def test_floor_divide_remainder_and_divmod(self):
        inch = u.Unit(0.0254 * u.m)
        dividend = np.array([1., 2., 3.]) * u.m
        divisor = np.array([3., 4., 5.]) * inch
        quotient = dividend // divisor
        remainder = dividend % divisor
        assert_allclose(quotient.value, [13., 19., 23.])
        assert quotient.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
        assert_allclose(remainder.value, [0.0094, 0.0696, 0.079])
        assert remainder.unit == dividend.unit
        quotient2 = np.floor_divide(dividend, divisor)
        remainder2 = np.remainder(dividend, divisor)
        assert np.all(quotient2 == quotient)
        assert np.all(remainder2 == remainder)
        quotient3, remainder3 = divmod(dividend, divisor)
        assert np.all(quotient3 == quotient)
        assert np.all(remainder3 == remainder)

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dividend //

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            dividend %

        if hasattr(np, 'divmod'):  # not NUMPY_LT_1_13
            quotient4, remainder4 = np.divmod(dividend, divisor)
            assert np.all(quotient4 == quotient)
            assert np.all(remainder4 == remainder)
            with pytest.raises(TypeError):
 def _reduce(self, n):
     idxs = np.int64(np.floor(np.array(range(3**3*n))/n))
     idxs, i = np.divmod(idxs, 3)
     idxs, j = np.divmod(idxs, 3)
     k = idxs % 3
     ijk = np.vstack((i, j, k)).T-1
     self._coords = [
         coord for coord in self._coords
         if np.all(np.isin(, [0, -1]))
     idxs = {i for coord in self._coords for i in coord.idx}
     self.fragments = [frag for frag in self.fragments if set(frag) & idxs]
def test_ufunc():
    arr = PandasArray(np.array([-1.0, 0.0, 1.0]))
    result = np.abs(arr)
    expected = PandasArray(np.abs(arr._ndarray))
    tm.assert_extension_array_equal(result, expected)

    r1, r2 = np.divmod(arr, np.add(arr, 2))
    e1, e2 = np.divmod(arr._ndarray, np.add(arr._ndarray, 2))
    e1 = PandasArray(e1)
    e2 = PandasArray(e2)
    tm.assert_extension_array_equal(r1, e1)
    tm.assert_extension_array_equal(r2, e2)
    def test_half_ufuncs(self):
        """Test the various ufuncs"""

        a = np.array([0, 1, 2, 4, 2], dtype=float16)
        b = np.array([-2, 5, 1, 4, 3], dtype=float16)
        c = np.array([0, -1, -np.inf, np.nan, 6], dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.add(a, b), [-2, 6, 3, 8, 5])
        assert_equal(np.subtract(a, b), [2, -4, 1, 0, -1])
        assert_equal(np.multiply(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 16, 6])
        assert_equal(np.divide(a, b), [0, 0.199951171875, 2, 1, 0.66650390625])

        assert_equal(np.equal(a, b), [False, False, False, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.not_equal(a, b), [True, True, True, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.less(a, b), [False, True, False, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.less_equal(a, b), [False, True, False, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.greater(a, b), [True, False, True, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.greater_equal(a, b), [True, False, True, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, b), [False, True, True, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, b), [True, True, True, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.logical_xor(a, b), [True, False, False, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.logical_not(a), [True, False, False, False, False])

        assert_equal(np.isnan(c), [False, False, False, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.isinf(c), [False, False, True, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.isfinite(c), [True, True, False, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.signbit(b), [True, False, False, False, False])

        assert_equal(np.copysign(b, a), [2, 5, 1, 4, 3])

        assert_equal(np.maximum(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 4, 3])
        x = np.maximum(b, c)
        x[3] = 0
        assert_equal(x, [0, 5, 1, 0, 6])
        assert_equal(np.minimum(a, b), [-2, 1, 1, 4, 2])
        x = np.minimum(b, c)
        x[3] = 0
        assert_equal(x, [-2, -1, -np.inf, 0, 3])
        assert_equal(np.fmax(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 4, 3])
        assert_equal(np.fmax(b, c), [0, 5, 1, 4, 6])
        assert_equal(np.fmin(a, b), [-2, 1, 1, 4, 2])
        assert_equal(np.fmin(b, c), [-2, -1, -np.inf, 4, 3])

