文件: sds.py 项目: Qigaoo/obspy
    def _get_filenames(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime,
                       endtime, sds_type=None):
        Get list of filenames for certain waveform and time span.

        :type network: str
        :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU").
        :type station: str
        :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO").
        :type location: str
        :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. "").
        :type channel: str
        :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ").
        :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param starttime: Start of time span.
        :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param endtime: End of time span.
        :type sds_type: str
        :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified
            during client initialization.
        :rtype: list of str
        sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type
        # SDS has data sometimes in adjacent days, so also try to read the
        # requested data from those files. Usually this is only a few seconds
        # of data after midnight, but for now we play safe here to catch all
        # requested data (and with MiniSEED - the usual SDS file format - we
        # can use starttime/endtime kwargs anyway to read only desired parts).
        year_doy = set()
        # determine how far before starttime/after endtime we should check
        # other dayfiles for the data
        t_buffer = self.fileborder_samples / BAND_CODE.get(channel[:1], 20.0)
        t_buffer = max(t_buffer, self.fileborder_seconds)
        t = starttime - t_buffer
        t_max = endtime + t_buffer
        # make a list of year/doy combinations that covers the whole requested
        # time window (plus day before and day after)
        while t < t_max:
            year_doy.add((t.year, t.julday))
            t += timedelta(days=1)
        year_doy.add((t_max.year, t_max.julday))

        full_paths = set()
        for year, doy in year_doy:
            filename = self.FMTSTR.format(
                network=network, station=station, location=location,
                channel=channel, year=year, doy=doy, sds_type=sds_type)
            full_path = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
            full_paths = full_paths.union(glob.glob(full_path))

        return full_paths
    def _get_filenames(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime,
                       endtime, sds_type=None):
        Get list of filenames for certain waveform and time span.

        :type network: str
        :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU").
        :type station: str
        :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO").
        :type location: str
        :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. "").
        :type channel: str
        :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ").
        :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param starttime: Start of time span.
        :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param endtime: End of time span.
        :type sds_type: str
        :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified
            during client initialization.
        :rtype: list of str
        sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type
        # SDS has data sometimes in adjacent days, so also try to read the
        # requested data from those files. Usually this is only a few seconds
        # of data after midnight, but for now we play safe here to catch all
        # requested data (and with MiniSEED - the usual SDS file format - we
        # can use starttime/endtime kwargs anyway to read only desired parts).
        year_doy = set()
        # determine how far before starttime/after endtime we should check
        # other dayfiles for the data
        t_buffer = self.fileborder_samples / BAND_CODE.get(channel[:1], 20.0)
        t_buffer = max(t_buffer, self.fileborder_seconds)
        t = starttime - t_buffer
        t_max = endtime + t_buffer
        # make a list of year/doy combinations that covers the whole requested
        # time window (plus day before and day after)
        while t < t_max:
            year_doy.add((t.year, t.julday))
            t += timedelta(days=1)
        year_doy.add((t_max.year, t_max.julday))

        full_paths = set()
        for year, doy in year_doy:
            filename = self.FMTSTR.format(
                network=network, station=station, location=location,
                channel=channel, year=year, doy=doy, sds_type=sds_type)
            full_path = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
            full_paths = full_paths.union(glob.glob(full_path))

        return full_paths
文件: sds.py 项目: lileipku00/obspy
    def get_waveforms(self,
        Read data from a local SeisComP Data Structure (SDS) directory tree.

        >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
        >>> t = UTCDateTime("2015-10-12T12")
        >>> st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "ANMO", "*", "HH?", t, t+30)
        ... # doctest: +SKIP

