def test_calculation_iteration(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True,month_count=2) field.variables.add_variable(Variable(value=field.variables['tmax'].value+5, name='tmin',alias='tmin')) field.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' field.level.name_uid = 'lid' field.spatial.geom.name_uid = 'gid' grouping = ['month'] tgd = field.temporal.get_grouping(grouping) mu = Mean(field=field,tgd=tgd,alias='my_mean') ret = mu.execute() kwds = copy(field.__dict__) kwds.pop('_raw') kwds.pop('_variables') kwds['temporal'] = tgd kwds['variables'] = ret cfield = DerivedField(**kwds) cfield.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' cfield.temporal.name_value = 'time' cfield.spatial.name_uid = 'gid' sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta,key='state_boundaries',headers=constants.calc_headers) for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries'): sp.add_field(row['properties']['UGID'],row['geom'],cfield.variables.keys()[0], cfield,properties=row['properties']) for ii,row in enumerate(sp.get_iter_dict()): if ii == 0: self.assertEqual(row[0].bounds,(-100.5, 39.5, -99.5, 40.5)) self.assertDictEqual(row[1],{'lid': 1, 'ugid': 1, 'vid': 1, 'cid': 1, 'did': 1, 'year': 2000, 'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 16, 0, 0), 'calc_alias': 'my_mean_tmax', 'value': 0.44808476666433006, 'month': 1, 'alias': 'tmax', 'variable': 'tmax', 'gid': 1, 'calc_key': 'mean', 'tid': 1, 'level': 50, 'day': 16}) self.assertEqual(len(row),2) self.assertEqual(len(row[1]),len(constants.calc_headers))
def test_multivariate_iteration(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True, month_count=1) field.variables.add_variable(Variable(value=field.variables['tmax'].value + 5, name='tmin', alias='tmin')) field.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' field.level.name_uid = 'lid' field.spatial.geom.name_uid = 'gid' div = Divide(field=field, parms={'arr1': 'tmin', 'arr2': 'tmax'}, alias='some_division', dtype=np.float64) ret = div.execute() cfield = DerivedMultivariateField(variables=ret, realization=field.realization, temporal=field.temporal, level=field.level, spatial=field.spatial, meta=field.meta, uid=field.uid) cfield.spatial.name_uid = 'gid' sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta, key='state_boundaries', headers=constants.HEADERS_MULTI) for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries', as_spatial_dimension=True): sp.add_field(cfield, ugeom=row) for ii, row in enumerate(sp.get_iter_dict(melted=True)): if ii == 0: self.assertDictEqual(row[1], {'lid': 1, 'ugid': 1, 'cid': 1, 'did': None, 'year': 2000, 'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0), 'calc_alias': 'some_division', 'value': 12.989774984574424, 'month': 1, 'gid': 1, 'calc_key': 'divide', 'tid': 1, 'level': 50, 'day': 1}) self.assertEqual(ii + 1, 2 * 31 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 51)
def get_collection(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True) sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta, key='state_boundaries') for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries', as_spatial_dimension=True): sp.add_field(field, ugeom=row) return sp
def write(self): build = True for coll in self: if build: ret = SpatialCollection(meta=coll.meta,key=coll.key,,headers=coll.headers) build = False for k,v in coll.iteritems(): ret.add_field(k,coll.geoms[k],v.keys()[0],v.values()[0],[k]) return(ret)
def get_spatial_collection_two_geometries(self, pt=None): pt = pt or Point(1, 2) record1 = {'geom': pt, 'properties': {'ID': 4, 'NAME': 'hello'}} record2 = {'geom': pt, 'properties': {'ID': 5, 'NAME': 'another'}} sd1 = SpatialDimension.from_records([record1], uid='ID') sd2 = SpatialDimension.from_records([record2], uid='ID') sc = SpatialCollection() field = self.get_field() sc.add_field(field, ugeom=sd1) sc.add_field(field, ugeom=sd2) return sc
def test_constructor(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True) sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta,key='state_boundaries') for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries'): sp.add_field(row['properties']['UGID'],row['geom'],field.variables.keys()[0], field,properties=row['properties']) self.assertEqual(len(sp),51) self.assertIsInstance(sp.geoms[25],MultiPolygon) self.assertIsInstance([25],dict) self.assertEqual(sp[25]['tmax'].variables['tmax'].value.shape,(2, 31, 2, 3, 4))
