def check_collisions(snake: Snake, screen: pygame.Surface, goal: Goal,
                     field: Field) -> bool:
    head = snake.head()
    if screen.get_at(head) == WHITE:
        if head in goal:
            goal.move_to(generate_goal_area(snake=snake, field=field))
            return False
    return True
def main():
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(SIZE)
    clock = pygame.time.Clock()

    noto_sans = pygame.font.Font('NotoSans-Regular.ttf', 12)

    field = Field(area=Rect(x=10, y=50, w=WIDTH - 20, h=HEIGHT - 60))
    snake = Snake(
        starting_point=random_point(offset=100, area=field.client_area()))
    score = Score(font=noto_sans, position=Point(x=10, y=10))
    goal = Goal(area=generate_goal_area(snake=snake, field=field))
    controller = KeyboardController(
            # up=pygame.K_w, down=pygame.K_s, left=pygame.K_a, right=pygame.K_d

    running = True
    while running:
        for event in pygame.event.get():
            if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
                running = False

        if not running:


        for go in [field, snake, score, goal]:

        running = check_collisions(snake, screen, goal, field)

    print(f'Game over! Your score: {len(snake)}')
文件: __init__.py 项目: alon/burst
class World(object):
    Main access to any information about the world around the robot,
    including other robots. Generally access is done through attributes
    that are themselves objects, such as ball, opposing_lp, (TODO: opponent_goal,
    our_goal, teammate1, teammate2, opponent{1,2,3})

    # Some variable we are sure to export if Man module (man) is
    # actually running on the robot / webots.

    # TODO - move this to __init__?
    connected_to_nao = burst.connecting_to_nao()
    connected_to_webots = burst.connecting_to_webots()
    running_on_nao = burst.running_on_nao()
    hostname = gethostname()

    # TODO -use callbacks, and don't use this hardcoded list (or do?)
    jointnames = ['HeadYaw', 'HeadPitch', 'LShoulderPitch', 'LShoulderRoll',
    'LElbowYaw', 'LElbowRoll', 'LWristYaw', 'LHand', 'LHipYawPitch',
    'LHipRoll', 'LHipPitch', 'LKneePitch', 'LAnklePitch', 'LAnkleRoll',
    'RHipYawPitch', 'RHipRoll', 'RHipPitch', 'RKneePitch', 'RAnklePitch',
    'RAnkleRoll', 'RShoulderPitch', 'RShoulderRoll', 'RElbowYaw',
    'RElbowRoll', 'RWristYaw', 'RHand']
    chainnames = ['Head', 'LArm', 'RArm', 'LLeg', 'RLeg']

    def __init__(self):
        if burst.options.trace_proxies:
            print "INFO: Proxy tracing is on"
            # avoid logging None objects - like when getSpeechProxy returns None
            callWrapper = lambda name, obj: (obj and LogCalls(name, obj) or obj)
            callWrapper = lambda name, obj: obj

        self._memory = callWrapper("ALMemory", burst.getMemoryProxy(deferred=True))
        self._motion = callWrapper("ALMotion", burst.getMotionProxy(deferred=True))
        self._sentinel = callWrapper("ALSentinel", burst.getSentinelProxy(deferred=True))
        self._speech = callWrapper("ALSpeech", burst.getSpeechProxy(deferred=True))
        self._video = callWrapper("ALVideoDevice", burst.getALVideoDeviceProxy(deferred=True))
        self._leds = callWrapper("ALLeds", burst.getLedsProxy(deferred=True))
        self._imops = callWrapper("imops", burst.getImopsProxy(deferred=True))

        if burst.options.run_sonar:
            self._sonar = callWrapper("ALSonar", burst.getSonarProxy(deferred=True))
        self._events = set()
        self._deferreds = []

        self.burst_deferred_maker = BurstDeferredMaker()

        # This makes sure stuff actually works if nothing is being updated on the nao.
        self._default_proxied_variable_value = 0.0

