def generate_index_entry(args): index = {} # Generate title country_names = None if args[2] is not None: country_names = [c.name_en for c in args[2]] title = get_title( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None ) index["title"] = title # Generate url country_codes = None if args[2] is not None: country_codes = [c.name_3char.lower() for c in args[2]] url = params_to_url( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1][0], country_codes=country_codes, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None ) index["url"] = url regions = None if args[2] is not None: regions = [ for c in args[2]] # Add in params into elasticsearch in case we need them later kwargs = dict( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, country_codes=country_codes, regions=regions, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None, product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None, product_community=args[5] if args[5] is not None else None, ) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None} index.update(kwargs) return index
def generate_index_entry(args): index = {} # Generate title country_names = None if args[2] is not None: country_names = [c.name_en for c in args[2]] title = get_title( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None) index["title"] = title # Generate url country_codes = None if args[2] is not None: country_codes = [c.name_3char.lower() for c in args[2]] url = params_to_url( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1][0], country_codes=country_codes, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None) index["url"] = url regions = None if args[2] is not None: regions = [ for c in args[2]] # Add in params into elasticsearch in case we need them later kwargs = dict( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, country_codes=country_codes, regions=regions, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None, product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None, product_community=args[5] if args[5] is not None else None, ) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None} index.update(kwargs) return index
def api_search(request): query = request.GET.get("term", None) if query is None: return HttpResponse("[]") # For user experiment, run search version 1 or 2, 2 being more feature # rich and having parsed filters. See atlas-data#32 search_version = int(request.GET.get("search_var", 0)) # Parse search query query, query_type, kwargs = parse_search( query, strip_keywords=(search_version != 1)) # Resolve any synonyms. feasibility -> pie_scatter etc. if "app_name" in kwargs: given_app_name = kwargs["app_name"][0] kwargs["app_name"] = [ APP_NAME_SYNONYMS.get(given_app_name, given_app_name) ] # Viz params are not an elasticsearch filter so pop that off viz_params = kwargs.pop("viz_params", None) # Prepare elasticsearch filters if search_version == 2 or search_version == 0: filters = prepare_filters(kwargs) else: filters = {} es_query = {"query": {"filtered": {}}, "size": 8} # Add filters to the query if they were given. Filters are ANDed. if len(filters) > 0: es_filters = [{ "terms": { k: [x.lower() for x in v] } } for k, v in filters.iteritems()] es_filters = {"bool": {"must": es_filters}} es_query["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] = es_filters # Add fuzzy search for query string if any non-filter query string remains # after taking out the filters if query.strip() != "": es_query["query"]["filtered"]["query"] = { "fuzzy_like_this": { "like_text": query, "fields": ["title"], "max_query_terms": 15, "prefix_length": 3 } } # Do the query es = Elasticsearch() result ="questions", body=es_query) # Format the results in a way that complies with the OpenSearch standard's # suggestion extension labels = [] urls = [] for x in result['hits']['hits']: data = x['_source'] # Regenerate title and url so we can add stuff into it dynamically, # like the year being searched for, or forcing an app. years = kwargs.get('years', None) # Possible apps this title could be visualized as app_names = data['app_name'] # If the app the user requested is possible, use that. Otherwise, use # the first one as default. App names in the elasticsearch index are # sorted in a certain way for this to make sense so check out the # indexer script requested_app_name = filters.get("app_name", [None])[0] if requested_app_name in app_names: app_name = requested_app_name else: app_name = app_names[0] if years and len(years) == 2: if app_name in ["map", "tree_map"]: # If multiple years are specified and we can do a stacked # graph, do a stacked graph instead of a treemap or map app_name = "stacked" elif app_name in ["product_space", "pie_scatter"]: # Some apps can never have multiple years so just use the first # one specified years = [years[0]] # If no