class BasicDatasetReader(DatasetReaderIface): """ This is a CSV file-based implementation of DatasetReaderIface """ def __init__(self, streamDefDict): """ Constructor streamDefDict: stream definition, as defined in py/nupic/frameworks/opf/jsonschema/stream_def.json """ # Create the object to read from self._reader = StreamReader(streamDefDict, saveOutput=True) return def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): row = self._reader.getNextRecordDict() if row == None: raise StopIteration return row def getDatasetFieldMetaData(self): """ [virtual method override] Returns: a tuple of dataset field metadata descriptors that are arranged in the same order as the columns in the dataset. Each field metadata descriptor is of type """ return FieldMetaInfo.createListFromFileFieldList( self._reader.getFields())
class BasicDatasetReader(DatasetReaderIface): """ This is a CSV file-based implementation of :class:`DatasetReaderIface`. :param streamDefDict: stream definition, as defined `here <stream-def.html>`_. """ def __init__(self, streamDefDict): # Create the object to read from self._reader = StreamReader(streamDefDict, saveOutput=True) return def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): row = self._reader.getNextRecordDict() if row == None: raise StopIteration return row def getDatasetFieldMetaData(self): return FieldMetaInfo.createListFromFileFieldList(self._reader.getFields())
class BasicDatasetReader(DatasetReaderIface): """ This is a CSV file-based implementation of DatasetReaderIface """ def __init__(self, streamDefDict): """ Constructor streamDefDict: stream definition, as defined in py/nupic/frameworks/opf/jsonschema/stream_def.json """ # Create the object to read from self._reader = StreamReader(streamDefDict, saveOutput=True) return def __iter__(self): return self def next(self): row = self._reader.getNextRecordDict() if row is None: raise StopIteration return row def getDatasetFieldMetaData(self): """ [virtual method override] Returns: a tuple of dataset field metadata descriptors that are arranged in the same order as the columns in the dataset. Each field metadata descriptor is of type """ return FieldMetaInfo.createListFromFileFieldList(self._reader.getFields())
class OPFModelRunner(object): """This class runs an a given Model""" # The minimum number of records that need to have been read for this model # to be a candidate for 'best model' _MIN_RECORDS_TO_BE_BEST = None # The number of points we look at when trying to figure out whether or not a # model has matured _MATURITY_NUM_POINTS = None # The maximum rate of change in the model's metric for it to be considered 'mature' _MATURITY_MAX_CHANGE = None def __init__(self, modelID, jobID, predictedField, experimentDir, reportKeyPatterns, optimizeKeyPattern, jobsDAO, modelCheckpointGUID, logLevel=None, predictionCacheMaxRecords=None): """ Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- modelID: ID for this model in the models table jobID: ID for this hypersearch job in the jobs table predictedField: Name of the input field for which this model is being optimized experimentDir: Directory path containing the experiment's script reportKeyPatterns: list of items from the results dict to include in the report. These can be regular expressions. optimizeKeyPattern: Which report item, if any, we will be optimizing for. This can also be a regular expression, but is an error if it matches more than one key from the experiment's results. jobsDAO: Jobs data access object - the interface to the jobs database which has the model's table. modelCheckpointGUID: A persistent, globally-unique identifier for constructing the model checkpoint key. If None, then don't bother creating a model checkpoint. logLevel: override logging level to this value, if not None predictionCacheMaxRecords: Maximum number of records for the prediction output cache. Pass None for default value. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize class constants # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- self._MIN_RECORDS_TO_BE_BEST = int( Configuration.get('nupic.hypersearch.bestModelMinRecords')) self._MATURITY_MAX_CHANGE = float( Configuration.get('nupic.hypersearch.maturityPctChange')) self._MATURITY_NUM_POINTS = int( Configuration.get('nupic.hypersearch.maturityNumPoints')) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize instance variables # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- self._modelID = modelID self._jobID = jobID self._predictedField = predictedField self._experimentDir = experimentDir self._reportKeyPatterns = reportKeyPatterns self._optimizeKeyPattern = optimizeKeyPattern self._jobsDAO = jobsDAO self._modelCheckpointGUID = modelCheckpointGUID self._predictionCacheMaxRecords = predictionCacheMaxRecords self._isMaturityEnabled = bool( int(Configuration.get('nupic.hypersearch.enableModelMaturity'))) self._logger = logging.getLogger(".".join([ 'com.numenta', self.__class__.__module__, self.__class__.__name__ ])) self._optimizedMetricLabel = None self._reportMetricLabels = [] # Our default completion reason self._cmpReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_EOF if logLevel is not None: self._logger.setLevel(logLevel) # The manager object to compute the metrics for this model self.