        assert_equal(np.floor_divide(a, b), [0, 0, 2, 1, 0])
        assert_equal(np.remainder(a, b), [0, 1, 0, 0, 2])
        assert_equal(np.divmod(a, b), ([0, 0, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 2]))
        assert_equal(np.square(b), [4, 25, 1, 16, 9])
        assert_equal(np.reciprocal(b), [-0.5, 0.199951171875, 1, 0.25, 0.333251953125])
        assert_equal(np.ones_like(b), [1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
        assert_equal(np.conjugate(b), b)
        assert_equal(np.absolute(b), [2, 5, 1, 4, 3])
        assert_equal(np.negative(b), [2, -5, -1, -4, -3])
        assert_equal(np.positive(b), b)
        assert_equal(np.sign(b), [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
        assert_equal(np.modf(b), ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], b))
        assert_equal(np.frexp(b), ([-0.5, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75], [2, 3, 1, 3, 2]))
        assert_equal(np.ldexp(b, [0, 1, 2, 4, 2]), [-2, 10, 4, 64, 12])
文件: 项目: scholi/pySPM
def asymm_ellipse(left, right, upper, lower, phi):
    phi = np.divmod(phi+2*np.pi,2*np.pi)[1] # Be sure phi ∈ [0,2π]
    b = np.where(phi<=np.pi, upper, lower)
    a = np.where(np.logical_or(phi<=np.pi/2, phi>=3*np.pi/2), right, left)
    m = np.logical_and(a!=0,b!=0)
    r = np.zeros(phi.shape) # if a & b is zero, result is zero
    r[m] = a[m]*b[m]/np.sqrt((b[m]*np.cos(phi[m]))**2+(a[m]*np.sin(phi[m]))**2)
    return r
def convert_simcell_index_to_latlong(df, column, rows, cols, left, bottom, cell_size):
    i = df[[column]].values
    x, y = np.divmod(i, cols)
    x_m = x * cell_size
    y_m = y * cell_size
    x_meters = left + x_m
    y_meters = bottom - y_m
    longs, lats = pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, x_meters, y_meters)
    return longs, lats
  def _partition_or_replicate_on_host(self, tensor, dims):
    """Partitions or replicates the input tensor.

      The ops inside this function are placed on the host side.

      tensor: The input tensor which will be partioned or replicated.
      dims: A list of integer describes how to partition the input tensor.
      An iterator of `Tensor`s or a list of partioned tensors.
    if dims is None:
      return itertools.repeat(tensor)
    dims = np.array(dims)
    self._check_input_partition_dims(tensor, dims)
    output = [tensor]
    shape_list = np.array(tensor.shape.as_list())
    quotients, remainders = np.divmod(shape_list, dims)
    for axis, (quotient, remainder, dim, original_size) in enumerate(
        zip(quotients, remainders, dims, shape_list)):
      if dim <= 1:
      if remainder > 0:
        # For each dimension, when it cannot be evenly partitioned, XLA assumes
        # tensors are partitioned in a greedy manner by using
        # ceil_ratio(size/dim) first. E.g. 2D tensor with shape (5, 14) and dims
        # are (2, 4). Since 5 % 2 = 1 and 14 % 4 = 2, [5, 14] =>
        # [[(3, 4), (3, 4), (2, 4), (2, 2)],
        # [(2, 4), (2, 4), (2, 4), (2, 2)]]
        ceil_ratio = quotient + 1
        num_full_slots, left_over = np.divmod(original_size, ceil_ratio)
        num_or_size_splits = [ceil_ratio] * num_full_slots + [left_over]
        if len(num_or_size_splits) < dim:
          num_or_size_splits += [0] * (dim - len(num_or_size_splits))
        new_output = []
        for x in output:
                  x, num_or_size_splits=num_or_size_splits, axis=axis))
        output = new_output
        output = [array_ops.split(x, dim, axis=axis) for x in output]
      output = nest.flatten(output)
    return output
def get_neighbours_square(k,Lx,Ly):
    return the neighbours of site k in the
    square lattice
    ky,kx = np.divmod(k,Lx)
    return [ (kx+1+Lx)%Lx+ky*Lx,
             kx+((ky+1+Ly)%Ly)*Lx ,
 def test_two_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value):
     v = value * u.m
     divisor = 70.*
     v_copy = v.copy()
     tmp = v.copy()
     # cannot use out1, out2 keywords with numpy 1.7
     check = np.divmod(v, divisor, tmp, v)
     assert check[0] is tmp and check[1] is v
     assert tmp.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert v.unit == v_copy.unit
     # can also replace in last position if no scaling is needed
     v2 =
     check2 = np.divmod(v2, divisor, v2, tmp)
     assert check2[0] is v2 and check2[1] is tmp
     assert v2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert tmp.unit == divisor.unit
     # but cannot replace input with first output if scaling is needed
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         np.divmod(v_copy, divisor, v_copy, tmp)
 def iter_neigh_box(self):
     from copy import deepcopy
     for ii in self.search_idx[0]:
         for jj in self.search_idx[1]:
             for kk in self.search_idx[2]:
                 box_shift, box_pos = np.divmod([ii, jj, kk], self.nbins_c)
                 neigh_box_idx = self.cell2lin(box_pos)
                 jcenters = deepcopy(self.boxlist[neigh_box_idx].icenters)
                 for jneigh in jcenters:
                     yield jneigh, deepcopy(box_shift)
def vdc(nSeq, base=2):
    seq = np.zeros((nSeq, ))
    for i in np.arange(nSeq):
        q = i + 1
        denom = 1
        while q > 0:
            denom *= base
            q, mod = np.divmod(q, base)
            seq[i] += mod / float(denom)
    return seq
def test_scgeom():
    g = si.geom.graphene()
    gsc = geom_sc_geom(g)
    sc_off =
    acells, fxyz1 = np.divmod(, 1)
    acells[np.isclose(fxyz1, 1)] += 1

