i]=np.where(pops[i,0,:]==np.max(pops[i,0,:]))[0][0]
#    fig4=plt.figure()
#    pan4=fig4.add_subplot(1,1,1)
#    pan4.plot(kList,maxSite)
#    pan4.set_xlabel(r'$q/k_L$')
#    pan4.set_ylabel('synthetic site with maximum population')
#    pan4=fig3.add_subplot(2,1,2)    
#    pan4.set_title('Second band')    
#    for i in range(s):    
#        pan4.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=pops[:,1,i],vmin=0,vmax=1.0, cmap='Blues', marker='_',linewidths=10)
#    pan4.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
#    pan5=fig3.add_subplot(3,1,3)    
#    pan5.set_title('Average of First and Second band')    
#    for i in range(s):    
#        pan5.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=(pops[:,1,i]+pops[:,0,i])/2.0,vmin=0,vmax=1.0,cmap='Blues', marker='_',linewidths=10)
#    pan5.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
#    pan5.set_xlabel(r'$k/k_L$')
    print mM, mP
    print 'chern number from displacement lowest band = ' + str((mP-mM)/2.0)
    if plots:
        pan4.plot(kList,m[:,0],'k-',lw=2, label = 'lowest band')
        pan4.plot(kList,mBands,'b-',lw=2, label = 'lowest '+str(int(np.ceil(s/q))) +' bands' )
    #    for j in range(s-2):
    #        pan4.plot(kList,magInUnitCell[:,j])
        pan4.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
        for mF in np.arange(-S,S+1):
            pan5.plot(kList,pops[:,0,mF+S], cDict[mF], label=r'$m_F$='+str(mF))
        pan5.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
        pan5.set_ylabel('Fractional populations')
        pan5.set_title('Lowest band to second band')
    #    fig6=plt.figure()
    #    pan6=fig6.add_subplot(1,1,1)
    #    for mF in np.arange(-S,S+1):
    #        pan6.plot(kList,pops[:,1,mF+S],label=r'$m_F$='+str(mF))
    #    pan6.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
    #    pan6.set_ylabel('Fractional populations')
    #    pan6.set_title('Second band')
    #    plt.legend()    
    if save:
        if Flat:
        print filename
        np.savez(filename, omega=omega,delta=delta,epsilon=epsilon,U=U,kList=kList,E=E,m=m,pops=pops,popAvg=popAvg)
#    a=np.arange(2*S+1)
#    nbar=np.dot(m1pops,a)
#    fig7=plt.figure()
#    pan7=fig7.add_subplot(1,1,1)
#    pan7.plot(kList,nbar)
#    pan7.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
#    pan7.set_ylabel('Center of mass')
#    plt.legend()   
    return kList, E, m, chern, chern2
def PureQubit_to_QubitDM(pureQubit):
    return np.outer(pureQubit, np.conjugate(pureQubit).T)
 def dag(a: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
     return np.transpose(np.conjugate(a))
def _transpose(a, perm=None, conjugate=False, name='transpose'):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
  x = np.transpose(a, perm)
  return np.conjugate(x) if conjugate else x
def outerpr(v1, v2):
    v1 = np.conjugate(v1)
    return np.outer(v1, v2)
def plotSynDimBandStructGenTBClean(omega, delta, epsilon, tx, S, m0,c=c,kList=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,600),save=False,plots=True):
    mFvect=np.array([np.float(j-S) for j in range(s)])
  #  mFvect=np.arange(s)
    for k in kList:
        H,kstates=RamanLatHamTB(k, omega, delta, epsilon, tx, S,m0,c=c)
        Energies, eigenstates = LA.eig(H)
        sort = np.argsort(Energies)
        Esorted, eVsorted = Energies[sort], eigenstates[:,sort]
        for j in range(s-2):
    if plots:
      #  panel.set_title(r'$\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        for i in range(s):   
            d=panel.scatter(kList,E[:,i],c=m[:,i],vmin=-S,vmax=S, marker='_')
        cbar = figure.colorbar(d,ticks=np.array([-S,0,S]))
      #  cbar.ax.tick_params(labelsize=15) 
        cbar.set_label(r'$\langle m \rangle$', size=16)
        panel.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]',size=16)
        panel.set_ylabel(r'Energy [$E_L$]',size=16)
        if saveBandStruct:
            plt.savefig('Z:/My Documents/papers etc/talks and posters/largeBS.jpg',dpi=400)

    if plots:
    #    fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest band')    
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=pops[:,0,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)
        pan3.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
        pan3.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
#        fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest bands')  
    for ind,k in enumerate(kList):
        for i in range(s):
    if plots:   
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=popAvg[:,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)

    if plots:
        pan3.set_ylabel('Synthetic lattice site')
        pan3.set_xlabel(r'Crystal momentum [$k_L$]')
 #       fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Lowest bands no edges')      
    for ind,k in enumerate(kList):
        for i in range(s):
    if plots:
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=popAvg2[:,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)
#        fig3.suptitle(r'F= '+str(S)+r', $\Omega$ = '+str(np.round(omega,2))+r'$E_L$, $\delta$ = '+str(np.round(delta,3))+r'$E_L$, $\epsilon$ = '+str(np.round(epsilon,3))+r'$E_L$, U = '+str(np.round(U,2))+r'$E_L$')
        pan3.set_title('Edge band')      
        for i in range(s):    
            pan3.scatter(kList,[i for j in range(kList.size)],c=pops[:,int(np.ceil(s/q))-1,i],cmap='Blues',vmin=0.0,vmax=1.0/S,marker='_',linewidths=10)

    return kList, E, m, pops
文件: zad9.py 项目: Khaotich/JSP2020
from numpy import conjugate,angle
z = complex(input("Podaj liczbę zespoloną: "))
 def conjugate(self):
     """Return the conjugate of the operator."""
     ret = self.copy()
     ret._coeff = np.conjugate(self.coeff)
     return ret
B = np.matrix([[4., 2.], [-1., 3.], [1., 5.]])
print("AB= \n", np.matmul(A, B))
print("AB= \n", np.einsum("mk,kn->mn", A, B))

B = np.matrix([[-1., 2., 4.], [1., 8., 6.]])
print("A*B= \n", np.multiply(A, B))

print("A^T= \n", A.T)
print("A^T= \n", np.transpose(A, axes=(1, 0)))
print("A^T= \n", np.swapaxes(A, 1, 0))

A = np.matrix([[3., 1. + 2.j, 2. + 3.j], [2., 3. - 4.j, 1. + 3.j]])
print("A^H= \n", A.H)
print("A^H= \n", np.swapaxes(np.conjugate(A), 1, 0))

A = np.matrix([[3., 1. + 2.j, 2. + 3.j], [2., 3. - 4.j, 1. + 3.j]])
B = np.matrix([[4. + 4.j, 2. - 3.j], [-1. + 1.j, 3. - 2.j],
               [1. + 3.j, 5. + 5.j]])
print("(AB)^H= \n", (np.matmul(A, B)).H)
print("B^H A^H= \n", np.matmul(B.H, A.H))

I = np.eye(N=3)
print("I = \n", I)
def dotpr(v1, v2):
    v2 = np.conjugate(v2)
    return np.inner(v1, v2)
def symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, theta=0):
    """Symmetric Strength Measure.

