    def run(self):
         test_data) = mnist_io.load_mb_from_mat(self.data_file, self.mb_size)
        num_test_samples = test_data[0].shape[0]
        (test_samples, test_labels) = test_data
        count = 1
        for epoch in range(self.num_epochs):
            print '---Start epoch #%d' % epoch
            # train
            for (mb_samples, mb_labels) in train_data:
                num_samples = mb_samples.shape[0]

                a1 = mb_samples.T
                target = mb_labels.T

                # ff
                a2 = relu(np.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
                a3 = np.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
                # softmax & error
                out = softmax(a3)
                s3 = out - target
                # bp
                s2 = np.dot(self.w2.T, s3)
                s2 = relu_back(s2, a2)
                # grad
                gw1 = np.dot(s2, a1.T) / num_samples
                gb1 = np.sum(s2, axis=1, keepdims=True) / num_samples
                gw2 = np.dot(s3, a2.T) / num_samples
                gb2 = np.sum(s3, axis=1, keepdims=True) / num_samples
                # update
                self.w1 -= self.eps_w * gw1
                self.w2 -= self.eps_w * gw2
                self.b1 -= self.eps_b * gb1
                self.b2 -= self.eps_b * gb2

                if (count % 40 == 0):
                    correct = np.max_index(out, axis=0) - np.max_index(target,
                    print 'Training error:', float(
                        np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_samples
                count = count + 1

            # test
            a1 = test_samples.T
            a2 = relu(np.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
            a3 = np.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
            correct = np.max_index(a3, axis=0) - np.max_index(test_labels.T,
            #print correct
            print 'Testing error:', float(
                np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_test_samples
            print '---Finish epoch #%d' % epoch
    def run(self):
        (train_data, test_data) = mnist_io.load_mb_from_mat(self.data_file, self.mb_size)
        num_test_samples = test_data[0].shape[0]
        (test_samples, test_labels) = test_data
        count = 1
        for epoch in range(self.num_epochs):
            print '---Start epoch #%d' % epoch
            # train
            for (mb_samples, mb_labels) in train_data:
                num_samples = mb_samples.shape[0]

                a1 = mb_samples.T
                target = mb_labels.T

                # ff
                a2 = relu(np.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
                a3 = np.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
                # softmax & error
                out = softmax(a3)
                s3 = out - target
                # bp
                s2 = np.dot(self.w2.T, s3)
                s2 = relu_back(s2, a2)
                # grad
                gw1 = np.dot(s2, a1.T) / num_samples
                gb1 = np.sum(s2, axis=1, keepdims=True) / num_samples
                gw2 = np.dot(s3, a2.T) / num_samples
                gb2 = np.sum(s3, axis=1, keepdims=True) / num_samples
                # update
                self.w1 -= self.eps_w * gw1
                self.w2 -= self.eps_w * gw2
                self.b1 -= self.eps_b * gb1
                self.b2 -= self.eps_b * gb2

                if (count % 40 == 0):
                    correct = np.max_index(out, axis=0) - np.max_index(target, axis=0)
                    print 'Training error:', float(np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_samples
                count = count + 1

            # test
            a1 = test_samples.T
            a2 = relu(np.dot(self.w1, a1) + self.b1)
            a3 = np.dot(self.w2, a2) + self.b2
            correct = np.max_index(a3, axis=0) - np.max_index(test_labels.T, axis=0)
            #print correct
            print 'Testing error:', float(np.count_nonzero(correct)) / num_test_samples
            print '---Finish epoch #%d' % epoch
    def run(s):
        #Need Attention, here we may have multiple data layer, just choose the TEST layer
        data_unit = None
        for data_idx in range(len(s.owl_net.data_layers)):
            for i in range(len(s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]])):
                if s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]][i]].params.include[0].phase == 1:
                    data_unit = s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]][i]]
        bp = BlobProto()
        #get mean file
        if len(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_file) == 0:
            mean_data = np.ones([3, 256, 256], dtype=np.float32)
            assert(len(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value) == 3)
            mean_data[0] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[0]
            mean_data[1] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[1]
            mean_data[2] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[2]
            h_w = 256
            with open(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_file, 'rb') as f:
            mean_narray = np.array(bp.data, dtype=np.float32)
            h_w = np.sqrt(np.shape(mean_narray)[0] / 3)
            mean_data = np.array(bp.data, dtype=np.float32).reshape([3, h_w, h_w])
        #get the cropped img
        crop_size = data_unit.params.transform_param.crop_size
        crop_h_w = (h_w - crop_size) / 2
        mean_data = mean_data[:, crop_h_w:crop_h_w + crop_size, crop_h_w:crop_h_w + crop_size]