        # We do memory.getListData once per self.update, in one go.
        # later when this is done with shared memory, it will be changed here.
        # initialize these before initializing objects that use them (Ball etc.)
        default_vars = self.getDefaultVars()
        self._vars_to_get_set = set()
        self._vars_to_get_list = list()
        self.vars = {} # no leading underscore - meant as a public interface (just don't write here, it will be overwritten every update)
        self._shm = None

        self.time = 0.0
        self.start_time = time()     # construction time

        # Variables for body joint angles from dcm
        self._getAnglesMap = dict([(joint,
            'Device/SubDeviceList/%s/Position/Sensor/Value' % joint)
            for joint in self.jointnames])
        if self.connected_to_webots and is_120:
            print "World: Using ALMotion for body angles"
            self._updateBodyAngles = self._updateBodyAngles_from_ALMotion
            print "World: Using DCM for body angles"
            self._body_angles_vars = self._getAnglesMap.values()
            self._updateBodyAngles = self._updateBodyAngles_from_DCM
        self.body_angles = [0.0] * 26

        # Variables for Inclination angles
        self._inclination_vars = ['Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor/Value',

        self._recorded_vars = self._getRecorderVariableNames()

        print "world will record (if asked) %s vars" % len(self._recorded_vars)
        self._recorded_header = self._recorded_vars
        self._record_basename = World.running_on_nao and '/media/userdata' or '/tmp'

        # Stuff that we prefer the users use directly doesn't get a leading
        # underscore
        #  * Vision recognized objects
        self.ball = Ball(self)
        # Goals Notes: We start at UNCONFIGURED State, we record all the variables
        # but only start using them once we configure all the goal according to our team and
        # goal color.
        our_lp_xy = field.our_goal.top_post.xy        # left is from pov of goalie looking at opponent goal.
        our_rp_xy = field.our_goal.bottom_post.xy
        opposing_lp_xy = field.opposing_goal.bottom_post.xy
        opposing_rp_xy = field.opposing_goal.top_post.xy
        self.our_goal = Goal(name='OurGoal', which_team=OUR_TEAM,
            world=self, left_name='OurLeftPost', right_name='OurRightPost',
            left_world=our_lp_xy, right_world=our_rp_xy)
        self.our_lp = self.our_goal.left
        self.our_rp = self.our_goal.right
        self.opposing_goal = Goal(name='OpposingGoal', which_team=OPPOSING_TEAM,
            world=self, left_name='OpposingLeftPost', right_name='OpposingRightPost',
            left_world=opposing_lp_xy, right_world=opposing_rp_xy)
        self.opposing_lp = self.opposing_goal.left
        self.opposing_rp = self.opposing_goal.right
        self.all_posts = set([self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp])
        self.all_posts_hack = [self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp]
        for name in VISION_POSTS_NAMES:
        # TODO - other robots
        # Buttons, Leds (TODO: sonar,
        self.robot = Robot(self)
        # TODO - is computed used? should be renamed for legibility
        self.computed = Computed(self)
        # Self orientation and Location of self and other objects in field.
        # (passes some stuff into other objects)
        self.pose = Pose(self)
        self.localization = Localization(self)
        self.odometry = Odometry(self)

        # The Game-Status, Game-Controller and RobotData Trifecta # TODO: This is messy.
        self.playerSettings = PlayerSettings(self) # Start with the default settings. You will be configured later to the right ones by the referees.
        self.gameStatus = GameStatus(self, self.playerSettings)
        self._gameController = GameController(self.gameStatus)

        self._movecoordinator = MoveCoordinator(self)

        # All objects that we delegate the event computation and naoqi
        # interaction to.  TODO: we have the exact state of B-HUMAN, so we
        # could use exactly their solution, and hence this todo. We have
        # multiple objects that calculate their events based on ground truths
        # (naoqi proxies) and on calculated truths. We need to rerun them
        # every time something is updated, *in the correct order*. So right
        # now I'm hardcoding this by using an ordered list of lists, but
        # later this should be calculated by storing a "needed" and
        # "provided" list, just like B-HUMAN, and doing the sorting once (and
        # that value can be cached to avoid recomputing on each run).
        self._objects = [
            # All basic objects that rely on just naoproxies should be in the
            # first list
             self.ball, self.our_goal, self.opposing_goal,
             self.robot, self._gameController],
            # anything that relies on basics but nothing else should go next
            # self.computed should always be last

