    def get_homepage_data(self):
        hostname = str(socket.gethostname())
        ssid = helpers.get_ssid()
        wired = subprocess.check_output(['cat', '/sys/class/net/eth0/operstate']).decode('utf-8').strip('\n')
        if wired == 'up':
            network = 'Ethernet'
        elif ssid:
            if helpers.access_point():
                network = 'Wifi access point'
                network = 'Wifi : ' + ssid
            network = 'Not Connected'

        iot_device = []
        for device in iot_devices:
                'name': iot_devices[device].device_name + ' : ' + str(iot_devices[device].data['value']),
                'type': iot_devices[device].device_type.replace('_', ' '),
                'message': iot_devices[device].device_identifier + iot_devices[device].get_message()

        return {
            'hostname': hostname,
            'ip': helpers.get_ip(),
            'mac': helpers.get_mac_address(),
            'iot_device_status': iot_device,
            'server_status': helpers.get_odoo_server_url() or 'Not Configured',
            'six_terminal': self.get_six_terminal(),
            'network_status': network,
            'version': helpers.get_version(),
    def display(self, display_identifier=None):
        cust_js = None
        interfaces = ni.interfaces()

        with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "../static/src/js/worker.js")) as js:
            cust_js = js.read()

        display_ifaces = []
        for iface_id in interfaces:
            if 'wlan' in iface_id or 'eth' in iface_id:
                iface_obj = ni.ifaddresses(iface_id)
                ifconfigs = iface_obj.get(ni.AF_INET, [])
                essid = helpers.get_ssid()
                for conf in ifconfigs:
                    if conf.get('addr'):
                            'iface_id': iface_id,
                            'essid': essid,
                            'addr': conf.get('addr'),
                            'icon': 'sitemap' if 'eth' in iface_id else 'wifi',

        if not display_identifier:
            display_identifier = DisplayDriver.get_default_display().device_identifier

        return pos_display_template.render({
            'title': "Odoo -- Point of Sale",
            'breadcrumb': 'POS Client display',
            'cust_js': cust_js,
            'display_ifaces': display_ifaces,
            'display_identifier': display_identifier,
            'pairing_code': cm and cm.pairing_code,
    def print_status(self):
        """Prints the status ticket of the IoTBox on the current printer."""
        wlan = ''
        ip = ''
        mac = ''
        homepage = ''

        hosting_ap = os.system('pgrep hostapd') == 0
        ssid = helpers.get_ssid()
        if hosting_ap:
            with open('/root_bypass_ramdisks/etc/hostapd/hostapd.conf'
                      ) as config_file:
                lines = config_file.readlines()
            ssid = lines[1].split("=")[1].replace("\n", "")
            wlan = '\nWireless network:\n%s\n\n' % ssid
        elif ssid:
            wlan = '\nWireless network:\n%s\n\n' % ssid

        interfaces = ni.interfaces()
        ips = []
        for iface_id in interfaces:
            iface_obj = ni.ifaddresses(iface_id)
            ifconfigs = iface_obj.get(ni.AF_INET, [])
            for conf in ifconfigs:
                if conf.get('addr') and conf.get('addr'):
        if len(ips) == 0:
            ip = '\nERROR: Could not connect to LAN\n\nPlease check that the IoTBox is correc-\ntly connected with a network cable,\n that the LAN is setup with DHCP, and\nthat network addresses are available'
        elif len(ips) == 1:
            ip = '\nIP Address:\n%s\n' % ips[0]
            ip = '\nIP Addresses:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(ips)

        mac_addr = get_mac()
        h = iter(hex(mac_addr)[2:].zfill(12))
        mac_addr = ":".join(i + next(h) for i in h)

        if len(ips) >= 1:
            ips_filtered = [i for i in ips if i != '']
            main_ips = ips_filtered and ips_filtered[0] or ''
            mac = '\nMAC Address:\n%s\n' % mac_addr
            homepage = '\nHomepage:\nhttp://%s:8069\n\n' % main_ips

        center = b'\x1b\x61\x01'
        title = b'\n\x1b\x21\x30\x1b\x4d\x01IoTBox Status\x1b\x4d\x00\x1b\x21\x00\n'
        cut = b'\x1d\x56\x41'

        self.print_raw(center + title + wlan.encode() + mac.encode() +
                       ip.encode() + homepage.encode() + cut + b'\n')
    def print_status(self):
        """Prints the status ticket of the IoTBox on the current printer."""
        wlan = ''
        ip = ''
        mac = ''
        homepage = ''
        pairing_code = ''

        ssid = helpers.get_ssid()
        wlan = '\nWireless network:\n%s\n\n' % ssid

        interfaces = ni.interfaces()
        ips = []
        for iface_id in interfaces:
            iface_obj = ni.ifaddresses(iface_id)
            ifconfigs = iface_obj.get(ni.AF_INET, [])
            for conf in ifconfigs:
                if conf.get('addr') and conf.get('addr'):
        if len(ips) == 0:
            ip = '\nERROR: Could not connect to LAN\n\nPlease check that the IoTBox is correc-\ntly connected with a network cable,\n that the LAN is setup with DHCP, and\nthat network addresses are available'
        elif len(ips) == 1:
            ip = '\nIP Address:\n%s\n' % ips[0]
            ip = '\nIP Addresses:\n%s\n' % '\n'.join(ips)

        if len(ips) >= 1:
            ips_filtered = [i for i in ips if i != '']
            main_ips = ips_filtered and ips_filtered[0] or ''
            mac = '\nMAC Address:\n%s\n' % helpers.get_mac_address()
            homepage = '\nHomepage:\nhttp://%s:8069\n\n' % main_ips

        code = cm and cm.pairing_code
        if code:
            pairing_code = '\nPairing Code:\n%s\n' % code

        center = b'\x1b\x61\x01'
        title = b'\n\x1b\x21\x30\x1b\x4d\x01IoTBox Status\x1b\x4d\x00\x1b\x21\x00\n'
        cut = b'\x1d\x56\x41'

        self.print_raw(center + title + wlan.encode() + mac.encode() +
                       ip.encode() + homepage.encode() +
                       pairing_code.encode() + cut + b'\n')