years specified, use default years if years is None: if app_name == "stacked": years = [settings.YEAR_MIN_HS4, settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] else: years = [settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] # You can't show a product space based on imports so ignore those if app_name == "product_space" and data["trade_flow"] == "import": continue title = get_title(api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_names=data.get('country_names', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_name=data.get('product_name', None)) url = params_to_url(api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_codes=data.get('country_codes', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_code=data.get('product_code', None)) if viz_params: if app_name == "pie_scatter": url += "?queryActivated=True" url += "&yaxis=%s" % viz_params[0] labels.append(title) urls.append(settings.HTTP_HOST + url) return HttpResponse(json.dumps([query, labels, [], urls]))
def api_search(request): query = request.GET.get("term", None) if query is None: return HttpResponse("[]") # For user experiment, run search version 1 or 2, 2 being more feature # rich and having parsed filters. See atlas-data#32 search_version = int(request.GET.get("search_var", 0)) # Parse search query query, query_type, kwargs = parse_search( query, strip_keywords=(search_version != 1)) # Resolve any synonyms. feasibility -> pie_scatter etc. if "app_name" in kwargs: given_app_name = kwargs["app_name"][0] kwargs["app_name"] = [APP_NAME_SYNONYMS.get(given_app_name, given_app_name)] # Viz params are not an elasticsearch filter so pop that off viz_params = kwargs.pop("viz_params", None) # Prepare elasticsearch filters if search_version == 2 or search_version == 0: filters = prepare_filters(kwargs) else: filters = {} es_query = { "query": { "filtered": {} }, "size": 8 } # Add filters to the query if they were given. Filters are ANDed. if len(filters) > 0: es_filters = [{"terms": {k: [x.lower() for x in v]}} for k, v in filters.iteritems()] es_filters = {"bool": {"must": es_filters}} es_query["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] = es_filters # Add fuzzy search for query string if any non-filter query string remains # after taking out the filters if query.strip() != "": es_query["query"]["filtered"]["query"] = { "fuzzy_like_this": { "like_text": query, "fields": ["title"], "max_query_terms": 15, "prefix_length": 3 } } # Do the query es = Elasticsearch() result ="questions", body=es_query) # Format the results in a way that complies with the OpenSearch standard's # suggestion extension labels = [] urls = [] for x in result['hits']['hits']: data = x['_source'] # Regenerate title and url so we can add stuff into it dynamically, # like the year being searched for, or forcing an app. years = kwargs.get('years', None) # Possible apps this title could be visualized as app_names = data['app_name'] # If the app the user requested is possible, use that. Otherwise, use # the first one as default. App names in the elasticsearch index are # sorted in a certain way for this to make sense so check out the # indexer script requested_app_name = filters.get("app_name", [None])[0] if requested_app_name in app_names: app_name = requested_app_name else: app_name = app_names[0] if years and len(years) == 2: if app_name in ["map", "tree_map"]: # If multiple years are specified and we can do a stacked # graph, do a stacked graph instead of a treemap or map app_name = "stacked" elif app_name in ["product_space", "pie_scatter"]: # Some apps can never have multiple years so just use the first # one specified years = [years[0]] # If no years specified, use default years if years is None: if app_name == "stacked": years = [settings.YEAR_MIN_HS4, settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] else: years = [settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] # You can't show a product space based on imports so ignore those if app_name == "product_space" and data["trade_flow"] == "import": continue title = get_title( api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_names=data.get('country_names', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_name=data.get('product_name', None) ) url = params_to_url( api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_codes=data.get('country_codes', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_code=data.get('product_code', None) ) if viz_params: if app_name == "pie_scatter": url += "?queryActivated=True" url += "&yaxis=%s" % viz_params[0] labels.append(title) urls.append(settings.HTTP_HOST + url) return HttpResponse(json.dumps([ query, labels, [], urls ]))