        # Another useful collection
        self.vision_objects = [self.ball, self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp]

        # logging variables
        self._logged_objects = [[obj, None] for obj in [self.ball]]
        self._object_to_filename = {self.ball: 'ball'}
        self._do_log_positions = burst.options.log_positions
        if self._do_log_positions:

        if burst.options.no_memory_updates:
            print "world: NO MEMORY UPDATES.. N-O   M-E-M-O-R-Y   U-P-D-A-T-E-S"
            self._updateMemoryVariables = self._updateMemoryVariables_noop
            # Try using shared memory to access variables
            if World.running_on_nao:
                #self.updateMmapVariablesFile() # // TODO -remove the file! it is EVIL
                if SharedMemoryReader.isMMapAvailable():
                    print "world: using SharedMemoryReader"
                    if US_DISTANCES_VARNAME in self._vars_to_get_list:
                    self._shm = SharedMemoryReader(self._vars_to_get_list)
                    self._updateMemoryVariables = self._updateMemoryVariables_noop #(temp)
            if self._shm is None:
                print "world: using ALMemory"


    def _setActions(self, actions):
        self._actions = actions

    def _switchToSharedMemory(self, _):
        if set(self.vars.keys()) != set(self._shm.vars.keys()):
            num_world, num_shared = len(self.vars), len(self._shm.vars)
            print "Notice: world requested %s vars, shared memory provides %s vars. This is ok if %s > %s" % (
                num_world, num_shared, num_shared, num_world)
        self.vars = self._shm.vars
        self._updateMemoryVariables = self._updateMemoryVariablesFromSharedMem

    # ########################################
    # Actions API
    # ########################################

    def _onCameraChange(self, which):
        # we need to update pitch to all objects we have seen.
        info("Updating all vision objects pitch by %3.2f" % pitch_change)
        for object in self.vision_objects:
            if object.centered_self.head_pitch is None: continue
            object.centered_self.head_pitch += pitch_change

    # ########################################
    # EventManager API
    # ########################################

    def collectNewUpdates(self, cur_time):
        if self.time == cur_time - self.start_time:
            print "TIME ERROR: World.collectNewUpdates called with the same time twice. Ignoring"
        self.time = cur_time - self.start_time
        # BodyAngles Note: if using ALMotion, this completed using a deferred - meaning with twisted not
        # during this callback, so doRecord will record previous time frame values
        self._updateMemoryVariables() # must be first in update
        # TODO: automatic calculation of event dependencies (see constructor)
        for objlist in self._objects:
            for obj in objlist:
                obj.calc_events(self._events, self._deferreds)
        if self._do_log_positions:
        # some debugging tests TODO - put under some flag
        if burst.options.verbose_goals: # verbose == debug in my book. ok, in this instance of life.
            g = self.opposing_goal
            if abs(g.left.bearing - g.right.bearing) < 1e-4 and self.opposing_lp.bearing != 0.0:
                import pdb; pdb.set_trace()

    def getEventsAndDeferreds(self):
        events, deferreds = self._events, self._deferreds
        self._events = set()
        self._deferreds = []
        return events, deferreds

    def cleanup(self):
        if self._do_log_positions:

    # ########################################
    # Player API
    # ########################################

    def configure(self, our_color):
        """ called when entering CONFIGURED state """

    # ########################################
    # Player/Behavior API (in addition to all
    # the exported variables)
    # ########################################

    def singleGoal(self, targets):
        return len(targets) == 2 and set(self.opposing_goal.bottom_top) == set(targets) or set(self.our_goal.bottom_top) == set(targets)

    def seenObjects(self):
        for o in self.vision_objects:
            if o.seen:
                yield o

    def getSeenGoal(self):
        """ returns None or the Goal object """
        seen = set(self.seenObjects())
        if set(self.opposing_goal.bottom_top) <= seen:
            return self.opposing_goal
        if set(self.our_goal.bottom_top) <= seen:
            return self.our_goal
        return None
    seen_goal = property(getSeenGoal)

