def convert_vmd_to_txt(input_filename: str, moreinfo=True): """ Read a VMD motion file from disk, convert it, and write to disk as a text file. The output will have the same path and basename, but the opposite file extension. See 'README.txt' for more details about VMD-as-text output format. :param input_filename: filepath to input vmd, absolute or relative to CWD :param moreinfo: default false. if true, get extra printouts with more info about stuff. """ # read the entire VMD, all in this one function # also create the bonedict & morphdict vmd_nicelist = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # identify an unused filename for writing the output dumpname = core.get_unused_file_name(input_filename[0:-4] + filestr_txt) # write the output VMD-as-text file write_vmdtext(dumpname, vmd_nicelist) # ##################################### # # summary file: # # # if there are no bones and no morphs, there is no need for a summary file... just return early # if len(bonedict) == 0 and len(morphdict) == 0: # return None # # if the user doesn't want a summary, dont bother # elif not PRINT_BONE_MORPH_SUMMARY_FILE: # return None # else: # # identify an unused filename for writing the output # summname = core.get_unused_file_name(core.get_clean_basename(dumpname) + "_summary" + filestr_txt) # write_summary_dicts(bonedict, morphdict, summname) # done! return
def convert_vmd_to_vpd(vmd_path: str, moreinfo=True): """ Read a VMD motion file from disk, convert it, and write to disk as a VPD pose file. All frames of the VMD are ignored except for frames at time=0. The output will have the same path and basename, but the opposite file extension. :param vmd_path: filepath to input vmd, absolute or relative to CWD :param moreinfo: default false. if true, get extra printouts with more info about stuff. """ # read the entire VMD, all in this one function vmd = vmdlib.read_vmd(vmd_path, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # identify an unused filename for writing the output vpd_outpath = core.get_unused_file_name(vmd_path[0:-4] + ".vpd") # write the output VPD file vpdlib.write_vpd(vpd_outpath, vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo) # done! return
def main(moreinfo=True): # prompt PMX name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of PMX input file:") input_filename_pmx = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".pmx") pmx = pmxlib.read_pmx(input_filename_pmx, moreinfo=moreinfo) # prompt VMD file name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Please enter name of VMD motion or VPD pose file to check compatability with:" ) input_filename = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd .vpd") if not input_filename.lower().endswith(".vpd"): # the actual VMD part isn't even used, only bonedict and morphdict vmd = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename, moreinfo=moreinfo) else: vmd = vpdlib.read_vpd(input_filename, moreinfo=moreinfo) bonedict = vmdlib.parse_vmd_used_dict(vmd.boneframes, frametype="bone", moreinfo=moreinfo) morphdict = vmdlib.parse_vmd_used_dict(vmd.morphframes, frametype="morph", moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # must use same encoding as I used when the VMD was unpacked, since the hex bytes only have meaning in that encoding core.set_encoding("shift_jis") ############################################## # check morph compatability # build list of morphs used in the dance VMD morphs_in_vmd = list(morphdict.keys()) # build list of ALL morphs in the PMX morphs_in_model = [pmxmorph.name_jp for pmxmorph in pmx.morphs] # ensure that the VMD contains at least some morphs, to prevent zero-divide error if len(morphs_in_vmd) == 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "MORPH SKIP: VMD '%s' does not contain any morphs that are used in a meaningful way." % core.get_clean_basename(input_filename)) elif len(morphs_in_model) == 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "MORPH SKIP: PMX '%s' does not contain any morphs." % core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx)) else: # convert pmx-morph names to bytes # these can plausibly fail shift_jis encoding because they came from the UTF-8 pmx file morphs_in_model_b = [] for a in morphs_in_model: try: b = core.encode_string_with_escape(a) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: newerrstr = "%s: '%s' codec cannot encode char '%s' within string '%s'" % ( e.__class__.__name__, e.encoding, e.reason[e.start:e.end], e.reason) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(newerrstr) b = bytearray() morphs_in_model_b.append(b) # convert vmd-morph names to bytes # these might be truncated but cannot fail because they were already decoded from the shift_jis vmd file morphs_in_vmd_b = [ core.encode_string_with_escape(a) for a in morphs_in_vmd ] matching_morphs = {} missing_morphs = {} # iterate over list of morphs for vmdmorph, vmdmorph_b in zip(morphs_in_vmd, morphs_in_vmd_b): # question: does "vmdmorph" match something in "morphs_in_model"? # BUT, doing comparison in bytes-space to handle escape characters: vmdmorph_b vs morphs_in_model_b # NOTE: MMD does not try to use "begins-with" matching like I had hoped/assumed, it only looks for exact matches # return list of ALL matches, this way i can raise an error if there are multiple matches # exact match modelmorphmatch_b = [ a for a in morphs_in_model_b if a == vmdmorph_b ] # copy the key,val in one of the dicts depending on results of matching attempt if len(modelmorphmatch_b) == 0: # MISS! key is the VMD morph name since that's the best clue Ive got missing_morphs[vmdmorph] = morphdict[vmdmorph] elif len(modelmorphmatch_b) == 1: # MATCH! key is the PMX morph name it matched against, since it might be a longer version wtihout escape char matching_morphs[core.decode_bytes_with_escape( modelmorphmatch_b[0])] = morphdict[vmdmorph] else: # more than 1 morph was a match!? core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: VMDmorph '%s' matched multiple PMXmorphs, its behavior is uncertain." % vmdmorph) modelmorphmatch = [ core.decode_bytes_with_escape(a) for a in modelmorphmatch_b ] # core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(modelmorphmatch) matching_morphs[modelmorphmatch[0]] = morphdict[vmdmorph] # display results! r = "PASS" if len(matching_morphs) == len(morphs_in_vmd) else "FAIL" core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "MORPH {}: {} / {} = {:.1%} of the morphs are supported".format( r, len(matching_morphs), len(morphs_in_vmd), len(matching_morphs) / len(morphs_in_vmd))) # if there are no missing morphs (all match), don't print anything at all if missing_morphs: if not moreinfo: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "For detailed list, please re-run with 'more info' enabled" ) else: # convert the dicts to lists and sort for printing # sort in-place descending by 2nd element as primary missing_morphs_list = sorted(list(missing_morphs.items()), key=core.get2nd, reverse=True) # justify the names! missing_just = core.MY_JUSTIFY_STRINGLIST( ["'" + m[0] + "'" for m in missing_morphs_list]) # re-attach the justified names to the usage numbers missing_morphs_list = list( zip(missing_just, [m[1] for m in missing_morphs_list])) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Unsupported morphs: name + times used") for m, num in missing_morphs_list: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(" %s || %d" % (m, int(num))) # only print the matching morphs if there are some, and if enabled by options if matching_morphs and PRINT_MATCHING_ITEMS: matching_morphs_list = list(matching_morphs.items()) matching_morphs_list.sort( key=core.get2nd, reverse=True ) # sort in-place descending by 2nd element as primary matching_just = core.MY_JUSTIFY_STRINGLIST( ["'" + m[0] + "'" for m in matching_morphs_list]) matching_morphs_list = list( zip(matching_just, [m[1] for m in matching_morphs_list])) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Supported morphs: name + times used") for m, num in matching_morphs_list: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(" %s || %d" % (m, int(num))) ############################################## # check bone compatability core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # build list of bones used in the dance VMD bones_in_vmd = list(bonedict.keys()) # build list of ALL bones in the PMX # first item of pmxbone is the jp name bones_in_model = [pmxbone.name_jp for pmxbone in pmx.bones] # ensure that the VMD contains at least some bones, to prevent zero-divide error if len(bones_in_vmd) == 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "BONE SKIP: VMD '%s' does not contain any bones that are used in a meaningful way." % core.get_clean_basename(input_filename)) elif len(bones_in_model) == 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("BONE SKIP: PMX '%s' does not contain any bones." % core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx)) else: # convert pmx-bone names to bytes # these can plausibly fail shift_jis encoding because they came from the UTF-8 pmx file bones_in_model_b = [] for a in bones_in_model: try: b = core.encode_string_with_escape(a) except UnicodeEncodeError as e: newerrstr = "%s: '%s' codec cannot encode char '%s' within string '%s'" % ( e.__class__.__name__, e.encoding, e.reason[e.start:e.end], e.reason) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(newerrstr) b = bytearray() bones_in_model_b.append(b) # convert vmd-bone names to bytes # these might be truncated but cannot fail because they were already decoded from the shift_jis vmd file bones_in_vmd_b = [ core.encode_string_with_escape(a) for a in bones_in_vmd ] matching_bones = {} missing_bones = {} # iterate over list of bones that pass the size check for vmdbone, vmdbone_b in zip(bones_in_vmd, bones_in_vmd_b): # question: does "vmdbone" match something in "bones_in_model"? # BUT, doing comparison in bytes-space to handle escape characters: vmdbone_b vs bones_in_model_b # NOTE: MMD does not try to use "begins-with" matching like I had hoped/assumed, it only looks for exact matches # return list of ALL matches, this way i can raise an error if there are multiple matches # exact match modelbonematch_b = [a for a in bones_in_model_b if a == vmdbone_b] # copy the key,val in one of the dicts depending on results of matching attempt if len(modelbonematch_b) == 0: # MISS! key is the VMD bone name since that's the best clue Ive got missing_bones[vmdbone] = bonedict[vmdbone] elif len(modelbonematch_b) == 1: # MATCH! key is the PMX bone name it matched against, since it might be a longer version wtihout escape char matching_bones[core.decode_bytes_with_escape( modelbonematch_b[0])] = bonedict[vmdbone] else: # more than 1 bone was a match!? core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: VMDbone '%s' matched multiple PMXbones, its behavior is uncertain." % vmdbone) modelbonematch = [ core.decode_bytes_with_escape(a) for a in modelbonematch_b ] # core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(modelbonematch) matching_bones[modelbonematch[0]] = bonedict[vmdbone] # display results! r = "PASS" if len(matching_bones) == len(bones_in_vmd) else "FAIL" core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "BONE {}: {} / {} = {:.1%} of the bones are supported".format( r, len(matching_bones), len(bones_in_vmd), len(matching_bones) / len(bones_in_vmd))) # if there are no missing bones (all match), don't print anything at all if missing_bones: if not moreinfo: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "For detailed list, please re-run with 'more info' enabled" ) else: # convert the dicts to lists and sort for printing # sort in-place descending by 2nd element as primary missing_bones_list = sorted(list(missing_bones.items()), key=core.get2nd, reverse=True) # justify the names! missing_just = core.MY_JUSTIFY_STRINGLIST( ["'" + m[0] + "'" for m in missing_bones_list]) # re-attach the justified names to the usage numbers missing_bones_list = list( zip(missing_just, [m[1] for m in missing_bones_list])) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Unsupported