def test_forbidden_edit(self):
        A user may lost its rights to edit a file (or even access to the document).
        In that case, a notification is shown and the Direct Edit is stopped early.
        filename = "secret-file.txt"
        doc_id = self.remote.make_file_with_blob("/", filename,
                                                 b"Initial content.")

        def forbidden_signal(self, *args, **kwargs):
            nonlocal received
            received = True

        received = False

        bad_remote = self.get_bad_remote()

        with patch.object(self.manager_1,
                          new=open_local_file), patch.object(self.engine_1,
            self.direct_edit._prepare_edit(self.nuxeo_url, doc_id)
            assert received
    def test_forbidden_upload(self):
        A user may lost its rights to edit a file (or even access to the document).
        In that case, a notification is shown and the document is remove dfrom the upload queue.
        filename = "secret-file2.txt"
        doc_id = self.remote.make_file_with_blob("/", filename,
                                                 b"Initial content.")
        local_path = f"/{doc_id}_file-content/{filename}"

        with patch.object(self.manager_1,
            self.direct_edit._prepare_edit(self.nuxeo_url, doc_id)
            self.wait_sync(timeout=2, fail_if_timeout=False)

            # Simulate server error
            bad_remote = self.get_bad_remote()

            with patch.object(self.engine_1, "remote", new=bad_remote):
                # Update file content
                self.local.update_content(local_path, b"Updated")

                # The file should _not_ be updated on the server
                assert (self.remote.get_blob(
                    self.remote.get_info(doc_id)) == b"Initial content.")
 def lock(_):
     msg = (
         "(Mock'ed) Failed to invoke operation: Document.Lock, Failed "
         "to invoke operation Document.Lock, Privilege 'WriteProperties' "
         "is not granted to 'USER'")
     raise Forbidden(message=msg)
def test_crafted_forbidden():
    exc = Forbidden()
    assert exc.status == 403