 def test_pmt(self):
     res = np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000)
     tgt = -304.145914
     assert_allclose(res, tgt)
     # Test the edge case where rate == 0.0
     res = np.pmt(0.0, 5 * 12, 15000)
     tgt = -250.0
     assert_allclose(res, tgt)
     # Test the case where we use broadcast and
     # the arguments passed in are arrays.
     res = np.pmt([[0.0, 0.8], [0.3, 0.8]], [12, 3], [2000, 20000])
     tgt = np.array([[-166.66667, -19311.258], [-626.90814, -19311.258]])
     assert_allclose(res, tgt)
 def __init__(self, loan_id, grade, int_rate, term, amount, issue_date, 
              last_date, defaults, investment, total_payment, total_principle, recoveries):
     self.id = loan_id
     self.grade = grade
     self.int_rate = int_rate
     self.term = int(term.strip().split(' ')[0])
     self.amount = amount
     self.initial_amount = self.amount
     self.issue_date = issue_date
     self.last_date = last_date
     self.investment = investment
     self.defaults = defaults
     self.total_payment = total_payment
     self.total_principle = total_principle
     self.recoveries = recoveries
     self.imbalance_ratio = np.nan
     self.term_realized = self.last_date - self.issue_date
     if self.defaults:
         # warnings.warn('have not yet implemented defaulting loans')
         self.amount = self.total_payment
     self.installment = np.round(-np.pmt(self.int_rate / 12, self.term_realized, self.amount), 2)
     self.remaining_term = self.term_realized
     self.scale = (self.investment / self.initial_amount)
     self.imbalance = 0
     self.complete = False
     self.fee = 0.01
def add_current_rents(dataset,buildings,year,rent=0,convert_res_rent_to_yearly=0,convert_res_sales_to_yearly=0):
  buildings['nonres_rent'] = dataset.load_attr('nonresidential_rent',year)
  if not rent: 
    buildings['res_rent'] = dataset.load_attr('residential_sales_price',year)
    if convert_res_sales_to_yearly: buildings.res_rent = np.pmt(developer.INTERESTRATE,developer.PERIODS,buildings.res_rent)*-1
  else: buildings['res_rent'] = dataset.load_attr('residential_rent',year)*(12 if convert_res_rent_to_yearly else 1)
  buildings['rent'] = buildings['nonres_rent'].combine_first(buildings['res_rent'])
  return buildings
 def levelize_costs(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'is_levelized'):
         inflation = float(cfg.cfgfile.get('case', 'inflation_rate'))
         rate = self.cost_of_capital - inflation
         if self.is_levelized == 0:
             self.values_level = - np.pmt(rate, self.book_life, 1, 0, 'end') * self.values
             util.convert_age(self, vintages=self.vintages, years=self.years, attr_from='values_level', attr_to='values_level', reverse=False)
             self.values_level = self.values.copy()
             util.convert_age(self, vintages=self.vintages, years=self.years, attr_from='values_level', attr_to='values_level', reverse=False)
             self.values = np.pv(rate, self.book_life, -1, 0, 'end') * self.values
         raise ValueError('Supply Technology id %s needs to indicate whether costs are levelized ' %self.id)
 def levelize_costs(self):
     if hasattr(self, 'is_levelized'):
         inflation = float(cfg.cfgfile.get('case', 'inflation_rate'))
         rate = self.cost_of_capital - inflation
         if self.is_levelized == 0:
             self.values_level = - np.pmt(rate, self.book_life, 1, 0, 'end') * self.values
             util.convert_age(self, vintages=self.vintages, years=self.years, attr_from='values_level', attr_to='values_level', reverse=False)
             self.values_level = self.values.copy()
             util.convert_age(self, vintages=self.vintages, years=self.years, attr_from='values_level', attr_to='values_level', reverse=False)
             self.values = np.pv(rate, self.book_life, -1, 0, 'end') * self.values
         util.convert_age(self, vintages=self.vintages, years=self.years, reverse=False)
    def test_pmt_decimal(self):
        res = np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), 5 * 12, 15000)
        tgt = Decimal('-304.1459143262052370338701494')
        assert_equal(res, tgt)
        # Test the edge case where rate == 0.0
        res = np.pmt(Decimal('0'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('15000'))
        tgt = -250
        assert_equal(res, tgt)
        # Test the case where we use broadcast and
        # the arguments passed in are arrays.
        res = np.pmt([[Decimal('0'), Decimal('0.8')], [Decimal('0.3'), Decimal('0.8')]],
                     [Decimal('12'), Decimal('3')], [Decimal('2000'), Decimal('20000')])
        tgt = np.array([[Decimal('-166.6666666666666666666666667'), Decimal('-19311.25827814569536423841060')],
                        [Decimal('-626.9081401700757748402586600'), Decimal('-19311.25827814569536423841060')]])

        # Cannot use the `assert_allclose` because it uses isfinite under the covers
        # which does not support the Decimal type
        # See issue: https://github.com/numpy/numpy/issues/9954
        assert_equal(res[0][0], tgt[0][0])
        assert_equal(res[0][1], tgt[0][1])
        assert_equal(res[1][0], tgt[1][0])
        assert_equal(res[1][1], tgt[1][1])
def get_possible_rents_by_use(dset):
  parcels = dset.parcels 
  # need a prevailing rent for each parcel
  nodeavgrents = pd.read_csv('avenodeprice.csv',index_col='node_id')
  # convert from price per sqft to yearly rent per sqft
  nodeavgrents['rent'] = np.pmt(spotproforma.INTERESTRATE,spotproforma.PERIODS,nodeavgrents.price*-1)

  # need predictions of rents for each parcel
  avgrents = pd.DataFrame(index=parcels.index)
  avgrents['residential'] = nodeavgrents.rent.ix[parcels._node_id].values
  # make a stupid assumption converting the residential 
  # rent which I have to non-residential rent which I don't have
  avgrents['office'] = nodeavgrents.rent.ix[parcels._node_id].values*1.0
  avgrents['retail'] = nodeavgrents.rent.ix[parcels._node_id].values*.8
  avgrents['industrial'] = nodeavgrents.rent.ix[parcels._node_id].values*.5
  return avgrents
 def actual_monthly(self):
     """User actually paid monthly money for the car."""
     actual_monthly = numpy.pmt(
         self.loan_at / 12,
         self.loan_at / 12,
     return round(actual_monthly, 2)
def main():
    """Module retirement"""
    if not len(sys.argv) == 2:
        print('usage: {} rate'.format(sys.argv[0]))
    rate = float(sys.argv[1])/12/100
    startdate = 2004 + 10./12
    today = 2015 + 5./12
    amount = 222000
    retirementdate = 1981 + 60 + 10./12
    endend = 1981 + 10./12 + 100
    inflation = 2./100./12. + 1
    spending = 40000

    contribution = np.pmt(rate, int(round((today - startdate) * 12)), 0, amount)

    print('contribution {}'.format(contribution))

    cur_time = today
    while cur_time < retirementdate:
        cur_time += 1./12
        interest = amount * rate
        amount += -contribution + interest
        contribution *= inflation
        spending *= inflation

    print('retire contribution {} amount {} spending {}'
          .format(contribution, amount, spending))

    while cur_time < endend and amount > 0:
        cur_time += 1./12
        interest = amount * rate
        amount += interest
        amount -= spending / 12.
        spending *= inflation

    print('end time {} spending {} amount {}'.format(cur_time, spending, amount))
def walk_forward_projection(principal, annual_rate, months=None, payment=1200):
    :param payment:
    :param principal: positive value
    :param months: compounding periods (can be weeks)
    :param annual_rate: matches compounding periods (can be weekly rate)
    loan_table = pd.DataFrame(columns=('payment', 'interest_segment', 'principal_segment', 'balance'))
    annual_rate /= 12  # Make the rate a monthly rate.

    # Initialise Table
    loan_table.loc[0] = [0, 0, 0, principal]

    # Handles pay by amount
    if months is not None:
        payment = -np.pmt(annual_rate, months, principal)  # Handles pay by amount

    time_step = 1
    balance = principal

    while not (balance <= 0 or time_step > 100):
        fraction_interest = balance * annual_rate

        if balance > payment:
            balance = round(balance + fraction_interest - payment, 2)
            payment = balance
            balance = 0

        fractional_principal = payment - fraction_interest

        loan_table.loc[time_step] = [payment, fraction_interest, fractional_principal, balance]
        time_step += 1

    return loan_table
def get_mort(interest, value, years, insurance, hoa):
    print("Button clicked")

    while True:
            interest = float(interest)
            interest = interest / 100
            value = float(value)
            years = float(years)
            hoa = float(hoa)

            insurance = float(insurance)
            insurance = insurance / 100

            if interest > 0 and value > 0 and years > 0 and insurance >= 0:
                monthly_payment = -1 * np.pmt(interest / 12, years * 12, value)
                if hoa != 0:
                    monthly_payment += hoa

                if insurance != 0:
                    to_add = monthly_payment * insurance
                    monthly_payment += to_add

                display_label['text'] = '$' + str(monthly_payment.round(2))

                display_label['text'] = 'Please type a positive number'

            display_label['text'] = 'Please type a number'

    def test_when(self):
        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0), np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "begin"), 2)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "end"), 2)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0), np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, "end"), 2)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0), np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, 1), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, 0), np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000.0, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0), np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0), np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, "end"), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, 1), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "begin"), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "end"), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, 0), np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.0, "end"), 4)
def amortize(argv, lump_sum=0, lump_sum_dt=None):

    init_addl_principal = FLAGS.add_payment
    pmt = -round(np.pmt(FLAGS.loan_ir/FLAGS.pa_payments, FLAGS.loan_length_yrs*FLAGS.pa_payments, FLAGS.loan_amt), 2)
    # initialize the variables to keep track of the periods and running balances
    p = 1
    # Init temporary variables with default flag values; this is because we do not want to override the flag values 
    beg_balance = FLAGS.loan_amt
    end_balance = FLAGS.loan_amt
    start_date = datetime.strptime(FLAGS.loan_start_dt, "%d-%m-%Y")
    if lump_sum_dt:
        lump_sum_dt = datetime.strptime(lump_sum_dt, "%d-%m-%Y")
    var_ir = FLAGS.var_ir
    loan_ir = FLAGS.loan_ir
    add_payment = FLAGS.add_payment
    loan_amt = FLAGS.loan_amt
    while end_balance > 0:
        # Fluctuate variable interest...
        if var_ir and start_date.month == 6 and loan_ir < 0.06:
#             print('Modifying interest rate...')
            # Assumes that interest rate changes occur mid-year
            if FLAGS.var_ir_fluct == 'chaotic':
                loan_ir = loan_ir * np.random.uniform(0.5, 1.5)
            if FLAGS.var_ir_fluct == 'aggressive':
                loan_ir = loan_ir * np.random.uniform(0.8,1.2)
            if FLAGS.var_ir_fluct == 'moderate':
                loan_ir = loan_ir * np.random.uniform(0.875,0.125)
            if FLAGS.var_ir_fluct == 'conservative':
                loan_ir = loan_ir * np.random.uniform(0.95,1.05)
#             print(loan_ir)
        # Recalculate the interest based on the current balance
        interest = round(((loan_ir/FLAGS.pa_payments) * beg_balance), 2)

        # Determine payment based on whether or not this period will pay off the loan
        pmt = min(pmt, beg_balance + interest)
        loan_amt = pmt - interest
        # Ensure additional payment gets adjusted if the loan is being paid off.
        # If the difference between the beginning balance and principal is < additional payment, reduce additional
        # payment to match remaining balance.
        # Add lump-sum event (Assumes that payment occurs at month begin)
        if start_date == lump_sum_dt:
            adhoc_paymnt = min((add_payment + lump_sum), beg_balance - loan_amt)
            # print(f'Adhoc - Lump sum payment: ${adhoc_paymnt:0.0f}')
            end_balance = beg_balance - (loan_amt + adhoc_paymnt)
            FLAGS.add_payment = min(add_payment, beg_balance - loan_amt)
            end_balance = beg_balance - (loan_amt + add_payment)
            adhoc_paymnt = 0

        yield OrderedDict([('Month', start_date),
                           ('Period', p),
                           ('Begin Balance', beg_balance),
                           ('Payment', pmt),
                           ('Principal', FLAGS.loan_amt),
                           ('Interest', interest),
                           ('Interest_Rate', loan_ir),
                           ('Additional_Payment', add_payment),
                           ('Adhoc Payment', adhoc_paymnt),
                           ('End Balance', end_balance)])
        if add_payment > (beg_balance - loan_amt):
            add_payment = init_addl_principal
        # Increment the counter, balance and date
        p += 1
        start_date += relativedelta(months=1)
        beg_balance = end_balance
 def test_pay_amount_validation(self):
     amount = 10000
     periods = 24
     loan = self.create_loan('fixed-annuity', amount, 1, periods)
     self.assertEqual(len(loan.line_ids), periods)
     line = loan.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.sequence == 1)
         - numpy.pmt(1 / 100 / 12, 24, 10000), line.payment_amount, 2)
     self.assertEqual(line.long_term_principal_amount, 0)
     loan.long_term_loan_account_id = self.lt_loan_account
     line = loan.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.sequence == 1)
     self.assertGreater(line.long_term_principal_amount, 0)
     line = loan.line_ids.filtered(lambda r: r.sequence == 1)
     wzd = self.env['account.loan.generate.wizard'].create({})
     action = wzd.run()
     self.assertIn(line.move_ids.id, action['domain'][0][2])
     with self.assertRaises(UserError):
             'loan_id': loan.id,
             'amount': (amount - amount / periods) / 2,
             'fees': 100,
             'date': datetime.strptime(
                 line.date, DF
             ).date() + relativedelta(months=-1)
     with self.assertRaises(UserError):
             'loan_id': loan.id,
             'amount': amount,
             'fees': 100,
             'date': datetime.strptime(
                 line.date, DF
     with self.assertRaises(UserError):
             'loan_id': loan.id,
             'amount': 0,
             'fees': 100,
             'date': datetime.strptime(
                 line.date, DF
     with self.assertRaises(UserError):
             'loan_id': loan.id,
             'amount': -100,
             'fees': 100,
             'date': datetime.strptime(
                 line.date, DF
from __future__ import print_function
import numpy as np

print("Payment", np.pmt(0.01 / 12, 12 * 30, 10000000))
def expenseModel_CC(cntLimIntRate = 3.00
                    ,cntBalMonths = 36
                    ,obsRecentRepayTxnBar = 31
                    ,syph = 2
                    ,infRecentTxnBar = 31
                    ,infCountTxnBar = 3
                    ,fuzzThreshold = 85                

    jSonData = request.json

    #grab app context
    appRef = jSonData['reference']
    appDate = jSonData['submissionTime'][:10]    
    #stab commitment tables - observed & inferred
    obsCcVar = 'cntType accType accName accNum accBsb balCurrOut balAvail limit intRate minAmtDue minAmtDueDate cntLim cntBal cntObs cntRepayRatioObs'.split()
    ccCntObs = pd.DataFrame([[0]*len(obsCcVar)], columns=obsCcVar)  
    infCcVar = 'cntType text infNarration txtHit amount cntInf accType accName accNum accBsb'.split()
    ccCntInf = pd.DataFrame([[0]*len(infCcVar)],columns=infCcVar)    

    #cycle through accounts on bankstatment;
    for accIdx in np.arange(len(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'])):
        #observed CC - get account characteristics - take conservative positions where no data        
        if jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountType'].upper().replace(" ", "") == 'CREDITCARD':
            cntType = 'obs'
            accName = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountName']
            accType = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountType']
            accNum = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountNumber']
            accBsb = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['bsb']
            balCurrOut = abs(float(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['currentBalance']))
            balAvail = abs(float(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['availableBalance']))
                intRate = float(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['additionalDetails']['interestRate'])    
            except (ValueError, KeyError): 
                intRate = 21.00
                limit = float(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['additionalDetails']['creditLimit'])
            except (ValueError, KeyError): 
                limit = (balCurrOut) + (balAvail)
                minAmtDue = float(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['additionalDetails']['minimumAmountDue'])
            except (ValueError, KeyError): 
                minAmtDue = np.nan
                minAmtDueDate = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['additionalDetails']['minimumAmountDueDate']
            except (ValueError, KeyError): 
                minAmtDueDate = np.nan
            #calc obs commitment
            #limit position
            cntLim = round(limit * cntLimIntRate/100,2)
            #balance position
            cntBal = abs(round(np.pmt(intRate/100/12,cntBalMonths,balCurrOut,0),2))
            cntObs = round(cntLim + cntBal,2)

