    def get_radar_pointcloud(self, channel='RADAR_FRONT'):
        Extracting radar detection pointcloud with velocities for current timestep in current scene for specified radar channel.
        :param channel: Radar channel selection. Front radar as default
        :return (Point cloud [Position(x,y,z) X n_points], Point cloud [Velocity(x,y,z) X n_points])

        # Check for correct radar channel selection
        assert channel in self.radar_sensor_channels, " [!] Radar channel \"{}\" not found.".format(

        # Select sensor data record
        sample_data_token = self.sample['data'][channel]
        sd_record = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_data_token)
        lidar_token = self.sample['data']['LIDAR_TOP']

        # The point cloud is transformed to the lidar frame for visualization purposes.
        ref_chan = 'LIDAR_TOP'
        pc, times = RadarPointCloud.from_file_multisweep(self.nusc,

        # Transform radar velocities (x is front, y is left), as these are not transformed when loading the point
        # cloud.
        radar_cs_record = self.nusc.get('calibrated_sensor',
        lidar_sd_record = self.nusc.get('sample_data', lidar_token)
        lidar_cs_record = self.nusc.get(
            'calibrated_sensor', lidar_sd_record['calibrated_sensor_token'])
        velocities = pc.points[8:10, :]  # Compensated velocity
        velocities = np.vstack((velocities, np.zeros(pc.points.shape[1])))
        velocities = np.dot(
        velocities = np.dot(
        velocities[2, :] = np.zeros(pc.points.shape[1])

        # Show point cloud.
        points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.eye(4), normalize=False)
        points_vel = view_points(pc.points[:3, :] + velocities,

        print(" [*] Radar point cloud extracted from channel \"" + channel +
              "\". Shape: " + str(points.shape))
        return points, points_vel
    def render_cv2(self, im, view=np.eye(3), normalize=False,
                   colors=((0, 0, 255), (255, 0, 0), (155, 155, 155)), linewidth=2):
        Renders box using opencv2.
        :param im: <np.array: width, height, 3>. Image array. Channels are in BGR order.
        :param view: <np.array: 3, 3>. Define a projection in needed (e.g. for drawing projection in an image).
        :param normalize: <bool>. Whether to normalize the remaining coordinate.
        :param colors: ((R, G, B), (R, G, B), (R, G, B)). Colors for front, side & rear.
        :param linewidth: <float>. Linewidth for plot.

        corners = view_points(self.corners(), view, normalize=normalize)[:2, :]

        def draw_rect(selected_corners, color):
            prev = selected_corners[-1]
            for corner in selected_corners:
                cv2.line(im, (int(prev[0]), int(prev[1])), (int(corner[0]), int(corner[1])), color, linewidth)
                prev = corner

        # Draw the sides
        for i in range(4):
            cv2.line(im, (int(corners.T[i][0]), int(corners.T[i][1])),
                     (int(corners.T[i + 4][0]), int(corners.T[i + 4][1])), colors[2][::-1], linewidth)

        # Draw front (first 4 corners) and rear (last 4 corners) rectangles(3d)/lines(2d)
        draw_rect(corners.T[:4], colors[0][::-1])
        draw_rect(corners.T[4:], colors[1][::-1])

        # Draw line indicating the front
        center_bottom_forward = np.mean(corners.T[2:4], axis=0)
        center_bottom = np.mean(corners.T[[2, 3, 7, 6]], axis=0)
        cv2.line(im, (int(center_bottom[0]), int(center_bottom[1])),
                 (int(center_bottom_forward[0]), int(center_bottom_forward[1])), colors[0][::-1], linewidth)
    def render(self, axis, view=np.eye(3), normalize=False, colors=('b', 'r', 'k'), linewidth=2):
        Renders the box in the provided Matplotlib axis.
        :param axis: <matplotlib.pyplot.axis>. Axis onto which the box should be drawn.
        :param view: <np.array: 3, 3>. Define a projection in needed (e.g. for drawing projection in an image).
        :param normalize: <bool>. Whether to normalize the remaining coordinate.
        :param colors: (<Matplotlib.colors>: 3). Valid Matplotlib colors (<str> or normalized RGB tuple) for front,
            back and sides.
        :param linewidth: <float>. Width in pixel of the box sides.
        corners = view_points(self.corners(), view, normalize=normalize)[:2, :]

        def draw_rect(selected_corners, color):
            prev = selected_corners[-1]
            for corner in selected_corners:
                axis.plot([prev[0], corner[0]], [prev[1], corner[1]], color=color, linewidth=linewidth)
                prev = corner

