def test_bandpassVsPitsa(self): """ Test Butterworth bandpass filter against Butterworth bandpass filter of PITSA. Note that the corners value is twice the value of the filter sections in PITSA. The rms of the difference between ObsPy and PITSA tends to get bigger with higher order filtering. """ # load test file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006.gz') f = data = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # parameters for the test samp_rate = 200.0 freq1 = 5 freq2 = 10 corners = 4 # filter trace datcorr = bandpass(data, freq1, freq2, df=samp_rate, corners=corners) # load pitsa file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006_bandpass.gz') f = data_pitsa = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # calculate normalized rms rms = np.sqrt(np.sum((datcorr - data_pitsa) ** 2) / np.sum(data_pitsa ** 2)) self.assertEqual(rms < 1.0e-05, True)
def test_bandpassZPHSHVsPitsa(self): """ Test Butterworth zero-phase bandpass filter against Butterworth zero-phase bandpass filter of PITSA. Note that the corners value is twice the value of the filter sections in PITSA. The rms of the difference between ObsPy and PITSA tends to get bigger with higher order filtering. Note: The Zero-Phase filters deviate from PITSA's zero-phase filters at the end of the trace! The rms for the test is calculated omitting the last 200 samples, as this part of the trace is assumed to generally be of low interest/importance. """ # load test file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006.gz') f = data = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # parameters for the test samp_rate = 200.0 freq1 = 5 freq2 = 10 corners = 2 # filter trace datcorr = bandpass(data, freq1, freq2, df=samp_rate, corners=corners, zerophase=True) # load pitsa file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006_bandpassZPHSH.gz') f = data_pitsa = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # calculate normalized rms rms = np.sqrt(np.sum((datcorr[:-200] - data_pitsa[:-200]) ** 2) / np.sum(data_pitsa[:-200] ** 2)) self.assertEqual(rms < 1.0e-05, True)
def filter(self): """ Filter data for each band. """ n_bands = self._N_bands() LEN = df = # create zeros 2D array for BF BF = np.zeros(shape = (n_bands,LEN)) for j in range(n_bands): octave_high = (self.freqmin + self.freqmin * 2.0) / 2.0 * (2**j) octave_low = octave_high / 2.0 BF[j] = bandpass(, octave_low, octave_high, df, corners = self.cnr, zerophase = False) BF[j] = cosTaper(LEN, self.perc_taper) * BF[j] return BF
def test_bandpassZPHSHVsPitsa(self): """ Test Butterworth zero-phase bandpass filter against Butterworth zero-phase bandpass filter of PITSA. Note that the corners value is twice the value of the filter sections in PITSA. The rms of the difference between ObsPy and PITSA tends to get bigger with higher order filtering. Note: The Zero-Phase filters deviate from PITSA's zero-phase filters at the end of the trace! The rms for the test is calculated omitting the last 200 samples, as this part of the trace is assumed to generally be of low interest/importance. """ # load test file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006.gz') f = data = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # parameters for the test samp_rate = 200.0 freq1 = 5 freq2 = 10 corners = 2 # filter trace datcorr = bandpass(data, freq1, freq2, df=samp_rate, corners=corners, zerophase=True) # load pitsa file file = os.path.join(self.path, 'rjob_20051006_bandpassZPHSH.gz') f = data_pitsa = np.loadtxt(f) f.close() # calculate normalized rms rms = np.sqrt( np.sum((datcorr[:-200] - data_pitsa[:-200])**2) / np.sum(data_pitsa[:-200]**2)) self.assertEqual(rms < 1.0e-05, True)
def filter(self): """ Filter data for each band. """ n_bands = self._N_bands() LEN = df = # create zeros 2D array for BF BF = np.zeros(shape=(n_bands, LEN)) for j in range(n_bands): octave_high = (self.freqmin + self.freqmin * 2.0) / 2.0 * (2**j) octave_low = octave_high / 2.0 BF[j] = bandpass(, octave_low, octave_high, df, corners=self.cnr, zerophase=False) BF[j] = cosTaper(LEN, self.perc_taper) * BF[j] return BF
str(stime.julday).zfill(3) + '/' + locs[0] + '_' + sr + 'H2.512.seed') st2 += read('/tr1/telemetry_days/' + stas[1] + '/2016/2016_' + str(stime.julday).zfill(3) + '/' + locs[1] + '_' + sr + 'H2.512.seed') st2 += read('/tr1/telemetry_days/' + stas[2] + '/2016/2016_' + str(stime.julday).zfill(3) + '/' + locs[2] + '_' + sr + 'H2.512.seed') st2.trim(starttime=stime, endtime=etime) st2.detrend('constant') for tr in st1: /= paz['sensitivity'] = bandpass(, 1. / 10., 1., 1. / delta, 4, False) tr.taper(0.05) for tr in st2: /= paz['sensitivity'] = bandpass(, 1. / 10., 1., 1. / delta, 4, False) tr.taper(0.05) #Sensor 1 and 2 def rot1(theta): theta = theta % 360. cosd = np.cos(np.deg2rad(theta)) sind = np.sin(np.deg2rad(theta)) data1 = cosd * st1[0].data - sind * st2[0].data data2 = sind * st1[0].data + cosd * st2[0].data resi = abs( sum(data1 * st1[1].data) /