def explore( request, app_name, trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year="2011"): request.session['app_name'] = app_name was_redirected = request.GET.get("redirect", False) lang = helpers.get_language(request)['code'] crawler = request.GET.get("_escaped_fragment_", False) # Get session / request vars prod_class = request.GET.get("prod_class", request.session.get('product_classification', 'hs4')) options = request.GET.copy() options["lang"] = lang options["product_classification"] = prod_class options = options.urlencode() # Setup the hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict() # Add prod class to request hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary['app_name'] = app_name request_hash_dictionary['lang'] = lang request_hash_dictionary['prod_class'] = prod_class # Add the arguments to the request hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary['trade_flow'] = trade_flow request_hash_dictionary['country1'] = country1 request_hash_dictionary['country2'] = country2 request_hash_dictionary['product_type'] = product request_hash_dictionary['year'] = year # We are here, so let us store this data somewhere request_hash_string = "_".join(request_hash_dictionary.values()) # Code for showing a static image or not static_image_name = helpers.url_to_hash(request.path, request.GET) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, static_image_name + ".png")): displayviz = True displayImage = static_image_name + ".png" else: displayviz = False displayImage = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" # Verify countries from DB countries = [None, None] alert = None for i, country in enumerate([country1, country2]): if country != "show" and country != "all": try: countries[i] = Country.objects.get(name_3char=country) except Country.DoesNotExist: alert = { "title": "Country could not be found", "text": """There was no country with the 3 letter abbreviation <strong>%s</strong>. Please double check the <a href='about/data/country/'>list of countries</a>.""" % (country)} # The years of data available tends to vary based on the dataset used (Hs4 # vs Sitc4) and the specific country. years_available_model = Sitc4_cpy if prod_class == "sitc4" else Hs4_cpy years_available = years_available_model.objects\ .values_list("year", flat=True)\ .order_by("year")\ .distinct() # Sometimes the query is not about a specific country (e.g. "all countries" # queries) in which case filtering by country is not necessary if countries[0]: years_available = years_available.filter(country=countries[0].id) # Force lazy queryset to hit the DB to reduce number of DB queries later years_available = list(years_available) if len(years_available) == 0: alert = {"title": """The product classification you're using (%s) does not seem to include data for the country code (%s) you selected. Please try a different product classification or country.""" % (prod_class, countries[0].name)} years_available = range(1995, 2012) # Dummy year1_list, year2_list = None, None warning, title = None, None data_as_text = {} prod_or_partner = "partner" # To make sure it cannot be another product class if prod_class != "hs4" and prod_class != "sitc4": prod_class = "sitc4" # Test for country exceptions if prod_class == "hs4": # redirect if and exception country if country1 == "bel" or country1 == "lux": return redirect( HTTP_HOST+'explore/%s/%s/blx/%s/%s/%s/?redirect=true' % (app_name, trade_flow, country2, product, year)) if country1 == "bwa" or country1 == "lso" or country1 == "nam" or country1 == "swz": return redirect( HTTP_HOST+'explore/%s/%s/zaf/%s/%s/%s/?redirect=true' % (app_name, trade_flow, country2, product, year)) if was_redirected: # display warning is redirected from exception if country1 == "blx": warning = { "title": "Country Substitution", "text": "In the Harmonized System (HS) classification, trade for Belgium and Luxembourg is reported as 'Belgium-Luxembourg'."} if country1 == "zaf": warning = { "title": "Country Substitution", "text": "In the Harmonized System (HS) classification, trade for Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland is reported under 'South African Customs Union'."} trade_flow_list = [ ("export", _("Export")), ("import", _("Import")), ("net_export", _("Net Export")), ("net_import", _("Net Import"))] if (app_name == "product_space" or app_name == "country_space" or app_name == "rings"): trade_flow_list = [trade_flow_list[0]] year1_list = range( years_available[0], years_available[ len(years_available) - 1] + 1, 1) if app_name == "stacked" and year == "2009": year = "1969.2011.10" if "." in year: y = [int(x) for x in year.split(".")] year_start = y[0] year_end = y[1] year2_list = year1_list else: year_start, year_end = None, None year = int(year) # Check that year is within bounds if year > years_available[len(years_available)-1]: year = years_available[len(years_available)-1] elif year < years_available[0]: year = years_available[0] api_uri = "api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/?