        # Draw the sides
        for i in range(4):
            axis.plot([corners.T[i][0], corners.T[i + 4][0]], [corners.T[i][1], corners.T[i + 4][1]], color=colors[2],

        # Draw front (first 4 corners) and rear (last 4 corners) rectangles(3d)/lines(2d)
        draw_rect(corners.T[:4], colors[0])
        draw_rect(corners.T[4:], colors[1])

        # Draw line indicating the front
        center_bottom_forward = np.mean(corners.T[2:4], axis=0)
        center_bottom = np.mean(corners.T[[2, 3, 7, 6]], axis=0)
        axis.plot([center_bottom[0], center_bottom_forward[0]],
                  [center_bottom[1], center_bottom_forward[1]],
                  color=colors[0], linewidth=linewidth)
    def map_pointcloud_to_image(self, lidar_token: str, camera_token: str):
        Given a lidar and camera sample_data token, load point-cloud and map it to the image plane.
        :param lidar_token: Lidar sample data token.
        :param camera_token: Camera sample data token.
        :return (pointcloud <np.float: 2, n)>, coloring <np.float: n>, image <Image>).

        cam = self.nusc.get('sample_data', camera_token)
        top_lidar = self.nusc.get('sample_data', lidar_token)

        pc = PointCloud.from_file(osp.join(self.nusc.dataroot, top_lidar['filename']))
        im = Image.open(osp.join(self.nusc.dataroot, cam['filename']))

        # LIDAR points live in the lidar frame. So they need to be transformed via global to the image plane.

        # First step: transform the point cloud to ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the LIDAR sweep.
        cs_record = self.nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', top_lidar['calibrated_sensor_token'])

        # Second step: transform to the global frame.
        poserecord = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', top_lidar['ego_pose_token'])

        # Third step: transform into the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the image.
        poserecord = self.nusc.get('ego_pose', cam['ego_pose_token'])

        # Fourth step: transform into the camera.
        cs_record = self.nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', cam['calibrated_sensor_token'])

        # Fifth step: actually take a "picture" of the point cloud.

        # Grab the depths (camera frame z axis points away from the camera).
        depths = pc.points[2, :]

        # Set the height to be the coloring.
        coloring = pc.points[2, :]

        # Take the actual picture (matrix multiplication with camera-matrix + renormalization).
        points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.array(cs_record['camera_intrinsic']), normalize=True)

        # Remove points that are either outside or behind the camera. Leave a margin of 1 pixel for aesthetic reasons.
        mask = np.ones(depths.shape[0], dtype=bool)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, depths > 0)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] > 1)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] < im.size[0] - 1)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] > 1)
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] < im.size[1] - 1)
        points = points[:, mask]
        coloring = coloring[mask]

        return points, coloring, im
    def render_sample_data(self,
                           sample_data_token: str,
                           with_anns: bool = True,
                           box_vis_level: BoxVisibility = 3,
                           axes_limit: float = 40,
                           ax: Axes = None) -> None:
        Render sample data onto axis.
        :param sample_data_token: Sample_data token.
        :param with_anns: Whether to draw annotations.
        :param box_vis_level: If sample_data is an image, this sets required visibility for boxes.
        :param axes_limit: Axes limit for lidar data (measured in meters).
        :param ax: Axes onto which to render.

