def downside_deviation(returns: Series,
                       benchmark_rate: float = 0.0,
                       tf: str = "years") -> float:
    """Downside Deviation for the Sortino ratio.
    Benchmark rate is assumed to be annualized. Adjusted according for the
    number of periods per year seen in the data.

        close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
        benchmark_rate (float): Benchmark Rate to use. Default: 0.0
        tf (str): Time Frame options: 'days', 'weeks', 'months', and 'years'.
            Default: 'years'

    >>> result = ta.downside_deviation(returns, benchmark_rate=0.0, tf="years")
    # For both de-annualizing the benchmark rate and annualizing result
    returns = verify_series(returns)
    days_per_year = returns.shape[0] / total_time(returns, tf)

    adjusted_benchmark_rate = ((1 + benchmark_rate)**(1 / days_per_year)) - 1

    downside = adjusted_benchmark_rate - returns
    downside_sum_of_squares = (downside[downside > 0]**2).sum()
    downside_deviation = npSqrt(downside_sum_of_squares /
                                (returns.shape[0] - 1))
    return downside_deviation * npSqrt(days_per_year)
文件: ssf.py 项目: bartua/pandas-ta
def ssf(close, length=None, poles=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
    """Indicator: Ehler's Super Smoother Filter (SSF)"""
    # Validate Arguments
    length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 10
    poles = int(poles) if poles in [2, 3] else 2
    close = verify_series(close, length)
    offset = get_offset(offset)

    if close is None: return

    # Calculate Result
    m = close.size
    ssf = close.copy()

    if poles == 3:
        x = npPi / length  # x = PI / n
        a0 = npExp(-x)  # e^(-x)
        b0 = 2 * a0 * npCos(npSqrt(3) * x)  # 2e^(-x)*cos(3^(.5) * x)
        c0 = a0 * a0  # e^(-2x)

        c4 = c0 * c0  # e^(-4x)
        c3 = -c0 * (1 + b0)  # -e^(-2x) * (1 + 2e^(-x)*cos(3^(.5) * x))
        c2 = c0 + b0  # e^(-2x) + 2e^(-x)*cos(3^(.5) * x)
        c1 = 1 - c2 - c3 - c4

        for i in range(0, m):
            ssf.iloc[i] = c1 * close.iloc[i] + c2 * ssf.iloc[
                i - 1] + c3 * ssf.iloc[i - 2] + c4 * ssf.iloc[i - 3]

    else:  # poles == 2
        x = npPi * npSqrt(2) / length  # x = PI * 2^(.5) / n
        a0 = npExp(-x)  # e^(-x)
        a1 = -a0 * a0  # -e^(-2x)
        b1 = 2 * a0 * npCos(x)  # 2e^(-x)*cos(x)
        c1 = 1 - a1 - b1  # e^(-2x) - 2e^(-x)*cos(x) + 1

        for i in range(0, m):
            ssf.iloc[i] = c1 * close.iloc[i] + b1 * ssf.iloc[
                i - 1] + a1 * ssf.iloc[i - 2]

    # Offset
    if offset != 0:
        ssf = ssf.shift(offset)

    # Handle fills
    if "fillna" in kwargs:
        ssf.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
    if "fill_method" in kwargs:
        ssf.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)

    # Name & Category
    ssf.name = f"SSF_{length}_{poles}"
    ssf.category = "overlap"

    return ssf
def downside_deviation(returns: Series, benchmark_rate: float = 0.0, log: bool = False, tf: str = "years") -> float:
    """Downside Deviation for the Sortino ratio.
    Benchmark rate is assumed to be annualized. Adjusted according for the
    number of periods per year seen in the data."""
    # For both de-annualizing the benchmark rate and annualizing result
    returns = verify_series(returns)
    days_per_year = returns.shape[0] / total_time(returns, tf)

    adjusted_benchmark_rate = ((1 + benchmark_rate) ** (1 / days_per_year)) - 1

    downside = adjusted_benchmark_rate - returns
    downside_sum_of_squares = (downside[downside > 0] ** 2).sum()
    downside_deviation = npSqrt(downside_sum_of_squares / (returns.shape[0] - 1))
    return downside_deviation * npSqrt(days_per_year)
def _linear_regression_np(x: Series, y: Series) -> dict:
    """Simple Linear Regression in Numpy for two 1d arrays for environments without the sklearn package."""
    result = {"a": npNaN, "b": npNaN, "r": npNaN, "t": npNaN, "line": npNaN}
    x_sum = x.sum()
    y_sum = y.sum()