    # Accessors

    def getMemoryProxy(self):
        return self._memory

    def getMotionProxy(self):
        return self._motion

    def getSpeechProxy(self):
        return self._speech

    def getALVideoDeviceProxy(self):
        return self._video

    def getImopsProxy(self):
        return self._imops

    def getDefaultVars(self):
        """ return list of variables we want anyway, regardless of what
        the objects we use want. This currently includes:
          - for getAngle
        return ['Device/SubDeviceList/%s/Position/Sensor/Value' % joint
            for joint in self.jointnames]

    # accessors that wrap the ALMemory - you can also
    # use world.vars
    def getAngle(self, jointname):
        """ almost the same as ALMotion.getAngle as the help tells it -
        returns the sensed angle, which we take to be the sensor position,
        not the actuated position
        return self.vars[self._getAnglesMap[jointname]]

    def getBodyAngles(self):
        # This works for DCM, but new naoqi doesn't support DCM very well. - no bigee, we have ALMotion.getBodyAngles
        # that works fine in simulation too.
        return self.body_angles

    def getInclinationAngles(self):
        # TODO - OPTIMIZE?
        return self.getVars(self._inclination_vars)

    # accessors that wrap ALMotion
    # TODO - cache these
    def getRemainingFootstepCount(self):
        return self._motion.getRemainingFootStepCount()

    def startRecordAll(self, filename):
        import csv
        import gzip

        self._record_file_name = '%s/%s.csv.gz' % (self._record_basename, filename)
        self._record_file = gzip.open(self._record_file_name, 'a+')
        self._record_csv = csv.writer(self._record_file)
        self._record_line_num = 0

    def stopRecord(self):
        if self._record_file:
            print "file stored in %s, writing to disk (closing file).." % self._record_file_name
            print "done"
        self._record_file = None
        self._record_csv = None

    # ALMemory and Shared memory functions

    def addMemoryVars(self, vars):
        # slow? but retains the order of the registration
        for v in vars:
            if v not in self._vars_to_get_set:
                self.vars[v] = self._default_proxied_variable_value

    def removeMemoryVars(self, vars):
        """ IMPORTANT NOTICE: you must make sure you don't remove variables that
        another object has added before, or you will probably break it
        for v in vars:
            if v in self._vars_to_get_set:
                del self.vars[v]

    def getVars(self, vars, returnNoneOnMissing=True):
        """ quick access to multiple vars (like memory.getListData, only doesn't go to the
        network or anything). notice the returnNoneOnMissing bit
        if returnNoneOnMissing:
            return [self.vars.get(k, None) for k in vars]
        return [self.vars[k] for k in vars]

    def _updateMemoryVariables_noop(self):

    def _updateMemoryVariablesFromSharedMem(self):

    #@timeit('al update time = %s ms')
    def _updateMemoryVariablesFromALMemory(self):
        # TODO: optmize the heck out of this. Options include:
        #  * subscribeOnData / subscribeOnDataChange
        #  * module with alfastmemoryaccess, and shared memory with python
        vars = self._vars_to_get_list

    def _updateMemoryFromALMemory_onResults(self, values):
        for k, v in zip(self._vars_to_get_list, values):
            if v == 'None':
                v = self._default_proxied_variable_value
            self.vars[k] = v

    _updateMemoryVariables = _updateMemoryVariablesFromALMemory

    def _updateBodyAngles_from_ALMotion_onResults(self, angles):
        #print "World: updated BodyAngles: %s" % nicefloats(angles)
        self.body_angles = angles

    def _updateBodyAngles_from_ALMotion(self):

    def _updateBodyAngles_from_DCM(self):
        self.body_angles = self.getVars(self._body_angles_vars)