    Compute strength of connection matrix using the standard symmetric measure

    An off-diagonal connection A[i,j] is strong iff::

        abs(A[i,j]) >= theta * sqrt( abs(A[i,i]) * abs(A[j,j]) )

    A : csr_matrix
        Matrix graph defined in sparse format.  Entry A[i,j] describes the
        strength of edge [i,j]
    theta : float
        Threshold parameter (positive).

    S : csr_matrix
        Matrix graph defining strong connections.  S[i,j]=1 if vertex i
        is strongly influenced by vertex j.

    See Also
    symmetric_strength_of_connection : symmetric measure used in SA
    evolution_strength_of_connection : relaxation based strength measure

        - For vector problems, standard strength measures may produce
          undesirable aggregates.  A "block approach" from Vanek et al. is used
          to replace vertex comparisons with block-type comparisons.  A
          connection between nodes i and j in the block case is strong if::

          ||AB[i,j]|| >= theta * sqrt( ||AB[i,i]||*||AB[j,j]|| ) where AB[k,l]

          is the matrix block (degrees of freedom) associated with nodes k and
          l and ||.|| is a matrix norm, such a Frobenius.

        - See [1996bVaMaBr]_ for more details.

    .. [1996bVaMaBr] Vanek, P. and Mandel, J. and Brezina, M.,
       "Algebraic Multigrid by Smoothed Aggregation for
       Second and Fourth Order Elliptic Problems",
       Computing, vol. 56, no. 3, pp. 179--196, 1996.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import stencil_grid
    >>> from pyamg.strength import symmetric_strength_of_connection
    >>> n=3
    >>> stencil = np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0],
    ...                        [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0],
    ...                        [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]])
    >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr')
    >>> S = symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, 0.0)

    if theta < 0:
        raise ValueError('expected a positive theta')

    if sparse.isspmatrix_csr(A):
        # if theta == 0:
        #     return A

        Sp = np.empty_like(A.indptr)
        Sj = np.empty_like(A.indices)
        Sx = np.empty_like(A.data)

        fn = amg_core.symmetric_strength_of_connection
        fn(A.shape[0], theta, A.indptr, A.indices, A.data, Sp, Sj, Sx)

        S = sparse.csr_matrix((Sx, Sj, Sp), shape=A.shape)

    elif sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(A):
        M, N = A.shape
        R, C = A.blocksize

        if R != C:
            raise ValueError('matrix must have square blocks')

        if theta == 0:
            data = np.ones(len(A.indices), dtype=A.dtype)
            S = sparse.csr_matrix((data, A.indices.copy(), A.indptr.copy()),
                                  shape=(int(M / R), int(N / C)))
            # the strength of connection matrix is based on the
            # Frobenius norms of the blocks
            data = (np.conjugate(A.data) * A.data).reshape(-1, R * C)
            data = data.sum(axis=1)
            A = sparse.csr_matrix((data, A.indices, A.indptr),
                                  shape=(int(M / R), int(N / C)))
            return symmetric_strength_of_connection(A, theta)
        raise TypeError('expected csr_matrix or bsr_matrix')

    # Strength represents "distance", so take the magnitude
    S.data = np.abs(S.data)

    # Scale S by the largest magnitude entry in each row
    S = scale_rows_by_largest_entry(S)

    return S
文件: kernels.py 项目: Yonhua/rascil
def create_awterm_convolutionfunction(im,
    """ Fill AW projection kernel into a GridData.

    :param im: Image template
    :param make_pb: Function to make the primary beam model image (hint: use a partial)
    :param nw: Number of w planes
    :param wstep: Step in w (wavelengths)
    :param oversampling: Oversampling of the convolution function in uv space
    :return: griddata correction Image, griddata kernel as GridData
    d2r = numpy.pi / 180.0

    # We only need the griddata correction function for the PSWF so we make
    # it for the shape of the image
    nchan, npol, ony, onx = im.data.shape

    assert isinstance(im, Image)
    # Calculate the template convolution kernel.
    cf = create_convolutionfunction_from_image(im,

    cf_shape = list(cf.data.shape)
    cf_shape[2] = nw
    cf.data = numpy.zeros(cf_shape).astype('complex')

    cf.grid_wcs.wcs.crpix[4] = nw // 2 + 1.0
    cf.grid_wcs.wcs.cdelt[4] = wstep
    cf.grid_wcs.wcs.ctype[4] = 'WW'
    if numpy.abs(wstep) > 0.0:
        w_list = cf.grid_wcs.sub([5]).wcs_pix2world(range(nw), 0)[0]
        w_list = [0.0]

    assert isinstance(oversampling, int)
    assert oversampling > 0

    nx = max(maxsupport, 2 * oversampling * support)
    ny = max(maxsupport, 2 * oversampling * support)

    qnx = nx // oversampling
    qny = ny // oversampling

    cf.data[...] = 0.0

    subim = copy_image(im)
    ccell = onx * numpy.abs(d2r * subim.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0]) / qnx

    subim.data = numpy.zeros([nchan, npol, qny, qnx])
    subim.wcs.wcs.cdelt[0] = -ccell / d2r
    subim.wcs.wcs.cdelt[1] = +ccell / d2r
    subim.wcs.wcs.crpix[0] = qnx // 2 + 1.0
    subim.wcs.wcs.crpix[1] = qny // 2 + 1.0

    if use_aaf:
        this_pswf_gcf, _ = create_pswf_convolutionfunction(subim,
        norm = 1.0 / this_pswf_gcf.data
        norm = 1.0

    if make_pb is not None:
        pb = make_pb(subim)
        rpb, footprint = reproject_image(pb, subim.wcs, shape=subim.shape)
        rpb.data[footprint.data < 1e-6] = 0.0
        norm *= rpb.data

