def __init__(self, coords): CutAnimatedSprite.__init__(self, 'assets/enemies/i-blob.png', 4, 3, *coords, size=1.7, speed=0.0008) PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) CantHurtObject.__init__(self) ItemsSpawner.__init__(self) self.render_rect = pygame.Rect(*coords, *self.image.get_size()) self.rect = pygame.Rect(*coords, int(30 * 1.7), int(21 * 1.7)) self.coords = list(coords) self.speed = 20 self.move_delay = 0 self.can_move = False self.tears_list = [] self.collision_direction_x = None self.collision_direction_y = None self.is_killed = False = 'enemy' self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) self.explosion = Explosion(self, (500, 500), (self.image.get_width() / 3, 30), 0.7) self.is_invisible = False self.move_delay = 0 self.__counter = 0 self.wait_counter = 0 self.is_wait = False health = 4 HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'enemy', health=health)
def __init__(self, coords, size): PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) CanHurtObject.__init__(self) ItemsSpawner.__init__(self) self.is_invisible = False self.one_punch_object = False if size == 'big': self.speed = 1 self.damage = 2 self.attack_speed = 0.00001 creature_size = 3 health = 5 explosion_size = 0.7 elif size == 'small': self.speed = 2 self.damage = 1 self.attack_speed = 0.001 creature_size = 2 health = 3 explosion_size = 0.5 CutAnimatedSprite.__init__(self, 'assets/enemies/mosquito.png', 2, 1, *coords, size=creature_size, speed=0.01) self.coords = list(coords) HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'enemy', health) self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask) self.attack_delay = 0.001 self.explosion = Explosion(self, self.coords, (35, 40), explosion_size) self.is_killed = False self.collision_direction_y = None self.collision_direction_x = None
fuel_group.update() fuel_group.draw(win) powerup_group.update() powerup_group.draw(win) enemy_group.update(enemy_bullet_group, explosion_group) enemy_group.draw(win) if p.alive: player_hit = pygame.sprite.spritecollide(p, enemy_bullet_group, False) for bullet in player_hit: -= bullet.damage x, y = explosion = Explosion(x, y, 1) explosion_group.add(explosion) bullet.kill() for bullet in player_bullet_group: planes_hit = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( bullet, enemy_group, False) for plane in planes_hit: -= bullet.damage if <= 0: x, y = rand = random.random() if rand >= 0.9: power = Powerup(x, y)
def __init__(self, coords: tuple): CantHurtObject.__init__(self) self.is_invisible = False head_sprite_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() for action_folder in ('idle', 'walking-x', 'walking-down', 'walking-up', 'attack-x', 'attack-up', 'attack-down'): head_sprite_map[action_folder] = [ f'assets/player/head/{action_folder}/{i}' for i in os.listdir(f'assets/player/head/{action_folder}') ] body_sprite_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() for action_folder in ('idle', 'walking-x', 'walking-down', 'walking-up'): body_sprite_map[action_folder] = [ f'assets/player/body/{action_folder}/{i}' for i in os.listdir(f'assets/player/body/{action_folder}') ] self.head_sprite = PlayerBodyParts(head_sprite_map, (coords[0], coords[1]), self, animation_speed=0.001) self.body_sprite = PlayerBodyParts(body_sprite_map, (coords[0] + 10, coords[1] + 39), self, animation_speed=0.001) self.coords = list(coords) self.direction_x = None self.direction_y = None self.speed = 4 self.ammos_list = list() self.attack_speed = 0.05 self.image = pygame.Surface((self.head_sprite.image.get_width(), self.head_sprite.image.get_height() + self.body_sprite.image.get_height())) self.image.fill((0, 255, 0)) self.image.set_colorkey((0, 255, 0)) self.image.blit(self.body_sprite.image, (10, 39)) self.image.blit(self.head_sprite.image, (0, 0)) self.rect = pygame.Rect( (coords[0], coords[1], self.head_sprite.image.get_width(), self.head_sprite.image.get_height() + self.body_sprite.image.get_height())) self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.collision_direction_x = None self.collision_direction_y = None self.is_attack = False self.is_killed = False self.is_stopped = False self.explosion = Explosion(self, self.coords, (70, 55), 0.8, 0.5) health = 10 PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'player', health) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) self.attack_delay = 0