    for i, acell in enumerate(acells):
        isc_off = i // 2
        assert np.allclose(acell, sc_off[isc_off])
    def _fp_prime_element_row_index_to_image_row_index(self, original_rows,
                                                       index_arr, num_desc,
        atom_indices_for_specific_element, desc_indices = np.divmod(
            original_rows, num_desc)

        atom_indices_in_image = index_arr[atom_indices_for_specific_element]

        new_row = atom_indices_in_image * num_desc_max + desc_indices
        return new_row
def _round_to_nearest_half_even(values, unit):
    """Copied from pandas."""
    if unit % 2:
        return _ceil_int(values - unit // 2, unit)
    quotient, remainder = np.divmod(values, unit)
    mask = np.logical_or(
        remainder > (unit // 2), np.logical_and(remainder == (unit // 2), quotient % 2)
    quotient[mask] += 1
    return quotient * unit
def weighted_vote_into_cells(magnitude, angle):
    idx, weight = np.divmod(angle, 20)
    mask_lower = np.equal(idx[..., np.newaxis], np.arange(9))
    mask_upper = np.equal(((idx + 1) % 9)[..., np.newaxis], np.arange(9))

    histogram = mask_lower.astype(np.float64) * (magnitude * (weight / 20))[..., np.newaxis] \
        + mask_upper.astype(np.float64) * (magnitude *
                                           (1 - (weight / 20)))[..., np.newaxis]

    return histogram.sum(axis=(2, 3))
def prime_finder(array):
    prime = []
    for i in array:
        division_array = np.array(range(2, i))
        remainder = np.divmod(i, division_array)[1]
        if 0 in remainder:
    return np.array(prime)
    def log_and_save_initial(self):
        Perform the initial log and save.
        if self.should_save:
            # Notify the user where the file is being saved.
            print("QOC is saving this optimization run to {}."

            save_count, save_count_remainder = np.divmod(
                self.iteration_count, self.save_iteration_step)
            density_count = len(self.initial_densities)
            # If the final iteration doesn't fall on a save step, add a save step.
            if save_count_remainder != 0:
                save_count += 1

            with h5py.File(self.save_file_path, "w") as save_file:
                save_file["complex_controls"] = self.complex_controls
                save_file["control_count"] = self.control_count
                save_file["control_step_count"] = self.control_step_count
                save_file["controls"] = np.zeros(
                save_file["cost_names"] = np.array(
                    [np.string_("{}".format(cost)) for cost in self.costs])
                save_file["densities"] = np.zeros(
                    (save_count, density_count, self.hilbert_size,
                save_file["error"] = np.zeros((save_count), dtype=np.float64)
                save_file["evolution_time"] = self.evolution_time
                save_file["grads"] = np.zeros(
                    (save_count, self.control_step_count, self.control_count),
                save_file["initial_controls"] = self.initial_controls
                save_file["initial_densities"] = self.initial_densities
                save_file["interpolation_policy"] = "{}".format(
                save_file["iteration_count"] = self.iteration_count
                save_file["max_control_norms"] = self.max_control_norms
                save_file["operation_policy"] = "{}".format(
                save_file["optimizer"] = "{}".format(self.optimizer)
                    "system_step_multiplier"] = self.system_step_multiplier

        if self.should_log:
            print("iter   |   total error  |    grads_l2   \n"
def triangulate_pts_opt(X1, X2, P1, P2, stand_lens, sub_size):

    X1_Origin = X1[:2]
    X2_Origin = X2[:2]
    pts_num = X1.shape[-1]
    error1_array = np.zeros((1, pts_num))[0]
    error2_array = np.zeros((1, pts_num // 3))[0]
    divider, remainder = np.divmod(pts_num, sub_size)
    for i in np.arange(divider + 1):
        start_col = sub_size * i

        if i == divider:
            step_size = remainder
            step_size = sub_size
        X1 = X1_Origin[:, start_col:start_col + step_size]
        X2 = X2_Origin[:, start_col:start_col + step_size]
        X = np.row_stack((X1, X2))
        pts_num = X1.shape[-1]
        X_one_col = X.T.reshape((4 * pts_num, 1))

        p1_31, p1_32, p1_33 = P1[2, 0:3]
        p2_31, p2_32, p2_33 = P2[2, 0:3]
        A2 = np.array([[p1_31, p1_32, p1_33], \
                       [p1_31, p1_32, p1_33], \
                       [p2_31, p2_32, p2_33], \
                       [p2_31, p2_32, p2_33]])
        A1 = np.repeat(X_one_col, 3, axis=1)
        A2 = np.tile(A2, (pts_num, 1))

        A3 = np.row_stack((P1[:2, :3], P2[:2, :3]))
        A3 = np.tile(A3, (pts_num, 1))