)[1] != last_id or tr.stats.starttime - last_endtime > 1.0 / df: data_buf = np.array([], dtype='float64') olap = 0 while samp < tr.stats.npts: data =[samp:samp + nfft - olap].astype('float64') data = np.concatenate((data_buf, data)) data = detrend(data) # Correct for frequency response of instrument data = seisSim(data, df, paz_remove=tr.stats.paz, paz_simulate=inst, remove_sensitivity=True) # XXX is removed in seisSim... ?! # XXX data /= (paz['sensitivity'] / 1e9) #V/nm/s correct for overall sensitivity data = bandpass(data, LOW, HIGH, df) data = recStalta(data, s2p(STA, tr), s2p(LTA, tr)) picked_values = triggerOnset(data, ON, OFF, max_len=overlap) # for i, j in picked_values: begin = tr.stats.starttime + float(i + samp - olap) / df end = tr.stats.starttime + float(j + samp - olap) / df trigger_list.append( (begin.timestamp, end.timestamp, tr.stats.station)) olap = overlap # only needed for first time in loop samp += nfft - overlap data_buf = data[-overlap:] last_endtime, last_id = trId(tr.stats) ############################################################################### # start of coincidence part
def Find_wav_kurt(x,h,g,h1,h2,h3,nlevel,Sc,Fr,opt,Fs=1): # [c,Bw,fc,i] = Find_wav_kurt(x,h,g,h1,h2,h3,nlevel,Sc,Fr,opt2) # Sc = -log2(Bw)-1 with Bw the bandwidth of the filter # Fr is in [0 .5] # # ------------------- # J. Antoni : 12/2004 # ------------------- level = np.fix((Sc))+ ((Sc%1) >= 0.5) * (np.log2(3)-1) Bw = 2**(-level-1) freq_w = np.arange(0,2**(level-1)) / 2**(level+1) + Bw/2. J = np.argmin(np.abs(freq_w-Fr)) fc = freq_w[J] i = int(np.round(fc/Bw-1./2)) if level % 1 == 0: acoeff = binary(i, level) bcoeff = np.array([]) temp_level = level else: i2 = np.fix((i/3.)) temp_level = np.fix((level))-1 acoeff = binary(i2,temp_level) bcoeff = np.array([i-i2*3,]) acoeff = acoeff[::-1] c = K_wpQ_filt(x,h,g,h1,h2,h3,acoeff,bcoeff,temp_level) kx = kurt(c,opt) print "kx", kx sig = np.median(np.abs(c))/np.sqrt(np.pi/2.) print sig threshold = sig*raylinv(np.array([.999,]),np.array([1,])) print "threshold", threshold #~ spec = int(raw_input(' Do you want to see the envelope spectrum (yes = 1 ; no = 0): ')) spec = 1 t = np.arange(len(x))/Fs tc = np.linspace(t[0],t[-1],len(c)) fig = plt.figure() ax1 = plt.subplot(2+spec,1,1) plt.plot(t,x,'k',label='Original Signal') #~ plt.plot(tc,(c/np.max(c))*np.max(np.abs(x)),c='r',label='Filtered Signal') from obspy.signal import bandpass, envelope plt.plot(t,bandpass(x,Fr,Fr+50./32,Fs,corners=2),label='Obspy Filterded Signal') plt.legend() plt.grid(True) plt.subplot(2+spec,1,2,sharex=ax1) plt.plot(tc,np.abs(c),'k') #~ plt.plot(tc,envelope(c),'k') #~ plt.plot(tc,threshold*np.ones(len(c)),'--r') plt.axhline(threshold,c='r') for ti in tc[ np.where(np.abs(c) >= threshold)[0]]: plt.axvline(ti,c='g',zorder=-1) ax1.axvline(ti,c='g',zorder=-1) #~ plt.title('Envlp of the filtr sgl, Bw=Fs/2^{'+(level+1)+'}, fc='+(Fs*fc)+'Hz, Kurt='+(np.round(np.abs(10*kx))/10)+', \alpha=.1%'] plt.xlabel('time [s]') plt.grid(True) if spec == 1: #~ print nextpow2(len(c)) nfft = int(nextpow2(len(c))) env = np.abs(c)**2 S = np.abs(np.fft.fft(env.ravel()-np.mean(env)*np.hanning(len(env))/len(env),nfft)) f = np.linspace(0, 0.5*Fs/2**level,nfft/2) plt.subplot(313) plt.plot(f,S[:nfft/2],'k') plt.title('Fourier transform magnitude of the squared envelope') plt.xlabel('frequency [Hz]') plt.grid(True) return [c,Bw,fc]
overlap = s2p(30.0, tr) olap = overlap samp = 0 df = tr.stats.sampling_rate if trId(tr.stats)[1] != last_id or tr.stats.starttime - last_endtime > 1.0 / df: data_buf = np.array([], dtype='float64') olap = 0 while samp < tr.stats.npts: data =[samp:samp + nfft - olap].astype('float64') data = np.concatenate((data_buf, data)) data = detrend(data) # Correct for frequency response of instrument data = seisSim(data, df, paz_remove=tr.stats.paz, paz_simulate=inst, remove_sensitivity=True) # XXX is removed in seisSim... ?! # XXX data /= (paz['sensitivity'] / 1e9) #V/nm/s correct for overall sensitivity data = bandpass(data, LOW, HIGH, df) data = recStalta(data, s2p(STA, tr), s2p(LTA, tr)) picked_values = triggerOnset(data, ON, OFF, max_len=overlap) # for i, j in picked_values: begin = tr.stats.starttime + float(i + samp - olap) / df end = tr.stats.starttime + float(j + samp - olap) / df trigger_list.append((begin.timestamp, end.timestamp, tr.stats.station)) olap = overlap # only needed for first time in loop samp += nfft - overlap data_buf = data[-overlap:] last_endtime, last_id = trId(tr.stats) ############################################################################### # start of coincidence part ###############################################################################