        sd_record = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_data_token)
        sensor_modality = sd_record['sensor_modality']

        data_path, boxes, camera_intrinsic = self.nusc.get_sample_data(
            sample_data_token, box_vis_level=box_vis_level)

        if sensor_modality == 'lidar':
            data = PointCloud.from_file(data_path)
            if ax is None:
                _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 9))
            points = view_points(data.points[:3, :],
            ax.scatter(points[0, :], points[1, :], c=points[2, :], s=1)
            if with_anns:
                for box in boxes:
                    c = np.array(self.get_color(box.name)) / 255.0
                    box.render(ax, view=np.eye(4), colors=[c, c, c])
            ax.set_xlim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)
            ax.set_ylim(-axes_limit, axes_limit)

        elif sensor_modality == 'camera':
            data = Image.open(data_path)
            if ax is None:
                _, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(9, 16))
            if with_anns:
                for box in boxes:
                    c = np.array(self.get_color(box.name)) / 255.0
                               colors=[c, c, c])
            ax.set_xlim(0, data.size[0])
            ax.set_ylim(data.size[1], 0)

            raise ValueError("RADAR rendering not implemented yet.")

    def render_annotation(self, anntoken: str, margin: float=10, view: np.ndarray=np.eye(4),
                          box_vis_level: BoxVisibility=3) -> None:
        Render selected annotation.
        :param anntoken: Sample_annotation token.
        :param margin: How many meters in each direction to include in LIDAR view.
        :param view: LIDAR view point.
        :param box_vis_level: If sample_data is an image, this sets required visibility for boxes.

        ann_record = self.nusc.get('sample_annotation', anntoken)
        sample_record = self.nusc.get('sample', ann_record['sample_token'])

        assert 'LIDAR_TOP' in sample_record['data'].keys(), 'No LIDAR_TOP in data, cant render'

        fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize=(18, 9))

        # Figure out which camera the object is fully visible in (this may return nothing)
        boxes, cam = [], []
        cams = [key for key in sample_record['data'].keys() if 'CAM' in key]
        for cam in cams:
            _, boxes, _ = self.nusc.get_sample_data(sample_record['data'][cam], box_vis_level=box_vis_level,
            if len(boxes) > 0:
                break  # We found an image that matches. Let's abort.
        assert len(boxes) > 0, "Could not find image where annotation if visible. Try using e.g. BoxVisibility.ANY."
        assert len(boxes) < 2, "Found multiple annotations. Something is wrong!"

        cam = sample_record['data'][cam]

        # Plot LIDAR view
        lidar = sample_record['data']['LIDAR_TOP']
        data_path, boxes, camera_intrinsic = self.nusc.get_sample_data(lidar, selected_anntokens=[anntoken])

        PointCloud.from_file(data_path).render_height(axes[0], view=view)
        for box in boxes:
            c = np.array(self.get_color(box.name)) / 255.0
            box.render(axes[0], view=view, colors=[c, c, c])
            corners = view_points(boxes[0].corners(), view, False)[:2, :]
            axes[0].set_xlim([np.min(corners[0, :]) - margin, np.max(corners[0, :]) + margin])
            axes[0].set_ylim([np.min(corners[1, :]) - margin, np.max(corners[1, :]) + margin])

        # Plot CAMERA view
        data_path, boxes, camera_intrinsic = self.nusc.get_sample_data(cam, selected_anntokens=[anntoken])
        im = Image.open(data_path)
        axes[1].set_title(self.nusc.get('sample_data', cam)['channel'])
        for box in boxes:
            c = np.array(self.get_color(box.name)) / 255.0
            box.render(axes[1], view=camera_intrinsic, normalize=True, colors=[c, c, c])
def box_3d_to_2d(boxes, intrinsic):
    Get x and y of the 8 corners of a 3D box after mapping it to the image

    corners_list = []
    for box in boxes:
        corners_3d = box.corners()
        corners_img = view_points(corners_3d, intrinsic, normalize=True)[:2, :]