        A = A1 * A2 - A3
        A = diag_block_mat_slicing(A, pts_num, (4, 3))
        B1 = np.row_stack((P1[0:2, 3], P2[0:2, 3])).reshape((4, 1))
        B1 = np.tile(B1, (pts_num, 1))
        B2 = np.row_stack((P1[2, 3] * X1, P2[2, 3] * X2))
        B2 = B2.T.reshape((4 * pts_num, 1))
        B = B1 - B2
        A_T = A.T

        pts_ref_csys = (inv(
            (pts_num // 3, 9))
        pts_move_ref_csys = np.column_stack((pts_ref_csys[:, 6:9], \
                                             pts_ref_csys[:, 0:6]))
        delta_p2p = pts_ref_csys - pts_move_ref_csys
        dist = np.linalg.norm(delta_p2p.reshape(pts_num, 3), axis=1)
        dist_error = dist - np.tile(stand_lens, pts_num // 3)
        error1_array[start_col:start_col + step_size] = dist_error
        dist_3cols = dist.reshape((pts_num // 3, 3))
        error2_array[start_col//3:(start_col+step_size)//3] = \
                    dist_3cols[:,2] - dist_3cols[:,0] - dist_3cols[:,1]

    return error1_array, error2_array
def rt2enc_v1(rt, grid):

    :param rt: n, k, 2 | log[d, tau] for each ped (n,) to each vic (k,)
        modifies rt during clipping to grid
    :param grid: (lx, ly, dx, dy, nx, ny)
        lx, ly | lower bounds for x and y coordinates of the n*k (2,) in rt
        dx, dy | step sizes of the regular grid
        nx, ny | number of grid points in each coordinate (so nx*ny total)
    :return: n, k, m | m = nx*ny, encoding for each ped to each vic
        uses row-major indexing for the flattened (2d) indices
        for nx 'rows' and ny 'columns'
    n, k = rt.shape[:2]
    nx, ny = np.array(grid[-2:]).astype(
    m = nx * ny
    Z = np.zeros((n, k, m), dtype=np.float32)
    clip2grid(rt, grid)

    # n, k
    a_x = np.empty((n, k))
    r_x = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.float32)
    np.divmod(rt[..., 0] - grid[0], grid[2], a_x, r_x)
    th_x = 1 - r_x / grid[2]
    a_y = np.empty((n, k))
    r_y = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.float32)
    np.divmod(rt[..., 1] - grid[1], grid[3], a_y, r_y)
    th_y = 1 - r_y / grid[3]

    # 1d inds for m, | n, k
    m_inds = (ny * a_x + a_y).astype(
    assert np.all(m_inds >= 0), 'ny {} ax {} ay {}'.format(
        ny, a_x.min(), a_y.min())
    offsets = np.array([0, ny, 1, ny + 1],

    nk_flat_inds = np.arange(0, n * k * m, m,
    nk_flat_inds += m_inds.reshape(-1)
    Z.flat[nk_flat_inds + offsets[0]] = (th_x * th_y).reshape(-1)
    Z.flat[nk_flat_inds + offsets[1]] = ((1 - th_x) * th_y).reshape(-1)
    Z.flat[nk_flat_inds + offsets[2]] = (th_x * (1 - th_y)).reshape(-1)
    Z.flat[nk_flat_inds + offsets[3]] = ((1 - th_x) * (1 - th_y)).reshape(-1)
    return Z
def align_equispaced(schedule: Schedule,
                     duration: int) -> Schedule:
    """Schedule a list of pulse instructions with equivalent interval.

        schedule: Input schedule of which top-level ``child`` nodes will be
        duration: Duration of context. This should be larger than the schedule duration.

        New schedule with input `schedule`` child schedules and instructions
        aligned with equivalent interval.

        This context is convenient for writing PDD or Hahn echo sequence for example.
    total_duration = sum([child.duration for _, child in schedule._children])
    if duration and duration < total_duration:
        return schedule

    total_delay = duration - total_duration

    if len(schedule._children) > 1:
        # Calculate the interval in between sub-schedules.
        # If the duration cannot be divided by the number of sub-schedules,
        # the modulo is appended and prepended to the input schedule.
        interval, mod = np.divmod(total_delay, len(schedule._children) - 1)
        interval = 0
        mod = total_delay

    # Calculate pre schedule delay
    delay, mod = np.divmod(mod, 2)

    aligned = Schedule()
    # Insert sub-schedules with interval
    _t0 = int(aligned.stop_time + delay + mod)
    for _, child in schedule._children:
        aligned.insert(_t0, child, inplace=True)
        _t0 = int(aligned.stop_time + interval)

    return pad(aligned, aligned.channels, until=duration, inplace=True)
 def topk_cov_matrix(self, k, reverse=False):
     N, N = self.covmat.shape
     if reverse:
         _indices = np.argsort(self.covmat, axis=None)[:2 * k:2]
         _indices = np.argsort(self.covmat, axis=None)[-1:-2 * k:-2]
     indices = np.stack(np.divmod(_indices, N)).transpose()
     resid2name = {i: aa for i, aa in enumerate(self.nettop.nodes())}
     for elt in self.covmat.reshape(-1)[_indices]:
 def build_frame_index(self):
     parsed_keys = [k.decode('ascii').split('/') for k in self.keys]
     steps = np.array([int(l[-1]) for l in parsed_keys])
     seeds = np.array([int(l[-3]) for l in parsed_keys])
     cam_ids = [int(l[-2].split('_')[-1]) for l in parsed_keys]
     scene_ids, config_ids = np.divmod(steps + seeds * len(np.unique(steps)), self.n_fixed_steps)
     frame_index = pd.DataFrame({'scene_id': scene_ids, 'config_id': config_ids,
                                 'cam_id': cam_ids, 'view_id': 0})
     if self.n_frames is not None:
         frame_index = frame_index.iloc[:self.n_frames]
     return frame_index
    def step(self, action):

        reward = 0

        #action = np.random.choice(range(self.R * self.R), 1, policy)[0]
        o, d = np.divmod(int(action), int(self.R))