def test_calculation_iteration_two_calculations(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True, month_count=2) field.variables.add_variable(Variable(value=field.variables['tmax'].value + 5, name='tmin', alias='tmin')) field.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' field.level.name_uid = 'lid' field.spatial.geom.name_uid = 'gid' grouping = ['month'] tgd = field.temporal.get_grouping(grouping) mu = Mean(field=field, tgd=tgd, alias='my_mean', dtype=np.float64, add_parents=True) ret = mu.execute() thresh = Threshold(field=field, vc=ret, tgd=tgd, alias='a_treshold', add_parents=True, parms={'operation': 'gte', 'threshold': 0.5}) ret = thresh.execute() kwds = copy(field.__dict__) kwds.pop('_raw') kwds.pop('_variables') kwds.pop('_should_regrid') kwds.pop('_has_assigned_coordinate_system') kwds.pop('_attrs') kwds['name'] = kwds.pop('_name') kwds['temporal'] = tgd kwds['variables'] = ret cfield = DerivedField(**kwds) cfield.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' cfield.temporal.name_value = 'time' cfield.spatial.name_uid = 'gid' sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta, key='state_boundaries', headers=constants.HEADERS_CALC) for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries', as_spatial_dimension=True): sp.add_field(cfield, ugeom=row) cids = set() for ii, row in enumerate(sp.get_iter_dict(melted=True)): cids.update([row[1]['cid']]) if ii == 0: self.assertEqual(row[0].bounds, (-100.5, 39.5, -99.5, 40.5)) self.assertDictEqual(row[1], {'lid': 1, 'ugid': 1, 'vid': 1, 'cid': 1, 'did': 1, 'year': 2000, 'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 16, 0, 0), 'calc_alias': 'my_mean_tmax', 'value': 0.44808476666433006, 'month': 1, 'alias': 'tmax', 'variable': 'tmax', 'gid': 1, 'calc_key': 'mean', 'tid': 1, 'level': 50, 'day': 16}) self.assertEqual(len(row), 2) self.assertEqual(len(row[1]), len(constants.HEADERS_CALC)) self.assertEqual(ii + 1, 2 * 2 * 2 * 3 * 4 * 51 * 4) self.assertEqual(len(cids), 4)
def write(self): build = True for coll in self: if build: ret = SpatialCollection(meta=coll.meta, key=coll.key,, headers=coll.headers) build = False for k, v in coll.iteritems(): field = v.values()[0] if field is None: name = v.keys()[0] else: name = None ret.add_field(v.values()[0], ugeom=coll.ugeom[k], name=name) return ret
def test_crs(self): sc = SpatialCollection() self.assertIsNone( field = self.get_field(crs=CFWGS84()) sc.add_field(field) self.assertEqual(, CFWGS84()) self.assertIsNone(sc._crs) sc = SpatialCollection(crs=Spherical()) self.assertEqual(, Spherical()) sc = SpatialCollection() field = self.get_field() field.spatial = None sc.add_field(field) self.assertIsNone(
def get_esmf_field(self, **kwargs): """ :keyword field: (``=None``) The field object. If ``None``, call :meth:`~ocgis.test.base.TestBase.get_field` :type field: :class:`~ocgis.Field` :param kwargs: Other keyword arguments to :meth:`ocgis.test.base.TestBase.get_field`. :returns: An ESMF field object. :rtype: :class:`ESMF.Field` """ from ocgis.conv.esmpy import ESMPyConverter field = kwargs.pop("field", None) or self.get_field(**kwargs) coll = SpatialCollection() coll.add_field(field) conv = ESMPyConverter([coll]) efield = conv.write() return efield
def test_write(self): records = [{'geom': Point(1, 2).buffer(1), 'properties': {'ID': 5, 'name': 'heaven'}}, {'geom': Point(7, 8).buffer(1), 'properties': {'ID': 50, 'name': 'hell'}}] sdim1 = SpatialDimension.from_records([records[0]], uid='ID') sdim2 = SpatialDimension.from_records([records[1]], uid='ID') field = self.get_field(crs=WGS84()) coll1 = SpatialCollection() coll1.add_field(field, ugeom=sdim1) coll2 = SpatialCollection() coll2.add_field(field, ugeom=sdim2) colls = [coll1, coll2] f = FakeAbstractCollectionConverter(colls, outdir=self.current_dir_output, prefix='me') ret = f.write() path = os.path.join(ret, 'shp', 'me_ugid.shp') with, 'r') as source: records = list(source) self.assertEqual(len(records), 2) self.assertEqual([r['properties']['ID'] for r in records], [5, 50]) self.assertEqual([r['properties']['name'] for r in records], ['heaven', 'hell'])
