def compute_segmentation(binary, scale, blackseps, maxseps, maxcolseps,
                         csminheight, sepwiden, usegauss, vscale, hscale,
                         threshold, quiet):
    """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into
	lines, computing both columns and text lines."""
    binary = np.array(binary, 'B')

    # start by removing horizontal black lines, which only
    # interfere with the rest of the page segmentation
    binary = remove_hlines(binary, scale)

    # do the column finding
    if not quiet: print_info("computing column separators")
    colseps, binary = compute_colseps(binary, scale, blackseps, maxseps,
                                      maxcolseps, csminheight, sepwiden)

    # now compute the text line seeds
    if not quiet: print_info("computing lines")
    bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(binary, scale, usegauss, vscale,
    seeds = compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, scale, threshold,
    DSAVE("seeds", [bottom, top, boxmap])

    # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining
    # components
    if not quiet: print_info("propagating labels")
    llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
    if not quiet: print_info("spreading labels")
    spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
    llabels = np.where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * binary)
    segmentation = llabels * binary
    return segmentation
def compute_segmentation(binary, scale):
    """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into lines, computing both columns and
        text lines.
    print("$$ compute_segmentation: %s %g" % (desc(binary), scale))
    binary = np.array(binary, 'B')

    # start by removing horizontal black lines, which only interfere with the rest of the page
    # segmentation
    binary = remove_hlines(binary, scale)

    # do the column finding
    print("computing column separators")
    colseps, binary = compute_colseps(binary, scale)

    # now compute the text line seeds
    print("computing lines")
    bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(binary, scale)
    seeds = compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, scale)
    print("seeds=%s" % desc(seeds))
    DSAVE("seeds", [bottom, top, boxmap])

    # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining components
    print("propagating labels")
    llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
    print("spreading labels: llabels=%s" % desc(llabels))
    spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
    llabels = np.where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * binary)
    segmentation = llabels * binary
    print("$$ llabels: %s" % desc(llabels))
    print("$$ segmentation: %s" % desc(segmentation))
    return segmentation
def text_line_segmentation(binary, scale=None, gray=None, num_col = 1):
    """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into
    lines, computing both columns and text lines."""
    binary = array(binary, 'B')
    if scale is None:
        scale = psegutils.estimate_scale(binary)

    # do the column finding
    if num_col > 1:
        colseps, binary = compute_colseps(binary, scale)
        colseps = np.zeros(binary.shape)

    # now compute the text line seeds
    bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(binary, scale)
    seeds = compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, scale)

    # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining components
    llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
    spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
    llabels = where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * binary)
    segmentation = llabels * binary

    lines = psegutils.compute_lines(segmentation, scale, 0.8)
    line_ims = []

    for l in lines:
        if gray is None:
            binline = psegutils.extract_masked(1-binary, l, pad=0)
            binline = psegutils.extract_masked(gray, l, pad=0)
        binline = pad_by(binline, 10, invert=False)

    return line_ims, lines
def compute_segmentation(binary, scale):
    """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into
    lines, computing both columns and text lines."""
    binary = array(binary, 'B')

    # start by removing horizontal black lines, which only
    # interfere with the rest of the page segmentation
    binary = remove_hlines(binary, scale)

    # do the column finding
    if not args.quiet:
        print("computing column separators")
    colseps, binary = compute_colseps(binary, scale)

    # now compute the text line seeds
    if not args.quiet:
        print("computing lines")
    bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(binary, scale)
    seeds = compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, scale)
    ####imsave('/home/gupta/Documents/combinedseeds.png', [bottom,top,boxmap])
    # DSAVE("seeds",[bottom,top,boxmap])

    # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining
    # components
    if not args.quiet:
        print("propagating labels")
    llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
    if not args.quiet:
        print("spreading labels")
    spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
    llabels = where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * binary)
    segmentation = llabels * binary
    return segmentation
    def compute_segmentation(self, binary, scale):
        """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into
        lines, computing both columns and text lines."""
        binary = np.array(binary, 'B')

        # start by removing horizontal black lines, which only
        # interfere with the rest of the page segmentation
        binary = self.remove_hlines(binary, scale)

