def cluster_sanity(sres):

    def clusters_intersect(c1, c2):
        s1 = set( c1.voxels )
        s2 = set( c2.voxels )
        return len(s1.intersection(s2)) > 0

    mn_pt = 1e10
    mx_nt = -1e10
    g, m = calc_grid_and_map(sres.vox_idx)
    img = np.zeros(g)
    for i, clist in enumerate((sres.ptail_clusters, sres.ntail_clusters)):
        for t in xrange(sres.t.shape[1]):
            for f in xrange(sres.t.shape[2]):
                np.put(img, m, sres.t[:,t,f])
                c_tf = clist[t][f]
                for c in c_tf:
                    cvals = np.take(img, c.voxels)
                    if i==1 and cvals.max() > mx_nt:
                        mx_nt = cvals.max()
                    if i==0 and cvals.min() < mn_pt:
                        mn_pt = cvals.min()
                if len(c_tf) > 1:
                    for c1, c2 in zip(c_tf[:-1], c_tf[1:]):
                        assert not clusters_intersect(c1, c2), \
                               'Cluster intersection at tf=(%d,%d)'%(t,f)
    print 'estimated ntail cutoff: %1.3f, estimated ptail cutoff: %1.3f'%(mx_nt, mn_pt)
    def map_of_significant_clusters(self, tail, alpha,
                                    corrected_dims=(), pooled_dims=()):
        """Make a map based on a score that mixes cluster-size
        significance and peak cluster value significance. This score
        is then compared to an empirical null distribution generated
        by permutation testing of the samples, and a map is created
        across all (voxels, time, freq) where the cluster scores
        are deemed significant compared to `alpha`.


        tail : str in {'pos', 'neg'}
           Return clusters where test statistic if significantly large
           or small, respectively
        alpha : float, p < alpha significance level


        cluster_map : ndarray
           binary map which is non-negative at significant clusters


        This method is based on
        `Combining voxel intensity and cluster extent with permutation 
        test framework`, Hayasaka and Nichols, 2004
        pvals = self.pscore_clusters(tail)
        clusters = self.ptail_clusters if tail.lower()=='pos' \
                   else self.ntail_clusters
        g, m = calc_grid_and_map(self.vox_idx)
        cmap = np.zeros_like(self.t)
        img = np.zeros(g)
        for t in xrange(cmap.shape[1]):
            for f in xrange(cmap.shape[2]):
                scores = pvals[t][f]
                c_tf = clusters[t][f]
                for p, ci in zip(scores, c_tf):
                    # if the score beats alpha, then find the
                    if p < alpha:
                        # this is actually faster than looking up
                        # where ci.voxels intersect with map "m"
                        np.put(img, ci.voxels, 1)
                        cmap[:,t,f] += np.take(img, m)
        return cmap
def map_of_clusters_and_labels(stats, tail, tf, pcrit):
    Generate a statistics map and a list of clusters based on the
    presence of clusters that exceed a critical p-value.


    stats: a TimeFreqSnPMClusters object
    tail: str {'pos', 'neg'}
    tf: tuple (time,freq) index
    pcrit: float in (0.0,1.0)


    stats_image, clusters

    The `stats_image` is the image of the statistical test values.
    `clusters` is a list of the significant clusters. If there
    are no cluster scores exceeding pcrit, then clusters returns as None.
    g, m = calc_grid_and_map(stats.vox_idx)
    l_img = np.zeros(g)
    t_img = np.zeros(g)
    t, f = tf
    np.put(t_img, m, stats.t[:,t,f])
    scores = stats.pscore_clusters(tail)
    if tail.lower() == 'pos':
        print 'doing pos tail'
        clusters = stats.ptail_clusters
        print 'doing neg tail'
        clusters = stats.ntail_clusters
    if not clusters[t][f]:
        print 'no clusters!'
        return t_img, None, 0
    crit_scores = (scores[t][f] < pcrit)
    if not crit_scores.any():
        print 'no significant clusters!'
        return t_img, None, 0
        tfclusters = clusters[t][f]
        idx = np.argwhere(crit_scores).reshape(-1)
        critical_clusters = [clusters[t][f][i] for i in idx]
        return t_img, critical_clusters
def quick_plot_top_n(stats, tail, n=3):
    scores = stats.pscore_clusters(tail)
    clusters = stats.ptail_clusters if tail.lower()=='pos' \
               else stats.ntail_clusters