%s" % (trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year, options) redesign_api_uri = "redesign/api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % (prod_class, trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year) country_code = None if country1 != "show" and country1 != "all": country_code = country1 if crawler == "": view, args, kwargs = resolve( "api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year)) kwargs['request'] = request view_response = view(*args, **kwargs) raise Exception(view_response) data_as_text["data"] = view_response[0] data_as_text["total_value"] = view_response[1] data_as_text["columns"] = view_response[2] app_type = helpers.get_app_type(country1, country2, product, year) # What is actually being shown on the page if app_type == "csay" or app_type == "sapy": item_type = "country" else: item_type = "product" # Some countries need "the" before their names list_countries_the = set( ("Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Channel Islands", "Congo, Dem. Rep.", "Czech Republic", "Dominican Republic", "Faeroe Islands", "Falkland Islands", "Fm Yemen Dm", "Lao PDR", "Marshall Islands", "Philippines", "Seychelles", "Slovak Republic", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "United States")) if countries[0] and countries[0].name in list_countries_the: countries[0].name = "the "+countries[0].name if product not in ("show", "all"): p_code = product product = helpers.get_product_by_code(p_code, prod_class) if not alert: # Generate page title depending on visualization being used years = [year_start, year_end] if year_start is not None else [year] product_name = product.name_en if not isinstance( product, basestring) else product country_names = [getattr(x, "name", None) for x in countries] title = helpers.get_title(app_type, app_name, country_names=country_names, trade_flow=trade_flow.replace('_', ' '), years=years, product_name=product_name ) if app_type in ("ccsy", "cspy"): if _("net_export") in trade_flow_list: del trade_flow_list[trade_flow_list.index(_("net_export"))] if _("net_import") in trade_flow_list: del trade_flow_list[trade_flow_list.index(_("net_import"))] # Should we show the product or partner tab pane? # quick fix should be merged with item_type if app_type in ["cspy", "sapy"]: prod_or_partner = "product" elif app_type == "casy": if app_name in ("stacked", "map", "tree_map", "pie_scatter", "product_space", "country_space", "rankings", "scatterplot"): prod_or_partner = "product" # Record views in redis for "newest viewed pages" visualization if isinstance(cache, RedisCache): views_image_path = settings.STATIC_URL + \ "data/" + request_hash_string + ".png" view_data = { "timestamp": time.time(), "image": views_image_path, "title": title, "url": request.build_absolute_uri() } r = cache.raw_client r.rpush("views", json.dumps(view_data)) previous_page = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None), if previous_page[0] is not None: previous_page = previous_page[0] previous_image = helpers.url_to_hash(urlparse(previous_page).path, {}) if os.path.exists(os.path.join(settings.STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, previous_image + ".png")): previous_image = previous_image + ".png" else: previous_image = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" else: previous_image = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" previous_page = None return render_to_response( "explore/index.html", {"lang": lang, "warning": warning, "alert": alert, "prod_class": prod_class, "data_as_text": data_as_text, "app_name": app_name, "title": title, "trade_flow": trade_flow, "country1": countries[0] or country1, "country2": countries[1] or country2, "country1_3char": countries[0].name_3char if countries[0] else "", "country2_3char": countries[1].name_3char if countries[1] else "", "product": product, "product_code": product.code if not isinstance(product, basestring) else product, "years_available": years_available, "year": year, "year_start": year_start, "year_end": year_end, "year1_list": year1_list, "year2_list": year2_list, "trade_flow_list": trade_flow_list, "api_uri": api_uri, "app_type": app_type, "redesign_api_uri": redesign_api_uri, "country_code": country_code, "prod_or_partner": prod_or_partner, "version": VERSION, "previous_page": previous_page, "previous_image": previous_image, "item_type": item_type, "displayviz": displayviz, "displayImage": displayImage, "display_iframe": request.GET.get("display_iframe", False), "static_image": request.GET.get("static_image", "loading"), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))
