def Get_bw_windows(self, stream, UNKNOWN_1, UNKNOWN_2, or_time, Full_P_shift=None, Full_S_shift=None, MANUAL=False): ## YOU can do EITHER MANUAL or not: """ if MANUAL = False: UNKNOWN_1 = EPI UNKNOWN_2 = DEPTH if MANUAL = True: UNKNOWN_1 = tt_P UNKNOWN_2 = tt_S Full_P_shift = extra shift applied to synthetic, so should be None if Observed Full_S_shift = extra shift applied to synthetic, so should be None if Observed """ self.dt = stream.traces[0] self.original = stream.copy() or_time_sec = or_time.timestamp if MANUAL == False: epi = UNKNOWN_1 depth = UNKNOWN_2 tt_P = self.get_P(epi, depth) tt_S = self.get_S(epi, depth) self.start_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(or_time_sec + tt_P - self.Pre_P) self.or_P_len = int( (self.start_P - or_time) / stream.traces[0] self.start_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(or_time_sec + tt_S - self.Pre_S) self.or_S_len = int( (self.start_S - or_time) / stream.traces[0] # print(self.start_P) # print(self.start_S) end_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(or_time_sec + tt_P + self.Post_P) end_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(or_time_sec + tt_S + self.Post_S) else: tt_P = UNKNOWN_1 tt_S = UNKNOWN_2 self.start_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(tt_P.timestamp - self.Pre_P) self.or_P_len = int( (self.start_P - or_time) / stream.traces[0] self.start_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(tt_S.timestamp - self.Pre_S) self.or_S_len = int( (self.start_S - or_time) / stream.traces[0] end_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(tt_P.timestamp + self.Post_P) end_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(tt_S.timestamp + self.Post_S) if Full_P_shift == None: Full_P_shift = 0 else: Full_P_shift = Full_P_shift * self.dt if Full_S_shift == None: Full_S_shift = 0 else: Full_S_shift = Full_S_shift * self.dt self.S_original = self.original.copy() self.P_original = self.original.copy() if self.Taper == True: self.P_original.taper( 0.025, 'hann', self.start_P - or_time - 10) # Making sure the P and S wave are not effected self.S_original.taper(0.025, 'hann', self.start_P - or_time - 10) # CHECK IN OBSPY FUNCTION IF TAPER IS GOOD: # import matplotlib.pylab as plt # plt.close() # x = np.arange(len(taper)) # plt.plot(x, taper, 'r', label='Hann Taper') # plt.plot(3606, 1, 'bx', label='P-arrival') # plt.plot(6806, 1, 'kx', label='S-arrival') # plt.legend() # if self.zero_phase: self.P_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_P - self.start_P), zerophase=True, corners=self.Order) self.P_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_S - self.start_S), zerophase=True, corners=self.Order) self.S_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_P - self.start_P), zerophase=True, corners=self.Order) self.S_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_S - self.start_S), zerophase=True, corners=self.Order) else: self.P_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_P - self.start_P), corners=self.Order) self.P_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_S - self.start_S), corners=self.Order) self.S_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_P - self.start_P), corners=self.Order) self.S_original.filter('highpass', freq=1. / (end_S - self.start_S), corners=self.Order) self.P_original = self.Filter(self.P_original, HP=self.P_HP, LP=self.P_LP) self.S_original = self.Filter(self.S_original, HP=self.S_HP, LP=self.S_LP) wlen_seconds = self.Taper_Len zero_len = self.Zero_len # wlen = int(wlen_seconds / self.dt) P_stream = Stream() S_stream = Stream() for i in range(0, len(stream.traces)): trace_P = self.P_original.traces[i].copy() trace_S = self.S_original.traces[i].copy() dt = P_trace = Trace.slice(trace_P, self.start_P - wlen_seconds + Full_P_shift, end_P + wlen_seconds + Full_P_shift) self.P_len = len(P_trace) npts_p = self.P_len + 2 * zero_len start_p = dt * zero_len S_trace = Trace.slice(trace_S, self.start_S - wlen_seconds + Full_S_shift, end_S + wlen_seconds + Full_S_shift) self.S_len = len(S_trace) npts_s = self.S_len + 2 * zero_len start_s = dt * zero_len if i == 2: total_s_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts_s), header={ "starttime": self.start_S - start_s - wlen_seconds + Full_S_shift, 'delta':, "station": trace_S.stats.station, "network":, "location": trace_S.stats.location, "channel": }).__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) else: total_p_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts_p), header={ "starttime": self.start_P - start_p - wlen_seconds + Full_P_shift, 'delta':, "station": trace_P.stats.station, "network":, "location": trace_P.stats.location, "channel": }).__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts_s), header={ "starttime": self.start_S - start_s - wlen_seconds + Full_S_shift, 'delta':, "station": trace_S.stats.station, "network":, "location": trace_S.stats.location, "channel": }).__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) P_stream.append(total_p_trace) S_stream.append(total_s_trace) self.S_stream = S_stream self.P_stream = P_stream