def test_iteration(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True) field.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' field.level.name_uid = 'lid' field.spatial.geom.name_uid = 'gid' field.spatial.name_uid = 'gid' sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta,key='state_boundaries') for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries'): sp.add_field(row['properties']['UGID'],row['geom'],field.variables.keys()[0], field,properties=row['properties']) for ii,row in enumerate(sp.get_iter_dict()): if ii == 1: self.assertEqual(row[1],{'lid': 1, 'ugid': 1, 'vid': 1, 'alias': 'tmax', 'did': 1, 'year': 2000, 'value': 0.7203244934421581, 'month': 1, 'variable': 'tmax', 'gid': 2, 'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0), 'tid': 1, 'level': 50, 'day': 1}) self.assertIsInstance(row[0],MultiPolygon) self.assertEqual(len(row),2) self.assertEqual(len(row[1]),len(constants.raw_headers))
def test_iteration_methods(self): field = self.get_field(with_value=True) field.temporal.name_uid = 'tid' field.level.name_uid = 'lid' field.spatial.geom.name_uid = 'gid' field.spatial.name_uid = 'gid' sc = ShpCabinet() meta = sc.get_meta('state_boundaries') sp = SpatialCollection(meta=meta, key='state_boundaries', headers=constants.HEADERS_RAW) for row in sc.iter_geoms('state_boundaries', as_spatial_dimension=True): sp.add_field(field, ugeom=row) for ii, row in enumerate(sp.get_iter_dict(melted=True)): if ii == 1: self.assertDictEqual(row[1], {'lid': 1, 'ugid': 1, 'vid': 1, 'alias': 'tmax', 'did': 1, 'year': 2000, 'value': 0.7203244934421581, 'month': 1, 'variable': 'tmax', 'gid': 2, 'time': datetime.datetime(2000, 1, 1, 12, 0), 'tid': 1, 'level': 50, 'day': 1}) self.assertIsInstance(row[0], MultiPolygon) self.assertEqual(len(row), 2) self.assertEqual(len(row[1]), len(constants.HEADERS_RAW))
def test_add_field(self): sc = SpatialCollection() field = self.get_field() sc.add_field(field) self.assertIsInstance(sc[1][], Field) with self.assertRaises(ValueError): sc.add_field(field) field2 = deepcopy(field) = 'another' sc.add_field(field2) self.assertIsInstance(sc[1]['another'], Field) sc.add_field(field, name='hiding') self.assertIsInstance(sc[1]['hiding'], Field) self.assertIsNone(sc.ugeom[1]) record = {'geom': Point(1, 2), 'properties': {'ID': 4, 'NAME': 'hello'}} sd = SpatialDimension.from_records([record], uid='ID') sc.add_field(field, ugeom=sd) self.assertEqual(sc.keys(), [1, 4]) self.assertEqual(sc.ugeom[4].geom.point.value[0, 0], record['geom']) sc = SpatialCollection() sc.add_field(field) self.assertEqual(field.uid, 1) field.uid = 10 sc = SpatialCollection() sc.add_field(field) self.assertEqual(field.uid, 10) field2 = deepcopy(field) = Spherical() with self.assertRaises(ValueError): # coordinate systems must be same sc.add_field(field2, name='hover') sc = SpatialCollection() sc.add_field(None, name='food') self.assertIsNone(sc[1]['food'])
def _process_subsettables_(self,rds): ''' :param rds: Sequence of :class:~`ocgis.RequestDataset` objects. :type rds: sequence :yields: :class:~`ocgis.SpatialCollection` ''' ocgis_lh(msg='entering _process_geometries_',logger=self._subset_log,level=logging.DEBUG) ## select headers if self.ops.headers is not None: headers = self.ops.headers else: if self.cengine is not None: if self._has_multivariate_calculations: headers = constants.multi_headers else: headers = constants.calc_headers else: headers = constants.raw_headers ## keyed output functions require appending headers regardless. there is ## only one keyed output function allowed in a request. if self.cengine is not None: if self.cengine._check_calculation_members_(self.cengine.funcs,AbstractKeyedOutputFunction): value_keys = self.cengine.funcs[0]['ref'].structure_dtype['names'] headers = list(headers) + value_keys ## remove the 'value' attribute headers as this is replaced by the ## keyed output names. try: headers.remove('value') ## it may not be in the list because of a user overload except ValueError: pass else: value_keys = None else: value_keys = None alias = '_'.join([ for r in rds]) ocgis_lh('processing...',self._subset_log,alias=alias,level=logging.DEBUG) ## return the field object try: ## look for field optimizations if self.ops.optimizations is not None and 'fields' in self.ops.optimizations: field = [self.ops.optimizations['fields'][rd.alias] for rd in rds] else: field = [rd.get(format_time=self.ops.format_time, interpolate_spatial_bounds=self.ops.interpolate_spatial_bounds) for rd in rds] ## update the spatial abstraction to match the operations value. sfield ## will be none if the operation returns empty and it is allowed to have ## empty returns. for f in field: f.spatial.abstraction = self.ops.abstraction if