def __str__(self): """Return ``str(self)``.""" inner_str = '{}'.format(self.domain) dtype_str = dtype_repr(self.out_dtype) if self.field == RealNumbers(): if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('float64'): pass else: inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str) elif self.field == ComplexNumbers(): if self.out_dtype == np.dtype('complex128'): inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field) else: inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str) else: # different field, name explicitly inner_str += ', field={!r}'.format(self.field) inner_str += ', out_dtype={}'.format(dtype_str) return '{}({})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, inner_str)
def fn_impl(request): """String with an available `FnBase` implementation name.""" return request.param ntuples_impl_params = odl.NTUPLES_IMPLS.keys() ntuples_impl_ids = [" impl = '{}' ".format(p) for p in ntuples_impl_params] @fixture(scope="module", ids=ntuples_impl_ids, params=ntuples_impl_params) def ntuples_impl(request): """String with an available `NtuplesBase` implementation name.""" return request.param floating_dtype_params = np.sctypes['float'] + np.sctypes['complex'] floating_dtype_ids = [' dtype = {} '.format(dtype_repr(dt)) for dt in floating_dtype_params] @fixture(scope="module", ids=floating_dtype_ids, params=floating_dtype_params) def floating_dtype(request): """Floating point (real or complex) dtype.""" return request.param scalar_dtype_params = (floating_dtype_params + np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']) scalar_dtype_ids = [' dtype = {} '.format(dtype_repr(dt)) for dt in scalar_dtype_params]
def _pyfftw_check_args(arr_in, arr_out, axes, halfcomplex, direction): """Raise an error if anything is not ok with in and out.""" if len(set(axes)) != len(axes): raise ValueError('duplicate axes are not allowed') if direction == 'forward': out_shape = list(arr_in.shape) if halfcomplex: try: out_shape[axes[-1]] = arr_in.shape[axes[-1]] // 2 + 1 except IndexError: raise IndexError('axis index {} out of range for array ' 'with {} axes' ''.format(axes[-1], arr_in.ndim)) if arr_out.shape != tuple(out_shape): raise ValueError('expected output shape {}, got {}' ''.format(tuple(out_shape), arr_out.shape)) if is_real_dtype(arr_in.dtype): out_dtype = complex_dtype(arr_in.dtype) elif halfcomplex: raise ValueError('cannot combine halfcomplex forward transform ' 'with complex input') else: out_dtype = arr_in.dtype if arr_out.dtype != out_dtype: raise ValueError('expected output dtype {}, got {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(out_dtype), dtype_repr(arr_out.dtype))) elif direction == 'backward': in_shape = list(arr_out.shape) if halfcomplex: try: in_shape[axes[-1]] = arr_out.shape[axes[-1]] // 2 + 1 except IndexError as err: raise IndexError('axis index {} out of range for array ' 'with {} axes' ''.format(axes[-1], arr_out.ndim)) if arr_in.shape != tuple(in_shape): raise ValueError('expected input shape {}, got {}' ''.format(tuple(in_shape), arr_in.shape)) if is_real_dtype(arr_out.dtype): in_dtype = complex_dtype(arr_out.dtype) elif halfcomplex: raise ValueError('cannot combine halfcomplex backward transform ' 'with complex output') else: in_dtype = arr_out.dtype if arr_in.dtype != in_dtype: raise ValueError('expected input dtype {}, got {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(in_dtype), dtype_repr(arr_in.dtype))) else: # Shouldn't happen raise RuntimeError
def __repr__(self): """Return ``repr(self)``.""" return '{}({}, {})'.format(self.__class__.__name__, self.size, dtype_repr(self.dtype))
return request.param ntuples_impl_params = odl.NTUPLES_IMPLS.keys() ntuples_impl_ids = [" impl = '{}' ".format(p) for p in ntuples_impl_params] @fixture(scope="module", ids=ntuples_impl_ids, params=ntuples_impl_params) def ntuples_impl(request): """String with an available `NtuplesBase` implementation name.""" return request.param floating_dtype_params = np.sctypes['float'] + np.sctypes['complex'] floating_dtype_ids = [ ' dtype = {} '.format(dtype_repr(dt)) for dt in floating_dtype_params ] @fixture(scope="module", ids=floating_dtype_ids, params=floating_dtype_params) def floating_dtype(request): """Floating point (real or complex) dtype.""" return request.param scalar_dtype_params = (floating_dtype_params + np.sctypes['int'] + np.sctypes['uint']) scalar_dtype_ids = [ ' dtype = {} '.format(dtype_repr(dt)) for dt in scalar_dtype_params ]