def explore(request, app_name, trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year="2011"): request.session['app_name'] = app_name was_redirected = request.GET.get("redirect", False) lang = helpers.get_language(request)['code'] crawler = request.GET.get("_escaped_fragment_", False) # Get session / request vars prod_class = request.GET.get( "prod_class", request.session.get('product_classification', 'hs4')) options = request.GET.copy() options["lang"] = lang options["product_classification"] = prod_class options = options.urlencode() # Setup the hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary = collections.OrderedDict() # Add prod class to request hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary['app_name'] = app_name request_hash_dictionary['lang'] = lang request_hash_dictionary['prod_class'] = prod_class # Add the arguments to the request hash dictionary request_hash_dictionary['trade_flow'] = trade_flow request_hash_dictionary['country1'] = country1 request_hash_dictionary['country2'] = country2 request_hash_dictionary['product_type'] = product request_hash_dictionary['year'] = year # We are here, so let us store this data somewhere request_hash_string = "_".join(request_hash_dictionary.values()) # Code for showing a static image or not static_image_name = helpers.url_to_hash(request.path, request.GET) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(settings.STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, static_image_name + ".png")): displayviz = True displayImage = static_image_name + ".png" else: displayviz = False displayImage = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" # Verify countries from DB countries = [None, None] alert = None for i, country in enumerate([country1, country2]): if country != "show" and country != "all": try: countries[i] = Country.objects.get(name_3char=country) except Country.DoesNotExist: alert = { "title": "Country could not be found", "text": """There was no country with the 3 letter abbreviation <strong>%s</strong>. Please double check the <a href='about/data/country/'>list of countries</a>.""" % (country) } # The years of data available tends to vary based on the dataset used (Hs4 # vs Sitc4) and the specific country. years_available_model = Sitc4_cpy if prod_class == "sitc4" else Hs4_cpy years_available = years_available_model.objects\ .values_list("year", flat=True)\ .order_by("year")\ .distinct() # Sometimes the query is not about a specific country (e.g. "all countries" # queries) in which case filtering by country is not necessary if countries[0]: years_available = years_available.filter(country=countries[0].id) # Force lazy queryset to hit the DB to reduce number of DB queries later years_available = list(years_available) if len(years_available) == 0: alert = { "title": """The product classification you're using (%s) does not seem to include data for the country code (%s) you selected. Please try a different product classification or country.""" % (prod_class, countries[0].name) } years_available = range(1995, 2012) # Dummy year1_list, year2_list = None, None warning, title = None, None data_as_text = {} prod_or_partner = "partner" # To make sure it cannot be another product class if prod_class != "hs4" and prod_class != "sitc4": prod_class = "sitc4" # Test for country exceptions if prod_class == "hs4": # redirect if and exception country if country1 == "blx" or country1 == "lux": return redirect(HTTP_HOST + 'explore/%s/%s/bel/%s/%s/%s/?redirect=true' % (app_name, trade_flow, country2, product, year)) if country1 == "bwa" or country1 == "lso" or country1 == "nam" or country1 == "swz": return redirect(HTTP_HOST + 'explore/%s/%s/zaf/%s/%s/%s/?redirect=true' % (app_name, trade_flow, country2, product, year)) if was_redirected: # display warning is redirected from exception if country1 == "bel": warning = { "title": "Country Substitution", "text": "In the Harmonized System (HS) classification, trade for Belgium and Luxembourg is reported under 'BEL' ." } if country1 == "zaf": warning = { "title": "Country Substitution", "text": "In the Harmonized System (HS) classification, trade for Namibia, Republic of South Africa, Botswana, Lesotho and Swaziland is reported under 'South African Customs Union'." } trade_flow_list = [("export", _("Export")), ("import", _("Import")), ("net_export", _("Net Export")), ("net_import", _("Net Import"))] if (app_name == "product_space" or app_name == "country_space" or app_name == "rings"): trade_flow_list = [trade_flow_list[0]] year1_list = range(years_available[0], years_available[len(years_available) - 1] + 1, 1) if app_name == "stacked" and year == "2009": year = "1969.2011.10" if "." in year: y = [int(x) for x in year.split(".")] year_start = y[0] year_end = y[1] year2_list = year1_list else: year_start, year_end = None, None year = int(year) # Check that year is within bounds if year > years_available[len(years_available) - 1]: year = years_available[len(years_available) - 1] elif year < years_available[0]: year = years_available[0] api_uri = "api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/?