def test_func_composition():
    def double(x):
        return [i * 2 for i in x]

    def inc(x):
        return [i + 1 for i in x]

    assert_equal(compose_iter([1], funcs=[double, inc]), [3])
    assert_equal(compose_iter([3], funcs=[double, inc]), [7])
    assert_equal(compose_iter([10], funcs=[double, inc]), [21])
def test_func_composition():
    def double(x):
        return [i * 2 for i in x]

    def inc(x):
        return [i + 1 for i in x]

    assert compose_iter([1], funcs=[double, inc]) == [3]
    assert compose_iter([3], funcs=[double, inc]) == [7]
    assert compose_iter([10], funcs=[double, inc]) == [21]
def test_func_composition():
    def double(x):
        return [i * 2 for i in x]

    def inc(x):
        return [i + 1 for i in x]

    assert compose_iter([1], funcs=[double, inc]) == [3]
    assert compose_iter([3], funcs=[double, inc]) == [7]
    assert compose_iter([10], funcs=[double, inc]) == [21]
    def fetch(self):
        """A method to exhaust the pipeline. Itself it is lazy (a generator)"""
        chunk_feed = chunker(self._mol_feed, chunksize=self.chunksize)
        # get first chunk and check if it is saturated
            first_chunk = next(chunk_feed)
        except StopIteration:
            raise StopIteration('There are no molecules loaded to the pipeline.')

        if len(first_chunk) == 0:
            warnings.warn('There is **zero** molecules at the output of the VS'
                          ' pipeline. Output file will be empty.')
        elif len(first_chunk) < self.chunksize and self.n_cpu > 1:
            warnings.warn('The chunksize (%i) seams to be to large.'
                          % self.chunksize)

            # use methods multithreading when we have less molecules than cores
            if len(first_chunk) < self.n_cpu:
                warnings.warn('Falling back to sub-methods multithreading as '
                              'the number of molecules is less than cores '
                              '(%i < %i)' % (len(first_chunk),  self.n_cpu))
                for func in self._pipe:
                    if hasattr(func, 'n_cpu'):
                        func.n_cpu = self.n_cpu
                    elif hasattr(func, 'n_jobs'):
                        func.n_jobs = self.n_cpu
                    elif isinstance(func, partial):
                        for func2 in func.args:
                            if hasattr(func2, 'n_cpu'):
                                func2.n_cpu = self.n_cpu
                            elif hasattr(func2, 'n_jobs'):
                                func2.n_jobs = self.n_cpu
                # turn off VS multiprocessing
                self.n_cpu = 1

        # TODO add some verbosity or progress bar
        if self.n_cpu != 1:
            out = (Pool(self.n_cpu if self.n_cpu > 0 else None)
                   .imap(partial(compose_iter, funcs=self._pipe),
                         (chunk for chunk in chain([first_chunk], chunk_feed))))
            out = (compose_iter(chunk, self._pipe)
                   for chunk in chain([first_chunk], chunk_feed))

        # FIXME use joblib version as soon as it gets return_generator merged
        # out = Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_cpu)(
        #     delayed(compose_iter)(chunk, self._pipe)
        #     for chunk in chain([first_chunk], chunk_feed))

        # merge chunks into one iterable
        return chain.from_iterable(out)