len(field) > 1: try: ## reset the variable uid and let the collection handle its assignment variable_to_add = field[1].variables.first() variable_to_add.uid = None field[0].variables.add_variable(variable_to_add) ## reset the field names and let these be auto-generated for f in field: f._name = None ## this will fail for optimizations as the fields are already joined except VariableInCollectionError: if self.ops.optimizations is not None and 'fields' in self.ops.optimizations: pass else: raise field = field[0] ## this error is related to subsetting by time or level. spatial subsetting ## occurs below. except EmptySubsetError as e: if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh(msg='time or level subset empty but empty returns allowed', logger=self._subset_log,level=logging.WARN) coll = SpatialCollection(headers=headers) coll.add_field(1, None, None, name='_'.join([ for rd in rds])) try: yield(coll) finally: return else: ocgis_lh(exc=ExtentError(message=str(e)),alias=rd.alias,logger=self._subset_log) ## set iterator based on presence of slice. slice always overrides geometry. if self.ops.slice is not None: itr = [{}] else: itr = [{}] if self.ops.geom is None else self.ops.geom for coll in self._process_geometries_(itr,field,headers,value_keys,alias): yield(coll)
def _process_subsettables_(self, rds): """ :param rds: Sequence of :class:~`ocgis.RequestDataset` objects. :type rds: sequence :rtype: :class:`ocgis.api.collection.AbstractCollection` """ ocgis_lh(msg='entering _process_geometries_', logger=self._subset_log, level=logging.DEBUG) # select headers and any value keys for keyed output functions value_keys = None if self.ops.headers is not None: headers = self.ops.headers else: if self.ops.melted: if self.cengine is not None: if self._has_multivariate_calculations: headers = constants.HEADERS_MULTI else: headers = constants.HEADERS_CALC else: headers = constants.HEADERS_RAW else: headers = None # keyed output functions require appending headers regardless. there is only one keyed output function # allowed in a request. if headers is not None: if self.cengine is not None: if self.cengine._check_calculation_members_(self.cengine.funcs, AbstractKeyedOutputFunction): value_keys = self.cengine.funcs[0]['ref'].structure_dtype['names'] headers = list(headers) + value_keys # remove the 'value' attribute headers as this is replaced by the keyed output names. try: headers.remove('value') # it may not be in the list because of a user overload except ValueError: pass alias = '_'.join([ for r in rds]) ocgis_lh('processing...', self._subset_log, alias=alias, level=logging.DEBUG) # return the field object try: # look for field optimizations if self.ops.optimizations is not None and 'fields' in self.ops.optimizations: ocgis_lh('applying optimizations', self._subset_log, level=logging.DEBUG) field = [self.ops.optimizations['fields'][rd.alias] for rd in rds] # no field optimizations, extract the target data from the dataset collection else: ocgis_lh('creating field objects', self._subset_log, level=logging.DEBUG) len_rds = len(rds) field = [None] * len_rds for ii in range(len_rds): rds_element = rds[ii] try: field_object = rds_element.get(format_time=self.ops.format_time) except AttributeError: # likely a field object which does not need to be loaded from source if not self.ops.format_time: raise NotImplementedError field_object = rds_element # extrapolate the spatial bounds if requested if self.ops.interpolate_spatial_bounds: try: try: field_object.spatial.grid.row.set_extrapolated_bounds() field_object.spatial.grid.col.set_extrapolated_bounds() except AttributeError: # row/col is likely none. attempt to extrapolate using the grid values field_object.spatial.grid.set_extrapolated_corners() except BoundsAlreadyAvailableError: msg = 'Bounds/corners already on object. Ignoring "interpolate_spatial_bounds".' ocgis_lh(msg=msg, logger=self._subset_log, level=logging.WARNING) field[ii] = field_object # update the spatial abstraction to match the operations value. sfield will be none if the operation returns # empty and it is allowed to have empty returns. for f in field: f.spatial.abstraction = self.ops.abstraction if len(field) > 1: try: # reset the variable uid and let the collection handle its assignment variable_to_add = field[1].variables.first() variable_to_add.uid = None field[0].variables.add_variable(variable_to_add) # reset the field names and let these be