    if int(x_sum) != 0:
        # 1st row, 2nd col value corr(x, y)
        r = npCorrcoef(x, y)[0, 1]

        m = x.size
        r_mix = m * (x * y).sum() - x_sum * y_sum
        b = r_mix // (m * (x * x).sum() - x_sum * x_sum)
        a = y.mean() - b * x.mean()
        line = a + b * x

        _np_err = seterr()
        seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
        result = {
            "a": a,
            "b": b,
            "r": r,
            "t": r / npSqrt((1 - r * r) / (m - 2)),
            "line": line,
        seterr(divide=_np_err["divide"], invalid=_np_err["invalid"])

    return result
文件: hma.py 项目: bartua/pandas-ta
def hma(close, length=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
    """Indicator: Hull Moving Average (HMA)"""
    # Validate Arguments
    length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 10
    close = verify_series(close, length)
    offset = get_offset(offset)

    if close is None: return

    # Calculate Result
    half_length = int(length / 2)
    sqrt_length = int(npSqrt(length))

    wmaf = wma(close=close, length=half_length)
    wmas = wma(close=close, length=length)
    hma = wma(close=2 * wmaf - wmas, length=sqrt_length)

    # Offset
    if offset != 0:
        hma = hma.shift(offset)

    # Handle fills
    if "fillna" in kwargs:
        hma.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
    if "fill_method" in kwargs:
        hma.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)

    # Name & Category
    hma.name = f"HMA_{length}"
    hma.category = "overlap"

    return hma
def sharpe_ratio(close: Series,
                 benchmark_rate: float = 0.0,
                 log: bool = False,
                 use_cagr: bool = False,
                 period: int = RATE["TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR"]) -> float:
    """Sharpe Ratio of a series.

        close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
        benchmark_rate (float): Benchmark Rate to use. Default: 0.0
        log (bool): If True, calculates log_return. Otherwise it returns
            percent_return. Default: False
        use_cagr (bool): Use cagr - benchmark_rate instead. Default: False
        period (int, float): Period to use to calculate Mean Annual Return and
            Annual Standard Deviation.
            Default: RATE["TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR"] (currently 252)

    >>> result = ta.sharpe_ratio(close, benchmark_rate=0.0, log=False)
    close = verify_series(close)
    returns = percent_return(close=close) if not log else log_return(

    if use_cagr:
        return cagr(close) / volatility(close, returns, log=log)
        period_mu = period * returns.mean()
        period_std = npSqrt(period) * returns.std()
        return (period_mu - benchmark_rate) / period_std
def optimal_leverage(close: Series,
                     benchmark_rate: float = 0.0,
                     period: Tuple[float, int] = RATE["TRADING_DAYS_PER_YEAR"],
                     log: bool = False,
                     capital: float = 1.,
                     **kwargs) -> float:
    """Optimal Leverage of a series. NOTE: Incomplete. Do NOT use.

        close (pd.Series): Series of 'close's
        benchmark_rate (float): Benchmark Rate to use. Default: 0.0
        period (int, float): Period to use to calculate Mean Annual Return and
            Annual Standard Deviation.
            Default: None or the default sharpe_ratio.period()
        log (bool): If True, calculates log_return. Otherwise it returns
            percent_return. Default: False

    >>> result = ta.optimal_leverage(close, benchmark_rate=0.0, log=False)
    close = verify_series(close)

    use_cagr = kwargs.pop("use_cagr", False)
    returns = percent_return(close=close) if not log else log_return(
    # sharpe = sharpe_ratio(close, benchmark_rate=benchmark_rate, log=log, use_cagr=use_cagr, period=period)

    period_mu = period * returns.mean()
    period_std = npSqrt(period) * returns.std()

    mean_excess_return = period_mu - benchmark_rate
    # sharpe = mean_excess_return / period_std
    opt_leverage = (period_std**-2) * mean_excess_return