class Player(PhysicalCreature, CantHurtObject, HeartsIncludedCreature): mask: pygame.mask.Mask """класс игрока""" def __init__(self, coords: tuple): CantHurtObject.__init__(self) self.is_invisible = False head_sprite_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() for action_folder in ('idle', 'walking-x', 'walking-down', 'walking-up', 'attack-x', 'attack-up', 'attack-down'): head_sprite_map[action_folder] = [ f'assets/player/head/{action_folder}/{i}' for i in os.listdir(f'assets/player/head/{action_folder}') ] body_sprite_map: Dict[str, List[str]] = dict() for action_folder in ('idle', 'walking-x', 'walking-down', 'walking-up'): body_sprite_map[action_folder] = [ f'assets/player/body/{action_folder}/{i}' for i in os.listdir(f'assets/player/body/{action_folder}') ] self.head_sprite = PlayerBodyParts(head_sprite_map, (coords[0], coords[1]), self, animation_speed=0.001) self.body_sprite = PlayerBodyParts(body_sprite_map, (coords[0] + 10, coords[1] + 39), self, animation_speed=0.001) self.coords = list(coords) self.direction_x = None self.direction_y = None self.speed = 4 self.ammos_list = list() self.attack_speed = 0.05 self.image = pygame.Surface((self.head_sprite.image.get_width(), self.head_sprite.image.get_height() + self.body_sprite.image.get_height())) self.image.fill((0, 255, 0)) self.image.set_colorkey((0, 255, 0)) self.image.blit(self.body_sprite.image, (10, 39)) self.image.blit(self.head_sprite.image, (0, 0)) self.rect = pygame.Rect( (coords[0], coords[1], self.head_sprite.image.get_width(), self.head_sprite.image.get_height() + self.body_sprite.image.get_height())) self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.collision_direction_x = None self.collision_direction_y = None self.is_attack = False self.is_killed = False self.is_stopped = False self.explosion = Explosion(self, self.coords, (70, 55), 0.8, 0.5) health = 10 PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'player', health) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) self.attack_delay = 0 def key_press_handler(self, event): """ обработчик нажатий кнопок :param event: на какую кнопку нажали """ if event.key == pygame.K_a: self.direction_x = 'left' elif event.key == pygame.K_d: self.direction_x = 'right' if event.key == pygame.K_w: self.direction_y = 'up' elif event.key == pygame.K_s: self.direction_y = 'down' def stop_move(self, event=None): """ Остановка передвижения :param event: Какая кнопка нажата """ keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() for i in [ zip((pygame.K_a, pygame.K_d), ('left', 'right')), zip((pygame.K_w, pygame.K_s), ('up', 'down')) ]: i = list(i) if keys[i[0][0]] and not keys[i[1][0]]: self.direction_x = i[0][1] elif keys[i[1][0]] and not keys[i[0][0]]: self.direction_x = i[1][1] if not len( list(filter(lambda x: x, [keys[pygame.K_a], keys[pygame.K_d]]))): self.direction_x = None if not len( list(filter(lambda x: x, [keys[pygame.K_s], keys[pygame.K_w]]))): self.direction_y = None if not len( list( filter(lambda x: x, [ keys[pygame.K_a], keys[pygame.K_d], keys[pygame.K_s], keys[pygame.K_w] ]))): if not self.is_attack: self.head_sprite.start('idle') self.body_sprite.start('idle') def render(self, screen): """ рендеринг объекта :param screen: экран """ screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) if self.is_killed: self.explosion.render(screen) elif self.is_hurt and not self.is_invisible: self.show_hurt(screen) def update(self, game): """ Обновление объекта :param game: класс игры """ if self.is_attack: update_body_parts = (self.body_sprite, ) else: update_body_parts = (self.head_sprite, self.body_sprite) if self.hurt_delay >= 1: self.is_hurt = False self.hurt_delay += self.hurt_delay / 3 + 0.01 if self.direction_x == 'left': for element in update_body_parts: element.action_sprites = element.left_sprites element.start(action='walking-x') elif self.direction_x == 'right': for element in update_body_parts: element.action_sprites = element.right_sprites element.start(action='walking-x') if self.direction_y == 'up': for element in update_body_parts: element.start(action='walking-up') elif self.direction_y == 'down': for element in update_body_parts: element.start(action='walking-down') if