        #ensure there exists available cars
        #assert np.sum(self.c_state[o,: self.patience_time]) > 0

        if np.sum(self.c_state[o, 0:self.patience_time] -
                  self.l_state[o, 0:self.patience_time]) <= 0:

            return self.generate_state(), action, reward, [], False

        for tt1 in range(self.patience_time):
            if self.c_state[o, tt1] - self.l_state[o, tt1] > 0:
                #print(tt1, self.c_state[o,0: self.patience_time] , self.l_state[o,0: self.patience_time])

        tt2 = self.travel_time[self.city_time + tt1, o, d]

        if self.p_state[o, d] > 0:
            reward = 1
            self.p_state[o, d] -= 1
            reward = 0
            if o == d or tt1 > 0:
                tt2 = 0

        self.step_change_dest(o, d, tt1, tt2)
        #print(reward, self.p_state[o, d], self.c_state[o,0: self.patience_time] , self.l_state[o,0: self.patience_time])
        #print(self.city_time, reward, o, d)
        self.total_reward += reward

        self.i += 1
        #next_state = self.generate_state()

        time_update = np.sum(self.c_state[:, 0:self.patience_time] -
                             self.l_state[:, 0:self.patience_time])
        while time_update <= 0 and not self.terminate:

            time_update = np.sum(self.c_state[:, 0:self.patience_time] -
                                 self.l_state[:, 0:self.patience_time])
            if self.city_time == self.time_horizon:
                self.terminate = True

        next_state = self.generate_state()

        return next_state, action, reward, self.action_mask, True
 def test_two_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value):
     v = value * u.m
     divisor = 70.*
     v1 = v.copy()
     tmp = v.copy()
     check = np.divmod(v1, divisor, out=(tmp, v1))
     assert check[0] is tmp and check[1] is v1
     assert tmp.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert v1.unit == v.unit
     v2 = v.copy()
     check2 = np.divmod(v2, divisor, out=(v2, tmp))
     assert check2[0] is v2 and check2[1] is tmp
     assert v2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert tmp.unit == v.unit
     v3a = v.copy()
     v3b = v.copy()
     check3 = np.divmod(v3a, divisor, out=(v3a, v3b))
     assert check3[0] is v3a and check3[1] is v3b
     assert v3a.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert v3b.unit == v.unit
def calculate_next_state_value(s, current_state_values, lmbda=1):
    Again, we work around using the 4-value probability function p
    as we have complete knowledge of the environment's dynamics.
    res = 0
    for a in range(4):
        res += policy(a, s) * (
            expected_reward(a, s) +
            lmbda * current_state_values[np.divmod(next_state(a, s), 4)])
    return res
    def iterate(self):
        qA = np.zeros([self.num_states,])
        qB = np.zeros([self.num_states,])
        qA_Last = np.zeros([self.num_states,])
        qB_Last = np.zeros([self.num_states,])
        for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(self.max_iters)):  #

            # choose initial state x0
            x_0 = np.array([0, 0])
            x_index = self.get_index(x_0)
            for j in range(self.step_in_iter):

                if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > self.epslion:
                    score1 = qA[x_index, :]
                    score2 = qB[x_index, :]
                    u_index = np.argmin(score1 + score2)
                    u_index = np.random.randint(0, - 1)
                # observe x_t+1
                next_index = self.state_transfer_table[x_index, u_index]
                # compute g(x_t,u(x_t))
                x = self.get_states(x_index)
                u = self.action_list[u_index]
                # compute TDerror
                #     TDerror = self.costfn(x, u) + self.alpha * min(q[next_index, :]) - q[
                #         x_index, u_index]
                #     q[x_index, u_index] = q[x_index, u_index] + * TDerror
                if np.random.uniform(0, 1) > 0.5:
                    # updataA
                    action_from_A = np.argmin(qA[next_index, :])
                    TDerrorA = self.costfn(x, u) + self.gamma * qB[next_index, action_from_A] - qA[x_index, u_index]
                    qA[x_index, u_index] = qA[x_index, u_index] + * TDerrorA
                    # updataB
                    action_from_B = np.argmin(qB[next_index, :])
                    TDerrorB = self.costfn(x, u) + self.gamma * qA[next_index, action_from_B] - qB[x_index, u_index]
                    qB[x_index, u_index] = qB[x_index, u_index] + * TDerrorB

                x_index = next_index

            # we update the current Q function if there is any change otherwise we are done
            if ((qA_Last - qA) ** 2 < 1e-2).all() and ((qB_Last - qB) ** 2 < 1e-2).all():
                qA_Last = qA.copy()
                qB_Last = qB.copy()

