def eigen(matx: np.matrix, eps=1e-3):
    функція знаходження власного числа і вектора методом скалярних добутків
    tr_matrix = matx.transpose()
    y = np.zeros(matx.shape[0])
    z = np.zeros(matx.shape[0])
    y[0] = START_Y
    z[0] = y[0]
    eigenvalue = 0
    for j in range(ITERATION_LIMIT):
        if y.shape[0] == 1:
            y = y.transpose()
        if z.shape[0] == 1:
            z = z.transpose()
        next_y = np.array(matx.dot(y))
        next_z = np.array(tr_matrix.dot(z))

        tmp1 = sum1(next_y * next_z)
        tmp2 = sum1(y * next_z)

        tmp_res = tmp1 / tmp2
        if j == 0:
            eigenvalue = tmp_res
        elif abs(eigenvalue - tmp_res) < eps:
            eigenvalue = tmp_res
        y = next_y
        z = next_z

    eigenvector = y / norm(y)
    return eigenvalue, eigenvector
文件: nipals.py 项目: Narcalen/ASDMD
def nipals1(x: np.matrix):

    max_it = 3
    # max_it = matrix_rank(x)
    # print("rank(x) = " + str(max_it))
    p = np.zeros(shape=(x.shape[1], max_it))
    t = np.zeros(shape=(x.shape[0], max_it))

    for j in range(0, max_it):
        # a = norm(x, axis=0)
        # idx = a.argmax()
        t_j = x[:, j]

        # # verify if the column is a zero vector
        # zero_col = np.zeros(shape=t_j.shape)
        # if norm(t_j - zero_col) <= epsilon:
        #     j += 1
        #     max_it += 1
        #     continue

        t_j1 = t_j - t_j
        while norm(t_j1 - t_j) > epsilon:
            p_j = x.transpose().dot(t_j)
            p_j /= norm(p_j)
            t_j1 = t_j
            t_j = x.dot(p_j)

        p[:, j] = p_j
        t[:, j] = t_j
        j += 1
        x = x - np.dot(t_j[:, None], p_j[None, :])

    return t, p
def ComputeSVD(A: np.matrix):
    """Given a matrix A use the eigen value decomposition to compute a SVD
       decomposition. It returns a tuple (U,Sigma,V) of np.matrix objects."""
    k = np.linalg.matrix_rank(A)
    B = A.transpose() @ A
    w, V = eig(B)

    #Eigenwerte und Vektoren neu sortieren
    idx = np.argsort(w)
    w = w[idx]
    V = V[:, idx]

    #S berechnen
    S = np.zeros(A.shape)
    for i in range(S.shape[0]):
        for j in range(S.shape[1]):
            if i == j:
                S[i][j] = sqrt(w[i])

    #U berechnen
    U = np.zeros((k + 1, k + 1))
    for i in range(k):
        U[:, i] = (1 / S[i][i] * A * V[:, i]).flat
    U = np.linalg.qr(U)[0]
    return np.asmatrix(U), np.asmatrix(S), np.asmatrix(V)
def loss_function_and_gradients(X: np.matrix, theta: np.matrix, y: np.matrix):
    m = y.shape[0]
    hx = np.exp(-X @ theta)

    J = np.sum(np.log(1 / (1 + hx)) * (-y) - (1 - y) * np.log(hx /
                                                              (1 + hx))) / m

    gradient = (X.transpose() @ (1 / (1 + hx) - y)) / m
    return J, gradient
def svd(a: np.matrix):
    if a.shape[0] == a.shape[1]:
        s, u = linalg.eig(a)
        s = np.delete(np.diagflat(np.append(s[::-1], [0])), (len(s), ), axis=0)
        v = u.transpose()
    elif a.shape[0] < a.shape[1]:
        m = a * a.transpose()
        s, u = linalg.eig(m)
        s, u = sorting(s, u)
        s = np.sqrt(s)
        s = np.delete(np.diagflat(np.append(s, [0])), (len(s), ), axis=0)
        v = np.linalg.pinv(s) * np.matrix(u).transpose() * a
        m = a.transpose() * a
        s, v = linalg.eig()
        s = np.delete(np.diagflat(np.append(s[::-1], [0])), (len(s), ), axis=0)
        u = a * np.matrix(v).transpose() * np.linalg.pinv(s)
    return u, s, v
def __plot_principal_components__(features: np.ndarray, s: np.matrix = None):

    plt.scatter(features[:, :1], features[:, 1:])

    if s is not None:
        s = s.transpose()
        s_list = s.tolist()
        x = np.linspace(-2, 2, 100)
        m1 = s_list[0][1] / s_list[0][0]
        y1 = m1 * x

        m2 = s_list[1][1] / s_list[1][0]
        y2 = m2 * x
        plt.plot(x, y1, c='blue')
        plt.plot(x, y2, c='red')