    return corners_list
 def _render_helper(self, color_channel, ax, view, x_lim, y_lim, marker_size):
     Helper function for rendering.
     :param color_channel: <int>.
     :param ax: <matplotlib.axes.Axes>. Axes on which to render the points.
     :param view: <np.float: n, n>. Defines an arbitrary projection (n <= 4).
     :param x_lim: (min <float>, max <float>).
     :param y_lim: (min <float>, max <float>).
     :param marker_size: <float>. Marker size.
     :return: <None>.
     points = view_points(self.points[:3, :], view, normalize=False)
     ax.scatter(points[0, :], points[1, :], c=self.points[color_channel, :], s=marker_size)
 def _render_helper(self, color_channel: int, ax: Axes, view: np.ndarray,
                    x_lim: Tuple, y_lim: Tuple, marker_size: float) -> None:
     Helper function for rendering.
     :param color_channel: Point channel to use as color.
     :param ax: Axes on which to render the points.
     :param view: <np.float: n, n>. Defines an arbitrary projection (n <= 4).
     :param x_lim: (min <float>, max <float>).
     :param y_lim: (min <float>, max <float>).
     :param marker_size: Marker size.
     points = view_points(self.points[:3, :], view, normalize=False)
     ax.scatter(points[0, :],
                points[1, :],
                c=self.points[color_channel, :],
     ax.set_xlim(x_lim[0], x_lim[1])
     ax.set_ylim(y_lim[0], y_lim[1])
    def get_lidar_pointcloud(self):
        Extracting lidar pointcloud for current timestep in current scene
        :return Point cloud [Position(x,y,z) X n_points] 

        # Select sensor data record
        channel = 'LIDAR_TOP'
        sample_data_token = self.sample['data'][channel]
        sd_record = self.nusc.get('sample_data', sample_data_token)

        # Get aggregated point cloud in lidar frame.
        chan = sd_record['channel']
        pc, times = LidarPointCloud.from_file_multisweep(self.nusc,

        # Show point cloud.
        points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.eye(4), normalize=False)

        print(" [*] Lidar point cloud extracted. " + str(points.shape))
        return points
    def to_coco_bbox(self, view, imsize, wlh_factor: float = 1.0):
        Convert the 3d box to the 2D bounding box in COCO format (x,y,h,w)

        :param view
        :param imsize: Image size in pixels
        :param wlh_factor: <float>. Multiply w, l, h by a factor to inflate or deflate the box.
        :return: <np.float: 2, 4>. Corners of the 2D box

        neighbor_map = {
            0: [1, 3, 4],
            1: [0, 2, 5],
            2: [1, 3, 6],
            3: [0, 2, 7],
            4: [0, 5, 7],
            5: [1, 4, 6],
            6: [2, 5, 7],
            7: [3, 4, 6]
        border_lines = [[(0, imsize[1]), (0, 0)],
                        [(imsize[0], 0), (imsize[0], imsize[1])],
                        [(imsize[0], imsize[1]), (0, imsize[1])],
                        [(0, 0), (imsize[0], 0)]]

        # Map corners to the 2D plane of the camera perspective
        corners_3d = self.corners(
            wlh_factor=wlh_factor)  # x:forward, y:left, z:up
        corners_2d = view_points(corners_3d, view, normalize=True)[:2, :]

        # Find corners that are outside image boundaries
        invisible = np.logical_or(corners_2d[0, :] < 0,
                                  corners_2d[0, :] > imsize[0])
        invisible = np.logical_or(invisible, corners_2d[1, :] > imsize[1])
        invisible = np.logical_or(invisible, corners_2d[1, :] < 0)
        ind_invisible = [i for i, x in enumerate(invisible) if x]
        corners_2d_visible = np.delete(corners_2d, ind_invisible, 1)

        # Find intersections with boundary lines
        for ind in ind_invisible:
            # intersections = []
            invis_point = (corners_2d[0, ind], corners_2d[1, ind])
            for i in neighbor_map[ind]:
                if i in ind_invisible:
                    # Both corners outside image boundaries, ignore them

                nbr_point = (corners_2d[0, i], corners_2d[1, i])
                line = LineString([invis_point, nbr_point])
                for borderline in border_lines:
                    intsc = line.intersection(LineString(borderline))
                    if not intsc.is_empty:
                        corners_2d_visible = np.append(
                            np.asarray([[intsc.x], [intsc.y]]), 1)

        # Construct a 2D box covering the whole object
        x_min, y_min = np.amin(corners_2d_visible, 1)
        x_max, y_max = np.amax(corners_2d_visible, 1)