        # do the column finding
        log.debug("computing column separators")
        colseps, binary = self.compute_colseps(binary, scale)

        # now compute the text line seeds
        log.debug("computing lines")
        bottom, top, boxmap = self.compute_gradmaps(binary, scale)
        log.debug("bottom=%s top=%s boxmap=%s", bottom, top, boxmap)
        seeds = self.compute_line_seeds(binary, bottom, top, colseps, scale)

        # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining
        # components
        log.debug("propagating labels")
        llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
        log.debug("spreading labels")
        spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
        llabels = np.where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * binary)
        segmentation = llabels * binary
        return segmentation
    def calc(self, objects, scale):
        if self.binpage is None:
        tt = time()

        bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(self.binpage, scale)
        #         DSHOW('hihi', [0.5*bottom+0.5*top,self.binpage, boxmap])
        seeds0 = compute_line_seeds(self.binpage, bottom, top, scale)
        seeds, _ = morph.label(seeds0)

        llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
        spread = spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
        llabels = where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * self.binpage)
        segmentation = llabels * self.binpage
        self.binpage = ocrolib.remove_noise(self.binpage, args.noise)
        lines = psegutils.compute_lines(segmentation, scale)
        binpage_reversed = 1 - self.binpage
        #         print 'pre line ', time() - tt
        tt = time()
        self.lines = []
        for i, l in enumerate(lines):
            tt = time()
            binline = psegutils.extract_masked(
                binpage_reversed, l, pad=args.pad,
                expand=args.expand)  # black text
            binline = (1 - binline)
            le = lineest.CenterNormalizer(binline.shape[0])  # white text
            binline = binline.astype(float)
            binline = le.normalize(binline)
            binline = where(binline > 0.5, 0, 1)  # black text
            #             print 'line time ', time()-tt

            print '-----------------------'
            pilimg = Image.fromarray((binline * 255).astype(uint8))
            pred_legacy = pytesseract.image_to_string(pilimg,
                                                      config='--oem 0 --psm 7')
            print '00', pred_legacy
            pred_lstm = pytesseract.image_to_string(pilimg,
                                                    config='--oem 1 --psm 7')
            print '11', pred_lstm
            #             ASHOW('line',binline, scale=2.0)
            ##             pred_both = pytesseract.image_to_string(pilimg,lang='vie', config='--oem 2 --psm 7')
            ##             print '22', pred_both
            result = psegutils.record(bounds=l.bounds,
def compute_segmentation(binary,scale):
    """Given a binary image, compute a complete segmentation into
    lines, computing both columns and text lines."""
    binary = array(binary,'B')

    # start by removing horizontal black lines, which only
    # interfere with the rest of the page segmentation
    binary = remove_hlines(binary,scale)

    # do the column finding
    colseps,binary = compute_colseps(binary,scale)

    # now compute the text line seeds
    bottom,top,boxmap = compute_gradmaps(binary,scale)
    seeds = compute_line_seeds(binary,bottom,top,colseps,scale)

    # spread the text line seeds to all the remaining
    # components
    llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap,seeds,conflict=0)
    spread = morph.spread_labels(seeds,maxdist=scale)
    llabels = where(llabels>0,llabels,spread*binary)
    segmentation = llabels*binary
    return segmentation
    def printResult(self, outputfile):
        # Some pre-process
        #         print 'text area before'
        #         cv2.imshow('patch', self.patch)
        #         cv2.waitKey(-1)
        if self.name == 'CMND cu - 9 so':
            k = 0.45
            k = 0.33
        patch = sharpen(self.patch)
        binary = sauvola(patch,
                         w=int(self.template.shape[1] / 24.5 * 2),
        binary = cv2.bitwise_and(binary, binary, mask=self.patch_mask)
        #         print 'text area after'
        #         cv2.imshow('patch', binary*255)
        #         cv2.waitKey(-1)
        dotremoved = binary
        scale = self.scale
        # Line extraction copied  from Ocropus source code
        bottom, top, boxmap = compute_gradmaps(dotremoved, scale)
        seeds0 = compute_line_seeds(dotremoved, bottom, top, scale)
        seeds, _ = morph.label(seeds0)