self.direction_x is None and self.direction_y is None: self.stop_move() self.move(self.direction_x, self.direction_y, self.collision_direction_x, self.collision_direction_y) self.body_sprite.update(game) self.head_sprite.update(game) self.image = pygame.Surface((self.head_sprite.image.get_width(), self.head_sprite.image.get_height() + self.body_sprite.image.get_height())) self.image.fill((0, 255, 0)) self.image.set_colorkey((0, 255, 0)) self.image.blit(self.body_sprite.image, (10, 39)) self.image.blit(self.head_sprite.image, (0, 0)) self.attack(game) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) PhysicalCreature.update(self, game) HeartsIncludedCreature.update(self, game) if self.is_killed: self.explosion.update(game) self.explosion.explode() self.is_stopped = True if self.explosion.index == 7: game.end_game() def move(self, direction_x, direction_y, collision_direction_x, collision_direction_y): """ Передвижение :param direction_x: В какую сторону движение по х :param direction_y: В какую сторону движение по у :param collision_direction_x: В какую сторону коллизия по х :param collision_direction_y: В какую сторону коллизия по у """ if self.is_stopped: return if direction_x == 'left' and not collision_direction_x == 'left': for rect in [ self.rect, self.head_sprite.rect, self.body_sprite.rect, self.mask_rect ]: rect.move_ip(-self.speed, 0) self.coords[0] -= self.speed elif direction_x == 'right' and not collision_direction_x == 'right': for rect in [ self.rect, self.head_sprite.rect, self.body_sprite.rect, self.mask_rect ]: rect.move_ip(self.speed, 0) self.coords[0] += self.speed if direction_y == 'up' and not collision_direction_y == 'up': for rect in [ self.rect, self.head_sprite.rect, self.body_sprite.rect, self.mask_rect ]: rect.move_ip(0, -self.speed) self.coords[1] -= self.speed elif direction_y == 'down' and not collision_direction_y == 'down': for rect in [ self.rect, self.head_sprite.rect, self.body_sprite.rect, self.mask_rect ]: rect.move_ip(0, self.speed) self.coords[1] += self.speed def move_to_position(self, x, y): """ Перевдижение на данную позицию :param x: х координата :param y: у координата """ self.coords = [x, y] for rect in [ self.rect, self.head_sprite.rect, self.body_sprite.rect, self.mask_rect ]: rect.x = x rect.y = y def attack(self, game): """ Атака :param game: игра """ team = 'player' self.attack_delay += self.attack_delay / 2.5 + self.attack_speed * 0.0001 if self.attack_delay < 1: return keys = pygame.key.get_pressed() if keys[pygame.K_LEFT]: self.head_sprite.action_sprites = self.head_sprite.left_sprites self.head_sprite.start(action='attack-x') self.ammos_list.append( Tears(, team, game, 'left', self.direction_y)) self.attack_delay = 0 self.is_attack = True elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT]: self.head_sprite.action_sprites = self.head_sprite.right_sprites self.head_sprite.start(action='attack-x') self.ammos_list.append( Tears(, team, game, 'right', self.direction_y)) self.attack_delay = 0 self.is_attack = True elif keys[pygame.K_UP]: self.head_sprite.start(action='attack-up') self.ammos_list.append( Tears(, team, game, self.direction_x, 'up')) self.attack_delay = 0 self.is_attack = True elif keys[pygame.K_DOWN]: self.head_sprite.start(action='attack-down') self.ammos_list.append( Tears(, team, game, self.direction_x, 'down')) self.attack_delay = 0 self.is_attack = True else: self.is_attack = False def absence_collision(self, game): """ Что происходит при отсутсвтивии столкновения :param game: игра """ self.collision_direction_x, self.collision_direction_y = None, None def get_hurt(self, hurt_object): """ Получить урон :param hurt_object: от какого объекта получен урон """ if (isinstance(hurt_object, Tears) or isinstance(hurt_object, EnemyMosquito)) and \ hurt_object not in self.already_hurt_by and == 'enemy': HeartsIncludedCreature.get_hurt(self, hurt_object) if <= 0: self.is_killed = True def heal(self, health): """ Повысить колво хп :param health: на какое колво повысить хп """ if + health <= self.max_health: += health elif + health > self.max_health: = self.max_health