    # Callbacks

    def calc_events(self, events, deferreds):
        """ World treats itself as a regular object by having an update function,
        this is called after the basic objects and before the computed object (it
        may set some events / variables needed by the computed object)
        # TODO - move these to the Goal objects (which already exist)
        if self.our_lp.seen and self.our_rp.seen:
        if self.opposing_lp.seen and self.opposing_rp.seen:

    # Logging Functions

    def _openPositionLogs(self):
        timestamp = datetime.datetime.now().strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
        for i, data in enumerate(self._logged_objects):
            filename = '%s_%s.csv' % (self._object_to_filename[data[0]], timestamp)
            fd = open(filename, 'w+')
            writer = csv.writer(fd)
            data[1] = (fd, writer)
            print "LOGGING: opened %s for logging %s" % (filename, data[0])

    def _logPositions(self):
        for obj, (fd, writer) in self._logged_objects:
            if obj.history[-1] != None:
                writer.writerow([self.time] + [0.0] * (len(Locatable.HISTORY_LABELS) - 1))

    def _closePositionLogs(self):
        for obj, (fd, writer) in self._logged_objects:

    # record robot state

    def _getRecorderVariableNames(self):
        joints = self.jointnames
        chains = self.chainnames

        # Recording of joints / sensors
        dcm_one_time_vars = ['DCM/HeatLogPath', 'DCM/I2Cpath', 'DCM/RealtimePriority']
        self._record_file = self._record_csv = None
        # Center of mass (computed)
        com = ['Motion/Spaces/World/Com/%s/%s' % args for args in cross(
            ['Sensor', 'Command'], 'XYZ')] + ['Motion/BodyCommandAngles']
        # various dcm stuff
        dcm = ['DCM/Realtime', 'DCM/Time', 'DCM/TargetCycleTime',
           'DCM/CycleTime', 'DCM/Simulation', 'DCM/hardnessMode',
        # Joint positions
        jsense = ['Device/SubDeviceList/%s/Position/Sensor/Value' % j for j in
        # Actuator commanded position
        actsense = ['Device/SubDeviceList/%s/%s/Value' % args for args in cross(
            joints, ['ElectricCurrent/Sensor',
                'Hardness/Actuator', 'Position/Actuator'])]
        # inertial sensors
        inert = ['Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/%s/Sensor/Value' % sense
            for sense in [
                'AccX', 'AccY', 'AccZ', 'AngleX', 'AngleY',
                'GyrRef', 'GyrX', 'GyrY']]
        # Force SensoR
        force = ['Device/SubDeviceList/%s/FSR/%s/Sensor/Value' % args for args in
            cross(['RFoot', 'LFoot'],
            ['FrontLeft', 'FrontRight', 'RearLeft', 'RearRight'])]
        # position of chains and __?
        poschains = ['Motion/Spaces/Body/%s/Sensor/Position/%s' % args
            for args in cross(chains, ['WX', 'WY', 'WZ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z'])]
        transform = ['Motion/Spaces/World/Transform/%s' % coord for coord in
            ['WX', 'WY', 'WZ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z']]
        # Various other stuff
        various = ['Motion/SupportMode', 'Motion/Synchro', 'Motion/Walk/Active',
               'MotorAngles', 'WalkIsActive', 'extractors/alinertial/position']
        return (com + dcm + jsense + actsense + inert + force +
                poschains + transform + various)

    def _doRecord(self):
        if not self._record_csv: return
        # actuators and sensors for all dcm values
        self._record_line_num += 1
        if self._record_line_num % 10 == 0:
            print "(%3.3f) written csv line %s" % (self.time - self.start_time, self._record_line_num)

