def _execute(argv,length_of_argv):
    global dev_ip,credential_file,command,device,inputcsv,cmdFile
    if length_of_argv > 2:
        """ Will execute if user input is device(s)"""
        if dev_ip:
            div_ip_arr = dev_ip.split(",")
            if _file_exist_with_valid_type(credential_file,".csv"):
                with open(credential_file, 'rb') as f:
                    reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
                    for row in reader:
                        for ip in div_ip_arr:
                            if ip == row[0]:
                                username = row[1]
                                password = row[2]
                                target_url = "http://"+str(ip)+"/ins"
                                    NXAPITransport.init(target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password, timeout=50000)
                                except Exception as e:
                                    logger.error("Not able to connect to NXAPI: %s",str(e))
        # Will execute if user input is inputcsv(s) 
        elif inputcsv:
            inputcsv_arr = inputcsv.split(",")
            for file in inputcsv_arr:
        """ this else block will use default credentials.csv file """
        """ Will execute if user input is cmdFile  """ 
        """ Will execute if user input is command """
def _prepare_and_execute(file_name):
    global command,cmdFile
    filename = file_name
    if _file_exist_with_valid_type(filename,".csv"):
            with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
                reader = csv.reader(f, delimiter='\t')
                for row in reader:
                    device  = row[0]
                    username = row[1]
                    password = row[2]
                    target_url = "https://"+str(device)+"/ins"
                        NXAPITransport.init(target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password, timeout=50000)
                    except Exception as e:
                        logger.error("Nexus Error: Not able to connect to NXAPI: %s",str(e))
                    if cmdFile:
                        cmdFile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)),cmdFile)
                        file = open(cmdFile, 'r')
                        cmdList = file.readlines()
                        for cmdIn in cmdList:
                    elif command:
        except Exception as err:
            logger.error("Nexus Error: Not able to execute command: %s ",str(err))
 def mclic (self, switches, command):
     Runs a command on multiple switches (defined in the class variable
     multicli.switches). No values are returned
     output = []
     for switch in switches:
         target_url = "http://" + switch[1] + "/ins"
         myswitchname = switch[0]
         self.printdebug ("Running command " + command + " on " + myswitchname)
         myusername = switch[2]
         mypassword = switch[3]
         NXAPITransport.init(target_url=target_url, username=myusername, password=mypassword)
             NXAPITransport.clic (command)
             self.printdebug ("Error sending command " + command + " on " + myswitchname)
 def scli (self, myswitchname, command):
     Runs a command on a single switch, taking the parameters out of the
     class variable 'switches'. Output as a raw string
     for switch in self.switches:
         if switch[0] == myswitchname:
             target_url = "http://" + switch[1] + "/ins"
             username = switch[2]
             password = switch[3]
             NXAPITransport.init(target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password)
             output = NXAPITransport.cli (command)
             self.printdebug ("Error sending command " + command + " on " + myswitchname)
             return False
         return output
     if not output:
         print "Switch %s not found!" % myswitchname
         return False
 def mclid (self, switches, command):
     Runs a command on multiple switches (defined in the class variable
     multicli.switches) and returns the results in a bidimensional matrix
     where the first column contains the switch name, and the second the
     JSON output
     output = []
     for switch in switches:
         target_url = "http://" + switch[1] + "/ins"
         myswitchname = switch[0]
         self.printdebug ("Running command " + command + " on " + myswitchname)
         myusername = switch[2]
         mypassword = switch[3]
         NXAPITransport.init(target_url=target_url, username=myusername, password=mypassword)
             thisoutput = NXAPITransport.clid (command)
             output.append ( [myswitchname, thisoutput] )
             self.printdebug ("Error sending command '" + command + "' on " + myswitchname)
     return output
            if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, dict):
                f = findkey(v, key, value)
                if f:
            if str(k) == str(key):
                if (value and str(v) == str(value)) or not value:
    return found if len(found) > 0 else None