        policy = np.zeros(self.space_shape)
        value_function = np.zeros(self.space_shape)
        for k in range(self.num_states):
            iv, ix = np.divmod(k, self.nq)
            policy[ix, iv] = self.action_list[np.argmin(qA[k, :])]
            value_function[ix, iv] = min(qA[k, :])
        return value_function, policy
def base_splice(X, base):
    D = X
    X_out = np.empty([X.shape[0], 0], dtype=np.float64)

    while (1):
        D, M = np.divmod(D, base)
        X_out = np.append(X_out, M, axis=1)
        if (not np.any(D)):

    return X_out
def pt2rs(point, gap_ring, gap_sector, num_ring, num_sector):
    # point to ring and sector
    x = point[0]
    y = point[1]

    if x == 0.0:
        x = 0.001
    if y == 0.0:
        y = 0.001

    theta = xy2theta(x, y)
    faraway = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)

    idx_ring = np.divmod(faraway, gap_ring)[0]  # ыкл
    idx_sector = np.divmod(theta, gap_sector)[0]  # ыкл

    if idx_ring >= num_ring:
        idx_ring = num_ring - 1  # python starts with 0 and ends with N-1

    return int(idx_ring), int(idx_sector)
 def __getitem__(self, x):
     """Querry for x belonging to any of the open intervals."""
     i = np.searchsorted(self.LR, x, side='left')
     cluster_no, in_clust = np.divmod(i, 2)
     # 'clip' fixes the problem with points right to max(R)
     # by changing the index from 2*len(L) to 2*len(L)-1.
     # This is ok, because these points have in_clust == 0 anyway.
     not_right_end = x < np.take(self.R, cluster_no, mode='clip')
     cluster_no = np.where(np.logical_and(in_clust, not_right_end),
                           cluster_no, -1)
     return cluster_no
 def __call__(self, val):
     """Perform linear interpolation on `val`, sample(s) in [0, 1]"""
     prob_bin_idx, dx = np.divmod(val**self.inv_power, self.prob_binwidth)
     exceed_max_mask = prob_bin_idx > self.n_samp - 2
     prob_bin_idx[exceed_max_mask] = self.n_samp - 2
     dx[exceed_max_mask] = self.prob_binwidth
     prob_bin_idx = prob_bin_idx.astype(int)
     y0 = self.domain_samples[prob_bin_idx]
     m = self.inv_cdf_slopes[prob_bin_idx]
     y = m * dx + y0
     return y
文件: 项目: j-towns/craystack
def push(x, starts, freqs, precisions):
    starts, freqs, precisions = map(atleast_1d, (starts, freqs, precisions))
    head, tail = x
    # assert head.shape == starts.shape == freqs.shape
    idxs = head >= ((rans_l >> precisions) << 32) * freqs
    if np.any(idxs):
        tail = stack_extend(tail, np.uint32(head[idxs]))
        head = np.copy(head)  # Ensure no side-effects
        head[idxs] >>= 32
    head_div_freqs, head_mod_freqs = np.divmod(head, freqs)
    return (head_div_freqs << precisions) + head_mod_freqs + starts, tail
 def test_two_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value):
     v = value * u.m
     divisor = 70.*
     v1 = v.copy()
     tmp = v.copy()
     check = np.divmod(v1, divisor, out=(tmp, v1))
     assert check[0] is tmp and check[1] is v1
     assert tmp.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert v1.unit == v.unit
     v2 = v.copy()
     check2 = np.divmod(v2, divisor, out=(v2, tmp))
     assert check2[0] is v2 and check2[1] is tmp
     assert v2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert tmp.unit == v.unit
     v3a = v.copy()
     v3b = v.copy()
     check3 = np.divmod(v3a, divisor, out=(v3a, v3b))
     assert check3[0] is v3a and check3[1] is v3b
     assert v3a.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert v3b.unit == v.unit
def pt2rs(point, gap_ring, gap_sector, num_ring, num_sector):
    x = point[0]
    y = point[1]
    # z = point[2]

    if (x == 0.0):
        x = 0.001
    if (y == 0.0):
        y = 0.001

    theta = xy2theta(x, y)
    faraway = np.sqrt(x * x + y * y)

    idx_ring = np.divmod(faraway, gap_ring)[0]
    idx_sector = np.divmod(theta, gap_sector)[0]

    if (idx_ring >= num_ring):
        idx_ring = num_ring - 1  # python starts with 0 and ends with N-1

    return int(idx_ring), int(idx_sector)
def view_composite_source_model(token, dstore):
    Show the structure of the CompositeSourceModel in terms of grp_id
    lst = []
    n = len(dstore['full_lt'].sm_rlzs)
    trt_smrs = dstore['trt_smrs'][:]
    for grp_id, df in dstore.read_df('source_info').groupby('grp_id'):
        trts, sm_rlzs = numpy.divmod(trt_smrs[grp_id], n)
        lst.append((str(grp_id), to_str(trts), to_str(sm_rlzs), len(df)))
    return numpy.array(lst, dt('grp_id trt smrs num_sources'))
def rt2add_enc_v1(rt, grid):