def _pyfftw_check_args(arr_in, arr_out, axes, halfcomplex, direction): """Raise an error if anything is not ok with in and out.""" if len(set(axes)) != len(axes): raise ValueError('duplicate axes are not allowed') if direction == 'forward': out_shape = list(arr_in.shape) if halfcomplex: try: out_shape[axes[-1]] = arr_in.shape[axes[-1]] // 2 + 1 except IndexError as err: raise_from(IndexError('axis index {} out of range for array ' 'with {} axes' ''.format(axes[-1], arr_in.ndim)), err) if arr_out.shape != tuple(out_shape): raise ValueError('expected output shape {}, got {}' ''.format(tuple(out_shape), arr_out.shape)) if is_real_dtype(arr_in.dtype): out_dtype = complex_dtype(arr_in.dtype) elif halfcomplex: raise ValueError('cannot combine halfcomplex forward transform ' 'with complex input') else: out_dtype = arr_in.dtype if arr_out.dtype != out_dtype: raise ValueError('expected output dtype {}, got {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(out_dtype), dtype_repr(arr_out.dtype))) elif direction == 'backward': in_shape = list(arr_out.shape) if halfcomplex: try: in_shape[axes[-1]] = arr_out.shape[axes[-1]] // 2 + 1 except IndexError as err: raise_from(IndexError('axis index {} out of range for array ' 'with {} axes' ''.format(axes[-1], arr_out.ndim)), err) if arr_in.shape != tuple(in_shape): raise ValueError('expected input shape {}, got {}' ''.format(tuple(in_shape), arr_in.shape)) if is_real_dtype(arr_out.dtype): in_dtype = complex_dtype(arr_out.dtype) elif halfcomplex: raise ValueError('cannot combine halfcomplex backward transform ' 'with complex output') else: in_dtype = arr_out.dtype if arr_in.dtype != in_dtype: raise ValueError('expected input dtype {}, got {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(in_dtype), dtype_repr(arr_in.dtype))) else: # Shouldn't happen raise RuntimeError
def reciprocal_space(space, axes=None, halfcomplex=False, shift=True, **kwargs): """Return the range of the Fourier transform on ``space``. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscreteLp` Real space whose reciprocal is calculated. It must be uniformly discretized. axes : sequence of ints, optional Dimensions along which the Fourier transform is taken. Default: all axes halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, take only the negative frequency part along the last axis for. For ``False``, use the full frequency space. This option can only be used if ``space`` is a space of real-valued functions. shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option is applied separately to each axis. If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True`` in the halved axis in half-complex transforms. Default: ``True`` impl : string, optional Implementation back-end for the created space. Default: ``'numpy'`` exponent : float, optional Create a space with this exponent. By default, the conjugate exponent ``q = p / (p - 1)`` of the exponent of ``space`` is used, where ``q = inf`` for ``p = 1`` and vice versa. dtype : optional Complex data type of the created space. By default, the complex counterpart of ``space.dtype`` is used. Returns ------- rspace : `DiscreteLp` Reciprocal of the input ``space``. If ``halfcomplex=True``, the upper end of the domain (where the half space ends) is chosen to coincide with the grid node. """ if not isinstance(space, DiscreteLp): raise TypeError('`space` {!r} is not a `DiscreteLp` instance' ''.format(space)) if axes is None: axes = tuple(range(space.ndim)) axes = normalized_axes_tuple(axes, space.ndim) if not all(space.is_uniform_byaxis[axis] for axis in axes): raise ValueError('`space` is not uniformly discretized in the ' '`axes` of the transform') if halfcomplex and space.field != RealNumbers(): raise ValueError('`halfcomplex` option can only be used with real ' 'spaces') exponent = kwargs.pop('exponent', None) if exponent is None: exponent = conj_exponent(space.exponent) dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None) if dtype is None: dtype = complex_dtype(space.dtype) else: if not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype): raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type' ''.format(dtype_repr(dtype))) impl = kwargs.pop('impl', 'numpy') # Calculate range recip_grid = reciprocal_grid(space.grid, shift=shift, halfcomplex=halfcomplex, axes=axes) # Make a partition with nodes on the boundary in the last transform axis # if `halfcomplex == True`, otherwise a standard partition. if halfcomplex: max_pt = {axes[-1]: recip_grid.max_pt[axes[-1]]} part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid, max_pt=max_pt) else: part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid) # Use convention of adding a hat to represent fourier transform of variable axis_labels = list(space.axis_labels) for i in axes: # Avoid double math label = axis_labels[i].replace('$', '') axis_labels[i] = '$\^{{{}}}$'.format(label) recip_spc = uniform_discr_frompartition(part, exponent=exponent, dtype=dtype, impl=impl, axis_labels=axis_labels) return recip_spc