class EnemyMosquito(PhysicalCreature, CanHurtObject, HeartsIncludedCreature, CutAnimatedSprite, ItemsSpawner): player_position: Any """класс комара""" def __init__(self, coords, size): PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) CanHurtObject.__init__(self) ItemsSpawner.__init__(self) self.is_invisible = False self.one_punch_object = False if size == 'big': self.speed = 1 self.damage = 2 self.attack_speed = 0.00001 creature_size = 3 health = 5 explosion_size = 0.7 elif size == 'small': self.speed = 2 self.damage = 1 self.attack_speed = 0.001 creature_size = 2 health = 3 explosion_size = 0.5 CutAnimatedSprite.__init__(self, 'assets/enemies/mosquito.png', 2, 1, *coords, size=creature_size, speed=0.01) self.coords = list(coords) HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'enemy', health) self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask) self.attack_delay = 0.001 self.explosion = Explosion(self, self.coords, (35, 40), explosion_size) self.is_killed = False self.collision_direction_y = None self.collision_direction_x = None def render(self, screen): """ Рендеринг объекта на экран :param screen: объект экрана """ if not self.is_invisible: screen.blit(self.image, self.rect) if self.is_hurt: self.show_hurt(screen) if self.is_killed: self.explosion.render(screen) def move(self): """ Передвижение объекта """ dx = self.rect.x - self.player_position[0] + randint(-80, 80) dy = self.rect.y - self.player_position[1] + randint(-80, 80) dist = math.hypot(dx, dy) dx /= dist + 1 dy /= dist + 1 if dx > 0 and self.collision_direction_x == 'left': dx = 0 elif dx < 0 and self.collision_direction_x == 'right': dx = 0 if dy > 0 and self.collision_direction_y == 'up': dy = 0 elif dy < 0 and self.collision_direction_y == 'down': dy = 0 self.coords[0] += dx * self.speed * -1 self.coords[1] += dy * self.speed * -1 for rect in [self.rect]: rect.x = self.coords[0] rect.y = self.coords[1] def update(self, game): """ Обновление объекта :param game: класс игры """ from items import HalfHeart, FullHeart self.player_position = game.player.coords self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) CutAnimatedSprite.update(self, game) HeartsIncludedCreature.update(self, game) if self.hurt_delay >= 1: self.is_hurt = False self.hurt_delay += self.hurt_delay / 3 + 0.01 self.move() self.attack_delay += self.attack_delay / 5 + self.attack_speed if self.attack_delay >= 1 and pygame.sprite.collide_mask( self, game.player): self.attack(game.player) if self.is_killed: self.explosion.update(game) self.spawn_items([(HalfHeart, 0.1), (FullHeart, 0.01)], game) PhysicalCreature.update(self, game) def on_collision(self, collided_sprite, game): """ :param collided_sprite: объект с которым столкнулись :param game: игра """ if isinstance(collided_sprite, Tears) or collided_sprite in game.creatures: return PhysicalCreature.on_collision(self, collided_sprite, game) def get_hurt(self, hurt_object): """ Получение урона :param hurt_object: объект от которого получили урон """ if isinstance(hurt_object, Tears) and hurt_object not in self.already_hurt_by and \ == 'player': HeartsIncludedCreature.get_hurt(self, hurt_object) if <= 0: self.is_killed = True self.explosion.explode() def attack(self, player): self.attack_delay = 0 player.get_hurt(self)
class EnemyBlob(CutAnimatedSprite, PhysicalCreature, HeartsIncludedCreature, CantHurtObject, ItemsSpawner): """ класс слизня """ player_x: int player_y: int can_attack: bool def __init__(self, coords): CutAnimatedSprite.__init__(self, 'assets/enemies/i-blob.png', 4, 3, *coords, size=1.7, speed=0.0008) PhysicalCreature.__init__(self) CantHurtObject.__init__(self) ItemsSpawner.__init__(self) self.render_rect = pygame.Rect(*coords, *self.image.get_size()) self.rect = pygame.Rect(*coords, int(30 * 1.7), int(21 * 1.7)) self.coords = list(coords) self.speed = 20 self.move_delay = 0 self.can_move = False self.tears_list = [] self.collision_direction_x = None self.collision_direction_y = None self.is_killed = False = 'enemy' self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) self.explosion = Explosion(self, (500, 500), (self.image.get_width() / 3, 30), 0.7) self.is_invisible = False self.move_delay = 0 self.__counter = 0 self.wait_counter = 0 self.is_wait = False health = 4 HeartsIncludedCreature.