auto-generated for f in field: f._name = None # this will fail for optimizations as the fields are already joined except VariableInCollectionError: if self.ops.optimizations is not None and 'fields' in self.ops.optimizations: pass else: raise field = field[0] # this error is related to subsetting by time or level. spatial subsetting occurs below. except EmptySubsetError as e: if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh(msg='time or level subset empty but empty returns allowed', logger=self._subset_log, level=logging.WARN) coll = SpatialCollection(headers=headers) name = '_'.join([ for rd in rds]) coll.add_field(None, name=name) try: yield coll finally: return else: ocgis_lh(exc=ExtentError(message=str(e)), alias=str([ for rd in rds]), logger=self._subset_log) # set iterator based on presence of slice. slice always overrides geometry. if self.ops.slice is not None: itr = [None] else: itr = [None] if self.ops.geom is None else self.ops.geom for coll in self._process_geometries_(itr, field, headers, value_keys, alias): yield (coll)
def get_spatial_collection(self, field=None): rd = self.test_data.get_rd('cancm4_tas') field = field or rd.get()[:, 0, :, 0, 0] coll = SpatialCollection() coll.add_field(field) return coll
def _process_geometries_(self,itr,field,headers,value_keys,alias): ''' :param sequence itr: Contains geometry dictionaries to process. If there are no geometries to process, this will be a sequence of one element with an empty dictionary. :param :class:`ocgis.interface.Field` field: The field object to use for operations. :param sequence headers: Sequence of strings to use as headers for the creation of the collection. :param sequence value_keys: Sequence of strings to use as headers for the keyed output functions. :param str alias: The request data alias currently being processed. :yields: :class:~`ocgis.SpatialCollection` ''' ## loop over the iterator for gd in itr: ## always work with a new geometry dictionary gd = deepcopy(gd) ## CFRotatedPole takes special treatment. only do this if a subset ## geometry is available. this variable is needed to determine if ## backtransforms are necessary. original_rotated_pole_crs = None if isinstance(,CFRotatedPole): ## only transform if there is a subset geometry if len(gd) > 0: ## store row and column dimension metadata and names before ## transforming as this information is lost w/out row and ## column dimensions on the transformations. original_row_column_metadata = {'row':{'name', 'meta':field.spatial.grid.row.meta}, 'col':{'name', 'meta':field.spatial.grid.col.meta}} ## reset the geometries field.spatial._geom = None ## get the new grid dimension field.spatial.grid = get_rotated_pole_spatial_grid_dimension(,field.spatial.grid) ## update the CRS. copy the original CRS for possible later ## transformation back to rotated pole. original_rotated_pole_crs = deepcopy( = CFWGS84() ## initialize the collection object to store the subsetted data. if ## the output CRS differs from the field's CRS, adjust accordingly ## when initializing. if self.ops.output_crs is not None and != self.ops.output_crs: collection_crs = self.ops.output_crs else: collection_crs = coll = SpatialCollection(crs=collection_crs,headers=headers,meta=gd.get('meta'), value_keys=value_keys) ## reference variables from the geometry dictionary geom = gd.get('geom') ## keep this around for the collection creation coll_geom = deepcopy(geom) crs = gd.get('crs') ## if there is a spatial abstraction, ensure it may be loaded. if self.ops.abstraction is not None: try: getattr(field.spatial.geom,self.ops.abstraction) except ImproperPolygonBoundsError: exc = ImproperPolygonBoundsError('A "polygon" spatial abstraction is not available without the presence of bounds.') ocgis_lh(exc=exc,logger='subset') except Exception as e: ocgis_lh(exc=e,logger='subset') ## if there is a snippet, return the first realization, time, and level if self.ops.snippet: field = field[0,0,0,:,:] ## if there is a slice, use it to subset the field. elif self.ops.slice is not None: field = field.