def move_axis_aligned_box_to_wall(box2d, walls, cat_name, voxel_size):
  assert box2d.shape == (1,5)
  assert walls.shape[1] == 8
  box2d0 = box2d.copy()

  max_thick = MAX_THICK_MAP[cat_name] / voxel_size
  thick_add_on_wall = int(THICK_GREATER_THAN_WALL[cat_name] / voxel_size)
  n = walls.shape[0]

  center = np.array(box2d[0,:2])
  wall_lines = OBJ_REPS_PARSE.encode_obj( walls, 'XYXYSin2WZ0Z1', 'RoLine2D_2p' ).reshape(-1,2,2)
  walls_ = OBJ_REPS_PARSE.encode_obj(walls, 'XYXYSin2WZ0Z1', 'XYLgWsA')
  diss = vertical_dis_1point_lines(center, wall_lines, no_extend=False)
  angles_dif = walls_[:,-1] - box2d[:,-1]
  angles_dif = limit_period_np(angles_dif, 0.5, np.pi)
  invalid_mask = np.abs(angles_dif) > np.pi/4
  diss[invalid_mask]  = 1000
  diss *= voxel_size
  if diss.min() > 0.3:
    return box2d
  the_wall_id = diss.argmin()
  the_wall = walls_[the_wall_id]

  thick_add_on_wall = int(THICK_GREATER_THAN_WALL[cat_name] / voxel_size)
  new_thick = min(the_wall[3] + thick_add_on_wall, max_thick)
  new_thick = max(new_thick, max_thick*0.7)
  box2d[0,3] = new_thick
  angle_dif = limit_period_np( the_wall[-1] - box2d[0,-1], 0.5, np.pi )

  if abs(box2d[0,-1]) < np.pi/4:
    # long axis is x, move y
    move_axis = 1
    move_axis = 0

  # if the center of box2d is not inside the wall, do not move
  j = 1- move_axis
  inside_wall = box2d0[0,j] < the_wall[j]+the_wall[2]/2 and box2d0[0,j] > the_wall[j]-the_wall[2]/2
  if inside_wall:
    move0 = the_wall[move_axis] - box2d0[0,move_axis]
    if abs(move0 * voxel_size) < 0.1:
      move = move0
      move = abs(new_thick - box2d0[0,3]) * np.sign(move0) / 2
    box2d[0,move_axis] += move
    print(f'move:{move}, move0:{move0}')
    #_show_3d_points_objs_ls( objs_ls=[ box2d0, box2d, the_wall[None]], obj_rep='XYLgWsA', obj_colors=['blue', 'red', 'black'])
    #_show_3d_points_objs_ls( objs_ls=[ box2d0, the_wall[None]], obj_rep='XYLgWsA', obj_colors=[ 'blue', 'black'])
    #_show_3d_points_objs_ls( objs_ls=[ box2d, the_wall[None]], obj_rep='XYLgWsA', obj_colors=[ 'red', 'black'])
  return box2d
def align_bboxes_with_wall(dets, walls, cat, obj_rep):
  assert cat in ['door', 'window']
  assert obj_rep == 'XYZLgWsHA'
  new_dets = dets.copy()
  det_scores = dets[:,-1:]
  dets = dets[:,:-1]
  wall_scores = walls[:,-1:]
  walls = walls[:,:-1]
  ious = dsiou_rotated_3d_bbox_np(dets, walls, iou_w=1, size_rate_thres=0.2, ref='bboxes1')
  the_wall_ids = ious.argmax(1)
  max_ious = ious.max(1)
  ndet = dets.shape[0]

  #print(f'max_ious: {max_ious}')
  #_show_objs_ls_points_ls( (512,512), [dets, walls], obj_rep=obj_rep, obj_colors=['red', 'blue'])
  for i in range(ndet):
    if max_ious[i] > 0.5:
      the_wall = walls[the_wall_ids[i]]
      #_show_objs_ls_points_ls( (512,512), [dets[i:i+1], the_wall[None,:]], obj_rep=obj_rep, obj_colors=['red', 'blue'])
      angle_dif = np.abs( limit_period_np( dets[i,-1] - the_wall[-1] , 0.5, np.pi))
      if angle_dif < np.pi/4:
        #new_dets[i, -1] = the_wall[-1]
        #new_dets[i, 4]  = max(dets[i,4], the_wall[4]*1.5)
        new_dets[i,:7] = align_1_box_with_wall(new_dets[i,:7], the_wall[:7], obj_rep)
        #_show_objs_ls_points_ls( (512,512), [new_dets[i:i+1,:7], the_wall[None,:]], obj_rep=obj_rep, obj_colors=['red', 'blue'])