    amount = int(capital * opt_leverage)
    return amount
def volatility(close: Series, tf:str = "years", returns:bool = False, log: bool = False, **kwargs) -> float:
    """Volatility of a series. Default: 'years'"""
    close = verify_series(close)
    if not returns:
        returns = percent_return(close=close) if not log else log_return(close=close)

    factor = returns.shape[0] / total_time(returns, tf)
    if kwargs.pop("nearest_day", False) and tf.lower() == "years":
        factor = int(factor + 1)

    return returns.std() * npSqrt(factor)
文件: _math.py 项目: kalnun/pandas-ta
def _linear_regression_sklearn(x, y):
    """Simple Linear Regression in Scikit Learn for two 1d arrays for
    environments with the sklearn package."""
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

    regression = LinearRegression().fit(DataFrame(x), y=y)
    r = regression.score(DataFrame(x), y=y)

    a, b = regression.intercept_, regression.coef_[0]

    return {
        "a": a, "b": b, "r": r,
        "t": r / npSqrt((1 - r * r) / (x.size - 2)),
        "line": a + b * x
def _linear_regression_sklearn(x: Series, y: Series) -> dict:
    """Simple Linear Regression in Scikit Learn for two 1d arrays for
    environments with the sklearn package."""
    from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression

    X = DataFrame(x)
    lr = LinearRegression().fit(X, y=y)
    r = lr.score(X, y=y)
    a, b = lr.intercept_, lr.coef_[0]

    result = {
        "a": a,
        "b": b,
        "r": r,
        "t": r / npSqrt((1 - r * r) / (x.size - 2)),
        "line": a + b * x
    return result
文件: _math.py 项目: kalnun/pandas-ta
def _linear_regression_np(x: Series, y: Series) -> dict:
    """Simple Linear Regression in Numpy for two 1d arrays for environments
    without the sklearn package."""
    m = x.size
    x_sum = x.sum()
    y_sum = y.sum()

    # 1st row, 2nd col value corr(x, y)
    r = npCorrcoef(x, y)[0,1]

    r_mixture = m * (x * y).sum() - x_sum * y_sum
    b = r_mixture / (m * (x * x).sum() - x_sum * x_sum)
    a = y.mean() - b * x.mean()
    line = a + b * x

    # seterr(divide="ignore", invalid="ignore")
    return {
        "a": a, "b": b, "r": r,
        "t": r / npSqrt((1 - r * r) / (m - 2)),
        "line": line
    def linear_regression(series):
        y_sum = series.sum()
        xy_sum = (x * series).sum()

        m = (length * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum) / divisor
        if slope:
            return m
        b = (y_sum * x2_sum - x_sum * xy_sum) / divisor
        if intercept:
            return b

        if angle:
            theta = npAtan(m)
            if degrees:
                theta *= 180 / npPi
            return theta

        if r:
            y2_sum = (series * series).sum()
            rn = length * xy_sum - x_sum * y_sum
            rd = npSqrt(divisor * (length * y2_sum - y_sum * y_sum))
            return rn / rd

        return m * length + b if tsf else m * (length - 1) + b
def ebsw(close, length=None, bars=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
    """Indicator: Even Better SineWave (EBSW)"""
    # Validate arguments
    length = int(length) if length and length > 38 else 40
    bars = int(bars) if bars and bars > 0 else 10
    close = verify_series(close, length)
    offset = get_offset(offset)

    if close is None: return

    # variables
    alpha1 = HP = 0  # alpha and HighPass
    a1 = b1 = c1 = c2 = c3 = 0
    Filt = Pwr = Wave = 0

    lastClose = lastHP = 0
    FilterHist = [0, 0]  # Filter history

    # Calculate Result
    m = close.size
    result = [npNaN for _ in range(0, length - 1)] + [0]
    for i in range(length, m):
        # HighPass filter cyclic components whose periods are shorter than Duration input
        alpha1 = (1 - npSin(360 / length)) / npCos(360 / length)
        HP = 0.5 * (1 + alpha1) * (close[i] - lastClose) + alpha1 * lastHP

