def __init__(self, config_yml=None, checkpoint=None, cutoff=6, max_neighbors=50): setup_imports() setup_logging() # Either the config path or the checkpoint path needs to be provided assert config_yml or checkpoint is not None if config_yml is not None: if isinstance(config_yml, str): config = yaml.safe_load(open(config_yml, "r")) if "includes" in config: for include in config["includes"]: # Change the path based on absolute path of config_yml path = os.path.join( config_yml.split("configs")[0], include) include_config = yaml.safe_load(open(path, "r")) config.update(include_config) else: config = config_yml # Only keeps the train data that might have normalizer values config["dataset"] = config["dataset"][0] else: # Loads the config from the checkpoint directly config = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))["config"] # Load the trainer based on the dataset used if config["task"]["dataset"] == "trajectory_lmdb": config["trainer"] = "forces" else: config["trainer"] = "energy" config["model_attributes"]["name"] = config.pop("model") config["model"] = config["model_attributes"] # Calculate the edge indices on the fly config["model"]["otf_graph"] = True # Save config so obj can be transported over network (pkl) self.config = copy.deepcopy(config) self.config["checkpoint"] = checkpoint if "normalizer" not in config: del config["dataset"]["src"] config["normalizer"] = config["dataset"] super().__init__( task=config["task"], model=config["model"], dataset=None, optimizer=config["optim"], identifier="", normalizer=config["normalizer"], slurm=config.get("slurm", {}), local_rank=config.get("local_rank", 0), logger=config.get("logger", None), print_every=config.get("print_every", 1), is_debug=config.get("is_debug", True), cpu=True, ) if checkpoint is not None: try: self.load_checkpoint(checkpoint) except NotImplementedError: logging.warning("Unable to load checkpoint!") self.a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=max_neighbors, radius=cutoff, r_energy=False, r_forces=False, r_distances=False, )
default=1, help="No. of feature-extracting processes or no. of dataset chunks", ) parser.add_argument("--ref-energy", action="store_true", help="Subtract reference energies") args = parser.parse_args() xyz_logs = glob.glob(os.path.join(args.data_path, "*.txt")) # Initialize feature extractor. a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=50, radius=6, r_energy=True, r_forces=True, r_distances=False, r_fixed=True, r_edges=args.get_edges, ) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.out_path), exist_ok=True) # Initialize lmdb paths db_paths = [ os.path.join(args.out_path, "data.%04d.lmdb" % i) for i in range(args.num_workers) ] # Chunk the trajectories into args.num_workers splits
class Trainer(ForcesTrainer): def __init__(self, config_yml=None, checkpoint=None, cutoff=6, max_neighbors=50): setup_imports() setup_logging() # Either the config path or the checkpoint path needs to be provided assert config_yml or checkpoint is not None if config_yml is not None: if isinstance(config_yml, str): config = yaml.safe_load(open(config_yml, "r")) if "includes" in config: for include in config["includes"]: # Change the path based on absolute path of config_yml path = os.path.join( config_yml.split("configs")[0], include) include_config = yaml.safe_load(open(path, "r")) config.update(include_config) else: config = config_yml # Only keeps the train data that might have normalizer values config["dataset"] = config["dataset"][0] else: # Loads the config from the checkpoint directly config = torch.load(checkpoint, map_location=torch.device("cpu"))["config"] # Load the trainer based on the dataset used if config["task"]["dataset"] == "trajectory_lmdb": config["trainer"] = "forces" else: config["trainer"] = "energy" config["model_attributes"]["name"] = config.pop("model") config["model"] = config["model_attributes"] # Calculate the edge indices on the fly config["model"]["otf_graph"] = True # Save config so obj can be transported over network (pkl) self.config = copy.deepcopy(config) self.config["checkpoint"] = checkpoint if "normalizer" not in config: del config["dataset"]["src"] config["normalizer"] = config["dataset"] super().