def dft_postprocess_data(arr, real_grid, recip_grid, shift, axes, interp, sign='-', op='multiply', out=None): """Post-process the Fourier-space data after DFT. This function multiplies the given data with the separable function:: q(xi) = exp(+- 1j * dot(x[0], xi)) * s * phi_hat(xi_bar) where ``x[0]`` and ``s`` are the minimum point and the stride of the real-space grid, respectively, and ``phi_hat(xi_bar)`` is the FT of the interpolation kernel. The sign of the exponent depends on the choice of ``sign``. Note that for ``op='divide'`` the multiplication with ``s * phi_hat(xi_bar)`` is replaced by a division with the same array. In discretized form on the reciprocal grid, the exponential part of this function becomes an array:: q[k] = exp(+- 1j * dot(x[0], xi[k])) and the arguments ``xi_bar`` to the interpolation kernel are the normalized frequencies:: for 'shift=True' : xi_bar[k] = -pi + pi * (2*k) / N for 'shift=False' : xi_bar[k] = -pi + pi * (2*k+1) / N See [Pre+2007], Section 13.9 "Computing Fourier Integrals Using the FFT" for a similar approach. Parameters ---------- arr : `array-like` Array to be pre-processed. An array with real data type is converted to its complex counterpart. real_grid : uniform `RectGrid` Real space grid in the transform. recip_grid : uniform `RectGrid` Reciprocal grid in the transform shift : bool or sequence of bools If ``True``, the grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction in the corresponding axes. The sequence must have the same length as ``axes``. axes : int or sequence of ints Dimensions along which to take the transform. The sequence must have the same length as ``shifts``. interp : string or sequence of strings Interpolation scheme used in the real-space. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. op : {'multiply', 'divide'}, optional Operation to perform with the stride times the interpolation kernel FT out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array in which the result is stored. If ``out is arr``, an in-place modification is performed. Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the post-processing. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. References ---------- [Pre+2007] Press, W H, Teukolsky, S A, Vetterling, W T, and Flannery, B P. *Numerical Recipes in C - The Art of Scientific Computing* (Volume 3). Cambridge University Press, 2007. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) if is_real_floating_dtype(arr.dtype): arr = arr.astype(complex_dtype(arr.dtype)) elif not is_complex_floating_dtype(arr.dtype): raise ValueError('array data type {} is not a complex floating point ' 'data type'.format(dtype_repr(arr.dtype))) if out is None: out = arr.copy() elif out is not arr: out[:] = arr if axes is None: axes = list(range(arr.ndim)) else: try: axes = [int(axes)] except TypeError: axes = list(axes) shift_list = normalized_scalar_param_list(shift, length=len(axes), param_conv=bool) if sign == '-': imag = -1j elif sign == '+': imag = 1j else: raise ValueError("`sign` '{}' not understood".format(sign)) op, op_in = str(op).lower(), op if op not in ('multiply', 'divide'): raise ValueError("kernel `op` '{}' not understood".format(op_in)) # Make a list from interp if that's not the case already try: # Duck-typed string check interp + '' except TypeError: pass else: interp = [str(interp).lower()] * arr.ndim onedim_arrs = [] for ax, shift, intp in zip(axes, shift_list, interp): x = real_grid.min_pt[ax] xi = recip_grid.coord_vectors[ax] # First part: exponential array onedim_arr = np.exp(imag * x * xi) # Second part: interpolation kernel len_dft = recip_grid.shape[ax] len_orig = real_grid.shape[ax] halfcomplex = (len_dft < len_orig) odd = len_orig % 2 fmin = -0.5 if shift else -0.5 + 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) if halfcomplex: # maximum lies around 0, possibly half a cell left or right of it if shift and odd: fmax = - 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) elif not shift and not odd: fmax = 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) else: fmax = 0.0 else: # not halfcomplex # maximum lies close to 0.5, half or full cell left of it if shift: # -0.5 + (N-1)/N = 0.5 - 1/N fmax = 0.5 - 1.0 / len_orig else: # -0.5 + 1/(2*N) + (N-1)/N = 0.5 - 1/(2*N) fmax = 0.5 - 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) freqs = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, num=len_dft) stride = real_grid.stride[ax] interp_kernel = _interp_kernel_ft(freqs, intp) interp_kernel *= stride if op == 'multiply': onedim_arr *= interp_kernel else: onedim_arr /= interp_kernel onedim_arrs.append(onedim_arr.astype(out.dtype, copy=False)) fast_1d_tensor_mult(out, onedim_arrs, axes=axes, out=out) return out