        # Smooth with a Super Smoother Filter from equation 3-3
        a1 = npExp(-npSqrt(2) * npPi / bars)
        b1 = 2 * a1 * npCos(npSqrt(2) * 180 / bars)
        c2 = b1
        c3 = -1 * a1 * a1
        c1 = 1 - c2 - c3
        Filt = c1 * (HP + lastHP) / 2 + c2 * FilterHist[1] + c3 * FilterHist[0]
        # Filt = float("{:.8f}".format(float(Filt))) # to fix for small scientific notations, the big ones fail

        # 3 Bar average of Wave amplitude and power
        Wave = (Filt + FilterHist[1] + FilterHist[0]) / 3
        Pwr = (Filt * Filt + FilterHist[1] * FilterHist[1] +
               FilterHist[0] * FilterHist[0]) / 3

        # Normalize the Average Wave to Square Root of the Average Power
        Wave = Wave / npSqrt(Pwr)

        # update storage, result
        FilterHist.append(Filt)  # append new Filt value
            0)  # remove first element of list (left) -> updating/trim
        lastHP = HP
        lastClose = close[i]

    ebsw = Series(result, index=close.index)

    # Offset
    if offset != 0:
        ebsw = ebsw.shift(offset)

    # Handle fills
    if "fillna" in kwargs:
        ebsw.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
    if "fill_method" in kwargs:
        ebsw.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)

    # Name and Categorize it
    ebsw.name = f"EBSW_{length}_{bars}"
    ebsw.category = "cycles"

    return ebsw
def hwc(close,
    """Indicator: Holt-Winter Channel"""
    # Validate Arguments
    na = float(na) if na and na > 0 else 0.2
    nb = float(nb) if nb and nb > 0 else 0.1
    nc = float(nc) if nc and nc > 0 else 0.1
    nd = float(nd) if nd and nd > 0 else 0.1
    scalar = float(scalar) if scalar and scalar > 0 else 1
    channel_eval = bool(
        channel_eval) if channel_eval and channel_eval else False
    close = verify_series(close)
    offset = get_offset(offset)

    # Calculate Result
    last_a = last_v = last_var = 0
    last_f = last_price = last_result = close[0]
    lower, result, upper = [], [], []
    chan_pct_width, chan_width = [], []

    m = close.size
    for i in range(m):
        F = (1.0 - na) * (last_f + last_v + 0.5 * last_a) + na * close[i]
        V = (1.0 - nb) * (last_v + last_a) + nb * (F - last_f)
        A = (1.0 - nc) * last_a + nc * (V - last_v)
        result.append((F + V + 0.5 * A))

        var = (1.0 - nd) * last_var + nd * (last_price - last_result) * (
            last_price - last_result)
        stddev = npSqrt(last_var)
        upper.append(result[i] + scalar * stddev)
        lower.append(result[i] - scalar * stddev)

        if channel_eval:
            # channel width
            chan_width.append(upper[i] - lower[i])
            # channel percentage price position
                (close[i] - lower[i]) / (upper[i] - lower[i]))
            # print('channel_eval (width|percentageWidth):', chan_width[i], chan_pct_width[i])

        # update values
        last_price = close[i]
        last_a = A
        last_f = F
        last_v = V
        last_var = var
        last_result = result[i]

    # Aggregate
    hwc = Series(result, index=close.index)
    hwc_upper = Series(upper, index=close.index)
    hwc_lower = Series(lower, index=close.index)
    if channel_eval:
        hwc_width = Series(chan_width, index=close.index)
        hwc_pctwidth = Series(chan_pct_width, index=close.index)

    # Offset
    if offset != 0:
        hwc = hwc.shift(offset)
        hwc_upper = hwc_upper.shift(offset)
        hwc_lower = hwc_lower.shift(offset)
        if channel_eval:
            hwc_width = hwc_width.shift(offset)
            hwc_pctwidth = hwc_pctwidth.shift(offset)

    # Handle fills
    if "fillna" in kwargs:
        hwc.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
        hwc_upper.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
        hwc_lower.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
        if channel_eval:
            hwc_width.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
            hwc_pctwidth.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)

    if "fill_method" in kwargs:
        hwc.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
        hwc_upper.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
        hwc_lower.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
        if channel_eval:
            hwc_width.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)
            hwc_pctwidth.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)

