    def decay_work_commute(self, p):
        This decays the satiation level in order to commute to work. For the satiation to decay the \
        person needs the following:

        #. the agent should leave the home to go to work
        #. the agent should leave work to go home

        :param person.Person p: the person of interest

        :return: None
        leave_home = False
        leave_work = False

        # do not commute if working at home
        if (p.socio.job.location.local != location.HOME):

            # commute from Home to Work (leave early to take into account commute)
            if (p.location.local == location.HOME):
                leave_home = occupation.is_work_time(p.clock,

            # commute from Work to Home (when it is no longer work time)
            elif (p.location.local == p.socio.job.location.local):
                leave_work = not occupation.is_work_time(
                    p.clock, p.socio.job, is_commute_to_work=False)

        # assign the travel magnitude
        if (leave_work or leave_home):
            p.travel.magnitude = need.MAG_COMMUTE

    def perceive(self, clock, job):

        This gives the satiation of income **if** the income need is addressed now.

        #. find out if the time associated with clock implies a work time for the person
        #. If it should be work time
            * the perceived satiation is :math:`\eta_{work} \le \lambda`
            * else, the perceived satiation is :math:`1.0`
        :param temporal.Temporal clock: the future time the activity the should be perceived to be done
        :param occupation.Occupation job: the job

        :return: the satiation at the perceived time
        :rtype: float

        # flag indicating whether it is work time or not
        is_work_time = occupation.is_work_time(clock, job)
        # do not set the work need exactly to zero. This way,
        # if a super important need can interrupt the work activity
        if (is_work_time):
            mag = need.MAG_WORK
            mag = 1.0

        return mag
    def perceive(self, clock, job):
        This function gives the satiation for Travel if the Travel need is addressed now.

        :Note: going to work can only happen according to work hours of the job.

        :param temporal.Temporal clock: the time the need to travel is perceived
        :param occupation.Occupation job: the job of the person

        :return mag: the perceived magnitude of the need
        :rtype: float

        # indicate if it is the work time (True) or not (False)
        is_work_time = occupation.is_work_time(clock,

        # do not set the work need exactly to zero. This way,
        # if a super important need can interrupt the work activity
        if (is_work_time):
            mag = need.MAG_COMMUTE
            # it's not time to commute
            mag = 1.0

        return mag
    def advertise(self, p):

        This function calculates the score of an activities advertisement to a person. The activity \
        advertise to the agent if the following conditions are met:
        #. the current meal is lunch
        #. the agent's location is at home (:const:`location.HOME`) or the agent's location is at the \
        workplace (:const:`location.OFF_SITE`)
        #. calculate the score :math:`S`
        .. math::     
            S = \\begin{cases}
            0  & n_{hunger}(t) > \\lambda \\\\
            W( n_{hunger}(t) ) - W( n_{hunger}(t + \\Delta{t} )) & n_{hunger}(t) \\le \\lambda

            * :math:`t` is the current time
            * :math:`\\Delta{t}` is the duration of eating lunch [minutes]
            * :math:`n_{hunger}(t)` is the satiation for Hunger at time :math:`t`
            * :math:`\\lambda` is the threshold value of Hunger
            * :math:`W(n)` is the weight function for Hunger

        If the threshold is not met, score is 0. The advertisements assume that the duration \
        of the activity is the mean duration.

        :param person.Person p: the person of interest

        :return score: the advertised score of doing the eat lunch activity
        :rtype: float

        # adjust the range of start times
        score   = 0.0

        # find the meal that is advertised.
        the_meal = p.socio.get_current_meal(p.clock.time_of_day)

        # need to add something for limiting advertisements at work during non-lunch time

        # if  breakfast is skipped, need to make sure lunch is advertised at the correct time. If a meal is advertised,
        # n < lambda.
        if (the_meal is not None) and (the_meal.id == meal.LUNCH):

            # set flags for if it's time to work
            is_work_time    = occupation.is_work_time(p.clock, p.socio.job)

            # set flag to see if the time is before lunch starts
            is_before_lunch = p.clock.time_of_day < the_meal.t_start

            # if agent is at work and before lunch time, do NOT eat lunch
            if (is_work_time and is_before_lunch):
                score = 0.0
                score = self.advertise_help(p, the_meal.dt)

        return score
    def decay(self, p):
        This function decays the magnitude of the need. Income only decays after the job start time.
        #. Find out if it is time to work
        #. If it's time to work, set the satiation :math:`n_{income} = \eta_{work}`

        :param person.Person p: the person of interest

        :return: None

        # is it time for work?
        is_work_time = occupation.is_work_time(p.clock, p.socio.job)

        # decay by income need dropping to WORK_MAG
        if (is_work_time):
            self.magnitude = need.MAG_WORK

    def duration_to_next_commute_event(self, clock):
        This function is called in in order to calculate the amount of time until the next commute event by \
        doing the following.

        #. If the agent is unemployed, return infinity 
        #. If the time indicates that the agent should be currently working, set the duration to be the \
        length of time remaining at work
        #. If the time indicates that the agent should be currently commuting to work, set the duration to be \
        the duration until the commute to work should start
        #. If the time indicates that the agent should be currently commuting from work, set the duration to be \
        the amount of time until the commute from work should end
        #. Else, calculate the amount of time until the next commute to work event
        .. note::
            The only reason this code is place here is because the work activity and the commute activity use it.

        :param temporal.Temporal clock: the current time
        :return: the duration in time [minutes] until the next commute event
        :rtype: int

        DAY_2_MIN = temporal.DAY_2_MIN

        # if the person is unemployed, set the duration to infinity
        if not self.job.is_employed:
            dt = np.inf

            # should the agent be working
            work_time = occupation.is_work_time(clock,

            # is it time for the person to be commuting to work
            commute_to_work_time = occupation.is_work_time(
                clock, self.job, is_commute_to_work=True)

            # is it time to commute from work
            t = max(0, clock.t_univ - self.job.commute_from_work_dt)
            temp_clock = temporal.Temporal()
            temp_clock.t_univ = t
            commute_from_work_time = occupation.is_work_time(
                temp_clock, self.job, is_commute_to_work=False)

            # if the agent is currently working, set the duration to be the length of time remaining at work
            if (work_time):
                t_end = self.job.t_end
                dt = (t_end - clock.time_of_day + DAY_2_MIN) % DAY_2_MIN

            # if the person should be commuting to work, set the duration to be the length of time remaining until
            # the commute starts
            elif (commute_to_work_time):
                t_start = self.job.commute_to_work_start
                dt = (t_start - clock.time_of_day + DAY_2_MIN) % DAY_2_MIN

            # if the person should be commuting from work, set the time to be the time when the commute should end
            elif (commute_from_work_time):
                t_start = self.job.t_end
                dt = (t_start + self.job.commute_from_work_dt -
                      self.clock.time_of_day + DAY_2_MIN) % DAY_2_MIN

            # else, calculate the amount of time until the next commute event
                # time until the next work event
                dt = self.duration_to_work_event(
                    clock) - self.job.commute_to_work_dt

        return dt