def dft_preprocess_data(arr, shift=True, axes=None, sign='-', out=None): """Pre-process the real-space data before DFT. This function multiplies the given data with the separable function:: p(x) = exp(+- 1j * dot(x - x[0], xi[0])) where ``x[0]`` and ``xi[0]`` are the minimum coodinates of the real-space and reciprocal grids, respectively. The sign of the exponent depends on the choice of ``sign``. In discretized form, this function becomes an array:: p[k] = exp(+- 1j * k * s * xi[0]) If the reciprocal grid is not shifted, i.e. symmetric around 0, it is ``xi[0] = pi/s * (-1 + 1/N)``, hence:: p[k] = exp(-+ 1j * pi * k * (1 - 1/N)) For a shifted grid, we have :math:``xi[0] = -pi/s``, thus the array is given by:: p[k] = (-1)**k Parameters ---------- arr : `array-like` Array to be pre-processed. If its data type is a real non-floating type, it is converted to 'float64'. shift : bool or or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a sequence, this option is applied separately on each axis. axes : int or sequence of ints, optional Dimensions in which to calculate the reciprocal. The sequence must have the same length as ``shift`` if the latter is given as a sequence. Default: all axes. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array in which the result is stored. If ``out is arr``, an in-place modification is performed. For real data type, this is only possible for ``shift=True`` since the factors are complex otherwise. Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the pre-processing. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. Notes ----- If ``out`` is not specified, the data type of the returned array is the same as that of ``arr`` except when ``arr`` has real data type and ``shift`` is not ``True``. In this case, the return type is the complex counterpart of ``arr.dtype``. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) if not is_scalar_dtype(arr.dtype): raise ValueError('array has non-scalar data type {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(arr.dtype))) elif is_real_dtype(arr.dtype) and not is_real_floating_dtype(arr.dtype): arr = arr.astype('float64') if axes is None: axes = list(range(arr.ndim)) else: try: axes = [int(axes)] except TypeError: axes = list(axes) shape = arr.shape shift_list = normalized_scalar_param_list(shift, length=len(axes), param_conv=bool) # Make a copy of arr with correct data type if necessary, or copy values. if out is None: if is_real_dtype(arr.dtype) and not all(shift_list): out = np.array(arr, dtype=complex_dtype(arr.dtype), copy=True) else: out = arr.copy() else: out[:] = arr if is_real_dtype(out.dtype) and not shift: raise ValueError('cannot pre-process real input in-place without ' 'shift') if sign == '-': imag = -1j elif sign == '+': imag = 1j else: raise ValueError("`sign` '{}' not understood".format(sign)) def _onedim_arr(length, shift): if shift: # (-1)^indices factor = np.ones(length, dtype=out.dtype) factor[1::2] = -1 else: factor = np.arange(length, dtype=out.dtype) factor *= -imag * np.pi * (1 - 1.0 / length) np.exp(factor, out=factor) return factor.astype(out.dtype, copy=False) onedim_arrs = [] for axis, shift in zip(axes, shift_list): length = shape[axis] onedim_arrs.append(_onedim_arr(length, shift)) fast_1d_tensor_mult(out, onedim_arrs, axes=axes, out=out) return out
def reduce_over_partition(discr_func, partition, reduction, pad_const=0, out=None): """Reduce a discrete function blockwise over a coarser partition. This helper function is intended as a helper for multi-grid computations where a finely discretized function needs to undergo a blockwise reduction operation over a coarser partition of a containing spatial region. An example is to average the given function over larger blocks as defined by the partition. Parameters ---------- discr_func : `DiscreteLpElement` Element in a uniformly discretized function space that is to be reduced over blocks defined by ``partition``. partition : uniform `RectPartition` Coarser partition than ```` that defines the large cells (blocks) over which ``discr_func`` is reduced. Its ``cell_sides`` must be an integer multiple of ````. reduction : callable Reduction function defining the operation on each block of values in ``discr_func``. It needs to be callable as ``reduction(array, axes=my_axes)`` or ``reduction(array, axes=my_axes, out=out_array)``, where ``array, out_array`` are `numpy.ndarray`'s, and ``my_axes`` are sequence of ints specifying over which axes is being reduced. The typical examples are NumPy reductions like `np.sum` or `np.mean`, but custom functions are also possible. pad_const : scalar, optional This value is filled into the parts that are not covered by the function. out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array to which the output is written. It needs to have the same ``shape`` as ``partition`` and a ``dtype`` to which ``discr_func.dtype`` can be cast. Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Array holding the result of the reduction operation. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. Examples -------- Consider a simple 1D example with 4 small cells per large cell, and summing a constant function over the large cells: >>> partition = odl.uniform_partition(0, 1, 5) >>> partition.cell_boundary_vecs (array([ 0. , 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1. ]),) >>> space = odl.uniform_discr(0, 0.5, 10) # 0.5 falls between >>> func = >>> reduce_over_partition(func, partition, reduction=np.sum) array([ 4., 4., 2., 0., 0.]) >>> # The value 4 is due to summing 4 ones from 4 small cells per >>> # large cell. >>> # The "2" in the third cell is expected since it only counts half -- >>> # the overlap of func.domain is only half a cell ([0.4, 0.5]). In 2D, everything (including partial overlap weighting) works per axis: >>> partition = odl.uniform_partition([0, 0], [1, 1], [5, 5]) >>> space = odl.uniform_discr([0, 0], [0.5, 0.7], [10, 14]) >>> func = >>> reduce_over_partition(func, partition, reduction=np.sum) array([[ 16., 16., 16., 8., 0.], [ 16., 16., 16., 8., 0.], [ 8., 8., 8., 4., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.], [ 0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]]) >>> # 16 = sum of 16 ones from 4 x 4 small cells per large cell >>> # 8: cells have half weight due to half overlap >>> # 4: the corner cell overlaps half in both axes, i.e. 1/4 in >>> # total """ if not isinstance(discr_func, DiscreteLpElement): raise TypeError('`discr_func` must be a `DiscreteLpElement` instance, ' 'got {!r}'.format(discr_func)) if not raise ValueError('`` is not uniformly discretized') if not isinstance(partition, RectPartition): raise TypeError('`partition` must be a `RectPartition` instance, ' 'got {!r}'.format(partition)) if not partition.is_uniform: raise ValueError('`partition` is not uniform') # TODO: use different eps in each axis? dom_eps = 1e-8 * max( if not partition.set.contains_set(, atol=dom_eps): raise ValueError('`partition.set` {} does not contain ' '`` {}' ''.format(partition.set, if out is None: out = np.empty(partition.shape, dtype=discr_func.dtype, order=discr_func.dtype) if not isinstance(out, np.ndarray): raise TypeError('`out` must be a `numpy.ndarray` instance, got ' '{!r}'.format(out)) if not np.can_cast(discr_func.dtype, out.dtype): raise ValueError('cannot safely cast from `discr_func.dtype` {} ' 'to `out.dtype` {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(discr_func.dtype), dtype_repr(out.dtype))) if not np.array_equal(out.shape, partition.shape): raise ValueError('`out.shape` differs from `partition.shape` ' '({} != {})'.format(out.shape, partition.shape)) if not np.can_cast(pad_const, out.dtype): raise ValueError('cannot safely cast `pad_const` {} ' 'to `out.dtype` {}' ''.format(pad_const, dtype_repr(out.dtype))) out.fill(pad_const) # Some abbreviations for easier notation # All variables starting with "s" refer to properties of # ``, whereas "p" quantities refer to the (coarse) # `partition`. spc = smin, smax = spc.min_pt, spc.max_pt scsides = spc.cell_sides part = partition pmin = part.min_pt, part.max_pt func_arr = discr_func.asarray() ndim = spc.ndim # Partition cell sides must be an integer multiple of space cell sides csides_ratio_f = part.cell_sides / spc.cell_sides csides_ratio = np.around(csides_ratio_f).astype(int) if not np.allclose(csides_ratio_f, csides_ratio): raise ValueError('`partition.cell_sides` is a non-integer multiple ' '({}) of `' ''.format(csides_ratio_f)) # Shift must be an integer multiple of space cell sides rel_shift_f = (smin - pmin) / scsides if not np.allclose(np.round(rel_shift_f), rel_shift_f): raise ValueError('shift between `partition` and `` ' 'is a non-integer multiple ({}) of ' '`' ''.format(rel_shift_f)) # Calculate relative position of a number of interesting points # Positions of the space domain min and max vectors relative