bones: name + times used") for m, num in missing_bones_list: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(" %s || %d" % (m, int(num))) # only print the matching bones if there are some, and if enabled by options if matching_bones and PRINT_MATCHING_ITEMS: matching_bones_list = list(matching_bones.items()) matching_bones_list.sort( key=core.get2nd, reverse=True ) # sort in-place descending by 2nd element as primary matching_just = core.MY_JUSTIFY_STRINGLIST( ["'" + m[0] + "'" for m in matching_bones_list]) matching_bones_list = list( zip(matching_just, [m[1] for m in matching_bones_list])) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Supported bones: name + times used") for m, num in matching_bones_list: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(" %s || %d" % (m, int(num))) # NEW: among matching bones, check whether any bones have unsupported translation/rotation for bonestr in sorted(list(matching_bones.keys())): # get the bone to get whether rot/trans enabled bone = core.my_list_search(pmx.bones, lambda x: x.name_jp == bonestr, getitem=True) # get all the frames from the VMD that are relevant to this bone thisboneframes = [f for f in vmd.boneframes if == bonestr] # does the VMD use rotation? probably, check anyway vmd_use_rot = any(f.rot != [0, 0, 0] for f in thisboneframes) if vmd_use_rot and not (bone.has_rotate and bone.has_enabled): # raise some sort of warning w = "Warning: supported bone '%s' uses rotation in VMD, but rotation not allowed by PMX" % bonestr core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(w) # does the VMD use translation? vmd_use_trans = any(f.pos != [0, 0, 0] for f in thisboneframes) if vmd_use_trans and not (bone.has_translate and bone.has_enabled): # raise some sort of warning w = "Warning: supported bone '%s' uses move/shift in VMD, but move/shift not allowed by PMX" % bonestr core.MY_PRINT_FUNC(w) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done!") return None
def main(moreinfo=True): # the goal: extract rotation around the "arm" bone local X? axis and transfer it to rotation around the "armtwist" bone local axis # prompt PMX name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of PMX input file:") input_filename_pmx = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".pmx") pmx = pmxlib.read_pmx(input_filename_pmx, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # get bones realbones = pmx.bones twistbone_axes = [] # then, grab the "twist" bones & save their fixed-rotate axes, if they have them # fallback plan: find the arm-to-elbow and elbow-to-wrist unit vectors and use those for i in range(len(jp_twistbones)): r = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_twistbones[i], getitem=True) if r is None: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR1: twist bone '{}'({}) cannot be found model, unable to continue. Ensure they use the correct semistandard names, or edit the script to change the JP names it is looking for.".format(jp_twistbones[i], eng_twistbones[i])) raise RuntimeError() if r.has_fixedaxis: # this bone DOES have fixed-axis enabled! use the unit vector in r[18] twistbone_axes.append(r.fixedaxis) else: # i can infer local axis by angle from arm-to-elbow or elbow-to-wrist start = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_sourcebones[i], getitem=True) if start is None: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR2: semistandard bone '%s' is missing from the model, unable to infer axis of rotation" % jp_sourcebones[i]) raise RuntimeError() end = core.my_list_search(realbones, lambda x: x.name_jp == jp_pointat_bones[i], getitem=True) if end is None: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("ERROR3: semistandard bone '%s' is missing from the model, unable to infer axis of rotation" % jp_pointat_bones[i]) raise RuntimeError() start_pos = start.pos end_pos = end.pos # now have both startpoint and endpoint! find the delta! delta = [b - a for a,b in zip(start_pos, end_pos)] # normalize to length of 1 length = core.my_euclidian_distance(delta) unit = [t / length for t in delta] twistbone_axes.append(unit) # done extracting axes limits from bone CSV, in list "twistbone_axes" core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...done extracting axis limits from PMX...") ################################################################################### # prompt VMD file name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of VMD dance input file:") input_filename_vmd = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd") # next, read/use/prune the dance vmd nicelist_in = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename_vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo) # sort boneframes into individual lists: one for each [Larm + Lelbow + Rarm + Relbow] and remove them from the master boneframelist # frames for all other bones stay in the master boneframelist all_sourcebone_frames = [] for sourcebone in jp_sourcebones: # partition & writeback temp, nicelist_in.boneframes = core.my_list_partition(nicelist_in.boneframes, lambda x: == sourcebone) # all frames for "sourcebone" get their own sublist here all_sourcebone_frames.append(temp) # verify that there is actually arm/elbow frames to process sourcenumframes = sum([len(x) for x in all_sourcebone_frames]) if sourcenumframes == 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("No arm/elbow bone frames are found in the VMD, nothing for me to do!") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Aborting: no files were changed") return None else: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...source contains " + str(sourcenumframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames to decompose...") if USE_OVERKEY_BANDAID: # to fix the path that the arms take during interpolation we need to overkey the frames # i.e. create intermediate frames that they should have been passing through already, to FORCE it to take the right path # i'm replacing the interpolation curves with actual frames for sublist in all_sourcebone_frames: newframelist = [] sublist.sort(key=lambda x: x.f) # ensure they are sorted by frame number # for each frame for i in range(1, len(sublist)): this = sublist[i] prev = sublist[i-1] # use interpolation curve i to interpolate from i-1 to i # first: do i need to do anything or are they already close on the timeline? thisframenum = this.f prevframenum = prev.f if (thisframenum - prevframenum) <= OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING: continue # if they are far enough apart that i need to do something, thisframequat = core.euler_to_quaternion(this.rot) prevframequat = core.euler_to_quaternion(prev.rot) # 3, 7, 11, 15 = r_ax, r_ay, r_bx, r_by bez = core.MyBezier((this.interp[3], this.interp[7]), (this.interp[11], this.interp[15]), resolution=50) # create new frames at these frame numbers, spacing is OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING for interp_framenum in range(prevframenum + OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING, thisframenum, OVERKEY_FRAME_SPACING): # calculate the x time percentage from prev frame to this frame x = (interp_framenum - prevframenum) / (thisframenum - prevframenum) # apply the interpolation curve to translate X to Y y = bez.approximate(x) # interpolate from prev to this by amount Y interp_quat = core.my_slerp(prevframequat, thisframequat, y) # begin building the new frame newframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(, # same name f=interp_framenum, # overwrite frame num pos=list(this.pos), # same pos (but make a copy) rot=list(core.quaternion_to_euler(interp_quat)), # overwrite euler angles phys_off=this.phys_off, # same phys_off interp=list(core.bone_interpolation_default_linear) # overwrite interpolation ) newframelist.append(newframe) # overwrite thisframe interp curve with default too this.interp = list(core.bone_interpolation_default_linear) # overwrite custom interpolation # concat the new frames onto the existing frames for this sublist sublist += newframelist # re-count the number of frames for printing purposes totalnumframes = sum([len(x) for x in all_sourcebone_frames]) overkeyframes = totalnumframes - sourcenumframes if overkeyframes != 0: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...overkeying added " + str(overkeyframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames...") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...beginning decomposition of " + str(totalnumframes) + " arm/elbow bone frames...") # now i am completely done reading the VMD file and parsing its data! everything has been distilled down to: # all_sourcebone_frames = [Larm, Lelbow, Rarm, Relbow] plus nicelist_in[1] ################################################################################### # begin the actual calculations # output array new_twistbone_frames = [] # progress tracker curr_progress = 0 # for each sourcebone & corresponding twistbone, for (twistbone, axis_orig, sourcebone_frames) in zip(jp_twistbones, twistbone_axes, all_sourcebone_frames): # for each frame of the sourcebone, for frame in sourcebone_frames: # XYZrot = 567 euler quat_in = core.euler_to_quaternion(frame.rot) axis = list(axis_orig) # make a copy to be safe # "swing twist decomposition" # swing = "local" x rotation and nothing else # swing = sourcebone, twist = twistbone (swing, twist) = swing_twist_decompose(quat_in, axis) # modify "frame" in-place # only modify the XYZrot to use new values new_sourcebone_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(swing) frame.rot = list(new_sourcebone_euler) # create & store new twistbone frame # name=twistbone, framenum=copy, XYZpos=copy, XYZrot=new, phys=copy, interp16=copy new_twistbone_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(twist) newframe = vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame( name=twistbone, f=frame.f, pos=list(frame.pos), rot=list(new_twistbone_euler), phys_off=frame.phys_off, interp=list(frame.interp) ) new_twistbone_frames.append(newframe) # print progress updates curr_progress += 1 core.print_progress_oneline(curr_progress / totalnumframes) ###################################################################### # done with calculations! core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...done with decomposition, now reassembling output...") # attach the list of newly created boneframes, modify the original input for sublist in all_sourcebone_frames: nicelist_in.boneframes += sublist nicelist_in.boneframes += new_twistbone_frames core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # write out the VMD output_filename_vmd = "%s_twistbones_for_%s.vmd" % \ (input_filename_vmd[0:-4], core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx)) output_filename_vmd = core.get_unused_file_name(output_filename_vmd) vmdlib.write_vmd(output_filename_vmd, nicelist_in, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done!") return None
def main(moreinfo=True): # TODO: actually load it in MMD and verify that the curves look how they should # not 100% certain that the order of interpolation values is correct for bone/cam frames # TODO: some sort of additional stats somehow? # TODO: progress % trackers? # prompt VMD file name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of VMD motion input file:") input_filename_vmd = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd") # next, read/use/prune the dance vmd vmd = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename_vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # dictify the boneframes so i can deal with one bone at a time boneframe_dict = dictify_framelist(vmd.boneframes) # add the camframes to the dict so I can process them at the same time # this makes the typechecker angry if len(vmd.camframes) != 0: boneframe_dict[NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES] = vmd.camframes # >>>>>> part 0: verify that there are no "multiple frames on the same timestep" situations # the MMD GUI shouldn't let this happen, but apparently it has happened... how??? # the