def variance(weights: np.matrix, sigma: np.array):
    # returns the variance (NOT standard deviation) given weights and sigma
    return (weights * sigma * weights.transpose())[0, 0]
def transformMatrix(m: matrix, byUser: bool):
    if byUser:
        return m
        return m.transpose()
def optimized_scenario(initial_vehicles: List[VehicleInfo],
                       epsilon: float,
                       it_max: int,
                       my: int,
                       a_ref: ndarray,
                       scenario: Scenario,
                       planning_problem: PlanningProblem,
                       W: np.matrix = None):
    # Require
    # x_0       initial state vector
    # epsilon   threshold
    # it_max    iteration limit
    # my        binary search iteration limit
    # W         weighted matrix
    # a_ref     reference area profile

    # Ensure
    # critical scenario S

    # kappa_new <- 0
    # kappa_old <- -inf
    # it <- 0
    # x_{0,curr} <- x_o
    # while abs(kappa_new - kappa_old) >= epsilon and it < it_max do
    #     success <- true
    #     while abs(kappa_new - kappa_old) >= epsilon and success = true do
    #         kappa_old <- kappa_new
    #         x_{0,old} <- x_{0,curr}
    #         x_{0,curr}, S, success <- quadProg(solve(quadratic optimization problem))
    #         kappa_new <- kappa(S, a_ref, W)
    #     end while
    #     x_{0,s)^v <- binarySearch(x_{0,old}, x_{0,curr}, my)
    #     S <- updateScenario(S, x_{0,s}^v)
    #     kappa_new <- kappa(S, a_ref, W)
    #     it <- it + 1
    # end while

    p: int = len(initial_vehicles)
    r: int = len(MyState.variables)
    total_steps: int = len(a_ref)

    if not W:
        W = eye(p)

    kappa_new: float = 0
    kappa_old: float = -np.inf
    it: int = 0
    current_initial_vehicles = initial_vehicles
    while abs(kappa_new - kappa_old) >= epsilon and it < it_max:
        success: bool = True
        while abs(kappa_new - kappa_old) >= epsilon and success:
            kappa_old = kappa_new
            old_initial_vehicles: List[VehicleInfo] = current_initial_vehicles
            current_generated_vehicles, _ = GenerationHelp.generate_states(
                scenario, current_initial_vehicles[0].state,
                total_steps)  # FIXME Only ego vehicle considered
            # x_{0,curr}, S, success <- quadProg(solve(quadratic optimization problem))
            B: matrix = calculate_B_as_matrix(old_initial_vehicles,
                                              scenario, total_steps)
            W_tilde: matrix = np.asmatrix(B.transpose() * W * B)
            delta_a0: matrix = np.asmatrix(
                    flatten_dict_values(current_generated_vehicles)) - a_ref)
            c: ndarray = delta_a0.transpose() * (W * B + W.transpose() * B)
            delta_x: Variable = Variable((1, r))
            objective: Minimize = Minimize(
                cvxpy.norm(quad_form(delta_x, W_tilde) + c * delta_x))
            # Instead of the "real" goal region constraint use a minimum velocity needed for getting to the goal region
            # within the given amount of steps
            # FIXME Only ego vehicle considered
            current_initial_position: Point = Point(
            # FIXME Only first goal region entry recognized
            goal_region: Polygon = planning_problem.goal.state_list[
            distance_to_goal_region: float = current_initial_position.distance(
            min_velocity: float = distance_to_goal_region / (scenario.dt *
            print("min_velocity: " + str(min_velocity))
            # FIXME Really use delta_a0?
            # FIXME If min_velocity is greater than zero the optimization fails
            constraints = [
                delta_x >= 0, delta_a0 + B * delta_x >= 0,
                delta_x[0] >= min_velocity
            problem = Problem(objective, constraints)
            assert is_dccp(problem)
            print("Problem solve result: " +
                  str(problem.solve(method='dccp', solver='ECOS')))
            print("Current optimization result: " + str(delta_x.value))
            # FIXME Change current initial vehicles like this?
            for i in range(len(current_initial_vehicles)):
                for j in range(len(MyState.variables)):
                    # FIXME Only ego vehicle considered
                        j, delta_x.value[i][j])
            kappa_new = kappa(delta_a0, a_ref, W)  # FIXME Really use delta_a0?
            print("Difference between new and old costs: " +
                  str(abs(kappa_new - kappa_old)))
        binary_search(my, old_initial_vehicles, current_initial_vehicles,
                      total_steps)  # FIXME What to do with this value?
        # initial_vehicles = ?  # FIXME What to do here?
        update_scenario_vehicles(scenario, planning_problem, initial_vehicles)
        kappa_new = kappa(calculate_area_profile(initial_vehicles), a_ref, W)
        it += 1