        :type network: str
        :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type station: str
        :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type location: str
        :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. "").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type channel: str
        :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param starttime: Start of requested time window.
        :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param endtime: End of requested time window.
        :type merge: int or None
        :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed
            on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means
            only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless
            traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See
            :meth:`Stream.merge(...) <obspy.core.stream.Stream.merge>` for
            details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at
            all will be performed.
        :type sds_type: str
        :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified
            during client initialization.
        :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
        if starttime >= endtime:
            msg = ("'endtime' must be after 'starttime'.")
            raise ValueError(msg)
        sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type
        # SDS has data sometimes in adjacent days, so also try to read the
        # requested data from those files. Usually this is only a few seconds
        # of data after midnight, but for now we play safe here to catch all
        # requested data (and with MiniSEED - the usual SDS file format - we
        # can use starttime/endtime kwargs anyway to read only desired parts).
        year_doy = set()
        # determine how far before starttime/after endtime we should check
        # other dayfiles for the data
        t_buffer = self.fileborder_samples / BAND_CODE.get(channel[:1], 20.0)
        t_buffer = max(t_buffer, self.fileborder_seconds)
        t = starttime - t_buffer
        t_max = endtime + t_buffer
        # make a list of year/doy combinations that covers the whole requested
        # time window (plus day before and day after)
        while t < t_max:
            year_doy.add((t.year, t.julday))
            t += timedelta(days=1)
        year_doy.add((t_max.year, t_max.julday))

        st = Stream()
        full_paths = set()
        for year, doy in year_doy:
            filename = SDS_FMTSTR.format(network=network,
            full_path = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
            full_paths = full_paths.union(glob.glob(full_path))
        for full_path in full_paths:
            st += read(full_path,

        st.trim(starttime, endtime)
        if merge is None or merge is False:
        return st
文件: sds.py 项目: jshridha/obspy
    def get_waveforms(self, network, station, location, channel, starttime,
                      endtime, merge=-1, sds_type=None):
        Read data from a local SeisComP Data Structure (SDS) directory tree.

        >>> from obspy import UTCDateTime
        >>> t = UTCDateTime("2015-10-12T12")
        >>> st = client.get_waveforms("IU", "ANMO", "*", "HH?", t, t+30)
        ... # doctest: +SKIP

        :type network: str
        :param network: Network code of requested data (e.g. "IU").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type station: str
        :param station: Station code of requested data (e.g. "ANMO").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type location: str
        :param location: Location code of requested data (e.g. "").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type channel: str
        :param channel: Channel code of requested data (e.g. "HHZ").
            Wildcards '*' and '?' are supported.
        :type starttime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param starttime: Start of requested time window.
        :type endtime: :class:`~obspy.core.utcdatetime.UTCDateTime`
        :param endtime: End of requested time window.
        :type merge: int or None
        :param merge: Specifies, which merge operation should be performed
            on the stream before returning the data. Default (``-1``) means
            only a conservative cleanup merge is performed to merge seamless
            traces (e.g. when reading across day boundaries). See
            :meth:`Stream.merge(...) <obspy.core.stream.Stream.merge>` for
            details. If set to ``None`` (or ``False``) no merge operation at
            all will be performed.
        :type sds_type: str
        :param sds_type: Override SDS data type identifier that was specified
            during client initialization.
        :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
        if starttime >= endtime:
            msg = ("'endtime' must be after 'starttime'.")
            raise ValueError(msg)
        sds_type = sds_type or self.sds_type
        # SDS has data sometimes in adjacent days, so also try to read the
        # requested data from those files. Usually this is only a few seconds
        # of data after midnight, but for now we play safe here to catch all
        # requested data (and with MiniSEED - the usual SDS file format - we
        # can use starttime/endtime kwargs anyway to read only desired parts).
        year_doy = set()
        # determine how far before starttime/after endtime we should check
        # other dayfiles for the data
        t_buffer = self.fileborder_samples / BAND_CODE.get(channel[:1], 20.0)
        t_buffer = max(t_buffer, self.fileborder_seconds)
        t = starttime - t_buffer
        t_max = endtime + t_buffer
        # make a list of year/doy combinations that covers the whole requested
        # time window (plus day before and day after)
        while t < t_max:
            year_doy.add((t.year, t.julday))
            t += timedelta(days=1)
        year_doy.add((t_max.year, t_max.julday))

        st = Stream()
        full_paths = set()
        for year, doy in year_doy:
            filename = SDS_FMTSTR.format(
                network=network, station=station, location=location,
                channel=channel, year=year, doy=doy, type=sds_type)
            full_path = os.path.join(self.sds_root, filename)
            full_paths = full_paths.union(glob.glob(full_path))
        for full_path in full_paths:
            st += read(full_path, format=self.format, starttime=starttime,

        st.trim(starttime, endtime)
        if merge is None or merge is False:
        return st