%s" % (trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year, options) redesign_api_uri = "redesign/api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s" % ( prod_class, trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year) country_code = None if country1 != "show" and country1 != "all": country_code = country1 if crawler == "": view, args, kwargs = resolve( "api/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s/" % (trade_flow, country1, country2, product, year)) kwargs['request'] = request view_response = view(*args, **kwargs) raise Exception(view_response) data_as_text["data"] = view_response[0] data_as_text["total_value"] = view_response[1] data_as_text["columns"] = view_response[2] app_type = helpers.get_app_type(country1, country2, product, year) # What is actually being shown on the page if app_type == "csay" or app_type == "sapy": item_type = "country" else: item_type = "product" # Some countries need "the" before their names list_countries_the = set( ("Cayman Islands", "Central African Republic", "Channel Islands", "Congo, Dem. Rep.", "Czech Republic", "Dominican Republic", "Faeroe Islands", "Falkland Islands", "Fm Yemen Dm", "Lao PDR", "Marshall Islands", "Philippines", "Seychelles", "Slovak Republic", "Syrian Arab Republic", "Turks and Caicos Islands", "United Arab Emirates", "United Kingdom", "Virgin Islands, U.S.", "United States")) if countries[0] and countries[0].name in list_countries_the: countries[0].name = "the " + countries[0].name if product not in ("show", "all"): p_code = product product = helpers.get_product_by_code(p_code, prod_class) if not alert: # Generate page title depending on visualization being used years = [year_start, year_end] if year_start is not None else [year] product_name = product.name_en if not isinstance( product, basestring) else product country_names = [getattr(x, "name", None) for x in countries] title = helpers.get_title(app_type, app_name, country_names=country_names, trade_flow=trade_flow.replace('_', ' '), years=years, product_name=product_name) if app_type in ("ccsy", "cspy"): if _("net_export") in trade_flow_list: del trade_flow_list[trade_flow_list.index(_("net_export"))] if _("net_import") in trade_flow_list: del trade_flow_list[trade_flow_list.index(_("net_import"))] # Should we show the product or partner tab pane? # quick fix should be merged with item_type if app_type in ["cspy", "sapy"]: prod_or_partner = "product" elif app_type == "casy": if app_name in ("stacked", "map", "tree_map", "pie_scatter", "product_space", "country_space", "rankings", "scatterplot"): prod_or_partner = "product" # Record views in redis for "newest viewed pages" visualization if isinstance(cache, RedisCache): views_image_path = settings.STATIC_URL + \ "data/" + request_hash_string + ".png" view_data = { "timestamp": time.time(), "image": views_image_path, "title": title, "url": request.build_absolute_uri() } r = cache.raw_client r.rpush("views", json.dumps(view_data)) previous_page = request.META.get('HTTP_REFERER', None), if previous_page[0] is not None: previous_page = previous_page[0] previous_image = helpers.url_to_hash(urlparse(previous_page).path, {}) if os.path.exists( os.path.join(settings.STATIC_IMAGE_PATH, previous_image + ".png")): previous_image = previous_image + ".png" else: previous_image = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" else: previous_image = settings.STATIC_URL + "img/all/loader.gif" previous_page = None return render_to_response("explore/index.html", { "lang": lang, "warning": warning, "alert": alert, "prod_class": prod_class, "data_as_text": data_as_text, "app_name": app_name, "title": title, "trade_flow": trade_flow, "country1": countries[0] or country1, "country2": countries[1] or country2, "country1_3char": countries[0].name_3char if countries[0] else "", "country2_3char": countries[1].name_3char if countries[1] else "", "product": product, "product_code": product.code if not isinstance(product, basestring) else product, "years_available": years_available, "year": year, "year_start": year_start, "year_end": year_end, "year1_list": year1_list, "year2_list": year2_list, "trade_flow_list": trade_flow_list, "api_uri": api_uri, "app_type": app_type, "redesign_api_uri": redesign_api_uri, "country_code": country_code, "prod_or_partner": prod_or_partner, "version": VERSION, "previous_page": previous_page, "previous_image": previous_image, "item_type": item_type, "displayviz": displayviz, "displayImage": displayImage, "display_iframe": request.GET.get("display_iframe", False), "static_image": request.GET.get("static_image", "loading"), }, context_instance=RequestContext(request))