def _read_pha(filename,
                  'P': 'Z',
                  'S': 'N'
    Read a HypoDD PHA file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this

    The optional parameters all deal with the problem, that the PHA format
    only stores station names for the picks, but the Pick object expects
    a SEED id. A SEED id template is retrieved for each station by the
    following procedure:

    1. look at id_map for a direct station name match and use the specified
    2. if 1 did not succeed, look if the station is present in inventory and
       use its first channel as template
    3. if 1 and 2 did not succeed, use specified default template (id_default)

    :param str filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory`
    :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code
        and channel code of stations (SEED id).
    :param dict id_map: Default templates for each station
        (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`).
        The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param str id_default: Default SEED id template.
        The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param dict ph2comp: mapping of phases to components
        (default: {'P': 'Z', 'S': 'N'})
    :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8)

    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: An ObsPy Catalog object.
    seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map)
    with io.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        text = f.read()
    events = [
        _block2event(block, seed_map, id_default, ph2comp)
        for block in text.split('#')[1:]
    return Catalog(events)
文件: pha.py 项目: QuLogic/obspy
def _read_pha(filename, inventory=None, id_map=None, id_default='.{}..{}',
              ph2comp={'P': 'Z', 'S': 'N'}, encoding='utf-8'):
    Read a HypoDD PHA file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this

    The optional parameters all deal with the problem, that the PHA format
    only stores station names for the picks, but the Pick object expects
    a SEED id.

    :param str filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory`
    :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code
        and channel code of stations (SEED id).
    :param dict id_map: If channel information was not found in inventory,
        it will be looked up in this dictionary
        (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`).
        The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param str id_default: Default SEED id expression.
        The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param dict ph2comp: mapping of phases to components
        (default: {'P': 'Z', 'S': 'N'})
    :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8)

    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: An ObsPy Catalog object.
    seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map)
    with io.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        text = f.read()
    events = [_block2event(block, seed_map, id_default, ph2comp)
              for block in text.split('#')[1:]]
    return Catalog(events)
def block2event(block):
    ID_DEFAULT = 'OV.{}..{}'  # network.station.location.channel
    PH2COMP = {'P': 'HHZ', 'S': 'HHN'}
    return _block2event(block, _seed_id_map(None, None), ID_DEFAULT, PH2COMP)
文件: evt.py 项目: QuLogic/obspy
def _read_evt(filename, inventory=None, id_map=None, id_default='.{}..{}',
    Read a SeismicHandler EVT file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory`
    :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code
        and channel code of stations (SEED id).
    :type id_map: dict
    :param id_map: If channel information was not found in inventory,
        it will be looked up in this dictionary
        (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`).
        The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :type id_default: str
    :param id_default: Default SEED id expression.
        The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8)

    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: An ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. note::
        The following fields are supported by this function: %s.

        Compare with http://www.seismic-handler.org/wiki/ShmDocFileEvt
    seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map)
    with io.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        temp = f.read()
    # first create phases and phases_o dictionaries for different phases
    # and phases with origin information
    phases = defaultdict(list)
    phases_o = {}
    phase = {}
    evid = None
    for line in temp.splitlines():
        if 'End of Phase' in line:
            if 'origin time' in phase.keys():
                if evid in phases_o:
                    # found more than one origin
                phases_o[evid] = phase
            phase = {}
            evid = None
        elif line.strip() != '':
                key, value = line.split(':', 1)
            except ValueError:
            key = key.strip().lower()
            value = value.strip()
            if key == 'event id':
                evid = value
            elif value != '':
                phase[key] = value
    assert evid is None

