def onset_plot(outpath): list_of_files = glob.glob(outpath + '/*onset_dates.csv') model_names = [f.split('/')[-1].split('_')[3] for f in list_of_files] plt.clf() plt.figure(figsize=(16, 16)) for file in list_of_files: holder = gent(file, delimiter=',') fi = list_of_files.index(file) date_file = glob.glob(outpath + '/*years.csv') times = gent(date_file[fi], delimiter=',') #times = np.arange(holder.shape[0]) print len(times), len(holder) color = get_color(str(fi)) line_style = get_line_style(str(fi)) plt.scatter(times, holder, marker=line_style, c=color, label=model_names[fi]) plt.ylim(145, 260) plt.xlim(times[0], times[-1] + 15) plt.yticks([150, 180, 210, 241], ['1 June', '1 July', '1 Aug', '1 Sep']) # plt.xticks([0,10,20,30,40,50],['1950','1960','1970','1980','1990','2000']) plt.legend(loc='best') plt.savefig(outpath + '/SJ_onsets_all_models_scatter_hitorical.png')
def workshop_contour_example_basic(): # this is only working when the .csv file is in the same folder as your script #If your script can't find the file, check your path! mydata = gent( '/nfs/see-fs-01_teaching/earv052/metrics_workshop/example_code/TRMM_v7_Marteau_onsets_1998_dry_spell_30.csv', delimiter=',') print(mydata.shape[:]) ltd = np.linspace(-20, 20, 160) lat = np.linspace(8.0, 16.0, 32) fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 7)) # open figure window plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) # subplot 1 ax1 = plt.contour(ltd, lat, mydata[:]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) # subplot 2 ax2 = plt.contourf(ltd, lat, mydata[:]) plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) # subplot 3 ax3 = plt.pcolor(ltd, lat, mydata[:], vmin=119, vmax=240)
def workshop_contour_example_basemap(): # Read the data, adapt this path to your path if necessary mydata = gent('TRMM_v7_Marteau_onsets_1998_dry_spell_30.csv', delimiter=',') # Shape of the data print(mydata.shape) ltd = np.linspace(-20, 20, 160) lat = np.linspace(8.0, 16.0, 32) levs = [119, 129, 139, 149, 159, 169, 179, 189, 200, 210, 220, 230, 240] # Open figure window ax1 = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 15)) # Add first subplot plt.subplot(3, 1, 1) fig1 = plt.contour(ltd, lat, mydata, levs) plt.clabel(fig1, inline=1) #adds numbers to your contours m = bm.Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=8.0, urcrnrlat=16.0, llcrnrlon=-20.0, urcrnrlon=20.0, resolution='c') # coarse resolution for grid m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1) plt.text(-21.5, 15, '(a)') # Add second subplot plt.subplot(3, 1, 2) fig2 = plt.contourf(ltd, lat, mydata[:], levs) m = bm.Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=8.0, urcrnrlat=16.0, llcrnrlon=-20.0, urcrnrlon=20.0, resolution='l') # medium resolution for grid m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1) plt.text(-21.5, 15, '(b)') plt2_ax = ax1.gca() left0, bottom0, width0, height0 = plt2_ax.get_position().bounds cbar_1_ax = ax1.add_axes([left0, bottom0 - 0.01, width0, 0.015]) cb2 = ax1.colorbar(fig2, cax=cbar_1_ax, orientation='horizontal') cb2.set_label('Marteau local onset 1998') # Add third subplot plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) my_pallet = cm.spectral my_pallet.set_over('w') my_pallet.set_under('w') my_pallet.set_bad(alpha=0.0) fig3 = plt.pcolor(ltd, lat, mydata[:], vmin=119, vmax=240, cmap=my_pallet) m = bm.Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=8.0, urcrnrlat=16.0, llcrnrlon=-20.0, urcrnrlon=20.0, resolution='f') # fine resolution for grid m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1) plt.text(-21.5, 15, '(c)') plt3_ax = ax1.gca() left0, bottom0, width0, height0 = plt3_ax.get_position().bounds cbar_3_ax = ax1.add_axes([left0, bottom0 - 0.01, width0, 0.015]) cb3 = ax1.colorbar(fig3, cax=cbar_3_ax, orientation='horizontal') cb3.set_label('Marteau local onset 1998') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.3) # plt.savefig('matplot_contour_with_basemap.png') # save figure