            #calc obs average monthly repayment
            #grab txns
            txnObs = pd.DataFrame(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['transactions'])

            #if no repayment txns, then ratio is null
            cntRepayRatioObs = np.nan
            if len(txnObs) > 0:
                #get repayment txns: credits, recent, repayment narration detection
                txnRepay = txnObs[txnObs['amount']>0].copy()
                txnRepay['text'] = txnRepay['text'].str.upper()
                #repayment narration detection
                #some exist and recent
                if (len(txnRepay) > 0) and (np.datetime64(txnRepay.date.max()) >= (np.datetime64(appDate)-obsRecentRepayTxnBar)):
                    #wrangle commitment at point of repayment
                    txnRepay['monYY'] = pd.to_datetime(txnRepay['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d').dt.to_period("M")
                    txnRepay['balBeforeTxn'] = txnRepay.balance.astype(float) + txnRepay.amount.astype(float)
                    txnRepay['cnt'] = abs(np.pmt(intRate/100/12,cntBalMonths,txnRepay.balBeforeTxn,0)) + cntLim
                    txnRepay = txnRepay.groupby('monYY').agg({'amount':'sum','cnt':'sum'}) \
                                .merge( \
                                       txnRepay.groupby('monYY').agg({'amount':'sum','cnt':'sum'}).groupby('amount').agg({'amount':'count'}).rename(columns={'amount':'amountCount'}).reset_index() \
                    #exclude repayment anomalies i.e. principal payments - +- 2 standard deviations of repayment
                    #max procedure
                    if txnRepay[txnRepay.amount == txnRepay.amount.max()]['amountCount'].item() == 1:
                        if txnRepay.amount.max() > (np.std(txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.max()].amount) * syph) + (txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.max()].amount.mean()):
                            txnRepay = txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.max()]
                    #min procedure - may not need.
                    if txnRepay[txnRepay.amount == txnRepay.amount.min()]['amountCount'].item() == 1:
                        if txnRepay.amount.min() < (np.std(txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.min()].amount) * syph) - (txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.max()].amount.mean()):
                            txnRepay = txnRepay[txnRepay.amount != txnRepay.amount.min()]
                    #calculate ratio: repayment amount/commitment 
                    cntRepayRatioObs = (txnRepay.amount/txnRepay.cnt).mean()
            #write observed CC + commitment deets to dataframe            
            tmpAppend = pd.DataFrame([[cntType,accType,accName,accNum,accBsb,balCurrOut,balAvail,limit,intRate,minAmtDue,minAmtDueDate,cntLim,cntBal,cntObs,cntRepayRatioObs]],columns=obsCcVar)           
            ccCntObs = ccCntObs.append(tmpAppend,ignore_index=True)

        #inferred CC from transaction and savings accounts
        #cycle through transaction/savings accounts
        if jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountType'].upper().replace(" ", "") in 'TRANSACTION SAVINGS'.split():
            #grab transcations
            txnInf = pd.DataFrame(jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['transactions'])
            #wrangle outbound CC repayment txns
            if len(txnInf) > 0:
                txnInf = txnInf[txnInf['amount']<0]
                txnInf['text'] = txnInf['text'].str.upper()
                #get repayment types
                txnInfCcRepay = txnInf[txnInf.type.str.upper()=="CREDIT CARD REPAYMENTS"].copy()
                if len(txnInfCcRepay) > 0:
                    #clean narrations
                    txnInfCcRepay['infNarration'] = txnInfCcRepay.text.apply(lambda x: re.sub("\d+", " ", x))
                    #aggregate by narration cashflow
                    infAgg = txnInfCcRepay.groupby('infNarration text'.split()).agg({'amount':'count sum'.split(),'date':'min max'.split()}).reset_index()
                    infAgg.columns = ["_".join(x) for x in infAgg.columns.ravel()]
                    #Recent txn threshold
                    infAgg = infAgg[infAgg.date_max.apply(lambda x: np.datetime64(x) >= (np.datetime64(appDate)-infRecentTxnBar))==True]          
                    #at least 3 instances of repayment to be considered a commitment
                    infAgg = infAgg[(infAgg['amount_count']>infCountTxnBar)]
                    #exlcude failing txns
                    txnInfCcRepay = txnInfCcRepay[txnInfCcRepay.infNarration.isin(infAgg.infNarration_.tolist())]
                    #fuzzy deduplication of narrations;
                    infAggList = infAgg.infNarration_.tolist()
                    #set up inferred fuzzy match table
                    infFuzz = pd.DataFrame([[0]*5], columns='idInf txt fuzzScore txtHit idInfHit'.split())
                    tmpList = infAggList.copy()

                    #fuzzy de-duping
                    for idx, txt in enumerate(infAggList):
                        tmpList = [t for t in tmpList if t is not txt]
                        if len(tmpList) == 0:
                        appendFuzz = pd.DataFrame(process.extract(txt,tmpList))
                        appendFuzz['idxHit'] = appendFuzz.index
                        appendFuzz = appendFuzz[appendFuzz.fuzzScore >= fuzzThreshold]
                        if len(appendFuzz) == 0:
                            appendFuzz.loc[appendFuzz.fuzzScore >= fuzzThreshold,'idInf'] = idx
                            appendFuzz.loc[appendFuzz.fuzzScore >= fuzzThreshold,'txt'] = txt
                            infFuzz = infFuzz.append(appendFuzz,ignore_index=True)
                            tmpList = [t for t in tmpList if t not in appendFuzz.txtHit.tolist()]
                    infFuzz = infFuzz[1:]

                    if len(infFuzz) > 0:
                        tmp0 = txnInfCcRepay.merge(infFuzz['idInf txt'.split()].drop_duplicates(['idInf','txt'],keep = 'first',inplace=False),how='left',left_on='infNarration',right_on='txt',suffixes=["",""])               
                        tmp1 = tmp0[tmp0.idInf.isnull()].drop('idInf',axis=1).merge(infFuzz['idInf txtHit'.split()].drop_duplicates(['idInf','txtHit'],keep = 'first',inplace=False),how='left',left_on='infNarration',right_on='txtHit',suffixes=["",""])
                        txnInfCcRepay = tmp0[tmp0.idInf.notnull()].append(tmp1,ignore_index=True).drop('txt',axis=1)
                        txnInfCcRepay['txtHit'] = np.nan
                        tmp0 = txnInfCcRepay.groupby('infNarration',as_index=False).agg({'amount':'mean'})
                        tmp0['idInf'] = tmp0.index
                        txnInfCcRepay = txnInfCcRepay.merge(tmp0['idInf infNarration'.split()],how='left',on='infNarration')            

                    #inferred CC deets 
                    infCc = txnInfCcRepay.drop_duplicates('idInf')['idInf text infNarration txtHit'.split()].copy()
                    #calculate average monthly repayment of inferred faciltiees
                    txnInfCcRepay['monYY'] = pd.to_datetime(txnInfCcRepay['date'], format='%Y-%m-%d').dt.to_period("M")
                    txnInfCcRepayMon = txnInfCcRepay.groupby('idInf monYY'.split()).agg({'amount':'sum'}).reset_index() \
                                        .merge(txnInfCcRepay.groupby('monYY').agg({'amount':'count'}).rename(columns={'amount':'amountCount'}).reset_index() \
                    #apply anomaly repayment exclusion
                    tmpSyph = pd.DataFrame([[0]*len(txnInfCcRepayMon.columns.values.tolist())],columns=txnInfCcRepayMon.columns.values.tolist())

                    for idx in txnInfCcRepayMon.idInf.unique().tolist():
                        tmp0 = txnInfCcRepayMon[txnInfCcRepayMon.idInf==idx]
                        if tmp0[tmp0.amount == tmp0.amount.max()]['amountCount'].item() == 1:
                            if tmp0.amount.max() > (np.std(tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.max()].amount) * syph) + (tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.max()].amount.mean()):
                                tmp0 = tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.max()]
                        #may not need min procedure - or specific syph threshold.
                        if tmp0[tmp0.amount == tmp0.amount.min()]['amountCount'].item() == 1:
                            if tmp0.amount.min() < (np.std(tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.min()].amount) * syph) - (tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.max()].amount.mean()):
                                tmp0 = tmp0[tmp0.amount != tmp0.amount.min()]
                        tmpSyph = tmpSyph.append(tmp0,ignore_index=True)            
                    txnInfCcRepayMon = tmpSyph[1:].copy()
                    infCc = infCc.merge(txnInfCcRepayMon.groupby('idInf',as_index=False).agg({'amount':'mean'}),how='left',on='idInf')            
                    infCc['amount'] = abs(infCc['amount'])
                    #get tran/savings account deets
                    infCc['cntType'] = 'inf'
                    infCc['accName'] = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountName']
                    infCc['accType'] = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountType']
                    infCc['accNum'] = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['accountNumber']
                    infCc['accBsb'] = jSonData['bankData']['bankAccounts'][accIdx]['bsb']
                    #write inferred CC + commitment deets to dataframe
                    ccCntInf = ccCntInf.append(infCc,ignore_index=True)

    #aggregate observed and inferred
    ccCntObs = ccCntObs[1:]
    ccCntInf = ccCntInf[1:]
    #average repayment across inferred CCs
#    cntRepayRatioObsMu = ccCntObs.cntRepayRatioObs.mean()   

    #apply repayRatio to inferred repayments to get commitment;
    #nan not resolving...
#    if cntRepayRatioObsMu != np.nan:
#        ccCntInf['cntInf'] = ccCntInf.apply(lambda x: x.amount/cntRepayRatioObsMu , axis=1)
    ccCntObs_jS = ccCntObs.to_json()
#    ccCntInf_jS = ccCntInf.to_json()
#    return(ccCntObs_jS,ccCntInf_jS)
import numpy as np

# Calculate the EAA for Project 1
eaa_project1 = np.pmt(rate=wacc, nper=8, pv=-1 * npv_project1, fv=0)
print("Project 1 EAA: " + str(round(eaa_project1, 2)))

# Calculate the EAA for Project 2
eaa_project2 = np.pmt(rate=wacc, nper=7, pv=-1 * npv_project2, fv=0)
print("Project 2 EAA: " + str(round(eaa_project2, 2)))
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from datetime import date

# Define the variables for the mortgage
Interest_Rate = 0.04
Years = 30
Payments_Year = 12
Principal = 200000
Addl_Principal = 50
start_date = (date(2019, 6, 1))
'''Basic use of numpy financial functions '''

# monthly payment
pmt = np.pmt(
    Interest_Rate / Payments_Year, Years * Payments_Year, Principal
)  #https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/generated/numpy.pmt.html

# payment portioning
per = Years * 12
interest_payment = np.ipmt(Interest_Rate / Payments_Year, per,
                           Years * Payments_Year, Principal)
principal_payment = np.ppmt(Interest_Rate / Payments_Year, per,
                            Years * Payments_Year, Principal)
    f"For payment period {per}, you will pay ${-interest_payment} in interest and ${-principal_payment} in principal"
''' Setting up pandas '''
rng = pd.date_range(start_date, periods=Years * Payments_Year, freq='MS')
rng.name = "Payment_Date"
 def test_pmt(self):
     assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(.05,12,1000,100,1), -113.43614, 3)
 def minimum_payment(self):
     return -np.pmt(self.monthly_rate, self.term_in_months, self.loan.purchase_amount)