__metricMgr = None # Will be set to a new instance of OPFTaskDriver by __runTask() #self.__taskDriver = None # Current task control parameters. Will be set by __runTask() self.__task = None # Will be set to a new instance of PeriodicActivityManager by __runTask() self._periodic = None # Will be set to streamDef string by _runTask() self._streamDef = None # Will be set to new OpfExperiment instance by run() self._model = None # Will be set to new InputSource by __runTask() self._inputSource = None # 0-based index of the record being processed; # Initialized and updated by __runTask() self._currentRecordIndex = None # Interface to write predictions to a persistent storage self._predictionLogger = None # In-memory cache for predictions. Predictions are written here for speed # when they don't need to be written to a persistent store self.__predictionCache = deque() # Flag to see if this is the best model in the job (as determined by the # model chooser logic). This is essentially a cache of the value in the # ClientJobsDB self._isBestModel = False # Flag to see if there is a best model (not necessarily this one) # stored in the DB self._isBestModelStored = False # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Flags for model cancelation/checkpointing # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Flag to see if the job that this model is part of self._isCanceled = False # Flag to see if model was killed, either by the model terminator or by the # hypsersearch implementation (ex. the a swarm is killed/matured) self._isKilled = False # Flag to see if the model is matured. In most cases, this means that we # should stop running the model. The only execption is if this model is the # best model for the job, in which case it should continue running. self._isMature = False # Event to see if interrupt signal has been sent self._isInterrupted = threading.Event() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Facilities for measuring model maturity # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # List of tuples, (iteration, metric), used to see if the model has 'matured' self._metricRegression = regression.AveragePctChange( windowSize=self._MATURITY_NUM_POINTS) self.__loggedMetricPatterns = [] def run(self): """ Runs the OPF Model Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- retval: (completionReason, completionMsg) where completionReason is one of the ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_XXX equates. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Load the experiment's module descriptionPyModule = helpers.loadExperimentDescriptionScriptFromDir( self._experimentDir) expIface = helpers.getExperimentDescriptionInterfaceFromModule( descriptionPyModule) expIface.normalizeStreamSources() modelDescription = expIface.getModelDescription() self._modelControl = expIface.getModelControl() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create the input data stream for this task streamDef = self._modelControl['dataset'] from import StreamReader readTimeout = 0 self._inputSource = StreamReader(streamDef, isBlocking=False, maxTimeout=readTimeout) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #Get field statistics from the input source fieldStats = self._getFieldStats() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Construct the model instance self._model = ModelFactory.create(modelDescription) self._model.setFieldStatistics(fieldStats) self._model.enableLearning() self._model.enableInference( self._modelControl.get("inferenceArgs", None)) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Instantiate the metrics self.__metricMgr = MetricsManager( self._modelControl.get('metrics', None), self._model.getFieldInfo(), self._model.getInferenceType()) self.__loggedMetricPatterns = self._modelControl.get( "loggedMetrics", []) self._optimizedMetricLabel = self.__getOptimizedMetricLabel() self._reportMetricLabels = matchPatterns(self._reportKeyPatterns, self._getMetricLabels()) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize periodic activities (e.g., for model result updates) self._periodic = self._initPeriodicActivities() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Create our top-level loop-control iterator numIters = self._modelControl.get('iterationCount', -1) # Are we asked to turn off learning for a certain # of iterations near the # end? learningOffAt = None iterationCountInferOnly = self._modelControl.get( 'iterationCountInferOnly', 0) if iterationCountInferOnly == -1: self._model.disableLearning() elif iterationCountInferOnly > 0: assert numIters > iterationCountInferOnly, "when iterationCountInferOnly " \ "is specified, iterationCount must be greater than " \ "iterationCountInferOnly." learningOffAt = numIters - iterationCountInferOnly self.__runTaskMainLoop(numIters, learningOffAt=learningOffAt) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Perform final operations for model self._finalize() return (self._cmpReason, None) def __runTaskMainLoop(self, numIters, learningOffAt=None): """ Main loop of the OPF Model Runner. Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- recordIterator: Iterator for counting number of records (see _runTask) learningOffAt: If not None, learning is turned off when we reach this iteration number """ ## Reset sequence states in the model, so it starts looking for a new ## sequence self._model.resetSequenceStates() self._currentRecordIndex = -1 while True: # If killed by a terminator, stop running if self._isKilled: break # If job stops or hypersearch ends, stop running if self._isCanceled: break # If the process is about to be killed, set as orphaned if self._isInterrupted.isSet(): self.__setAsOrphaned() break # If model is mature, stop running ONLY IF we are not the best model # for the job. Otherwise, keep running so we can keep returning # predictions to the user if self._isMature: if not self._isBestModel: self._cmpReason = self._jobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_STOPPED break else: self._cmpReason = self._jobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_EOF # Turn off learning? if learningOffAt is not None \ and self._currentRecordIndex == learningOffAt: self._model.disableLearning() # Read input record. Note that any failure here is a critical JOB failure # and results in the job being immediately canceled and marked as # failed. The runModelXXX code in hypesearch.utils, if it sees an # exception of type utils.JobFailException, will cancel the job and # copy the error message into the job record. try: inputRecord = self._inputSource.getNextRecordDict() if self._currentRecordIndex < 0: self._inputSource.setTimeout(10) except Exception as e: raise utils.JobFailException(ErrorCodes.streamReading, str(e.args), traceback.format_exc()) if inputRecord is None: # EOF self._cmpReason = self._jobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_EOF break if inputRecord: # Process input record self._currentRecordIndex += 1 result = # Compute metrics. result.metrics = self.__metricMgr.update(result) # If there are None, use defaults. see MetricsManager.getMetrics() # TODO remove this when JAVA API server is gone if not result.metrics: result.metrics = self.__metricMgr.getMetrics() # Write the result to the output cache. Don't write encodings, if they # were computed if InferenceElement.encodings in result.inferences: result.inferences.pop(InferenceElement.encodings) result.sensorInput.dataEncodings = None self._writePrediction(result) # Run periodic activities self._periodic.tick() if numIters >= 0 and self._currentRecordIndex >= numIters - 1: break else: # Input source returned an empty record. # # NOTE: This is okay with Stream-based Source (when it times out # waiting for next record), but not okay with FileSource, which should # always return either with a valid record or None for EOF. raise ValueError("Got an empty record from FileSource: %r" % inputRecord) def _finalize(self): """Run final activities after a model has run. These include recording and logging the final score""" "Finished: modelID=%r; %r records processed. Performing final activities", self._modelID, self._currentRecordIndex + 1) # ========================================================================= # Dump the experiment metrics at the end of the task # ========================================================================= self._updateModelDBResults() # ========================================================================= # Check if the current model is the best. Create a milestone if necessary # If the model has been killed, it is not a candidate for "best model", # and its output cache should be destroyed # ========================================================================= if not self._isKilled: self.__updateJobResults() else: self.__deleteOutputCache(self._modelID) # ========================================================================= # Close output stream, if necessary # ========================================================================= if self._predictionLogger: self._predictionLogger.close() # ========================================================================= # Close input stream, if necessary # ========================================================================= if self._inputSource: self._inputSource.close() def __createModelCheckpoint(self): """ Create a checkpoint from the current model, and store it in a dir named after checkpoint GUID, and finally store the GUID in the Models DB """ if self._model is None or self._modelCheckpointGUID is None: return # Create an output store, if one doesn't exist already if self._predictionLogger is None: self._createPredictionLogger() predictions = io.StringIO() self._predictionLogger.checkpoint( checkpointSink=predictions, maxRows=int( Configuration.get('nupic.model.checkpoint.maxPredictionRows'))) os.path.join(self._experimentDir, str(self._modelCheckpointGUID))) self._jobsDAO.modelSetFields( modelID, {'modelCheckpointId': str(self._modelCheckpointGUID)}, ignoreUnchanged=True) "Checkpointed Hypersearch Model: modelID: %r, " "checkpointID: %r", self._modelID, checkpointID) return def __deleteModelCheckpoint(self, modelID): """ Delete the stored checkpoint for the specified modelID. This function is called if the current model is now the best model, making the old