    # Utility

    def checkManModule(self):
        """ report to user if the Man module isn't loaded. Since recently Man stopped being
        logged as a module, we look for some of the variables we export.
        # note - blocking
        print "Checking for Man module by getting a vision variable: %s" % self.MAN_ALMEMORY_EXISTANCE_TEST_VARIABLES

    def onCheckManModuleResults(self, result):
        #print "onCheckManModuleResults: %r" % (result,)
        if result[0] == 'None':
            print "WARNING " + "*"*60
            print "WARNING"
            print "WARNING >>>>>>> Man Isn't Running - naoload && naoqi restart <<<<<<<"
            print "WARNING"
            print "WARNING " + "*"*60
            print "Man found"
文件: __init__.py 项目: alon/burst
    def __init__(self):
        if burst.options.trace_proxies:
            print "INFO: Proxy tracing is on"
            # avoid logging None objects - like when getSpeechProxy returns None
            callWrapper = lambda name, obj: (obj and LogCalls(name, obj) or obj)
            callWrapper = lambda name, obj: obj

        self._memory = callWrapper("ALMemory", burst.getMemoryProxy(deferred=True))
        self._motion = callWrapper("ALMotion", burst.getMotionProxy(deferred=True))
        self._sentinel = callWrapper("ALSentinel", burst.getSentinelProxy(deferred=True))
        self._speech = callWrapper("ALSpeech", burst.getSpeechProxy(deferred=True))
        self._video = callWrapper("ALVideoDevice", burst.getALVideoDeviceProxy(deferred=True))
        self._leds = callWrapper("ALLeds", burst.getLedsProxy(deferred=True))
        self._imops = callWrapper("imops", burst.getImopsProxy(deferred=True))

        if burst.options.run_sonar:
            self._sonar = callWrapper("ALSonar", burst.getSonarProxy(deferred=True))
        self._events = set()
        self._deferreds = []

        self.burst_deferred_maker = BurstDeferredMaker()

        # This makes sure stuff actually works if nothing is being updated on the nao.
        self._default_proxied_variable_value = 0.0

        # We do memory.getListData once per self.update, in one go.
        # later when this is done with shared memory, it will be changed here.
        # initialize these before initializing objects that use them (Ball etc.)
        default_vars = self.getDefaultVars()
        self._vars_to_get_set = set()
        self._vars_to_get_list = list()
        self.vars = {} # no leading underscore - meant as a public interface (just don't write here, it will be overwritten every update)
        self._shm = None

        self.time = 0.0
        self.start_time = time()     # construction time

        # Variables for body joint angles from dcm
        self._getAnglesMap = dict([(joint,
            'Device/SubDeviceList/%s/Position/Sensor/Value' % joint)
            for joint in self.jointnames])
        if self.connected_to_webots and is_120:
            print "World: Using ALMotion for body angles"
            self._updateBodyAngles = self._updateBodyAngles_from_ALMotion
            print "World: Using DCM for body angles"
            self._body_angles_vars = self._getAnglesMap.values()
            self._updateBodyAngles = self._updateBodyAngles_from_DCM
        self.body_angles = [0.0] * 26

        # Variables for Inclination angles
        self._inclination_vars = ['Device/SubDeviceList/InertialSensor/AngleX/Sensor/Value',

        self._recorded_vars = self._getRecorderVariableNames()

        print "world will record (if asked) %s vars" % len(self._recorded_vars)
        self._recorded_header = self._recorded_vars
        self._record_basename = World.running_on_nao and '/media/userdata' or '/tmp'