import numpy

print "Payment", numpy.pmt(0.01/12, 12 * 30, 10000000) 
文件: solarSunda.py 项目: dpinney/omf
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. '''
	#Set static input data
	simLength = 8760
	simStartDate = "2013-01-01"
	# Set the timezone to be UTC, it won't affect calculation and display, relative offset handled in pvWatts.html
	startDateTime = simStartDate + " 00:00:00 UTC"		
	simLengthUnits = "hours"
	# Associate zipcode to climate data
	inputDict["climateName"] = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
	inverterSizeAC = float(inputDict.get("inverterSize",0))
	if (inputDict.get("systemSize",0) == "-"):
		arraySizeDC = 1.3908 * inverterSizeAC
		arraySizeDC = float(inputDict.get("systemSize",0))
	numberPanels = (arraySizeDC * 1000/305)
	# Set constants
	panelSize = 305		
	trackingMode = 0
	rotlim = 45.0
	gamma = 0.45
	if (inputDict.get("tilt",0) == "-"):
		tilt_eq_lat = 1.0
		manualTilt = 0.0
		tilt_eq_lat = 0.0
		manualTilt = float(inputDict.get("tilt",0))
	numberInverters = math.ceil(inverterSizeAC/1000/0.5)			
	# Copy specific climate data into model directory
	shutil.copy(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
		pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
	# Set up SAM data structures.
	ssc = nrelsam2013.SSCAPI()
	dat = ssc.ssc_data_create()
	# Required user inputs.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_string(dat, "file_name", modelDir + "/climate.tmy2")
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "system_size", arraySizeDC)
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "derate", float(inputDict.get("inverterEfficiency", 96))/100 * float(inputDict.get("nonInverterEfficiency", 87))/100)
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "track_mode", float(trackingMode))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "azimuth", float(inputDict.get("azimuth", 180)))
	# Advanced inputs with defaults.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "rotlim", float(rotlim))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "gamma", float(-gamma/100))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt", manualTilt)
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt_eq_lat", 0.0)
	# Run PV system simulation.
	mod = ssc.ssc_module_create("pvwattsv1")
	ssc.ssc_module_exec(mod, dat)
	# Timestamp output.
	outData = {}
	outData["timeStamps"] = [dt.datetime.strftime(
		dt.datetime.strptime(startDateTime[0:19],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") +
		dt.timedelta(**{simLengthUnits:x}),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC" for x in range(simLength)]
	# Geodata output.
	outData["minLandSize"] = round((arraySizeDC/1390.8*5 + 1)*math.cos(math.radians(22.5))/math.cos(math.radians(30.0)),0)
	landAmount = float(inputDict.get("landAmount", 6.0))
	outData["city"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "city")
	outData["state"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "state")
	outData["lat"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lat")
	outData["lon"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lon")
	outData["elev"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "elev")
	# Weather output.
	outData["climate"] = {}
	outData["climate"]["Global Horizontal Radiation (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "gh")
	outData["climate"]["Plane of Array Irradiance (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "poa")
	outData["climate"]["Ambient Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "tamb")
	outData["climate"]["Cell Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "tcell")
	outData["climate"]["Wind Speed (m/s)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "wspd")
	# Power generation.
	outData["powerOutputAc"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "ac")
	# Calculate clipping.
	outData["powerOutputAc"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "ac")
	invSizeWatts = inverterSizeAC * 1000
	outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"] = [x if x < invSizeWatts else invSizeWatts for x in outData["powerOutputAc"]]
		outData["percentClipped"] = 100 * (1.0 - sum(outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"]) / sum(outData["powerOutputAc"]))
	except ZeroDivisionError:
		outData["percentClipped"] = 0.0
	#One year generation
	outData["oneYearGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"])
	#Annual generation for all years
	loanYears = 25
	outData["allYearGenerationMWh"] = {}
	outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][1] = float(outData["oneYearGenerationWh"])/1000000
	# outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][1] = float(2019.576)
	for i in range (2, loanYears+1):
		outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i] = float(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i-1]) * (1 - float(inputDict.get("degradation", 0.8))/100)
	# Summary of Results.
	### Total Costs (sum of): Hardware Costs, Design/Engineering/PM/EPC/Labor Costs, Siteprep Costs, Construction Costs, Installation Costs, Land Costs
	### Hardware Costs 
	pvModules = arraySizeDC * float(inputDict.get("moduleCost",0))*1000 #off by 4000
	racking = arraySizeDC * float(inputDict.get("rackCost",0))*1000
	inverters = numberInverters * float(inputDict.get("inverterCost",0))
	inverterSize = inverterSizeAC
	if (inverterSize <= 250):
		gear = 15000
	elif (inverterSize <= 600):
		gear = 18000
		gear = inverterSize/1000 * 22000
	balance = inverterSizeAC * 1.3908 * 134
	combiners = math.ceil(numberPanels/19/24) * float(1800)  #*
	wireManagement = arraySizeDC * 1.5
	transformer = 1 * 28000
	weatherStation = 1 * 12500
	shipping = 1.02
	hardwareCosts = (pvModules + racking + inverters + gear + balance + combiners + wireManagement  + transformer + weatherStation) * shipping
	### Design/Engineering/PM/EPC/Labor Costs 
	EPCmarkup = float(inputDict.get("EPCRate",0))/100 * hardwareCosts
	#designCosts = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor",0))*160 + float(inputDict.get("elecLabor",0))*75 + float(inputDict.get("pmCost",0)) + EPCmarkup
	hoursDesign = 160*math.sqrt(arraySizeDC/1390)
	hoursElectrical = 80*math.sqrt(arraySizeDC/1391)
	designLabor = 65*hoursDesign
	electricalLabor = 75*hoursElectrical
	laborDesign = designLabor + electricalLabor + float(inputDict.get("pmCost",0)) + EPCmarkup
	materialDesign = 0
	designCosts = materialDesign + laborDesign
	### Siteprep Costs 
	surveying = 2.25 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount*43560)
	concrete = 8000 * math.ceil(numberInverters/2)
	fencing = 6.75 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount*43560)
	grading = 2.5 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount*43560)
	landscaping = 750 * landAmount
	siteMaterial = 8000 + 600 + 5500 + 5000 + surveying + concrete + fencing + grading + landscaping + 5600
	blueprints = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor",0))*12
	mobilization = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor",0))*208
	mobilizationMaterial = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor",0))*19.98
	siteLabor = blueprints + mobilization + mobilizationMaterial
	sitePrep = siteMaterial + siteLabor
	### Construction Costs (Office Trailer, Skid Steer, Storage Containers, etc) 
	constrEquip = 6000 + math.sqrt(landAmount)*16200
	### Installation Costs 
	moduleAndRackingInstall = numberPanels * (15.00 + 12.50 + 1.50)
	pierDriving = 1 * arraySizeDC*20
	balanceInstall = 1 * arraySizeDC*100
	installCosts = moduleAndRackingInstall + pierDriving + balanceInstall + float(inputDict.get("elecLabor",0)) * (72 + 60 + 70 + 10 + 5 + 30 + 70)
	### Land Costs 
	if (str(inputDict.get("landOwnership",0)) == "Owned" or (str(inputDict.get("landOwnership",0)) == "Leased")):
		landCosts = 0
		landCosts = float(inputDict.get("costAcre",0))*landAmount
	### Total Costs 
	totalCosts = hardwareCosts + designCosts + sitePrep + constrEquip + installCosts + landCosts
	totalFees= float(inputDict.get("devCost",0))/100 * totalCosts
	outData["totalCost"] = totalCosts + totalFees + float(inputDict.get("interCost",0))
	# Add to Pie Chart
	outData["costsPieChart"] = [["Land", landCosts],
		["Design/Engineering/PM/EPC", designCosts],
		["PV Modules", pvModules*shipping],
		["Racking", racking*shipping],
		["Inverters & Switchgear", (inverters+gear)*shipping],
		["BOS", hardwareCosts - pvModules*shipping - racking*shipping - (inverters+gear)*shipping],
		["Site Prep, Constr. Eq. and Installation", (siteMaterial + constrEquip) + (siteLabor + installCosts)]]
	# Cost per Wdc
	outData["costWdc"] = (totalCosts + totalFees + float(inputDict.get("interCost",0))) / (arraySizeDC * 1000)
	outData["capFactor"] = float(outData["oneYearGenerationWh"])/(inverterSizeAC*1000*365.25*24) * 100
	### Loans calculations for Direct, NCREB, Lease, Tax-equity, and PPA
	### Full Ownership, Direct Loan
	#Output - Direct Loan [C]
	projectCostsDirect = 0
	#Output - Direct Loan [D]
	netFinancingCostsDirect = 0
	#Output - Direct Loan [E]
	OMInsuranceETCDirect = []
	#Output - Direct Loan [F]
	distAdderDirect = []
	#Output - Direct Loan [G]
	netCoopPaymentsDirect = []
	#Output - Direct Loan [H]
	costToCustomerDirect = []
	#Output - Direct Loan [F53]
	Rate_Levelized_Direct = 0
	## Output - Direct Loan Formulas
	projectCostsDirect = 0
	#Output - Direct Loan [D]
	payment = pmt(float(inputDict.get("loanRate",0))/100, loanYears, outData["totalCost"])
	interestDirectPI = outData["totalCost"] * float(inputDict.get("loanRate",0))/100
	principleDirectPI = (-payment - interestDirectPI)
	patronageCapitalRetiredDPI = 0
	netFinancingCostsDirect = -(principleDirectPI + interestDirectPI - patronageCapitalRetiredDPI)
	#Output - Direct Loan [E] [F] [G] [H]
	firstYearOPMainCosts = (1.25 * arraySizeDC * 12)
	firstYearInsuranceCosts = (0.37 * outData["totalCost"]/100)
	if (inputDict.get("landOwnership",0) == "Leased"):
		firstYearLandLeaseCosts = float(inputDict.get("costAcre",0))*landAmount
		firstYearLandLeaseCosts = 0
	for i in range (1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"])+1):
		OMInsuranceETCDirect.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts*math.pow((1 + .01),(i-1)) - firstYearInsuranceCosts*math.pow((1 + .025),(i-1)) - firstYearLandLeaseCosts*math.pow((1 + .01),(i-1)))
		netCoopPaymentsDirect.append(OMInsuranceETCDirect[i-1] + netFinancingCostsDirect)
		costToCustomerDirect.append((netCoopPaymentsDirect[i-1] - distAdderDirect[i-1]))
	#Output - Direct Loan [F53] 
	NPVLoanDirect = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate",0))/100, [0,0] + costToCustomerDirect)
	NPVallYearGenerationMWh = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate",0))/100, [0,0] + outData["allYearGenerationMWh"].values())
	Rate_Levelized_Direct = -NPVLoanDirect/NPVallYearGenerationMWh	
	#Master Output [Direct Loan]
	outData["levelCostDirect"] = Rate_Levelized_Direct
	outData["costPanelDirect"] = abs(NPVLoanDirect/numberPanels)
	outData["cost10WPanelDirect"] = (float(outData["costPanelDirect"])/panelSize)*10
	### NCREBs Financing
	ncrebsRate = float(inputDict.get("NCREBRate",4.060))/100
	ncrebBorrowingRate = 1.1 * ncrebsRate
	ncrebPaymentPeriods = 44
	ncrebCostToCustomer = []
	for i in range (1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"])+1):
		coopLoanPayment = 2 * pmt(ncrebBorrowingRate/2.0, ncrebPaymentPeriods, outData["totalCost"]) if i <= ncrebPaymentPeriods / 2 else 0
		ncrebsCredit = -0.7 * (ipmt(ncrebsRate / 2, 2 * i - 1, ncrebPaymentPeriods, outData["totalCost"])
			+ ipmt(ncrebsRate / 2, 2 * i, ncrebPaymentPeriods, outData["totalCost"])) if i <= ncrebPaymentPeriods / 2 else 0
		financingCost = ncrebsCredit + coopLoanPayment
		omCost = OMInsuranceETCDirect[i - 1]
		netCoopPayments = financingCost + omCost
		distrAdder = distAdderDirect[i - 1]
		costToCustomer = netCoopPayments + distrAdder
	NPVLoanNCREB = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0))/100, [0,0] + ncrebCostToCustomer)
	Rate_Levelized_NCREB = -NPVLoanNCREB/NPVallYearGenerationMWh	
	outData["levelCostNCREB"] = Rate_Levelized_NCREB
	outData["costPanelNCREB"] = abs(NPVLoanNCREB/numberPanels)
	outData["cost10WPanelNCREB"] = (float(outData["costPanelNCREB"])/panelSize)*10
	### Lease Buyback Structure
	#Output - Lease [C]
	projectCostsLease = outData["totalCost"]
	#Output - Lease [D]
	leasePaymentsLease = []
	#Output - Lease [E]
	OMInsuranceETCLease = OMInsuranceETCDirect
	#Output - Lease [F]
	distAdderLease = distAdderDirect
	#Output - Lease [G]
	netCoopPaymentsLease = []
	#Output - Lease [H]
	costToCustomerLease = []
	#Output - Lease [H44]
	NPVLease = 0
	#Output - Lease [H49]
	Rate_Levelized_Lease = 0
	## Tax Lease Formulas
	#Output - Lease [D]
	for i in range (0, 12):
		leaseRate = float(inputDict.get("taxLeaseRate",0))/100.0
		if i>8: # Special behavior in later years:
			leaseRate = leaseRate - 0.0261
	# Last year is different.
	leasePaymentsLease[11] += -0.2*projectCostsLease
	for i in range (12, 25):
	#Output - Lease [G]	[H]
	for i in range (1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"])+1):
	#Output - Lease [H44]. Note the extra year at the zero point to get the discounting right.
	NPVLease = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0))/100, [0,0]+costToCustomerLease)
	#Output - Lease [H49] (Levelized Cost Three Loops)
	Rate_Levelized_Lease = -NPVLease/NPVallYearGenerationMWh
	#Master Output [Lease]
	outData["levelCostTaxLease"] = Rate_Levelized_Lease
	outData["costPanelTaxLease"] = abs(NPVLease/numberPanels)
	outData["cost10WPanelTaxLease"] = (float(outData["costPanelTaxLease"])/float(panelSize))*10
	### Tax Equity Flip Structure
	# Tax Equity Flip Function
	def taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, discRate, totalCost, allYearGenerationMWh, distAdderDirect, loanYears, firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts, firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels):
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [C]
		coopInvestmentTaxEquity = -totalCost*(1-0.53)
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
		financeCostCashTaxEquity = 0
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
		cashToSPEOForPPATE  = []
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
		derivedCostEnergyTE  = 0
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
		OMInsuranceETCTE = []
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
		cashFromSPEToBlockerTE = []
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
		cashFromBlockerTE = 0
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [J]
		distAdderTaxEquity = distAdderDirect
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [K]
		netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity = []
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [L]
		costToCustomerTaxEquity = []
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [L64]
		NPVLoanTaxEquity = 0
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [F72]
		Rate_Levelized_Equity = 0
		## Tax Equity Flip Formulas
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
		#TEI Calcs [E]
		financeCostOfCashTE = 0
		coopFinanceRateTE = 2.7/100
		if (coopFinanceRateTE == 0):
			financeCostOfCashTE = 0
			payment = pmt(coopFinanceRateTE, loanYears, -coopInvestmentTaxEquity)
		financeCostCashTaxEquity = payment
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
		SPERevenueTE = []
		for i in range (1, len(allYearGenerationMWh)+1):
			SPERevenueTE.append(PPARateSixYearsTE * allYearGenerationMWh[i])
			if ((i>=1) and (i<=6)):
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
		derivedCostEnergyTE = cashToSPEOForPPATE[0]/allYearGenerationMWh[1]
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
		#TEI Calcs [F]	[U] [V]
		landLeaseTE = []
		OMTE = []
		insuranceTE = []
		for i in range (1, len(allYearGenerationMWh)+1):
			landLeaseTE.append(firstYearLandLeaseCosts*math.pow((1 + .01),(i-1)))
			OMTE.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts*math.pow((1 + .01),(i-1)))
			insuranceTE.append(- firstYearInsuranceCosts*math.pow((1 + .025),(i-1)) )
			if (i<7):
				OMInsuranceETCTE.append(float(OMTE[i-1]) + float(insuranceTE[i-1]) + float(landLeaseTE[i-1]))
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
		#TEI Calcs [T]
		SPEMgmtFeeTE = []
		managementFee = 10000
		for i in range (1, len(SPERevenueTE)+1):
			SPEMgmtFeeTE.append(-managementFee*math.pow((1 + .01),(i-1)))
			EBITDATE.append(float(SPERevenueTE[i-1]) + float(OMTE[i-1]) + float(insuranceTE[i-1]) + float(SPEMgmtFeeTE[i-1]))
			if (i<=6):
				cashFromSPEToBlockerTE.append(float(EBITDATE[i-1]) * .01)
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
		#TEI Calcs [Y21]
		cashRevenueTE = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
		buyoutAmountTE = 0
		for i in range (1, len(EBITDATEREDUCED) + 1):
			buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE + EBITDATEREDUCED[i-1]/(math.pow(1+0.12,i))
		buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE * 0.05
		cashFromBlockerTE = - (buyoutAmountTE) + 0.0725 * cashRevenueTE
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [K] [L]
		for i in range (1, len(allYearGenerationMWh)+1):
			if (i==6):
				netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashToSPEOForPPATE[i-1] + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i-1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i-1] + cashFromBlockerTE)
				netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i-1] + cashToSPEOForPPATE[i-1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i-1])
			costToCustomerTaxEquity.append(netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity[i-1] - distAdderTaxEquity[i-1])
		#Output Tax Equity Flip [L37]
		NPVLoanTaxEquity = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate",0))/100, [0, 0] + costToCustomerTaxEquity)
		#Output - Tax Equity [F42] 
		Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity = -NPVLoanTaxEquity/NPVallYearGenerationMWh
		#TEI Calcs - Achieved Return [AW 21]
		MACRDepreciation = []
		#[AI] [AL]	[AN]
		cashRevenueTEI = [] 	                          	#[AI]
		slDepreciation = []		                            #[AL]
		totalDistributions = []                         	#[AN]
		for i in range (1,7):
		ITC = totalCost*0.9822*0.3*0.99
		taxableIncLoss = [0]
		capitalAcct = []
		condition = capitalAcct[0] - 0.5*ITC + taxableIncLoss[1] + totalDistributions[0]
		if condition > 0:
		ratioTE = [0]
		reallocatedIncLoss = []
		#AO-1 + AN + AI + AK + AJ
		for i in range (0, 5):
			reallocatedIncLoss.append(capitalAcct[i+1] + totalDistributions[i+1] + MACRDepreciation[i+1] + cashRevenueTEI[i+2])
			ratioTE.append(reallocatedIncLoss[i]/(cashRevenueTEI[i+2] + MACRDepreciation[i+1]))
			condition = capitalAcct[i+1] + taxableIncLoss[i+2] + totalDistributions[i+1]
			if condition > 0:
		taxesBenefitLiab = [0]
		for i in range (1, 7):
		#[AS] [AT]
		buyoutAmount = 0
		taxFromBuyout = 0
		for i in range (0, len(EBITDATEREDUCED)):
			buyoutAmount = buyoutAmount + .05*EBITDATEREDUCED[i]/(math.pow(1.12,(i+1)))
		taxFromBuyout = -buyoutAmount*0.35
		#[AU] [AV]
		totalCashTax = []
		cumulativeCashTax = [0]
		for i in range (0, 7):
			if i == 1:
				totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + ITC + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
				cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
			elif i == 6:
				totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
				cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
				totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
				cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
		if (cumulativeCashTax[7] > 0):
			cumulativeIRR = round(irr(totalCashTax), 4)
			cumulativeIRR = 0
		# Deleteme: Variable Dump for debugging
		# variableDump = {}
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"] = {}
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["coopInvestmentTaxEquity"] = coopInvestmentTaxEquity
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["financeCostCashTaxEquity"] = financeCostCashTaxEquity
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashToSPEOForPPATE"] = cashToSPEOForPPATE
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["derivedCostEnergyTE"] = derivedCostEnergyTE
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["OMInsuranceETCTE"] = OMInsuranceETCTE
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromSPEToBlockerTE"] = cashFromSPEToBlockerTE
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromBlockerTE"] = cashFromBlockerTE
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["distAdderTaxEquity"] = distAdderTaxEquity
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity"] = netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity
		# variableDump["TaxEquity"]["NPVLoanTaxEquity"] = NPVLoanTaxEquity
		return cumulativeIRR, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity
	# Function Calls Mega Sized Tax Equity Function Above
	z = 0
	PPARateSixYearsTE = z / 100
	nGoal = float(inputDict.get("taxEquityReturn",0))/100
	nValue = 0
	for p in range (0, 3):
		while ((z < 50000) and (nValue < nGoal)):
			achievedReturnTE, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity = taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, inputDict.get("discRate", 0), outData["totalCost"], outData["allYearGenerationMWh"], distAdderDirect, loanYears, firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts, firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels)
			nValue = achievedReturnTE
			z = z + math.pow(10,p)
			PPARateSixYearsTE = z/100.0
	z = z - math.pow(10,p)	
	PPARateSixYearsTE = z/100
	#Master Output [Tax Equity]
	outData["levelCostTaxEquity"] = Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity
	outData["costPanelTaxEquity"] = abs(NPVLoanTaxEquity/numberPanels)
	outData["cost10WPanelTaxEquity"] = (float(outData["costPanelTaxEquity"])/panelSize)*10
	### PPA Comparison
	#Output - PPA [F]
	distAdderPPA = distAdderDirect
	#Output - PPA [G]
	netCoopPaymentsPPA = []
	#Output - PPA [H]
	costToCustomerPPA = []
	#Output - PPA [I]
	costToCustomerPPA = []
	#Output - PPA [H40]
	NPVLoanPPA = 0
	#Output - PPA [I40]
	Rate_Levelized_PPA = 0
	## PPA Formulas
	#Output - PPA [G] [H]
	for i in range (1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"])+1):
		netCoopPaymentsPPA.append(-outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i]*float(inputDict.get("firstYearEnergyCostPPA",0))*math.pow((1 + float(inputDict.get("annualEscRatePPA", 0))/100),(i-1)))
	#Output - PPA [H58] 
	NPVLoanPPA = npv(float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0))/100, [0,0]+costToCustomerPPA)
	#Output - PPA [F65] 
	Rate_Levelized_PPA = -NPVLoanPPA/NPVallYearGenerationMWh
	#Master Output [PPA]
	outData["levelCostPPA"] = Rate_Levelized_PPA
	outData["firstYearCostKWhPPA"] = float(inputDict.get("firstYearEnergyCostPPA",0))
	outData["yearlyEscalationPPA"] = float(inputDict.get("annualEscRatePPA", 0))
	# Add all Levelized Costs to Output
	outData["LevelizedCosts"] = [["Direct Loan", Rate_Levelized_Direct],
		["NCREBs Financing", Rate_Levelized_NCREB],
		["Lease Buyback", Rate_Levelized_Lease],
		["Tax Equity Flip", Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity]]
	outData["LevelizedCosts"].append({"name":"PPA Comparison", "y":Rate_Levelized_PPA, "color":"gold"})
	# Stdout/stderr.
	outData["stdout"] = "Success"
	outData["stderr"] = ""
	return outData
pl.plot(x_data_some_missing,'*') # that works too

# lots of other random functions are in numpy, have a look!
# double-check that the array manipulation or math function you're about to write hasn't already been written
# http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/index.html
# for example...Mark Mitsubishi will give you 72 months no interest
# and you could buy a Mirage with automatic and AC there for $12,598
# payments per month is easy: 12598/72 = 175
# however...what if we miss this special deal, and we're stuck with
# what the bank offers, 48 months, 3.5% interest

# nm.pmt(interest rate per pay period, number of pay periods, present value of the loan)
# $281.64 a month...dang, we better get to the dealership!

