def test_subclasses():
    # test that subclass is preserved only if subok=True
    a = VerySimpleSubClass([1, 2, 3, 4])
    assert_(type(a) is VerySimpleSubClass)
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2, ), strides=(2 * a.itemsize, ))
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2, ), strides=(2 * a.itemsize, ), subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is VerySimpleSubClass)
    # test that if a subclass has __array_finalize__, it is used
    a = SimpleSubClass([1, 2, 3, 4])
    a_view = as_strided(a, shape=(2, ), strides=(2 * a.itemsize, ), subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_(a_view.info == 'simple finalized')

    # similar tests for broadcast_arrays
    b = np.arange(len(a)).reshape(-1, 1)
    a_view, b_view = broadcast_arrays(a, b)
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(type(b_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == b_view.shape)
    a_view, b_view = broadcast_arrays(a, b, subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_(a_view.info == 'simple finalized')
    assert_(type(b_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == b_view.shape)

    # and for broadcast_to
    shape = (2, 4)
    a_view = broadcast_to(a, shape)
    assert_(type(a_view) is np.ndarray)
    assert_(a_view.shape == shape)
    a_view = broadcast_to(a, shape, subok=True)
    assert_(type(a_view) is SimpleSubClass)
    assert_(a_view.info == 'simple finalized')
    assert_(a_view.shape == shape)
def test_one_off():
    x = np.array([[1, 2, 3]])
    y = np.array([[1], [2], [3]])
    bx, by = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
    bx0 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3], [1, 2, 3]])
    by0 = bx0.T
    assert_array_equal(bx0, bx)
    assert_array_equal(by0, by)
def test_reference_types():
    input_array = np.array('a', dtype=object)
    expected = np.array(['a'] * 3, dtype=object)
    actual = broadcast_to(input_array, (3, ))
    assert_array_equal(expected, actual)

    actual, _ = broadcast_arrays(input_array, np.ones(3))
    assert_array_equal(expected, actual)
def assert_shapes_correct(input_shapes, expected_shape):
    # Broadcast a list of arrays with the given input shapes and check the
    # common output shape.

    inarrays = [np.zeros(s) for s in input_shapes]
    outarrays = broadcast_arrays(*inarrays)
    outshapes = [a.shape for a in outarrays]
    expected = [expected_shape] * len(inarrays)
    assert_equal(outshapes, expected)
def test_writeable():
    # broadcast_to should return a readonly array
    original = np.array([1, 2, 3])
    result = broadcast_to(original, (2, 3))
    assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, False)
    assert_raises(ValueError, result.__setitem__, slice(None), 0)

    # but the result of broadcast_arrays needs to be writeable (for now), to
    # preserve backwards compatibility
    for results in [broadcast_arrays(original), broadcast_arrays(0, original)]:
        for result in results:
            assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, True)
    # keep readonly input readonly
    original.flags.writeable = False
    _, result = broadcast_arrays(0, original)
    assert_equal(result.flags.writeable, False)

    # regression test for GH6491
    shape = (2, )
    strides = [0]
    tricky_array = as_strided(np.array(0), shape, strides)
    other = np.zeros((1, ))
    first, second = broadcast_arrays(tricky_array, other)
    assert_(first.shape == second.shape)
def assert_same_as_ufunc(shape0, shape1, transposed=False, flipped=False):
    # Broadcast two shapes against each other and check that the data layout
    # is the same as if a ufunc did the broadcasting.

    x0 = np.zeros(shape0, dtype=int)
    # Note that multiply.reduce's identity element is 1.0, so when shape1==(),
    # this gives the desired n==1.
    n = int(np.multiply.reduce(shape1))
    x1 = np.arange(n).reshape(shape1)
    if transposed:
        x0 = x0.T
        x1 = x1.T
    if flipped:
        x0 = x0[::-1]
        x1 = x1[::-1]
    # Use the add ufunc to do the broadcasting. Since we're adding 0s to x1, the
    # result should be exactly the same as the broadcasted view of x1.
    y = x0 + x1
    b0, b1 = broadcast_arrays(x0, x1)
    assert_array_equal(y, b1)
def test_same():
    x = np.arange(10)
    y = np.arange(10)
    bx, by = broadcast_arrays(x, y)
    assert_array_equal(x, bx)
    assert_array_equal(y, by)