        llabels = morph.propagate_labels(boxmap, seeds, conflict=0)
        spread = spread_labels(seeds, maxdist=scale)
        llabels = where(llabels > 0, llabels, spread * dotremoved)
        segmentation = llabels * dotremoved
        dotremoved = ocrolib.remove_noise(dotremoved, 8)
        lines = psegutils.compute_lines(segmentation, scale / 2)
        binpage_reversed = 1 - dotremoved

        self.lines = []
        readrs = dict.fromkeys(self.linepos1.keys(), u'')
        lines = sorted(lines, key=lambda x: x.bounds[1].start)
        for i, l in enumerate(lines):
            # Line extraction copied from Ocropus source code
            binline = psegutils.extract_masked(binpage_reversed,
                                               pad=int(scale / 2),
                                               expand=0)  # black text
            binline = (1 - binline)
            le = lineest.CenterNormalizer(binline.shape[0])  # white text
            binline = binline.astype(float)
            binline = le.normalize(binline)
            #             print 'normalized'
            #             cv2.imshow('line', binline)
            #             cv2.waitKey(-1)
            binline = cv2.resize(binline, None, fx=2.0, fy=2.0)
            #             print 'resized'
            #             cv2.imshow('line', binline)
            #             cv2.waitKey(-1)
            binline = where(binline > 0.5, uint8(0), uint8(255))  # black text
            #             print 'black text'
            #             cv2.imshow('line', binline)
            #             cv2.waitKey(-1)
            #             pilimg = Image.fromarray(binline)
            pos = l.bounds[0].stop
            left = (l.bounds[1].start < self.template.shape[1] / 2)
            # Prediction using Tesseract 4.0
            if pos > self.linepos1['idNumber'][0] and pos < self.linepos1[
                    'idNumber'][1]:  #ID, all numbers
                pred = ocr(
                    '--oem 0 --psm 7 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=0123456789')
                readrs['idNumber'] += pred + u' '
            elif pos > self.linepos1['dateOfBirth'][0] and pos < self.linepos1[
                    'dateOfBirth'][1]:  # DOB, number, - , /
                pred = ocr(
                    '--oem 1 --psm 7 -c tessedit_char_whitelist=0123456789-/')
                readrs['dateOfBirth'] += pred + u' '
            elif left and pos > self.linepos1['Gender'][
                    0] and pos < self.linepos1['Gender'][1]:
                pred = ocr(binline, config='--oem 1 --psm 7 -l vie')
                readrs['Gender'] += pred + u' '
            elif (not left) and pos > self.linepos1['Dantoc'][
                    0] and pos < self.linepos1['Dantoc'][1]:
                pred = ocr(binline, config='--oem 1 --psm 7 -l vie')
                readrs['Dantoc'] += pred + u' '
            elif pos > self.linepos1['NguyenQuan'][0] and pos < self.linepos1[
                pred = ocr(binline, config='--oem 1 --psm 7 -l vie')
                readrs['NguyenQuan'] += pred + u' '
            elif pos > self.linepos1['fullName'][0] and pos < self.linepos1[
                pred = ocr(binline, config='--oem 1 --psm 7 -l vie')
                readrs['fullName'] += pred + u' '
#             else:
#                 pred = ocr(binline, config='--oem 1 --psm 7 -l vie')
#                 print 'unknown ', unicode2ascii(pred), 'y:', l.bounds[0], 'x:', l.bounds[1]

        for k in readrs:
            readrs[k] = (readrs[k].replace(u'²',
                                           u'2').replace(u'º', u'o').replace(
                                               u'»', u'-')).strip()
            if len(readrs[k]) == 0:
                readrs[k] = None
        if self.name == 'CMND moi - 12 so':
            readrs['type'] = 'CMND Mới - 12 Số'
        elif self.name == 'Can Cuoc Cong Dan':
            readrs['type'] = 'Căn Cước Công Dân'
        elif self.name == 'CMND cu - 9 so':
            readrs['type'] = 'CMND Cũ - 9 Số'

        readrs['NgayHetHan'] = None