        feature_unit = s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.layer_name][0]] 
        batch_dir = 0
        #we use 10000 images to conduct visualization
        all_data = np.zeros([10000, 3, crop_size, crop_size], dtype=np.float32)
        feature_shape = feature_unit.out_shape
        all_feature = np.zeros([10000, feature_shape[2], feature_shape[1], feature_shape[0]], dtype=np.float32) 
        print 'Begin Generating Activations from Testing Set'
        curimg = 0
        for testiteridx in range(s.owl_net.solver.test_iter[0]):
            feature = feature_unit.out.to_numpy()
            batch_size = np.shape(feature)[0]
            all_feature[curimg:curimg+batch_size,:] = feature
            data = data_unit.out.to_numpy()
            all_data[curimg:curimg+batch_size,:] = data
            curimg += batch_size
            #HACK TODO: only take 10000 images
            if curimg >= 10000:
            info = 'Now Processed %d images' % (curimg)
            print info
        print 'Begin Selecting Patches'
        #get the result 
        patch_shape = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
        min_val = -float('inf') 
        #add back the mean file
        for i in range(np.shape(all_data)[0]):
            all_data[i,:,:,:] += mean_data
        if len(feature_shape) == 4:
            #iter for each filter, for each filter, we choose nine patch from different image
            for i in range(feature_shape[2]):
                #create the result image for nine patches
                res_img = np.zeros([feature_unit.rec_on_ori * 3, feature_unit.rec_on_ori * 3, 3])
                filter_feature = np.copy(all_feature[:,i,:,:])
                for patchidx in range(9):
                    maxidx = np.argmax(filter_feature)
                    colidx = maxidx % feature_shape[0]
                    maxidx = (maxidx - colidx) / feature_shape[0]
                    rowidx = maxidx % feature_shape[1]
                    maxidx = (maxidx - rowidx) / feature_shape[1]
                    imgidx = maxidx
                    info = '%d %d %d' % (imgidx, rowidx, colidx)
                    filter_feature[imgidx,:,:] = min_val
                    #get the patch place
                    patch_start_row = max(0,feature_unit.start_on_ori + rowidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori)
                    patch_end_row = min(feature_unit.start_on_ori + rowidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori + feature_unit.rec_on_ori, data_unit.crop_size)
                    if patch_start_row == 0:
                        patch_end_row = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    if patch_end_row == data_unit.crop_size:
                        patch_start_row = data_unit.crop_size - feature_unit.rec_on_ori

                    patch_start_col = max(0,feature_unit.start_on_ori + colidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori)
                    patch_end_col = min(feature_unit.start_on_ori + colidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori + feature_unit.rec_on_ori, data_unit.crop_size)
                    if patch_start_col == 0:
                        patch_end_col = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    if patch_end_col == data_unit.crop_size:
                        patch_start_col = data_unit.crop_size - feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    patch = all_data[imgidx, :, patch_start_row:patch_end_row, patch_start_col:patch_end_col]

                    #save img to image
                    row_in_res = patchidx / 3
                    col_in_res = patchidx % 3
                    st_row = row_in_res * patch_shape 
                    st_col = col_in_res * patch_shape
                    #turn gbr into rgb
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 2] = patch[0,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 1] = patch[1,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 0] = patch[2,:,:]

                #save img
                res_img = Image.fromarray(res_img.astype(np.uint8))
                res_path = '%s/%d.jpg' % (s.result_path, i)
                print res_path
                res_img.save(res_path, format = 'JPEG')
            #Fully Layers
            #iter for each filter, for each filter, we choose nine patch from different image
            print feature_shape
            for i in range(feature_shape[0]):
                #create the result image for nine patches
                res_img = np.zeros([data_unit.crop_size * 3, data_unit.crop_size * 3, 3])
                filter_feature = np.copy(all_feature[:,i])
                for patchidx in range(9):
                    maxidx = np.max_index(filter_feature)
                    imgidx = maxidx
                    filter_feature[imgidx] = min_val

                    #save img to image
                    row_in_res = patchidx / 3
                    col_in_res = patchidx % 3
                    st_row = row_in_res * data_unit.crop_size 
                    st_col = col_in_res * data_unit.crop_size
                    #turn gbr into rgb
                    patch = all_data[imgidx,:,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 2] = patch[0,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 1] = patch[1,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 0] = patch[2,:,:]
                #save img
                res_img = Image.fromarray(res_img.astype(np.uint8))
                res_path = '%s/%d.jpg' % (s.result_path, i)
                print res_path
                res_img.save(res_path, format = 'JPEG')
    def run(s):
        #Need Attention, here we may have multiple data layer, just choose the TEST layer
        data_unit = None
        for data_idx in range(len(s.owl_net.data_layers)):
            for i in range(len(s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]])):
                if s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]][i]].params.include[0].phase == 1:
                    data_unit = s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.owl_net.data_layers[data_idx]][i]]
        bp = BlobProto()
        #get mean file
        if len(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_file) == 0:
            mean_data = np.ones([3, 256, 256], dtype=np.float32)
            assert(len(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value) == 3)
            mean_data[0] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[0]
            mean_data[1] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[1]
            mean_data[2] = data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_value[2]
            h_w = 256
            with open(data_unit.params.transform_param.mean_file, 'rb') as f:
            mean_narray = np.array(bp.data, dtype=np.float32)
            h_w = np.sqrt(np.shape(mean_narray)[0] / 3)
            mean_data = np.array(bp.data, dtype=np.float32).reshape([3, h_w, h_w])
        #get the cropped img
        crop_size = data_unit.params.transform_param.crop_size
        crop_h_w = (h_w - crop_size) / 2
        mean_data = mean_data[:, crop_h_w:crop_h_w + crop_size, crop_h_w:crop_h_w + crop_size]