# here's another random function, interp1d
# go to that example file interp1d_example.py

# on the back end of numpy is C and some fortran
# so, speed of operations in is about the same as if you wrore the code in C
# yet it's often easier to read numpy code
# except if you're got a really weird for loop over all the elements of an array
# itertools can help sometimes, but sometimes it's really hard to read or just can't be done
import numpy as np
kredit = 2000000
rate = 0.11/12 # приводим к мес¤чным процентам
period = 5*12 # срок приводим к мес¤цам
payment = np.pmt(rate, period, kredit)
 def generate_lookup(self):
  keys = forms.keys()
  df_d = {}
  for name in keys:
    uses_distrib = forms[name]

    for parking_config in parking_configs:

      df = pd.DataFrame(index=fars)
      df['far'] = fars
      df['pclsz'] = tiledparcelsizes

      building_bulk = np.reshape(parcelsizes,(-1,1))*np.reshape(fars,(1,-1))
      building_bulk = np.reshape(building_bulk,(-1,1))

      if parking_config == 'deck': # need to converge in on exactly how much far is available for deck pkg
        orig_bulk = building_bulk
        while 1:
          parkingstalls = building_bulk*np.sum(uses_distrib*parking_rates)/SQFTPERRATE
          if np.where(np.absolute(orig_bulk-building_bulk-parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]) > 10.0)[0].size == 0: break
          building_bulk = orig_bulk - parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]

      df['build'] = building_bulk

      parkingstalls = building_bulk*np.sum(uses_distrib*parking_rates)/SQFTPERRATE
      parking_cost = parking_cost_d[parking_config]*parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]

      df['spaces'] = parkingstalls

      if parking_config == 'underground': 
        df['parksqft'] = parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]
        stories = building_bulk / tiledparcelsizes
      if parking_config == 'deck': 
        df['parksqft'] = parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]
        stories = (building_bulk+parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]) / tiledparcelsizes
      if parking_config == 'surface': 
        stories = building_bulk / (tiledparcelsizes-parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]) 
        df['parksqft'] = parkingstalls*parking_sqft_d[parking_config]
        stories[np.where(stories < 0.0)] = np.nan

      stories /= PARCELUSE;
      cost = building_cost(uses_distrib,stories,df)*building_bulk+parking_cost # acquisition cost!
      df['parkcost'] = parking_cost
      df['cost'] = cost

      yearly_cost_per_sqft = np.pmt(INTERESTRATE,PERIODS,cost)/(building_bulk*EFFICIENCY)
      df['yearly_pmt'] = yearly_cost_per_sqft

      break_even_weighted_rent = self.PROFITFACTOR*yearly_cost_per_sqft*-1.0
      if name == 'retail': break_even_weighted_rent[np.where(fars>MAXRETAILHEIGHT)] = np.nan
      if name == 'industrial': break_even_weighted_rent[np.where(fars>MAXINDUSTRIALHEIGHT)] = np.nan
      #df['even_rent'] = break_even_weighted_rent
      df['even_rent'] = building_cost(uses_distrib,stories,df)

      df_d[(name,parking_config)] = df

  self.df_d = df_d

  min_even_rents_d = {}
  BIG = 999999

  for name in keys:
    min_even_rents = None
    for parking_config in parking_configs:
        even_rents = df_d[(name,parking_config)]['even_rent'].fillna(BIG)
        min_even_rents = even_rents if min_even_rents is None else np.minimum(min_even_rents,even_rents)

    min_even_rents = min_even_rents.replace(BIG,np.nan)
    min_even_rents_d[name] = min_even_rents # this is the minimum cost per sqft for this form and far

  self.min_even_rents_d = min_even_rents_d
# 净现值 = np.npv(利率, 现金流)
# 将1000元以1%的年利率存入银行5年,每年加存100元,
# 相当于一次性存入多少钱?
npv = np.npv(0.01, [-1000, -100, -100, -100, -100, -100])
print(round(npv, 2))
fv = np.fv(0.01, 5, 0, npv)
print(round(fv, 2))
# 内部收益率 = np.irr(现金流)
# 将1000元存入银行5年,以后逐年提现100元、200元、
# 300元、400元、500元,银行利率达到多少,可在最后
# 一次提现后偿清全部本息,即净现值为0元?
irr = np.irr([-1000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
print(round(irr, 2))
npv = np.npv(irr, [-1000, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500])
# 每期支付 = np.pmt(利率, 期数, 现值)
# 以1%的年利率从银行贷款1000元,分5年还清,
# 平均每年还多少钱?
pmt = np.pmt(0.01, 5, 1000)
print(round(pmt, 2))
# 期数 = np.nper(利率, 每期支付, 现值)
# 以1%的年利率从银行贷款1000元,平均每年还pmt元,
# 多少年还清?
nper = np.nper(0.01, pmt, 1000)
# 利率 = np.rate(期数, 每期支付, 现值, 终值)
# 从银行贷款1000元,平均每年还pmt元,nper年还清,
# 年利率多少?
rate = np.rate(nper, pmt, 1000, 0)
print(round(rate, 2))
    def test_when(self):
        # begin
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0),
                     np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0),
                     np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0),
                     np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 1),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 0),
                     np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0),
                     np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0),
                     np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 1),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 0),
                     np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'))
 def minimum_payment(self):
     return -self.days_in_month * np.pmt(self.daily_rate, self.term_in_days, self.loan.purchase_amount)
        netFinancingCostsDirect = 0
        # Output - Direct Loan [E]
        OMInsuranceETCDirect = []
        # Output - Direct Loan [F]
        distAdderDirect = []
        # Output - Direct Loan [G]
        netCoopPaymentsDirect = []
        # Output - Direct Loan [H]
        costToCustomerDirect = []
        # Output - Direct Loan [F53]
        Rate_Levelized_Direct = 0

        # Output - Direct Loan Formulas
        projectCostsDirect = 0
        # Output - Direct Loan [D]
        payment = pmt(
            float(inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100, loanYears, outData["totalCost"])
        interestDirectPI = outData["totalCost"] * \
            float(inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100
        principleDirectPI = (-payment - interestDirectPI)
        patronageCapitalRetiredDPI = 0
        netFinancingCostsDirect = - \
            (principleDirectPI + interestDirectPI - patronageCapitalRetiredDPI)

        # Output - Direct Loan [E] [F] [G] [H]
        firstYearOPMainCosts = (1.25 * arraySizeDC * 12)
        firstYearInsuranceCosts = (0.37 * outData["totalCost"] / 100)
        if (inputDict.get("landOwnership", 0) == "Leased"):
            firstYearLandLeaseCosts = float(
                inputDict.get("costAcre", 0)) * landAmount
            firstYearLandLeaseCosts = 0
        def taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, discRate, totalCost, allYearGenerationMWh, distAdderDirect, loanYears, firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts, firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels):
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [C]
            coopInvestmentTaxEquity = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            cashToSPEOForPPATE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            OMInsuranceETCTE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            cashFromSPEToBlockerTE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            cashFromBlockerTE = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [J]
            distAdderTaxEquity = distAdderDirect
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [K]
            netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L]
            costToCustomerTaxEquity = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L64]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F72]
            Rate_Levelized_Equity = 0

            # Tax Equity Flip Formulas
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            # TEI Calcs [E]
            financeCostOfCashTE = 0
            coopFinanceRateTE = 2.7 / 100
            if (coopFinanceRateTE == 0):
                financeCostOfCashTE = 0
                payment = pmt(
                    coopFinanceRateTE, loanYears, -coopInvestmentTaxEquity)
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = payment

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            SPERevenueTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                    PPARateSixYearsTE * allYearGenerationMWh[i])
                if ((i >= 1) and (i <= 6)):
                    cashToSPEOForPPATE.append(-SPERevenueTE[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = cashToSPEOForPPATE[
                0] / allYearGenerationMWh[1]

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            # TEI Calcs [F]	[U] [V]
            landLeaseTE = []
            OMTE = []
            insuranceTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                    firstYearLandLeaseCosts * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                OMTE.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts *
                            math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                insuranceTE.append(- firstYearInsuranceCosts *
                                   math.pow((1 + .025), (i - 1)))
                if (i < 7):
                    OMInsuranceETCTE.append(float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))
                        float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            # TEI Calcs [T]
            SPEMgmtFeeTE = []
            EBITDATE = []
            EBITDATEREDUCED = []
            managementFee = 10000
            for i in range(1, len(SPERevenueTE) + 1):
                SPEMgmtFeeTE.append(-managementFee *
                                    math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                                i - 1]) + float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(SPEMgmtFeeTE[i - 1]))
                if (i <= 6):
                    cashFromSPEToBlockerTE.append(float(EBITDATE[i - 1]) * .01)
                    EBITDATEREDUCED.append(EBITDATE[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            # TEI Calcs [Y21]
            cashRevenueTE = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            buyoutAmountTE = 0
            for i in range(1, len(EBITDATEREDUCED) + 1):
                buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE + \
                    EBITDATEREDUCED[i - 1] / (math.pow(1 + 0.12, i))
            buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE * 0.05
            cashFromBlockerTE = - (buyoutAmountTE) + 0.0725 * cashRevenueTE

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [K] [L]
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                if (i == 6):
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashToSPEOForPPATE[
                                                    i - 1] + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i - 1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1] + cashFromBlockerTE)
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[
                                                    i - 1] + cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1])
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity[i - 1] - distAdderTaxEquity[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L37]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = npv(
                float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100, [0, 0] + costToCustomerTaxEquity)

            # Output - Tax Equity [F42]
            Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity = - \
                NPVLoanTaxEquity / NPVallYearGenerationMWh

            # TEI Calcs - Achieved Return [AW 21]
            MACRDepreciation = []
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.2 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.32 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.192 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.0576 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            #[AI] [AL]	[AN]
            cashRevenueTEI = []  # [AI]
            slDepreciation = []  # [AL]
            totalDistributions = []  # [AN]
            cashRevenueTEI.append(-totalCost * 0.53)
            for i in range(1, 7):
                cashRevenueTEI.append(EBITDATE[i - 1] * 0.99)
                slDepreciation.append(totalCost / 25)
            ITC = totalCost * 0.9822 * 0.3 * 0.99
            taxableIncLoss = [0]
            taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[1] + MACRDepreciation[0])
            capitalAcct = []
            capitalAcct.append(totalCost * 0.53)
            condition = capitalAcct[0] - 0.5 * ITC + \
                taxableIncLoss[1] + totalDistributions[0]
            if condition > 0:
            ratioTE = [0]
            reallocatedIncLoss = []
            #AO-1 + AN + AI + AK + AJ
            for i in range(0, 5):
                                          i + 1] + totalDistributions[i + 1] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] + cashRevenueTEI[i + 2])
                    reallocatedIncLoss[i] / (cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1]))
                taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - ratioTE[
                                      i + 1] * (MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - totalDistributions[i + 1]))
                condition = capitalAcct[
                    i + 1] + taxableIncLoss[i + 2] + totalDistributions[i + 1]
                if condition > 0:

            taxesBenefitLiab = [0]
            for i in range(1, 7):
                taxesBenefitLiab.append(-taxableIncLoss[i] * 0.35)
            #[AS] [AT]
            buyoutAmount = 0
            taxFromBuyout = 0
            for i in range(0, len(EBITDATEREDUCED)):
                buyoutAmount = buyoutAmount + .05 * \
                    EBITDATEREDUCED[i] / (math.pow(1.12, (i + 1)))
            taxFromBuyout = -buyoutAmount * 0.35
            #[AU] [AV]
            totalCashTax = []
            cumulativeCashTax = [0]
            for i in range(0, 7):
                if i == 1:
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + ITC + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
                elif i == 6:
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
            if (cumulativeCashTax[7] > 0):
                cumulativeIRR = round(irr(totalCashTax), 4)
                cumulativeIRR = 0