def get_window_obspy(self, seis_traces, epi, depth, time, npts): tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model sec_per_sample = 1 / (seis_traces[0].meta.sampling_rate) # total_stream = Stream() s_stream = Stream() p_stream = Stream() p_time = time.timestamp + tt_P s_time = time.timestamp + tt_S start_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time - 5) start_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 15) end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 20) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 35) # for i, trace in enumerate(seis_traces.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, start_time_p, end_time_p) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, start_time_s, end_time_s) # # params = {'legend.fontsize': 'x-large', # 'figure.figsize': (15, 15), # 'axes.labelsize': 25, # 'axes.titlesize': 'x-large', # 'xtick.labelsize': 25, # 'ytick.labelsize': 25} # pylab.rcParams.update(params) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10)) # time_array = np.arange(len(trace)) * # Axes = plt.subplot() # Axes.plot(time_array, trace, c='k', label = 'Z-component') # ymin, ymax = Axes.get_ylim() # x_cor = [start_time_p.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # end_time_p.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # end_time_p.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # start_time_p.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # start_time_p.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp] # y_cor = [ymax / 10.0, ymax / 10.0, ymin / 10.0, ymin / 10.0, ymax / 10.0] # plt.plot(x_cor,y_cor,c='r') # x_cor_s = [start_time_s.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # end_time_s.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # end_time_s.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # start_time_s.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp, # start_time_s.timestamp - trace.meta.starttime.timestamp] # y_cor_s = [ymax / 10.0, ymax / 10.0, ymin / 10.0, ymin / 10.0, ymax / 10.0] # plt.plot(x_cor_s,y_cor_s,c='r') # # Axes.axhline(y=ymin, color='r') # # Axes.axhline(y=ymax, color='r') # # plt.vlines(start_time_p,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax,colors='r',label='P pick') # # plt.vlines(end_time_p,ymin=ymin,ymax=ymax,colors='r') # # # phases = (dict(starttime=lambda dist, depth: time + dist / 2.8, # endtime=lambda dist, depth: time + dist / 2.6, # comp='Z', # fmin=1. / 20., # fmax=1. / 10., # dt=5.0, # name='R1_10_20')) # # trace.detrend(type="demean") # # trace.filter('highpass', freq=phases['fmin'], zerophase=True) # # trace.filter('lowpass', freq=phases['fmax'], zerophase=True) # # trace.detrend() # start = phases['starttime'](2716.72921884, 10000) # end = phases['endtime'](2716.72921884, 10000) # start_vline = int( # (phases['starttime'](2716.72921884, 10000).timestamp- time.timestamp)) # end_vline = int( # (phases['endtime'](2716.72921884, 10000).timestamp - time.timestamp)) # # y_cor_R = [ymin,ymin,ymax,ymax,ymin] # x_cor_R = [start_vline,end_vline,end_vline,start_vline,start_vline] # # plt.plot(x_cor_R, y_cor_R, c='g') # Axes.legend() # Axes.ticklabel_format(style="sci", axis='y', scilimits=(-2, 2)) # Axes.set_xlabel(trace.meta.starttime.strftime('Time : %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S + [sec]')) # Axes.set_ylabel("Displacement [m]") # plt.tight_layout() # # # plt.savefig('/home/nienke/Documents/Applied_geophysics/Thesis/anaconda/Final/check_waveforms' + '/picks.pdf') # plt.close() # # # v_p_start = start_time_p stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": start_time_p, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel": }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) p_stream.append(total_p_trace) s_stream.append(total_s_trace) total_stream.append(total_trace) s_stream = self.BW_filter(s_stream) p_stream = self.BW_filter(p_stream) total_stream = self.BW_filter(total_stream) return total_stream, p_stream, s_stream, start_time_p, start_time_s
def get_window_split_syn(self, splitted_syn, epi, depth, time_at_receiver, npts): tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model diff = tt_S - tt_P P_start = time_at_receiver P_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(P_start + 5 + 20) S_start = obspy.UTCDateTime(time_at_receiver.timestamp + diff) S_end = obspy.UTCDateTime(S_start + 5 + 20) p_stream = Stream() s_stream = Stream() total_stream = Stream() for i, trace in enumerate(splitted_syn.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, P_start, P_end) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, S_start, S_end) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": P_start, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel":, "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) p_stream.append(total_p_trace) s_stream.append(total_s_trace) total_stream.append(total_trace) return total_stream, p_stream, s_stream
def get_bw(self, time_at_rec, epi, depth, npts_trace): gf = self.db.get_greens_function(epicentral_distance_in_degree=epi, source_depth_in_m=depth, origin_time=time_at_rec, kind=self.par['kind'], kernelwidth=self.par['kernelwidth'], definition=self.par['definition']) tt_P = self.window.get_P(epi, depth) tt_S = self.window.get_S(epi, depth) p_time = time_at_rec.timestamp + tt_P s_time = time_at_rec.timestamp + tt_S start_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time - 10) start_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 10) end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 44.2) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 44.2) format_gf = Stream() for i in range(len(gf.traces)): if i == 0 or i == 3: stream_add = Trace.slice(gf.traces[i], start_time_s, end_time_s) else: P_trace = Trace.slice(gf.traces[i], start_time_p, end_time_p) S_trace = Trace.slice(gf.traces[i], start_time_s, end_time_s) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts_trace), header={ "starttime": start_time_p, 'delta': gf.traces[0], 'definition': self.par['definition'], 'kernelwidth': self.par['kernelwidth'], 'kind': self.par['kind'], "instaseis": gf.traces[0].meta.instaseis, 'channel': gf.traces[i].id }) filled_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=False) format_gf.append(filled_trace) tss = format_gf.traces[0].data zss = format_gf.traces[1].data rss = format_gf.traces[2].data tds = format_gf.traces[3].data zds = format_gf.traces[4].data rds = format_gf.traces[5].data zdd = format_gf.traces[6].data rdd = format_gf.traces[7].data zep = format_gf.traces[8].data rep = format_gf.traces[9].data G_z = np.ones((npts_trace, 5)) G_r = np.ones((npts_trace, 5)) G_t = np.ones((npts_trace, 5)) G_z[:, 0] = zss * (0.5) * np.cos( 2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) - zdd * 0.5 G_z[:, 1] = -zdd * 0.5 - zss * (0.5) * np.cos( 2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) # _z G[0:G_z, 1] = zdd * (1/3) + zep * (1/3) G_z[:, 2] = zss * np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_z[:, 3] = -zds * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_z[:, 4] = -zds * np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_r[:, 0] = rss * (0.5) * np.cos( 2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) - rdd * 0.5 G_r[:, 1] = -0.5 * rdd - rss * (0.5) * np.cos( 2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) # _r G[G_z:G_r, 1] = rdd * (1/3) + rep * (1/3) G_r[:, 2] = rss * np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_r[:, 3] = -rds * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_r[:, 4] = -rds * np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_t[:, 0] = -tss * (0.5) * np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_t[:, 1] = tss * (0.5) * np.sin(2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) # _t G[G_r:G_t, 1] = 0 G_t[:, 2] = tss * np.cos(2 * np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_t[:, 3] = tds * np.sin(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_t[:, 4] = -tds * np.cos(np.deg2rad(self.par['az'])) G_tot = np.vstack((np.vstack((G_z, G_r)), G_t)) return G_tot, G_z, G_r, G_t
def get_window_obspy(self, seis_traces, epi, depth, time, npts): self.origin = seis_traces tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model sec_per_sample = 1 / (seis_traces[0].meta.sampling_rate) # self.BW_stream = Stream() self.S_stream = Stream() self.P_stream = Stream() p_time = time.timestamp + tt_P s_time = time.timestamp + tt_S self.start_P = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time - 5) self.start_S = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 15) self.or_S_len = int( (self.start_S - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] self.or_P_len = int( (self.start_P - time) / seis_traces.traces[0] end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 20) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 35) for i, trace in enumerate(seis_traces.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_P, end_time_p) self.P_len = len(P_trace) S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, self.start_S, end_time_s) self.S_len = len(S_trace) stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": self.start_P, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel": }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) self.P_stream.append(total_p_trace) self.S_stream.append(total_s_trace) self.BW_stream.append(total_trace) self.S_stream = self.BW_filter(self.S_stream) self.P_stream = self.BW_filter(self.P_stream) self.BW_stream = self.BW_filter(self.BW_stream)
def get_window_obspy(self, seis_traces, epi, depth, or_time, npts): tt_P = self.get_P( epi, depth ) # Estimated P-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model tt_S = self.get_S( epi, depth ) # Estimated S-wave arrival, based on the known velocity model sec_per_sample = 1 / (seis_traces[0].meta.sampling_rate) total_stream = Stream() s_stream = Stream() p_stream = Stream() p_time = or_time.timestamp + tt_P s_time = or_time.timestamp + tt_S start_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime( p_time - 5) # -10 , + 44.2 --> PAPER: STAHLER & SIGLOCH end_time_p = obspy.UTCDateTime(p_time + 20) start_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time - 15) end_time_s = obspy.UTCDateTime(s_time + 35) for i, trace in enumerate(seis_traces.traces): P_trace = Trace.slice(trace, start_time_p, end_time_p) # P_trace.detrend(type='demean') S_trace = Trace.slice(trace, start_time_s, end_time_s) # S_trace.detrend(type='demean') stream_add = P_trace.__add__(S_trace, fill_value=0, sanity_checks=True) zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts), header={ "starttime": start_time_p, 'delta':, "station": trace.meta.station, "network":, "location": trace.meta.location, "channel": }) if 'T' in total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = total_trace.copy() else: total_trace = zero_trace.__add__(stream_add, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_s_trace = zero_trace.__add__(S_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) total_p_trace = zero_trace.__add__(P_trace, method=0, interpolation_samples=0,, sanity_checks=True) p_stream.append(total_p_trace) s_stream.append(total_s_trace) total_stream.append(total_trace) s_stream = self.BW_filter(s_stream) p_stream = self.BW_filter(p_stream) total_stream = self.BW_filter(total_stream) return total_stream, p_stream, s_stream, start_time_p, start_time_s