        # Stuff that we prefer the users use directly doesn't get a leading
        # underscore
        #  * Vision recognized objects
        self.ball = Ball(self)
        # Goals Notes: We start at UNCONFIGURED State, we record all the variables
        # but only start using them once we configure all the goal according to our team and
        # goal color.
        our_lp_xy = field.our_goal.top_post.xy        # left is from pov of goalie looking at opponent goal.
        our_rp_xy = field.our_goal.bottom_post.xy
        opposing_lp_xy = field.opposing_goal.bottom_post.xy
        opposing_rp_xy = field.opposing_goal.top_post.xy
        self.our_goal = Goal(name='OurGoal', which_team=OUR_TEAM,
            world=self, left_name='OurLeftPost', right_name='OurRightPost',
            left_world=our_lp_xy, right_world=our_rp_xy)
        self.our_lp = self.our_goal.left
        self.our_rp = self.our_goal.right
        self.opposing_goal = Goal(name='OpposingGoal', which_team=OPPOSING_TEAM,
            world=self, left_name='OpposingLeftPost', right_name='OpposingRightPost',
            left_world=opposing_lp_xy, right_world=opposing_rp_xy)
        self.opposing_lp = self.opposing_goal.left
        self.opposing_rp = self.opposing_goal.right
        self.all_posts = set([self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp])
        self.all_posts_hack = [self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp]
        for name in VISION_POSTS_NAMES:
        # TODO - other robots
        # Buttons, Leds (TODO: sonar,
        self.robot = Robot(self)
        # TODO - is computed used? should be renamed for legibility
        self.computed = Computed(self)
        # Self orientation and Location of self and other objects in field.
        # (passes some stuff into other objects)
        self.pose = Pose(self)
        self.localization = Localization(self)
        self.odometry = Odometry(self)

        # The Game-Status, Game-Controller and RobotData Trifecta # TODO: This is messy.
        self.playerSettings = PlayerSettings(self) # Start with the default settings. You will be configured later to the right ones by the referees.
        self.gameStatus = GameStatus(self, self.playerSettings)
        self._gameController = GameController(self.gameStatus)

        self._movecoordinator = MoveCoordinator(self)

        # All objects that we delegate the event computation and naoqi
        # interaction to.  TODO: we have the exact state of B-HUMAN, so we
        # could use exactly their solution, and hence this todo. We have
        # multiple objects that calculate their events based on ground truths
        # (naoqi proxies) and on calculated truths. We need to rerun them
        # every time something is updated, *in the correct order*. So right
        # now I'm hardcoding this by using an ordered list of lists, but
        # later this should be calculated by storing a "needed" and
        # "provided" list, just like B-HUMAN, and doing the sorting once (and
        # that value can be cached to avoid recomputing on each run).
        self._objects = [
            # All basic objects that rely on just naoproxies should be in the
            # first list
             self.ball, self.our_goal, self.opposing_goal,
             self.robot, self._gameController],
            # anything that relies on basics but nothing else should go next
            # self.computed should always be last

        # Another useful collection
        self.vision_objects = [self.ball, self.our_lp, self.our_rp, self.opposing_lp, self.opposing_rp]

        # logging variables
        self._logged_objects = [[obj, None] for obj in [self.ball]]
        self._object_to_filename = {self.ball: 'ball'}
        self._do_log_positions = burst.options.log_positions
        if self._do_log_positions:

        if burst.options.no_memory_updates:
            print "world: NO MEMORY UPDATES.. N-O   M-E-M-O-R-Y   U-P-D-A-T-E-S"
            self._updateMemoryVariables = self._updateMemoryVariables_noop
            # Try using shared memory to access variables
            if World.running_on_nao:
                #self.updateMmapVariablesFile() # // TODO -remove the file! it is EVIL
                if SharedMemoryReader.isMMapAvailable():
                    print "world: using SharedMemoryReader"
                    if US_DISTANCES_VARNAME in self._vars_to_get_list:
                    self._shm = SharedMemoryReader(self._vars_to_get_list)
                    self._updateMemoryVariables = self._updateMemoryVariables_noop #(temp)
            if self._shm is None:
                print "world: using ALMemory"

        img = ImageCreator()

        ####################### Loading Objects ###############################

        # create obstacle
        lava = Lava()
        lava.pos = 8

        # create hero
        hero = Hero()
        hero.pos = 0
        hero.vel = .5

        #create goal
        goal = Goal()
        goal.width = 4

        #for tracking time
        start_time = time.time()
        frame = 0

        ####################### led painting happens here ####################
        while True:
            # Create a new driver config (for setup purposes)
            driver_config_proto = driver_pb2.DriverConfig()

            # Painting obstacles
            img.set_led(int(lava.loc), int(lava.r), int(lava.g), int(lava.b),