    # We might need to work with a larger image
    padded_shape = [nchan, npol, ny, nx]
    thisplane = copy_image(subim)
    thisplane.data = numpy.zeros(thisplane.shape, dtype='complex')
    for z, w in enumerate(w_list):
        thisplane.data[...] = 0.0 + 0.0j
        thisplane = create_w_term_like(thisplane, w, dopol=True)
        thisplane.data *= norm
        paddedplane = pad_image(thisplane, padded_shape)
        paddedplane = fft_image(paddedplane)

        ycen, xcen = ny // 2, nx // 2
        for y in range(oversampling):
            ybeg = y + ycen + (support * oversampling) // 2 - oversampling // 2
            yend = y + ycen - (support * oversampling) // 2 - oversampling // 2
            # vv = range(ybeg, yend, -oversampling)
            for x in range(oversampling):
                xbeg = x + xcen + (support *
                                   oversampling) // 2 - oversampling // 2
                xend = x + xcen - (support *
                                   oversampling) // 2 - oversampling // 2

                # uu = range(xbeg, xend, -oversampling)
                cf.data[..., z, y,
                        x, :, :] = paddedplane.data[...,
                # for chan in range(nchan):
                #     for pol in range(npol):
                #         cf.data[chan, pol, z, y, x, :, :] = paddedplane.data[chan, pol, :, :][vv, :][:, uu]

    cf.data /= numpy.sum(
        numpy.real(cf.data[0, 0, nw // 2, oversampling // 2,
                           oversampling // 2, :, :]))
    cf.data = numpy.conjugate(cf.data)

    if use_aaf:
        pswf_gcf, _ = create_pswf_convolutionfunction(im,
        pswf_gcf = create_empty_image_like(im)
        pswf_gcf.data[...] = 1.0

    return pswf_gcf, cf
 def __mul__(self, other):
     if isinstance(other, Wave):
         # Frobenius Product
         return np.trace(np.product(self.wave, np.conjugate(other.wave)))
     if isinstance(other, float):
         return np.multiply(self.wave, other)
def evolution_strength_of_connection(A,
    """Evolution Strength Measure.

    Construct strength of connection matrix using an Evolution-based measure

    A : csr_matrix, bsr_matrix
        Sparse NxN matrix
    B : string, array
        If B=None, then the near nullspace vector used is all ones.  If B is
        an (NxK) array, then B is taken to be the near nullspace vectors.
    epsilon : scalar
        Drop tolerance
    k : integer
        ODE num time steps, step size is assumed to be 1/rho(DinvA)
    proj_type : {'l2','D_A'}
        Define norm for constrained min prob, i.e. define projection
    block_flag : boolean
        If True, use a block D inverse as preconditioner for A during

    Atilde : csr_matrix
        Sparse matrix of strength values

    See [2008OlScTu]_ for more details.

    .. [2008OlScTu] Olson, L. N., Schroder, J., Tuminaro, R. S.,
       "A New Perspective on Strength Measures in Algebraic Multigrid",
       submitted, June, 2008.

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> from pyamg.gallery import stencil_grid
    >>> from pyamg.strength import evolution_strength_of_connection
    >>> n=3
    >>> stencil =  np.array([[-1.0,-1.0,-1.0],
    ...                        [-1.0, 8.0,-1.0],
    ...                        [-1.0,-1.0,-1.0]])
    >>> A = stencil_grid(stencil, (n,n), format='csr')
    >>> S = evolution_strength_of_connection(A,  np.ones((A.shape[0],1)))

    # local imports for evolution_strength_of_connection
    from pyamg.util.utils import scale_rows, get_block_diag, scale_columns
    from pyamg.util.linalg import approximate_spectral_radius

    # ====================================================================
    # Check inputs
    if epsilon < 1.0:
        raise ValueError("expected epsilon > 1.0")
    if k <= 0:
        raise ValueError("number of time steps must be > 0")
    if proj_type not in ['l2', 'D_A']:
        raise ValueError("proj_type must be 'l2' or 'D_A'")
    if (not sparse.isspmatrix_csr(A)) and (not sparse.isspmatrix_bsr(A)):
        raise TypeError("expected csr_matrix or bsr_matrix")

    # ====================================================================
    # Format A and B correctly.
    # B must be in mat format, this isn't a deep copy
    if B is None:
        Bmat = np.ones((A.shape[0], 1), dtype=A.dtype)
        Bmat = np.asarray(B)

    # Pre-process A.  We need A in CSR, to be devoid of explicit 0's and have
    # sorted indices
    if (not sparse.isspmatrix_csr(A)):
        csrflag = False
        numPDEs = A.blocksize[0]
        D = A.diagonal()
        # Calculate Dinv*A
        if block_flag:
            Dinv = get_block_diag(A, blocksize=numPDEs, inv_flag=True)
            Dinv = sparse.bsr_matrix(
                (Dinv, np.arange(Dinv.shape[0]), np.arange(Dinv.shape[0] + 1)),
            Dinv_A = (Dinv * A).tocsr()
            Dinv = np.zeros_like(D)
            mask = (D != 0.0)
            Dinv[mask] = 1.0 / D[mask]
            Dinv[D == 0] = 1.0
            Dinv_A = scale_rows(A, Dinv, copy=True)
        A = A.tocsr()
        csrflag = True
        numPDEs = 1
        D = A.diagonal()
        Dinv = np.zeros_like(D)
        mask = (D != 0.0)
        Dinv[mask] = 1.0 / D[mask]
        Dinv[D == 0] = 1.0
        Dinv_A = scale_rows(A, Dinv, copy=True)


    # Handle preliminaries for the algorithm
    dimen = A.shape[1]
    NullDim = Bmat.shape[1]

    # Get spectral radius of Dinv*A, this will be used to scale the time step
    # size for the ODE
    rho_DinvA = approximate_spectral_radius(Dinv_A)

    # Calculate D_A for later use in the minimization problem
    if proj_type == "D_A":
        D_A = sparse.spdiags([D], [0], dimen, dimen, format='csr')
        D_A = sparse.eye(dimen, dimen, format="csr", dtype=A.dtype)

    # Calculate (I - delta_t Dinv A)^k
    #      In order to later access columns, we calculate the transpose in
    #      CSR format so that columns will be accessed efficiently
    # Calculate the number of time steps that can be done by squaring, and
    # the number of time steps that must be done incrementally
    nsquare = int(np.log2(k))
    ninc = k - 2**nsquare

    # Calculate one time step
    Id = sparse.eye(dimen, dimen, format="csr", dtype=A.dtype)
    Atilde = (Id - (1.0 / rho_DinvA) * Dinv_A)
    Atilde = Atilde.T.tocsr()