    # flatten score into a flat list of cluster scores
    flattened_scores = []
    # flatten clusters into a ntime x nfreq list of cluster sublists
    flattened_clusters = []
    for crow, srow in zip(clusters, scores):
        flattened_scores = np.r_[flattened_scores,
                                 reduce(lambda x, y: x+y,
                                        [ list(e) for e in srow ])]
        flattened_clusters += crow
    tf_map = []
    cluster_lookup = dict()
    nc = 0
    for i, cl in enumerate(flattened_clusters):
        nt, nf = stats.t.shape[1:]
        t, f = i / nf, i % nf
        tf_map += [ (t,f) ] * len(cl)
        cluster_lookup.update( dict( zip(xrange(nc, nc+len(cl)), cl) ) )
        nc += len(cl)

    n_idx = flattened_scores.argsort()[:n]
    g, m = calc_grid_and_map(stats.vox_idx)
    imgs = []
    tf_pts = []
    nclusters = []
    for i in n_idx:
        clst = cluster_lookup[i]
        tf_pts.append('(t,f) = %s, %d pts, p = %1.2f'%(str(tf_map[i]),
        t_img = np.zeros(g)
        t, f = tf_map[i]
        np.put(t_img, m, stats.t[:,t,f])
    quick_plot_clusters(imgs, nclusters, titles=tf_pts)
    def test(self, analyze_clusters=False,
             cluster_critical_pval=.005, cluster_connectivity=18):
        Runs a univariate statistical test at each time-frequency-voxel,
        filling in these measures:

        * T -- the statistic at each point
        * maxT -- the maximum statistic of all permuted measurements
        * minT -- the minimum statistic of all permuted measurements
        * percentiles -- the "ranking" of the statistics in T relative to all
          the permuted statistics

        If analyzing clusters, then also collect the maximum cluster size
        distribution across permutations. These are the cluster level
        analysis parameters:


        cluster_critical_pval : float
           Use the tvalue at this non-empirical quantile as the
           cluster-defining threshold.
        cluster_connectivity : int in {6, 18, 26}
           The connectivity rule for voxels.

           * 6 -- connected if faces touch
           * 18 -- connected if faces or edges touch
           * 26 -- connected if faces, edges, or corners touch

        if not self._is_init:
            print 'loading and comparing beams'

        n_perm_tested = self.n_perm/2 if self.half_perms else self.n_perm
        beams = self.sample_beams
        b = beams[0]
        n_vox = len(b.voxels)
        n_bands = len(b.bands)
        n_times = len(b.timewindow)
        vox_size = b.voxelsize
        grid_shape, flat_map = calc_grid_and_map(b.voxel_indices)

        # at each (t, f) pt, want to find:
        # T test
        # max T stat (max across voxels)
        # min T stat (min across voxels)
        # percentiles (converted to uncorrected p scores)
        T = np.empty( (n_vox, n_times, n_bands) )
        maxT = np.empty((self.n_perm, n_times, n_bands))
        minT = np.empty((self.n_perm, n_times, n_bands))
        percentiles = np.empty_like(T)
        if analyze_clusters:
            # also need a list of the cluster info from each permutation test
            # this will include (size, maximal stat, cluster mass)
            all_ptail_clusters = []
            pc_nulls = np.empty_like(maxT)
            all_ntail_clusters = []
            nc_nulls = np.empty_like(maxT)

            # divide pval by 2, since we're testing both tails
            tc = dist.t.isf(cluster_critical_pval, self.dm_gen.dof)
            tc = None
        # the array of test results
        tt = np.empty((self.n_perm, n_vox))
        # smoothing kernel size in pixels
        fwhm = np.array([20.,20.,20])/np.asarray(vox_size)
        for t in xrange(n_times):
            for f in xrange(n_bands):
                print 'performing stat test at (t,f) = (',t,f,')'
                X = np.array([b.s[:,t,f] for b in beams])
                p_res = snpm.run_snpm_tests(
                    X, self.dm_gen, self.beta_weights, n_perm_tested,
                    grid_shape=grid_shape, vox_map=flat_map,
                    fwhm_pix=fwhm, t_crit=tc,
                    fill_value=0, out=tt
                true_t = tt[0]
                # get T distributions 
                maxT[:,t,f] = tt.max(axis=1)
                minT[:,t,f] = tt.min(axis=1)
                tt = np.sort(tt, axis=0)
                # The 1st column holds the number of test values
                # smaller than true_t.
                # The 2nd column is the voxel index.
                locs = np.argwhere(true_t==tt)
                vloc = locs[:,1]
                percentiles[vloc,t,f] = locs[:,0]/float(self.n_perm)
                T[:,t,f] = true_t
                if analyze_clusters:
                    print 'scoring clusters'
                    pclusts, nclusts = p_res[1]
                    # Score and record the pos tail clusters
                    pscores, pc_nulls[:,t,f] = snpm.score_clusters(
                        maxT[:,t,f], pclusts
                    scored_pclusts = [
                        ScoredStatCluster.from_cluster(ci, wscore)
                        for ci, wscore in zip(pclusts[0], pscores)
                    # Score and record the neg tail clusters
                    nscores, nc_nulls[:,t,f] = snpm.score_clusters(
                        minT[:,t,f], nclusts
                    scored_nclusts = [
                        ScoredStatCluster.from_cluster(ci, wscore)
                        for ci, wscore in zip(nclusts[0], nscores)

        stats_args = (T, self.avg_beams[0].voxel_indices,
                      percentiles, maxT, minT)
        if analyze_clusters:
            stats_args = stats_args + \
                         (all_ptail_clusters, pc_nulls,
                          all_ntail_clusters, nc_nulls)
            return TimeFreqSnPMClusters(*stats_args)
            return TimeFreqSnPMResults(*stats_args)