model's checkpoint obsolete Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- modelID: The modelID for the checkpoint to delete. This is NOT the unique checkpointID """ checkpointID = \ self._jobsDAO.modelsGetFields(modelID, ['modelCheckpointId'])[0] if checkpointID is None: return try: shutil.rmtree( os.path.join(self._experimentDir, str(self._modelCheckpointGUID))) except: self._logger.warn("Failed to delete model checkpoint %s. "\ "Assuming that another worker has already deleted it", checkpointID) return self._jobsDAO.modelSetFields(modelID, {'modelCheckpointId': None}, ignoreUnchanged=True) return def _createPredictionLogger(self): """ Creates the model's PredictionLogger object, which is an interface to write model results to a permanent storage location """ # Write results to a file self._predictionLogger = BasicPredictionLogger( fields=self._model.getFieldInfo(), experimentDir=self._experimentDir, label="hypersearch-worker", inferenceType=self._model.getInferenceType()) if self.__loggedMetricPatterns: metricLabels = self.__metricMgr.getMetricLabels() loggedMetrics = matchPatterns(self.__loggedMetricPatterns, metricLabels) self._predictionLogger.setLoggedMetrics(loggedMetrics) def __getOptimizedMetricLabel(self): """ Get the label for the metric being optimized. This function also caches the label in the instance variable self._optimizedMetricLabel Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- metricLabels: A sequence of all the labels being computed for this model Returns: The label for the metric being optmized over """ matchingKeys = matchPatterns([self._optimizeKeyPattern], self._getMetricLabels()) if len(matchingKeys) == 0: raise Exception("None of the generated metrics match the specified " "optimization pattern: %s. Available metrics are %s" % \ (self._optimizeKeyPattern, self._getMetricLabels())) elif len(matchingKeys) > 1: raise Exception( "The specified optimization pattern '%s' matches more " "than one metric: %s" % (self._optimizeKeyPattern, matchingKeys)) return matchingKeys[0] def _getMetricLabels(self): """ Returns: A list of labels that correspond to metrics being computed """ return self.__metricMgr.getMetricLabels() def _getFieldStats(self): """ Method which returns a dictionary of field statistics received from the input source. Returns: fieldStats: dict of dicts where the first level is the field name and the second level is the statistic. ie. fieldStats['pounds']['min'] """ fieldStats = dict() fieldNames = self._inputSource.getFieldNames() for field in fieldNames: curStats = dict() curStats['min'] = self._inputSource.getFieldMin(field) curStats['max'] = self._inputSource.getFieldMax(field) fieldStats[field] = curStats return fieldStats def _getMetrics(self): """ Protected function that can be overriden by subclasses. Its main purpose is to allow the the OPFDummyModelRunner to override this with deterministic values Returns: All the metrics being computed for this model """ return self.__metricMgr.getMetrics() def _updateModelDBResults(self): """ Retrieves the current results and updates the model's record in the Model database. """ # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Get metrics metrics = self._getMetrics() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract report metrics that match the requested report REs reportDict = dict([(k, metrics[k]) for k in self._reportMetricLabels]) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Extract the report item that matches the optimize key RE # TODO cache optimizedMetricLabel sooner metrics = self._getMetrics() optimizeDict = dict() if self._optimizeKeyPattern is not None: optimizeDict[self._optimizedMetricLabel] = \ metrics[self._optimizedMetricLabel] # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # Update model results results = json.dumps((metrics, optimizeDict)) self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateResults( self._modelID, results=results, metricValue=list(optimizeDict.values())[0], numRecords=(self._currentRecordIndex + 1)) self._logger.debug( "Model Results: modelID=%s; numRecords=%s; results=%s" % \ (self._modelID, self._currentRecordIndex + 1, results)) return def __updateJobResultsPeriodic(self): """ Periodic check to see if this is the best model. This should only have an effect if this is the *first* model to report its progress """ if self._isBestModelStored and not self._isBestModel: return while True: jobResultsStr = self._jobsDAO.jobGetFields(self._jobID, ['results'])[0] if jobResultsStr is None: jobResults = {} else: self._isBestModelStored = True if not self._isBestModel: return jobResults = json.loads(jobResultsStr) bestModel = jobResults.get('bestModel', None) bestMetric = jobResults.get('bestValue', None) isSaved = jobResults.get('saved', False) # If there is a best model, and it is not the same as the current model # we should wait till we have processed all of our records to see if # we are the the best if (bestModel is not None) and (self._modelID != bestModel): self._isBestModel = False return # Make sure prediction output stream is ready before we present our model # as "bestModel"; sometimes this takes a long time, so update the model's # timestamp to help avoid getting orphaned self.