    # Construct a sparsity mask for Atilde that will restrict Atilde^T to the
    # nonzero pattern of A, with the added constraint that row i of Atilde^T
    # retains only the nonzeros that are also in the same PDE as i.
    mask = A.copy()

    # Restrict to same PDE
    if numPDEs > 1:
        row_length = np.diff(mask.indptr)
        my_pde = np.mod(np.arange(dimen), numPDEs)
        my_pde = np.repeat(my_pde, row_length)
        mask.data[np.mod(mask.indices, numPDEs) != my_pde] = 0.0
        del row_length, my_pde

    # If the total number of time steps is a power of two, then there is
    # a very efficient computational short-cut.  Otherwise, we support
    # other numbers of time steps, through an inefficient algorithm.
    if ninc > 0:
        warn("The most efficient time stepping for the Evolution Strength "
             "Method is done in powers of two.\nYou have chosen " + str(k) +
             " time steps.")

        # Calculate (Atilde^nsquare)^T = (Atilde^T)^nsquare
        for i in range(nsquare):
            Atilde = Atilde * Atilde

        JacobiStep = (Id - (1.0 / rho_DinvA) * Dinv_A).T.tocsr()
        for i in range(ninc):
            Atilde = Atilde * JacobiStep
        del JacobiStep

        # Apply mask to Atilde, zeros in mask have already been eliminated at
        # start of routine.
        mask.data[:] = 1.0
        Atilde = Atilde.multiply(mask)

    elif nsquare == 0:
        if numPDEs > 1:
            # Apply mask to Atilde, zeros in mask have already been eliminated
            # at start of routine.
            mask.data[:] = 1.0
            Atilde = Atilde.multiply(mask)

        # Use computational short-cut for case (ninc == 0) and (nsquare > 0)
        # Calculate Atilde^k only at the sparsity pattern of mask.
        for i in range(nsquare - 1):
            Atilde = Atilde * Atilde

        # Call incomplete mat-mat mult
        AtildeCSC = Atilde.tocsc()
        amg_core.incomplete_mat_mult_csr(Atilde.indptr, Atilde.indices,
                                         Atilde.data, AtildeCSC.indptr,
                                         AtildeCSC.indices, AtildeCSC.data,
                                         mask.indptr, mask.indices, mask.data,

        del AtildeCSC, Atilde
        Atilde = mask

    del Dinv, Dinv_A, mask

    # Calculate strength based on constrained min problem of
    # min( z - B*x ), such that
    # (B*x)|_i = z|_i, i.e. they are equal at point i
    # z = (I - (t/k) Dinv A)^k delta_i
    # Strength is defined as the relative point-wise approx. error between
    # B*x and z.  We don't use the full z in this problem, only that part of
    # z that is in the sparsity pattern of A.
    # Can use either the D-norm, and inner product, or l2-norm and inner-prod
    # to solve the constrained min problem.  Using D gives scale invariance.
    # This is a quadratic minimization problem with a linear constraint, so
    # we can build a linear system and solve it to find the critical point,
    # i.e. minimum.
    # We exploit a known shortcut for the case of NullDim = 1.  The shortcut is
    # mathematically equivalent to the longer constrained min. problem

    if NullDim == 1:
        # Use shortcut to solve constrained min problem if B is only a vector
        # Strength(i,j) = | 1 - (z(i)/b(j))/(z(j)/b(i)) |
        # These ratios can be calculated by diagonal row and column scalings

        # Create necessary vectors for scaling Atilde
        #   Its not clear what to do where B == 0.  This is an
        #   an easy programming solution, that may make sense.
        Bmat_forscaling = np.ravel(Bmat)
        Bmat_forscaling[Bmat_forscaling == 0] = 1.0
        DAtilde = Atilde.diagonal()
        DAtildeDivB = np.ravel(DAtilde) / Bmat_forscaling

        # Calculate best approximation, z_tilde, in span(B)
        #   Importantly, scale_rows and scale_columns leave zero entries
        #   in the matrix.  For previous implementations this was useful
        #   because we assume data and Atilde.data are the same length below
        data = Atilde.data.copy()
        Atilde.data[:] = 1.0
        Atilde = scale_rows(Atilde, DAtildeDivB)
        Atilde = scale_columns(Atilde, np.ravel(Bmat_forscaling))

        # If angle in the complex plane between z and z_tilde is
        # greater than 90 degrees, then weak.  We can just look at the
        # dot product to determine if angle is greater than 90 degrees.
        angle = np.multiply(np.real(Atilde.data), np.real(data)) +\
            np.multiply(np.imag(Atilde.data), np.imag(data))
        angle = angle < 0.0
        angle = np.array(angle, dtype=bool)

        # Calculate Approximation ratio
        Atilde.data = Atilde.data / data

        # If approximation ratio is less than tol, then weak connection
        weak_ratio = (np.abs(Atilde.data) < 1e-4)

        # Calculate Approximation error
        Atilde.data = abs(1.0 - Atilde.data)

        # Set small ratios and large angles to weak
        Atilde.data[weak_ratio] = 0.0
        Atilde.data[angle] = 0.0

        # Set near perfect connections to 1e-4
        Atilde.data[Atilde.data < np.sqrt(np.finfo(float).eps)] = 1e-4

        del data, weak_ratio, angle

        # For use in computing local B_i^H*B, precompute the element-wise
        # multiply of each column of B with each other column.  We also scale
        # by 2.0 to account for BDB's eventual use in a constrained
        # minimization problem
        BDBCols = int(np.sum(np.arange(NullDim + 1)))
        BDB = np.zeros((dimen, BDBCols), dtype=A.dtype)
        counter = 0
        for i in range(NullDim):
            for j in range(i, NullDim):
                BDB[:, counter] = 2.0 *\
                    (np.conjugate(np.ravel(Bmat[:, i])) * np.ravel(D_A * Bmat[:, j]))
                counter = counter + 1

        # Choose tolerance for dropping "numerically zero" values later
        t = Atilde.dtype.char
        eps = np.finfo(np.float64).eps
        feps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps
        geps = np.finfo(np.float128).eps
        _array_precision = {'f': 0, 'd': 1, 'g': 2, 'F': 0, 'D': 1, 'G': 2}
        tol = {0: feps * 1e3, 1: eps * 1e6, 2: geps * 1e6}[_array_precision[t]]