to the # partition cvecs = part.cell_boundary_vecs smin_idx = np.array(part.index(smin), ndmin=1) smin_partpt = np.array([cvec[si + 1] for si, cvec in zip(smin_idx, cvecs)]) smax_idx = np.array(part.index(smax), ndmin=1) smax_partpt = np.array([cvec[si] for si, cvec in zip(smax_idx, cvecs)]) # Inner part of the partition in the space domain, i.e. partition cells # that are completely contained in the spatial domain and do not touch # its boundary p_inner_slc = [slice(li + 1, ri) for li, ri in zip(smin_idx, smax_idx)] # Positions of the first and last partition points that still lie in # the spatial domain, relative to the space partition pl_idx = np.array(np.round(spc.partition.index(smin_partpt, floating=True)).astype(int), ndmin=1) pr_idx = np.array(np.round(spc.partition.index(smax_partpt, floating=True)).astype(int), ndmin=1) s_inner_slc = [slice(li, ri) for li, ri in zip(pl_idx, pr_idx)] # Slices to constrain to left and right boundary in each axis pl_slc = [slice(li, li + 1) for li in smin_idx] pr_slc = [slice(ri, ri + 1) for ri in smax_idx] # Slices for the overlapping space cells to the left and the right # (up to left index excl. / from right index incl.) sl_slc = [slice(None, li) for li in pl_idx] sr_slc = [slice(ri, None) for ri in pr_idx] # Shapes for reduction of the inner part by summing over axes. reduce_inner_shape = [] reduce_axes = tuple(2 * i + 1 for i in range(ndim)) inner_shape = func_arr[s_inner_slc].shape for n, k in zip(inner_shape, csides_ratio): reduce_inner_shape.extend([n // k, k]) # Now we loop over boundary parts of all dimensions from 0 to ndim-1. # They are encoded as follows: # - We select inner (1) and outer (2) parts per axis by looping over # `product([1, 2], repeat=ndim)`, using the name `parts`. # - Wherever there is a 2 in the sequence, 2 slices must be generated, # one for left and one for right. The total number of slices is the # product of the numbers in `parts`, i.e. `num_slcs = prod(parts)`. # - We get the indices of the 2's in the sequence and put them in # `outer_indcs`. # - The "p" and "s" slice lists are initialized with the inner parts. # We need `num_slcs` such lists for this particular sequence `parts`. # - Now we enumerate `outer_indcs` as `i, oi` and put into the # (2*i)-th entry of the slice lists the "left" outer slice and into # the (2*i+1)-th entry the "right" outer slice. # # The total number of slices to loop over is equal to # sum(k=0->ndim, binom(ndim, k) * 2^k) = 3^ndim. # This should not add too much computational overhead. for parts in product([1, 2], repeat=ndim): # Number of slices to consider num_slcs = # Indices where we need to consider the outer parts outer_indcs = tuple(np.where(np.equal(parts, 2))[0]) # Initialize the "p" and "s" slice lists with the inner slices. # Each list contains `num_slcs` of those. p_slcs = [list(p_inner_slc) for _ in range(num_slcs)] s_slcs = [list(s_inner_slc) for _ in range(num_slcs)] # Put the left/right slice in the even/odd sublists at the # position indexed by the outer_indcs thing. # We also need to initialize the `reduce_shape`'s for all cases, # which has the value (n // k, k) for the "inner" axes and # (1, n) in the "outer" axes. reduce_shapes = [list(reduce_inner_shape) for _ in range(num_slcs)] for islc, bdry in enumerate(product('lr', repeat=len(outer_indcs))): for oi, l_or_r in zip(outer_indcs, bdry): if l_or_r == 'l': p_slcs[islc][oi] = pl_slc[oi] s_slcs[islc][oi] = sl_slc[oi] else: p_slcs[islc][oi] = pr_slc[oi] s_slcs[islc][oi] = sr_slc[oi] f_view = func_arr[s_slcs[islc]] for oi in outer_indcs: reduce_shapes[islc][2 * oi] = 1 reduce_shapes[islc][2 * oi + 1] = f_view.shape[oi] # Compute the block reduction of all views represented by the current # `parts`. This is done by reshaping from the original shape to the # above calculated `reduce_shapes` and reducing over `reduce_axes`. for p_s, s_s, red_shp in zip(p_slcs, s_slcs, reduce_shapes): f_view = func_arr[s_s] out_view = out[p_s] if 0 not in f_view.shape: # View not empty, reduction makes sense _apply_reduction(arr=f_view.reshape(red_shp), out=out_view, axes=reduce_axes, reduction=reduction) return out
