def __init__(self): STATES = ['BEGIN', 'EXPLORE', 'AVOID', 'FOLLOW_WALL', 'STOP', 'GETTING FOOD','GOING HOME'] self.EXPLORE_SPEED = 6 self.TURN_SPEED = 3 self.WALL_SPEED = 3 # If we are closer than 500 then there is very little distance for the robot to try to get closer # while there is a lot of distance where it is "too close" # 700 might be a good value self.IDEAL_IR = 700 self.K1 = 0.0001 self.K2 = 0.019 self.state = 'EXPLORING' self.connection = open_connection() set_counts(self.connection, 0, 0) # INTERNAL STATE VARS self.error = 0 self.v_left = self.WALL_SPEED self.v_right = self.WALL_SPEED self.old_counters = [0,0] self.ir_sensors = [] self.distances = [] # wall is either 'left', 'right' or None self.wall = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 # current angle self.theta = 0 # angle to home self.phi = np.pi self.graph = OdometryPlot(use_map = True) self.graph.update(self.x, self.y) # Time elapsed since journey started self.clock = 0 # Belief that robot is pointing home self.pointing_home = False self.ambient = read_ambient(self.connection) self.graph.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_pressed) self.has_food = False self.food_at = None self.home = Point(x=0, y=0) = self.home self.turning_home = False self.avoiding = False self.avoided_counter = 0
def update_vars(self): try: ir_sensors, counters, self.ambient = self.get_readings() except ValueError as e: logger.debug(e) return self.update_vars() self.x, self.y, self.theta, self.phi = OdometryPlot.calc_odometry( counters, self.old_counters, self.x, self.y, self.theta, self.old_counters = counters self.ir_sensors = ir_sensors self.distances = self.get_distances(ir_sensors)
class Kheperam(object): def __init__(self): STATES = ['BEGIN', 'EXPLORE', 'AVOID', 'FOLLOW_WALL', 'STOP', 'GETTING FOOD','GOING HOME'] self.EXPLORE_SPEED = 6 self.TURN_SPEED = 3 self.WALL_SPEED = 3 # If we are closer than 500 then there is very little distance for the robot to try to get closer # while there is a lot of distance where it is "too close" # 700 might be a good value self.IDEAL_IR = 700 self.K1 = 0.0001 self.K2 = 0.019 self.state = 'EXPLORING' self.connection = open_connection() set_counts(self.connection, 0, 0) # INTERNAL STATE VARS self.error = 0 self.v_left = self.WALL_SPEED self.v_right = self.WALL_SPEED self.old_counters = [0,0] self.ir_sensors = [] self.distances = [] # wall is either 'left', 'right' or None self.wall = None self.x = 0 self.y = 0 # current angle self.theta = 0 # angle to home self.phi = np.pi self.graph = OdometryPlot(use_map = True) self.graph.update(self.x, self.y) # Time elapsed since journey started self.clock = 0 # Belief that robot is pointing home self.pointing_home = False self.ambient = read_ambient(self.connection) self.graph.fig.canvas.mpl_connect('key_press_event', self.key_pressed) self.has_food = False self.food_at = None self.home = Point(x=0, y=0) = self.home self.turning_home = False self.avoiding = False self.avoided_counter = 0 def key_pressed(self, event): self.state = 'GOING HOME' self.has_food = True self.food_at = Point(x=self.x, y=self.y) = self.home self.blink() def run(self, test=0): """ Main control loop """ START_TIME = time.time() if test == 0: while True: CURRENT_TIME = time.time() self.clock = CURRENT_TIME - START_TIME try: self.update() except KeyboardInterrupt: stop(self.connection) break except Exception as e: stop(self.connection) raise e else: # Use for testing #while True: # try: # self.update_vars() # self.point_home() # except KeyboardInterrupt: # stop(self.connection) # #sys.exit() # break ir = self.update_vars() def explore(self): go(self.connection, self.EXPLORE_SPEED) def follow_wall(self, ir_sensors): if self.state != 'FOLLOW WALL': self.v_left = self.WALL_SPEED self.v_right = self.WALL_SPEED if self.state == 'EXPLORING': self.state = 'FOLLOW WALL' if ir_sensors[0] > ir_sensors[5]: if not self.wall: self.wall = 'left' sensor = ir_sensors[0] else: if not self.wall: self.wall = 'right' sensor = ir_sensors[5] self.old_error = self.error self.error = self.IDEAL_IR - sensor delta_error = self.error - self.old_error # Negative error - too close, drive away # Postive error - too far away, drive closer delta_v = (self.K1 * self.error) + (self.K2 * delta_error) if self.wall == 'left': self.v_right = self.v_right + delta_v else: self.v_left = self.v_left + delta_v turn(self.connection,int(self.v_left),self.v_right) if