    :param rt: n, k, 2 | log[d, tau] for each ped (n,) to each vic (k,)
        modifies rt during clipping to grid
    :param grid: (lx, ly, dx, dy, nx, ny)
        lx, ly | lower bounds for x and y coordinates of the n*k (2,) in rt
        dx, dy | step sizes of the regular grid
        nx, ny | number of grid points in each coordinate (so nx*ny total)
    :return: n, m | m = nx*ny, encoding for each ped
        uses row-major indexing for the flattened (2d) indices
        for nx 'rows' and ny 'columns'
    n, k = rt.shape[:2]
    nx, ny = np.array(grid[-2:]).astype(np.int32)
    m = nx * ny
    Z = np.zeros((n, m), dtype=np.float32)
    clip2grid(rt, grid)

    # n, k
    a_x = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.int32)
    r_x = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.float32)
    np.divmod(rt[..., 0] - grid[0], grid[2], a_x, r_x, casting='unsafe')
    th_x = 1 - r_x / grid[2]
    a_y = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.int32)
    r_y = np.empty((n, k), dtype=np.float32)
    np.divmod(rt[..., 1] - grid[1], grid[3], a_y, r_y, casting='unsafe')
    th_y = 1 - r_y / grid[3]

    # 1d inds for m, | n, k
    c_x = ny * a_x + a_y
    offsets = np.array([0, ny, 1, ny + 1], dtype=np.int32)

    # n, k, 4
    inds = c_x[..., np.newaxis] + offsets[np.newaxis, :]
    vals = np.dstack((th_x * th_y, (1 - th_x) * th_y, th_x * (1 - th_y),
                      (1 - th_x) * (1 - th_y)))

    row_inds = np.repeat(np.arange(n, dtype=np.int32), 4 * k), (row_inds, inds.ravel()), vals.ravel())
    return Z
    def align(self, schedule: Schedule) -> Schedule:
        """Reallocate instructions according to the policy.

        Only top-level sub-schedules are aligned. If sub-schedules are nested,
        nested schedules are not recursively aligned.

            schedule: Schedule to align.

            Schedule with reallocated instructions.
        duration = self._context_params[0]

        total_duration = sum([child.duration for _, child in schedule._children])
        if duration < total_duration:
            return schedule

        total_delay = duration - total_duration

        if len(schedule._children) > 1:
            # Calculate the interval in between sub-schedules.
            # If the duration cannot be divided by the number of sub-schedules,
            # the modulo is appended and prepended to the input schedule.
            interval, mod = np.divmod(total_delay, len(schedule._children) - 1)
            interval = 0
            mod = total_delay

        # Calculate pre schedule delay
        delay, mod = np.divmod(mod, 2)

        aligned = Schedule()
        # Insert sub-schedules with interval
        _t0 = int(aligned.stop_time + delay + mod)
        for _, child in schedule._children:
            aligned.insert(_t0, child, inplace=True)
            _t0 = int(aligned.stop_time + interval)

        return pad(aligned, aligned.channels, until=duration, inplace=True)
    def decimate(self, nx, ny):
        if len(self) != 0:

            # get some values for quicker access
            npix = np.uint64(nx) * np.uint64(ny)

            # get the values to decimate
            xyl, val = [], []

            for pdt in self:
                xy = pdt.x.astype(np.uint64) + nx * pdt.y.astype(np.uint64)
                xyl.extend(xy + npix * pdt.lam.astype(np.uint64))
            if len(xyl) > 0:
                xyl = np.array(xyl)
                val = np.array(val)

                # find unique indices & compress
                xylu = np.unique(xyl)
                xylc = np.digitize(xyl, xylu) - 1

                # sum over repeated indices
                vu = np.bincount(xylc, weights=val)

                # go back to 1d indices
                lamu, xygu = np.divmod(xylu, npix)
                yu, xu = np.divmod(xygu, nx)

                # get the wavelengths
                wu = self.wav[lamu]

                # return the DDT
                ddt = DDT(self.segid, xu, yu, wu, vu)
                # a null table
                ddt = DDT(self.segid)
            # a null table
            ddt = DDT(self.segid)

        return ddt
def apply_rules_for_generation_conv(grid):
    new_gen_grid = grid.copy()
    # new_gen_grid = np.zeros_like(grid)
    # new_gen_grid[grid == LUMBER] = LUMBER   # lumber is set now and replaced later

    # 1) open with 3 or more trees around -> tree
    # 2) tree with 3 or more lumbers -> lumber
    # 3) lumber with no tree and no lumber around -> open

    rule = np.array([
        [1, 1, 1],
        [1, MIDDLE, 1],
        [1, 1, 1],
    # todo: add options to all others (any number of trees for lumbers check, any number of lumbers for tree check...)
    # rules are symmetric and thus flip invariant, no need for flipping
    # conv_res = signal.convolve2d(grid, rule, mode='same')
    conv_res = ndimage.convolve(grid, rule, mode='constant')
    # conv_res = signal.fftconvolve(grid, rule, mode='same')

    middle_pos, around = np.divmod(conv_res, MIDDLE)
    around_lumbers, around_trees = np.divmod(around, LUMBER)
    around_trees = np.round(around_trees / TREE).astype(np.int32)
    # 1)
    # big magic with coprimes and modulo, muhaha
    should_appear_tree = (middle_pos == OPEN) & (around_trees >= 3)
    indices = np.where(should_appear_tree)
    new_gen_grid[indices] = TREE