__getitem__(self.ops.slice) ## see if the selection crs matches the field's crs if crs is not None and crs != geom = project_shapely_geometry(geom,, crs = ## if the geometry is a point, we need to buffer it... if type(geom) in [Point,MultiPoint]: ocgis_lh(logger=self._subset_log,msg='buffering point geometry',level=logging.DEBUG) geom = geom.buffer(self.ops.search_radius_mult*field.spatial.grid.resolution) ## update the geometry to store in the collection coll_geom = deepcopy(geom) ## get the ugid following geometry manipulations if 'properties' in gd and 'UGID' in gd['properties']: ugid = gd['properties']['UGID'] else: ugid = 1 if geom is None: msg = 'No selection geometry. Returning all data. Assiging UGID as 1.' else: msg = 'Subsetting with selection geometry having UGID={0}'.format(ugid) ocgis_lh(msg=msg,logger=self._subset_log) ## check for unique ugids. this is an issue with point subsetting ## as the buffer radius changes by dataset. if ugid in self._ugid_unique_store and geom is not None: ## only update if the geometry is unique if not any([__.almost_equals(geom) for __ in self._geom_unique_store]): prev_ugid = ugid ugid = max(self._ugid_unique_store) + 1 self._ugid_unique_store.append(ugid) msg = 'Updating UGID {0} to {1} to maintain uniqueness.'.format(prev_ugid,ugid) ocgis_lh(msg,self._subset_log,level=logging.WARN,alias=alias,ugid=ugid) else: self._geom_unique_store.append(geom) else: self._ugid_unique_store.append(ugid) self._geom_unique_store.append(geom) ## try to update the properties try: gd['properties']['UGID'] = ugid except KeyError: if not isinstance(gd,dict): raise ## unwrap the data if it is geographic and 360 if geom is not None and crs == CFWGS84(): if CFWGS84.get_is_360(field.spatial): ocgis_lh('unwrapping selection geometry',self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.DEBUG) geom = Wrapper().unwrap(geom) ## perform the spatial operation if geom is not None: try: if self.ops.spatial_operation == 'intersects': sfield = field.get_intersects(geom, use_spatial_index=env.USE_SPATIAL_INDEX, select_nearest=self.ops.select_nearest) elif self.ops.spatial_operation == 'clip': sfield = field.get_clip(geom, use_spatial_index=env.USE_SPATIAL_INDEX, select_nearest=self.ops.select_nearest) else: ocgis_lh(exc=NotImplementedError(self.ops.spatial_operation)) except EmptySubsetError as e: if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh(alias=alias,ugid=ugid,msg='empty geometric operation but empty returns allowed',level=logging.WARN) sfield = None else: msg = str(e) + ' This typically means the selection geometry falls outside the spatial domain of the target dataset.' ocgis_lh(exc=ExtentError(message=msg),alias=alias,logger=self._subset_log) else: sfield = field ## if the base size is being requested, bypass the rest of the ## operations. if self._request_base_size_only == False: ## if empty returns are allowed, there be an empty field if sfield is not None: ## aggregate if requested if self.ops.aggregate: ocgis_lh('executing spatial average',self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid) sfield = sfield.get_spatially_aggregated(new_spatial_uid=ugid) ## wrap the returned data. if not env.OPTIMIZE_FOR_CALC: if CFWGS84.get_is_360(sfield.spatial): if self.ops.output_format != 'nc' and self.ops.vector_wrap: ocgis_lh('wrapping output geometries',self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid, level=logging.DEBUG) ## modifying these values in place will change the values ## in the base field. a copy is necessary. sfield.spatial = deepcopy(sfield.spatial) ## check for all masked values if env.OPTIMIZE_FOR_CALC is False and self.ops.file_only is False: for variable in sfield.variables.itervalues(): ocgis_lh(msg='Fetching data for variable with alias "{0}".'.format(variable.alias), logger=self._subset_log) if variable.value.mask.all(): ## masked data may be okay depending on other opeartional ## conditions. if self.ops.snippet or self.ops.allow_empty or (self.ops.output_format == 'numpy' and self.ops.allow_empty): if self.ops.snippet: ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but allowed for snippet', self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but empty returns allowed', self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) if self.ops.output_format == 'numpy': ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but numpy data being returned allowed', logger=self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) else: ## if the geometry is also masked, it is an empty spatial ## operation. if sfield.spatial.abstraction_geometry.value.mask.all(): ocgis_lh(exc=EmptyData,logger=self._subset_log) ## if none of the other conditions are met, raise the masked data error else: ocgis_lh(logger=self._subset_log,exc=MaskedDataError(),alias=alias,ugid=ugid) ## transform