for switch in switches:
    cdp_dict = {}
    if not onbox:
        target_url = "http://%s/ins" % switch[0]
        username = switch[1]
        password = switch[2]
            target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password)

        def smartcli(*args):
            """This wrapper function provides a less intrusive way to call the
            appropriate msg_type for configuration based commands
            cmd = args[0]
            if cmd[:4] == 'conf':
                NXAPITransport.send_cmd(cmd, msg_type='cli_conf')
        cli = smartcli
        clid = NXAPITransport.clid

    cdp_dict = {}
import sys


from nxapi_utils import NXAPITransport
from cisco.interface import Interface

# NXAPI init block
target_url = ""
username = "******"
password = "******"

# cli/clip/clid are changed a bit, but largely the same
print NXAPITransport.cli("show version")

NXAPITransport.clip("show interface brief")

NXAPITransport.clic("conf t ;interface eth4/1 ;no shut")

print NXAPITransport.clid("show version")

#!/usr/bin/env python## Copyright (C) 2014 Cisco Systems Inc.## Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.# You may obtain a copy of the License at##      http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0## Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and# limitations under the License.## This script demonstrates how you can write a single script that runs on both# on box and off box, using the same APIs on Nexus 9000.## The workflow will gather details from the CDP database and generate# interface descriptions based on the neighbor name and remote interface# and then print out the configuration needed to apply these descriptions.# This version executes via the NX-API, and will simply print out the# generated configuration output, as opposed to applying it#
# Define your list of switches here, with their IP addresses and credentialsswitches = [    ['', 'admin', 'cisco123'],    ['', 'admin', 'cisco123']]

import sysimport pprintimport jsonsys.path.append("./cisco")sys.path.append("./utils")
onbox = Falsetry: from cli import clid, cliexcept ImportError: try: from nxapi_utils import NXAPITransport from cisco.interface import Interface        onbox = False except ImportError: print 'Script is unsupported on this platform' raise
from nxapi_utils import NXAPITransportfrom cisco.interface import Interfacedef findkey(dct, key, value=None): """This method recursively searches through a JSON dict for a key name    and returns a list of the matching results """    found = [] if isinstance(dct, list): for item in dct:            f = findkey(item, key, value) if f:                found.extend(f) if isinstance(dct, dict): for k, v in dct.items(): if isinstance(v, list) or isinstance(v, dict):                f = findkey(v, key, value) if f:                    found.extend(f) if str(k) == str(key): if (value and str(v) == str(value)) or not value:                    found.append(v) return found if len(found) > 0 else None
for switch in switches:    cdp_dict = {} if not onbox:        target_url = "http://%s/ins" % switch[0]        username = switch[1]        password = switch[2]        NXAPITransport.init( target_url=target_url, username=username, password=password)
 def smartcli(*args): """This wrapper function provides a less intrusive way to call the            appropriate msg_type for configuration based commands """            cmd = args[0] if cmd[:4] == 'conf':                NXAPITransport.send_cmd(cmd, msg_type='cli_conf') else:                NXAPITransport.cli(cmd)        cli = smartcli        clid = NXAPITransport.clid
    cdp_dict = {}
    cdp = json.loads(clid('show cdp neighbor'))    cdp = findkey(cdp, 'ROW_cdp_neighbor_brief_info')[0] for entry in cdp:        intf_id = entry['intf_id'] if intf_id not in cdp_dict:            cdp_dict[intf_id] = { 'intf_id': intf_id, 'device_id': entry['device_id'], 'port_id': entry['port_id']            }
 for key, value in cdp_dict.items(): if 'port_id' in value and 'device_id' in value and 'intf_id' in value:            fields = { 'interface': value['intf_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'), 'device_id': value['device_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8'), 'port_id': value['port_id'].strip().encode('UTF-8')            }            cmd = 'conf t ; interface {interface} ; description {device_id} {port_id}'.format( **fields) print(cmd)            cli(cmd)