            # Deleteme: Variable Dump for debugging
            # variableDump = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"] = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["coopInvestmentTaxEquity"] = coopInvestmentTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["financeCostCashTaxEquity"] = financeCostCashTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashToSPEOForPPATE"] = cashToSPEOForPPATE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["derivedCostEnergyTE"] = derivedCostEnergyTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["OMInsuranceETCTE"] = OMInsuranceETCTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromSPEToBlockerTE"] = cashFromSPEToBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromBlockerTE"] = cashFromBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["distAdderTaxEquity"] = distAdderTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity"] = netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["NPVLoanTaxEquity"] = NPVLoanTaxEquity

            return cumulativeIRR, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity
import numpy as np

np.pmt(0.075 / 12, 12 * 15, 200000)
import numpy as np

principal = 2500.00
per = np.arange(1 * 12) + 1
ipmt = np.ipmt(0.0824 / 12, per, 1 * 12, principal)
ppmt = np.ppmt(0.0824 / 12, per, 1 * 12, principal)
pmt = np.pmt(0.0824 / 12, 1 * 12, principal)
np.allclose(ipmt + ppmt, pmt)
fmt = '{0:2d} {1:8.2f} {2:8.2f} {3:8.2f}'
for payment in per:
    index = payment - 1
    principal = principal + ppmt[index]
    fmt.format(payment, ppmt[index], ipmt[index], principal)
interestpd = np.sum(ipmt)
np.round(interestpd, 2)
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import Tkinter

original_balance = 250000
term_month = 360
yr_int_rate = 0.05

remain_term_in_month = term_month
current_balance = original_balance
payment = -np.pmt(yr_int_rate / 12, term_month, original_balance)

month_prepay = 0.01
lgd = 0.4
month_drawdown_rate = 0.01

# part 1: prep for 0 to 75 months
cum_pd = pd.read_excel(r'C:\Users\shm\Downloads\Effective Maturity Tables & Lifetime EL Calculation.xlsx', sheetname = 'cum_pd')
cum_pd.columns = [x.lower() for x in cum_pd.columns]
cum_pd['month_i'] = range(3, (cum_pd.shape[0] + 1)* 3, 3)

row0 = pd.DataFrame([0, 0]).T
row0.columns = cum_pd.columns
cum_pd = pd.concat([row0, cum_pd], axis = 0)

cum_pd['month_incr'] = cum_pd.cumulative_pd.diff().fillna(0) / 3

# from 78 to 360
cum_after = pd.DataFrame(columns = cum_pd.columns)
cum_after['month_i'] = np.arange(cum_pd['month_i'].max() + 3, term_month + 3, 3)
cum_after['month_incr'] = cum_pd.month_incr.values[-1]
def get_LoanInfo(loan_number):
  #loan_number = '1213498'
  server = '\\alpha' 
  database = 'test_yang' 
  username = '******' 
  password = '******' 
  cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={ODBC Driver 13 for SQL Server};SERVER='+server+';DATABASE='+database+';UID='+username+';PWD='+ password)
  query = """  
    select LoanNum, FstNm, LstNm, IntRate, FICOScore, HmSt, LoanAmt,b.savings,a.AmortTerm
    from  REPORTS_LS_DM.dbo.Secondary as a 
	inner join [lsprodreports].Reports.dbo.vw_Loan_Info as b 
	on a.loanNum = b.loan_number
    where LoanNum = 'aaaaaaaa'
	and b.loan_number = 'aaaaaaaa'
  query = query.replace('aaaaaaaa',loan_number)  

  queryResult = sql.read_sql(query, cnxn)
  queryResult.loc[len(queryResult)] = ["LoanNum","FstNm","LstNm","IntRate","Fico","State","Amt","savings","Term"]
  if len(queryResult) > 1 :    
    principal = queryResult["LoanAmt"][0]
    interest_rate  = queryResult["IntRate"][0]/100  
    term = queryResult["AmortTerm"][0]
    per = np.arange(term) + 1
    ipmt = np.ipmt(interest_rate/12, per, term, principal)
    ppmt = np.ppmt(interest_rate/12, per, term, principal)
    pmt = np.pmt(interest_rate/12, term, principal)
    saving = queryResult["savings"][0] 
    PrepaymentStartYear = 3
    principal1 = principal 
    ipmt1 = []
    ppmt1 = []
    pmt1 = []
    lastPaymentMonth = 0 
    for payment in per:
         index = payment - 1
         if payment> PrepaymentStartYear * 12:
             total_pay = -pmt + saving
             InterestPayment = principal1 * interest_rate /12 
             total_pay = -pmt
             InterestPayment = principal1 * interest_rate /12        
         if total_pay>=principal1: 
             total_pay = principal1 + InterestPayment
             if lastPaymentMonth==0:  lastPaymentMonth = payment
         PrincipalPayment = total_pay - InterestPayment 
         principal1 = principal1 -  PrincipalPayment
         ipmt1 = np.append(ipmt1,InterestPayment)
         ppmt1 = np.append(ppmt1,PrincipalPayment)
         pmt1 = np.append(pmt1,total_pay)
    total_int_saved ="$"+ str( round(ipmt.sum() *-1 - ipmt1.sum() ,0)).replace(".0","")
    erate1 = str(round(np.rate (lastPaymentMonth,(principal + ipmt1.sum())/lastPaymentMonth, -principal,0    )*12*100 , 2))
    erate2 = str(round(np.rate (term,(principal + ipmt1.sum())/30/12, -principal,0    )*12*100,2))
    lastPaymentYear = str(round(lastPaymentMonth/12,1))
    lastPaymentMonth = str(lastPaymentMonth)
    return queryResult,total_int_saved,erate1,erate2,lastPaymentYear,lastPaymentMonth
    return queryResult, '0.0','0.0','0.0','1900','01'
print "Future value",np.fv(0.03/4, 5*4,-10,1000)
print u"现值"
print "Present value",np.pv(0.03/4,5*4,-10,1376.09633204)
cashflows = np.random.randint(100,size=5)
cashflows = np.insert(cashflows,0,-100)
print "Cashflows",cashflows
print "Net present value",np.npv(0.03,cashflows)
print u"内部收益率"
print "Internal rate of return",np.irr([-100, 38, 48,90 ,17,36])

print u"分期付款"
print "Payment",np.pmt(0.10/12,12*30,100000)
print "Number of payments", np.nper(0.10/12,-100,9000)
print "Interest rate",12*np.rate(167,-100,9000,0)

print u"窗函数"
window = np.bartlett(42)
print "bartlett",window
window = np.blackman(10)
print "blackman",window
# hamming函数返回汉明窗。该函数唯一的参数为输出点的数量。如果数量为0或
# 小于0,则返回一个空数组。
                           left_on='ZIP OR POSTAL CODE',

#Adds an average rent column and other calculated fields
avgRentMergeDF = pd.merge(RedfinDF,
avgRentMergeDF['PRICE'] = avgRentMergeDF['PRICE'].astype(float)
avgRentMergeDF['2019-09'] = avgRentMergeDF['2019-09'].astype(float)

#Monthly rental cost assumptions
mortgageEstimate = np.pmt(mortgageRate, 12 * 30,
                          avgRentMergeDF['PRICE']) / 12 * -1
propertyTaxEstimate = (avgRentMergeDF['PRICE'] * propertyTaxRate) / 12
insruanceEstimate = 150
HOACost = 200
depreciationCost = (avgRentMergeDF['PRICE'] * .01) / 12

monthlyCostEstimate = mortgageEstimate + propertyTaxEstimate + insruanceEstimate + HOACost + depreciationCost

#Adds a monthly cost estimate field
avgRentMergeDF['monthlyCostEstimate'] = monthlyCostEstimate

    'AvgRentVariance'] = avgRentMergeDF['2019-09'] - monthlyCostEstimate

#Print the DF to a csv
def calc_engine(original_balance, term_month, yr_int_rate, month_prepay, lgd, month_drawdown_rate):

	remain_term_in_month = term_month
	current_balance = original_balance
	payment = -np.pmt(yr_int_rate / 12, term_month, original_balance)

	common_columns = ['monthIndex', 'starting_balance', 'schedule_payment', 'interest_paid', 'amortized_amount', 'prepay_amount', 'default_amount', 'recovery_amount', 'loss_amount', 'cash_drawdown_amount', 'ending_balance', 'total_cashflow', 'discount_cashflow', 'negative_balance', 'discount_loss']
	detailed_calc_result = pd.DataFrame(index = range(1, int(term_month) + 1), columns = common_columns)

	# to calculate for each column in excel file	
	for monthIndex in range(1, int(term_month) + 1):
		if monthIndex == 1:
			# D: starting_balance
			starting_balance = current_balance
			# E: schedule_payment
			if monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month:
				schedule_payment = starting_balance * (1 + yr_int_rate / 12)
				if starting_balance < payment:
					schedule_payment = starting_balance
					schedule_payment = payment
			# F: interest_paid    G: amortized_amount
			interest_paid = starting_balance * yr_int_rate / 12
			amortized_amount = schedule_payment - interest_paid
			# H: prepay_amount
			if ((monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month) | (starting_balance <= schedule_payment)):
				prepay_amount = 0
				prepay_amount = starting_balance * month_prepay
			# I: default_amount
			default_amount = (starting_balance - prepay_amount) * def_rate_curve.ix[def_rate_curve.month_i == monthIndex, 'rate'].values[0]
			# J: recovery_amount     K: loss_amount     L: cash_drawdown_amount
			recovery_amount = default_amount * (1 - lgd)
			loss_amount = default_amount - recovery_amount
			cash_drawdown_amount = original_balance * month_drawdown_rate
			# M: ending_balance     N: total_cashflow
			ending_balance = starting_balance - amortized_amount - prepay_amount - default_amount + cash_drawdown_amount
			total_cashflow = schedule_payment + prepay_amount - loss_amount - cash_drawdown_amount
			# O: discount_cashflow     P: negative_balance
			discount_cashflow = total_cashflow / ((1 + yr_int_rate / 12) ** monthIndex)
			# P: negative_balance
			if ((ending_balance <= 0.1) | (monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month)):
				negative_balance = 1
				negative_balance = 0
			# R: discount_loss
			discount_loss = loss_amount / ((1 + yr_int_rate / 12) ** monthIndex)
			detailed_calc_result.ix[monthIndex, :] = [monthIndex, starting_balance, schedule_payment, interest_paid, amortized_amount, prepay_amount, default_amount, recovery_amount, loss_amount, cash_drawdown_amount, ending_balance, total_cashflow, discount_cashflow, negative_balance, discount_loss]
			# D: starting_balance
			starting_balance = ending_balance
			# E: schedule_payment
			if monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month:
				schedule_payment = starting_balance * (1 + yr_int_rate / 12)
				if starting_balance < payment:
					schedule_payment = starting_balance
					schedule_payment = payment
			# F: interest_paid    G: amortized_amount
			interest_paid = starting_balance * yr_int_rate / 12
			amortized_amount = schedule_payment - interest_paid
			# H: prepay_amount
			if ((monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month) | (starting_balance <= schedule_payment)):
				prepay_amount = 0
				prepay_amount = starting_balance * month_prepay
			# I: default_amount
			default_amount = (starting_balance - prepay_amount) * def_rate_curve.ix[def_rate_curve.month_i == monthIndex, 'rate'].values[0]
			# J: recovery_amount     K: loss_amount     L: cash_drawdown_amount
			recovery_amount = default_amount * (1 - lgd)
			loss_amount = default_amount - recovery_amount
			cash_drawdown_amount = original_balance * month_drawdown_rate
			# M: ending_balance     N: total_cashflow
			ending_balance = starting_balance - amortized_amount - prepay_amount - default_amount + cash_drawdown_amount
			total_cashflow = schedule_payment + prepay_amount - loss_amount - cash_drawdown_amount
			# O: discount_cashflow     P: negative_balance
			discount_cashflow = total_cashflow / ((1 + yr_int_rate / 12) ** monthIndex)
			# P: negative_balance
			if ((ending_balance <= 0.1) | (monthIndex >= remain_term_in_month)):
				negative_balance = 1
				negative_balance = 0
			# R: discount_loss
			discount_loss = loss_amount / ((1 + yr_int_rate / 12) ** monthIndex)
			detailed_calc_result.ix[monthIndex, :] = [monthIndex, starting_balance, schedule_payment, interest_paid, amortized_amount, prepay_amount, default_amount, recovery_amount, loss_amount, cash_drawdown_amount, ending_balance, total_cashflow, discount_cashflow, negative_balance, discount_loss]
	# calculate with detailed method	
	ending_date = detailed_calc_result.query('negative_balance == 1').monthIndex.values[0]	
	selected_data = detailed_calc_result.ix[detailed_calc_result.monthIndex <= ending_date, :]
	life_time_value = selected_data['discount_cashflow'].sum()
	effective_life = np.sum(selected_data.discount_cashflow * selected_data.monthIndex)	/ np.sum(selected_data.discount_cashflow)
	total_loss_w_discount = np.sum(selected_data.discount_loss)

	# calculate by prorate pd
	lifetime_pd_lookup = final_cum_pd.ix[np.digitize([effective_life], final_cum_pd.month_i) - 1, 'cumulative_pd'].values[0]
	ead = original_balance
	lifetime_el = lifetime_pd_lookup * lgd * ead
	discount_at_half_effective_life = lifetime_el /((1 + yr_int_rate / 12) ** (effective_life / 2))
	input_summary = pd.DataFrame([original_balance, term_month, yr_int_rate, month_prepay, lgd, month_drawdown_rate]).T
	input_summary.columns = ['original_balance', ' term_month', ' yr_int_rate', ' month_prepay', ' lgd', ' month_drawdown_rate']
	output_compare = pd.DataFrame([ending_date, life_time_value, effective_life, total_loss_w_discount, lifetime_pd_lookup, lifetime_el, discount_at_half_effective_life]).T	
	output_compare.columns = ['ending_date', ' life_time_value', ' effective_life', ' total_loss_w_discount', ' lifetime_pd_lookup', ' lifetime_el', ' discount_at_half_effective_life']

	output_sumary = pd.concat([input_summary, output_compare], axis = 1)	
	return output_sumary	
    def test_when(self):
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 1),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'begin'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 0),
                            np.rate(10, 20, -3500, 10000, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 1),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'begin'), 2)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'), 2)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 0),
                            np.pv(0.07, 20, 12000, 0, 'end'), 2)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 1),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 0),
                            np.fv(0.075, 20, -2000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 1),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 0),
                            np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000., 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 1),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 0),
                            np.ppmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 60, 55000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 1),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 0),
                            np.ipmt(0.1 / 12, 1, 24, 2000, 0, 'end'), 4)

        # begin
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 1),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'begin'), 4)
        # end
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000.),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'), 4)
        assert_almost_equal(np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 0),
                            np.nper(0.075, -2000, 0, 100000., 'end'), 4)
        def cashflow_levered(purchase_price=PURCHASE_PRICE,
            net_cash_flow = []
            df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[range(0, years)], index=INDEXES)
            down_payment_value = purchase_price * item['down_payment']
            loan_fees = purchase_price * item.get('loan_fees', 0.01)
            # get the initial value
            net_cash_flow.append((down_payment_value + loan_fees +
                                  purchase_price * ACQUISITION_COST) * -1.0)

            # handle the middle value
            series = []
            for year in xrange(0, years):
                    cal_current_operation_flow(purchase_price, rent, year))
            df = pd.concat(series, axis=1, keys=range(1, years + 1))
            df = pd.DataFrame.transpose(df)
            net_sale_price = purchase_price * math.pow(
                1 + HOME_PRICE_APPRECIATION, years) * (1 - DISPOSTITION_COST)
            net_cash_flow += df[UNLEVERAGED_CASH_FLOW_STR].tolist()

            yearly_loan_payment_point = np.pmt(
                item['loan_interest_rate'] / 12, 12 * 30,
                purchase_price * (1 - item['down_payment'])) * 12  # 30 years
            for i in range(1, len(net_cash_flow)):
                net_cash_flow[i] += yearly_loan_payment_point

            # handle the last point
            loan_balance_start_point = purchase_price - down_payment_value
            sum_temp = 0
            for i in range(1, years + 1):
                sum_temp += yearly_loan_payment_point / math.pow(
                    1 + item['loan_interest_rate'], i)
            loan_balance_pv_of_final_point = loan_balance_start_point + sum_temp
            final_loan_balance = np.fv(item['loan_interest_rate'] / 12,
                                       12 * years, 0,

                -1] = net_cash_flow[-1] + net_sale_price - final_loan_balance

            # add loan cash flow
            #print net_cash_flow
            irr_value = round(irr(net_cash_flow), 4)
            cap_rate = round(abs(1.0 * net_cash_flow[1] / net_cash_flow[0]), 4)

            #print cap_rate * 100, irr_value * 100
            returns = [df[INDEXES[0]].tolist()]
            revenue = [df[INDEXES[i]].tolist() for i in range(1, 4)]
            expenses = [df[INDEXES[i]].tolist() for i in range(4, 13)]

            return {
                "flow": {
                    "returns": returns,
                    "revenue": revenue,
                    "expenses": expenses
                "cap_rate": cap_rate * 100,
                "irr": irr_value * 100
文件: solarSunda.py 项目: xzflin/omf
        def taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, discRate, totalCost,
                          allYearGenerationMWh, distAdderDirect, loanYears,
                          firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts,
                          firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels):
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [C]
            coopInvestmentTaxEquity = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = 0
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            cashToSPEOForPPATE = []
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = 0
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            OMInsuranceETCTE = []
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            cashFromSPEToBlockerTE = []
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            cashFromBlockerTE = 0
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [J]
            distAdderTaxEquity = distAdderDirect
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [K]
            netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity = []
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [L]
            costToCustomerTaxEquity = []
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [L64]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = 0
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [F72]
            Rate_Levelized_Equity = 0

            ## Tax Equity Flip Formulas
            #Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            #TEI Calcs [E]
            financeCostOfCashTE = 0
            coopFinanceRateTE = 2.7 / 100
            if (coopFinanceRateTE == 0):
                financeCostOfCashTE = 0
                payment = pmt(coopFinanceRateTE, loanYears,
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = payment

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            SPERevenueTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                SPERevenueTE.append(PPARateSixYearsTE *
                if ((i >= 1) and (i <= 6)):
                    cashToSPEOForPPATE.append(-SPERevenueTE[i - 1])

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = cashToSPEOForPPATE[0] / allYearGenerationMWh[