        # Use constrained min problem to define strength
        amg_core.evolution_strength_helper(Atilde.data, Atilde.indptr,
                                           Atilde.indices, Atilde.shape[0],
                                           np.ravel((D_A * B.conj()).T),
                                           np.ravel(BDB), BDBCols, NullDim,


    # All of the strength values are real by this point, so ditch the complex
    # part
    Atilde.data = np.array(np.real(Atilde.data), dtype=float)

    # Apply drop tolerance
    if epsilon != np.inf:
        amg_core.apply_distance_filter(dimen, epsilon, Atilde.indptr,
                                       Atilde.indices, Atilde.data)

    # Symmetrize
    if symmetrize_measure:
        Atilde = 0.5 * (Atilde + Atilde.T)

    # Set diagonal to 1.0, as each point is strongly connected to itself.
    Id = sparse.eye(dimen, dimen, format="csr")
    Id.data -= Atilde.diagonal()
    Atilde = Atilde + Id

    # If converted BSR to CSR, convert back and return amalgamated matrix,
    #   i.e. the sparsity structure of the blocks of Atilde
    if not csrflag:
        Atilde = Atilde.tobsr(blocksize=(numPDEs, numPDEs))

        n_blocks = Atilde.indices.shape[0]
        blocksize = Atilde.blocksize[0] * Atilde.blocksize[1]
        CSRdata = np.zeros((n_blocks, ))
        amg_core.min_blocks(n_blocks, blocksize,
                            np.ravel(np.asarray(Atilde.data)), CSRdata)
        # Atilde = sparse.csr_matrix((data, row, col), shape=(*,*))
        Atilde = sparse.csr_matrix((CSRdata, Atilde.indices, Atilde.indptr),
                                   shape=(int(Atilde.shape[0] / numPDEs),
                                          int(Atilde.shape[1] / numPDEs)))

    # Standardized strength values require small values be weak and large
    # values be strong.  So, we invert the algebraic distances computed here
    Atilde.data = 1.0 / Atilde.data

    # Scale C by the largest magnitude entry in each row
    Atilde = scale_rows_by_largest_entry(Atilde)

    return Atilde
def PEAK_MIMO(w_start, w_end, error_poles_direction, wr, deadtime_if=0):
    This function is for multivariable system analysis of controllability.
    minimum peak values on S and T with or without deadtime
    R is the expected worst case reference change, with condition that ||R||2<= 2
    wr is the frequency up to where reference tracking is required
    enter value of 1 in deadtime_if if system has dead time
    var : type
        Description (optional).

    var : type

    # TODO use mimotf functions
    Zeros_G = zeros(G)
    Poles_G = poles(G)
    print('Poles: ', Zeros_G)
    print('Zeros: ', Poles_G)

    #just to save unnecessary calculations that is not needed
    #sensitivity peak of closed loop. eq 6-8 pg 224 skogestad

    if np.sum(Zeros_G) != 0:
        if np.sum(Poles_G) != 0:

            #two matrices to save all the RHP zeros and poles directions
            yz_direction = np.matrix(
                np.zeros([G(0.001).shape[0], len(Zeros_G)]))
            yp_direction = np.matrix(
                np.zeros([G(0.001).shape[0], len(Poles_G)]))

            for i in range(len(Zeros_G)):

                [U, S,
                 V] = np.linalg.svd(G(Zeros_G[i] + error_poles_direction))
                yz_direction[:, i] = U[:, -1]

            for i in range(len(Poles_G)):
                #error_poles_direction is to to prevent the numerical method from breaking
                [U, S,
                 V] = np.linalg.svd(G(Poles_G[i] + error_poles_direction))
                yp_direction[:, i] = U[:, 0]

            yz_mat1 = np.matrix(np.diag(Zeros_G)) * np.matrix(
                np.ones([len(Zeros_G), len(Zeros_G)]))
            yz_mat2 = yz_mat1.T

            Qz = (yz_direction.H * yz_direction) / (yz_mat1 + yz_mat2)

            yp_mat1 = np.matrix(np.diag(Poles_G)) * np.matrix(
                np.ones([len(Poles_G), len(Poles_G)]))
            yp_mat2 = yp_mat1.T

            Qp = (yp_direction.H * yp_direction) / (yp_mat1 + yp_mat2)

            yzp_mat1 = np.matrix(np.diag(Zeros_G)) * np.matrix(
                np.ones([len(Zeros_G), len(Poles_G)]))
            yzp_mat2 = np.matrix(np.ones(
                [len(Zeros_G), len(Poles_G)])) * np.matrix(np.diag(Poles_G))

            Qzp = yz_direction.H * yp_direction / (yzp_mat1 - yzp_mat2)

            if deadtime_if == 0:
                #this matrix is the matrix from which the SVD is going to be done to determine the final minimum peak
                pre_mat = (sc_lin.sqrtm((np.linalg.inv(Qz))) * Qzp *

                #final calculation for the peak value
                Ms_min = np.sqrt(1 + (np.max(np.linalg.svd(pre_mat)[1]))**2)
                print('Minimum peak values on T and S without deadtime')
                print('Ms_min = Mt_min = ', Ms_min)

            #Skogestad eq 6-16 pg 226 using maximum deadtime per output channel to give tightest lowest bounds
            if deadtime_if == 1:
                #create vector to be used for the diagonal deadtime matrix containing each outputs' maximum dead time
                #this would ensure tighter bounds on T and S
                #the minimum function is used because all stable systems have dead time with a negative sign

                dead_time_vec_max_row = np.zeros(deadtime()[0].shape[0])

                for i in range(deadtime()[0].shape[0]):
                    dead_time_vec_max_row[i] = np.max(deadtime()[0][i, :])

                def Dead_time_matrix(s, dead_time_vec_max_row):

                    dead_time_matrix = np.diag(
                        np.exp(np.multiply(dead_time_vec_max_row, s)))
                    return dead_time_matrix

                Q_dead = np.zeros([G(0.0001).shape[0], G(0.0001).shape[0]])

                for i in range(len(Poles_G)):
                    for j in range(len(Poles_G)):
                        denominator_mat = np.transpose(
                                yp_direction[:, i])) * Dead_time_matrix(
                                    dead_time_vec_max_row) * Dead_time_matrix(
                                        Poles_G[j], dead_time_vec_max_row
                                    ) * yp_direction[:, j]
                        numerator_mat = Poles_G[i] + Poles_G[i]

                        Q_dead[i, j] = denominator_mat / numerator_mat

                #calculating the Mt_min with dead time
                lambda_mat = sc_lin.sqrtm(np.linalg.pinv(Q_dead)) * (
                    Qp + Qzp * np.linalg.pinv(Qz) *
                    (np.transpose(np.conjugate(Qzp)))) * sc_lin.sqrtm(