def TRMM_CDD(yyyy, total): import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from numpy import genfromtxt as gent from netCDF4 import Dataset import mpl_toolkits.basemap as bm # first bring in the data holdr = gent('csvs/TRMM_v7_Lele_Lamb_onsets_' + str(yyyy) + '.csv', delimiter=',') my_data = holdr[12:, 10:34] # now we also want trmm data nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) print holdr.shape # Ok now that we have the first of May, we do the rest of may dys = [ '01', '02', '03', '04', '05', '06', '07', '08', '09', '10', '11', '12', '13', '14', '15', '16', '17', '18', '19', '20', '21', '22', '23', '24', '25', '26', '27', '28', '29', '30', '31' ] # First do May for t in range(1, 31): nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '.05.' + str(dys[t]) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr_temp = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) holdr = np.concatenate((holdr, holdr_temp), axis=0) print holdr.shape # Now do June for t in range(0, 30): nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '.06.' + str(dys[t]) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr_temp = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) holdr = np.concatenate((holdr, holdr_temp), axis=0) print holdr.shape # Now do July for t in range(0, 31): nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '.07.' + str(dys[t]) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr_temp = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) holdr = np.concatenate((holdr, holdr_temp), axis=0) print holdr.shape # Finally August for t in range(0, 31): nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '.08.' + str(dys[t]) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr_temp = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) holdr = np.concatenate((holdr, holdr_temp), axis=0) print holdr.shape # And September for t in range(0, 30): nc = Dataset('C:/Users/js08rgjf/Canopy/scripts/csvs/v07/' + str(yyyy) + '/3B42_daily.' + str(yyyy) + '.09.' + str(dys[t]) + '') trmm = nc.variables['r'] left = trmm[:, 232:264, -80:] right = trmm[:, 232:264, :80] holdr_temp = np.concatenate((left, right), axis=2) holdr = np.concatenate((holdr, holdr_temp), axis=0) print holdr.shape my_trmm = holdr[:, 12:, 10:34] dtes = [] duration = [] pltdtes = np.zeros((my_trmm.shape[1], my_trmm.shape[2]), dtype=int) pltdur = np.zeros((my_trmm.shape[1], my_trmm.shape[2]), dtype=int) for x in range(0, my_trmm.shape[2]): for y in range(0, my_trmm.shape[1]): current_max = 0 current_dte = 0 dte = 0 duratn = 0 if my_data[y, x] - 119 > my_trmm.shape[0] - 10 or my_data[ y, x] >= 250: continue else: for t in range( int(my_data[y, x]) - 119, my_trmm.shape[0] - 10): if my_trmm[t, y, x] <= float(total): dte = t print dte for t1 in xrange(t, my_trmm.shape[0] - 10): if my_trmm[t1, y, x] <= float(total): continue else: duratn = t1 - t if duratn > current_max: current_dte = dte + 119 current_max = duratn break dtes.extend([current_dte]) duration.extend([current_max]) pltdtes[y, x] = current_dte pltdur[y, x] = current_max # else: # continue # break print np.max(duration[:]) print np.max(dtes[:]) # plt.clf() # plt.scatter(duration[:],dtes[:]) # plt.clf() levs1 = [119, 129, 139, 150, 160, 170, 180, 190, 200, 211, 221, 231, 242] dates = [ '1/5', '11/5', '21/5', '1/6', '11/6', '21/6', '1/7', '11/7', '21/7', '1/8', '11/8', '21/8', '1/9' ] levs2 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20] ltd = np.linspace(-17.5, -11.5, 24) lati = np.linspace(11, 16, 20) ax1 = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 12)) plt.subplot(2, 1, 1) m = bm.Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=11, urcrnrlat=16, llcrnrlon=-17.5, urcrnrlon=-11.5, resolution='c') fig2 = plt.contourf(ltd, lati, pltdtes[:], levs1, extend='max') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1) plt2_ax = ax1.gca() left0, bottom0, width0, height0 = plt2_ax.get_position().bounds cbar_1_ax = ax1.add_axes([left0, bottom0 - 0.05, width0, 0.015]) cb2 = ax1.colorbar(fig2, cax=cbar_1_ax, orientation='horizontal') cb2.set_label('Date of longest dry spell (after onset)') cb2.set_ticks(levs1) cb2.set_ticklabels(dates) plt.subplot(2, 1, 2) m = bm.Basemap(projection='cyl', llcrnrlat=11, urcrnrlat=16, llcrnrlon=-17.5, urcrnrlon=-11.5, resolution='c') fig2 = plt.contourf(ltd, lati, pltdur[:], levs2, extend='max') m.drawcoastlines(linewidth=2) m.drawcountries(linewidth=1) plt2_ax = ax1.gca() left0, bottom0, width0, height0 = plt2_ax.get_position().bounds cbar_1_ax = ax1.add_axes([left0, bottom0 - 0.05, width0, 0.015]) cb2 = ax1.colorbar(fig2, cax=cbar_1_ax, orientation='horizontal') cb2.set_label('Duration of first dry spell') plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0.5) # plt.savefig('TRMM_CDD_'+str(yyyy)+'_limit'+str(total)+'mm_per_day.png') np.savetxt('CDD_date_' + str(yyyy) + '.csv', pltdtes[:], delimiter=',') np.savetxt('CDD_duration_' + str(yyyy) + '.csv', pltdur[:], delimiter=',')