sensor < 10: # Lost wall, go back to exploring self.v_left = self.WALL_SPEED self.wall = None self.state = 'EXPLORING' def avoid(self, ir_sensors, distances): """call this when an obstacle is detected. It will set the current state to avoiding. once the correct sensor readings are found it will leave the state into the generic explore state """ if not self.avoiding: self.avoiding = True if sum(distances[0:2]) < sum(distances[3:5]): # We could go back to using a more clever choice here # Turn right turn(self.connection,self.TURN_SPEED,-self.TURN_SPEED) else: # Turn left turn(self.connection,-self.TURN_SPEED,self.TURN_SPEED) if self.logic_or([x > 50 for x in distances[1:4]]): self.avoiding = False self.avoided_counter = 5 def update_vars(self): try: ir_sensors, counters, self.ambient = self.get_readings() except ValueError as e: logger.debug(e) return self.update_vars() self.x, self.y, self.theta, self.phi = OdometryPlot.calc_odometry( counters, self.old_counters, self.x, self.y, self.theta, self.old_counters = counters self.ir_sensors = ir_sensors self.distances = self.get_distances(ir_sensors) def update(self): self.update_vars() ir_sensors = self.ir_sensors distances = self.distances self.graph.update(self.x, self.y) #if self.avoided_counter > 0: # self.avoided_counter -= 1 if (self.detect_ahead() or self.avoiding) and not self.turning_home: self.avoid(ir_sensors, distances) print 'AVOIDING' elif self.has_food or self.state == 'GETTING FOOD': self.return_home(ir_sensors,distances) #elif ir_sensors[0] > 50 or ir_sensors[5] > 50 or self.state == 'FOLLOW WALL': elif self.logic_or([x < 100 for x in distances]): self.follow_wall(ir_sensors) else: self.state = 'EXPLORING' self.explore() logger.debug(self.wall) def logic_or(self,xs): for x in xs: if x: return True return False def detect_ahead(self): return self.logic_or([x < 50 for x in self.distances[1:4]]) def point_home(self): """ Turn on the spot until pointing at home. """ self.turning_home = True error = (self.theta - self.phi) % (2*math.pi) if error < (math.pi/16): stop(self.connection) self.turning_home = False raise DoneTurning('We have turned to within the error') if error > (math.pi / 2) and error < (3*math.pi/2): turn_v = 3 else: turn_v = 2 if error > math.pi: # turn left turn(self.connection,-turn_v,turn_v) else: # turn right turn(self.connection,turn_v,-turn_v) def return_home(self, ir_sensors, distances): dir_target = 'left' if self.phi > math.pi else 'right' #if (self.phi > 3 * math.pi / 4.0 and self.phi < (5*math.pi) / 4.0) or self.phi < math.pi / 4.0 or self.phi > 7 * math.pi / 4.0 : # dir_target = None print 'dir_target: ' + str(dir_target) if (dir_target == 'left' and (distances[0] < 100 or distances[1] < 100) ) or (dir_target == 'right' and (distances[4] < 100 or distances[5] < 100)): self.follow_wall(ir_sensors) print 'FOLLOWED WALL WITH FOOD' return self.wall = None distance_error = abs( - self.x) + abs( - self.y) if distance_error < 5 and self.has_food: self.blink() self.has_food = False = self.food_at self.state = 'GETTING FOOD' return elif distance_error < 5: self.state = 'EXPLORING' return try: self.point_home() except DoneTurning: go(self.connection, self.EXPLORE_SPEED) def get_readings(self): ir_sensors = read_IR(self.connection) counters = np.array([float(i) for i in read_counts(self.connection)]) amb = read_ambient(self.connection) return ir_sensors, counters, amb def stop(self): stop(self.connection) set_led(self.connection, 0, 0) set_led(self.connection, 1, 0) def get_distances(self, ir): """ Calculate the distance between robot and object directly ahead. Return -1 if no object detected. Return 0 if ir sensors at full. sensor = 136702 * exp(-0.47852 * distance) """ ln_A = 11.83 k = -0.48 distances = (np.log(ir) - ln_A) / k for i,sensor in enumerate(ir): if sensor > 1000: distances[i] = 0 elif sensor < 10: # far away (no reading) distances[i] = 1000 return distances def spiral(self): logger.debug(self.spiral_count) if self.spiral_count < 300: turn(self.connection, 10, 2) self.spiral_count += 1 elif self.spiral_count < 600: turn(self.connection, 2, 10) self.spiral_count += 1 else: stop(self.connection) self.spiral_count = 0 def blink(self): self.stop() sleep = 0.25 set_led(self.connection, 0, 1) time.sleep(sleep) for i in range(0,2): set_led(self.connection, 1, 2) set_led(self.connection, 0, 2) time.sleep(sleep) set_led(self.connection, 1, 0) set_led(self.connection, 0, 0)