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            #TEI Calcs [F]	[U] [V]
            landLeaseTE = []
            OMTE = []
            insuranceTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                landLeaseTE.append(firstYearLandLeaseCosts * math.pow(
                    (1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                OMTE.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts * math.pow((1 + .01),
                                                             (i - 1)))
                insuranceTE.append(-firstYearInsuranceCosts * math.pow(
                    (1 + .025), (i - 1)))
                if (i < 7):
                    OMInsuranceETCTE.append(float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))
                        float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) +
                        float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            #TEI Calcs [T]
            SPEMgmtFeeTE = []
            EBITDATE = []
            EBITDATEREDUCED = []
            managementFee = 10000
            for i in range(1, len(SPERevenueTE) + 1):
                SPEMgmtFeeTE.append(-managementFee * math.pow((1 + .01),
                                                              (i - 1)))
                    float(SPERevenueTE[i - 1]) + float(OMTE[i - 1]) +
                    float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(SPEMgmtFeeTE[i - 1]))
                if (i <= 6):
                    cashFromSPEToBlockerTE.append(float(EBITDATE[i - 1]) * .01)
                    EBITDATEREDUCED.append(EBITDATE[i - 1])

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            #TEI Calcs [Y21]
            cashRevenueTE = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            buyoutAmountTE = 0
            for i in range(1, len(EBITDATEREDUCED) + 1):
                buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE + EBITDATEREDUCED[i - 1] / (
                    math.pow(1 + 0.12, i))
            buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE * 0.05
            cashFromBlockerTE = -(buyoutAmountTE) + 0.0725 * cashRevenueTE

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [K] [L]
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                if (i == 6):
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity +
                                                    cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] +
                                                    cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i -
                                                                           1] +
                                                    OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1] +
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity +
                                                    cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i -
                                                                           1] +
                                                    cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] +
                                                    OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1])
                costToCustomerTaxEquity.append(netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity[i -
                                                                        1] -
                                               distAdderTaxEquity[i - 1])

            #Output Tax Equity Flip [L37]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = npv(
                float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
                [0, 0] + costToCustomerTaxEquity)

            #Output - Tax Equity [F42]
            Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity = -NPVLoanTaxEquity / NPVallYearGenerationMWh

            #TEI Calcs - Achieved Return [AW 21]
            MACRDepreciation = []
                -0.99 * 0.2 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
                -0.99 * 0.32 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
                -0.99 * 0.192 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
                -0.99 * 0.1152 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
                -0.99 * 0.1152 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
                -0.99 * 0.0576 * (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            #[AI] [AL]	[AN]
            cashRevenueTEI = []  #[AI]
            slDepreciation = []  #[AL]
            totalDistributions = []  #[AN]
            cashRevenueTEI.append(-totalCost * 0.53)
            for i in range(1, 7):
                cashRevenueTEI.append(EBITDATE[i - 1] * 0.99)
                slDepreciation.append(totalCost / 25)
            ITC = totalCost * 0.9822 * 0.3 * 0.99
            taxableIncLoss = [0]
            taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[1] + MACRDepreciation[0])
            capitalAcct = []
            capitalAcct.append(totalCost * 0.53)
            condition = capitalAcct[0] - 0.5 * ITC + taxableIncLoss[
                1] + totalDistributions[0]
            if condition > 0:
            ratioTE = [0]
            reallocatedIncLoss = []
            #AO-1 + AN + AI + AK + AJ
            for i in range(0, 5):
                reallocatedIncLoss.append(capitalAcct[i + 1] +
                                          totalDistributions[i + 1] +
                                          MACRDepreciation[i + 1] +
                                          cashRevenueTEI[i + 2])
                    reallocatedIncLoss[i] /
                    (cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1]))
                    cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] -
                    ratioTE[i + 1] *
                    (MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - totalDistributions[i + 1]))
                condition = capitalAcct[i + 1] + taxableIncLoss[
                    i + 2] + totalDistributions[i + 1]
                if condition > 0:

            taxesBenefitLiab = [0]
            for i in range(1, 7):
                taxesBenefitLiab.append(-taxableIncLoss[i] * 0.35)
            #[AS] [AT]
            buyoutAmount = 0
            taxFromBuyout = 0
            for i in range(0, len(EBITDATEREDUCED)):
                buyoutAmount = buyoutAmount + .05 * EBITDATEREDUCED[i] / (
                    math.pow(1.12, (i + 1)))
            taxFromBuyout = -buyoutAmount * 0.35
            #[AU] [AV]
            totalCashTax = []
            cumulativeCashTax = [0]
            for i in range(0, 7):
                if i == 1:
                    totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + ITC +
                                        taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                    cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
                elif i == 6:
                    totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 +
                                        taxesBenefitLiab[i] + buyoutAmount +
                    cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
                                             totalCashTax[i] + buyoutAmount +
                    totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 +
                                        taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                    cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
            if (cumulativeCashTax[7] > 0):
                cumulativeIRR = round(irr(totalCashTax), 4)
                cumulativeIRR = 0

            # Deleteme: Variable Dump for debugging
            # variableDump = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"] = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["coopInvestmentTaxEquity"] = coopInvestmentTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["financeCostCashTaxEquity"] = financeCostCashTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashToSPEOForPPATE"] = cashToSPEOForPPATE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["derivedCostEnergyTE"] = derivedCostEnergyTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["OMInsuranceETCTE"] = OMInsuranceETCTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromSPEToBlockerTE"] = cashFromSPEToBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromBlockerTE"] = cashFromBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["distAdderTaxEquity"] = distAdderTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity"] = netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["NPVLoanTaxEquity"] = NPVLoanTaxEquity

            return cumulativeIRR, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity
def tvmm(pval=None, fval=None, pmt=None, nrate=None, nper=None, due=0, pyr=1, noprint=True):
    """Computes the missing argument (set to ``None``) in a model relating the
    present value, the future value, the periodic payment, the number of
    compounding periods and the nominal interest rate in a cashflow.

        pval (float, list): Present value.
        fval (float, list): Future value.
        pmt (float, list): Periodic payment.
        nrate (float, list): Nominal interest rate per year.
        nper (int, list): Number of compounding periods.
        due (int): When payments are due.
        pyr (int, list): number of periods per year.
        noprint (bool): prints enhanced output

        Argument set to None in the function call.


    The ``tvmmm`` function computes and returns the missing value (``pmt``, ``fval``,
    ``pval``, ``nper``, ``nrate``) in a model relating a finite sequence  of payments
    made at the beginning or at the end of each period, a present value, a future value,
    and a nominal interest rate. The time intervals between consecutive payments are
    assumed to be equal. For internal computations, the effective interest rate per
    period is calculated as ``nrate / pyr``.


    This example shows how to find different values for a loan of 5000, with a
    monthly payment of 130 at the end of the month, a life of 48 periods, and a
    interest rate of 0.94 per month (equivalent to a nominal interest
    rate of 11.32%). For a loan, the future value is 0.

    * Monthly payments: Note that the parameter ``pmt`` is set to ``None``.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    When the parameter ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a user friendly table with
    the data computed by the function is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    Present Value: .......  5000.00
    Future Value: ........     0.00
    Payment: .............  -130.01
    Due: .................      END
    No. of Periods: ......    48.00
    Compoundings per Year:    12
    Nominal Rate: .......     11.32
    Effective Rate: .....     11.93
    Periodic Rate: ......      0.94

    * Future value:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Present value:

    >>> tvmm(nrate=11.32, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pval=None, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    All the arguments support lists as inputs. When a argument is a list and the
    ``noprint`` is set to ``False``, a table with the data is print.

    >>> tvmm(pval=[5, 500, 5], nrate=11.32, nper=48, fval=0, pyr=12, noprint=False) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    #   pval   fval    pmt   nper  nrate  erate  prate due
    0   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    1 500.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END
    2   5.00   0.00  -0.13  48.00  11.32  11.93   0.94 END

    * Interest rate:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nper=48, pmt=pmt, fval = 0.0, pyr=12) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    * Number of periods:

    >>> tvmm(pval=5000, nrate=11.32/12, pmt=pmt, fval=0.0) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS


    #pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
    #pylint: disable=too-many-branches

    numnone = 0
    numnone += 1 if pval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if fval is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nper is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if pmt is None else 0
    numnone += 1 if nrate is None else 0

    if numnone > 1:
        raise ValueError('One of the params must be set to None')

    if numnone == 0:
        pmt = None

    if pmt == 0.0:
        pmt = 0.0000001

    nrate = numpy.array(nrate)

    if pval is None:
        result = numpy.pv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif fval is None:
        result = numpy.fv(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif nper is None:
        result = numpy.nper(rate=nrate/100/pyr, pv=pval, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due)
    elif pmt is None:
        result = numpy.pmt(rate=nrate/100/pyr, nper=nper, pv=pval, fv=fval, when=due)
        result = numpy.rate(pv=pval, nper=nper, fv=fval, pmt=pmt, when=due) * 100 * pyr

    if noprint is True:
        if isinstance(result, numpy.ndarray):
            return result.tolist()
        return result

    nrate = nrate.tolist()

    if pval is None:
        pval = result
    elif fval is None:
        fval = result
    elif nper is None:
        nper = result
    elif pmt is None:
        pmt = result
        nrate = result

    params = _vars2list([pval, fval, nper, pmt, nrate])
    pval = params[0]
    fval = params[1]
    nper = params[2]
    pmt = params[3]
    nrate = params[4]

    # raise ValueError(nrate.__repr__())

    erate, prate = iconv(nrate=nrate, pyr=pyr)

    if len(pval) == 1:
        if pval is not None:
            print('Present Value: ....... {:8.2f}'.format(pval[0]))
        if fval is not None:
            print('Future Value: ........ {:8.2f}'.format(fval[0]))
        if pmt is not None:
            print('Payment: ............. {:8.2f}'.format(pmt[0]))
        if due is not None:
            print('Due: .................      {:s}'.format('END' if due == 0 else 'BEG'))
        print('No. of Periods: ...... {:8.2f}'.format(nper[0]))
        print('Compoundings per Year: {:>5d}'.format(pyr))
        print('Nominal Rate: .......  {:8.2f}'.format(nrate[0]))
        print('Effective Rate: .....  {:8.2f}'.format(erate))
        print('Periodic Rate: ......  {:8.2f}'.format(prate))

        if due == 0:
            sdue = 'END'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):
            sdue = 'BEG'
            txtpmt = []
            for item, _ in enumerate(pval):

        maxlen = 5
        for value1, value2, value3, value4 in zip(pval, fval, txtpmt, nper):
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value1)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value2)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value3)))
            maxlen = max(maxlen, len('{:1.2f}'.format(value4)))

        len_aux = len('{:d}'.format(len(pval)))

        fmt_num = ' {:' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + '.2f}'
        fmt_num = '{:<' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) +  'd}' + fmt_num * 7 + ' {:3s}'
        # fmt_shr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = ' {:>' + '{:d}'.format(maxlen) + 's}'
        fmt_hdr = '{:' + '{:d}'.format(len_aux) + 's}' + fmt_hdr * 7 + ' due'