        # Get the box corners
        corners_2d = np.array([[x_max, x_max, x_min, x_min],
                               [y_max, y_min, y_min, y_max]])

        # Convert to the MS COCO bbox format
        # bbox = [corners_2d[0,3], corners_2d[1,3],
        #         corners_2d[0,0]-corners_2d[0,3],corners_2d[1,1]-corners_2d[1,0]]
        bbox = [x_min, y_min, abs(x_max - x_min), abs(y_max - y_min)]

        return bbox
def pointcloud_color_from_image(nusc, pointsensor_token: str, camera_token: str) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array]:
    Given a point sensor (lidar/radar) token and camera sample_data token, load point-cloud and map it to the image
    plane, then retrieve the colors of the closest image pixels.
    :param pointsensor_token: Lidar/radar sample_data token.
    :param camera_token: Camera sample data token.
    :return (coloring <np.float: 3, n>, mask <np.bool: m>). Returns the colors for n points that reproject into the
        image out of m total points. The mask indicates which points are selected.

    cam = nusc.get('sample_data', camera_token)
    pointsensor = nusc.get('sample_data', pointsensor_token)
    pc = PointCloud.from_file(osp.join(nusc.dataroot, pointsensor['filename']))
    im = Image.open(osp.join(nusc.dataroot, cam['filename']))

    # Points live in the point sensor frame. So they need to be transformed via global to the image plane.
    # First step: transform the point-cloud to the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the sweep.
    cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', pointsensor['calibrated_sensor_token'])

    # Second step: transform to the global frame.
    poserecord = nusc.get('ego_pose', pointsensor['ego_pose_token'])

    # Third step: transform into the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the image.
    poserecord = nusc.get('ego_pose', cam['ego_pose_token'])

    # Fourth step: transform into the camera.
    cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', cam['calibrated_sensor_token'])

    # Fifth step: actually take a "picture" of the point cloud.
    # Grab the depths (camera frame z axis points away from the camera).
    depths = pc.points[2, :]

    # Take the actual picture (matrix multiplication with camera-matrix + renormalization).
    points = view_points(pc.points[:3, :], np.array(cs_record['camera_intrinsic']), normalize=True)

    # Remove points that are either outside or behind the camera. Leave a margin of 1 pixel for aesthetic reasons.
    mask = np.ones(depths.shape[0], dtype=bool)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, depths > 0)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] > 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] < im.size[0] - 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] > 1)
    mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] < im.size[1] - 1)
    points = points[:, mask]

    # Pick the colors of the points
    im_data = np.array(im)
    coloring = np.zeros(points.shape)
    for i, p in enumerate(points.transpose()):
        point = p[:2].round().astype(np.int32)
        coloring[:, i] = im_data[point[1], point[0], :]

    return coloring, mask
point_cloud = PointCloud.from_file(os.path.join(nusc.dataroot, pointsensor['filename']))
# First step: transform the point-cloud to the ego vehicle frame for the timestamp of the sweep.
cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', pointsensor['calibrated_sensor_token'])
# Forth step: transform the point-cloud to camera frame
cs_record = nusc.get('calibrated_sensor', cam['calibrated_sensor_token'])
depths = point_cloud.points[2, :]
distances = []
for i in range(len(point_cloud.points[0, :])):
    point = point_cloud.points[:, i]
    distance = sqrt((point[0] ** 2) + (point[1] ** 2) + (point[2] ** 2))
points = view_points(point_cloud.points[:3, :], np.array(cs_record['camera_intrinsic']), normalize=True)
mask = np.ones(depths.shape[0], dtype=bool)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, depths > 0)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] > 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[0, :] < 1600 - 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] > 1)
mask = np.logical_and(mask, points[1, :] < 900 - 1)
points = points[:, mask]
distances_numpy = np.asarray(distances)
distances_numpy = distances_numpy[mask]
max_distance = max(distances_numpy)
norm = mpl.colors.Normalize(vmin=0, vmax=320)
cmap = cm.jet
m = cm.ScalarMappable(norm=norm, cmap=cmap)
for i in range(len(points[0, :])):
    posX = int(points[0, i])