only explanation I can think of is that it's due to physics bones with names that are too long and # get truncated, and the uniquifying numbers are in the part that got lost. they originally had one frame # per bone but because the names were truncated they look like they're all the same name so it looks like # there are many frames for that non-real bone at the same timestep. for bonename, boneframe_list in boneframe_dict.items(): # if a bone has only 1 (or 0?) frames associated with it then there's definitely no overlap probelm if len(boneframe_list) < 2: continue i = 0 while i < len(boneframe_list) - 1: # look at all pairs of adjacent frames along a bone A = boneframe_list[i] B = boneframe_list[i + 1] # are they on the same timestep? if so, problem! if A.f == B.f: # are they setting the same pose? if A == B: # if they are setting the same values at the same frame, just fix the problem silently pass else: # if they are trying to set different values at the same frame, this is a problem! # gotta fix it to continue, but also gotta print some kind of warning if bonename == NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "WARNING: at timestep t=%d, there are multiple cam frames trying to set different poses. How does this even happen???" % A.f) else: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "WARNING: at timestep t=%d, there are multiple frames trying to set bone '%s' to different poses. How does this even happen???" % (A.f, bonename)) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "I will delete one of them and continue.") # remove the 2nd one so that there is only one frame at each timestep boneframe_list.pop(i + 1) continue # otherwise, no problem at all i += 1 # >>>>>> part 1: identify the desired slope for each metric of each frame core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Finding smooth approach/depart slopes...") global CURRENT_BONENAME allbone_bezier_slopes = {} for bonename in sorted(boneframe_dict.keys()): CURRENT_BONENAME = bonename # you're not supposed to pass info via global like this, but idgaf sue me boneframe_list = boneframe_dict[bonename] # this will hold all the resulting bezier slopes # each item corresponds to one frame and is stored as: # [approach posx,y,z,rot],[depart posx,y,z,rot] thisbone_bezier_slopes = [] # for each sequence of frames on a single bone, for i in range(len(boneframe_list)): thisframe_bezier_approach = [] thisframe_bezier_depart = [] A = boneframe_list[i - 1] if i != 0 else None B = boneframe_list[i] C = boneframe_list[i + 1] if i != len(boneframe_list) - 1 else None # now i have the 3 frames I want to analyze # need to do the analysis for rotations & for positions # POSITION for j in range(3): A_point = (A.f, A.pos[j]) if (A is not None) else None B_point = (B.f, B.pos[j]) C_point = (C.f, C.pos[j]) if (C is not None) else None # stuffed all operations into one function for encapsulation bez_a, bez_d = scalar_calculate_ideal_bezier_slope( A_point, B_point, C_point) # store it thisframe_bezier_approach.append(bez_a) thisframe_bezier_depart.append(bez_d) # ROTATION A_point = (A.f, A.rot) if (A is not None) else None B_point = (B.f, B.rot) C_point = (C.f, C.rot) if (C is not None) else None # stuffed all operations into one function for encapsulation bez_a, bez_d = rotation_calculate_ideal_bezier_slope( A_point, B_point, C_point) # store it thisframe_bezier_approach.append(bez_a) thisframe_bezier_depart.append(bez_d) # CAMFRAME ONLY STUFF if bonename == NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES: # the typechecker expects boneframes so it gets angry here # distance from camera to position A_point = (A.f, A.dist) if (A is not None) else None B_point = (B.f, B.dist) C_point = (C.f, C.dist) if (C is not None) else None # stuffed all operations into one function for encapsulation bez_a, bez_d = scalar_calculate_ideal_bezier_slope( A_point, B_point, C_point) # store it thisframe_bezier_approach.append(bez_a) thisframe_bezier_depart.append(bez_d) # field of view A_point = (A.f, A.fov) if (A is not None) else None B_point = (B.f, B.fov) C_point = (C.f, C.fov) if (C is not None) else None # stuffed all operations into one function for encapsulation bez_a, bez_d = scalar_calculate_ideal_bezier_slope( A_point, B_point, C_point) # store it thisframe_bezier_approach.append(bez_a) thisframe_bezier_depart.append(bez_d) # next i need to store them in some sensible manner # ..., [approach posx,y,z,rot], [depart posx,y,z,rot], ... thisbone_bezier_slopes.append(thisframe_bezier_approach) thisbone_bezier_slopes.append(thisframe_bezier_depart) pass # end "for each frame in this bone" # now i have calculated all the desired bezier approach/depart slopes for both rotation and position # next i need to rearrange things slightly # currently the slopes are stored in "approach,depart" pairs associated with a single frame. # but the interpolation curves are stored as "depart, approach" associated with the segment leading up to a frame. # AKA, interpolation info stored with frame i is to interpolate from i-1 to i # therefore there is no place for the slope when interpolating away from the last frame, pop it thisbone_bezier_slopes.pop(-1) # the new list needs to start with 1,1,1,1 to interpolate up to the first frame, insert it if bonename == NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES: thisbone_bezier_slopes.insert(0, [1] * 6) else: thisbone_bezier_slopes.insert(0, [1] * 4) # now every pair is a "depart,approach" associated with a single frame final = [] for i in range(0, len(thisbone_bezier_slopes), 2): # now store as pairs final.append( [thisbone_bezier_slopes[i], thisbone_bezier_slopes[i + 1]]) assert len(final) == len(boneframe_list) # save it! allbone_bezier_slopes[bonename] = final pass # end of "for each bone # >>>>>> part 2: calculate the x/y position of the control points for the curve, based on the slope core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Calculating control points...") allbone_bezier_points = {} for bonename in