        txt = fmt_hdr.format('#', 'pval', 'fval', 'pmt', 'nper', 'nrate', 'erate', 'prate')
        print('-' * len_aux + '-' * maxlen * 7 + '-' * 7 + '----')
        for item, _ in enumerate(pval):
 def test_pmt(self):
     assert_almost_equal(np.pmt(0.08 / 12, 5 * 12, 15000), -304.146, 3)
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
    ''' Run the model in its directory. '''
    #Set static input data
    simLength = 8760
    simStartDate = "2013-01-01"
    # Set the timezone to be UTC, it won't affect calculation and display, relative offset handled in pvWatts.html
    startDateTime = simStartDate + " 00:00:00 UTC"
    simLengthUnits = "hours"
    # Associate zipcode to climate data
    inputDict["climateName"], latforpvwatts = zipCodeToClimateName(
    inverterSizeAC = float(inputDict.get("inverterSize", 0))
    if (inputDict.get("systemSize", 0) == "-"):
        arraySizeDC = 1.3908 * inverterSizeAC
        arraySizeDC = float(inputDict.get("systemSize", 0))
    numberPanels = (arraySizeDC * 1000 / 305)
    # Set constants
    panelSize = 305
    trackingMode = 0
    rotlim = 45.0
    gamma = 0.45
    if (inputDict.get("tilt", 0) == "-"):
        manualTilt = latforpvwatts
        manualTilt = float(inputDict.get("tilt", 0))
    numberInverters = math.ceil(inverterSizeAC / 1000 / 0.5)
    # Copy specific climate data into model directory
        pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate",
              inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"),
        pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
    # Set up SAM data structures.
    ssc = nrelsam2013.SSCAPI()
    dat = ssc.ssc_data_create()
    # Required user inputs.
    ssc.ssc_data_set_string(dat, "file_name", modelDir + "/climate.tmy2")
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "system_size", arraySizeDC)
        dat, "derate",
        float(inputDict.get("inverterEfficiency", 96)) / 100 *
        float(inputDict.get("nonInverterEfficiency", 87)) / 100)
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "track_mode", float(trackingMode))
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "azimuth",
                            float(inputDict.get("azimuth", 180)))
    # Advanced inputs with defaults.
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "rotlim", float(rotlim))
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "gamma", float(-gamma / 100))
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt", manualTilt)
    ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt_eq_lat", 0.0)
    # Run PV system simulation.
    mod = ssc.ssc_module_create("pvwattsv1")
    ssc.ssc_module_exec(mod, dat)
    # Timestamp output.
    outData = {}
    outData["timeStamps"] = [
            dt.datetime.strptime(startDateTime[0:19], "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") +
            dt.timedelta(**{simLengthUnits: x}), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC"
        for x in range(simLength)
    # Geodata output.
    # Geodata output.
    outData["minLandSize"] = round(
        (arraySizeDC / 1390.8 * 5 + 1) * math.cos(math.radians(22.5)) /
        math.cos(math.radians(latforpvwatts)), 0)
    landAmount = float(inputDict.get("landAmount", 6.0))
    outData["city"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "city")
    outData["state"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "state")
    outData["lat"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lat")
    outData["lon"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lon")
    outData["elev"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "elev")
    # Weather output.
    outData["climate"] = {}
        "Global Horizontal Radiation (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(
            dat, "gh")
        "Plane of Array Irradiance (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(
            dat, "poa")
    outData["climate"]["Ambient Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(
        dat, "tamb")
    outData["climate"]["Cell Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(
        dat, "tcell")
    outData["climate"]["Wind Speed (m/s)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(
        dat, "wspd")
    # Power generation.
    outData["powerOutputAc"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "ac")
    # Calculate clipping.
    outData["powerOutputAc"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "ac")
    invSizeWatts = inverterSizeAC * 1000
    outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"] = [
        x if x < invSizeWatts else invSizeWatts
        for x in outData["powerOutputAc"]
        outData["percentClipped"] = 100 * (
            1.0 - sum(outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"]) /
    except ZeroDivisionError:
        outData["percentClipped"] = 0.0
    #One year generation
    outData["oneYearGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAcInvClipped"])
    #Annual generation for all years
    loanYears = 25
    outData["allYearGenerationMWh"] = {}
    outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][1] = float(
        outData["oneYearGenerationWh"]) / 1000000
    # outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][1] = float(2019.576)
    for i in range(2, loanYears + 1):
        outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i] = float(
            outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i - 1]) * (
                1 - float(inputDict.get("degradation", 0.8)) / 100)
    # Summary of Results.
    ### Total Costs (sum of): Hardware Costs, Design/Engineering/PM/EPC/Labor Costs, Siteprep Costs, Construction Costs, Installation Costs, Land Costs
    ### Hardware Costs
    pvModules = arraySizeDC * float(inputDict.get("moduleCost",
                                                  0)) * 1000  #off by 4000
    racking = arraySizeDC * float(inputDict.get("rackCost", 0)) * 1000
    inverters = numberInverters * float(inputDict.get("inverterCost", 0))
    inverterSize = inverterSizeAC
    if (inverterSize <= 250):
        gear = 15000
    elif (inverterSize <= 600):
        gear = 18000
        gear = inverterSize / 1000 * 22000
    balance = inverterSizeAC * 1.3908 * 134
    combiners = math.ceil(numberPanels / 19 / 24) * float(1800)  #*
    wireManagement = arraySizeDC * 1.5
    transformer = 1 * 28000
    weatherStation = 1 * 12500
    shipping = 1.02
    hardwareCosts = (pvModules + racking + inverters + gear + balance +
                     combiners + wireManagement + transformer +
                     weatherStation) * shipping
    ### Design/Engineering/PM/EPC/Labor Costs
    EPCmarkup = float(inputDict.get("EPCRate", 0)) / 100 * hardwareCosts
    #designCosts = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor",0))*160 + float(inputDict.get("elecLabor",0))*75 + float(inputDict.get("pmCost",0)) + EPCmarkup
    hoursDesign = 160 * math.sqrt(arraySizeDC / 1390)
    hoursElectrical = 80 * math.sqrt(arraySizeDC / 1391)
    designLabor = 65 * hoursDesign
    electricalLabor = 75 * hoursElectrical
    laborDesign = designLabor + electricalLabor + float(
        inputDict.get("pmCost", 0)) + EPCmarkup
    materialDesign = 0
    designCosts = materialDesign + laborDesign
    ### Siteprep Costs
    surveying = 2.25 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount * 43560)
    concrete = 8000 * math.ceil(numberInverters / 2)
    fencing = 6.75 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount * 43560)
    grading = 2.5 * 4 * math.sqrt(landAmount * 43560)
    landscaping = 750 * landAmount
    siteMaterial = 8000 + 600 + 5500 + 5000 + surveying + concrete + fencing + grading + landscaping + 5600
    blueprints = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor", 0)) * 12
    mobilization = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor", 0)) * 208
    mobilizationMaterial = float(inputDict.get("mechLabor", 0)) * 19.98
    siteLabor = blueprints + mobilization + mobilizationMaterial
    sitePrep = siteMaterial + siteLabor
    ### Construction Costs (Office Trailer, Skid Steer, Storage Containers, etc)
    constrEquip = 6000 + math.sqrt(landAmount) * 16200
    ### Installation Costs
    moduleAndRackingInstall = numberPanels * (15.00 + 12.50 + 1.50)
    pierDriving = 1 * arraySizeDC * 20
    balanceInstall = 1 * arraySizeDC * 100
    installCosts = moduleAndRackingInstall + pierDriving + balanceInstall + float(
        inputDict.get("elecLabor", 0)) * (72 + 60 + 70 + 10 + 5 + 30 + 70)
    ### Land Costs
    if (str(inputDict.get("landOwnership", 0)) == "Owned"
            or (str(inputDict.get("landOwnership", 0)) == "Leased")):
        landCosts = 0
        landCosts = float(inputDict.get("costAcre", 0)) * landAmount
    ### Total Costs
    totalCosts = hardwareCosts + designCosts + sitePrep + constrEquip + installCosts + landCosts
    totalFees = float(inputDict.get("devCost", 0)) / 100 * totalCosts
    outData["totalCost"] = totalCosts + totalFees + float(
        inputDict.get("interCost", 0))
    # Add to Pie Chart
    outData["costsPieChart"] = [
        ["Land", landCosts], ["Design/Engineering/PM/EPC", designCosts],
        ["PV Modules", pvModules * shipping], ["Racking", racking * shipping],
        ["Inverters & Switchgear", (inverters + gear) * shipping],
            "BOS", hardwareCosts - pvModules * shipping - racking * shipping -
            (inverters + gear) * shipping
            "Site Prep, Constr. Eq. and Installation",
            (siteMaterial + constrEquip) + (siteLabor + installCosts)
    # Cost per Wdc
    outData["costWdc"] = (totalCosts + totalFees + float(
        inputDict.get("interCost", 0))) / (arraySizeDC * 1000)
    outData["capFactor"] = float(outData["oneYearGenerationWh"]) / (
        inverterSizeAC * 1000 * 365.25 * 24) * 100
    ### Loans calculations for Direct, NCREB, Lease, Tax-equity, and PPA
    ### Full Ownership, Direct Loan
    #Output - Direct Loan [C]
    projectCostsDirect = 0
    #Output - Direct Loan [D]
    netFinancingCostsDirect = 0
    #Output - Direct Loan [E]
    OMInsuranceETCDirect = []
    #Output - Direct Loan [F]
    distAdderDirect = []
    #Output - Direct Loan [G]
    netCoopPaymentsDirect = []
    #Output - Direct Loan [H]
    costToCustomerDirect = []
    #Output - Direct Loan [F53]
    Rate_Levelized_Direct = 0
    ## Output - Direct Loan Formulas
    projectCostsDirect = 0
    #Output - Direct Loan [D]
    payment = pmt(
        float(inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100, loanYears,
    interestDirectPI = outData["totalCost"] * float(
        inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100
    principleDirectPI = (-payment - interestDirectPI)
    patronageCapitalRetiredDPI = 0
    netFinancingCostsDirect = -(principleDirectPI + interestDirectPI -
    #Output - Direct Loan [E] [F] [G] [H]
    firstYearOPMainCosts = (1.25 * arraySizeDC * 12)
    firstYearInsuranceCosts = (0.37 * outData["totalCost"] / 100)
    if (inputDict.get("landOwnership", 0) == "Leased"):
        firstYearLandLeaseCosts = float(inputDict.get("costAcre",
                                                      0)) * landAmount
        firstYearLandLeaseCosts = 0
    for i in range(1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"]) + 1):
            -firstYearOPMainCosts * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)) -
            firstYearInsuranceCosts * math.pow((1 + .025), (i - 1)) -
            firstYearLandLeaseCosts * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
            float(inputDict.get("distAdder", 0)) *
        netCoopPaymentsDirect.append(OMInsuranceETCDirect[i - 1] +
            (netCoopPaymentsDirect[i - 1] - distAdderDirect[i - 1]))
    #Output - Direct Loan [F53]
    NPVLoanDirect = npv(
        float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
        [0, 0] + costToCustomerDirect)
    NPVallYearGenerationMWh = npv(
        float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
        [0, 0] + outData["allYearGenerationMWh"].values())
    Rate_Levelized_Direct = -NPVLoanDirect / NPVallYearGenerationMWh
    #Master Output [Direct Loan]
    outData["levelCostDirect"] = Rate_Levelized_Direct
    outData["costPanelDirect"] = abs(NPVLoanDirect / numberPanels)
    outData["cost10WPanelDirect"] = (float(outData["costPanelDirect"]) /
                                     panelSize) * 10
    ### NCREBs Financing
    ncrebsRate = float(inputDict.get("NCREBRate", 4.060)) / 100
    ncrebBorrowingRate = 1.1 * ncrebsRate
    ncrebPaymentPeriods = 44
    ncrebCostToCustomer = []
    for i in range(1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"]) + 1):
        coopLoanPayment = 2 * pmt(
            ncrebBorrowingRate / 2.0, ncrebPaymentPeriods,
            outData["totalCost"]) if i <= ncrebPaymentPeriods / 2 else 0
        ncrebsCredit = -0.7 * (
            ipmt(ncrebsRate / 2, 2 * i -
                 1, ncrebPaymentPeriods, outData["totalCost"]) +
            ipmt(ncrebsRate / 2, 2 * i, ncrebPaymentPeriods,
                 outData["totalCost"])) if i <= ncrebPaymentPeriods / 2 else 0
        financingCost = ncrebsCredit + coopLoanPayment
        omCost = OMInsuranceETCDirect[i - 1]
        netCoopPayments = financingCost + omCost
        distrAdder = distAdderDirect[i - 1]
        costToCustomer = netCoopPayments + distrAdder
    NPVLoanNCREB = npv(
        float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
        [0, 0] + ncrebCostToCustomer)
    Rate_Levelized_NCREB = -NPVLoanNCREB / NPVallYearGenerationMWh
    outData["levelCostNCREB"] = Rate_Levelized_NCREB
    outData["costPanelNCREB"] = abs(NPVLoanNCREB / numberPanels)
    outData["cost10WPanelNCREB"] = (float(outData["costPanelNCREB"]) /
                                    panelSize) * 10
    ### Lease Buyback Structure
    #Output - Lease [C]
    projectCostsLease = outData["totalCost"]
    #Output - Lease [D]
    leasePaymentsLease = []
    #Output - Lease [E]
    OMInsuranceETCLease = OMInsuranceETCDirect
    #Output - Lease [F]
    distAdderLease = distAdderDirect
    #Output - Lease [G]
    netCoopPaymentsLease = []
    #Output - Lease [H]
    costToCustomerLease = []
    #Output - Lease [H44]
    NPVLease = 0
    #Output - Lease [H49]
    Rate_Levelized_Lease = 0
    ## Tax Lease Formulas
    #Output - Lease [D]
    for i in range(0, 12):
        leaseRate = float(inputDict.get("taxLeaseRate", 0)) / 100.0
        if i > 8:  # Special behavior in later years:
            leaseRate = leaseRate - 0.0261
        leasePaymentsLease.append(-1 * projectCostsLease /
                                  ((1.0 - (1.0 / (1.0 + leaseRate)**12)) /
    # Last year is different.
    leasePaymentsLease[11] += -0.2 * projectCostsLease
    for i in range(12, 25):
    #Output - Lease [G]	[H]
    for i in range(1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"]) + 1):
        netCoopPaymentsLease.append(OMInsuranceETCLease[i - 1] +
                                    leasePaymentsLease[i - 1])
        costToCustomerLease.append(netCoopPaymentsLease[i - 1] -
                                   distAdderLease[i - 1])
    #Output - Lease [H44]. Note the extra year at the zero point to get the discounting right.
    NPVLease = npv(
        float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
        [0, 0] + costToCustomerLease)
    #Output - Lease [H49] (Levelized Cost Three Loops)
    Rate_Levelized_Lease = -NPVLease / NPVallYearGenerationMWh
    #Master Output [Lease]
    outData["levelCostTaxLease"] = Rate_Levelized_Lease
    outData["costPanelTaxLease"] = abs(NPVLease / numberPanels)
    outData["cost10WPanelTaxLease"] = (float(outData["costPanelTaxLease"]) /
                                       float(panelSize)) * 10

    ### Tax Equity Flip Structure
    # Tax Equity Flip Function
    def taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, discRate, totalCost,
                      allYearGenerationMWh, distAdderDirect, loanYears,
                      firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts,
                      firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels):
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [C]
        coopInvestmentTaxEquity = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
        financeCostCashTaxEquity = 0
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
        cashToSPEOForPPATE = []
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
        derivedCostEnergyTE = 0
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
        OMInsuranceETCTE = []
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
        cashFromSPEToBlockerTE = []
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
        cashFromBlockerTE = 0
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [J]
        distAdderTaxEquity = distAdderDirect
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [K]
        netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity = []
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [L]
        costToCustomerTaxEquity = []
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [L64]
        NPVLoanTaxEquity = 0
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [F72]
        Rate_Levelized_Equity = 0
        ## Tax Equity Flip Formulas
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
        #TEI Calcs [E]
        financeCostOfCashTE = 0
        coopFinanceRateTE = 2.7 / 100
        if (coopFinanceRateTE == 0):
            financeCostOfCashTE = 0
            payment = pmt(coopFinanceRateTE, loanYears,
        financeCostCashTaxEquity = payment
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
        SPERevenueTE = []
        for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
            SPERevenueTE.append(PPARateSixYearsTE * allYearGenerationMWh[i])
            if ((i >= 1) and (i <= 6)):
                cashToSPEOForPPATE.append(-SPERevenueTE[i - 1])
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
        derivedCostEnergyTE = cashToSPEOForPPATE[0] / allYearGenerationMWh[1]
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
        #TEI Calcs [F]	[U] [V]
        landLeaseTE = []
        OMTE = []
        insuranceTE = []
        for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
            landLeaseTE.append(firstYearLandLeaseCosts * math.pow((1 + .01),
                                                                  (i - 1)))
            OMTE.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
            insuranceTE.append(-firstYearInsuranceCosts * math.pow((1 + .025),
                                                                   (i - 1)))
            if (i < 7):
                OMInsuranceETCTE.append(float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))
                    float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) +
                    float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
        #TEI Calcs [T]
        SPEMgmtFeeTE = []
        EBITDATE = []
        managementFee = 10000
        for i in range(1, len(SPERevenueTE) + 1):
            SPEMgmtFeeTE.append(-managementFee * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                float(SPERevenueTE[i - 1]) + float(OMTE[i - 1]) +
                float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(SPEMgmtFeeTE[i - 1]))
            if (i <= 6):
                cashFromSPEToBlockerTE.append(float(EBITDATE[i - 1]) * .01)
                EBITDATEREDUCED.append(EBITDATE[i - 1])
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
        #TEI Calcs [Y21]
        cashRevenueTE = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
        buyoutAmountTE = 0
        for i in range(1, len(EBITDATEREDUCED) + 1):
            buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE + EBITDATEREDUCED[i - 1] / (
                math.pow(1 + 0.12, i))
        buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE * 0.05
        cashFromBlockerTE = -(buyoutAmountTE) + 0.0725 * cashRevenueTE
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [K] [L]
        for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
            if (i == 6):
                netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity +
                                                cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] +
                                                cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i - 1] +
                                                OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1] +
                netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity +
                                                cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i - 1] +
                                                cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] +
                                                OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1])
            costToCustomerTaxEquity.append(netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity[i - 1] -
                                           distAdderTaxEquity[i - 1])
        #Output Tax Equity Flip [L37]
        NPVLoanTaxEquity = npv(
            float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100,
            [0, 0] + costToCustomerTaxEquity)
        #Output - Tax Equity [F42]
        Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity = -NPVLoanTaxEquity / NPVallYearGenerationMWh
        #TEI Calcs - Achieved Return [AW 21]
        MACRDepreciation = []
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.2 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.32 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.192 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.0576 *
                                (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
        #[AI] [AL]	[AN]
        cashRevenueTEI = []  #[AI]
        slDepreciation = []  #[AL]
        totalDistributions = []  #[AN]
        cashRevenueTEI.append(-totalCost * 0.53)
        for i in range(1, 7):
            cashRevenueTEI.append(EBITDATE[i - 1] * 0.99)
            slDepreciation.append(totalCost / 25)
        ITC = totalCost * 0.9822 * 0.3 * 0.99
        taxableIncLoss = [0]
        taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[1] + MACRDepreciation[0])
        capitalAcct = []
        capitalAcct.append(totalCost * 0.53)
        condition = capitalAcct[0] - 0.5 * ITC + taxableIncLoss[
            1] + totalDistributions[0]
        if condition > 0:
        ratioTE = [0]
        reallocatedIncLoss = []
        #AO-1 + AN + AI + AK + AJ
        for i in range(0, 5):
            reallocatedIncLoss.append(capitalAcct[i + 1] +
                                      totalDistributions[i + 1] +
                                      MACRDepreciation[i + 1] +
                                      cashRevenueTEI[i + 2])
            ratioTE.append(reallocatedIncLoss[i] /
                           (cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1]))
                cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] -
                ratioTE[i + 1] *
                (MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - totalDistributions[i + 1]))
            condition = capitalAcct[i + 1] + taxableIncLoss[
                i + 2] + totalDistributions[i + 1]
            if condition > 0:
        taxesBenefitLiab = [0]
        for i in range(1, 7):
            taxesBenefitLiab.append(-taxableIncLoss[i] * 0.35)
        #[AS] [AT]
        buyoutAmount = 0
        taxFromBuyout = 0
        for i in range(0, len(EBITDATEREDUCED)):
            buyoutAmount = buyoutAmount + .05 * EBITDATEREDUCED[i] / (math.pow(
                1.12, (i + 1)))
        taxFromBuyout = -buyoutAmount * 0.35
        #[AU] [AV]
        totalCashTax = []
        cumulativeCashTax = [0]
        for i in range(0, 7):
            if i == 1:
                totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + ITC +
                                    taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
            elif i == 6:
                totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 +
                                    taxesBenefitLiab[i] + buyoutAmount +
                cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
                                         totalCashTax[i] + buyoutAmount +
                totalCashTax.append(cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 +
                                    taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                cumulativeCashTax.append(cumulativeCashTax[i] +
        if (cumulativeCashTax[7] > 0):
            cumulativeIRR = round(irr(totalCashTax), 4)
            cumulativeIRR = 0
        # Deleteme: Variable Dump for debugging
        # variableDump = {}
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"] = {}
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["coopInvestmentTaxEquity"] = coopInvestmentTaxEquity
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["financeCostCashTaxEquity"] = financeCostCashTaxEquity
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashToSPEOForPPATE"] = cashToSPEOForPPATE
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["derivedCostEnergyTE"] = derivedCostEnergyTE
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["OMInsuranceETCTE"] = OMInsuranceETCTE
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromSPEToBlockerTE"] = cashFromSPEToBlockerTE
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromBlockerTE"] = cashFromBlockerTE
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["distAdderTaxEquity"] = distAdderTaxEquity
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity"] = netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity
        # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["NPVLoanTaxEquity"] = NPVLoanTaxEquity
        return cumulativeIRR, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity

    # Function Calls Mega Sized Tax Equity Function Above
    z = 0
    PPARateSixYearsTE = z / 100
    nGoal = float(inputDict.get("taxEquityReturn", 0)) / 100
    nValue = 0
    for p in range(0, 3):
        while ((z < 50000) and (nValue < nGoal)):
            achievedReturnTE, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity = taxEquityFlip(
                PPARateSixYearsTE, inputDict.get("discRate", 0),
                outData["totalCost"], outData["allYearGenerationMWh"],
                distAdderDirect, loanYears, firstYearLandLeaseCosts,
                firstYearOPMainCosts, firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels)
            nValue = achievedReturnTE
            z = z + math.pow(10, p)
            PPARateSixYearsTE = z / 100.0
    z = z - math.pow(10, p)
    PPARateSixYearsTE = z / 100
    #Master Output [Tax Equity]
    outData["levelCostTaxEquity"] = Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity
    outData["costPanelTaxEquity"] = abs(NPVLoanTaxEquity / numberPanels)
    outData["cost10WPanelTaxEquity"] = (float(outData["costPanelTaxEquity"]) /
                                        panelSize) * 10
    ### PPA Comparison
    #Output - PPA [F]
    distAdderPPA = distAdderDirect
    #Output - PPA [G]
    netCoopPaymentsPPA = []
    #Output - PPA [H]
    costToCustomerPPA = []
    #Output - PPA [I]
    costToCustomerPPA = []
    #Output - PPA [H40]
    NPVLoanPPA = 0
    #Output - PPA [I40]
    Rate_Levelized_PPA = 0
    ## PPA Formulas
    #Output - PPA [G] [H]
    for i in range(1, len(outData["allYearGenerationMWh"]) + 1):
            -outData["allYearGenerationMWh"][i] *
            float(inputDict.get("firstYearEnergyCostPPA", 0)) * math.pow(
                (1 + float(inputDict.get("annualEscRatePPA", 0)) / 100),
                (i - 1)))
        costToCustomerPPA.append(netCoopPaymentsPPA[i - 1] -
                                 distAdderPPA[i - 1])
    #Output - PPA [H58]
    NPVLoanPPA = npv(
        float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100, [0, 0] + costToCustomerPPA)
    #Output - PPA [F65]
    Rate_Levelized_PPA = -NPVLoanPPA / NPVallYearGenerationMWh
    #Master Output [PPA]
    outData["levelCostPPA"] = Rate_Levelized_PPA
    outData["firstYearCostKWhPPA"] = float(
        inputDict.get("firstYearEnergyCostPPA", 0))
    outData["yearlyEscalationPPA"] = float(inputDict.get(
        "annualEscRatePPA", 0))
    # Add all Levelized Costs to Output
    outData["LevelizedCosts"] = [["Direct Loan", Rate_Levelized_Direct],
                                 ["NCREBs Financing", Rate_Levelized_NCREB],
                                 ["Lease Buyback", Rate_Levelized_Lease],
                                 ["Tax Equity Flip", Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity]]
        "name": "PPA Comparison",
        "y": Rate_Levelized_PPA,
        "color": "gold"
    # Stdout/stderr.
    outData["stdout"] = "Success"
    outData["stderr"] = ""
    return outData
import numpy as np

# Derive the equivalent monthly mortgage rate from the annual rate
mortgage_rate_periodic = (1 + mortgage_rate)**(1 / 12) - 1

# How many monthly payment periods will there be over 30 years?
mortgage_payment_periods = 30 * 12

# Calculate the monthly mortgage payment (multiply by -1 to keep it positive)
periodic_mortgage_payment = -1 * np.pmt(
    mortgage_rate_periodic, mortgage_payment_periods, mortgage_loan)
print("Monthly Mortgage Payment: " + str(round(periodic_mortgage_payment, 2)))
    def test_decimal_with_when(self):
        """Test that decimals are still supported if the when argument is passed"""
        # begin
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.rate(Decimal('10'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-3500'), Decimal('10000'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pv(Decimal('0.07'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('12000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.fv(Decimal('0.075'), Decimal('20'), Decimal('-2000'), Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.pmt(Decimal('0.08') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('5') * Decimal('12'), Decimal('15000.'),
                            Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'begin'))
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end'))
        assert_equal(np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')),
                     np.ppmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('60'), Decimal('55000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end'))

        # begin
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('1')).flat[0],
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'begin').flat[0])
        # end
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
        assert_equal(np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), Decimal('0')).flat[0],
                     np.ipmt(Decimal('0.1') / Decimal('12'), Decimal('1'), Decimal('24'), Decimal('2000'),
                             Decimal('0'), 'end').flat[0])
 def test_pmt(self):
    def calcLCOH(self, elecFraction = None, heatFraction = None, form = 'H'):
        #fractions should be in terms of power incident on the dish, not the receiver
        if elecFraction == None: elecFraction = self.elecFrac
        if heatFraction == None: heatFraction = self.heatFrac
        #calculates sizing of installation default 1MW
        collectorArea = self.cspNameplate/(heatFraction*0.001) #MW / 0.1MW per m2
        self.pvNameplate = collectorArea*elecFraction*0.001
        totalNameplate = self.pvNameplate+self.cspNameplate
        #calculates system cost based on type of system
        if form == 'H':                
            self.installCost = (self.pvCost+self.collectorCost)*(1+self.markup)*collectorArea
        elif form == 'PV' or heatFraction == 0:
            self.installCost = (self.pvCost)*(1+self.markup)*collectorArea
        elif form == 'TH' or elecFraction ==0:
            self.installCost = (self.collectorCost)*(1+self.markup)*collectorArea
            print('Invalid entries. Check calcLCOH call')
        #depreciation schedule
        depSch = []
        if self.MACRS == 'no':
            depSch = [0.050, 0.0950,0.0855,0.0750,0.0693,0.0623,0.059,0.0590,
            for i in range(int(self.lifetime)-len(depSch)):
            depSch = [0.20,0.32,0.192,0.1152,0.0576]
            for i in range(int(self.lifetime)-len(depSch)):
        #loan payment setup
        Loan_Payment = -np.pmt(self.interestRate,
        #Set NPV Lists
        PV = []
        CPV_gen = []
        CSP_gen = []
        PV_CSP = []
        PV_CPV = []
        OMCSP = []
        OMCPV = []
        OMHybrid = []
        Dep = []
        Principal = []
        Interest = []
        Balance = self.debtToEquity*self.installCost
        CPV_savings = []
        Subsidies = []
        Dep_shield = []
        Int_shield = []
        Tax_shield = []
        Cash_effect = []
        #calculates annual generation
        pvGen = self.DNI*365*elecFraction*collectorArea
        cspGen = self.DNI*365*heatFraction*collectorArea
        #first year subsidies calculated outside the loop
        Fed_sub = (self.installCost*self.fedITC)
        State_sub = (self.installCost*self.stateITC)
        lumpIncentive = self.stateEPBB*totalNameplate*1000000
        #Calculates lifetime financials for given parameters
        for i in range(int(self.lifetime)):
            OMHybrid.append(OMCSP[i] + OMCPV[i])
            Balance -= Principal[i]
            if pvGen==0 or cspGen==0: #if calculating pure LCOE or LCOH, ignore CPV savings
            if i < self.statePBIduration:
                montlyIncentive = self.statePBI*(CSP_gen[i]+CPV_gen[i])
                montlyIncentive = 0
            if len(Subsidies)<self.lifetime: 

        NPV = sum(PV)-self.installCost
        if pvGen != 0 and cspGen != 0:
            NPV_Energy = sum(PV_CSP)
            NPV_Energy = sum(PV_CSP)+sum(PV_CPV)
        self.LCOEnergy = -100*NPV/NPV_Energy
        self.priceChange = (self.LCOEnergy - self.fuelCost)/self.fuelCost
        fuel_displaced = (self.fuelCost*np.mean(cspGen))/100
        avg_savings = -np.mean(OMHybrid)+np.mean(CPV_savings)+np.mean(fuel_displaced)
        self.payback = (self.installCost + Loan_Payment)/avg_savings
文件: utils.py 项目: selamuru/realup
def pmt(principle, annual_interest_rate, loan_term):
    return abs(numpy.pmt(monthly_interest_rate(annual_interest_rate), loan_term, float(principle)))
print "Present value", np.pv(0.03 / 4, 5 * 4, -10, fval)

cashflows = np.random.randint(100, size=5)
cashflows = np.insert(cashflows, 0, -100)
print "Cashflows:", cashflows
print "Net present value:", np.npv(0.03, cashflows)

print "Internal rate of return", np.irr(cashflows)

#借30年,年利率为10%. 等额本息
print "Payment:", np.pmt(0.10 / 12, 12 * 30, 1000000)

print "Number of payments:", np.nper(0.10 / 12, -100, 9000)



window = np.bartlett(42)
plt.savefig('images/bartlett.png', format='png')

def single_pmt(pv, n, rate, fv, pmt):
    np.pmt(rate/n, n, pv, fv, when = 'end')
文件: solarSunda.py 项目: xzflin/omf
        #Output - Direct Loan [E]
        OMInsuranceETCDirect = []
        #Output - Direct Loan [F]
        distAdderDirect = []
        #Output - Direct Loan [G]
        netCoopPaymentsDirect = []
        #Output - Direct Loan [H]
        costToCustomerDirect = []
        #Output - Direct Loan [F53]
        Rate_Levelized_Direct = 0

        ## Output - Direct Loan Formulas
        projectCostsDirect = 0
        #Output - Direct Loan [D]
        payment = pmt(
            float(inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100, loanYears,
        interestDirectPI = outData["totalCost"] * float(
            inputDict.get("loanRate", 0)) / 100
        principleDirectPI = (-payment - interestDirectPI)
        patronageCapitalRetiredDPI = 0
        netFinancingCostsDirect = -(principleDirectPI + interestDirectPI -

        #Output - Direct Loan [E] [F] [G] [H]
        firstYearOPMainCosts = (1.25 * arraySizeDC * 12)
        firstYearInsuranceCosts = (0.37 * outData["totalCost"] / 100)
        if (inputDict.get("landOwnership", 0) == "Leased"):
            firstYearLandLeaseCosts = float(inputDict.get("costAcre",
                                                          0)) * landAmount
# How many mortgage payment periods are there in a year?
annual_payment_periods = 12

# What is the annual mortgage interest rate?
mortgage_rate = 0.0375

# Derive the equivalent monthly mortgage rate from the annual rate
mortgage_rate_periodic = (1 + mortgage_rate)**(1 / annual_payment_periods) - 1

# How many payment periods will there be in total?
mortgage_payment_periods = mortgage_length * annual_payment_periods

# Calculate the monthly mortgage payment (multiply by -1 to keep it positive)
periodic_mortgage_payment = -1 * np.pmt(rate=mortgage_rate_periodic,
print("Monthly Mortgage Payment: " + str(round(periodic_mortgage_payment, 2)))

# Calculate the amount of the first loan payment that will go towards interest
initial_interest_payment = mortgage_rate_periodic * mortgage_loan
print("Initial Interest Payment: " + str(round(initial_interest_payment, 2)))

# Calculate the amount of the first loan payment that will go towards principal
initial_principal_payment = periodic_mortgage_payment - initial_interest_payment
print("Initial Principal Payment: " + str(round(initial_principal_payment, 2)))

import numpy as np

# Initialize the principal remaining array with length equal to the number of payment periods
principal_remaining = np.repeat(0.0, mortgage_payment_periods)
 def Payment():
     a = np.pmt(eval(e1.get()), eval(e2.get()), eval(e3.get()))
     a = 0 - a
def amortization_table(interest_rate,
    """ Calculate the amortization schedule given the loan details
        interest_rate: The annual interest rate for this loan
        years: Number of years for the loan
        payments_year: Number of payments in a year
        principal: Amount borrowed
        addl_principal (optional): Additional payments to be made each period. Assume 0 if nothing provided.
                                   must be a value less then 0, the function will convert a positive value to
        start_date (optional): Start date. Will start on first of next month if none provided

        schedule: Amortization schedule as a pandas dataframe
        summary: Pandas dataframe that summarizes the payoff information
    # Ensure the additional payments are negative
    if addl_principal > 0:
        addl_principal = -addl_principal

    # Create an index of the payment dates
    rng = pd.date_range(start_date, periods=years * payments_year, freq='MS')
    rng.name = "Payment_Date"

    # Build up the Amortization schedule as a DataFrame
    df = pd.DataFrame(index=rng,
                          'Payment', 'Principal', 'Interest', 'Addl_Principal',

    # Add index by period (start at 1 not 0)
    df.index += 1
    df.index.name = "Period"

    # Calculate the payment, principal and interests amounts using built in Numpy functions
    per_payment = np.pmt(interest_rate / payments_year, years * payments_year,
    df["Payment"] = per_payment
    df["Principal"] = np.ppmt(interest_rate / payments_year, df.index,
                              years * payments_year, principal)
    df["Interest"] = np.ipmt(interest_rate / payments_year, df.index,
                             years * payments_year, principal)

    # Round the values
    df = df.round(2)

    # Add in the additional principal payments
    df["Addl_Principal"] = addl_principal

    # Store the Cumulative Principal Payments and ensure it never gets larger than the original principal
    df["Cumulative_Principal"] = (df["Principal"] +
    df["Cumulative_Principal"] = df["Cumulative_Principal"].clip(

    # Calculate the current balance for each period
    df["Curr_Balance"] = principal + df["Cumulative_Principal"]

    # Determine the last payment date
        last_payment = df.query("Curr_Balance <= 0")["Curr_Balance"].idxmax(
            axis=1, skipna=True)
    except ValueError:
        last_payment = df.last_valid_index()

    last_payment_date = "{:%m-%d-%Y}".format(df.loc[last_payment,

    # Truncate the data frame if we have additional principal payments:
    if addl_principal != 0:

        # Remove the extra payment periods
        df = df.ix[0:last_payment].copy()

        # Calculate the principal for the last row
              "Principal"] = -(df.ix[last_payment - 1, "Curr_Balance"])

        # Calculate the total payment for the last row
              "Payment"] = df.ix[last_payment,
                                 ["Principal", "Interest"]].sum()

        # Zero out the additional principal
        df.ix[last_payment, "Addl_Principal"] = 0

    # Get the payment info into a DataFrame in column order
    payment_info = (df[["Payment", "Principal", "Addl_Principal",

    # Format the Date DataFrame
    payment_details = pd.DataFrame.from_items([
        ('payoff_date', [last_payment_date]),
        ('Interest Rate', [interest_rate]), ('Number of years', [years])
    # Add a column showing how much we pay each period.
    # Combine addl principal with principal for total payment
    payment_details["Period_Payment"] = round(per_payment, 2) + addl_principal

    payment_summary = pd.concat([payment_details, payment_info], axis=1)
    return df, payment_summary
 def test_pmt(self):
                         -304.146, 3)
 def payment(self, rate_per_year, num_periods, amount):
     payment = np.pmt(rate_per_year / 100 / 12, num_periods * 12, amount)
     return payment
def emi_calculation(loan_amount, tenture=5, interest_rate=15.00):
    monthly_emi = -1 * np.pmt(interest_rate / 12, tenture * 12,
    return interest_rate, monthly_emi, tenture, loan_amount, 2
for i in range(len(gas_prices)):

    eff = np.arange(2, 5, 0.1) # COP
    rate = np.arange(0.05, 0.3, 0.01) # electricity price in $/kWh
    gas_price = gas_prices[i] # $/mmBTU
    GJ_per_MMBTU = 1.055
    tonnes_per_GJ = 0.05 # NG emissions intensity
    gas_price += 20*tonnes_per_GJ*GJ_per_MMBTU #add CO2 price
    print('gas_price = ' + str(gas_price))
    service_demand = 20 # mmBTU/yr
    gas_eff = 0.9 # COP
    gas_costs = service_demand / gas_eff * gas_price # $/yr
    y, x = np.meshgrid(eff, rate) # x-axis is rate, y-axis is efficiency
    mmbtu_per_kWh_thermal = 3.6e-3/GJ_per_MMBTU
    COP_to_HSPF = 3.6/GJ_per_MMBTU
    CRF = -np.pmt(0.05, 15, 1)
    print('CRF = ' + str(CRF))

    net_fuel_cost = service_demand / y * x / mmbtu_per_kWh_thermal - gas_costs # mmBTU / COP * $/kWh / (mmBTU/kWh)

    breakeven_cap_cost = -net_fuel_cost / CRF

    vscale = 2500
    y *= COP_to_HSPF # convert to HSPF
    plot = plt.contourf(x, y, breakeven_cap_cost, cmap='coolwarm_r', vmin=-vscale, vmax=vscale)
    #plt.clim([-5000, 2500])
    plt.title('Breakeven Capital Cost Relative to Gas Furnace ($)\n' + scenario_names[i])