back to rotated pole if necessary if original_rotated_pole_crs is not None: if self.ops.output_crs is None and not isinstance(self.ops.output_crs,CFWGS84): # copy the spatial mask to the new spatial array spatial_mask_before_transform = deepcopy(sfield.spatial.get_mask()) # need to load the values before proceeding. source indices will disappear. for variable in sfield.variables.itervalues(): variable.value # reset the geometries sfield.spatial._geom = None sfield.spatial.grid = get_rotated_pole_spatial_grid_dimension( original_rotated_pole_crs,sfield.spatial.grid,inverse=True, rc_original=original_row_column_metadata) # update the grid mask with the previous spatial mask sfield.spatial.grid.value.mask = spatial_mask_before_transform ## update the uid mask to match the spatial mask sfield.spatial.uid =,mask=spatial_mask_before_transform) = original_rotated_pole_crs ## update the coordinate system of the data output if self.ops.output_crs is not None: ## if the geometry is not None, it may need to be projected to match ## the output crs. if geom is not None and crs != self.ops.output_crs: geom = project_shapely_geometry(geom,, coll_geom = deepcopy(geom) ## update the coordinate reference system of the spatial ## dimension. try: sfield.spatial.update_crs(self.ops.output_crs) ## this is likely a rotated pole origin except RuntimeError as e: if isinstance(,CFRotatedPole): assert(isinstance(self.ops.output_crs,WGS84)) sfield.spatial._geom = None sfield.spatial.grid = get_rotated_pole_spatial_grid_dimension(,sfield.spatial.grid) = self.ops.output_crs else: ocgis_lh(exc=e,logger=self._subset_log) ## the geometry may need to be wrapped or unwrapped depending on ## the vector wrap situation name = alias if sfield is None else None coll.add_field(ugid, coll_geom, sfield, properties=gd.get('properties'), name=name) yield(coll)
def _process_geometries_(self,rds): ocgis_lh(msg='entering _process_geometries_',logger=self._subset_log,level=logging.DEBUG) ## select headers if self.ops.headers is not None: headers = self.ops.headers else: if self.cengine is not None: if self.cengine._check_calculation_members_(self.cengine.funcs,AbstractMultivariateFunction): headers = constants.multi_headers else: headers = constants.calc_headers else: headers = constants.raw_headers ## keyed output functions require appending headers regardless. there is ## only one keyed output function allowed in a request. if self.cengine is not None: if self.cengine._check_calculation_members_(self.cengine.funcs,AbstractKeyedOutputFunction): value_keys = self.cengine.funcs[0]['ref'].structure_dtype['names'] headers = list(headers) + value_keys ## remove the 'value' attribute headers as this is replaced by the ## keyed output names. try: headers.remove('value') ## it may not be in the list because of a user overload except ValueError: pass else: value_keys = None else: value_keys = None alias = '_'.join([r.alias for r in rds]) ocgis_lh('processing...',self._subset_log,alias=alias) ## return the field object try: field = [rd.get(format_time=self.ops.format_time) for rd in rds] if len(field) > 1: field[0].variables.add_variable(field[1].variables.first()) field = field[0] except EmptySubsetError as e: if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh(msg='time or level subset empty but empty returns allowed', logger=self._subset_log,level=logging.WARN) coll = SpatialCollection(headers=headers) coll.add_field(1,None,rd.alias,None) try: yield(coll) finally: return else: ocgis_lh(exc=ExtentError(message=str(e)),alias=rd.alias,logger=self._subset_log) ## set iterator based on presence of slice. slice always overrides geometry. if self.ops.slice is not None: itr = [{}] else: itr = [{}] if self.ops.geom is None else self.ops.geom ## loop over the iterator for gd in itr: ## initialize the collection object to store the subsetted data. if ## the output CRS differs from the field's CRS, adjust accordingly ## when initilizing. if self.ops.output_crs is not None and != self.ops.output_crs: collection_crs = self.ops.output_crs else: collection_crs = coll = SpatialCollection(crs=collection_crs,headers=headers,meta=gd.get('meta'), value_keys=value_keys) ## reference variables from the geometry dictionary geom = gd.get('geom') crs = gd.get('crs') if 'properties' in gd and 'UGID' in gd['properties']: ugid = gd['properties']['UGID'] else: ## try to get lowercase ugid in case