sorted(allbone_bezier_slopes.keys()): bezier_for_one_frame = allbone_bezier_slopes[bonename] thisbone_bezier_points = [] for depart_slopes, approach_slopes in bezier_for_one_frame: slopes_per_channel = list(zip(depart_slopes, approach_slopes)) # print(slopes_per_channel) depart_points = [] approach_points = [] for depart_slope, approach_slope in slopes_per_channel: # now i have the approach & depart for one channel of one frame of one bone # 1. handle double-sided cutpoint if approach_slope == -1 and depart_slope == -1: # this is a double-sided cutpoint! # see where the global is declared to understand the modes if HOW_TO_HANDLE_DOUBLE_CUTPOINT == 1: approach_slope, depart_slope = 0, 0 else: #elif HOW_TO_HANDLE_DOUBLE_CUTPOINT == 2: approach_slope, depart_slope = 1, 1 # 3a. in this mode the cutpoint is handled BEFORE normal calculation if HOW_TO_HANDLE_SINGLE_SIDE_CUTPOINT == 1: if approach_slope == -1: approach_slope = 0 if depart_slope == -1: depart_slope = 0 # 2. base case: calculate the point position based on the slope depart_point = (10, 10) approach_point = (117, 117) if approach_slope != -1: # note: the approach point is based on 127,127 approach_point = tuple( 127 - p for p in make_point_from_slope(approach_slope)) if depart_slope != -1: depart_point = make_point_from_slope(depart_slope) # 3b. handle the one-sided cutpoint if HOW_TO_HANDLE_SINGLE_SIDE_CUTPOINT == 2: # fancy "point at the control point of the other side" idea # define the slope via the opposing control point and re-run step 2 if approach_slope == -1: # note: depart_point[0] can be 127, if so then this is divide by 0 if depart_point[0] == 127: approach_slope = 1000 else: approach_slope = (depart_point[1] - 127) / (depart_point[0] - 127) # note: the approach point is based on 127,127 approach_point = tuple( 127 - p for p in make_point_from_slope(approach_slope)) if depart_slope == -1: # note: approach_point[0] CAN BE 0, in theory. if approach_point[0] == 0: depart_slope = 1000 else: depart_slope = approach_point[1] / approach_point[0] depart_point = make_point_from_slope(depart_slope) # 4. accumulate teh channels depart_points.append(depart_point) approach_points.append(approach_point) pass # end "for one channel of one frame of one bone" # 5. accumulate all the frames thisbone_bezier_points.append([depart_points, approach_points]) pass # end "for one frame of one bone" # 6. accumulate teh bones allbone_bezier_points[bonename] = thisbone_bezier_points pass # end "for one bone" # >>>>>> part 3: store this into the boneframe & un-dictify the frames to put it back into the VMD for bonename in sorted(boneframe_dict.keys()): boneframe_list = boneframe_dict[bonename] bezier_points_list = allbone_bezier_points[bonename] if bonename == NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES: # this is a list of camframes! # for each frame & associated points, for camframe, b in zip(boneframe_list, bezier_points_list): # print(b) # interp = [x_ax, x_bx, x_ay, x_by, y_ax, y_bx, y_ay, y_by, z_ax, z_bx, z_ay, z_by, # r_ax, r_bx, r_ay, r_by, dist_ax, dist_bx, dist_ay, dist_by, fov_ax, fov_bx, fov_ay, fov_by] interp = [ b[0][0][0], b[1][0][0], b[0][0][1], b[1][0][1], b[0][1][0], b[1][1][0], b[0][1][1], b[1][1][1], b[0][2][0], b[1][2][0], b[0][2][1], b[1][2][1], b[0][3][0], b[1][3][0], b[0][3][1], b[1][3][1], b[0][4][0], b[1][4][0], b[0][4][1], b[1][4][1], b[0][5][0], b[1][5][0], b[0][5][1], b[1][5][1], ] camframe.interp = interp else: # for each frame & associated points, for boneframe, b in zip(boneframe_list, bezier_points_list): # print(b) # interp = [x_ax, y_ax, z_ax, r_ax, x_ay, y_ay, z_ay, r_ay, # x_bx, y_bx, z_bx, r_bx, x_by, y_by, z_by, r_by] interp = [ b[0][0][0], b[0][1][0], b[0][2][0], b[0][3][0], b[0][0][1], b[0][1][1], b[0][2][1], b[0][3][1], b[1][0][0], b[1][1][0], b[1][2][0], b[1][3][0], b[1][0][1], b[1][1][1], b[1][2][1], b[1][3][1], ] # this goes into the actual boneframe object still in the lists in boneframe_dict boneframe.interp = interp # un-dictify it! # first, extract the camframes if NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES in boneframe_dict: vmd.camframes = boneframe_dict.pop(NAME_FOR_CAMFRAMES) # then do the boneframes # the names dont matter, make a list of all the lists in the dict asdf = list(boneframe_dict.values()) # flatten it flat_boneframe_list = [item for sublist in asdf for item in sublist] vmd.boneframes = flat_boneframe_list core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("") # write out the VMD output_filename_vmd = "%s_smoothed.vmd" % input_filename_vmd[0:-4] output_filename_vmd = core.get_unused_file_name(output_filename_vmd) vmdlib.write_vmd(output_filename_vmd, vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo) # H = plt.hist([j for j in ANGLE_SHARPNESS_FACTORS if j!=0 and j!=1], bins=40, density=True) print("factors=", len(ANGLE_SHARPNESS_FACTORS)) H = plt.hist(ANGLE_SHARPNESS_FACTORS, bins=16, density=True) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done!") return None
def main(moreinfo=True): # prompt PMX name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of PMX input file:") input_filename_pmx = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".pmx") pmx = pmxlib.read_pmx(input_filename_pmx, moreinfo=moreinfo) # get bones realbones = pmx.bones # then, make 2 lists: one starting from jp_righttoe, one starting from jp_lefttoe # start from each "toe" bone (names are known), go parent-find-parent-find until reaching no-parent bonechain_r = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_righttoe) bonechain_l = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_lefttoe) # assert that the bones were found, have correct names, and are in the correct positions # also verifies that they are direct parent-child with nothing in between try: assert bonechain_r[-1].name == jp_righttoe assert bonechain_r[-2].name == jp_rightfoot assert bonechain_l[-1].name == jp_lefttoe assert bonechain_l[-2].name == jp_leftfoot except AssertionError: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "ERROR: unexpected structure