                Ms_min = np.real(np.max(np.linalg.eig(lambda_mat)[0]))
                print('Minimum peak values on T and S without dead time')
                    'Dead time per output channel is for the worst case dead time in that channel'
                print('Ms_min = Mt_min = ', Ms_min)

            print('Minimum peak values on T and S')
            print('No limits on minimum peak values')

    #check for dead time
    #dead_G = deadtime[0]
    #dead_gd = deadtime[1]

    #if np.sum(dead_G)!= 0:
    #therefore deadtime is present in the system therefore extra precautions need to be taken
    #manually set up the dead time matrix

    #    dead_m = np.zeros([len(Poles_G), len(Poles_G)])

    #    for i in range(len(Poles_G)):
    #        for j in range(len(Poles_G))
    #            dead_m

    #eq 6-48 pg 239 for plant with RHP zeros
    #checking alignment of disturbances and RHP zeros
    RHP_alignment = [
            np.linalg.svd(G(RHP_Z + error_poles_direction))[0][:, 0].H *
            np.linalg.svd(Gd(RHP_Z + error_poles_direction))[1][0] *
            np.linalg.svd(Gd(RHP_Z + error_poles_direction))[0][:, 0])
        for RHP_Z in Zeros_G

    print('Checking alignment of process output zeros to disturbances')
    print('These values should be less than 1')

    #checking peak values of KS eq 6-24 pg 229 np.linalg.svd(A)[2][:, 0]
    #done with less tight lower bounds
    KS_PEAK = [
            np.linalg.svd(G(RHP_p + error_poles_direction))[2][:, 0].H *
            np.linalg.pinv(G(RHP_p + error_poles_direction)), 2)
        for RHP_p in Poles_G
    KS_max = np.max(KS_PEAK)

    print('Lower bound on K')
    print('KS needs to larger than ', KS_max)

    #eq 6-50 pg 240 from Skogestad
    #eg 6-50 pg 240 from Skogestad for simultanious disturbance matrix
    #Checking input saturation for perfect control for disturbance rejection
    #checking for maximum disturbance just at steady state

    [U_gd, S_gd, V_gd] = np.linalg.svd(Gd(0.000001))
    y_gd_max = np.max(S_gd) * U_gd[:, 0]
    mod_G_gd_ss = np.max(np.linalg.inv(G(0.000001)) * y_gd_max)

    print('Perfect control input saturation from disturbances')
    print('Needs to be less than 1 ')
    print('Max Norm method')
    print('Checking input saturation at steady state')
    print('This is done by the worse output direction of Gd')


    print('Figure 1 is for perfect control for simultaneous disturbances')
    print('All values on each of the graphs should be smaller than 1')

    print('Figure 2 is the plot of G**1 gd')
    print('The values of this plot needs to be smaller or equal to 1')

    w = np.logspace(w_start, w_end, 100)

    mod_G_gd = np.zeros(len(w))
    mod_G_Gd = np.zeros([np.shape(G(0.0001))[0], len(w)])

    for i in range(len(w)):
        [U_gd, S_gd, V_gd] = np.linalg.svd(Gd(1j * w[i]))
        gd_m = np.max(S_gd) * U_gd[:, 0]
        mod_G_gd[i] = np.max(np.linalg.pinv(G(1j * w[i])) * gd_m)

        mat_G_Gd = np.linalg.pinv(G(w[i])) * Gd(w[i])
        for j in range(np.shape(mat_G_Gd)[0]):
            mod_G_Gd[j, i] = np.max(mat_G_Gd[j, :])

    #def for subplotting all the possible variations of mod_G_Gd

    plot_freq_subplot(plt, w, np.ones([2, len(w)]), 'Perfect control Gd', 'r',
    plot_freq_subplot(plt, w, mod_G_Gd, 'Perfect control Gd', 'b', 1)

    plt.title('Input Saturation for perfect control |inv(G)*gd|<= 1')
    plt.ylabel('|inv(G)* gd|')
    plt.semilogx(w, mod_G_gd)
    plt.semilogx([w[0], w[-1]], [1, 1])
    plt.semilogx(w[0], 1.1)

    #def G_gd(w):
    #    [U_gd, S_gd, V_gd] = np.linalg.svd(Gd(1j*w))
    #    gd_m = U_gd[:, 0]
    #    mod_G_gd[i] = np.max(np.linalg.inv(G(1j*w))*gd_m)-1
    #    return mod_G_gd

    #w_mod_G_gd_1 = sc_opt.fsolve(G_gd, 0.001)

    #print 'frequencies up to which input saturation would not occur'
    #print w_mod_G_gd_1

    print('Figure 3 is disturbance condition number')
        'A large number indicates that the disturbance is in a bad direction')
    #eq 6-43 pg 238 disturbance condition number
    #this in done over a frequency range to see if there are possible problems at higher frequencies
    #finding yd

    dist_condition_num = [
        np.linalg.svd(G(w_i))[1][0] * np.linalg.svd(
            np.linalg.pinv(G(w_i))[1][0] * np.linalg.svd(Gd(w_i))[1][0] *
            np.linalg.svd(Gd(w_i))[0][:, 0])[1][0] for w_i in w

    plt.title('yd Condition number')
    plt.ylabel('condition number')
    plt.loglog(w, dist_condition_num)


        'Figure 4 is the singular value of an specific output with input and disturbance direction vector'
    print('The solid blue line needs to be large than the red line')
    print('This only needs to be checked up to frequencies where |u**H gd| >1')

    #checking input saturation for acceptable control  disturbance rejection
    #equation 6-55 pg 241 in Skogestad
    #checking each singular values and the associated input vector with output direction vector of Gd
    #just for square systems for now

    #revised method including all the possibilities of outputs i
    store_rhs_eq = np.zeros([np.shape(G(0.0001))[0], len(w)])
    store_lhs_eq = np.zeros([np.shape(G(0.0001))[0], len(w)])

    for i in range(len(w)):
        for j in range(np.shape(G(0.0001))[0]):
            store_rhs_eq[j, i] = np.abs(
                np.linalg.svd(G(w[i]))[2][:, j].H *
                np.max(np.linalg.svd(Gd(w[i]))[1]) *
                np.linalg.svd(Gd(w[i]))[0][:, 0]) - 1
            store_lhs_eq[j, i] = sc_lin.svd(G(w[i]))[1][j]

    plot_freq_subplot(plt, w, store_rhs_eq, 'Acceptable control eq6-55', 'r',
    plot_freq_subplot(plt, w, store_lhs_eq, 'Acceptable control eq6-55', 'b',


    print('Figure 5 is to check input saturation for reference changes')
        'Red line in both graphs needs to be larger than the blue line for values w < wr'
    print('Shows the wr up to where control is needed')