  return   new_dets
def fix_box_cv2(box2d):
  box2d = np.array( box2d[0]+box2d[1]+(box2d[2],) )[None, :]
  # The original angle from cv2.minAreaRect denotes the rotation from ref-x
  # to body-x. It is it positive for clock-wise.
  # make x the long dim
  if box2d[0,2] < box2d[0,3]:
    box2d[:,[2,3]] = box2d[:,[3,2]]
    box2d[:,-1] = 90+box2d[:,-1]
  box2d[:,-1] *= np.pi / 180
  box2d[:,-1] = limit_period_np(box2d[:,-1], 0.5, np.pi) # limit_period
  return box2d
def manual_rm_objs(bboxes0, obj_rep, all_colors, max_size=7):
  print(bboxes0[:,3] )
  bboxes1 = OBJ_REPS_PARSE.encode_obj(bboxes0, obj_rep, 'XYZLgWsHA')
  #_show_3d_bboxes_ids(bboxes0, obj_rep)
  mask1 = bboxes1[:,3] < max_size
  angle_dif = np.abs(limit_period_np(bboxes1[:,6], 0.5, np.pi/2))
  mask2 = angle_dif < 0.3
  mask = mask1 * mask2
  bboxes2 = bboxes1[mask]
  bboxes_out = OBJ_REPS_PARSE.encode_obj(bboxes2, 'XYZLgWsHA', obj_rep)
  all_colors = [all_colors[i] for i in range(len(mask)) if mask[i]]
  return bboxes_out, all_colors
def get_room_quality_scores(rooms, obj_rep):
  from obj_geo_utils.geometry_utils import limit_period_np
  assert obj_rep == 'XYZLgWsHA'
  assert rooms.shape[1] == 8
  areas = rooms[:,3] * rooms[:,4]
  # smaller is better
  area_scores = 1 - areas / areas.mean()
  area_scores = np.clip(area_scores, a_min=0, a_max=None)
  rotations = limit_period_np( rooms[:,6], 0.5, np.pi/2) * 180 / np.pi
  # smaller is better
  align_scores = 1 - np.abs(rotations) / 45
  det_scores = rooms[:,-1]
  final_scores = area_scores * 0.2 + align_scores * 0.5 + det_scores * 0.3
  #_show_objs_ls_points_ls((512,512), [rooms[:,:-1]], obj_rep, obj_scores_ls=[final_scores])
  return final_scores
def sort_rooms(rooms, obj_rep):
  Small first, Align first
  from obj_geo_utils.geometry_utils import limit_period_np
  assert rooms.shape[1] == 7+1
  assert obj_rep == 'XYZLgWsHA'
  areas = rooms[:,3] * rooms[:,4]
  # smaller is better
  area_scores = 1 - areas / areas.mean()
  rotations = limit_period_np( rooms[:,6], 0.5, np.pi/2) * 180 / np.pi
  # smaller is better
  align_scores = 1 - np.abs(rotations) / 45
  det_scores = rooms[:,-1]
  final_scores = area_scores * 0.4 + align_scores * 0.3 + det_scores * 0.3
  ids = np.argsort(-final_scores)
  rooms_new = rooms[ids]
  return rooms_new
def connect_two_corner(corners, walls0, obj_rep):
  assert corners.shape == (2,2)
  assert walls0.shape[0] == 2
  show = 0

  c = walls0.shape[1]
  angle_dif = limit_period_np( walls0[0,6] - walls0[1,6], 0.5, np.pi)
  angle_dif = abs(angle_dif)
  if angle_dif > np.pi / 4:
      new_wall = intersect_2edges_by_add_new_wall( walls0[:,:7], obj_rep, corners )
      walls1 = walls0[:,:7]
      new_wall = OBJ_REPS_PARSE.encode_obj(corners.reshape(1,4), 'RoLine2D_2p', obj_rep)
      walls1 = walls0[:,:7]
  if c==8:
    score =  new_wall[:,0:1].copy()
    score[:]  =1
    new_wall = np.concatenate([new_wall, score ], 1)
  if show:
    _show_objs_ls_points_ls( (512, 512), [walls0[:,:7], walls1[:,:7], new_wall[:,:7]], obj_rep,
                            obj_colors=['white', 'green', 'red'], obj_thickness=[4,1,1] )
    import pdb; pdb.set_trace()  # XXX BREAKPOINT
  return walls1, new_wall