__flushPredictionCache() self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) metrics = self._getMetrics() jobResults['bestModel'] = self._modelID jobResults['bestValue'] = metrics[self._optimizedMetricLabel] jobResults['metrics'] = metrics jobResults['saved'] = False newResults = json.dumps(jobResults) isUpdated = self._jobsDAO.jobSetFieldIfEqual( self._jobID, fieldName='results', curValue=jobResultsStr, newValue=newResults) if isUpdated or (not isUpdated and newResults == jobResultsStr): self._isBestModel = True break def __checkIfBestCompletedModel(self): """ Reads the current "best model" for the job and returns whether or not the current model is better than the "best model" stored for the job Returns: (isBetter, storedBest, origResultsStr) isBetter: True if the current model is better than the stored "best model" storedResults: A dict of the currently stored results in the jobs table record origResultsStr: The json-encoded string that currently resides in the "results" field of the jobs record (used to create atomicity) """ jobResultsStr = self._jobsDAO.jobGetFields(self._jobID, ['results'])[0] if jobResultsStr is None: jobResults = {} else: jobResults = json.loads(jobResultsStr) isSaved = jobResults.get('saved', False) bestMetric = jobResults.get('bestValue', None) currentMetric = self._getMetrics()[self._optimizedMetricLabel] self._isBestModel = (not isSaved) \ or (currentMetric < bestMetric) return self._isBestModel, jobResults, jobResultsStr def __updateJobResults(self): """" Check if this is the best model If so: 1) Write it's checkpoint 2) Record this model as the best 3) Delete the previous best's output cache Otherwise: 1) Delete our output cache """ isSaved = False while True: self._isBestModel, jobResults, jobResultsStr = \ self.__checkIfBestCompletedModel() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the current model is the best: # 1) Save the model's predictions # 2) Checkpoint the model state # 3) Update the results for the job if self._isBestModel: # Save the current model and its results if not isSaved: self.__flushPredictionCache() self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) self.__createModelCheckpoint() self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) isSaved = True # Now record the model as the best for the job prevBest = jobResults.get('bestModel', None) prevWasSaved = jobResults.get('saved', False) # If the current model is the best, it shouldn't already be checkpointed if prevBest == self._modelID: assert not prevWasSaved metrics = self._getMetrics() jobResults['bestModel'] = self._modelID jobResults['bestValue'] = metrics[self._optimizedMetricLabel] jobResults['metrics'] = metrics jobResults['saved'] = True isUpdated = self._jobsDAO.jobSetFieldIfEqual( self._jobID, fieldName='results', curValue=jobResultsStr, newValue=json.dumps(jobResults)) if isUpdated: if prevWasSaved: self.__deleteOutputCache(prevBest) self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) self.__deleteModelCheckpoint(prevBest) self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID)"Model %d chosen as best model", self._modelID) break # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # If the current model is not the best, delete its outputs else: # NOTE: we update model timestamp around these occasionally-lengthy # operations to help prevent the model from becoming orphaned self.__deleteOutputCache(self._modelID) self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) self.__deleteModelCheckpoint(self._modelID) self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateTimestamp(self._modelID) break def _writePrediction(self, result): """ Writes the results of one iteration of a model. The results are written to this ModelRunner's in-memory cache unless this model is the "best model" for the job. If this model is the "best model", the predictions are written out to a permanent store via a prediction output stream instance Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- result: A opf_utils.ModelResult object, which contains the input and output for this iteration """ self.__predictionCache.append(result) if self._isBestModel: self.__flushPredictionCache() def __writeRecordsCallback(self): """ This callback is called by self.__predictionLogger.writeRecords() between each batch of records it writes. It gives us a chance to say that the model is 'still alive' during long write operations. """ # This updates the engLastUpdateTime of the model record so that other # worker's don't think that this model is orphaned. self._jobsDAO.modelUpdateResults(self._modelID) def __flushPredictionCache(self): """ Writes the contents of this model's in-memory prediction cache to a permanent store via the prediction output stream instance """ if not self.__predictionCache: return # Create an output store, if one doesn't exist already if self._predictionLogger is None: self._createPredictionLogger() startTime = time.time() self._predictionLogger.writeRecords( self.__predictionCache, progressCB=self.__writeRecordsCallback) "Flushed prediction cache; numrows=%s; elapsed=%s sec.", len(self.__predictionCache), time.time() - startTime) self.