文件: events.py 项目: cjhopp/scripts
def ORNL_events_to_cat(ornl_file):
    """Make Catalog from ORNL locations"""
    cat = Catalog()
    loc_df = pd.read_csv(ornl_file, infer_datetime_format=True)
    loc_df = loc_df.set_index('event_datetime')
    eid = 0
    for dt, row in loc_df.iterrows():
        ot = UTCDateTime(dt)
        hmc_east = row['x(m)']
        hmc_north = row['y(m)']
        hmc_elev = row['z(m)']
        errX = row['error_x (m)']
        errY = row['error_y (m)']
        errZ = row['error_z (m)']
        rms = row['rms (millisecond)']
        converter = SURF_converter()
        lon, lat, elev = converter.to_lonlat((hmc_east, hmc_north,
        o = Origin(time=ot, latitude=lat, longitude=lon, depth=130 - elev)
        o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
        o.quality = OriginQuality()
        ou = o.origin_uncertainty
        oq = o.quality
        ou.max_horizontal_uncertainty = np.max([errX, errY])
        ou.min_horizontal_uncertainty = np.min([errX, errY])
        o.depth_errors.uncertainty = errZ
        oq.standard_error = rms * 1e3
        extra = AttribDict({
            'hmc_east': {
                'value': hmc_east,
                'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
            'hmc_north': {
                'value': hmc_north,
                'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
            'hmc_elev': {
                'value': hmc_elev,
                'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
            'hmc_eid': {
                'value': eid,
                'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
        o.extra = extra
        rid = ResourceIdentifier(id=ot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f'))
        # Dummy magnitude of 1. for all events until further notice
        mag = Magnitude(mag=1., mag_errors=QuantityError(uncertainty=1.))
        ev = Event(origins=[o], magnitudes=[mag], resource_id=rid)
        ev.preferred_origin_id = o.resource_id.id
        eid += 1
    return cat
文件: events.py 项目: cjhopp/scripts
def surf_events_to_cat(loc_file, pick_file):
    Take location files (hypoinverse formatted) and picks (format TBD)
    and creates a single obspy catalog for later use and dissemination.

    :param loc_file: File path
    :param pick_file: File path
    :return: obspy.core.Catalog
    # Read/parse location file and create Events for each
    surf_cat = Catalog()
    # Parse the pick file to a dictionary
    pick_dict = parse_picks(pick_file)
    with open(loc_file, 'r') as f:
        for ln in f:
            ln = ln.strip('\n')
            line = ln.split(',')
            eid = line[0]
            if eid not in pick_dict:
                print('No picks for this location, skipping for now.')
            ot = UTCDateTime(line[1])
            hmc_east = float(line[2])
            hmc_north = float(line[3])
            hmc_elev = float(line[4])
            gap = float(line[-5])
            rms = float(line[-3])
            errXY = float(line[-2])
            errZ = float(line[-1])
            converter = SURF_converter()
            lon, lat, elev = converter.to_lonlat((hmc_east, hmc_north,
            o = Origin(time=ot, longitude=lon, latitude=lat, depth=130 - elev)
            o.origin_uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
            o.quality = OriginQuality()
            ou = o.origin_uncertainty
            oq = o.quality
            ou.horizontal_uncertainty = errXY * 1e3
            ou.preferred_description = "horizontal uncertainty"
            o.depth_errors.uncertainty = errZ * 1e3
            oq.standard_error = rms
            oq.azimuthal_gap = gap
            extra = AttribDict({
                'hmc_east': {
                    'value': hmc_east,
                    'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
                'hmc_north': {
                    'value': hmc_north,
                    'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
                'hmc_elev': {
                    'value': hmc_elev,
                    'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
                'hmc_eid': {
                    'value': eid,
                    'namespace': 'smi:local/hmc'
            o.extra = extra
            rid = ResourceIdentifier(id=ot.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S%f'))
            # Dummy magnitude of 1. for all events until further notice
            mag = Magnitude(mag=1., mag_errors=QuantityError(uncertainty=1.))
            ev = Event(origins=[o], magnitudes=[mag],
                       picks=pick_dict[eid], resource_id=rid)
    return surf_cat
    def _map_join2origin(self, db):
        Return an Origin instance from an dict of CSS key/values
        db : dict of key/values of CSS fields related to the origin (see Join)


        Any object that supports the dict 'get' method can be passed as
        input, e.g. OrderedDict, custom classes, etc.
        origin <- origerr (outer)

        #-- Basic location ------------------------------------------
        origin = Origin()
        origin.latitude = db.get('lat')
        origin.longitude = db.get('lon')
        origin.depth = _km2m(db.get('depth'))
        origin.time = _utc(db.get('time'))
        origin.extra = {}
        #-- Quality -------------------------------------------------
        quality = OriginQuality(
            associated_phase_count = db.get('nass'),
            used_phase_count = db.get('ndef'),
            standard_error = db.get('sdobs'),
        origin.quality = quality

        #-- Solution Uncertainties ----------------------------------
        # in CSS the ellipse is projected onto the horizontal plane
        # using the covariance matrix
        uncertainty = OriginUncertainty()
        a = _km2m(db.get('smajax'))
        b = _km2m(db.get('sminax'))
        s = db.get('strike')
        dep_u = _km2m(db.get('sdepth'))
        time_u = db.get('stime')

        uncertainty.max_horizontal_uncertainty = a
        uncertainty.min_horizontal_uncertainty = b
        uncertainty.azimuth_max_horizontal_uncertainty = s
        uncertainty.horizontal_uncertainty = a
        uncertainty.preferred_description = "horizontal uncertainty"

        if db.get('conf') is not None:
            uncertainty.confidence_level = db.get('conf') * 100.  

        if uncertainty.horizontal_uncertainty is not None:
            origin.origin_uncertainty = uncertainty

        #-- Parameter Uncertainties ---------------------------------
        if all([a, b, s]):
            n, e = _get_NE_on_ellipse(a, b, s)
            lat_u = _m2deg_lat(n)
            lon_u = _m2deg_lon(e, lat=origin.latitude)
            origin.latitude_errors = {'uncertainty': lat_u} 
            origin.longitude_errors = {'uncertainty': lon_u}
        if dep_u:
            origin.depth_errors = {'uncertainty': dep_u}
        if time_u:
            origin.time_errors = {'uncertainty': time_u}

        #-- Analyst-determined Status -------------------------------
        posted_author = _str(db.get('auth'))
        mode, status = self.get_event_status(posted_author)
        origin.evaluation_mode = mode
        origin.evaluation_status = status
        # Save etype per origin due to schema differences...
        css_etype = _str(db.get('etype'))
        # Compatible with future patch rename "_namespace" -> "namespace"
        origin.extra['etype'] = {
            'value': css_etype, 
            'namespace': CSS_NAMESPACE

        origin.creation_info = CreationInfo(
            creation_time = _utc(db.get('lddate')),
            agency_id = self.agency, 
            version = db.get('orid'),
            author = posted_author,
        origin.resource_id = self._rid(origin)
        return origin