found for foot/toe bones, verify semistandard names and structure" ) raise RuntimeError() # then walk down these 2 lists, add each name to a set: build union of all relevant bones relevant_bones = set() for b in bonechain_r + bonechain_l: relevant_bones.add( # check if waist-cancellation bones are in "relevant_bones", print a warning if they are if jp_left_waistcancel in relevant_bones or jp_right_waistcancel in relevant_bones: # TODO LOW: i probably could figure out how to support them but this whole script is useless so idgaf core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: waist-cancellation bones found in the model! These are not supported, tool may produce bad results! Attempting to continue..." ) # also need to find initial positions of ik bones (names are known) # build a full parentage-chain for each leg bonechain_ikr = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_righttoe_ik) bonechain_ikl = build_bonechain(realbones, jp_lefttoe_ik) # verify that the ik bones were found, have correct names, and are in the correct positions try: assert bonechain_ikr[-1].name == jp_righttoe_ik assert bonechain_ikr[-2].name == jp_rightfoot_ik assert bonechain_ikl[-1].name == jp_lefttoe_ik assert bonechain_ikl[-2].name == jp_leftfoot_ik except AssertionError: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "ERROR: unexpected structure found for foot/toe IK bones, verify semistandard names and structure" ) raise RuntimeError() # verify that the bonechains are symmetric in length try: assert len(bonechain_l) == len(bonechain_r) assert len(bonechain_ikl) == len(bonechain_ikr) except AssertionError: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "ERROR: unexpected structure found, model is not left-right symmetric" ) raise RuntimeError() # determine how many levels of parentage, this value "t" should hold the first level where they are no longer shared t = 0 while bonechain_l[t].name == bonechain_ikl[t].name: t += 1 # back off one level lowest_shared_parent = t - 1 # now i am completely done with the bones CSV, all the relevant info has been distilled down to: # !!! bonechain_r, bonechain_l, bonechain_ikr, bonechain_ikl, relevant_bones core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...identified " + str(len(bonechain_l)) + " bones per leg-chain, " + str(len(relevant_bones)) + " relevant bones total") core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...identified " + str(len(bonechain_ikl)) + " bones per IK leg-chain") ################################################################################### # prompt VMD file name core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Please enter name of VMD dance input file:") input_filename_vmd = core.MY_FILEPROMPT_FUNC(".vmd") nicelist_in = vmdlib.read_vmd(input_filename_vmd, moreinfo=moreinfo) # check if this VMD uses IK or not, print a warning if it does any_ik_on = False for ikdispframe in nicelist_in.ikdispframes: for ik_bone in ikdispframe.ikbones: if ik_bone.enable is True: any_ik_on = True break if any_ik_on: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: the input VMD already has IK enabled, there is no point in running this script. Attempting to continue..." ) # reduce down to only the boneframes for the relevant bones # also build a list of each framenumber with a frame for a bone we care about relevant_framenums = set() boneframe_list = [] for boneframe in nicelist_in.boneframes: if in relevant_bones: boneframe_list.append(boneframe) relevant_framenums.add(boneframe.f) # sort the boneframes by frame number boneframe_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.f) # make the relevant framenumbers also an ascending list relevant_framenums = sorted(list(relevant_framenums)) boneframe_dict = dict() # now restructure the data from a list to a dictionary, keyed by bone name. also discard excess data when i do for b in boneframe_list: if not in boneframe_dict: boneframe_dict[] = [] # only storing the frame#(1) + position(234) + rotation values(567) saveme = [b.f, *b.pos, *b.rot] boneframe_dict[].append(saveme) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "...running interpolation to rectangularize the frames...") has_warned = False # now fill in the blanks by using interpolation, if needed for key, bone in boneframe_dict.items(): # for each bone, # start a list of frames generated by interpolation interpframe_list = [] i = 0 j = 0 while j < len(relevant_framenums): # for each frame it should have, if i == len(bone): # if i is beyond end of bone, then copy the values from the last frame and use as a new frame newframe = [relevant_framenums[j]] + bone[-1][1:7] interpframe_list.append(newframe) j += 1 elif bone[i][0] == relevant_framenums[j]: # does it have it? i += 1 j += 1 else: # TODO LOW: i could modify this to include my interpolation curve math now that I understand it, but i dont care if not has_warned: core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: interpolation is needed but interpolation curves are not fully tested! Assuming linear interpolation..." ) has_warned = True # if there is a mismatch then the target framenum is less than the boneframe framenum # build a frame that has frame# + position(123) + rotation values(456) newframe = [relevant_framenums[j]] # if target is less than the current boneframe, interp between here and prev boneframe for p in range(1, 4): # interpolate for each position offset newframe.append( core.linear_map(bone[i][0], bone[i][p], bone[i - 1][0], bone[i - 1][p], relevant_framenums[j])) # rotation interpolation must happen in the quaternion-space quat1 = core.euler_to_quaternion(bone[i - 1][4:7]) quat2 = core.euler_to_quaternion(bone[i][4:7]) # desired frame is relevant_framenums[j] = d # available frames are bone[i-1][0] = s and bone[i][0] = e # percentage = (d - s) / (e - s) percentage = (relevant_framenums[j] - bone[i - 1][0]) / (bone[i][0] - bone[i - 1][0]) quat_slerp = core.my_slerp(quat1, quat2, percentage) euler_slerp = core.quaternion_to_euler(quat_slerp) newframe += euler_slerp