__predictionCache.clear() def __deleteOutputCache(self, modelID): """ Delete's the output cache associated with the given modelID. This actually clears up the resources associated with the cache, rather than deleting al the records in the cache Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- modelID: The id of the model whose output cache is being deleted """ # If this is our output, we should close the connection if modelID == self._modelID and self._predictionLogger is not None: self._predictionLogger.close() del self.__predictionCache self._predictionLogger = None self.__predictionCache = None def _initPeriodicActivities(self): """ Creates and returns a PeriodicActivityMgr instance initialized with our periodic activities Parameters: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- retval: a PeriodicActivityMgr instance """ # Activity to update the metrics for this model # in the models table updateModelDBResults = PeriodicActivityRequest( repeating=True, period=100, cb=self._updateModelDBResults) updateJobResults = PeriodicActivityRequest( repeating=True, period=100, cb=self.__updateJobResultsPeriodic) checkCancelation = PeriodicActivityRequest(repeating=True, period=50, cb=self.__checkCancelation) checkMaturity = PeriodicActivityRequest(repeating=True, period=10, cb=self.__checkMaturity) # Do an initial update of the job record after 2 iterations to make # sure that it is populated with something without having to wait too long updateJobResultsFirst = PeriodicActivityRequest( repeating=False, period=2, cb=self.__updateJobResultsPeriodic) periodicActivities = [ updateModelDBResults, updateJobResultsFirst, updateJobResults, checkCancelation ] if self._isMaturityEnabled: periodicActivities.append(checkMaturity) return PeriodicActivityMgr(requestedActivities=periodicActivities) def __checkCancelation(self): """ Check if the cancelation flag has been set for this model in the Model DB""" # Update a hadoop job counter at least once every 600 seconds so it doesn't # think our map task is dead print("reporter:counter:HypersearchWorker,numRecords,50", file=sys.stderr) # See if the job got cancelled jobCancel = self._jobsDAO.jobGetFields(self._jobID, ['cancel'])[0] if jobCancel: self._cmpReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_KILLED self._isCanceled = True"Model %s canceled because Job %s was stopped.", self._modelID, self._jobID) else: stopReason = self._jobsDAO.modelsGetFields(self._modelID, ['engStop'])[0] if stopReason is None: pass elif stopReason == ClientJobsDAO.STOP_REASON_KILLED: self._cmpReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_KILLED self._isKilled = True "Model %s canceled because it was killed by hypersearch", self._modelID) elif stopReason == ClientJobsDAO.STOP_REASON_STOPPED: self._cmpReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_STOPPED self._isCanceled = True"Model %s stopped because hypersearch ended", self._modelID) else: raise RuntimeError("Unexpected stop reason encountered: %s" % (stopReason)) def __checkMaturity(self): """ Save the current metric value and see if the model's performance has 'leveled off.' We do this by looking at some number of previous number of recordings """ if self._currentRecordIndex + 1 < self._MIN_RECORDS_TO_BE_BEST: return # If we are already mature, don't need to check anything if self._isMature: return metric = self._getMetrics()[self._optimizedMetricLabel] self._metricRegression.addPoint(x=self._currentRecordIndex, y=metric) # Perform a linear regression to see if the error is leveled off #pctChange = self._metricRegression.getPctChange() #if pctChange is not None and abs(pctChange ) <= self._MATURITY_MAX_CHANGE: pctChange, absPctChange = self._metricRegression.getPctChanges() if pctChange is not None and absPctChange <= self._MATURITY_MAX_CHANGE: self._jobsDAO.modelSetFields(self._modelID, {'engMatured': True}) # TODO: Don't stop if we are currently the best model. Also, if we # are still running after maturity, we have to periodically check to # see if we are still the best model. As soon we lose to some other # model, then we should stop at that point. self._cmpReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_STOPPED self._isMature = True"Model %d has matured (pctChange=%s, n=%d). \n"\ "Scores = %s\n"\ "Stopping execution",self._modelID, pctChange, self._MATURITY_NUM_POINTS, self._metricRegression._window) def handleWarningSignal(self, signum, frame): """ Handles a "warning signal" from the scheduler. This is received when the scheduler is about to kill the the current process so that the worker can be allocated to another job. Right now, this function just sets the current model to the "Orphaned" state in the models table so that another worker can eventually re-run this model Parameters: ----------------------------------------------------------------------- """ self._isInterrupted.set() def __setAsOrphaned(self): """ Sets the current model as orphaned. This is called when the scheduler is about to kill the process to reallocate the worker to a different process. """ cmplReason = ClientJobsDAO.CMPL_REASON_ORPHAN cmplMessage = "Killed by Scheduler" self._jobsDAO.modelSetCompleted(self._modelID, cmplReason, cmplMessage)