def reciprocal_space(space, axes=None, halfcomplex=False, shift=True, **kwargs): """Return the range of the Fourier transform on ``space``. Parameters ---------- space : `DiscreteLp` Real space whose reciprocal is calculated. It must be uniformly discretized. axes : sequence of ints, optional Dimensions along which the Fourier transform is taken. Default: all axes halfcomplex : bool, optional If ``True``, take only the negative frequency part along the last axis for. For ``False``, use the full frequency space. This option can only be used if ``space`` is a space of real-valued functions. shift : bool or sequence of bools, optional If ``True``, the reciprocal grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction. With a boolean sequence, this option is applied separately to each axis. If a sequence is provided, it must have the same length as ``axes`` if supplied. Note that this must be set to ``True`` in the halved axis in half-complex transforms. Default: ``True`` impl : string, optional Implementation back-end for the created space. Default: ``'numpy'`` exponent : float, optional Create a space with this exponent. By default, the conjugate exponent ``q = p / (p - 1)`` of the exponent of ``space`` is used, where ``q = inf`` for ``p = 1`` and vice versa. dtype : optional Complex data type of the created space. By default, the complex counterpart of ``space.dtype`` is used. Returns ------- rspace : `DiscreteLp` Reciprocal of the input ``space``. If ``halfcomplex=True``, the upper end of the domain (where the half space ends) is chosen to coincide with the grid node. """ if not isinstance(space, DiscreteLp): raise TypeError('`space` {!r} is not a `DiscreteLp` instance' ''.format(space)) if not space.is_uniform: raise ValueError('`space` is not uniformly discretized') if axes is None: axes = tuple(range(space.ndim)) axes = normalized_axes_tuple(axes, space.ndim) if halfcomplex and space.field != RealNumbers(): raise ValueError('`halfcomplex` option can only be used with real ' 'spaces') exponent = kwargs.pop('exponent', None) if exponent is None: exponent = conj_exponent(space.exponent) dtype = kwargs.pop('dtype', None) if dtype is None: dtype = complex_dtype(space.dtype) else: if not is_complex_floating_dtype(dtype): raise ValueError('{} is not a complex data type' ''.format(dtype_repr(dtype))) impl = kwargs.pop('impl', 'numpy') # Calculate range recip_grid = reciprocal_grid(space.grid, shift=shift, halfcomplex=halfcomplex, axes=axes) # Make a partition with nodes on the boundary in the last transform axis # if `halfcomplex == True`, otherwise a standard partition. if halfcomplex: max_pt = {axes[-1]: recip_grid.max_pt[axes[-1]]} part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid, max_pt=max_pt) else: part = uniform_partition_fromgrid(recip_grid) # Use convention of adding a hat to represent fourier transform of variable axis_labels = list(space.axis_labels) for i in axes: # Avoid double math label = axis_labels[i].replace('$', '') axis_labels[i] = '$\^{{{}}}$'.format(label) recip_spc = uniform_discr_frompartition(part, exponent=exponent, dtype=dtype, impl=impl, axis_labels=axis_labels) return recip_spc
def dft_postprocess_data(arr, real_grid, recip_grid, shift, axes, interp, sign='-', op='multiply', out=None): """Post-process the Fourier-space data after DFT. This function multiplies the given data with the separable function:: q(xi) = exp(+- 1j * dot(x[0], xi)) * s * phi_hat(xi_bar) where ``x[0]`` and ``s`` are the minimum point and the stride of the real-space grid, respectively, and ``phi_hat(xi_bar)`` is the FT of the interpolation kernel. The sign of the exponent depends on the choice of ``sign``. Note that for ``op='divide'`` the multiplication with ``s * phi_hat(xi_bar)`` is replaced by a division with the same array. In discretized form on the reciprocal grid, the exponential part of this function becomes an array:: q[k] = exp(+- 1j * dot(x[0], xi[k])) and the arguments ``xi_bar`` to the interpolation kernel are the normalized frequencies:: for 'shift=True' : xi_bar[k] = -pi + pi * (2*k) / N for 'shift=False' : xi_bar[k] = -pi + pi * (2*k+1) / N See [Pre+2007]_, Section 13.9 "Computing Fourier Integrals Using the FFT" for a similar approach. Parameters ---------- arr : `array-like` Array to be pre-processed. An array with real data type is converted to its complex counterpart. real_grid : `RegularGrid` Real space grid in the transform recip_grid : `RegularGrid` Reciprocal grid in the transform shift : bool or sequence of bools If ``True``, the grid is shifted by half a stride in the negative direction in the corresponding axes. The sequence must have the same length as ``axes``. axes : int or sequence of ints Dimensions along which to take the transform. The sequence must have the same length as ``shifts``. interp : string or sequence of strings Interpolation scheme used in the real-space. sign : {'-', '+'}, optional Sign of the complex exponent. op : {'multiply', 'divide'} Operation to perform with the stride times the interpolation kernel FT out : `numpy.ndarray`, optional Array in