__init__( task=config["task"], model=config["model"], dataset=None, optimizer=config["optim"], identifier="", normalizer=config["normalizer"], slurm=config.get("slurm", {}), local_rank=config.get("local_rank", 0), logger=config.get("logger", None), print_every=config.get("print_every", 1), is_debug=config.get("is_debug", True), cpu=True, ) if checkpoint is not None: try: self.load_checkpoint(checkpoint) except NotImplementedError: logging.warning("Unable to load checkpoint!") self.a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=max_neighbors, radius=cutoff, r_energy=False, r_forces=False, r_distances=False, ) def get_atoms_prediction(self, atoms): data_object = self.a2g.convert(atoms) batch = data_list_collater([data_object]) predictions = self.predict(data_loader=batch, per_image=False, results_file=None, disable_tqdm=True) energy = predictions["energy"].item() forces = predictions["forces"].cpu().numpy() return energy, forces def train(self, disable_eval_tqdm=False): eval_every = self.config["optim"].get("eval_every", None) if eval_every is None: eval_every = len(self.train_loader) checkpoint_every = self.config["optim"].get("checkpoint_every", eval_every) primary_metric = self.config["task"].get( "primary_metric", self.evaluator.task_primary_metric[]) self.best_val_metric = 1e9 if "mae" in primary_metric else -1.0 self.metrics = {} # Calculate start_epoch from step instead of loading the epoch number # to prevent inconsistencies due to different batch size in checkpoint. start_epoch = self.step // len(self.train_loader) for epoch_int in range(start_epoch, self.config["optim"]["max_epochs"]): self.train_sampler.set_epoch(epoch_int) skip_steps = self.step % len(self.train_loader) train_loader_iter = iter(self.train_loader) for i in range(skip_steps, len(self.train_loader)): self.epoch = epoch_int + (i + 1) / len(self.train_loader) self.step = epoch_int * len(self.train_loader) + i + 1 self.model.train() # Get a batch. batch = next(train_loader_iter) if self.config["optim"]["optimizer"] == "LBFGS": def closure(): self.optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.cuda.amp.autocast( enabled=self.scaler is not None): out = self._forward(batch) loss = self._compute_loss(out, batch) loss.backward() return loss self.optimizer.step(closure) self.optimizer.zero_grad() with torch.cuda.amp.autocast( enabled=self.scaler is not None): out = self._forward(batch) loss = self._compute_loss(out, batch) else: # Forward, loss, backward. with torch.cuda.amp.autocast( enabled=self.scaler is not None): out = self._forward(batch) loss = self._compute_loss(out, batch) loss = self.scaler.scale(loss) if self.scaler else loss self._backward(loss) scale = self.scaler.get_scale() if self.scaler else 1.0 # Compute metrics. self.metrics = self._compute_metrics( out, batch, self.evaluator, self.metrics, ) self.metrics = self.evaluator.update("loss", loss.item() / scale, self.metrics) # Log metrics. log_dict = {k: self.metrics[k]["metric"] for k in self.metrics} log_dict.update({ "lr": self.scheduler.get_lr(), "epoch": self.epoch, "step": self.step, }) if (self.step % self.config["cmd"]["print_every"] == 0 and distutils.is_master() and not self.is_hpo): log_str = [ "{}: {:.2e}".format(k, v) for k, v in log_dict.items() ]", ".join(log_str)) self.metrics = {} if self.logger is not None: self.logger.log( log_dict, step=self.step, split="train", ) if checkpoint_every != -1 and self.step % checkpoint_every == 0:"", training_state=True) # Evaluate on val set every `eval_every` iterations. if self.step % eval_every == 0: if self.val_loader is not None: val_metrics = self.validate( split="val", disable_tqdm=disable_eval_tqdm, ) self.update_best( primary_metric, val_metrics, disable_eval_tqdm=disable_eval_tqdm, ) if self.is_hpo: self.hpo_update( self.epoch, self.step, self.metrics, val_metrics, ) if self.config["task"].get("eval_relaxations", False): if "relax_dataset" not in self.config["task"]: logging.warning( "Cannot evaluate relaxations, relax_dataset not specified" ) else: self.run_relaxations() if self.config["optim"].get("print_loss_and_lr", False): print( "epoch: " + str(self.epoch) + ", \tstep: " + str(self.step) + ", \tloss: " + str(loss.detach().item()) + ", \tlr: " + str(self.scheduler.get_lr()) + ", \tval: " + str(val_metrics["loss"]["total"]) ) if self.step % eval_every == 0 and self.val_loader is not None else print( "epoch: " + str(self.epoch) + ", \tstep: " + str(self.step) + ", \tloss: " + str(loss.detach().item()) + ", \tlr: " + str(self.scheduler.get_lr())) if self.scheduler.scheduler_type == "ReduceLROnPlateau": if (self.step % eval_every == 0 and self.config["optim"].get( "scheduler_loss", None) == "train"): self.scheduler.step(metrics=loss.detach().item(), ) elif self.step % eval_every == 0 and self.val_loader is not None: self.scheduler.step( metrics=val_metrics[primary_metric]["metric"], ) else: self.scheduler.step() break_below_lr = (self.config["optim"].get( "break_below_lr", None) is not None) and ( self.scheduler.get_lr() < self.config["optim"]["break_below_lr"]) if break_below_lr: break if break_below_lr: break torch.cuda.empty_cache() if checkpoint_every == -1:"", training_state=True) self.train_dataset.close_db() if "val_dataset" in self.config: self.val_dataset.close_db() if "test_dataset" in self.config: self.test_dataset.close_db()
pdb.set_trace() # Read the adslab reference energies to subtract from potential energies. with open(args.adslab_ref, "rb") as f: adslab_ref = pickle.load(f) # Read tag information for each atom. with open(args.tags, "rb") as f: sysid_to_tags = pickle.load(f) # Initialize feature extractor. a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=50, radius=6, r_energy=True, r_forces=True, r_distances=True, r_fixed=True, ) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.out_path), exist_ok=True) # Initialize lmdb paths db_path = os.path.join(args.out_path, "data.lmdb") db = db_path, map_size=1099511627776 * 2, subdir=False, meminit=False, map_async=True,
def __init__( self, model_path, checkpoint_path, dataset=None, a2g=None, task=None, identifier="active_learner_base_calc", seed=0, **kwargs, ): Calculator.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.model_path = model_path self.checkpoint_path = checkpoint_path self.dataset = dataset self.a2g = a2g self.task = task self.identifier = identifier self.kwargs = kwargs self.seed = seed self.model_dict = {} with open(model_path) as model_yaml: self.model_dict = yaml.safe_load(model_yaml) self.model_dict["optim"]["num_workers"] = 4 # model_dict["model"]["freeze"] = False if not task: task = { "dataset": "trajectory_lmdb", # dataset used for the S2EF task "description": "S2EF for active learning base calc", "type": "regression", "metric": "mae", "labels": ["potential energy"], "grad_input": "atomic forces", "train_on_free_atoms": True, "eval_on_free_atoms": True, } if not dataset: dataset = [{ "src": "/home/jovyan/shared-datasets/OC20/s2ef/30k/train", "normalize_labels": False, }] if not a2g: a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=50, radius=6, r_energy=True, r_forces=True, r_distances=False, r_edges=True, r_fixed=True, ) self.a2g = a2g self.a2g_predict = copy.deepcopy(self.a2g) self.a2g_predict.r_forces = False self.a2g_predict.r_energy = False self.trainer = ForcesTrainer( task=task, model=self.model_dict["model"], dataset=dataset, optimizer=self.model_dict["optim"], identifier=identifier, is_debug=True, is_vis=False, cpu=True, ) self.trainer.load_pretrained(checkpoint_path=checkpoint_path, ddp_to_dp=True)