interpframe_list.append(newframe) j += 1 bone += interpframe_list bone.sort(key=core.get1st) # the dictionary should be fully filled out and rectangular now for bone in boneframe_dict: assert len(boneframe_dict[bone]) == len(relevant_framenums) # now i am completely done reading the VMD file and parsing its data! everything has been distilled down to: # relevant_framenums, boneframe_dict ################################################################################### # begin the actual calculations core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("...beginning forward kinematics computation for " + str(len(relevant_framenums)) + " frames...") # output array ikframe_list = [] # have list of bones, parentage, initial pos # have list of frames # now i "run the dance" and build the ik frames # for each relevant frame, for I in range(len(relevant_framenums)): # for each side, for (thisik, this_chain) in zip([bonechain_ikr, bonechain_ikl], [bonechain_r, bonechain_l]): # for each bone in this_chain (ordered, start with root!), for J in range(len(this_chain)): # reset the current to be the inital position again this_chain[J].reset() # for each bone in this_chain (ordered, start with toe! do children before parents!) # also, don't read/use root! because the IK are also children of root, they inherit the same root transformations # count backwards from end to lowest_shared_parent, not including lowest_shared_parent for J in range(len(this_chain) - 1, lowest_shared_parent, -1): # get bone J within this_chain, translate to name name = this_chain[J].name # get bone [name] at index I: position & rotation try: xpos, ypos, zpos, xrot, yrot, zrot = boneframe_dict[name][ I][1:7] except KeyError: continue # apply position offset to self & children # also resets the currposition when changing frames for K in range(J, len(this_chain)): # set this_chain[K].current456 = current456 + position this_chain[K].xcurr += xpos this_chain[K].ycurr += ypos this_chain[K].zcurr += zpos # apply rotation offset to all children, but not self _origin = [ this_chain[J].xcurr, this_chain[J].ycurr, this_chain[J].zcurr ] _angle = [xrot, yrot, zrot] _angle_quat = core.euler_to_quaternion(_angle) for K in range(J, len(this_chain)): # set this_chain[K].current456 = current rotated around this_chain[J].current456 _point = [ this_chain[K].xcurr, this_chain[K].ycurr, this_chain[K].zcurr ] _newpoint = rotate3d(_origin, _angle_quat, _point) (this_chain[K].xcurr, this_chain[K].ycurr, this_chain[K].zcurr) = _newpoint # also rotate the angle of this bone curr_angle_euler = [ this_chain[K].xrot, this_chain[K].yrot, this_chain[K].zrot ] curr_angle_quat = core.euler_to_quaternion( curr_angle_euler) new_angle_quat = core.hamilton_product( _angle_quat, curr_angle_quat) new_angle_euler = core.quaternion_to_euler(new_angle_quat) (this_chain[K].xrot, this_chain[K].yrot, this_chain[K].zrot) = new_angle_euler pass pass # now i have cascaded this frame's pose data down the this_chain # grab foot/toe (-2 and -1) current position and calculate IK offset from that # first, foot: # footikend - footikinit = footikoffset xfoot = this_chain[-2].xcurr - thisik[-2].xinit yfoot = this_chain[-2].ycurr - thisik[-2].yinit zfoot = this_chain[-2].zcurr - thisik[-2].zinit # save as boneframe to be ultimately formatted for VMD: # need bonename = (known) # need frame# = relevantframe#s[I] # position = calculated # rotation = 0 # phys = not disabled # interp = default (20/107) # # then, foot-angle: just copy the angle that the foot has if STORE_IK_AS_FOOT_ONLY: ikframe = [ thisik[-2].name, relevant_framenums[I], xfoot, yfoot, zfoot, this_chain[-2].xrot, this_chain[-2].yrot, this_chain[-2].zrot, False ] else: ikframe = [ thisik[-2].name, relevant_framenums[I], xfoot, yfoot, zfoot, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False ] ikframe += [20] * 8 ikframe += [107] * 8 # append the freshly-built frame ikframe_list.append(ikframe) if not STORE_IK_AS_FOOT_ONLY: # then, toe: # toeikend - toeikinit - footikoffset = toeikoffset xtoe = this_chain[-1].xcurr - thisik[-1].xinit - xfoot ytoe = this_chain[-1].ycurr - thisik[-1].yinit - yfoot ztoe = this_chain[-1].zcurr - thisik[-1].zinit - zfoot ikframe = [ thisik[-1].name, relevant_framenums[I], xtoe, ytoe, ztoe, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, False ] ikframe += [20] * 8 ikframe += [107] * 8 # append the freshly-built frame ikframe_list.append(ikframe) # now done with a timeframe for all bones on both sides # print progress updates core.print_progress_oneline(I / len(relevant_framenums)) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "...done with forward kinematics computation, now writing output...") if INCLUDE_IK_ENABLE_FRAME: # create a single ikdispframe that enables the ik bones at frame 0 ikbones = [ vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_rightfoot_ik, enable=True), vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_righttoe_ik, enable=True), vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_leftfoot_ik, enable=True), vmdstruct.VmdIkbone(name=jp_lefttoe_ik, enable=True) ] ikdispframe_list = [ vmdstruct.VmdIkdispFrame(f=0, disp=True, ikbones=ikbones) ] else: ikdispframe_list = [] core.MY_PRINT_FUNC( "Warning: IK following will NOT be enabled when this VMD is loaded, you will need enable it manually!" ) # convert old-style bonelist ikframe_list to new object format ikframe_list = [ vmdstruct.VmdBoneFrame(name=r[0], f=r[1], pos=r[2:5], rot=r[5:8], phys_off=r[8], interp=r[9:]) for r in ikframe_list ] # build actual VMD object nicelist_out = vmdstruct.Vmd( vmdstruct.VmdHeader(2, "SEMISTANDARD-IK-BONES--------"), ikframe_list, # bone [], # morph [], # cam [], # light [], # shadow ikdispframe_list # ikdisp ) # write out output_filename_vmd = "%s_ik_from_%s.vmd" % \ (input_filename_vmd[0:-4], core.get_clean_basename(input_filename_pmx)) output_filename_vmd = core.get_unused_file_name(output_filename_vmd) vmdlib.write_vmd(output_filename_vmd, nicelist_out, moreinfo=moreinfo) core.MY_PRINT_FUNC("Done!") return None