which the result is stored. If ``out is arr``, an in-place modification is performed. Returns ------- out : `numpy.ndarray` Result of the post-processing. If ``out`` was given, the returned object is a reference to it. """ arr = np.asarray(arr) if is_real_floating_dtype(arr.dtype): arr = arr.astype(complex_dtype(arr.dtype)) elif not is_complex_floating_dtype(arr.dtype): raise ValueError('array data type {} is not a complex floating point ' 'data type'.format(dtype_repr(arr.dtype))) if out is None: out = arr.copy() elif out is not arr: out[:] = arr if axes is None: axes = list(range(arr.ndim)) else: try: axes = [int(axes)] except TypeError: axes = list(axes) shift_list = normalized_scalar_param_list(shift, length=len(axes), param_conv=bool) if sign == '-': imag = -1j elif sign == '+': imag = 1j else: raise ValueError("`sign` '{}' not understood".format(sign)) op, op_in = str(op).lower(), op if op not in ('multiply', 'divide'): raise ValueError("kernel `op` '{}' not understood".format(op_in)) # Make a list from interp if that's not the case already try: # Duck-typed string check interp + '' except TypeError: pass else: interp = [str(interp).lower()] * arr.ndim onedim_arrs = [] for ax, shift, intp in zip(axes, shift_list, interp): x = real_grid.min_pt[ax] xi = recip_grid.coord_vectors[ax] # First part: exponential array onedim_arr = np.exp(imag * x * xi) # Second part: interpolation kernel len_dft = recip_grid.shape[ax] len_orig = real_grid.shape[ax] halfcomplex = (len_dft < len_orig) odd = len_orig % 2 fmin = -0.5 if shift else -0.5 + 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) if halfcomplex: # maximum lies around 0, possibly half a cell left or right of it if shift and odd: fmax = - 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) elif not shift and not odd: fmax = 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) else: fmax = 0.0 else: # not halfcomplex # maximum lies close to 0.5, half or full cell left of it if shift: # -0.5 + (N-1)/N = 0.5 - 1/N fmax = 0.5 - 1.0 / len_orig else: # -0.5 + 1/(2*N) + (N-1)/N = 0.5 - 1/(2*N) fmax = 0.5 - 1.0 / (2 * len_orig) freqs = np.linspace(fmin, fmax, num=len_dft) stride = real_grid.stride[ax] if op == 'multiply': onedim_arr *= stride * _interp_kernel_ft(freqs, intp) else: onedim_arr /= stride * _interp_kernel_ft(freqs, intp) onedim_arrs.append(onedim_arr.astype(out.dtype, copy=False)) fast_1d_tensor_mult(out, onedim_arrs, axes=axes, out=out) return out
def __init__(self, map_type, fspace, partition, tspace, linear=False): """Initialize a new instance. Parameters ---------- map_type : {'sampling', 'interpolation'} The type of operator fspace : `FunctionSpace` The non-discretized (abstract) set of functions to be discretized partition : `RectPartition` Partition of (a subset of) ``fspace.domain`` based on a `RectGrid`. tspace : `TensorSpace` Space providing containers for the values/coefficients of a discretized object. Its `TensorSpace.shape` must be equal to ``partition.shape``. linear : bool, optional Create a linear operator if ``True``, otherwise a non-linear operator. """ map_type, map_type_in = str(map_type).lower(), map_type if map_type not in ('sampling', 'interpolation'): raise ValueError('`map_type` {!r} not understood' ''.format(map_type_in)) if not isinstance(fspace, FunctionSpace): raise TypeError('`fspace` {!r} is not a `FunctionSpace` ' 'instance'.format(fspace)) if not isinstance(partition, RectPartition): raise TypeError('`partition` {!r} is not a `RectPartition` ' 'instance'.format(partition)) if not isinstance(tspace, TensorSpace): raise TypeError('`tspace` {!r} is not a `TensorSpace` instance' ''.format(tspace)) if not fspace.domain.contains_set(partition): raise ValueError('{} not contained in the domain {} ' 'of the function set {}' ''.format(partition, fspace.domain, fspace)) if tspace.shape != partition.shape: raise ValueError('`tspace.shape` not equal to `partition.shape`: ' '{} != {}' ''.format(tspace.shape, partition.shape)) domain = fspace if map_type == 'sampling' else tspace range = tspace if map_type == 'sampling' else fspace super(FunctionSpaceMapping, self).__init__(domain, range, linear=linear) self.__partition = partition if self.is_linear: if self.domain.field is None: raise TypeError('`fspace.field` cannot be `None` for ' '`linear=True`') if not is_numeric_dtype(tspace.dtype): raise TypeError('`tspace.dtype` must be a numeric data type ' 'for `linear=True`, got {}' ''.format(dtype_repr(tspace))) if fspace.field != tspace.field: raise ValueError('`fspace.field` not equal to `tspace.field`: ' '{} != {}' ''.format(fspace.field, tspace.field))