    #checking input saturation for perfect control with reference change
    #eq 6-52 pg 241

    #checking input saturation for perfect control with reference change
    #another equation for checking input saturation with reference change
    #eq 6-53 pg 241

    ref_perfect_const_plot(G, reference_change(), 0.01, w_start, w_end)

        'Figure 6 is the maximum and minimum singular values of G over a frequency range'
        'Figure 6 is also the maximum and minimum singular values of Gd over a frequency range'
    print('Blue is the minimum values and Red is the maximum singular values')
        'Plot of Gd should be smaller than 1 else control is needed at frequencies where Gd is bigger than 1'

    #checking input saturation for acceptable control with reference change
    #added check for controllability is the minimum and maximum singular values of system transfer function matrix
    #as a function of frequency
    #condition number added to check for how prone the system would be to uncertainty

    singular_min_G = [np.min(np.linalg.svd(G(1j * w_i))[1]) for w_i in w]
    singular_max_G = [np.max(np.linalg.svd(G(1j * w_i))[1]) for w_i in w]
    singular_min_Gd = [np.min(np.linalg.svd(Gd(1j * w_i))[1]) for w_i in w]
    singular_max_Gd = [np.max(np.linalg.svd(Gd(1j * w_i))[1]) for w_i in w]
    condition_num_G = [
        np.max(np.linalg.svd(G(1j * w_i))[1]) /
        np.min(np.linalg.svd(G(1j * w_i))[1]) for w_i in w

    plt.title('min_S(G(jw)) and max_S(G(jw))')
    plt.loglog(w, singular_min_G, 'b')
    plt.loglog(w, singular_max_G, 'r')

    plt.title('Condition number of G')
    plt.loglog(w, condition_num_G)

    plt.title('min_S(Gd(jw)) and max_S(Gd(jw))')
    plt.loglog(w, singular_min_Gd, 'b')
    plt.loglog(w, singular_max_Gd, 'r')
    plt.loglog([w[0], w[-1]], [1, 1])


    return Ms_min
def berechnung_koef_entwicklung(delta_x, EV, phi):
    """Funktion zur Berechnung der Etwicklungsfunktionen laut Vorlesung.
    Die Numpy-Funktionn conjugate und transpose werden verwendet um die
     benötigte komplexe Konjugation zu realisieren. 
    return delta_x * np.dot(np.conjugate(np.transpose(EV)), phi)
 def outf(m):
     if time_reversal: m2 = m2spin_sparse(m, np.conjugate(m))  # spinful
     else: m2 = m2spin_sparse(m)  # spinful
     #        m2 = m2spin_sparse(m) # spinful
     return build_eh(m2)  # add e-h
def multi_ldos(h,es=np.linspace(-1.0,1.0,100),delta=0.01,nrep=3,nk=100,numw=3,
  """Calculate many LDOS, by diagonalizing the Hamiltonian"""
  print("Calculating eigenvectors in LDOS")
  ps = [] # weights
  evals,ws = [],[] # empty list
  ks = klist.kmesh(h.dimensionality,nk=nk) # get grid
  hk = h.get_hk_gen() # get generator
  op = operators.tofunction(op) # turn into a function
#  if op is None: op = lambda x,k: 1.0 # dummy function
  if h.is_sparse: # sparse Hamiltonian
    from .bandstructure import smalleig
    print("SPARSE Matrix")
    for k in ks: # loop
      print("Diagonalizing in LDOS, SPARSE mode")
      if random:
        k = np.random.random(3) # random vector
        print("RANDOM vector in LDOS")
      e,w = smalleig(hk(k),numw=numw,evecs=True)
      evals += [ie for ie in e]
      ws += [iw for iw in w]
      ps += [op(iw,k=k) for iw in w] # weights
#      evals = np.concatenate([evals,e]) # store
#      ws = np.concatenate([ws,w]) # store
#    raise
#    (evals,ws) = h.eigenvectors(nk) # get the different eigenvectors
    print("Diagonalizing in LDOS, DENSE mode")
    for k in ks: # loop
      if random:
        k = np.random.random(3) # random vector
        print("RANDOM vector in LDOS")
      e,w = lg.eigh(hk(k))
      w = w.transpose()
      evals += [ie for ie in e]
      ws += [iw for iw in w]
      ps += [op(iw,k=k[0]) for iw in w] # weights
#      evals = np.concatenate([evals,e]) # store
#      ws = np.concatenate([ws,w]) # store
  ds = [(np.conjugate(v)*v).real for v in ws] # calculate densities
  del ws # remove the wavefunctions
  os.system("rm -rf MULTILDOS") # remove folder
  os.system("mkdir MULTILDOS") # create folder
  go = h.geometry.copy() # copy geometry
  go = go.supercell(nrep) # create supercell
  fo = open("MULTILDOS/MULTILDOS.TXT","w") # files with the names
  def getldosi(e):
    """Get this iteration"""
    out = np.array([0.0 for i in range(h.intra.shape[0])]) # initialize
    for (d,p,ie) in zip(ds,ps,evals): # loop over wavefunctions
      fac = delta/((e-ie)**2 + delta**2) # factor to create a delta
      out += fac*d*p # add contribution
    out /= np.pi # normalize
    return spatial_dos(h,out) # resum if necessary
  outs = parallel.pcall(getldosi,es) # get energies
  ie = 0
  for e in es: # loop over energies
    print("MULTILDOS for energy",e)
    out = outs[ie] ; ie += 1 # get and increase
    name0 = "LDOS_"+str(e)+"_.OUT" # name of the output
    name = "MULTILDOS/" + name0
                  output_file=name) # write in file
    fo.write(name0+"\n") # name of the file
    fo.flush() # flush
  fo.close() # close file
  # Now calculate the DOS
  from .dos import calculate_dos
  es2 = np.linspace(min(es),max(es),len(es)*10)
  ys = calculate_dos(evals,es2,delta,w=None) # compute DOS
  from .dos import write_dos
 def outf(m):
     if time_reversal:
         return m2spin_sparse(m, np.conjugate(m))  # spinful
         return m2spin_sparse(m)  # spinful
    def __init__(self, wf, feature_name):
        Calculates amplitude of rotated worm (relies on orientation
        aka theta_d)



        self.name = feature_name
        theta_d = self.get_feature(
            wf, 'posture.eccentricity_and_orientation').orientation

        timer = wf.timer

        options = wf.options

        nw = wf.nw
        sx = nw.skeleton_x
        sy = nw.skeleton_y
        worm_lengths = nw.length