__init__(self, 'enemy', health=health) def render(self, screen: pygame.Surface): """ рендеринг объекта :param screen: экран """ if not self.is_invisible: screen.blit(self.image, self.render_rect) if self.is_hurt and not self.is_invisible: self.show_hurt(screen) def update(self, game): """ Обновление объекта :param game: класс игры """ if self.wait_counter < 5: self.wait() else: CutAnimatedSprite.update(self, game) self.move(game) self.frames_handler(game) self.explosion.update(game) self.mask = pygame.mask.from_surface(self.image) self.mask_rect = get_rect_from_mask(self.mask).move(self.coords) if self.hurt_delay >= 1: self.is_hurt = False self.hurt_delay += self.hurt_delay / 3 + 0.01 if not self.is_killed: PhysicalCreature.update(self, game) else: self.disappear(game) HeartsIncludedCreature.update(self, game) if self.move_delay >= 1: pass def frames_handler(self, game): """ Обработчик кадров объекта :param game: :return: """ if self.current_frame == 2: self.can_attack = True elif self.current_frame == 3: self.attack(game) elif self.current_frame == 10: self.can_move = True elif self.current_frame == 11: self.can_move = False self.wait_counter = 0 @staticmethod def get_player_position(game): """ Получение координат игрока :param game: класс игры """ return game.player.coords def move(self, game): """ Передвижение объекта :param game: класс игры """ if self.move_delay > 1 and self.can_move: self.player_x, self.player_y = self.get_player_position(game) if self.player_y > self.coords[1] + randint(0, 80) and self.collision_direction_y \ != 'down': self.coords[1] += self.speed for rect in [self.render_rect, self.rect]: rect.move_ip(0, self.speed) elif self.player_y < self.coords[1] + randint(0, 80) and self.collision_direction_y != \ 'up': self.coords[1] -= self.speed for rect in [self.render_rect, self.rect]: rect.move_ip(0, -self.speed) if self.player_x - 400 > self.coords[0] + randint(-80, 80) < self.player_x + 400 and \ self.collision_direction_x != 'right': self.coords[0] += self.speed for rect in [self.render_rect, self.rect]: rect.move_ip(self.speed, 0) elif self.collision_direction_x != 'left': self.coords[0] -= self.speed for rect in [self.render_rect, self.rect]: rect.move_ip(-self.speed, 0) self.move_delay = 0 self.move_delay += self.move_delay + 0.01 def attack(self, game): """ атака игрока :param game: класс игры """ if not self.can_attack: return dx = self.rect.x - game.player.mask_rect.x dy = self.rect.y - game.player.mask_rect.y dist = math.hypot(dx, dy) dx = dx / dist dy = dy / dist self.tears_list.append( Tears((int(self.coords[0] + self.rect.width / 2 + 20), int(self.coords[1] + self.rect.height / 2 + 45)), team='enemy', game=game, dx=dx, dy=dy)) self.can_attack = False def on_collision(self, collided_sprite, game): """ действия при столкновении :param collided_sprite: объект с которым столкнулись :param game: класс игры """ if isinstance(collided_sprite, Tears) or collided_sprite in game.creatures: return PhysicalCreature.on_collision(self, collided_sprite, game) def get_hurt(self, hurt_object): """ Получение урона :param hurt_object: Объект нанесший урон """ if isinstance(hurt_object, Tears) and hurt_object not in self.already_hurt_by and \ == 'player': HeartsIncludedCreature.get_hurt(self, hurt_object) if <= 0: self.is_killed = True def disappear(self, game): """ Исчезновение объекта :param game: класс игры """ from items import HalfHeart, FullHeart self.explosion.render(game.screen) self.explosion.explode() if not self.item_spawned: self.spawn_items([(HalfHeart, 0.1), (FullHeart, 0.01)], game) def wait(self): """ Ожидание между повторениями прыжка """ self.is_wait = True self.__counter += self.__counter / 3 + self.animation_speed if self.__counter >= 1: self.wait_counter += 1 if self.current_frame == 0: self.current_frame = 1 else: self.current_frame = 0 self.image = self.frames[self.current_frame] self.__counter = 0
if pygame.sprite.spritecollideany(rocket, asteroids): rocket.kill() score = 0 for sprite in all_sprites: sprite.kill() all_sprites.empty() rocket = Rocket(SIZE) all_sprites.add(rocket) gameStarted = False musicStarted = False for bullet in bullets: collision = pygame.sprite.spritecollide( bullet, asteroids, True) if collision: pos = bullet.rect[:2] explosion = Explosion(pos) explosions.add(explosion) score += 1 bullet.kill() bullets.remove(bullet) text = font.render('Score : ' + str(score), 1, (200, 255, 0)) win.blit(text, (340, 10)) pygame.display.flip() clock.tick(30) pygame.quit()