the shapefile is not perfectly ## formed. however, if there is no geometry accept the error and ## use the default geometry identifier. if len(gd) == 0: ugid = 1 else: ugid = gd['properties']['ugid'] ocgis_lh('processing',self._subset_log,level=logging.DEBUG,alias=alias,ugid=ugid) ## if there is a spatial abstraction, ensure it may be loaded. if self.ops.abstraction is not None: try: getattr(field.spatial.geom,self.ops.abstraction) except ImproperPolygonBoundsError: exc = ImproperPolygonBoundsError('A "polygon" spatial abstraction is not available without the presence of bounds.') ocgis_lh(exc=exc,logger='subset') except Exception as e: ocgis_lh(exc=e,logger='subset') ## if there is a snippet, return the first realization, time, and level if self.ops.snippet: field = field[0,0,0,:,:] ## if there is a slice, use it to subset the field. elif self.ops.slice is not None: field = field.__getitem__(self.ops.slice) ## see if the selection crs matches the field's crs if crs is not None and crs != geom = project_shapely_geometry(geom,, crs = ## if the geometry is a point, we need to buffer it... if type(geom) in [Point,MultiPoint]: ocgis_lh(logger=self._subset_log,msg='buffering point geometry',level=logging.DEBUG) geom = geom.buffer(self.ops.search_radius_mult*field.spatial.grid.resolution) ## unwrap the data if it is geographic and 360 if geom is not None and crs == CFWGS84(): if CFWGS84.get_is_360(field.spatial): ocgis_lh('unwrapping selection geometry',self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid) geom = Wrapper().unwrap(geom) ## perform the spatial operation if geom is not None: try: if self.ops.spatial_operation == 'intersects': sfield = field.get_intersects(geom) elif self.ops.spatial_operation == 'clip': sfield = field.get_clip(geom) else: ocgis_lh(exc=NotImplementedError(self.ops.spatial_operation)) except EmptySubsetError as e: if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh(alias=alias,ugid=ugid,msg='empty geometric operation but empty returns allowed',level=logging.WARN) sfield = None else: ocgis_lh(exc=ExtentError(message=str(e)),alias=alias,logger=self._subset_log) else: sfield = field ## if empty returns are allowed, there be an empty field if sfield is not None: ## aggregate if requested if self.ops.aggregate: sfield = sfield.get_spatially_aggregated(new_spatial_uid=ugid) ## wrap the returned data. if not env.OPTIMIZE_FOR_CALC: if CFWGS84.get_is_360(sfield.spatial): if self.ops.output_format != 'nc' and self.ops.vector_wrap: ocgis_lh('wrapping output geometries',self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid) ## check for all masked values if env.OPTIMIZE_FOR_CALC is False and self.ops.file_only is False: for variable in sfield.variables.itervalues(): if variable.value.mask.all(): ## masked data may be okay depending on other opeartional ## conditions. if self.ops.snippet or self.ops.allow_empty or (self.ops.output_format == 'numpy' and self.ops.allow_empty): if self.ops.snippet: ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but allowed for snippet', self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) if self.ops.allow_empty: ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but empty returns allowed', self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) if self.ops.output_format == 'numpy': ocgis_lh('all masked data encountered but numpy data being returned allowed', logger=self._subset_log,alias=alias,ugid=ugid,level=logging.WARN) else: ## if the geometry is also masked, it is an empty spatial ## operation. if sfield.spatial.abstraction_geometry.value.mask.all(): ocgis_lh(exc=EmptyData,logger=self._subset_log) ## if none of the other conditions are met, raise the masked data error else: ocgis_lh(logger=self._subset_log,exc=MaskedDataError(),alias=alias,ugid=ugid) ## update the coordinate system of the data output if self.ops.output_crs is not None: ## if the geometry is not None, it may need to be projected to match ## the output crs. if geom is not None and crs != self.ops.output_crs: geom = project_shapely_geometry(geom,, sfield.spatial.update_crs(self.ops.output_crs) ## update the spatial abstraction to match the operations value. sfield ## will be none if the operation returns empty and it is allowed to have ## empty returns. if sfield is not None: sfield.spatial.abstraction = self.ops.abstraction coll.add_field(ugid,geom,alias,sfield,properties=gd.get('properties')) yield(coll)