        # TODO: Move these into posture options

        wave_options = wf.options.posture.wavelength

        # https://github.com/JimHokanson/SegwormMatlabClasses/blob/master/
        # %2Bseg_worm/%2Bfeatures/%40posture/getAmplitudeAndWavelength.m
        N_POINTS_FFT = wave_options.n_points_fft
        HALF_N_FFT = int(N_POINTS_FFT / 2)
        MIN_DIST_PEAKS = wave_options.min_dist_peaks
        WAVELENGTH_PCT_MAX_CUTOFF = wave_options.pct_max_cutoff
        WAVELENGTH_PCT_CUTOFF = wave_options.pct_cutoff

        assert sx.shape[0] <= N_POINTS_FFT  # of points used in the FFT
        # must be more than the number of points in the skeleton

        # Rotate the worm so that it lies primarily along a single axis
        theta_r = theta_d * (np.pi / 180)
        wwx = sx * np.cos(theta_r) + sy * np.sin(theta_r)
        wwy = sx * -np.sin(theta_r) + sy * np.cos(theta_r)

        # Subtract mean
        #??? - Why isn't this done before the rotation?
        wwx = wwx - np.mean(wwx, axis=0)
        wwy = wwy - np.mean(wwy, axis=0)

        # Calculate track amplitude
        amp1 = np.amax(wwy, axis=0)
        amp2 = np.amin(wwy, axis=0)
        amplitude_max = amp1 - amp2
        amp2 = np.abs(amp2)

        # Ignore NaN division warnings
        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            amplitude_ratio = np.divide(np.minimum(amp1, amp2),
                                        np.maximum(amp1, amp2))

        # Calculate track length
        # This is the x distance after rotation, and is different from the
        # worm length which follows the skeleton. This will always be smaller
        # than the worm length. If the worm were perfectly straight these
        # values would be the same.
        track_length = np.amax(wwx, axis=0) - np.amin(wwx, axis=0)

        # Wavelength calculation
        dwwx = np.diff(wwx, 1, axis=0)

        # Does the sign change? This is a check to make sure that the
        # change in x is always going one way or the other. Is sign of all
        # differences the same as the sign of the first, or rather, are any
        # of the signs not the same as the first sign, indicating a "bad
        # worm orientation".
        # NOT: This means that within a frame, if the worm x direction
        #      changes, then it is considered a bad worm and is not
        #      evaluated for wavelength

        with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'):
            bad_worm_orientation = np.any(np.not_equal(np.sign(dwwx),
                                                       np.sign(dwwx[0, :])),

        n_frames = bad_worm_orientation.size
        primary_wavelength = np.full(n_frames, np.nan)
        secondary_wavelength = np.full(n_frames, np.nan)

        # NOTE: Right now this varies from worm to worm which means the
        # spectral resolution varies as well from worm to worm
        spatial_sampling_frequency = (wwx.shape[0] - 1) / track_length

        ds = 1 / spatial_sampling_frequency

        frames_to_calculate = \

        for cur_frame in frames_to_calculate:
            # Create an evenly sampled x-axis, note that ds varies
            xx = wwx[:, cur_frame]
            yy = wwy[:, cur_frame]
            if xx[0] > xx[
                    -1]:  #switch we want to have monotonically inceasing values
                xx = xx[::-1]
                yy = yy[::-1]

            iwwx = utils.colon(xx[0], ds[cur_frame], xx[-1])
            iwwy = np.interp(iwwx, xx, yy)
            iwwy = iwwy[::-1]

            temp = np.fft.fft(iwwy, N_POINTS_FFT)

            if options.mimic_old_behaviour:
                iY = temp[0:HALF_N_FFT]
                iY = iY * np.conjugate(iY) / N_POINTS_FFT
                iY = np.abs(temp[0:HALF_N_FFT])

            # Find peaks that are greater than the cutoff
            peaks, indx = utils.separated_peaks(
                iY, MIN_DIST_PEAKS, True,
                (WAVELENGTH_PCT_MAX_CUTOFF * np.amax(iY)))

            # This is what the supplemental says, not what was done in
            # the previous code. I'm not sure what was done for the actual
            # paper, but I would guess they used power.
            # This gets used when determining the secondary wavelength, as
            # it must be greater than half the maximum to be considered a
            # secondary wavelength.

            # NOTE: True Amplitude = 2*abs(fft)/
            #                    (length_real_data i.e. 48 or 49, not 512)
            # i.e. for a sinusoid of a given amplitude, the above formula
            # would give you the amplitude of the sinusoid

            # We sort the peaks so that the largest is at the first index
            # and will be primary, this was not done in the previous
            # version of the code
            I = np.argsort(-1 * peaks)
            indx = indx[I]

            frequency_values = (indx - 1) / N_POINTS_FFT * \

            all_wavelengths = 1 / frequency_values

            p_temp = all_wavelengths[0]

            if indx.size > 1:
                s_temp = all_wavelengths[1]
                s_temp = np.NaN

            worm_wavelength_max = (WAVELENGTH_PCT_CUTOFF *

            # Cap wavelengths ...
            if p_temp > worm_wavelength_max:
                p_temp = worm_wavelength_max

            # ??? Do we really want to keep this as well if p_temp == worm_2x?
            # i.e., should the secondary wavelength be valid if the primary is
            # also limited in this way ?????
            if s_temp > worm_wavelength_max:
                s_temp = worm_wavelength_max

            primary_wavelength[cur_frame] = p_temp
            secondary_wavelength[cur_frame] = s_temp

        if options.mimic_old_behaviour:
            # In the old code, the first peak (i.e. larger wavelength,
            # lower frequency) was always the primary wavelength, where as
            # the new definition is based on the amplitude of the peaks,
            # not their position along the frequency axis
            with warnings.catch_warnings():
                mask = secondary_wavelength > primary_wavelength

            temp = secondary_wavelength[mask]
            secondary_wavelength[mask] = primary_wavelength[mask]
            primary_wavelength[mask] = temp

        self.amplitude_max = amplitude_max
        self.amplitude_ratio = amplitude_ratio
        self.primary_wavelength = primary_wavelength
        self.secondary_wavelength = secondary_wavelength
        self.track_length = track_length