    # 2)
    should_appear_lumber = (middle_pos == TREE) & (around_lumbers >= 3)
    indices = np.where(should_appear_lumber)
    new_gen_grid[indices] = LUMBER

    # 3)
    should_appear_open = (middle_pos == LUMBER) & ((around_lumbers < 1) | (around_trees < 1))
    indices = np.where(should_appear_open)
    new_gen_grid[indices] = OPEN

    return new_gen_grid
    def initialize(self, batch_size):
        n_batches, remainder = np.divmod(self.length, batch_size)
        n_batches = int(n_batches)
        remainder = int(remainder)
        self.batch_size = batch_size
        self.graphs = torch.from_numpy(self.graphs_np)[:-remainder].contiguous().view(n_batches, batch_size, self.order, self.vertex_dim)
        self.targets = torch.from_numpy(self.targets_np)[:-remainder].contiguous().view(n_batches, batch_size, self.target_dim)
        self.dads = torch.from_numpy(self.dads_np)[:-remainder].contiguous().view(n_batches, batch_size, self.order, self.order)

        self.graphs = Variable(self.graphs).float()
        self.targets = Variable(self.targets).float()
        self.dads = Variable(self.dads).float()
def convert_simcell_index_to_cell_polygon(df, column, rows, cols, left, bottom, cell_size):
    i = df[[column]].values

    return [
        [pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, left + (x[0] * cell_size),     bottom - (y[0] * cell_size)),
         pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, left
                          + ((x[0] - 1) * cell_size), bottom - (y[0] * cell_size)),
         pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, left +
                          ((x[0] - 1) * cell_size), bottom - ((y[0] + 1) * cell_size)),
         pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, left +
                          (x[0] * cell_size),     bottom - ((y[0] + 1) * cell_size)),
         pyproj.transform(vicgrid94, wgs84, left +
                          (x[0] * cell_size),     bottom - (y[0] * cell_size))
         ] for (x, y) in [np.divmod(a, cols) for a in i]
文件: 项目: bwohlberg/sporco
def subsample_array(x, step, pad=False, mode='reflect'):
    Use :func:`numpy.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided` to construct a view
    of the input array that represents a subsampling of the array by the
    specified step, with different offsets of the subsampling as
    additional axes of the array. If the input array shape is not evenly
    divisible by the subsampling step, it is padded before the view
    is constructed. For example, if ``x`` is 6 x 6 array, the output of
    ``y = subsample_array(x, (2, 2))`` is a 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 array, with
    the first subsampling offset indexed as ``y[0, 0]``.

    x : ndarray
      Input array
    step : tuple
      Subsampling step size
    pad : bool, optional (default False)
      Flag indicating whether the input array should be padded
      when its size is not integer divisible by the step size
    mode : string, optional (default 'reflect')
      A pad mode specification for :func:`numpy.pad`

    xs : ndarray
      An array representing different subsampling offsets in the input

    if np.any(np.greater_equal(step, x.shape)):
        raise ValueError('Step size must be less than array size on each axis')
    sbsz, dvmd = np.divmod(x.shape, step)
    if pad and np.any(dvmd):
        sbsz += np.clip(dvmd, 0, 1)
        psz = np.subtract(np.multiply(sbsz, step), x.shape)
        pdt = [(0, p) for p in psz]
        x = np.pad(x, pdt, mode=mode)
    outsz = step + tuple(sbsz)
    outstrd = x.strides + tuple(np.multiply(step, x.strides))
    return np.lib.stride_tricks.as_strided(x, outsz, outstrd)
  def _partition_or_replicate_on_host(self, tensor, dims):
    """Partitions or replicates the input tensor.

      The ops inside this function are placed on the host side.

      tensor: The input tensor which will be partioned or replicated.
      dims: A list of integer describes how to partition the input tensor.
      An iterator of `Tensor`s or a list of partioned tensors.
    if dims is None:
      return itertools.repeat(tensor)
    dims = np.array(dims)
    self._check_input_partition_dims(tensor, dims)
    output = [tensor]
    divds, remainders = np.divmod(np.array(tensor.shape.as_list()), dims)
    for axis, (divd, remainder, dim) in enumerate(
        np.dstack((divds, remainders, dims))[0]):
      if dim <= 1:
      if remainder > 0:
        # For each dimension, when it cannot be evenly partitioned, XLA assumes
        # the size of last parts are smaller by 1. E.g. 2D tensor with shape
        # (5, 14) and dims are (2, 4). Since 5 % 2 = 1 and 14 % 4 = 2, [5, 14]
        # => [[(3, 3), (3, 3), (2, 3), (2, 3)],
        # [(2, 3), (2, 3), (2, 2), (2, 2)]]
        output = [
                num_or_size_splits=[divd + 1] * remainder +
                [divd] * (dim - remainder),
                axis=axis) for x in output
        output = [array_ops.split(x, dim, axis=axis) for x in output]
      output = nest.flatten(output)
    return output