def oc20_initialize(model_name, gpu=True): """ Initialize GNNP of OC20 (i.e. S2EF). Args: model_name (str): name of model for GNNP. One can use the followings, - "DimeNet++" - "GemNet-dT" - "CGCNN" - "SchNet" - "SpinConv" gpu (bool): using GPU, if possible. Returns: cutoff: cutoff radius. """ setup_imports() setup_logging() # Check model_name log_file = open("log.oc20", "w") log_file.write("\n") log_file.write("model_name = " + model_name + "\n") if model_name is not None: model_name = model_name.lower() if model_name == "DimeNet++".lower(): config_yml = "dimenetpp.yml" checkpoint = "" elif model_name == "GemNet-dT".lower(): config_yml = "gemnet.yml" checkpoint = "" elif model_name == "CGCNN".lower(): config_yml = "cgcnn.yml" checkpoint = "" elif model_name == "SchNet".lower(): config_yml = "schnet.yml" checkpoint = "" elif model_name == "SpinConv".lower(): config_yml = "spinconv.yml" checkpoint = "" else: raise Exception("incorrect model_name.") basePath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) config_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(basePath, "oc20_configs")) chekpt_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(basePath, "oc20_checkpt")) config_yml = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, config_yml)) checkpoint = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(chekpt_dir, checkpoint)) log_file.write("config_yml = " + config_yml + "\n") log_file.write("checkpoint = " + checkpoint + "\n") # Check gpu gpu_ = (gpu and torch.cuda.is_available()) log_file.write("gpu (in) = " + str(gpu) + "\n") log_file.write("gpu (eff) = " + str(gpu_) + "\n") # Load configuration config = yaml.safe_load(open(config_yml, "r")) # Check max_neigh and cutoff max_neigh = config["model"].get("max_neighbors", 50) cutoff = config["model"].get("cutoff", 6.0) log_file.write("max_neigh = " + str(max_neigh) + "\n") log_file.write("cutoff = " + str(cutoff) + "\n") assert max_neigh > 0 assert cutoff > 0.0 # To calculate the edge indices on-the-fly config["model"]["otf_graph"] = True # Modify path of scale_file for GemNet-dT scale_file = config["model"].get("scale_file", None) if scale_file is not None: scale_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(config_dir, scale_file)) config["model"]["scale_file"] = scale_file log_file.write("\nconfig:\n") log_file.write(pprint.pformat(config) + "\n") log_file.write("\n") log_file.close() # Create trainer, that is pre-trained global myTrainer myTrainer = registry.get_trainer_class(config.get("trainer", "forces"))( task=config["task"], model=config["model"], dataset=None, normalizer=config["normalizer"], optimizer=config["optim"], identifier="", slurm=config.get("slurm", {}), local_rank=config.get("local_rank", 0), is_debug=config.get("is_debug", True), cpu=not gpu_) # Load checkpoint myTrainer.load_checkpoint(checkpoint) # Atoms object of ASE, that is empty here global myAtoms myAtoms = None # Converter: Atoms -> Graphs (the edges on-the-fly) global myA2G myA2G = AtomsToGraphs(max_neigh=max_neigh, radius=cutoff, r_energy=False, r_forces=False, r_distances=False, r_edges=False, r_fixed=False) return cutoff
with open(os.path.join(args.traj_paths_txt), "r") as f: raw_traj_files = num_trajectories = len(raw_traj_files) with open(os.path.join(args.adslab_ref), "rb") as g: adslab_ref = pickle.load(g) print("### Found %d trajectories in %s" % (num_trajectories, args.traj_paths_txt)) # Initialize feature extractor. a2g = AtomsToGraphs( max_neigh=12, radius=6, dummy_distance=7, dummy_index=-1, r_energy=True, r_forces=True, r_distances=False, r_fixed=True, ) # Create output directory if it doesn't exist. os.makedirs(os.path.join(args.out_path), exist_ok=True) # Initialize lmdb paths db_paths = [ os.path.join(args.out_path, "data.%03d.lmdb" % i) for i in range(args.num_workers) ] # Chunk the trajectories into args.num_workers splits