        feature_unit = s.owl_net.units[s.owl_net.name_to_uid[s.layer_name][0]] 
        batch_dir = 0
        #we use 10000 images to conduct visualization
        all_data = np.zeros([10000, 3, crop_size, crop_size], dtype=np.float32)
        feature_shape = feature_unit.out_shape
        all_feature = np.zeros([10000, feature_shape[2], feature_shape[1], feature_shape[0]], dtype=np.float32) 
        print 'Begin Generating Activations from Testing Set'
        curimg = 0
        for testiteridx in range(s.owl_net.solver.test_iter[0]):
            feature = feature_unit.out.to_numpy()
            batch_size = np.shape(feature)[0]
            all_feature[curimg:curimg+batch_size,:] = feature
            data = data_unit.out.to_numpy()
            all_data[curimg:curimg+batch_size,:] = data
            curimg += batch_size
            #HACK TODO: only take 10000 images
            if curimg >= 10000:
            info = 'Now Processed %d images' % (curimg)
            print info
        print 'Begin Selecting Patches'
        #get the result 
        patch_shape = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
        min_val = -float('inf') 
        #add back the mean file
        for i in range(np.shape(all_data)[0]):
            all_data[i,:,:,:] += mean_data
        if len(feature_shape) == 4:
            #iter for each filter, for each filter, we choose nine patch from different image
            for i in range(feature_shape[2]):
                #create the result image for nine patches
                res_img = np.zeros([feature_unit.rec_on_ori * 3, feature_unit.rec_on_ori * 3, 3])
                filter_feature = np.copy(all_feature[:,i,:,:])
                for patchidx in range(9):
                    maxidx = np.argmax(filter_feature)
                    colidx = maxidx % feature_shape[0]
                    maxidx = (maxidx - colidx) / feature_shape[0]
                    rowidx = maxidx % feature_shape[1]
                    maxidx = (maxidx - rowidx) / feature_shape[1]
                    imgidx = maxidx
                    info = '%d %d %d' % (imgidx, rowidx, colidx)
                    filter_feature[imgidx,:,:] = min_val
                    #get the patch place
                    patch_start_row = max(0,feature_unit.start_on_ori + rowidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori)
                    patch_end_row = min(feature_unit.start_on_ori + rowidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori + feature_unit.rec_on_ori, data_unit.crop_size)
                    if patch_start_row == 0:
                        patch_end_row = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    if patch_end_row == data_unit.crop_size:
                        patch_start_row = data_unit.crop_size - feature_unit.rec_on_ori

                    patch_start_col = max(0,feature_unit.start_on_ori + colidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori)
                    patch_end_col = min(feature_unit.start_on_ori + colidx * feature_unit.stride_on_ori + feature_unit.rec_on_ori, data_unit.crop_size)
                    if patch_start_col == 0:
                        patch_end_col = feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    if patch_end_col == data_unit.crop_size:
                        patch_start_col = data_unit.crop_size - feature_unit.rec_on_ori
                    patch = all_data[imgidx, :, patch_start_row:patch_end_row, patch_start_col:patch_end_col]

                    #save img to image
                    row_in_res = patchidx / 3
                    col_in_res = patchidx % 3
                    st_row = row_in_res * patch_shape 
                    st_col = col_in_res * patch_shape
                    #turn gbr into rgb
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 2] = patch[0,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 1] = patch[1,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+patch_end_row - patch_start_row, st_col:st_col + patch_end_col - patch_start_col, 0] = patch[2,:,:]

                #save img
                res_img = Image.fromarray(res_img.astype(np.uint8))
                res_path = '%s/%d.jpg' % (s.result_path, i)
                print res_path
                res_img.save(res_path, format = 'JPEG')
            #Fully Layers
            #iter for each filter, for each filter, we choose nine patch from different image
            print feature_shape
            for i in range(feature_shape[0]):
                #create the result image for nine patches
                res_img = np.zeros([data_unit.crop_size * 3, data_unit.crop_size * 3, 3])
                filter_feature = np.copy(all_feature[:,i])
                for patchidx in range(9):
                    maxidx = np.max_index(filter_feature)
                    imgidx = maxidx
                    filter_feature[imgidx] = min_val

                    #save img to image
                    row_in_res = patchidx / 3
                    col_in_res = patchidx % 3
                    st_row = row_in_res * data_unit.crop_size 
                    st_col = col_in_res * data_unit.crop_size
                    #turn gbr into rgb
                    patch = all_data[imgidx,:,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 2] = patch[0,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 1] = patch[1,:,:]
                    res_img[st_row:st_row+data_unit.crop_size,st_col:st_col+data_unit.crop_size, 0] = patch[2,:,:]
                #save img
                res_img = Image.fromarray(res_img.astype(np.uint8))
                res_path = '%s/%d.jpg' % (s.result_path, i)
                print res_path
                res_img.save(res_path, format = 'JPEG')