    # Name and Categorize it
    # suffix = f'{str(na).replace(".", "")}-{str(nb).replace(".", "")}-{str(nc).replace(".", "")}'
    hwc.name = 'HW-MID'
    hwc_upper.name = "HW-UPPER"
    hwc_lower.name = "HW-LOWER"
    hwc.category = hwc_upper.category = hwc_lower.category = "volatility"
    if channel_eval:
        hwc_width.name = 'HW-WIDTH'
        hwc_pctwidth.name = 'HW-PCTW'

    # Prepare DataFrame to return
    if channel_eval:
        data = {
            hwc.name: hwc,
            hwc_upper.name: hwc_upper,
            hwc_lower.name: hwc_lower,
            hwc_width.name: hwc_width,
            hwc_pctwidth.name: hwc_pctwidth
        df = DataFrame(data)
        df.name = "hwc"
        df.category = hwc.category
        data = {
            hwc.name: hwc,
            hwc_upper.name: hwc_upper,
            hwc_lower.name: hwc_lower
        df = DataFrame(data)
        df.name = "hwc"
        df.category = hwc.category

    return df
def jma(close, length=None, phase=None, offset=None, **kwargs):
    """Indicator: Jurik Moving Average (JMA)"""
    # Validate Arguments
    _length = int(length) if length and length > 0 else 7
    phase = float(phase) if phase and phase != 0 else 0
    close = verify_series(close, _length)
    offset = get_offset(offset)
    if close is None: return

    # Define base variables
    jma = npZeroslike(close)
    volty = npZeroslike(close)
    v_sum = npZeroslike(close)

    kv = det0 = det1 = ma2 = 0.0
    jma[0] = ma1 = uBand = lBand = close[0]

    # Static variables
    sum_length = 10
    length = 0.5 * (_length - 1)
    pr = 0.5 if phase < -100 else 2.5 if phase > 100 else 1.5 + phase * 0.01
    length1 = max((npLog(npSqrt(length)) / npLog(2.0)) + 2.0, 0)
    pow1 = max(length1 - 2.0, 0.5)
    length2 = length1 * npSqrt(length)
    bet = length2 / (length2 + 1)
    beta = 0.45 * (_length - 1) / (0.45 * (_length - 1) + 2.0)

    m = close.shape[0]
    for i in range(1, m):
        price = close[i]

        # Price volatility
        del1 = price - uBand
        del2 = price - lBand
        volty[i] = max(abs(del1),abs(del2)) if abs(del1)!=abs(del2) else 0

        # Relative price volatility factor
        v_sum[i] = v_sum[i - 1] + (volty[i] - volty[max(i - sum_length, 0)]) / sum_length
        avg_volty = npAverage(v_sum[max(i - 65, 0):i + 1])
        d_volty = 0 if avg_volty ==0 else volty[i] / avg_volty
        r_volty = max(1.0, min(npPower(length1, 1 / pow1), d_volty))

        # Jurik volatility bands
        pow2 = npPower(r_volty, pow1)
        kv = npPower(bet, npSqrt(pow2))
        uBand = price if (del1 > 0) else price - (kv * del1)
        lBand = price if (del2 < 0) else price - (kv * del2)

        # Jurik Dynamic Factor
        power = npPower(r_volty, pow1)
        alpha = npPower(beta, power)

        # 1st stage - prelimimary smoothing by adaptive EMA
        ma1 = ((1 - alpha) * price) + (alpha * ma1)

        # 2nd stage - one more prelimimary smoothing by Kalman filter
        det0 = ((price - ma1) * (1 - beta)) + (beta * det0)
        ma2 = ma1 + pr * det0

        # 3rd stage - final smoothing by unique Jurik adaptive filter
        det1 = ((ma2 - jma[i - 1]) * (1 - alpha) * (1 - alpha)) + (alpha * alpha * det1)
        jma[i] = jma[i-1] + det1

    # Remove initial lookback data and convert to pandas frame
    jma[0:_length - 1] = npNaN
    jma = Series(jma, index=close.index)

    # Offset
    if offset != 0:
        jma = jma.shift(offset)

    # Handle fills
    if "fillna" in kwargs:
        jma.fillna(kwargs["fillna"], inplace=True)
    if "fill_method" in kwargs:
        jma.fillna(method=kwargs["fill_method"], inplace=True)

    # Name & Category
    jma.name = f"JMA_{_length}_{phase}"
    jma.category = "overlap"

    return jma