    # now create obspy Events from phases and phases_o dictionaries
    events = []
    for evid in phases:
        picks = []
        arrivals = []
        stamags = []
        origins = []
        po = None
        magnitudes = []
        pm = None
        for p in phases[evid]:
            sta = p.get('station code', '')
            comp = p.get('component', '')
            wid = seed_map.get(sta, id_default)
            wid = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp))
            pick = Pick(waveform_id=wid, **_kw(p, 'pick'))
            arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, **_kw(p, 'arrival'))
            stamags_temp, _ = _mags(p, evid, stamag=True, wid=wid)
        if evid in phases_o:
            o = phases_o[evid]
            uncertainty = OriginUncertainty(**_kw(o, 'origin_uncertainty'))
            origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, origin_uncertainty=uncertainty,
                            **_kw(o, 'origin'))
            if origin.latitude is None or origin.longitude is None:
                warn('latitude or longitude not set for event %s' % evid)
                if origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty is not None:
                    origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty *= cos(
                        origin.latitude / 180 * pi)
                origins = [origin]
                po = origin.resource_id
            magnitudes, pm = _mags(o, evid)
            o = p
        event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(evid),
                      **_kw(o, 'event')
    return Catalog(events,
                   description='Created from SeismicHandler EVT format')
def _read_evt(filename, inventory=None, id_map=None, id_default='.{}..{}',
    Read a SeismicHandler EVT file and returns an ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.event.read_events` function, call this

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: File or file-like object in text mode.
    :type inventory: :class:`~obspy.core.inventory.inventory.Inventory`
    :param inventory: Inventory used to retrieve network code, location code
        and channel code of stations (SEED id).
    :type id_map: dict
    :param id_map: If channel information was not found in inventory,
        it will be looked up in this dictionary
        (example: `id_map={'MOX': 'GR.{}..HH{}'`).
        The values must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :type id_default: str
    :param id_default: Default SEED id expression.
        The value must contain three dots and two `{}` which are
        substituted by station code and component.
    :param str encoding: encoding used (default: utf-8)

    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.event.Catalog`
    :return: An ObsPy Catalog object.

    .. note::
        The following fields are supported by this function: %s.

        Compare with http://www.seismic-handler.org/wiki/ShmDocFileEvt
    seed_map = _seed_id_map(inventory, id_map)
    with io.open(filename, 'r', encoding=encoding) as f:
        temp = f.read()
    # first create phases and phases_o dictionaries for different phases
    # and phases with origin information
    phases = defaultdict(list)
    phases_o = {}
    phase = {}
    evid = None
    for line in temp.splitlines():
        if 'End of Phase' in line:
            if 'origin time' in phase.keys():
                if evid in phases_o:
                    # found more than one origin
                phases_o[evid] = phase
            phase = {}
            evid = None
        elif line.strip() != '':
                key, value = line.split(':', 1)
            except ValueError:
            key = key.strip().lower()
            value = value.strip()
            if key == 'event id':
                evid = value
            elif value != '':
                phase[key] = value
    assert evid is None

    # now create obspy Events from phases and phases_o dictionaries
    events = []
    for evid in phases:
        picks = []
        arrivals = []
        stamags = []
        origins = []
        po = None
        magnitudes = []
        pm = None
        for p in phases[evid]:
            sta = p.get('station code', '')
            comp = p.get('component', '')
            wid = seed_map.get(sta, id_default)
            wid = WaveformStreamID(seed_string=wid.format(sta, comp))
            pick = Pick(waveform_id=wid, **_kw(p, 'pick'))
            arrival = Arrival(pick_id=pick.resource_id, **_kw(p, 'arrival'))
            stamags_temp, _ = _mags(p, evid, stamag=True, wid=wid)
        if evid in phases_o:
            o = phases_o[evid]
            uncertainty = OriginUncertainty(**_kw(o, 'origin_uncertainty'))
            origin = Origin(arrivals=arrivals, origin_uncertainty=uncertainty,
                            **_kw(o, 'origin'))
            if origin.latitude is None or origin.longitude is None:
                warn('latitude or longitude not set for event %s' % evid)
                if origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty is not None:
                    origin.longitude_errors.uncertainty *= cos(
                        origin.latitude / 180 * pi)
                origins = [origin]
                po = origin.resource_id
            magnitudes, pm = _mags(o, evid)
            o = p
        event = Event(resource_id=ResourceIdentifier(evid),
                      **_kw(o, 'event')
    return Catalog(events,
                   description='Created from SeismicHandler EVT format')